Language Practice (Help your fluency)

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Re: Language Practice (Help your fluency)

Post by jal »

hwhatting wrote: Mon Oct 11, 2021 11:28 amHet is al weer tijd voor winterbanden...
Genau! Ich muss schnell ein Termin machen.
Indeed! I should make an appointment soon.

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Re: Language Practice (Help your fluency)

Post by hwhatting »

jal wrote: Tue Oct 12, 2021 4:23 am Genau! Ich muss schnell einen Termin machen.
Indeed! I should make an appointment soon.
Vandaag is het gisteren van morgen.
Aujourd'hui, c'est le hier de demain.
Oggi è l'ieri di domani.
Hoy es el ayer de mañana.
Hodie crastinum heri.
Сегодня - это завтрашнее вчера.
Dzisiaj jest jutrzejsze wczoraj.
Hari ini adalah hari besok yang kemarin.

Today is tomorrow's yesterday.
Heute ist das Gestern von morgen.
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Re: Language Practice (Help your fluency)

Post by hwhatting »

Er staat een hazelnootboom voor mijn raam.
Il y a un noisetier devant mon fenêtre.
C'è un nocciolo davanti alla mia finestra.
Hay un avellano frente a mi ventana.
Est arbor avellana ante fenestra mea.
Перед моим окном растёт лесной орех.
Przed moim oknem rośnie drzewo orzechowe.
Ada pohon kacang hazel di depan jendela saya.

Vor meinem Fenster steht ein Haselnussbaum.
There's a hazelnut tree in front of my window.
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Re: Language Practice (Help your fluency)

Post by Linguoboy »

Gitts Haselnissi druuf?
Oes cnau cyll arni hi?
Are there hazelnuts on it?
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Re: Language Practice (Help your fluency)

Post by Travis B. »

Mein Hinterhof ist mit schwarzen Walnüssen bedeckt.
My backyard is covered with black walnuts.
Yaaludinuya siima d'at yiseka ha wohadetafa gaare.
Ennadinut'a gaare d'ate ha eetatadi siiman.
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Re: Language Practice (Help your fluency)

Post by jal »

hwhatting wrote: Wed Oct 13, 2021 8:09 amEr staat een hazelnootboom voor mijn raam.
Though colloquially many people will no doubt say "hazelnootboom", the correct Dutch term is "hazelaar".

Im garten meines Nachbarns steht auch eine Haselstrauch. Sie ist zu hoch gewachsen. Ich sollte meinem Nachbarn versuchen sie zu scheren.
In my neighbour's garden there's also a hazel tree. It's grown too tall. I should ask my neighbour to trim it.

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Re: Language Practice (Help your fluency)

Post by hwhatting »

Linguoboy wrote: Wed Oct 13, 2021 2:16 pm Gitts Haselnissi druuf?
Are there hazelnuts on it?

Ja. Mijn dochter en haar vrienden verzamelden en aten ze toen zij klein was, en nu doen dat de kinderen van onze buren.
Oui. Ma fille et ses amies les ramassaient et mangeaient quand elle etait petite, et maintenant les enfants de nos voisins le font.
Si. La mia figlia e le sue amiche le raccoglievano e mangiavano quando era piccola, e ora lo fanno i bambini dei nostri vicini.
Si. Mi hija y sus amigas solían recolectarlas y comerlas cuando era pequeña y ahora lo hacen los niños de nuestros vecinos.
Да. Моя дочь и её подруги раньше собирали и кушали их, когда она была маленькой, а теперь это делают дети наших соседей.
Tak. Moja córka i jej przyjaciółki je zbierali i zjadali kiedy była małą, a teraz to robią dzieci naszych sąsiadów.
Sunt. Filia mea amicaeque eius eas colligere et edere solebant cum erat parva, et nunc hoc liberi vicinorum nostrorum faciunt.
Ya. Anak saya dan teman-temannya biasa mengkumpulkan dan memakannya ketika dia masih kecil, dan sekarang anak-anak tetangga kami melakukannya
Yes. My daughter and her friends used to collect and eat them when she was little, and now our neighbours' children are doing the same.
Ja. Meine Tochter und ihre Freundinnen haben sie früher gesammelt und gegessen, als sie klein war, und jetzt machen das die Kinder unserer Nachbarn.
jal wrote: Thu Oct 14, 2021 9:08 am Im Garten meines Nachbarns steht auch eine Haselstrauch. Er ist zu hoch gewachsen. Ich sollte meinen Nachbarn bitten, ihn zurückzuschneiden*1).
In my neighbour's garden there's also a hazel tree. It's grown too tall. I should ask my neighbour to trim it.
*1) scheren you basically only use for animals, especially sheep. Sometimes it's also used for hedgerows.
I wasn't sure about hazelaar - my dictionary had it as Haselnussstrauch, which to me implied shrub-size, and what we have in front of our house is a full-grown tree.
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Re: Language Practice (Help your fluency)

Post by jal »

hwhatting wrote: Thu Oct 14, 2021 9:32 amJa¹. Mijn dochter en haar vrienden verzamelden en aten ze toen zij klein was², en nu doen de kinderen van onze buren dat³.
¹A plain "ja" here sounds a bit unidiomatic. I'd go for "jazeker" or just "zeker".
²I think the plural "waren" is better here, as the friends have grown up as well. Also I'd use "zij" as you've also used unemphasized "ze" earlier.
³It must stand at the end, the (apparent) German order is not possible in Dutch.

Overall, the sentence now still sounds a bit unidiomatic with the "verzamelden en aten". Dutch simple past is not used that often except as "book tense", but the perfect also sounds odd ("hebben ze verzameld en opgegeten") as that would imply more of a one-time occurence. An added "altijd" would help perhaps, "... verzamelden ze altijd toen ze klein waren" (or "elke herfst" or some other temporal adverbial). The eating part is more difficult to fit in, since the idiomatic verb would be "opeten", but since it's a seperable composed verb, you'd need "aten ze op", but "verzamelden en aten ze op" is agrammatical, so it should be something like "verzamelden ze en aten ze op" (with repeated object).
scheren you basically only use for animals, especially sheep.
So exactly like Dutch in that respect. I googled for the translation of Dutch "snoeien" (which can only be used with plants), and "scheren" turned up so I used it.
eine Haselstrauch. Er ...
Heh, I first just had "Hasel" which is female according to the Wikipedia entry, then changed it to "Haselstrauch" but forgot to check the gender...
I wasn't sure about hazelaar - my dictionary had it as Haselnussstrauch, which to me implied shrub-size, and what we have in front of our house is a full-grown tree.
Technically, a hazel is a shrub, as it doesn't have a single trunk - unattended it will always grow several trunks. They can grow to up to 6m tall though.

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Re: Language Practice (Help your fluency)

Post by hwhatting »

jal wrote: Thu Oct 14, 2021 9:55 am ²I think the plural "waren" is better here, as the friends have grown up as well. Also I'd use "zij" as you've also used unemphasized "ze" earlier.
Well, I focused on my daughter being little in the original and the other languages as well.
Thanks for your detailed comments!
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Re: Language Practice (Help your fluency)

Post by hwhatting »

Als ik het speeltje van onze kater wegwerp, loopt he achterna en brengt het trug. Dat is een gedrag, dat ik alleen bij honden gezien heb, nooit bij katten.
Si je lance le jouet de notre chat, il courra après lui et le rapportera. C'est un comportement que j'ai observé auparavant seulement chez des chiens, jamais chez des chats.
Se lancio il giocattolo del nostro gatto, correrà dietro e lo riporterà. Questo è un comportamento che ho visto solo nei cani prima, mai nei gatti.
Si tiro el juguete de nostro gato, él correrà tras él y lo traerà de vuelta. Este es un comportamiento que solo hé visto en perros antes, nunca en gatos.
Cum lusum felis nostri iaceo, post eum currit eumque refert. Talem rationem prius solo in canibus vidi, numquam in felibus.
Когда я откидываю игрушку нашего кота, он бегает за ним и приносит его назад. Это - такое поведение, которое я до этого наблюдал только у собак, никогда у кошек.
Kiedy rzucę zabawkę naszego kota, on bieży za nią i przynosi ją z powrotem. Тo jest zachowanie, które wcześniej widziałem tylko u psów, nigdy u koszek.
Jika saya melempar mainan kucing kami, dia mengejar dan membawanya kembali. Ini adalah perilaku yang hanya saya lihat pada anjing sebelumnya, tidak pernah pada kucing.

When I throw our cat's toy, he runs after it and brings it back. That is a behaviour I have only seen with dogs before, never with cats.
Wenn ich das Spielzeug unseres Katers werfe, läuft er hinterher und bringt es zurück. Das ist ein Verhalten, dass ich zuvor nur bei Hunden beobachtet habe, nie bei Katzen.
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Re: Language Practice (Help your fluency)

Post by Travis B. »

Ich hatte auch das gedacht, aber anscheinend werden einige Katzen auch holen spielen, gemäß was ich gelesen habe.
I had thought that too, but apparently some cats will also play fetch, according to what I have read.
Yaaludinuya siima d'at yiseka ha wohadetafa gaare.
Ennadinut'a gaare d'ate ha eetatadi siiman.
T'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa.
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Re: Language Practice (Help your fluency)

Post by jal »

hwhatting wrote: Fri Oct 15, 2021 11:27 amAls ik het speeltje van onze kater¹ wegwerp², loopt hij er achteraan³ en brengt het terug. Dat is een gedrag,⁴ dat ik alleen bij honden gezien heb⁵, nooit bij katten⁶.
¹"kater" is a marked word, only used to explicitly refer to a kat as male. In this case, I'd just use "kat".
²"weggooi" is less marked/more idiomatic.
³or "loopt hij het achterna".
⁴no German commas in Dutch! :)
⁵slightly more idiomatic I'd say something like "dat ik normaal alleen bij honden zie" (especially because it's an ongoing possibility to see that), and in colloquial speech you'd probably use "wat" (even if prescriptively wrong). Also, you can reverse the verbs in Dutch "heb gezien", which I personally find sounding slightly better here, but others might disagree.
⁶for slightly better idiomaticy, I'd say "maar nog nooit" or "maar niet".

Das ist komisch, aber auch praktisch, da du jetzt nicht die ganze Zeit das Speilzeug zurückholen musst.
That's funny but also practical, as you don't have to retrieve the toy all the time like that.

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Re: Language Practice (Help your fluency)

Post by Znex »

Travis B. wrote: Fri Oct 15, 2021 11:51 am Ich hatte auch das gedacht, aber anscheinend werden einige Katzen auch holen spielen, gemäß was ich gelesen habe.
I had thought that too, but apparently some cats will also play fetch, according to what I have read.
Ο γάτος μου παίζει, αλλά δεν φέρνει πίσω το παιχνίδι. Αντί γιʹαυτό λοιπόν, με κοιτάει και με περιμένει να έρθω να το μαζέψω και να το ξαναπετάξω.
O gátos mu pézi, allá den férni píso to pehnídi. Andí gi'aftó lipón, me kitái ke me periméni na értho na to mazépso ke na to ksanapetákso.
My cat will, but he won't bring the toy back. Instead he stares at me, waiting for me to come over and pick it up and throw it again.
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Re: Language Practice (Help your fluency)

Post by Travis B. »

jal wrote: Fri Oct 15, 2021 2:17 pm ¹"kater" is a marked word, only used to explicitly refer to a kat as male. In this case, I'd just use "kat".
Ist "Kater" in Hochdeutsch ein Lehnwort aus Niederdeutsch oder Niederländisch?
Is "Kater" in High German a loanword from Low German or Dutch?.
Yaaludinuya siima d'at yiseka ha wohadetafa gaare.
Ennadinut'a gaare d'ate ha eetatadi siiman.
T'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa.
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Re: Language Practice (Help your fluency)

Post by Linguoboy »

Travis B. wrote: Sat Oct 16, 2021 12:28 pmIst "Kater" in Hochdeutsch ein Lehnwort aus Niederdeutsch oder Niederländisch?
Laut Kluge, nein; es werde schon im AHD in der Form "kataro" belegt. Aber er sagt dazu: "Das Wort ist lautlich und morphologisch rätselhaft."
According to Kluge, no; it's already attested in OHG in the form "kataro". But it also says, "The word is phonetically and morphologically puzzling,".
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Re: Language Practice (Help your fluency)

Post by hwhatting »

Travis B. wrote: Fri Oct 15, 2021 11:51 am Ich hatte das auch gedacht, aber anscheinend spielen*1) einige Katzen auch holen spielen, nach dem*2), was ich gelesen habe.
I had thought that too, but apparently some cats will also play fetch, according to what I have read.
*1) That use of the Englis will-future is not idiomatic in German.
*2) gemäß only takes nominal complements.
jal wrote: Fri Oct 15, 2021 2:17 pm ¹"kater" is a marked word, only used to explicitly refer to a kat as male. In this case, I'd just use "kat".
Same in German, the use is intentional here. :-)
jal wrote: Fri Oct 15, 2021 2:17 pm Das ist komisch, aber auch praktisch, da du jetzt nicht die ganze Zeit das Spielzeug zurückholen musst.
That's funny but also practical, as you don't have to retrieve the toy all the time like that.
Travis B. wrote: Sat Oct 16, 2021 12:28 pm Ist "Kater" im Hochdeutschen ein Lehnwort aus dem Niederdeutschen oder Niederländischen?
Is "Kater" in High German a loanword from Low German or Dutch?.
Linguoboy wrote: Sat Oct 16, 2021 4:08 pm Laut Kluge, nein; es sei*1) schon im AHD in der Form "kataro" belegt. Aber er sagt dazu: "Das Wort ist lautlich und morphologisch rätselhaft."
According to Kluge, no; it's already attested in OHG in the form "kataro". But it also says, "The word is phonetically and morphologically puzzling,".
*1) Zustandspassiv is required here. Using the Konjunktiv sounds very high literary - slightly outdated here; normal colloquial German uses the indicative in cases like this.
Znex wrote: Sat Oct 16, 2021 9:08 am My cat will, but he won't bring the toy back. Instead he stares at me, waiting for me to come over and pick it up and throw it again.

Dat is het gedrag, dat ik van andere katten ken; bijvorbeeld is dit precies dat, wat de kat van onze dochter doet. De ongewone zaak met onze kater is, dat hij het spelletje terug brengt.
C'est le comportement, que je connais d'autres chats; par exemple, c'est exactement ce que fait le chat de notre fille. La particularité de notre chat est qu'il rapporte le jouet.
Questo è il comportamento che conosco da altri gatti; ad esempio, questo è esattamente cio che fa il gatto della nostra figlia. La cosa insolita nel nostro gatto è che riporta indietro il giocattolo.
Este es el comportamiento que conozco de otros gatos; por ejemplo, eso es exactamente lo que hace el gato de nuestra hija. La cosa inusual en nostro gato es que trae el juguete de vuelta.
Haec est ratio quam cognosco in felibus altris; ut exemplum afferam, hoc est accurate quod facit felis filiae nostrae. Insolentia felis nostrae est eum lusum referre.
Это - то поведение, которое знаю от других кошек; это напрмиер именно то, что делает кот нашей дочери. Необычность нашего кота в том, что он приносит игрушку назад.
To jest to zachowanie, które znam od innych kotów; na prykład, to jest dokładnie to, co robi kot naszej córki. Niezwykłe u naszego kota jest to, że przynosi zabawkę z powrotem.
Ini adalah perilaku yang saya tahu dari kucing-kucing lain; misalnya itulah yang dilakukan kucing anak kami. Hal yang tidak biasa tentang kucing kami adalah dia membawa mainan itu kembali.

That's the behaviour I know from other cats; e.g. that's exactly what our daughter's cat does. What's unusual with our cat is that he brings the toy back.
Das ist das Verhalten, das ich von anderen Katzen kenne; z.B. ist das genau das, was die Katze unserer Tochter tut. Das Ungewöhnliche bei unserem Kater ist, dass er das Spielzeug zurückbringt.
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Re: Language Practice (Help your fluency)

Post by Travis B. »

hwhatting wrote: Mon Oct 18, 2021 11:45 am
Travis B. wrote: Sat Oct 16, 2021 12:28 pm Ist "Kater" im Hochdeutschen ein Lehnwort aus dem Niederdeutschen oder Niederländischen?
Is "Kater" in High German a loanword from Low German or Dutch?.
Immer vergesse ich, wann man den bestimmten Artikel im Deutschen verwendet.
I always forget when to use the definite article in German.
Yaaludinuya siima d'at yiseka ha wohadetafa gaare.
Ennadinut'a gaare d'ate ha eetatadi siiman.
T'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa.
Dē Graut Bʉr
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Re: Language Practice (Help your fluency)

Post by Dē Graut Bʉr »

hwhatting wrote: Mon Oct 18, 2021 11:45 am Dat is het gedrag,1 dat ik van andere katten ken; bijvoorbeeld is dit precies dat, wat2 de kat van onze dochter doet. De ongewone zaak3 met onze kater is, dat hij het spelletjespeeltje4 terugbrengt5.
1: Still no German commas in Dutch.
2: Just using "wat" sounds better here.
3: "Het ongewone" (or maybe "het vreemde") is more idiomatic.
4: A "spelletje" is a game, a "speeltje" is a toy.
5: This is written as one word.
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Re: Language Practice (Help your fluency)

Post by Qwynegold »

Linguoboy wrote: Thu Oct 07, 2021 11:38 am My neighbour just messaged me to tell me about her dream last night: The POTUS decided the winner of Eurovision and whatever language was spoken in that country became the official language of the USA for the following year. Much to her dismay, it was a German synth-pop group who won but she heard "super excited screaming" from inside my apartment.
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Re: Language Practice (Help your fluency)

Post by Qwynegold »

Dē Graut Bʉr wrote: Wed Sep 29, 2021 4:00 pm
Miksi te ette kirjoita <n>:ää, jota me myöskään emme äännä?
Dō yatte Finrando-go wo benkyō suru? Machigai wa totemo sukunai.
How are you studying Finnish? You make very few mistakes.
Miten opiskelet suomea? Teet harvoin virheitä.
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