
Conworlds and conlangs
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Post by WarpedWartWars »

Example texts:
tɑ tɑ tɑ tɑ θiθɾ eɾloθ tɑ moew θerts olɑrk siθe
of of of of death abyss of moew kingdom sand witch-PLURAL
The witches of the desert of the kingdom of Moew of the Abyss of Death
tɑ toɾose koɾot tsɑx
of apple-PLURAL magic cold
cold magic of apples
Consonants BilabialDentalAlveolarVelar
Nasal mnŋ
Stop ptk
Affricate tskx
Fricative ɸθsx
Approximant wj
Lateral l
Tap ɾ
Trill r
  • θiθɾ 'death'
  • tɑ 'of'
  • eɾloθ 'abyss'
  • θerts 'kingdom'
  • moew 'moew'
  • olɑrk 'sand'
  • siθ 'witch'
  • toɾos 'apple'
  • koɾot 'magic'
  • tsɑx 'cold'
  • klɑnuɸ meaning unknown
Number names: (copy-pasted from a PM from JANKO GORENC)
0: sɑx
1: tɑx
2: nɑx
3: ɾɑx
4: tɾɑx
5: xɾɑx
6: pɾɑx
7: tsɾɑx
8: ɸɾɑx
9: sɑtɑx
10: tɑtɑx
11: nɑtɑx
etc. The construction for 9-∞ is ones-root+nines-root+81s-root+...+"x"; the root of a number is the number name without the final "x". All numbers end with "ɑx" except for the roots, which end in "ɑ". Number roots are used with prefixing.

Possession is done by 'of' + possessor + possessed
nouns before adjectives
possessors before possesseds
adposition-noun order unknown, probably adposition then noun
noun-relative clause order unknown, probably relative clause then noun

Edit: Renamed topic.

Edit 2: Changed possession, added glosses to the lexicon, and added numbers.

Edit 3: Added section on number names.
Last edited by WarpedWartWars on Thu Mar 17, 2022 2:29 am, edited 7 times in total.
tɑ tɑ tɑ tɑ θiθɾ eɾloθ tɑ moew θerts olɑrk siθe
of of of of death abyss of moew kingdom sand witch-PLURAL
The witches of the desert of the kingdom of Moew of the Abyss of Death

tɑ toɾose koɾot tsɑx
of apple-PLURAL magic cold
cold magic of apples
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Re: New conlang, please help me give it a name

Post by dɮ the phoneme »

Do you have any other features of the conlang completed besides this sample text? Any phonology, grammar, vocabulary, internal history etc.? Any of those details would help us help you name it more easily.
Ye knowe eek that, in forme of speche is chaunge
With-inne a thousand yeer, and wordes tho
That hadden pris, now wonder nyce and straunge
Us thinketh hem; and yet they spake hem so,
And spedde as wel in love as men now do.

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Re: New conlang, please help me give it a name

Post by Pabappa »

you could follow me and just use exonyms for all your languages .... that way if you change the language later on, the name wont go out of date. most of my languages are just English words, like Moonshine, which is what started me on that trend many years ago.
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Re: New conlang, please help me give it a name

Post by alice »

Self-referential signatures are for people too boring to come up with more interesting alternatives.
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Re: New conlang, please help me give it a name

Post by Moose-tache »

WarpedWartWars wrote: Sat Sep 11, 2021 11:25 pm The only example text is my signature. However, I will include it here, for reference:
Hlithr ta Erloth ta Hlerrts ta Moew ta Olarrk ta Sithe.
death of abyss of kingdom of Moew of sand of witch-PLURAL.
The witches of the desert of the kingdom of Moew of the Abyss of Death.
1) Hlither and Thither
2) Ta Ta For Now
3) Revenge of the Sithe
4) Dave the Language
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Re: New conlang, please help me give it a name

Post by Jonlang »

I've been working on three conlangs as part of a family for ~6-7 years now and I still don't have names for them. They've always been P, Q, and L, named after aspects of the languages that inspired them. I'll get around to naming them one day. :roll:
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Re: New conlang, please help me give it a name

Post by Vardelm »

Witchlang are you talking about?
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Re: New conlang, please help me give it a name

Post by WarpedWartWars »

dɮ the phoneme wrote: Sat Sep 11, 2021 11:39 pm Do you have any other features of the conlang completed besides this sample text? Any phonology, grammar, vocabulary, internal history etc.? Any of those details would help us help you name it more easily.
I have some phonology:

hl = [ɬ]
i = [i]
th = [θ]
r = [ɾ]
t = [t]
a = [a]
e = [e] except when after a vowel, then it's [i]
l = [l]
o = [o]
rr = [r]
ts = [ts]
m = [m]
w = [w] normally, [u] after a vowel
k = [k]
s = [s]

("after a vowel" exceptions are mostly to preserve the pronunciation of "Moew".)

About grammar, the only things I have so far are these:

ta, "of", is reversed when compared to English "of":
    "a ta b" is "b of a" or "a's b".
-e is a pluralizer, i.e. Sith, "witch", turns into Sithe, "witches".
Last edited by WarpedWartWars on Sun Sep 12, 2021 6:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
tɑ tɑ tɑ tɑ θiθɾ eɾloθ tɑ moew θerts olɑrk siθe
of of of of death abyss of moew kingdom sand witch-PLURAL
The witches of the desert of the kingdom of Moew of the Abyss of Death

tɑ toɾose koɾot tsɑx
of apple-PLURAL magic cold
cold magic of apples
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Re: New conlang, please help me give it a name

Post by WarpedWartWars »

Moose-tache wrote: Sun Sep 12, 2021 8:47 am
WarpedWartWars wrote: Sat Sep 11, 2021 11:25 pm The only example text is my signature. However, I will include it here, for reference:
Hlithr ta Erloth ta Hlerrts ta Moew ta Olarrk ta Sithe.
death of abyss of kingdom of Moew of sand of witch-PLURAL.
The witches of the desert of the kingdom of Moew of the Abyss of Death.
1) Hlither and Thither
2) Ta Ta For Now
3) Revenge of the Sithe
4) Dave the Language
Those sound more like book titles than conlang names.
tɑ tɑ tɑ tɑ θiθɾ eɾloθ tɑ moew θerts olɑrk siθe
of of of of death abyss of moew kingdom sand witch-PLURAL
The witches of the desert of the kingdom of Moew of the Abyss of Death

tɑ toɾose koɾot tsɑx
of apple-PLURAL magic cold
cold magic of apples
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Re: New conlang, please help me give it a name

Post by bradrn »

WarpedWartWars wrote: Sun Sep 12, 2021 2:54 pm hl = [ɬ]
i = [i]
th = [θ]
r = [ɾ]
t = [t]
a = [a]
e = [e] except when after a vowel, then it's [i]
l = [l]
o = [o]
rr = [r]
ts = [ts]
m = [m]
w = [w] normally, [u] after a vowel
k = [k]
s = [s]
OK, this is helpful. Putting it in tabular format:

Laterall ɬ
Vowels: /a e i o u/

So obviously this is very incomplete. Let me take the liberty of expanding it out with at least a few sounds which I assume your language will have:

Nasalm n
Approximantw j
Laterall ɬ

(Yes, I know that /j/ isn’t exactly velar, but it’s easier than trying to add another column to the table…)

(Also, I should note that stuff like ‘⟨e⟩ = [e] or [i]’ is more a matter of orthography than phonology. If your language distinguishes [e] and [i] in speech, then they’re both phonemes. If not, then they aren’t separate phonemes. The spelling doesn’t happen to be particularly relevant here.)

But unfortunately, even with a phonology, there’s only so much we can do for you with regards to giving your language a name, especially given the fact that it currently seems to be at an extremely early stage of development. We’d need at least a reasonable wordlist and some derivational morphology to get a reasonable name — anything else would just be a guess. Honestly, I’d recommend just choosing a name you personally like, without worrying too much about justifying it. (Certainly there’s plenty of natlangs with names of obscure etymology.)

And besides, do you even need a name at this point? One of my most well-developed languages still doesn’t have one.
WarpedWartWars wrote: Sun Sep 12, 2021 6:57 pm
Moose-tache wrote: Sun Sep 12, 2021 8:47 am 1) Hlither and Thither
2) Ta Ta For Now
3) Revenge of the Sithe
4) Dave the Language
Those sound more like book titles than conlang names.
I don’t think Moose-tache was being particularly serious there. As I said, it’s tricky for us to supply a name for your own language when we don’t know much about it.
Last edited by bradrn on Sun Sep 12, 2021 9:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: New conlang, please help me give it a name

Post by Rounin Ryuuji »

The language looks vaguely Celtic, so I would suspect the language would have an inventory like this

Nasal: /m n/ < m n >
Stop: /p b t d k g/ < p b t d c g >
Affricate: /ts/ < z >
Fricative: /f θ x s/ < f th ch s >
Resonant: /l r ɾ w j/ < l rr r w e >
Vowel: /i e u u2 a o/ < i e w u a o >
Diphthong: /iu eu u2i ai au oi ou/ < iw ew ue ae aw oe ow >

I imagine "e" is also the general "palatalising" grapheme, if the language has one, such that if /t/ or /k/ ends up palatalised to [c~t͡ʃ~c͡ɕ~c͡ç], I imagine it would be graphically < te/ce > + vowel, or vowel + < et/ec >. I'm not clear on what I expect the value of a putative /u2/ to be, either something like [ʉ] or [ɨ], which I believe one finds in Welsh, or [y], because it's a high rounded vowel.
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Re: New conlang, please help me give it a name

Post by WarpedWartWars »

bradrn wrote: Sun Sep 12, 2021 8:02 pm -snip-
I'm thinking something like this for phonemes:
Stopp, bt, dk, g
Lateral Fricativeɬ, ɮ
tɑ tɑ tɑ tɑ θiθɾ eɾloθ tɑ moew θerts olɑrk siθe
of of of of death abyss of moew kingdom sand witch-PLURAL
The witches of the desert of the kingdom of Moew of the Abyss of Death

tɑ toɾose koɾot tsɑx
of apple-PLURAL magic cold
cold magic of apples
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Re: New conlang, please help me give it a name

Post by Rounin Ryuuji »

All right, now we're getting somewhere!

Do you have a name for the people who speak the language? That is, perhaps uninterestingly, how real languages get their names.

Addendum: Or, if this is a Classical language, it might have a name that means something to the effect of "Proper" or "Refined", as was the origin of the name of Sanskrit.
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Re: New conlang, please help me give it a name

Post by WarpedWartWars »

Rounin Ryuuji wrote: Sun Sep 12, 2021 9:41 pm Do you have a name for the people who speak the language?
Probably "Olarrk ta Sithe", "The witches of the desert".
tɑ tɑ tɑ tɑ θiθɾ eɾloθ tɑ moew θerts olɑrk siθe
of of of of death abyss of moew kingdom sand witch-PLURAL
The witches of the desert of the kingdom of Moew of the Abyss of Death

tɑ toɾose koɾot tsɑx
of apple-PLURAL magic cold
cold magic of apples
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Re: New conlang, please help me give it a name

Post by Rounin Ryuuji »

Then I imagine the language would be called "Desert", "Desert Witch", "Witch", "Olarrk" or "Sithe".

Is it Celtic? It looks vaguely Celtic.
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Re: New conlang, please help me give it a name

Post by WarpedWartWars »

Rounin Ryuuji wrote: Sun Sep 12, 2021 10:09 pm Then I imagine the language would be called "Desert", "Desert Witch", "Witch", "Olarrk" or "Sithe".
If I use the "Olarrk ta Sithe", I would want both "Olarrk" and "Sithe" in the lang name, even if squashed together, like "Olarrthe".
Rounin Ryuuji wrote: Sun Sep 12, 2021 10:09 pm Is it Celtic? It looks vaguely Celtic.
Not that I know of, so far. I might be being influenced by Welsh, so maybe.
tɑ tɑ tɑ tɑ θiθɾ eɾloθ tɑ moew θerts olɑrk siθe
of of of of death abyss of moew kingdom sand witch-PLURAL
The witches of the desert of the kingdom of Moew of the Abyss of Death

tɑ toɾose koɾot tsɑx
of apple-PLURAL magic cold
cold magic of apples
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Re: New conlang, please help me give it a name

Post by Rounin Ryuuji »

How are the words stressed?
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Re: New conlang, please help me give it a name

Post by Ryan of Tinellb »

Rounin Ryuuji wrote: Sun Sep 12, 2021 10:33 pm How are the words stressed?
Just trying to get through their day, I guess, same as the rest of us :P
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Re: New conlang, please help me give it a name

Post by Jonlang »

WarpedWartWars wrote: Sun Sep 12, 2021 10:18 pm
Rounin Ryuuji wrote: Sun Sep 12, 2021 10:09 pm Is it Celtic? It looks vaguely Celtic.
Not that I know of, so far. I might be being influenced by Welsh, so maybe.
Good lad.
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Re: New conlang, please help me give it a name

Post by WarpedWartWars »

Rounin Ryuuji wrote: Sun Sep 12, 2021 10:33 pm How are the words stressed?
I haven't actually decided on that yet.
tɑ tɑ tɑ tɑ θiθɾ eɾloθ tɑ moew θerts olɑrk siθe
of of of of death abyss of moew kingdom sand witch-PLURAL
The witches of the desert of the kingdom of Moew of the Abyss of Death

tɑ toɾose koɾot tsɑx
of apple-PLURAL magic cold
cold magic of apples
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