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by vergil
Wed May 15, 2019 7:50 pm
Forum: Conlangery
Topic: Grammaticalization Quickie Thread
Replies: 173
Views: 126273

Re: Grammaticalization Quickie Thread

Update: I'm using <tes> "through" + the Dative for the Instrumental. I'm also using <tes> as an intensifier / telicity marker for verbs, which might be complicating things somewhat, but I figure this is a decent additional application. So I'll have -ttɛs, -tɛʔɛs, and -teʔɛs. This actually ...
by vergil
Sun May 12, 2019 9:09 pm
Forum: Conlangery
Topic: Grammaticalization Quickie Thread
Replies: 173
Views: 126273

Re: Grammaticalization Quickie Thread

So I've been having some trouble with the evolution of one of my conlangs' morphology, and this seemed like the place to ask the questions I had. This regards the Dative case, /-t/ (and /-tɛ/ and /-te/) in Pretistelen, particularly its development in one of the daughter languages. One of the phonolo...
by vergil
Mon Feb 04, 2019 3:30 pm
Forum: Conlangery
Topic: Pretistelen Mega-Project
Replies: 7
Views: 4039

Re: Pretistelen Mega-Project

Thanks for the feedback!
Yes, doubled consonants are supposed to be geminates. [ø] will probly get represented as <oý> or <oŷ> (depending on length), but on the other hand [ay], [ey], and [oy] have virtually never actually come up (at least so far), so such a change may not be necessary.
by vergil
Mon Feb 04, 2019 12:40 pm
Forum: Conlangery
Topic: Pretistelen Mega-Project
Replies: 7
Views: 4039

Pretistelen Mega-Project

Finally finished this beast, one of the daughter langs of a conlang I've been working on for some time.

Thoughts? I'm mostly worried about its differences with its original language, Pretistelen (link in the doc): I'm good with sound changes, but not really with morphosyntactic changes.
by vergil
Wed Aug 22, 2018 12:54 am
Forum: Conlangery
Topic: Reptilian Phonology
Replies: 1
Views: 2935

Reptilian Phonology

The key here being the labials. I have a species of sapient dinosaurian reptiles and I've been working on how the phonologies of their languages should be set up. In regards to the structure of their mouths, I've more or less set on the species having overall similar structure to the human mouth (th...