Proverb Building

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Proverb Building

Post by Pedant »

In the same vein as Lexicon Building, Lexicon Scuplting, and Menagerie Sculpting, I give you: Proverb Building!

The rules are, hopefully, rather simple:
  1. Take a proverb provided by the previous poster.
  2. Write it out in your own language (with a translation of course, and a transliteration or phonetic transcription if you'd like it).
  3. If you'd like, explain the cultural significance.
  4. Provide a new proverb. Preferably stick to a literal rendition, but if you want to provide another variation for flavour's sake then please feel free!
  5. Bask in the glory that is your proverb!
As is customary, an example:
Someone wrote: When marching through Hell, keep marching.
Pedant wrote: Salvian:
Rundan hupunda mu porsi ruṭisvam igoṛṛir, ruk sānsan si hupasvar.
When in the Void, do not lose your essence trying to understand your surroundings; make a light for your journey.
The Runduh or void is not quite Hell in the Judeo-Christian sense; instead, it is more akin to the Land of the Dead in Egyptian Mythology, or possibly Purgatory. The departed soul has to slowly work through all the damage it has done to the world through the magic used in its lifetime before it can go on to the next world (reincarnation or afterlife in general depends on the time and people). But the Void is, for the lack of a better word, morbidly fascinating. All of one's own history can be explored, in minute detail, from as many angles as you want to see it. If one gets too absorbed in one particular detail, one risks burning out one's soul before it can be restructured. If this happens, one is lost, and so are one's own memories.
First up:
Fall down seven times, get up eight.
My name means either "person who trumpets minor points of learning" or "maker of words." That fact that it means the latter in Sindarin is a demonstration of the former. Beware.
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Re: Proverb Building

Post by k1234567890y »

A conlang project I do for others:

mida a hega va rana yen - there are rises and falls in life.


you reap what you sow
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