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by Ælfwine
Thu Sep 14, 2023 1:32 pm
Forum: Conlangery
Topic: Modern Gothic
Replies: 44
Views: 18352

Re: Modern Gothic

I also worked on a Modern Gothic descendant, except I derived it from what is known of crimean gothic. So I'm interested to see where this goes. You're very cautious here; AFAIK most people who accept the source call it Crimean Gothic and assume that it's a descendant of Wulfila's Gothic. Minor quib...
by Ælfwine
Sat Feb 01, 2020 12:52 am
Forum: Conlangery
Topic: Sound Change Quickie Thread
Replies: 1427
Views: 984121

Re: Sound Change Quickie Thread

That's what I was thinking. My hidden worry is that I am going too unrealistically far in fitting ON into a Native American language. Outside of turning the language into a creole I may not need to turn every /kl/ into /tʃ/, or make the language perfectly in line with the languages around it. I'll h...
by Ælfwine
Fri Jan 31, 2020 2:05 am
Forum: Conlangery
Topic: Sound Change Quickie Thread
Replies: 1427
Views: 984121

Re: Sound Change Quickie Thread

I am wondering what I should do with clusters involving /r/ in my Vinlandic conlang. Right now I have a sound change which turns most /r/ into /l/, mimicking the development in several native american languages of the region, perhaps with an intermediate stage of /ɽ/. Compare many Scandinavian diale...
by Ælfwine
Fri Dec 13, 2019 6:49 pm
Forum: Conlangery
Topic: Vinlenzka (Vinlandic)
Replies: 1
Views: 3278

Vinlenzka (Vinlandic)

Vinlandic or Vínlenzka (conservative spelling, IPA: [ˈwɑ̃j.lẽt.skɑ]) is the majority language of Vinland [ˈwɑ̃j.lɑ̃t], a sovereign nation east of the Republic of Quebec in North America. Beginning with the Norse exploration of North America in the 11th century, the Norse language there became a Ling...
by Ælfwine
Fri Nov 29, 2019 1:28 am
Forum: Conlangery
Topic: Random Conlang Grammar Ideas Thread
Replies: 61
Views: 91319

Re: Random Conlang Grammar Ideas Thread

Speaking of romance... I am tempted to go back to my old romlang idea, which I named either Pelsodian (Lacus Pelsodis, or Lake Balaton in Hungry), or Castellese (Named after Keszthely, or the city it survives in). I envisioned the language being halfway between Rhaetoromance and Romanian, with certa...
by Ælfwine
Thu Nov 28, 2019 12:41 pm
Forum: Conlangery
Topic: Sound Change Quickie Thread
Replies: 1427
Views: 984121

Re: Sound Change Quickie Thread

As an addendum to that, Icelandic also turned the old norse voiceless geminate consonants /pp tt kk/ into preaspirated clusters /hp ht hk/. This is how I derived my Vinlandic h+plosive clusters.
by Ælfwine
Sun Nov 24, 2019 7:48 pm
Forum: Conlangery
Topic: Conlang Random Thread
Replies: 3516
Views: 3271494

Re: Conlang Random Thread

I call one of my a-posteriori conlangs Crimean Gothic (not to be confused with the actual Crimean Gothic) because I have yet to settle on an endonym. Though I suppose there is less confusion for dead languages.
by Ælfwine
Mon Oct 14, 2019 8:10 am
Forum: Conlangery
Topic: Sound Change Critique Thread
Replies: 61
Views: 52245

Re: Sound Change Critique Thread

I’ll post my full sound changes once I’ve answered this question: if I have a series of palatilised and labialised consonants, can they be analysed as being viable codas, or if they occur in a coda-esque position should they be analysed as really short CV sequences? Look towards none other than Rom...
by Ælfwine
Mon Oct 14, 2019 7:52 am
Forum: Conlangery
Topic: Grammaticalization Quickie Thread
Replies: 173
Views: 126260

Re: Grammaticalization Quickie Thread

I'm not sure what relative clauses have to do with this anyway. There is no relative clause in "I made that"! As for marking... is there marking normally? North sea west germanic languages (as this clearly seems to be, despite being called 'crimean') aren't noted for their super-strong mo...
by Ælfwine
Sun Oct 13, 2019 8:14 pm
Forum: Conlangery
Topic: Sound Change Quickie Thread
Replies: 1427
Views: 984121

Re: Sound Change Quickie Thread

I think you can go either way with the phonemic analysis, but for the orthography you've got French as a precedent for spelling the silent sounds and (i think) Manx as a precedent for not doing so. A lot of languages allophonically nasalize all vowels before nasals and so you could say that the nas...
by Ælfwine
Sun Oct 13, 2019 8:03 pm
Forum: Conlangery
Topic: Grammaticalization Quickie Thread
Replies: 173
Views: 126260

Re: Grammaticalization Quickie Thread

Maybe it just comes from having the 3rd person be the only form available to use in such a position in the first place. I typed the example in English because I dont actually know a language that uses person marking inside of a relative clause. My understanding is that in e.g. Spanish, all such cla...
by Ælfwine
Sun Oct 13, 2019 7:43 pm
Forum: Conlangery
Topic: Grammaticalization Quickie Thread
Replies: 173
Views: 126260

Re: Grammaticalization Quickie Thread

Didn't some Romance dialects develop gender marking on their verbs? That's an interesting idea, Pabappa. Though in my case, all the verb forms are the same, I'm just unsure how person is marked for (assuming it is.) The three phrases I am going off of in question (nb not my conlang, rather from the ...
by Ælfwine
Sun Oct 13, 2019 6:42 pm
Forum: Conlangery
Topic: Sound Change Quickie Thread
Replies: 1427
Views: 984121

Re: Sound Change Quickie Thread

Vinlandic has a sound change in which liquids and nasals were deleted in syllable coda, causing vowel lengthening, lenition, or a combination of both. So, using a conservative orthography: barn ['pãː] /'parn/ "child" barnit ['paː.nit] /'parnit/ "the child" As shown, the consonant...
by Ælfwine
Sun Oct 13, 2019 6:42 pm
Forum: Conlangery
Topic: Grammaticalization Quickie Thread
Replies: 173
Views: 126260

Re: Grammaticalization Quickie Thread

I can't answer the above question, which actually I would like answered as well, as I have a similar issue in my Crimean Gothic conlang which has criticized -thata to verbs (c.f. varthata, malthata). However, whether it replaces marking for person, as it seems to have done, or simply add onto it, I ...
by Ælfwine
Tue Oct 08, 2019 12:04 pm
Forum: Conlangery
Topic: Sound Change Critique Thread
Replies: 61
Views: 52245

Re: Sound Change Critique Thread

If some of the falling diphthongs feel out of place, here are a few alternative suggestions for them: - */øː yː/ could break into rising diphthongs instead, giving either /we wi/ or */jo ju/ (with the latter then shifting to /jə jo/) - similarly, */oː/ could break into /wo/ or /wə/ - */ei ey ɔu/ co...
by Ælfwine
Sat Oct 05, 2019 1:05 pm
Forum: Conlangery
Topic: Sound Change Critique Thread
Replies: 61
Views: 52245

Re: Sound Change Critique Thread

I'm somewhat satisfied with consonants in modern Wąylętska (< Old Vínlenzka) or Vinlandic. Now I am toying with the vowels, deriving them organically from Old West Norse: ɛ > e ɛː > ja e > e eː > je i > i iː > aj ø > e øː > ew y > i yː > iw ɔ > ə ɔː > wa o > ə oː > ow u > o u > aw ei > ej ey > oj ɔu...
by Ælfwine
Tue Oct 01, 2019 11:42 am
Forum: Conlangery
Topic: Conlang Random Thread
Replies: 3516
Views: 3271494

Re: Conlang Random Thread

I think there are a few mistakes you made (although others were introduced by Moose, e.g. I neglected to mention the outcome of Faroese glides before and after consonants, which is usually deletion and fortition respectively. So birjaji should be birgaji or birdaji or whatever the original consonant...
by Ælfwine
Tue Oct 01, 2019 10:40 am
Forum: Conlangery
Topic: Conlang Random Thread
Replies: 3516
Views: 3271494

Re: Conlang Random Thread

Niri īčīnǫ hā lēhtarānī hąka wak ītį piryayi, lwąkri niri, hā čēmānī čāla, opahtō čōhpari, ǫtī itēnonǫ hā plįto irōnā hāta tī hayani kǫ hą. Hramičis riht hą ī čihtonǫ, ī hrahkanǫ sǫ lōtā aw šikā wak ęsimi, hąsara hakra pwąhka wąkamānaląt, hit čihnahta ī wahkara pwāhmįtǫ. Takānī wāro parakrahā nahtō...
by Ælfwine
Tue Oct 01, 2019 10:03 am
Forum: Conlangery
Topic: Conlang Random Thread
Replies: 3516
Views: 3271494

Re: Conlang Random Thread

Mishta-miam tshitishi-tuten! Something giant? I figured out how to get a very Cree-esque (Creesque?) phonology for my Vinlandic conlang. Faroese (a sister language to this) has a sound change v,ð,ɣ -> j,w depending on whether the following vowel is a back one or a front one, eliminating these phone...
by Ælfwine
Mon Sep 30, 2019 8:32 pm
Forum: Conlangery
Topic: Conlang Random Thread
Replies: 3516
Views: 3271494

Re: Conlang Random Thread

I figured out how to get a very Cree-esque (Creesque?) phonology for my Vinlandic conlang. Faroese (a sister language to this) has a sound change v,ð,ɣ -> j,w depending on whether the following vowel is a back one or a front one, eliminating these phones. Faroese also palatalizes k > tʃ and sk > ʃ b...