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by Pabappa
Sat Feb 02, 2019 12:13 pm
Forum: Languages
Topic: The Great Proto-Indo-European Thread's Sequel
Replies: 1045
Views: 1120735

Re: The Great Proto-Indo-European Thread's Sequel

I'm very interested in what "ex-glottalicists" have to say, because while I don't subscribe to the glottalic theory it brings up many interesting points. Thanks. I dont know that much about ex-glottalicists in general, because theyve all gone different ways ... my own theory starts with t...
by Pabappa
Fri Feb 01, 2019 9:06 pm
Forum: Languages
Topic: The Great Proto-Indo-European Thread's Sequel
Replies: 1045
Views: 1120735

Re: The Great Proto-Indo-European Thread's Sequel

You could suppose that the voiceless stops were also allophonically aspirated....I haven't looked at it lately but some of the "ex-glottalicists" seem to be moving towards a setup with suprasegemtnal aspiration, once per word, with a voiceless stop taking priority, then bh, then voiced sto...
by Pabappa
Thu Jan 31, 2019 11:27 am
Forum: Conlangery
Topic: Conlang Random Thread
Replies: 3231
Views: 2989545

Re: Conlang Random Thread

In Poswa, "he's speaking worriedly" would be

Pobba totšafas.
speak-3P worry-3P-GEN

Where the GEN is a serial verb marker to show that one verb happens at the same time as the other. Not sure if this is attested, but if it is, it'd fit well into a polysynthetic framework.
by Pabappa
Wed Jan 30, 2019 7:00 pm
Forum: Conlangery
Topic: Conlang Random Thread
Replies: 3231
Views: 2989545

Re: Conlang Random Thread

Anyone ever done a conlang with portmanteaus? In Old Andanese, portmanteaus were a grammatical process .... the language only had 75 syllables, so it was easy to find words that fit each other ... and Late Andanese has only 30 syllables, so it's even easier. e.g. /kina/ "nose" + /alu/ &quo...
by Pabappa
Wed Jan 30, 2019 12:08 pm
Forum: Languages
Topic: Linguistic Miscellany Thread
Replies: 4924
Views: 2344962

Re: Linguistic Miscellany Thread

Does anyone have a link to a pDF of ? i had it long ago but i think it was on my other computer which broke down. the new site wont let me browse more than 1 feature at a time .

by Pabappa
Wed Jan 30, 2019 12:06 pm
Forum: Conlangery
Topic: Sound Change Quickie Thread
Replies: 1369
Views: 855671

Re: Sound Change Quickie Thread

How realistic would it be to have a sound shift were /pˤ fˤ bˤ vˤ/ become /kw xw ɡw ɣw/ intervocalically and word-initially, then the latter two clusters merɡe into /ɣw/ and subsequently become /ʕw/, which then simplifies into /w/? Word-initially, the Cw clusters develop a prosthetic /a/ before the...
by Pabappa
Mon Jan 28, 2019 7:35 pm
Forum: Conlangery
Topic: Where are the analytic and nonconcatenative conlangs?
Replies: 66
Views: 54820

Re: Where are the analytic and nonconcateḳḳnative conlangs?

Ive had conlang fatigue lately, but I did come with a new idea recently for something that could be developed into a nonconcatenative language that is also unlike Semitic: indeclinable suffixes fusing to the nouns, pushing inflections inward and then developing paradigms that spread to new forms. Fo...
by Pabappa
Mon Jan 28, 2019 4:42 pm
Forum: Languages
Topic: The Great Macrofamily thread: Indo-Uralic, Altaic, Eurasiatic, Nostratic etc.
Replies: 263
Views: 170129

Re: The Great Macrofamily thread: Indo-Uralic, Altaic, Eurasiatic, Nostratic etc.

Feel free to go on, but it seemed like all of the conversation was aimed at me.
by Pabappa
Mon Jan 28, 2019 4:04 pm
Forum: Languages
Topic: The Great Macrofamily thread: Indo-Uralic, Altaic, Eurasiatic, Nostratic etc.
Replies: 263
Views: 170129

Re: The Great Macrofamily thread: Indo-Uralic, Altaic, Eurasiatic, Nostratic etc.

I see some good arguments here, some terrible, and some completely irrelevant. I made clear at the beginning that I wasnt taking a side, so I'm not going to be embarrassed to change my opinion. But both theories presented in the OP rest on evidence that I haven't seen, and that hasn't changed in thi...
by Pabappa
Sun Jan 27, 2019 8:45 pm
Forum: Languages
Topic: The Great Macrofamily thread: Indo-Uralic, Altaic, Eurasiatic, Nostratic etc.
Replies: 263
Views: 170129

Re: The Great Macrofamily thread: Indo-Uralic, Altaic, Eurasiatic, Nostratic etc.

By the same logic, we could say that since uvulars are rare in India, its most likely that the parent language didnt have 'em and that Malto must be the outlier. /q/>/k/ is not a common sound change outside of superstrate influence, so perhaps one language influenced the others.... but if the entire...
by Pabappa
Sun Jan 27, 2019 7:16 pm
Forum: Languages
Topic: The Great Macrofamily thread: Indo-Uralic, Altaic, Eurasiatic, Nostratic etc.
Replies: 263
Views: 170129

Re: The Great Macrofamily thread: Indo-Uralic, Altaic, Eurasiatic, Nostratic etc.

Uvulars are normally prone to loss. You can find examples of superstrate influence like Hebrew /q/ > /k/, but I dont think that the particular sound change /q/ > /k/ is likely to happen in a language surrounded by others of its kind. If anything it seems that it's more likely to shift to /ʔ/ than t...
by Pabappa
Sun Jan 27, 2019 5:20 pm
Forum: Languages
Topic: Shortest words for basic concepts
Replies: 67
Views: 55570

Re: Shortest words for basic concepts

I remember that Cheyenne's word for winter is ae, having learned it from this board once as an example of radical sound change in motion. The only dictionary I can find spells this áa'e , however.
by Pabappa
Sun Jan 27, 2019 2:55 pm
Forum: Languages
Topic: The Great Macrofamily thread: Indo-Uralic, Altaic, Eurasiatic, Nostratic etc.
Replies: 263
Views: 170129

Re: The Great Macrofamily thread: Indo-Uralic, Altaic, Eurasiatic, Nostratic etc.

speaking of North Dravidian, I wondered if anyone here knows more about it and could answer me a question I had when I was browsing some of the literature. In The Languages and Linguistics of South Asia: A Comprehensive Guide , Suresh Kolichala notes McAlpin's hypothesis that Proto-Dravidian must h...
by Pabappa
Sat Jan 26, 2019 1:25 pm
Forum: Languages
Topic: Linguistic Miscellany Thread
Replies: 4924
Views: 2344962

Re: Linguistic Miscellany Thread

Ive heard this called "present (person)", though that wont really help with a gloss since the term "present" already has a meaning.
by Pabappa
Fri Jan 25, 2019 10:05 pm
Forum: Languages
Topic: Shortest words for basic concepts
Replies: 67
Views: 55570

Re: Shortest words for basic concepts

Danish ble "diaper" Possibly Hebrew peg "premature baby".....I remember reading this long ago but its hard to confirm English bat "bat (animal)"... it seems plain to us, but in much of Europe this animal is often named with a compound such as french chauvesouris or Span...
by Pabappa
Fri Jan 25, 2019 8:38 pm
Forum: Conlangery
Topic: Conworld idea: no clean break between language and almost-language
Replies: 35
Views: 13822

Re: Conworld idea: no clean break between language and almost-language

I understand that but the whales have a high protein diet like any other predator and a high protein diet allows for a large brain that burns lots of calories. It may not make much sense to classify an animal that doesnt even have teeth as a predator, but from the dietary perspective they are predat...
by Pabappa
Fri Jan 25, 2019 6:58 pm
Forum: Conlangery
Topic: Conworld idea: no clean break between language and almost-language
Replies: 35
Views: 13822

Re: Conworld idea: no clean break between language and almost-language

Or more simply, ignoring what the herbivore is saying and just eat it. Yeah - humans are quite capable of killing other humans, particularly if they convince themselves that certain sorts of human are somehow "lesser", so the fact that the prey can talk wouldn't necessarily put predators ...
by Pabappa
Fri Jan 25, 2019 6:08 pm
Forum: Ephemera
Topic: Elections in various countries
Replies: 1418
Views: 658650

Re: Elections in various countries

Im surprised you say that. I thought that pretty much everybody outside Greece sided with Macedonia 100%, and that the common assumption was that regardless of what the official name is, everybody was going to just call the country "Macedonia" with no modifiers. I think this is the stupide...
by Pabappa
Fri Jan 25, 2019 5:26 pm
Forum: Conlangery
Topic: Conlang fluency thread
Replies: 2653
Views: 1555538

Re: Conlang fluency thread

Adraja ēťo dītbārbåt nissa, ēnbha. fog\PL NEG around=go<3sm>\NPST.GNO=often for=1p.EXCL, VIAL=smoke We don't get much fog here, anyway. Poswa: Wažžalipambopa, pipi šannap tidžemba puvvabas pedžefas. fog-LOC-1P-ACC-3P, sun snow-ACC ground-LOC-3P melt-TR-3P-GEN incomplete-REFL-3P-GEN We get fog when ...
by Pabappa
Fri Jan 25, 2019 1:42 pm
Forum: Languages
Topic: Shortest words for basic concepts
Replies: 67
Views: 55570

Re: Shortest words for basic concepts

Okay, thanks.

I remembered one more: Basque lo "sleep"