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by Znex
Sun Mar 16, 2025 9:49 pm
Forum: Languages
Topic: Language Practice (Help your fluency)
Replies: 824
Views: 1263112

Re: Language Practice (Help your fluency)

Herzlichen Danke
Thank you kindly
Vriendelijk bedankt
Merci de bien vouloir
Grazie di cuore
Muchas gracias
Muito obrigada
Ευχαριστώ πολύ
by Znex
Wed Mar 12, 2025 3:23 am
Forum: Languages
Topic: The "How Do You Pronounce X" Thread
Replies: 1959
Views: 5195723

Re: The "How Do You Pronounce X" Thread

How do you pronounce "antifa"? I realized I have no idea of its English realization, as "fa" is short for "fascist", but the "fa" of "fascist" can't typically end a word (in Dutch we have no such problem, as we have /fa/, for the first syllable of f...
by Znex
Mon Mar 10, 2025 12:09 am
Forum: Languages
Topic: Language Practice (Help your fluency)
Replies: 824
Views: 1263112

Re: Language Practice (Help your fluency)

On a juste eu les funèrailles de ma grand-mère la semaine dernière, et demain je dois s'y remettre comme d'habitude. Merde, mais je suis encore tellement fatiguée. In der letzten Woche war gerade der Beerdigung meiner Großmutter, und morgen muss ich weiter wie immer machen. Scheiße, doch ich bin im...
by Znex
Sat Feb 22, 2025 5:35 pm
Forum: Languages
Topic: Language Practice (Help your fluency)
Replies: 824
Views: 1263112

Re: Language Practice (Help your fluency)

Ich habe auch deutsche Vorfahren, doch ich übe nicht oft Deutsch. Ich bin zu daran interessiert, andere Sprechen zu lernen. :o Mul on ka saksad vanemad, aga ma ei harjuta sageli saksa keelt. Ma olen liiga huvitatud teiste keelte õppimisest. I also have German ancestors, but I don't practise German ...
by Znex
Thu Jan 16, 2025 9:35 am
Forum: Conlangery
Topic: Conlang fluency thread
Replies: 2793
Views: 1793654

Re: Conlang fluency thread

Asaker, tha kans bar liste up the divvers talinger asamen fluit an igen oʒ igen skriven the samen omsettning. :shock:
Damn, you can just list all the different pronunciations together instead of repeating the same translation again.
by Znex
Fri Jan 10, 2025 2:42 am
Forum: Languages
Topic: Language Practice (Help your fluency)
Replies: 824
Views: 1263112

Re: Language Practice (Help your fluency)

Ich bin nicht sicher, warum manche Leute denken, dass Französisch einfacher als Deutsch ist... I am not sure why some people think French is easier than German... Eu acho que é porque o francês tem palavras que são mais familiares para a maioria dos falantes de inglês do que o alemão. Ma arvan, et ...
by Znex
Fri Dec 20, 2024 6:49 pm
Forum: Languages
Topic: Language Practice (Help your fluency)
Replies: 824
Views: 1263112

Re: Language Practice (Help your fluency)

Keine Ahnung was du meinst... No idea what you mean... Tudo bem, eu acabei de mencionar isso com brblues (que também fala alemão) por Discord, e ele sabia do que eu estou falando. All good, I just mentioned it to brblues (who also speaks German) on Discord, and he knew what I was talking about. (So...
by Znex
Fri Dec 20, 2024 4:08 am
Forum: Languages
Topic: Language Practice (Help your fluency)
Replies: 824
Views: 1263112

Re: Language Practice (Help your fluency)

Bin ich mir nicht sicher. I'm not sure. Por falar de idiomas, eu já vi expressões de verbo-inicial como "V ich" em alemão (e iídiche por sinal) antes, mas como eles funcionam me escapa. Speaking of idioms, I have seen verb-initial expressions like "V ich" in German (and Yiddish ...
by Znex
Sun Jun 02, 2024 2:07 am
Forum: Conlangery
Topic: Conlang fluency thread
Replies: 2793
Views: 1793654

Re: Conlang fluency thread

Ligim ha gaya fad'am khayaguya leecadaam mottit q'awwasewat ut faabit niret. know-AGT.1.S COMP exist-PAT.3.P.INAN language-P merge-AGT.3.P.INAN-PAT-3.P.INAN see-ACTION-P time-GEN state-ADJ-CONCRETE-GEN and past-GEN unitary-GEN I know there are languages that merge the stative and the perfective. Li...
by Znex
Thu May 23, 2024 12:36 am
Forum: Conlangery
Topic: Conlang fluency thread
Replies: 2793
Views: 1793654

Re: Conlang fluency thread

Fan çad oa Wêsgermansç sprêç, iç vrât c mydd cedille. When I had a West Germanic language I used <ç>. Ʒe nitt ei sedilʒe for me gaulisc tung, forat stae for the meuk t. I use a cedilla for my Gaulish lang, to represent the lenited *t. At minns me, ʒe ska warke pen at wi noe punt. That reminds me, I...
by Znex
Wed May 22, 2024 1:02 am
Forum: Languages
Topic: Language Practice (Help your fluency)
Replies: 824
Views: 1263112

Re: Language Practice (Help your fluency)

Ist das Platt? Is that Low German? Jo, so twischen de Skandinavischespraken för miene Jorkischespraake studeren, un miene Famieljengeschicht söken, ik dache, dat ik versöken wull, en beten von dat Platt to lernen. Yes, so between studying the Scandinavian languages for my Yorkish language, and look...
by Znex
Tue May 21, 2024 6:12 am
Forum: Languages
Topic: Language Practice (Help your fluency)
Replies: 824
Views: 1263112

Re: Language Practice (Help your fluency)

Ik kann ok öven! Ik heff nich bemerkt, dat de Thread aktualisiert worrn harr. I can practise too! I didn't realise that the thread had been updated. Ik wünsch, ik kunn ümsüns studieren (un Medikamenten ümsüns opschreven warrn, wat dat bedraapt). I wish I could study for nothing (and get prescribed ...
by Znex
Mon May 20, 2024 12:40 am
Forum: Conlangery
Topic: Conlang fluency thread
Replies: 2793
Views: 1793654

Re: Conlang fluency thread

Faz com los Scotes, e ecrív Z. [fas̻ kɵ̃m los̺ ‘s̺kɵ.te e ek.’ɾiv s̻e] Do like the Scots, and write Z. Taye teelat ⟨z⟩-t ha laxaleekanum zo nuuxa xacagyi. COP-PRES problem ⟨z⟩-GEN COMP speak-INST-AGT.3.P.ANIM-HAB-INV PROX.1.S.INAN people write-NOM.PAT The problem with ⟨z⟩ is that people spelling-pr...
by Znex
Fri May 17, 2024 10:16 pm
Forum: Conlangery
Topic: Conlang fluency thread
Replies: 2793
Views: 1793654

Re: Conlang fluency thread

Yogh towakbuy: toysawsabfas ⟨ᵹ⟩ nos Latin aŋnap wgiŋfas. Ezh nib 1847-buŋwnerfin, waniʔrndo aŋ. [̚ˈbuj | toj.saw.sabˈfas ⟨ᵹ⟩ŋ.nap̚.wɡiŋˈfas | es.nib̚ 1847 buŋ.wneɾˈfin | wa.niʔɾˈndo.aŋ] Yogh to-wa·kbuy: to-isa-w·sab-fas ⟨ᵹ⟩ nos Latin aŋnap wgi·ŋ-fas. Ezh nib 1847-bu-iŋ-w·ne·r...
by Znex
Fri May 17, 2024 6:31 am
Forum: Conlangery
Topic: Conlang fluency thread
Replies: 2793
Views: 1793654

Re: Conlang fluency thread

Emmin ceiks the ʒouk letter sam ei latin letter. At least the ezh letter looks like a Latin letter. Yogh nib butowa-Latin-ndo aŋ! [joɡ.nibˈtin.ndo.aŋ] yogh nib bu-to-wa·Latin-ndo aŋ yogh FOC.CONTR but-DEF.SG-AUX·Latin-more INT But yogh is even more Latin! Meir latin? Tha ska kanner fork...
by Znex
Fri May 17, 2024 4:32 am
Forum: Conlangery
Topic: Conlang fluency thread
Replies: 2793
Views: 1793654

Re: Conlang fluency thread

Znex, are you working on Mercian, the North Germanic language with even more Old English influence? Ʒ'hak giare mik wark pae marcisc gin at is awi tha ettles, ut gin tha wil, ʒe kun skrive ei breve um at braith. :) I haven't done much work on Markish if that is what you mean, but if you like, I cou...
by Znex
Fri May 17, 2024 3:17 am
Forum: Conlangery
Topic: Conlang fluency thread
Replies: 2793
Views: 1793654

Re: Conlang fluency thread

A Znex, gadila nayad le ha bakimyetha yoh mut'? VOC Znex, exist-DAT-YES/NO reason any COMP use-AGT.1.S-PRES-NEG yogh real Znex, is there any reason you don't use the real yogh? Huuuu... Ȝe giark isannen feȝne hwarniȝ the ȝoh ceiks in eurcisc. At gisc komme mikkel wi the anner lettrer. Ughhhh... I r...
by Znex
Wed May 15, 2024 8:36 am
Forum: Conlangery
Topic: Conlang fluency thread
Replies: 2793
Views: 1793654

Re: Conlang fluency thread

At leuthes oʒsa atsʒen harthle bedruiccet, cens thasʒen aull ret?
It also sounds rather depressing, are you feeling okay? :?

Ʒe feʒn me tha niʒe tung saik ennae.
I do like your new language all the same. :)
by Znex
Sat May 04, 2024 10:56 pm
Forum: Languages
Topic: The Great Proto-Indo-European Thread's Sequel
Replies: 1056
Views: 1350193

Re: The Great Proto-Indo-European Thread's Sequel

Dunno if this has been discussed already here, but PIE *Hebl- 'apple' may not be a loanword at all, and instead just be a metastethised form of *meHlom. Can't track down the paper from I originally read that in, but the gist is that an intermediate form *Heml- underwent ml → bl. Also, ...
by Znex
Fri May 03, 2024 4:26 am
Forum: Languages
Topic: What are the phonotactics rules for Classical Latin?
Replies: 22
Views: 8287

Re: What are the phonotactics rules for Classical Latin?

What does it even mean for a language to be ‘too big’ or ‘too small’? It’s just… how the language works. If you dislike their phonaesthetic, fine, but please don’t pretend it’s some kind of objective judgement. (For instance, I suspect you’d greatly dislike Coptic and Dorig [see section 4.2], which...