Dream sharing thread

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Dream sharing thread

Post by Pabappa »

I dreamed that a new dream thread was here and had at least 2 posts by people other than me .... I dont remember much of what was in them because I thought it was real until earlier today and figured I'd just re-read it when I had a chance.

I was most of the old dream thread and probably will be most of this one too but for the time being Im not going to post nearly as much as I used to. I saved the old thread back when it wasnt clear that the old board would even be possible to keep online, much less copy over.
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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by mèþru »

I dreamed that I was talking to someone in Discord and they suddenly changed their nickname to linguoboy and their colour to the bright green of our forum's moderators.
ìtsanso, God In The Mountain, may our names inspire the deepest feelings of fear in urkos and all his ilk, for we have saved another man from his lies! I welcome back to the feast hall kal, who will never gamble again! May the eleven gods bless him!
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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by MacAnDàil »

I dreamt that I was translating from English into Réunion Creole for my (German) mum.

I've also been talking in my sleep often recently, often about food e.g. saying "(i fo mèt ali 73°) it needs to be put on to 73°" or "(Il faut prendre le 8 pour passer à sa sauce) We need to take the 8 to put it in its sauce"

(jmcd changes nick for the new board)
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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by Pabappa »

I had a nice dream aboutb portland Maine again, very formulaic with the 4 floor buildings etc. The only part i remember now is that the ocean water was overflowing into the street, and this was normal, and everyone loved when it happened because it was cool and refreshing and easy enough to swim through. People would just wade through the shallow areas or swim through the deep ones to get where they wanted instead of using roads. I was wearing swim trunks and decided to spend about 90 minutes in the water before 430pm when I had to return someplace. I had lots of fun.

For some reason, the overflowing ocean seemed to open up paths that didn't exist the rest of the time. I was swimming on the north end, and seemed to be able to make it to the south end more easily through the water then I would've over land . However, I think in the dream that this path was actually through woods and its not clear why I wouldn't have been able to go that way all the time.
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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by Tropylium »

A recent dream involved an underground train station where growing amounts of people were stuck due to all the outgoing escalators being currently under maintenance. There was, however, still a working incoming escalator, and there were even street vendors coming in with snacks to hawk to the people waiting around for the escalators to start working again. (No idea why nobody was taking a train to a different station; maybe they only came too rarely and/or went too far away from this station. Well, the real answer is "dream logic", of course, but I might as well speculate a little on top of that.)

I however took a different route, and started scaling the multi-floor jungle gym / kids' playground entrance — though this was in fact intended as entrance only: there were e.g. several meter drops from one floor above into pools filled with foam rubber cushions.

…for some reason I see a lot of somewhat memorable dreams involving underground train stations or the like, really.
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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by Vijay »

MacAnDàil wrote: Thu Aug 09, 2018 4:34 pm(jmcd changes nick for the new board)
So that's who you are! :D
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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by Risla »

I dreamed that I was one of twenty-ish test riders for Noam Chomsky's new invention, the air railroad. An air railroad is a railroad where the rails are not placed on ties on the ground, but rather suspended in the air. At one point, the rails twisted for some reason, and it distorted reality within the rail car.

At one point, I approached Chomsky, who was standing by the train door quietly and also looked a lot like a LotR dwarf, told him that I respect his work in linguistics even though I strongly disagree with many points, and then I gave him a very awkward hug.
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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by mèþru »

I feel like this is a contest with Risla now
WARNING Very gross and potentially childhood scarring for those who watched SpongeBob when they were little:
More: show
I used to have reoccurring dreams (I wan't in them) taking place in SpongeBob's house. Spongebob was naked and the colour of very gross shit of a kind you might get when you are not felling well (greenish-yellowish, but definitely poop colours). He had an erect penis and a ball sac that kept dropping off of his body onto the floor, but he would instantly regrow them and keep walking. As he did this, previous dick droppings stayed in place, covering the floor around them with a slime of the same poop-colour. As this was going on, SpongeBob would groan like a Minecraft zombie or grunt like a stereotypical caveman.
ìtsanso, God In The Mountain, may our names inspire the deepest feelings of fear in urkos and all his ilk, for we have saved another man from his lies! I welcome back to the feast hall kal, who will never gamble again! May the eleven gods bless him!
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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by Vijay »

That just made me laugh. :lol:
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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by MacAnDàil »

Me too. Maybe it's because we didn't watch Spongebob as kids?

So were you thinking I must be familiar or "who's this newbie that doesn't introduce himself"?
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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by Vijay »

MacAnDàil wrote: Mon Sep 03, 2018 1:54 pm Me too. Maybe it's because we didn't watch Spongebob as kids?
Maybe. I did see a little bit of Spongebob at other people's houses when I was growing up, but I didn't have cable TV for long, so I didn't really get to see it at home.
So were you thinking I must be familiar or "who's this newbie that doesn't introduce himself"?
The latter. I was like "this person's username sounds Scottish, but why do they like Salil Chowdhury?" :P
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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by Risla »

Fine, my next entry:

I was a knight in a party of several other knights (all Harry Potter characters). The king of our city state called us into his throne room to give us a very important task: the heart of the forest was dying, he said, and we needed to go find the seed of the forest and replant it.

So we sallied forth, and after not very long, we came across this lumber mill, apparently abandoned. As we investigated it, a large number of cultists appeared, and proceeded to thoroughly kick our asses, and they captured us all alive. They informed us that they were going to sacrifice us to try to summon the Goddess. They strapped us to golf carts, and rolled the golf carts down the hill towards the ocean.

When the first golf cart hit the water, the passenger (Ron Weasley) died instantly, and suddenly all the cultists were hit by lightning. The rest of us found ourselves freed from our restraints, and turned around to see the Goddess, who was 40-foot-tall Betty White in a lavender bathrobe and with her hair on fire, emerge from the lumber mill. She told us that the seed of the forest was this random guy living in a local village, and sent us on our way.

We found the seed of the forest, and persuaded him to come with us. He wasn't a huge fan of the idea of being planted, but he finally agreed to it, so we planted him waist-deep in the ground, congratulated ourselves on fixing the problem, and went on our merry ways.

Unfortunately, we didn't get far. As we rode back to the city to report our victory to the king, UFOs descended upon us, and aliens came out and kicked our asses (again). They unplanted the seed, and took him on board one of their ships.

And this is when I woke up. I wanted to know what happened next…
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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by MacAnDàil »

Vijay wrote: Mon Sep 03, 2018 8:00 pm
MacAnDàil wrote: Mon Sep 03, 2018 1:54 pm Me too. Maybe it's because we didn't watch Spongebob as kids?
Maybe. I did see a little bit of Spongebob at other people's houses when I was growing up, but I didn't have cable TV for long, so I didn't really get to see it at home.
And I didn't even have that; we didn't have cable at all. And, when I check, it seems the European DVD release of Spongebob was around the time I left for uni, when I wasn't watching the telly on the telly anyway.
Vijay wrote: Mon Sep 03, 2018 8:00 pm
So were you thinking I must be familiar or "who's this newbie that doesn't introduce himself"?
The latter. I was like "this person's username sounds Scottish, but why do they like Salil Chowdhury?" :P
And I thought it was funny how a Haitian rebel sounded Scottish so chose it as a nick.
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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by Pabappa »

Risla wrote: Mon Sep 03, 2018 7:44 am I dreamed that I was one of twenty-ish test riders for Noam Chomsky's new invention, the air railroad. An air railroad is a railroad where the rails are not placed on ties on the ground, but rather suspended in the air. At one point, the rails twisted for some reason, and it distorted reality within the rail car.

At one point, I approached Chomsky, who was standing by the train door quietly and also looked a lot like a LotR dwarf, told him that I respect his work in linguistics even though I strongly disagree with many points, and then I gave him a very awkward hug.
Very nice. I remember you having another Chomsky dream a few years back. Do you remember if he looked like that then too?

The forest dream reminds me of some video games I've seen that mix medieval environments with anachronistic modern technology ("because it's another planet") and unexpected turns of events.
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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by Pabappa »

I was at an auto body repair shop, but I was getting my phone fixed, not my car. My phone had no hard disk in it, so I could see its BIOS, and this BIOS was monetized such that I could even buy things in it in text mode, yet there was no cellular or Wi-Fi connection....this was all preloaded lists of items. The touch screen still worked, but there was no way to type.

An elderly white S African woman who didn't speak English nonetheless sang a song about her husband, whose blood sugar(?) was low that day, "and through the day kept dropping, but at the end of midnight, that's when he started shopping, shopping, shopping". I don't remember the lyrics well except for that rhyme , so i did my best. As in my other dreams, its possible the lyrics werent even proper words, and that what I remember is the parts that were. This was midnight so the song seemed appropriate. (It may have had something to do with Black Friday.)

I was facing sideways at the counter now, still looking at my phone. I had accidentally made a purchase of a useless system because the UI was so bad I couldn't see how to say no. I cancelled it, but the UI said it would charge me anyway and then reverse it, rather than voiding the purchase altogether.

A different woman put a mug of hot chocolate on the counter just to the left of me, and I think i said "ooh, hot chocolate! " I noticed a small boy standing close behind me (I was still sideways) who seemed to worry I was about to steal his hot chocolate. But the woman looked at me and said I could have some too, and that she'd make another one for the boy if I drank his. I considered it, but woke up realizing I was hungry. I may have been subconsciously channeling this.
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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by Kuchigakatai »

My vote for grossest dream goes to Risla's dream of the building made of tongues that kept on licking you, and its wonderful ending when she sees a building of lips. It's perfect.

By the way, I just woke up from a dream (it's 2:05 a.m. as I type this), which felt quite emotional towards the end. I don't think I can convey the ending of the dream well, but basically I was in a nightmare-ish situation for something I did in the dream, and I figured I'd continue in spite of no hope of things getting better. And curiously, friends rescued me in a helicopter right at that moment, and we flew away~~
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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by Pabappa »

I was homeless, so I hid out in the movie theater of the local high school. This theater is a recurring place in my dreams, but this is the first time it's appeared inside a high school, and also the first time that our local high school has appeared in any of my dreams at all. (I didn't live here when I was in high school.) I wasn't really that upset about being homeless, and I had plenty of space ... I learned the class schedules so I could make sure I would never be in the theater when the students or anyone else was, and my main concern was that the theater wasn't heated at night, so the temperature was beginning to get cold late at night.

This may be a composite memory of a winter storm about ten years ago during which I had to sleep in the gym of the local elementary school, as our heating system was knocked out by the storm and our fireplace didnt work so we had to find shelter in a building that still had electricity. The sleeping space there was enormous, and I really enjoyed that night because, despite being in an unfamiliar place, I was very comfortable and had plenty of room to myself.

In this dream, though, I didn't seem to have my bed blankets with me, or if I did, they were not enough to keep warm because the building was only intermittently heated. I'm not aware of any high school that has a movie theater in it ... this is a recurring place in my dreams, and although I'm sure it comes from the college I attended, I don't think that college had a movie theater either. It seems my mind has somehow reinterpreted a traditional school auditorium as a movie theater.
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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by Arzena »

I dreamed that I entered (along with an unnamed guide) a museum. "Be quick, follow me, and don't look at any of the exhibits!" the guide urged me. I followed briskly, stealing glances at the exhibits when my guide wasn't looking.

They were weird: images, sculptures... deformed in a surreal way. Intriguing and captivating yet profoundly unsettling.

My eyes lingered for too long on the twisted limbs of an image. "No! It's too late! You can't look back!" The warnings of my guide faded as I left his side, drawn into an area of increasing darkness. I moved with the intent and will of one seduced by the unfamiliar. Not wholly of my own volition.

The darkness enveloped me. It was warm, pleasant. Not frightening at all. In the inkiness beyond, I sensed things. Hidden forces stirred, waiting for me.

Then I woke up.
Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic.

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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by Risla »

I don't remember very much about the dream, but I was hospitalized, and I kept running away from the doctors to try to get my daily steps in. Also, the hospital was a cruise ship, and we kept stopping in different places around the Mediterranean.
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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by Linguoboy »

I dreamt of a fantasy setting that seemed to be have been based somewhat on the Pacific Northwest if the indigenous cultures hadn't been overwhelmed and had to be treated as equals. The emphasis seemed to be on trade rather than looting or exploring and there were extensive rules for formal interactions that I only partially grasped. Geographically, the settlements and trading posts were locating on the heavily-forested northern coast of a vast continent; timber was one of the chief resources.

The foreign trader/settlers seemed to have name something like "Ameinitans". There was a confusing array of local nations and--in contrast to the typical RPG--the transcriptions were quite scientific. One name I can't recall precisely was filled with instances of ī followed by superscript numbers which seemed too complex even for contour tones. The jumble was complicated by the presence of popular forms used by the Ameinitans and other. For instance, the one name of a local people I'm sure of is "Talan-Toloans", which tended to get corrupted to "Talantaloans". And one of the peoples had a ceremonial role called something like "iyape-iyoke" which got corrupted to "iyape-iyope". (That particular language seemed chock full of near-reduplications.)

The last part of the dream was a role-playing session. I remember that a major plot point seemed to be that the young folk of two different trading families had been seen at "mass" sitting on the same semi-enclosed pew. Later there was an encountre between two wooden ships that was played out with the help of game mats; there were character miniatures but the ships themselves were represented only two-dimensionally, with their statistics box-captioned alongside.
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