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by Torco
Wed Jan 11, 2023 8:51 am
Forum: Ephemera
Topic: The Contradictory Feelings Thread
Replies: 674
Views: 772208

Re: The Contradictory Feelings Thread

Thanks, hopefully it all goes well
by Torco
Tue Jan 10, 2023 10:56 am
Forum: Ephemera
Topic: The Contradictory Feelings Thread
Replies: 674
Views: 772208

Re: The Contradictory Feelings Thread

I just sued my... what's the word for padrastro ... stepfather? you know, me mum's guy after she split with me dad. It's a long and truculent story, featuring extensive wage theft, covid laws that allow you to neither fire not pay a worker, violation of said laws, failure to pay legal severance, and...
by Torco
Tue Jan 10, 2023 10:38 am
Forum: Ephemera
Topic: Elections in various countries
Replies: 1233
Views: 630642

Re: Elections in various countries

Now I wonder how bad things will get in Brazil. Talking to a Brazilian person in another forum, it would seem that in many ways it’s a lot less bad than it was in the US: the media is uniformly condemning them as ‘terrorists’, and furthermore the Congress building was completely empty when they sto...
by Torco
Sun Jan 08, 2023 2:17 pm
Forum: Ephemera
Topic: The Computer And General Tech Thread - Software, Hardware, Questions, etc.
Replies: 560
Views: 286292

Re: The Computer And General Tech Thread - Software, Hardware, Questions, etc.

Install Linux, or better yet, a BSD. hahahaha. reminds me of my years of unironically typing windowze . I'm not commited to the cause enough to want to go with BSD, but I have a linux machine at home and I use it for web browsing and coding and so on. It's lovely, but a) for work I need to use SPSS...
by Torco
Fri Jan 06, 2023 1:10 pm
Forum: Ephemera
Topic: The Computer And General Tech Thread - Software, Hardware, Questions, etc.
Replies: 560
Views: 286292

Re: The Computer And General Tech Thread - Software, Hardware, Questions, etc.

Sooo... anyone know of some antivirus that's both free and doesn't spam you every six hours with notifications and ads and stuff? Install Linux, or better yet, a BSD. hahahaha. reminds me of my years of unironically typing windowze . I'm not commited to the cause enough to want to go with BSD, but ...
by Torco
Fri Jan 06, 2023 9:00 am
Forum: Ephemera
Topic: The Computer And General Tech Thread - Software, Hardware, Questions, etc.
Replies: 560
Views: 286292

Re: The Computer And General Tech Thread - Software, Hardware, Questions, etc.

Sooo... anyone know of some antivirus that's both free and doesn't spam you every six hours with notifications and ads and stuff?
by Torco
Mon Jan 02, 2023 8:52 am
Forum: Ephemera
Topic: Chilean election thread (?)
Replies: 146
Views: 68133

Re: Chilean election thread (?)

Pretty much, yeah, ancapistan is a theoretical ancap country. Gremialismo, the official deology of the biggest right wing party of Chile, is not far off... except it doesn't leave *everything* to the market: the church, neighbourhood associations and other civil society organizations have an importa...
by Torco
Sun Jan 01, 2023 4:37 pm
Forum: Ephemera
Topic: Chilean election thread (?)
Replies: 146
Views: 68133

Re: Chilean election thread (?)

voting *used* to be compulsory in chile, as one of the various authoritarian enclaves of the political system alongisde, say, pinochet being senator for life, or the military having veto power over the laws. Then, it became voluntary, and we had politics for a while. now it has been made compulsory ...
by Torco
Wed Dec 28, 2022 6:44 am
Forum: Ephemera
Topic: Chilean election thread (?)
Replies: 146
Views: 68133

Re: Chilean election thread (?)

in more chilean news, recently the politicians passed a law making voting compulsory overall, and the new constitution, according to an agreement between most of the parties which, will be written by a team of 24 "experts" designated by both chambers of parliament, vetted by 14 more such d...
by Torco
Thu Dec 08, 2022 6:36 am
Forum: Ephemera
Topic: Soshul meedja.
Replies: 291
Views: 81044

Re: Soshul meedja.

Back to social media, I decided to ditch Twitter and give Mastodon a try. I'm if you want to say hi. (I'm not terribly active on social media, so there won't be a lot of activity there :)) how's that work? I understand mastodon is like an archipelago of servers, kinda like di...
by Torco
Thu Dec 08, 2022 6:35 am
Forum: Ephemera
Topic: United States Politics Thread 46
Replies: 1634
Views: 482030

Re: United States Politics Thread 46

I understand the rationale of lesser evil voting, i've been doing it for years... but eventually, sometimes, a lesser evil is evil enough that it's not very meaningfully different from a greater evil, except in like controversial-but-not-very-transcendent issues.
by Torco
Wed Nov 02, 2022 11:46 am
Forum: Conlangery
Topic: How's my climate map?
Replies: 13
Views: 8453

Re: How's my climate map?

just at a glance, I'd expect that -given that this planet have similar general wind patterns as earch, and that's a big if- the southern coast of the Sekheq sea would be rather drier than its northern coast, cause the dominant wind would be, i guess, going from land to sea <as opposed to where you h...
by Torco
Fri Oct 21, 2022 6:58 pm
Forum: Ephemera
Topic: Chilean election thread (?)
Replies: 146
Views: 68133

Re: Chilean election thread (?)

It's convinced me somewhat that perhaps electoral politics is too rigged to be useful. Things happened out of protest, and ceased happening when the votes channeled that energy. But my own conclusion is less expansive. I've run some numbers out of the electoral service (you know, the guys that count...
by Torco
Fri Oct 21, 2022 6:49 pm
Forum: Ephemera
Topic: Popping in after a LONG absence
Replies: 14
Views: 1995

Re: Popping in after a LONG absence

be thou welcome, good sir, though I remember thee from the days of yore, pickles and tea nontheless
by Torco
Sun Sep 25, 2022 12:57 am
Forum: Ephemera
Topic: Chilean election thread (?)
Replies: 146
Views: 68133

Re: Chilean election thread (?)

sorry if it was a bit rambly. but yeah, "ancapitstan gives itself the most progressive constitution in the world" is a much better news story than "thanks to fake news et al rich oligarchs win yet again". the germans made a nice headline out of it, though, "people celebrate ...
by Torco
Thu Sep 22, 2022 9:17 pm
Forum: Ephemera
Topic: Chilean election thread (?)
Replies: 146
Views: 68133

Re: Chilean election thread (?)

omg we lost the damned plebiscite wtf happened aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa wacky shit, huh? if you've not been following the chilean process, on sept 4 the chileans w...
by Torco
Thu Sep 22, 2022 5:52 pm
Forum: Ephemera
Topic: Russia invades Ukraine
Replies: 444
Views: 119330

Re: Russia invades Ukraine

Well, sure, after all Elisabeth the Second of England and the First of some other places just died and that didn't remove the unelected (but not authoritarian any more) system in place. But nothing's perfect. There is, though, better and worse. All three people you mentioned no longer being in powe...
by Torco
Sat Sep 17, 2022 9:05 pm
Forum: Ephemera
Topic: Russia invades Ukraine
Replies: 444
Views: 119330

Re: Russia invades Ukraine

Old people are quite able to hold on to power until they're really really old: a good example is the us! of course, no one old person is as central to the government of the us as Putin is to russia. Still, the concept of 'dictatorship' may be misleading here: unlike Franco, Pinochet or Hitler -which...
by Torco
Thu Apr 28, 2022 1:25 pm
Forum: Ephemera
Topic: Russia invades Ukraine
Replies: 444
Views: 119330

Re: Russia invades Ukraine

huuuh... like, again, did I say "ZZZ SLAVA ROSSIYA ONWARD WITH GLORIOUS DENAZIFICATION ZZZ" without realizing it? like, just to clarify: I don't *like* that russia is invading ukraine. the fact that I don't participate in the pro-western cheer-our-troops deluge doesn't mean I'm participati...
by Torco
Thu Apr 28, 2022 1:01 pm
Forum: Ephemera
Topic: Chilean election thread (?)
Replies: 146
Views: 68133

Re: Chilean election thread (?)

I do think of Russia as our enemy; I mean, besides all the rest it's gotten into, it has tried its best at destabilizing my own country, and succeeded. Our politics is now a contest between between the evil and the insane; that's a direct result of ten years of propaganda efforts. I think you're ri...