Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by Karch »

as Lemi:

/p pʰ b t tʰ d c k kʰ ʔ/ <p ph b t th d c k kh h>
/m m̥ n n̥ ŋ ŋ̊/ <m hm n hn ng hng>
/r r̥ʰ/ <r hr>
/f v ɬ sʰ h/ <f v hl s h>
/w l j/ <w l j>
/ᵐp ⁿt ⁿc ᵑk ᵑkʰ ᵐm̥ ⁿsʰ ⁿl/ <m-p n-t n-c n-k n-kh m-hm n-s n-l>

/i ɨ u e ɘ o ə ɛ ɔ a/ <i ü u e y o ä ae aw a>
/iu ua ui eu oi ai au ao/ <iu ua uo eu oi ai au ao>

/a˧ a˦˨ a˥ a˥˩ a˧˥˧/ <a a a a a>

Hna mäkha, Klungri pre hai bawn kai ku va mäkha, mih, yak thang, he si no ki miparmi, hmai tawr hly kai, mäkha hna mäkha, he si mah ki pekhäh pjung mäkha, lungkui cä kung thang sük sao, paoma cä päktärua häm khukkawng, n-san cä, onang si ve mikha, san n-le, mi plun mikha mih, mäkle cäh nga than tür mai khäh, pjung va mih kla paeh. Käni lak kha väce hak lungte käkrum ja pekha käroi hau lämsak ja paeh, hna käcä, lungte mah kui jok väce hai ngong, käcä vace cä e mikha, rua si cä ren paeh.
Zpaf kkuñb ñvneahttiñ wqxirftvn meof ñfañhsit.
Kkuñb ñvzxirf kvtañb kkuñf ñtmeaq sfañkqeanth.
Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq.
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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by Yrusia »

Maybe not the most elegant orthography, but I think it has a certain charm
/p pʰ b t tʰ d c k kʰ ʔ/ p pp b t tt d c k kk q
/m m̥ n n̥ ŋ ŋ̊/ m mm n nn ng nng
/r r̥ʰ/ r rr
/f v ɬ sʰ h/ f v ll s h
/w l j/ w ll y
/ᵐp ⁿt ⁿc ᵑk ᵑkʰ ᵐm̥ ⁿsʰ ⁿl/ bb dd jj gg gk mm z ll

/i ɨ u e ɘ o ə ɛ ɔ a/ i yy u ee y oo e a o aa
/iu ua ui eu oi ai au ao/ iu ua ui eu oi ai au ao

/ə˧ ə˦˨ ə˥ ə˥˩ ə˧˥˧/ a à á â â
/a˧ a˦˨ a˥ a˥˩ a˧˥˧/ aa àa áá àà áà

Nnaa makkáá klungri préé háí bòn káí kù vàa makkáá míq yáàk ttaang hee sî noo ki mípáármì mmài tór llý káí makkáá nnaa makkaa hee si mááq ki peekkàq pyúng makkaa lungkùì ca kùng ttaang sỳyk sáò páómàa cá paktarúá hám kkukòng zan cá óónàang sî véé mikkàa saan nléé mí plùn mikkáá míq maakléé càq ngàa ttááng tyyr máí kkàq pyúng và míq kláá pèq. Kaní làak kkàà vacèè haak lungtèè kakrûm yáá peekkàa karòì háú lamsàak yàa pèq nnáá kaca lungtéé mááq kúí yòok vacèe háí ngòòng kaca váácèe ca éé mikkàà rùa sí cà réén pèq
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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by Nortaneous »

/p pʰ b t tʰ d c k kʰ ʔ/ <b p bh d t dh j g k q>
/m m̥ n n̥ ŋ ŋ̊/ <m mh n nh ng ngh>
/r r̥ʰ/ <r rh>
/f v ɬ sʰ h/ <f v z s h>
/w l j/ <w l y>
/ᵐp ⁿt ⁿc ᵑk ᵑkʰ ᵐm̥ ⁿsʰ ⁿl/ <mb nd nj mg nk mp ns nl>

/i ɨ u e ɘ o ə ɛ ɔ a/ <i ü u é ö o e ê ô a>
/iu ua ui eu oi ai au ao/ <iu ua ui eu oi ai au ao>

/a˧ a˦˨ a˥ a˥˩ a˧˥˧/ <a aa ah aah ax>

/n̥a˧ mə˧kʰa˥ | kluŋ˧ri˧ pre˥ hai˥ bɔn˦˨ kai˥ ku˦˨ va˦˨ mə˧kʰa˥ | miʔ˥ | jak˧˥˧ tʰaŋ˧ | he˧ sʰi˥˩ no˧ ki˧ mi˥par˥mi˦˨ | m̥ai˦˨ tɔr˥ ɬɘ˥ kai˥ | mə˧kʰa˥ n̥a˧ mə˧kʰa˧ | he˧ sʰi˧ maʔ˥ ki˧ pe˧kʰəʔ˦˨ pjuŋ˥ mə-kʰa˥ | luŋ˧kui˥˩ cə˧ kuŋ˦˨ tʰaŋ˧ sʰɨk˦˨ sʰao˧˥˧ | pao˥ma˦˨ cə˥ pək˧tə˧rua˥ həm˥ kʰuk˧kɔŋ˦˨ | ⁿsʰan˧ cə˥ | o˥nɑŋ˦˨ sʰi˥˩ ve˥ mi˧kʰa˦˨ | sʰan˧ ⁿle˥ | mi˥ plun˦˨ mi˧kʰa˥ miʔ˥ | mək˧le˥ cəʔ˦˨ ŋa˦˨ tʰaŋ˥ tɨr˧ mai˥ kʰəʔ˦˨ | pjuŋ˥ va˦˨ miʔ˥ kla˥ pɛʔ˦˨ || kə˧ni˥ lak˦˨ kʰa˥˩ və˧ce˥˩ hak˧ luŋ˧te˥˩ kə˧krum˥˩ ja˦ pe-kʰa˦˨ kə˧roi˥˩ hau˥ ləm˧sak˦˨ ja˦˨ pɛʔ˦˨ | n̥a˥ kə˧cə˧ | luŋ˧te˥ maʔ˥ kui˥ jok˦˨ və˧ce˦˨ hai˥ ŋoŋ˥˩ | kə˧cə˧ va˥ce˦˨ cə˧ e˥ mi˧kʰa˥˩ | rua˦˨ sʰi˥ cə˦˨ ren˥ pɛʔ˦˨/

Nha mekah, klungri bréh haih bhôôn gai guu vaa mekah, mihq, yaxk tang, he siih no gi mihbahrmii, mhaii dôhr zöh gaih, mekah nha meka, he si mahq gi bégeeq byuhng mekah, lungguiih je guung tang süg saox, baohmaa jeh begderuah hehm kuggôông, nsan jeh, ohnaang siih véh mikah, san nléh, mih bluun mikah mihq, megléh jeeq ngah tahng dür maih keeq, byuhng vaa mihq glah bêêq. Genih laag kaah vejééh hag lungdééh gegruuhm yah békaa geroiih hauh lemsaag yaa bêêq, nhah geje, lungdéh mahq guih yoog vejéé haih ngoohng, geje vahjéé je éh mikaah, ruaa sih jee réhn pêhq.
Duaj teibohnggoe kyoe' quaqtoeq lucj lhaj k'yoejdej noeyn tucj.
K'yoejdaq fohm q'ujdoe duaj teibohnggoen dlehq lucj.
Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq.
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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by Birdlang »

/p pʰ b t tʰ d c k kʰ ʔ/ p ph b t th d ty k kh ‘
/m m̥ n n̥ ŋ ŋ̊/ m mh n nh ñ ñh
/r r̥ʰ/ r rh
/f v ɬ sʰ h/ f v ł s h
/w l j/ w l j
/ᵐp ⁿt ⁿc ᵑk ᵑkʰ ᵐm̥ ⁿsʰ ⁿl/ mp nt nj nk nkh mm ns nl

/i ɨ u e ɘ o ə ɛ ɔ a/ i ï u é ē o e è ò a
/iu ua ui eu oi ai au ao/ îu ûa uî eû oî aî aû aô which can also be written without the circumflexes.

/a˧ a˦˨ a˥ a˥˩ a˧˥˧/ a az ax aq ag

/n̥a˧ mə˧kʰa˥ | kluŋ˧ri˧ pre˥ hai˥ bɔn˦˨ kai˥ ku˦˨ va˦˨ mə˧kʰa˥ | miʔ˥ | jak˧˥˧ tʰaŋ˧ | he˧ sʰi˥˩ no˧ ki˧ mi˥par˥mi˦˨ | m̥ai˦˨ tɔr˥ ɬɘ˥ kai˥ | mə˧kʰa˥ n̥a˧ mə˧kʰa˧ | he˧ sʰi˧ maʔ˥ ki˧ pe˧kʰəʔ˦˨ pjuŋ˥ mə-kʰa˥ | luŋ˧kui˥˩ cə˧ kuŋ˦˨ tʰaŋ˧ sʰɨk˦˨ sʰao˧˥˧ | pao˥ma˦˨ cə˥ pək˧tə˧rua˥ həm˥ kʰuk˧kɔŋ˦˨ | ⁿsʰan˧ cə˥ | o˥nɑŋ˦˨ sʰi˥˩ ve˥ mi˧kʰa˦˨ | sʰan˧ ⁿle˥ | mi˥ plun˦˨ mi˧kʰa˥ miʔ˥ | mək˧le˥ cəʔ˦˨ ŋa˦˨ tʰaŋ˥ tɨr˧ mai˥ kʰəʔ˦˨ | pjuŋ˥ va˦˨ miʔ˥ kla˥ pɛʔ˦˨ || kə˧ni˥ lak˦˨ kʰa˥˩ və˧ce˥˩ hak˧ luŋ˧te˥˩ kə˧krum˥˩ ja˦ pe-kʰa˦˨ kə˧roi˥˩ hau˥ ləm˧sak˦˨ ja˦˨ pɛʔ˦˨ | n̥a˥ kə˧cə˧ | luŋ˧te˥ maʔ˥ kui˥ jok˦˨ və˧ce˦˨ hai˥ ŋoŋ˥˩ | kə˧cə˧ va˥ce˦˨ cə˧ e˥ mi˧kʰa˥˩ | rua˦˨ sʰi˥ cə˦˨ ren˥ pɛʔ˦˨/
Hna mekhax. Kluñri préx haix bònz kaix kuz vaz mekhax. Mi’x. Jakg thañ. Hé siq no ki mixparxmiz. Mhaiz tòrx łēx kaix. Mekhax hna mekhax. Hé si ma’x ki pékhe’z pjuñx mekhax. Lungkuiq ce kungz thang sïkz saog. Paoxmaz cex pekteruax hemx khukkoñz. Nsan cex. Oxnañz siq véx mikhaz. San nléx. Mix plunz mikhax mi’x. Mekléx ce’z ñaz thañz tïr maix khe’z. Pyuñx vaz mi’x klax pè’z. Kenix lakz khaz vecéq hak luñtéq kekrumq jax pékhaz keroiq haux lemsakz jaz pè’z. Hnax kece. Luñtéx ma’x kuix jokz vecéz hai ñoñq. Kece vaxcéz ce éx mikhaq. Ruaz six cez rénx pè’z.
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dɮ the phoneme
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Location: On either side of the tongue, below the alveolar ridge

Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by dɮ the phoneme »

Shall we revive this thread?

Proto-Western Yonutian

/p pʲ t tʲ ʈ tʃ tʂ k q/
/b bʲ d dʲ ɖ dʒ dʐ g/
/f fʲ s ʃ ʂ x/
/v vʲ z ð ʐ ʒ ʁ/
/l lʲ ɭ/
/m mʲ n nʲ ɳ/

/i u y e o ø æ ɔ a/

With contrastive vowel legnth, maximal syllable structure CVCCC, palatalization spreads backwards within a cluster. Primary stress penultimate, secondary stress on heavy syllables (those with a long vowel, or a sonorant in the coda). Various vowel reductions in unstressed syllables, in particular i > ɨ, {u o} > ɔ, {y ø} > ɵ, most everything else > æ.

[kuvt tʲelʲdʒæːɵzq ɨzaːs tʃædʒæms tʲæbʲøːg tʲæʁoɳɭaːmædʒ eː tʲægeːz tʲæslogæʒ nuː]
Ye knowe eek that, in forme of speche is chaunge
With-inne a thousand yeer, and wordes tho
That hadden pris, now wonder nyce and straunge
Us thinketh hem; and yet they spake hem so,
And spedde as wel in love as men now do.

(formerly Max1461)
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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by Karch »


/pʰ p ɓ tʰ t ɗ tʂʰ tʂ c ʄ kʰ k ʔ/ <ph p b th t d thr tr c j kh k '>
/s ɣ h/ <s g h>
/m n ɲ ŋ/ <m n ny ng>
/ʋ l r~ʐ j~ʝ/ <v l r y>

/e̯ɪː i̤ː ə̯ɘː ɨ̤ː oʊ̯ː ṳː/ <eii ii èi ùi ou uu>
/ɛ̯eː ɪ̤ː əː ɘ̤ː ɔː ʊ̤ː/ <ae ie èe ùe oo uo>
/ɛː ɛ̤ː aː ə̯a̤ː ɑː o̯ɔ̤ː/ <ee eaa aa èaa aao oaa>
/e̯ɪ i̤ ə ɨ̤ o ṳ/ <ei i è ù o u>
/ɛ ɛ̤ a ə̯a̤ ɑ o̯ɔ̤/ <e ea a èa ao oa>
/ia̤ ɨa̤ ua̤/ <ia ùa ua>

Minor syllable medials:
/a i u r n̩/ <a i u r n'>

/p t c k ʔ/ <p t c k '>
/mˀ m nˀ n ɲˀ ɲ ŋˀ ŋ/ <m' m n' n yn yn' ng ng'>
/wˀ w w̥ lˀ l l̥ rˀ r r̥ jˀ j j̥ h/ <w' w wh l' l lh r' r rh y' y yh h>

cɨ̤ː hanˀ kɑːʔ. cak ʔəːc ɓɑːʔ tɛ. ci ɗɛ̯eːh ro̯ʊːʔ ʔani̤ː. ʔalɛ̯eːŋ kṳː cəŋ. lɛ̯eːʔ srdɛːl kṳː sadɛe̯ːl. ʔɛːp kṳː ʔalɛe̯ːŋˀ. lɛ̯eːʔ kasɪ̤ːʔ mɛː crno̯ʊːh kṳː cɑːh. so̯ɔ̤ːc tʂɔːh mlɛːŋ mɛ ʋɪ̤ːk ɓɑː ɗɛ̯eːh. ɓɑːk lɛ̯eːʔ kə̯a̤ːj̥ lɔːh ɗɛ̯eːwˀ ʋʊ̤ːŋˀ.
Cùi han' kaao'. Cak 'èec baao' te. Ci daeh rou' 'anii. 'Alaeng kuu cèng. Lae' srdeel kuu sadael. 'Eep kuu 'alaeng'. Lae' kasie' mee crnouh kuu caaoh. Soaac trooh mleeng me viek baa daeh. Baaok lae' kèayh looh daew' vuong'.
And some words:
traːk tʂaːn taraːk rmɑː tʂʰə̯a̤ːp to̯ɔ̤ːj to̯ɔ̤ːjˀ to̯ɔ̤ːj̥ rpaːl kɓaːn pṳɲˀ calo̯ɔ̤ːŋ kalo̯ɔ̤ːŋˀ ccɘ̤ː kmɛ̤ːʔ kmɛ̯eːʔ ʄlaːjˀ tɓər ʄhɔːrˀ m̩ɓaːt n̩hɑːmˀ ɲʋo̯ɔ̤ː
T'raak traan taraak rmaao thrèap toaay toaay' toaayh rpaal kbaan puyn' caloaang kaloaang' ccùe kmea' kmae' jlaay' tbèr jhoor' n'baat n'haam nyvoaa.
/e̯ɪː i̤ː ə̯ɘː ɨ̤ː oʊ̯ː ṳː/ <ei i èi ù ou u>
/ɛ̯eː ɪ̤ː əː ɘ̤ː ɔː ʊ̤ː/ <ae ie è ùe o uo>
/ɛː ɛ̤ː aː ə̯a̤ː ɑː o̯ɔ̤ː/ <e ea a èa ao oa>
/e̯ɪ i̤ ə ɨ̤ o ṳ/ <ĕi ĭ ê û ŏ ŭ>
/ɛ ɛ̤ a ə̯a̤ ɑ o̯ɔ̤/ <ĕ ĕa ă èă ăo ŏa>
/ia̤ ɨa̤ ua̤/ <ia ùa ua>
/a i u r n̩/ <a i u r n'>
Cùi hăn' kao'. Căk 'èc bao' tĕ. Cĭ daeh rou' 'ani. 'Alaeng ku cêng. Lae' srdel ku sadael. 'Ep ku 'alaeng'. Lae' kasie' me crnouh ku caoh. Soac troh mleng mĕ viek bao daeh. Baok lae' kèayh loh daew' vuong'.
T'rak tran tarak rmao thrèap toay toay' toayh rpal kban pŭyn' caloang kaloang' ccùe kme' kmae' jlay' tbêr jhor n'bat n'haom nyvoa.
Zpaf kkuñb ñvneahttiñ wqxirftvn meof ñfañhsit.
Kkuñb ñvzxirf kvtañb kkuñf ñtmeaq sfañkqeanth.
Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq.
Posts: 1579
Joined: Sun Jul 15, 2018 3:29 am

Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by Nortaneous »


/p b ⁿb ƥ ɓ ⁿɓ t d ⁿd ɗ k g ⁿg ʔ/
/f s ʜ~h/
/m̥ m mˀ n̥ n nˀ ɲ̥ ɲ ɲˀ ŋ̥ ŋ ŋˀ/
/l ç j ɸ w (r)/

/a e ʌ i u/ + nasality and breathiness
Final stress except for some clitics, which are here written as single consonants. Almost all unstressed syllables take epenthetic schwa (unwritten here), but unstressed əj əw don't contrast with unstressed /i u/ when those vowels do appear.
Voiceless nasals and implosives can't appear in unstressed syllables.

Instead of word-final -h -j -w -r (/r/ is realized [w] everywhere except after /a/, where it drops and conditions the tense allophone), an alternate analysis would double the vowel system. /ar ej ij uw/ could be analyzed as units. But the morphology is heavily reduplicative, and these glides do show up there: compare [mˀmˀek] 'hide' ~ [kəmˀmˀek] 'keep hiding', [ka:] 'count' ~ [wʊka] 'keep counting', [twɪʱ] 'be evil' ~ [tɐʜwɪʱ] 'keep being evil'.

/jiʔ jwˈɲũwm gwʌ̃w k wjiŋ tkij ʔej mɗṳ̃w hnẽh tiŋ || kʔṳ̃ws ɗil n ʔej ƥʌj ɓĩk | jwlŋʼwãh ʔej ɲrjar gaj mɲɲˀah || jiŋ ljĩn sej k pkya̤m ʔwig jĩn sej ʔmˀṳh nnˀay tsʌ̃h ʔssijs/
[jɪʔ jʊ̃ˈɲũːm gwɔ̃u̯k wʊˈjɪᵍŋ tə̥kiː ʔei̯ mə̃ɗuʱũː hənɛ̃ tɪᵍŋ || kəʔuʱũːs ɗɪl ə̃n ʔeː ɓ̥ʌi̯ ɓɪ̃k jʊlŋ̰wæ̃ ʔeː ɲʊ̃ˈjɑ ʔeː gai̯ məɲ̰ːæh || jɪᵍŋ lˈjɪ̃n seːk pə̥kjæʱæᵇm ʔwɪg jɪ̃n seː ʔəm̰ʊʱ n̰n̰ɑj tsʌ̃ ʔə̥sːiːs]


/p b ⁿb ƥ ɓ ⁿɓ t d ⁿd ɗ k g ⁿg ʔ/ <p b mb ḅ̓ b̓ mb̓ t d nd d̓ k g ŋg q>
/f s ʜ~h/ <f s h>
/m̥ m mˀ n̥ n nˀ ɲ̥ ɲ ɲˀ ŋ̥ ŋ ŋˀ/ <ṃ m m̓ ṇ n n̓ ṇ̃ ñ ñ̓ ŋ̇ ŋ ŋ̓>
/l ç j ɸ w (r)/ <l ẏ y ṿ v r>

/a e ʌ i u/ <a e o i u>

Yiq yvñųvm gvǫvk vyiŋ tkiy qey md̓ų̈v hnęh tiŋ. Kqų̈vs d̓iln qey ḅ̓oy bįk, yvlŋvąh qey ñryar gay mñ̓ñ̓ah. Yiŋ lyįn seyk pkyäm qvig yįn sey qm̓üh n̓n̓ay tsǫh qssiys.


/p b ⁿb ƥ ɓ ⁿɓ t d ⁿd ɗ c ɟ ⁿɟ k g ⁿg ʔ/ <p b mb ph bh mbh t d nd dh k g nk x>
/f s ʜ~h/ <f s xh>
/m̥ m mˀ n̥ n nˀ ɲ̥ ɲ ɲˀ ŋ̥ ŋ ŋˀ/ <mh m mx nh n nx njh nj njx ngh ng ngx>
/l ç j ɸ w/ <l ih~jh i~j uh~vh u~v>

/æ e ʌ ɪ ʊ/ <a e o i u>
/a: e: i: u:/ <â ei î û>
schwa <y>

-N <-bm -dn -jn -gn> / -m -nn -ny -ng>

/jiʔ jwˈɲũwm gwʌ̃w k wjiŋ tkij ʔej mɗṳ̃w hnẽh tiŋ || kʔṳ̃ws ɗil n ʔej ƥʌj ɓĩk | jwlŋʼwãh ʔej ɲrjar gaj mɲɲˀah || jiŋ ljĩn sej k pkya̤m ʔwig jĩn sej ʔmˀṳh nnˀay tsʌ̃h ʔssijs/
Jix junûm guounyk ujign tykî ei mydhûnh hynen tign. Kyxûnhs dhilyn ei phoi bhink, julngxuan ei njujâ gai mynnjxa. Jign ljin seiyk pykiahbm quig jin sei xymxuh ynnxai tson xyssîs.
Duaj teibohnggoe kyoe' quaqtoeq lucj lhaj k'yoejdej noeyn tucj.
K'yoejdaq fohm q'ujdoe duaj teibohnggoen dlehq lucj.
Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq.
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dɮ the phoneme
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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by dɮ the phoneme »

/p b ⁿb ƥ ɓ ⁿɓ t d ⁿd ɗ k g ⁿg ʔ/ <п б нб пӀ бӀ т д нд дӀ к г нг ҁ>
/f s ʜ~h/ <ф с ҳ>
/m̥ m mˀ n̥ n nˀ ɲ̥ ɲ ɲˀ ŋ̥ ŋ ŋˀ/ <мх м мӀ нх н нӀ ньх нь ньӀ ҥх ҥ ҥІ>
/l ç j ɸ w (r)/ <л йх й фх в р>

/a e ʌ i u/ <а е э и у> + nasality <аң> and breathiness <ах>

/jiʔ jwˈɲũwm gwʌ̃w k wjiŋ tkij ʔej mɗṳ̃w hnẽh tiŋ || kʔṳ̃ws ɗil n ʔej ƥʌj ɓĩk | jwlŋʼwãh ʔej ɲrjar gaj mɲɲˀah || jiŋ ljĩn sej k pkya̤m ʔwig jĩn sej ʔmˀṳh nnˀay tsʌ̃h ʔssijs/
Йиҁ нвньуңбм гвэңв к бйиҥ ткий ҁей мдӀухңв ҳнеңҳ тиҥ. Кҁухңвс дӀил н ҁей пӀэн бӀиңк, йвҥӀваңҳ ҁей ньрйар гай мнньӀаҳ. йиҥ лйиңн сей к пкйахм ҁвиг йиңн сей ҁмӀухҳ ннӀай тсэңҳ ҁссийс.
Ye knowe eek that, in forme of speche is chaunge
With-inne a thousand yeer, and wordes tho
That hadden pris, now wonder nyce and straunge
Us thinketh hem; and yet they spake hem so,
And spedde as wel in love as men now do.

(formerly Max1461)
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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by Karch »

/p b ⁿb ƥ ɓ ⁿɓ t d ⁿd ɗ k g ⁿg ʔ/ <p bh mb ṗ b mḅ t dh nd d k g ng q>
/f s ʜ~h/ <f s h~0>
/m̥ m mˀ n̥ n nˀ ɲ̥ ɲ ɲˀ ŋ̥ ŋ ŋˀ/ <mh m m' nh n n' nhy ny ny' ngh ng ng'>
/l ç j ɸ w (r)/ <l s y~i f w~u w~u>

/a e ʌ i u/ <a e o i u> + nasality and breathiness <ą aha>
[ɑ a: e: i: u:] <à aa ee ii uu>
Final stress except for some clitics, which are here written as single consonants. Almost all unstressed syllables take epenthetic schwa (unwritten here), but unstressed əj əw don't contrast with unstressed /i u/ when those vowels do appear. <and are written as such>
Voiceless nasals and implosives can't appear in unstressed syllables.

Instead of word-final -h <which is unwritten>, -j -w -r (/r/ is realized [w] everywhere except after /a/, where it drops and conditions the tense allophone), an alternate analysis would double the vowel system. /ar ej ij uw/ could be analyzed as units. But the morphology is heavily reduplicative, and these glides do show up there: compare [mˀmˀek] 'hide' ~ [kəmˀmˀek] 'keep hiding', [ka:] 'count' ~ [wʊka] 'keep counting', [twɪʱ] 'be evil' ~ [tɐʜwɪʱ] 'keep being evil'.

/jiʔ jwˈɲũwm gwʌ̃w k wjiŋ tkij ʔej mɗṳ̃w hnẽh tiŋ || kʔṳ̃ws ɗil n ʔej ƥʌj ɓĩk | jwlŋʼwãh ʔej ɲrjar gaj mɲɲˀah || jiŋ ljĩn sej k pkya̤m ʔwig jĩn sej ʔmˀṳh nnˀay tsʌ̃h ʔssijs/
[jɪʔ jʊ̃ˈɲũːm gwɔ̃u̯k wʊˈjɪᵍŋ tə̥kiː ʔei̯ mə̃ɗuʱũː hənɛ̃ tɪᵍŋ || kəʔuʱũːs ɗɪl ə̃n ʔeː ɓ̥ʌi̯ ɓɪ̃k jʊlŋ̰wæ̃ ʔeː ɲʊ̃ˈjɑ ʔeː gai̯ məɲ̰ːæh || jɪᵍŋ lˈjɪ̃n seːk pə̥kjæʱæᵇm ʔwɪg jɪ̃n seː ʔəm̰ʊʱ n̰n̰ɑj tsʌ̃ ʔə̥sːiːs]
Yiq yunyųum gwǫu-k wuying tkii qee mdųhųu hnę ting. Kqųhųus dil n qee ṗai bįk, yulng'wą qee nyuyà gai mnny'a, ying lyįn see-k pkyaham qwig yįn see qm'uhu nn'ay tsǫ qssiis.
Zpaf kkuñb ñvneahttiñ wqxirftvn meof ñfañhsit.
Kkuñb ñvzxirf kvtañb kkuñf ñtmeaq sfañkqeanth.
Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq.
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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by Nortaneous »

decided to nuke prenasalized stops

/p b ƥ ɓ t d ɗ k g ʔ/ <p b ph bh t d dh k g x>
/f s h/ <f s h-/xh>
/m̥ m mˀ n̥ n nˀ ɲ̥ ɲ ɲˀ ŋ̥ ŋ ŋˀ/ <mh m mx nh n nx ñh ñ ñx ngh ng ngx>
/l ç j ɸ w (r)/ <l ih~hi i uh~hu u>

/a e ʌ i u/ <a e y i u>
-n -h

/jiʔ jwˈɲũwm gwʌ̃w k wjiŋ tkij ʔej mɗṳ̃w hnẽh tiŋ || kʔṳ̃ws ɗil n ʔej ƥʌj ɓĩk | jwlŋʼwãh ʔej ɲrjar gaj mɲɲˀah || jiŋ ljĩn sej k pkya̤m ʔwig jĩn sej ʔmˀṳh nnˀay tsʌ̃h ʔssijs/
[jɪʔ jʊ̃ˈɲũːm gwɔ̃u̯k wʊˈjɪᵍŋ tə̥kiː ʔei̯ mə̃ɗuʱũː hənɛ̃ tɪᵍŋ || kəʔuʱũːs ɗɪl ə̃n ʔeː ɓ̥ʌi̯ ɓɪ̃k jʊlŋ̰wæ̃ ʔeː ɲʊ̃ˈjɑ ʔeː gai̯ məɲ̰ːæh || jɪᵍŋ lˈjɪ̃n seːk pə̥kjæʱæᵇm ʔwɪg jɪ̃n seː ʔəm̰ʊʱ n̰n̰ɑj tsʌ̃ ʔə̥sːiːs]
Ix iuniûm guyun'k uïgn tykî xei mydhûnh hynen tign. Kyxûnhs dhil ynn xê phyi bhink, iulngxuan xê niuiâ gai myññxa. Ign lyïnn sê'k pykiahbm xuig inn sê xymxuh nnxai tsyn xyssîs.
Duaj teibohnggoe kyoe' quaqtoeq lucj lhaj k'yoejdej noeyn tucj.
K'yoejdaq fohm q'ujdoe duaj teibohnggoen dlehq lucj.
Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq.
Posts: 498
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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by Karch »

/pʲ pˠ tʲ~zʲ tˠ k kʷ/ <p~pi p~pw~po j t k kw~ok>
/mʲ mˠ nʲ ɳˠ ɳʷ ŋ ŋʷ/ <m~mi m~mw~mo n n n~on g gw~og>
/r̪ʲ rˠ rʷ lʲ lˠ lʷ/ <dr~r r r~or l l l~ol>
/j ɰ w/, mostly theoretical heightless glides to explain the vowel system although /j w/ are realized initially (might not be contrastive?) <unwritten>
/a ɜ ɘ ɨ/ that vary according to the qualities of the surrounding vowels <see below>
[æ æɑ æɒ] <ä a a>
[ɑ ɑæ ɑɒ] <a a a>
[ɒ ɒæ ɒɑ] <o wä wa>
[ɛ ɛʌ ɛɔ] <e e e>
[ʌ ʌɛ ʌɔ] <ö oe o>
[ɔ ɔɛ ɔʌ] <o o o>
[e eɤ eo] <e e e>
[ɤ ɤe ɤo] <ö oe o>
[o oe oɤ] <o o o>
[i iɯ iu] <i i i>
[ɯ ɯi ɯu] <ü i u>
[u ui uɯ] <u wi wu>

The labialized consonants are written as <oC> in syllable codas.

jɨtʲ jaɡʷɜj lˠakʷ ɰajɘlʲɘŋ jɜw ɰɑɰɤ jɨtʲɜw jaɰarˠ lʷɜtˠak jɜ
mʲɜlˠanʲ kɜ jɛ jɨmʲ jɨjalˠ kɜw jɜ jɨmʲ jɨjajɘw kɜ jɜ
jɨtʲ tʲamʲɨnʲ jɨlʲakʷ tʲanʲɜ pˠɜj jɨtʲɜw tʲɨɡɨ jɜmˠɜwɜlʲ
jɨmʲ ɰaɰɘ lˠajmˠɜrʷanʲ jɨnʲ.r̪ʲɘjɜw ɜmˠmˠanʲ lˠaŋŋɜj jɨnʲaɰatʲ mʲɘtʲ jɜ

[itʲ i̯æ͡ɒ.ɡʷɔ͡ɛ lˠɑ͡ɒkʷ ɑ͡æe.lʲe͡ɤŋ ɛ͡ɔ ɑ.ɤ i.zʲɛ͡ɔ i̯æ͡ɑːrˠ lʷɔ͡ʌ.tˠɑk i̯ɛ
mʲɛ͡ʌ.lˠɑ͡ænʲ kʌ͡ɔ i̯ɛ imʲ i.æ͡ɑlˠ kʌ͡ɔ i̯ɛ imʲ i.æ.i̯e͡o kʌ͡ɔ i̯ɛ
itʲ tʲæ.mʲinʲ i.lʲæ͡ɒkʷ tʲæ.nʲɛ pˠʌ͡ɛ i.zʲɛ͡ɔ tʲi͡ɯ.ɡɯ ɛ͡ʌ.mˠʌ͡ɔː͡ɛlʲ
imʲ ɑɤ̯ lˠɑ͡æ.mˠʌ͡ɔ.rʷɒ͡ænʲ inʲ.r̪ʲe.ɛ͡ɔ ɛ͡ʌmˠ.mˠɑ͡ænʲ lˠɑŋ.ŋʌ͡ɛ i.nʲæ͡ɑː͡ætʲ mʲetʲ i̯ɛ]
Ij iakwe laok aeleg o aö ijo iaar lotak ie
Melan ko ie im ial ko ie im iäio ko ie
Ij jämin ilaok jäne pwe ijo jikü emool.
Im ao lamorän indeio emman laok ge inaaj mej ie.
Zpaf kkuñb ñvneahttiñ wqxirftvn meof ñfañhsit.
Kkuñb ñvzxirf kvtañb kkuñf ñtmeaq sfañkqeanth.
Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq.
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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by Karch »

/p b ƥ ɓ t d ɗ k g ʔ/ <p b ph bh t d dh k g q>
/f s h/ <f s h>
/m̥ m mˀ n̥ n nˀ ɲ̥ ɲ ɲˀ ŋ̥ ŋ ŋˀ/ <mh m mq nh n nq nhy ny nyq ngh ng ngq>
/l ç j ɸ w (r)/ <l sh y fh w w>

/a e ʌ i u/ <a e o i u> + nasality and breathiness <an ar>
/ar ej ij uw/ <aa ee ii uu>
/Vn/ <V'n>
Almost all unstressed syllables take epenthetic schwa <e> (but unwritten when voiceless and not conflicting with an existing digraph), but unstressed əj əw <i u> don't contrast with unstressed /i u/ when those vowels do appear.

/jiʔ jwˈɲũwm gwʌ̃w k wjiŋ tkij ʔej mɗṳ̃w hnẽh tiŋ || kʔṳ̃ws ɗil n ʔej ƥʌj ɓĩk | jwlŋʼwãh ʔej ɲrjar gaj mɲɲˀah || jiŋ ljĩn sej k pkya̤m ʔwig jĩn sej ʔmˀṳh nnˀay tsʌ̃h ʔssijs/
[jɪʔ jʊ̃ˈɲũːm gwɔ̃u̯k wʊˈjɪᵍŋ tə̥kiː ʔei̯ mə̃ɗuʱũː hənɛ̃ tɪᵍŋ || kəʔuʱũːs ɗɪl ə̃n ʔeː ɓ̥ʌi̯ ɓɪ̃k jʊlŋ̰wæ̃ ʔeː ɲʊ̃ˈjɑ ʔeː gai̯ məɲ̰ːæh || jɪᵍŋ lˈjɪ̃n seːk pə̥kjæʱæᵇm ʔwɪg jɪ̃n seː ʔəm̰ʊʱ n̰n̰ɑj tsʌ̃ ʔə̥sːiːs]
Yiq yunyuunm gwoun k wuying tkii qee medhurn henenh ting. Kequunhs dhil n qee phoi bhink, yulngqwanh qee nyuyaa gai mennyqah. Ying lyinn see k pkyarm qwig yinn see qemqur nnqay tson qssiis.
Zpaf kkuñb ñvneahttiñ wqxirftvn meof ñfañhsit.
Kkuñb ñvzxirf kvtañb kkuñf ñtmeaq sfañkqeanth.
Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq.
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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by Raholeun »

Max1461 wrote: Sat Apr 20, 2019 4:10 am Йиҁ нвньуңбм гвэңв к бйиҥ ткий ҁей мдӀухңв ҳнеңҳ тиҥ. Кҁухңвс дӀил н ҁей пӀэн бӀиңк, йвҥӀваңҳ ҁей ньрйар гай мнньӀаҳ. йиҥ лйиңн сей к пкйахм ҁвиг йиңн сей ҁмӀухҳ ннӀай тсэңҳ ҁссийс.
The cyrillic alphabet does not lend itself well for this language. нвньуңбм? :o :?
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dɮ the phoneme
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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by dɮ the phoneme »

Raholeun wrote: Sat Apr 27, 2019 4:56 am
Max1461 wrote: Sat Apr 20, 2019 4:10 am Йиҁ нвньуңбм гвэңв к бйиҥ ткий ҁей мдӀухңв ҳнеңҳ тиҥ. Кҁухңвс дӀил н ҁей пӀэн бӀиңк, йвҥӀваңҳ ҁей ньрйар гай мнньӀаҳ. йиҥ лйиңн сей к пкйахм ҁвиг йиңн сей ҁмӀухҳ ннӀай тсэңҳ ҁссийс.
The cyrillic alphabet does not lend itself well for this language. нвньуңбм? :o :?
Crap, it should read йвньуңбм. Your point still stands though. I think [jwˈɲũwm] is gonna look odd in any orthography to be honest.
Ye knowe eek that, in forme of speche is chaunge
With-inne a thousand yeer, and wordes tho
That hadden pris, now wonder nyce and straunge
Us thinketh hem; and yet they spake hem so,
And spedde as wel in love as men now do.

(formerly Max1461)
Posts: 1579
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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by Nortaneous »

Max1461 wrote: Mon Apr 29, 2019 7:53 pm
Raholeun wrote: Sat Apr 27, 2019 4:56 am
Max1461 wrote: Sat Apr 20, 2019 4:10 am Йиҁ нвньуңбм гвэңв к бйиҥ ткий ҁей мдӀухңв ҳнеңҳ тиҥ. Кҁухңвс дӀил н ҁей пӀэн бӀиңк, йвҥӀваңҳ ҁей ньрйар гай мнньӀаҳ. йиҥ лйиңн сей к пкйахм ҁвиг йиңн сей ҁмӀухҳ ннӀай тсэңҳ ҁссийс.
The cyrillic alphabet does not lend itself well for this language. нвньуңбм? :o :?
Crap, it should read йвньуңбм. Your point still stands though. I think [jwˈɲũwm] is gonna look odd in any orthography to be honest.
in the current iteration of the official one it's juñûm
Duaj teibohnggoe kyoe' quaqtoeq lucj lhaj k'yoejdej noeyn tucj.
K'yoejdaq fohm q'ujdoe duaj teibohnggoen dlehq lucj.
Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq.
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dɮ the phoneme
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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by dɮ the phoneme »

/ɛŋglɪʃ/ 英的 (Wʸ 是ᵈ I even 思 þˢ 是 a 好 思a?)

/p b t d tʃ dʒ k g/
/f v θ ð s z ʃ ʒ (x) h/
/m n ŋ/
/l ɹ j w/

/i ɪ u ʊ eɪ ə oʊ ɛ ʌ ɔ æ ɑ aɪ aʊ ɔɪ/ or something

/lʊk, ɛvribədi noʊz thət ɛŋglɪʃ nidz sʌm sɪriəs ɔɹθəgɹæfɪk rəfɔɹm, bʌt ðə θɪŋ aɪ jʌst kænt gɛt ɑn bɔɹd wɪð ɪz ðæt ɛvribədi wɑnts ɪt tə bi mɔɹ fənimɪk/

見, 毎体 知s þᵗ 英的 要s ſome 重ous 正畫的 又形, but þᵉ 事 I juſt cᵗ 貰 on 乘 wið 是 þᵗ 毎体 需s it to 是 more 音em的.
Ye knowe eek that, in forme of speche is chaunge
With-inne a thousand yeer, and wordes tho
That hadden pris, now wonder nyce and straunge
Us thinketh hem; and yet they spake hem so,
And spedde as wel in love as men now do.

(formerly Max1461)
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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by Birdlang »

/p b ƥ ɓ t d ɗ k g ʔ/ p b p’ b’ t d d’ k g ‘
/f s h/ f s h
/m̥ m mˀ n̥ n nˀ ɲ̥ ɲ ɲˀ ŋ̥ ŋ ŋˀ/ mm m m’ nn n n’ ññ ñ ñ’ ngng ng ng’
/l ç j ɸ w (r)/ l x j f w r
Two of the same consonant or a consonant plus the glottal stop have a period written between them.
/a e ʌ i u/ a e o i u
+ à ä â

/jiʔ jwˈɲũwm gwʌ̃w k wjiŋ tkij ʔej mɗṳ̃w hnẽh tiŋ || kʔṳ̃ws ɗil n ʔej ƥʌj ɓĩk | jwlŋʼwãh ʔej ɲrjar gaj mɲɲˀah || jiŋ ljĩn sej k pkya̤m ʔwig jĩn sej ʔmˀṳh nnˀay tsʌ̃h ʔssijs/
[jɪʔ jʊ̃ˈɲũːm gwɔ̃u̯k wʊˈjɪᵍŋ tə̥kiː ʔei̯ mə̃ɗuʱũː hənɛ̃ tɪᵍŋ || kəʔuʱũːs ɗɪl ə̃n ʔeː ɓ̥ʌi̯ ɓɪ̃k jʊlŋ̰wæ̃ ʔeː ɲʊ̃ˈjɑ ʔeː gai̯ məɲ̰ːæh || jɪᵍŋ lˈjɪ̃n seːk pə̥kjæʱæᵇm ʔwɪg jɪ̃n seː ʔəm̰ʊʱ n̰n̰ɑj tsʌ̃ ʔə̥sːiːs]
Ji’ jwñùwm gwòw k wjing tkij ‘ej md’ûw hnèh ting. K.’ûws d’il n ‘ej p’oj b’ìk, jwlng’wàh ‘ej ñrjar gaj mñ.ñ’ah. Jing ljìn sej k pkjäm ‘wig jìn sej ‘m’üh n.n’aj tsàh ‘s.sijs.
Not kidding, I think this is one of the most unique orthographies I’ve devised for someone else’s language. Except maybe on the old zbb where I think I made one with 4 diacritics on one letter.

Edit: English
/p b t d tʃ dʒ k g/ p b t d č ǰ k g
/f v θ ð s z ʃ ʒ (x) h/ f v þ ð s z š ž x h
/m n ŋ/ m n ŋ
/l ɹ j w/ l r j w

/i ɪ u ʊ eɪ ə oʊ ɛ ʌ ɔ æ ɑ aɪ aʊ ɔɪ/ or something ī i ū u ē a ō e ö o æ ā aĭ aŭ oĭ

/lʊk, ɛvribədi noʊz thət ɛŋglɪʃ nidz sʌm sɪriəs ɔɹθəgɹæfɪk rəfɔɹm, bʌt ðə θɪŋ aɪ jʌst kænt gɛt ɑn bɔɹd wɪð ɪz ðæt ɛvribədi wɑnts ɪt tə bi mɔɹ fənimɪk/
Luk, evrībadī nōz ðat Eŋliš nīdz söm sirīas orþagræfik raform, böt ða þiŋ aĭ ǰast kænt get ān bord wið iz ðæt evrībadī wānts it ta bī mor fanīmik.
Loek, évribedie nóós dhet Énglisj nieds söm sieriës orthegraefik reform, böt dhe thing ei djost kaent gét aan bord widh iz dhaet évribedie waants it te bie mór feniemikk.
لُك, اَيڤرِيبَدِي نَاوز ذَت اَيڠلِش نِيڞ سٗم سِرِئَس آورثَوگرَفِك رَفَورم, بٗت ذَ ثِڠ آئ جٗسْت كٚنت گَيت آن بَورد وِذ اِز ذٚت اَيڤرِيبَدِي وَانڅ اِت تُو بِي مَور فَنِيمِك.
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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by Nortaneous »

/lʊk, ɛvribədi noʊz thət ɛŋglɪʃ nidz sʌm sɪriəs ɔɹθəgɹæfɪk rəfɔɹm, bʌt ðə θɪŋ aɪ jʌst kænt gɛt ɑn bɔɹd wɪð ɪz ðæt ɛvribədi wɑnts ɪt tə bi mɔɹ fənimɪk/
Lexg, xoywoshenperqamxeywiskomqilihgosbhewdhagham gneɣt tod Xenqliskos newdht smhos SWEHROWONTTOS ƔRDHWOĠRBHIQOS WREDDHOHRMEH2, hp'udnex...
Duaj teibohnggoe kyoe' quaqtoeq lucj lhaj k'yoejdej noeyn tucj.
K'yoejdaq fohm q'ujdoe duaj teibohnggoen dlehq lucj.
Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq.
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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by dhok »

Qo Xiong

/p pɹ t ts ʈ k q/
/pʰ pʰɹ tʰ tsʰ tɕʰ ʈʰ kʰ qʰ/
/mp nt nts ntɕ ɳʈ ŋk ɴq/
/mpʰ mpʰɹ ntʰ ntsʰ ntɕʰ ŋkʰ ɴqʰ/
/m mɹ n ɲ m̥ʰ n̥ʰ/
/f s ʂ ɕ h/
/ʐ ʑ/
/w l̥ʰ j/

I don't know anything about distribution, but it's probably not entirely Cartesian.

/i e a ɑ ɔ ɤ o ɯ ei ɛ̃ en ɑŋ ɔŋ/
/je ja jɑ jɔ jɤ jo jɯ ju jɛ̃ jen jɑŋ jɔŋ/
/we wa wɑ wɤ wɯ wej wɛ̃ wɑŋ/

Additionally, there are six tones: /45 21 4 2 53 42/.


My attempt:

/p pɹ t ts ʈ k q/ <b br d dz dr g x>
/pʰ pʰɹ tʰ tsʰ tɕʰ ʈʰ kʰ qʰ/ <p pr t ts ch tr k q>
/mp nt nts ntɕ ɳʈ ŋk ɴq/ <mb mbr nd ndz nj ndr ng nx>
/mpʰ mpʰɹ ntʰ ntsʰ ntɕʰ ŋkʰ ɴqʰ/ <mp mpr nt nts nch nk nq>
/m mɹ n ɲ m̥ʰ n̥ʰ/ <m mr n ñ mh nh>
/f s ʂ ɕ h/ <f s sr sh h>
/ʐ ʑ/ <z zh>
/w l̥ʰ j/ <w l y>

/i e a ɑ ɔ ɤ o ɯ ei ɛ̃ en ɑŋ ɔŋ/ <i e ae a oa oe ue ei aen en an on>
/je ja jɑ jɔ jɤ jo jɯ ju jɛ̃ jen jɑŋ jɔŋ/ <ie iae ia ioa ioe io iue iu iaen ien ian ion>
/we wa wɑ wɤ wɯ wei wɛ̃ wɑŋ/ <ue uae ua uo ui uei uen uan>

/i45 i21 i4 i2 i53 i42/ <í î ī i ĩ ì>
Knit Tie
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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by Knit Tie »

Here's my latest conlang idea:

Vowels: /i a e o u ɨ/ + length

Things that are definitely consonant phonemes: /m p b f t̪ d̪ s̪ n t d ɾ l k g x w j/
Things that may be phonemes or C+yod clusters: /mʲ pʲ bʲ fʲ βʲ~ɥ t̪s̪ z̪ ʃ ɲ tʃ ʎ/
Things that are allophones of NC clusters that may be becoming phonemised currently: /dʒ ŋ/

Relationship between all of the above:

To explain, palatalisation is jC/Cj cluster resolution, N-fortition is fortition after a nasal that may not be pronounced in the surface form due to vowel elision shennigans and lenition is, well, lenition before a plosive or a nasal in a cluster. All of the above processes are happening currently and are highly productive, plus the vowel elision resulted in, e.g., suffixes en- and ej- becoming n- and j- that are realised as modification of the following consonant in the surface form when preceding one.

Syllable structure is (C)V(C), at least in surface form. Language still prefers CV syllables, but not as much as it used to.
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