Conlang fluency thread

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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by Yalensky »

Itétan ro àstitie Bahráenra?
Why did you go to Bahrain?
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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by masako »

na nya kuntamaya kema ma uana tokyaye
I work for the Navy and I was inspecting over there.
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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by Pedant »

Icemannic Dialect 17:
Saaru-tanngut vaingikulutë...
Thousand-land-LOC-PL travel-near.future-VOL-1mACT
I should like to travel the world sometime soon...
My name means either "person who trumpets minor points of learning" or "maker of words." That fact that it means the latter in Sindarin is a demonstration of the former. Beware.
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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by náʼoolkiłí »

ónò èst pʌ́vʌ́nʌ̀sk?
/RED-ˈtò ˈèts=t RED-pǽˈʔʌ̀ts=k/
EDGE-where want1:NPST.2SG=2SG EDGE-travel:INF=PFX1
'Where do you want to travel?'
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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by Pedant »

náʼoolkiłí wrote: Mon Apr 01, 2019 5:42 pm ónò èst pʌ́vʌ́nʌ̀sk?
/RED-ˈtò ˈèts=t RED-pǽˈʔʌ̀ts=k/
EDGE-where want1:NPST.2SG=2SG EDGE-travel:INF=PFX1
'Where do you want to travel?'
Mihauphu Migusan Sairan Misorin tu Mimbaurin... INC-Foundland-LOC.SING and smell.sweet-harbour-LOC.SING
I might start with Newfoundland, Hawaii, Japan, and Hong Kong...
My name means either "person who trumpets minor points of learning" or "maker of words." That fact that it means the latter in Sindarin is a demonstration of the former. Beware.
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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by jal »

Mi ful taym ebl ebl tahn olda "Yon pas dem misful montan kol" ota Obit Ya ina Sajiwan, kip raym an mita no af imploy nof powam langwic. Im ja ste wan a las bik pah a fehs cata a im mi won finis. Mi a nof api af im.

I finally managed to translate the entire "Far over the misty mountains cold" from The Hobbit into Sajiwan, preserving the rhyme and meter, without having to resort to too much poetic licence. It was one of the last big parts of the first chapter I needed to finish. I'm pretty satisfied with it.

Here it is:
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Yon pas dem misful montan kol
Twoh sela dip an kef-dem ol
Min' in me ste, fo sta a de
Fi fayn ya kliya spel op gol.

Tek pahti swong dem dwohf long pas,
Sem bel-dem ring dem ama mas,
De ples-dem dip, dem dahk ting slip,
De kef-dem donsay ston, amas.

Fi long pas king an elf-dem loh
Moc glim gol ip ful op dem floh
Mol de an nay, an tanggl lay
Fi tok im op de kac a soh.

Dem fis dem silba kola don
Af flowa stah, an faya pon
Ya king at-dem, in' dwagn flem
Dem tangl lay a mun an son.

Yon pas dem misful montan kol
Twoh sela dip an kef-dem ol
Min' in me ste, fo sta a de
Fi sis fo-minu long los gol.

Dem mek imsef dem gol ahp cayn
An calis-dem, de no man mayn
Dem ste taym long, an nof nof song
In lis' don man an elf-dem kayn.

Dem payn ja roh de montan say
Dem gel ja son sem neca kway
Dem faya ret, dem flem pas det
Dem pam sem tohc-dem bahn in' nay.

Dem bel ja ring de bali diya
An man luk op af fes-dem fiya
Nes dwagn kwas af fiyas ras
Im res dem os an towa kliya

Di Montan ya smok donsay mun
Dem dwohf-dem lisn det pwoc sun
Dem ron an bol, twoh det dem fol
Donsay im fut, donsay di mun.

Yon pas dem misful montan bol
Twoh sela dip an kef-dem tol
Min' in me ste, fo sta a de
Fi kac fwom im min' ahp an gol

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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by masako »

'Tis nice.

ta ke uano yakupua ka
What else have you translated?
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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by jal »

masako wrote: Sat Apr 06, 2019 3:18 pm'Tis nice. What else have you translated?
Bles yu. Mi tahn mos a fehs cata. Wen im a don, mi won sta tahn cata tu.
Thanks. I've translated most of the first chapter. When it's done, I want to start with chapter two.

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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by Pabappa »

Rabaešiavi 😛
I saw the black hole 😛
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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by jal »

Mi swel luk pon pica a blak ol.
I also saw a picture of a black hole.

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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by quinterbeck »

Rai darge reo hoedeh nuheuna
VIS NEG black-some RF-REL.COM-1s
It didn't look very black to me

Wan oidur da reo naroni neaweinineg yoelge
But not.yet ACT.PST.1s NEG read ABST-explain-any
But then I haven't read any explanations of it yet
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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by quinterbeck »

Da omeor eimoudwa yoelge
ACT.PST.1s see video
I watched a video about it

De yarnon rimean aini yoer iname!
REP HAB-EXP light turn VIA frac-four
The light is bent by 90 degrees!
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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by Pabappa »

Pwabwop.... bappamatobo rabaešop tampupumentivas poppupatšabo,
wonder-1p<CAUS>-ACC star-see-tool-PL-1p black.hole-ACC ray-LOC-year-PL-LOC-across-3p-GEN,
I wonder ... since our telescopes can find a black hole light years away,

Vepos bontšom pwuppapo poppupumbapabo?
reason-OPEN-GEN solar.system-1p-LOC planet-ACC-1p, ?
why cant we find a planet in our own solar system?

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Im using CAP for the habilitative & INCAP for the inabilitative, which is suppletive rather than just being a negative slapped onto the end of the habilitative ... couldnt find a good match on Leipzig. Its not a mood so I cant just use POT for potential. i couldnt find a gloss item for the open question morpheme either ... i think i've used it before but i couldn t find it. so i just typed OPEN.

tampupu "light year" is literally "year in a ray", i took the analogy from the number system where the locatives double as ordinals. so, "the rayth year".
poppup- "to locate in the sky" is a verb that i figure needs to exist because these people need to find stars in the sky to sail at sea. Etymologiocally it looks something like "the orbit shows its shore", but obviously all three morpehems have changed in meaning since the compound was formed, so i just glossed it as an atomic unit. In the previous post, i used a slightly different word for black hole ... added an -i- to show that it's a celestial object (-ia is a classifier for planets & objects in the sky). but this time i didnt. both would be about equally well understood, i trhink. the gloss of /vepos/ could be either reason-OPEN-GEN or reason-1p-GEN, i.e. either "why is it that..": or "why do i..."? and i will likely leave this ambiguity in since the verbs all mark person anyway.

also, i didnt mark the plurals on the verbs ... thats all just the regular 1st person there ... the plural form isnt used when the context makes it clear that a plural subject is intended. but if it were marked explicitly, every -o would change to -wošo.
Soooo many edits, because I keep finding mistakes.
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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by KathTheDragon »

iḫ rəśśan neti kni aculət þun, uyi źin neti śu iś herś.
away know\IPFV=1P SR exist\PFV.NOM-SG.N stars-SGV-SG.C be_dark\APTCP-SG.C | and-ADJZ place-SG.N SR 3S.N=SR upon=3S.N
Because we know the black hole exists, and where it is.
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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by masako »

amak na nye tlanam ke inka tsoponketse unyak
I will never understand why people don't prefer calm.
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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by quinterbeck »

masako wrote: Sat Apr 13, 2019 9:35 am amak na nye tlanam ke inka tsoponketse unyak
I will never understand why people don't prefer calm.
Oi men araug yoer mair non ireagi in mognir, weo wainena mineme
SBJ ACT.2s say VIA person EXP pleasure-more GEN busyness COND STA-2s-1s agree
If you are talking about people who prefer being busy, I agree with you
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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by masako »


na ke yono kam mulatle yani
I mean those that start drama.
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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by jal »

masako wrote: Sun Apr 14, 2019 8:42 amI mean those that start drama.
Ye, mi in won dem man sem dis.
Yeah, I don't like people like that.

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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by masako »

na ke italyakom ketsuhu omo
I think Italians are extremely rude.
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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by Qwynegold »

My latest quiz:
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