Grammar Nazis of Your Conlangs

Conworlds and conlangs
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Joined: Thu Aug 02, 2018 12:33 pm

Re: Grammar Nazis of Your Conlangs

Post by Bessunire »

In Hathirysy, grammar nazis would get annoyed at people who:
  • Use the abessive and comparative cases, both of which are not characteristic of the Seronya dialect.
  • Use the objective endings instead of the subjective endings on verbs when there is a first person singular object or the object is in the dative.
  • Don't detach preverbs in the imparative.
  • Confuse the simple imparative and the imparative in -yo.
  • Overuse the progressive forms in place of the imperfective ones.
  • Use the imperfective present in place of the perfective present.
  • Confuse the uses of the first and second subjunctives, or second subjunctive and the optative.
  • Overuse nan with a finite verb in indirect statements.
  • Overuse the conjunction is to coordinate clauses.
Wow. Some Hathirysy-speakers are picky.
Posts: 26
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Re: Grammar Nazis of Your Conlangs

Post by Chuma »

My conlang is made to be unambiguous, so there are a lot of things you kind of have to be picky about. When spoken correctly, it can be flawlessly parsed by a simple computer program, but if there were any native speakers, chances are they would soon start dropping little particles, completely confusing any robot listeners. Maybe it's better off without. Human speakers, who needs 'em?
Ares Land
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Re: Grammar Nazis of Your Conlangs

Post by Ares Land »

Ryusenshi wrote: Thu Aug 02, 2018 3:53 am I used to be like that. Then, I studied English phonetics, to try to get rid of my stupid accent. An interesting side effect is that I started to make spelling mistakes! Like, the other day I caught myself typing *munkey instead of monkey. Previously, I would have done the opposite mistake (pronouncing monkey to rhyme with donkey).
Sorry for going off topic again, but I just caught myself writing traitor instead of trader and I immediately thought of your post.
So Haleza Grise
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Re: Grammar Nazis of Your Conlangs

Post by So Haleza Grise »

In Azgoveles it's common in speech but still considered wrong for a plural suffix to hop from a head noun to the preceding haz `that', imitating the behaviour of case clitics.

zaxalaro hazu totammar `those bugs were biting me' - formal standard
zaxalaro hazmaron totan - same meaning, but deprecated usage
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