Thanks everyone for the answers... There was a lot to reply to, so my apologies if I accidentally misquoted you...
Raphael wrote: ↑Thu Jul 04, 2019 11:37 am
For instance, whenever the attention of the current would-be dictator of the most powerful country in the world is drawn to a particular topic, he likes to assert that no one knows more about the topic in question than him. Now, if that kind of attitude meets a specialist who actually knows a lot more about their field than the Leader, then, depending on the level of authoritarianism, that might create a potentially career-ending or even life-threatening situation for the specialist.
It's even worse than that -- the Glorious Leader would actually put everyone aboard in danger. High-tech and an authoritarian approach don't mix. See Chernobyl, for instance. Or even the Challenger and Columbia disaster, which suggests that even ordinary corporate hierarchy could be a problem...
On a more meta level, the novel just doesn't work if the government is authoritarian. So it's a good thing there are good arguments against it...
Pedant wrote: ↑Thu Jul 04, 2019 12:26 pm
Here’s one thought for you: how about specialist clans or castes with little to no favouritism and reasonable mobility? [...] Those born to a family are trained for that family’s (or moiety’s) work, giving them a head start educationally and possibly genetically; if they find themselves better suited otherwise then they can make a transfer to another section of the ship. The castes might have examinations of their practices and members, and those who don’t make the cut (or make too many mistakes) may be transferred to less dangerous professions. The leadership may comprise specialized personnel from all castes [...]
Hey, that's a great idea! There's sort of a "medieval city" feel to it -- basically, it's a guilds-and-aldermen system!
Raphael wrote: ↑Thu Jul 04, 2019 4:03 pm
Councillor-on-duty system. [...]
Another great idea. *takes notes*
This actually exists in real life. In places where people work over the week-end or at night (public services, power plants, the industry) you've always got a top executive on call with full authority to make decisions. It's not entirely like your system in that they have a chairman or a director to report to, but still;.
Salmoneus wrote: ↑Thu Jul 04, 2019 4:20 pm
- you're thinking on the wrong scale, I think.
Sorry. I meant kilometerS, plural. I've actually been thinking quite a bit on design and shape, and I agree that a modular, spindly cylinder looks best. (I could've done without the phallic imagery, but I'll deal with that). As we say in IT, the colonies scale both horizontally (you build another colony) and vertically, to some extent (you can add additional sections).
Salmoneus wrote: ↑Thu Jul 04, 2019 4:20 pm
- again, I find it hard to imagine succesfully dispersing all that heat into space - the heat of a million people, all the machinery to keep them alive, and, if you want "self-sufficiency", presumably some really intensive energy use in your yeast/algae farm. I mean, that's 100 MJ per second to deal with just from the human flesh.
I think you meant joules, not megajoules, but yes, getting rid of waste heat is a huge technical problem. The good thing is about this setting is that there's enough interest in orbital colonies for people to try and provide solutions. (Here, for instance: ... nsport.pdf)
Salmoneus wrote: ↑Thu Jul 04, 2019 4:20 pm
- and don't forget the nightmare of radiation shielding.
Yep. It's interesting to look at this table ... re5.18.gif and compare the mass of radiation shielding compared to structural mass...
[of course, it would also make more sense to anchor it to a solid mass, and then it would make even more sense to wholly or partially insert it INTO the solid mass - this lets you deal with the problems of stability, shielding, and possibly heatsinking all at one go, and also lets you a more elegant maglev design instead of a bunch of rockets stuck to the edges... but now we're into my SF setting and not yours, so...]
I've considered having the colonies inside asteroids... But asteroids are relatively easy to get to (in technical terms, the delta-V is low, so not too much fuel is needed) but with months-long travel times. On the whole it makes more sense to bring asteroid material to a more convenient orbit and build the colony there. Essentially, radiation shielding
is your solid mass.
I'm not sure what you mean about rockets. Once you have the colony rotating, there's really nothing to do to maintain rotation: we're in a vacuum.
Same thing about anchoring: there's no need for it. The colony is truly massive; you're not going to move a hundred megatons by accident... (There are issues with keeping the orientations and precession though).
- you really need to develop some sort of timeline. It matters both how far in the future this is, and also how long the structure has been in space (the longer, the more divorced its structures may become from those of settlement).
Oh, sure. The first prototypes are built around 2100; the large colony we're talking about is built in the 2130s; the novel takes place around 2200.
- and you need to know who built it, and why. For instance, is it built by a democracy, or by a dictatorship, or is it built as a commercial endeavour by a corporation, or as a crowdfunded ideological project?
All of the above. Basically, it's an ideological project, pushed by people with an utopian bent that manages to attract the interest of government and corporations.
All that said, you needn't overthink it. A city is space is not fundamentally different from a city on the ground (cities on the ground also have to worry about 'life support', and in a big enough city all systems are effectively life support systems... albeit that some of them are more urgent than others!).
Very good point.
People think, not unreasonably, that space stations would be dystopias. That's because of two ways in which we assume space colonies will be extreme sorts of city:
That might lead to a wonderful utopia (or "terrifying cult", as outsiders call such things) where few overt control structures are required because everybody thinks the same way anyway...
That looks like the more likely option.
zompist wrote: ↑Thu Jul 04, 2019 4:44 pm
There's very little room for a market— you don't want competing life support systems; you need basic goods distributed universally; you can't just say "oh people can build a factory or a farm or a supermarket anywhere." (Why? Among other reasons, each of these has different infrastructure requirements, and you have to think hard about their inputs and their waste stream. You absolutely cannot have the attitude that waste can simply be released into the (tiny) environment.)
I'm wary about getting rid of the market. It's an old invention; and planned economies or command economies have demonstrably been less efficient. It sure is annoying, but it seems to serve an useful function.
An interesting question: the setting calls for a somehow socialist/communitarian economy, yet you'd expect a disproportionate number of libertarians would sign up. Presumably they just have a socialist government anyway (cognitive dissonance goes a long way!) but how would they call it? What would be a good word for 'totally not a government, honest', 'totally not a zoning board, honest' and 'totally not welfare, honest'?
If these are intended to be lived on for generations, new problems come up— I wouldn't expect the children of astronauts to all be good astronaut material. So there might be a strong program of attracting employees/residents, and an equally strong program of encouraging misfits to leave.
There are, I think, two solutions to that problem: a) requiring everyone to do some basic service, sort of like military services, except you go clean the air ducts or something. b) It's a pretty big place. Only a fraction of the million people will be involved in life support maintenance or construction. The rest would have pretty ordinary lives, considering. You don't have to be an astronaut; you can be a scholar, a bartender, a doctor or a hairdresser...
Pabappa wrote: ↑Thu Jul 04, 2019 6:24 pm
NASA doesn't need to handle drunk brawls, or property disputes or welfare.
I dont have much to add here, except that i wouldnt be surprised if our first space colony takes exactly that path. The colony might be mostly self-sufficient, yes, but probably not entirely so, and if they depend on NASA (or its future equivalent) for anything crucial, that might lead to NASA taking full control of the colony's internal functions in a way that the colonists could really do without. (And the colonists couldn't just defend themselves with weapons if what they need from Earth cannot be found anywhere else.)
Yes, something like that happens in the history of the colonies. Sort of like the Skylab astronaut 'strike'.
Re: various points by zompist and Salmoneus.
Ultimately, you're both right. It's going to be a fragile environment; but not that fragile. There's only so much damage a single person can do. A poison vial isn't going to do much; the atmosphere is pretty big. A single person can't puncture the hull, because the 'hull' is several meters of rock (you need that radiation shielding). Even assuming you manage to make a hole, it would take days to make a significant different to the atmosphere. (You'd have strong winds for a few hours until the maintenance are done).
But... They are still extremely fragile, compared to Earth, and besides attitudes will have been forged in earlier days, in tiny stations where a single person could do a lot of damage...
(The novel is actually in part about terrorism and how it affects the society that's being targetted)
Re: the dumping dangerous waste part: the colonies actually have an economic advantage about Earth is that they separate industrial sections from the habitat sections. They have a comparative advantage in polluting industries in that they can just dump the waste in the vacuum.
On the whole, the colonists find Earth nasty and dirty. There are dangerous vehicles on ground level, everything looks dirty, people eat meat, everyone is rude and the weather's horrible.
zompist wrote: ↑Thu Jul 04, 2019 5:00 pm
High tech also tends to be forbiddingly complex. In the early 20C any schmo could take their car apart and put it back together. Same with a radio. You can't really build a 2019 car out in your back alley any more. Is a 2219 vehicle going to be any easier? (Perhaps that becomes a design goal! Could make an interesting wrinkle on a society.)
An interesting point. Car manufacturers don't have much interest in allowing you to maintain your own car; but the incentives for space habitats are different. Presumably they'd try to keep things simple; besides, the simpler the design, the less likely it is that something breaks.
Salmoneus wrote: ↑Thu Jul 04, 2019 6:37 pm
But this is a good thing for security - the less able the random person is to operate, build and modify technology, the less the government has to be afraid of them.
No, security through obscurity is a bad practice. A good model might be IT security. The designs are "open source" so people can't point out that the thermal exhaust port is a single point of failure; but the keys to the maintenance shaft (and possibly the location of the access door) are well-guarded.