The New "Let's Reform English" (and Others) Game

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The New "Let's Reform English" (and Others) Game

Post by StrangerCoug »

I've chosen to revive the game from the old thread because I thought it was fun.

Here are the originally posted rules:
In the original thread, Daedolon wrote:The topic is, as the title says, a stepwise reformation of English grammar and phonology.

Below there is a sample text in English. Each participant adds a grammar/phonology rule and then change the text to reflect the new rule. The following player accepts the revised text, and also adds a new rule. Every post has to introduce at least one new rule, but also don't add six hundred rules on a single post. Besides that, you can just be as creative or uncreative as you want.

The game ends when the text's language can't be classified/understood as English any more.
...after which point we start again with a new English text.

New rule added July 23, 2019: Text is no longer required to be English, thus merging the old version of the game for foreign languages into this one. Just provide a translation (and a gloss, if you can help it) when you introduce it; they do not need to be repeated again save for grammatical changes.

Here we go:
/aɪ ˈkʰɔːdiəli dɪsˈlaɪk ˈælɪɡəɹi ɪn ɔːl ɪts ˌmænɪfɛsˈtʰeɪʃn̩z | n̩d ˈɔːlweɪz həv ˈdʌn səʊ sɪns ˈaɪ ɡɹuː ˈəʊld n̩d ˈweəɹi ɪˈnʌf tə dɪˈtʰɛkt ɪts ˈpʰɹɛzn̩s ‖ aɪ mʌt͡ʃ pɹiˈfɜː ˈhɪstəɹi | ˈtʰɹuː ɔː ˈfeɪnd | wɪð ɪts ˈveəɹɪd ˌæplɪkəˈbɪlɪti tə ðə ˈθɔːt n̩d ɪksˈpɪəɹɪəns əv ˈɹiːdəz ‖ aɪ ˈθɪŋk ðət ˈmɛni kn̩ˈfjuːz ˌæplɪkəˈbɪlɪti wɪð ˈælɪɡəɹi ‖ bət ðə ˈwʌn ɹɪˈzaɪdz ɪn ðə ˈfɹiːdm̩ əv ðə ˈɹiːdə | n̩d ði ˈʌðəɹ ɪn ðə ˈpʰɜːpəst ˌdɒmɪˈneɪʃn̩ əv ði ˈɔːθə ‖/
⟨I cordially dislike allegory in all its manifestations, and always have done so since I grew old and wary enough to detect its presence. I much prefer history, true or feigned, with its varied applicability to the thought and experience of readers. I think that many confuse 'applicability' with 'allegory'; but the one resides in the freedom of the reader, and the other in the purposed domination of the author.⟩

First changes:
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  1. The pronunciation of the word ⟨and⟩ becomes perceived as a syllabic prenasalized stop /ⁿd̩/.
  2. ⟨the⟩ pronounced /ði/ becomes a clitic attached to the following word, pronounced /ðj/.
  3. pʰ tʰ kʰ → p͡ɸ t͡θ k͡x
  4. Unrounded back vowels round (causes only ʌ → ɔ in the sample).
  5. Intervocalic /l ɹ n/ become /ɺ ɾ ɾ̃/ before an unstressed vowel. This applies even if there is a word boundary after, but NOT before, the consonant.
/aɪ ˈk͡xɔːdiəɺi dɪsˈlaɪk ˈæɺɪɡəɾi ɪn ˈɔːɺ ɪts ˌmæɾ̃ɪfɛsˈt͡θeɪʃn̩z | ⁿd̩ ˈɔːlweɪz həv ˈdɔn səʊ sɪns ˈaɪ ɡɹuː ˈəʊld ⁿd̩ ˈweəɾi ɪˈnɔf tə dɪˈt͡θɛkt ɪts ˈp͡ɸɹɛzn̩s ‖ aɪ mɔt͡ʃ p͡ɸɹiˈfɜː ˈhɪstəɾi | ˈt͡θɹuː ɔː ˈfeɪnd | wɪð ɪts ˈveəɾɪd ˌæplɪkəˈbɪɺɪti tə ðə ˈθɔːt ⁿd̩ ɪksˈpɪəɾɪəns əv ˈɹiːdəz ‖ aɪ ˈθɪŋk ðət ˈmɛɾ̃i kn̩ˈfjuːz ˌæplɪkəˈbɪɺɪti wɪð ˈæɺɪɡəɾi ‖ bət ðə ˈwɔn ɹɪˈzaɪdz ɪn ðə ˈfɹiːdm̩ əv ðə ˈɹiːdə | ⁿd̩ ˈðjɔðəɾ ɪn ðə ˈp͡ɸɜːpəst ˌdɒmɪˈneɪʃn̩ əv ˈðjɔːθə ‖/
⟨I cordially dislike allegory in all its manifestations, and always have done so since I grew old and wary enough to detect its presence. I much prefer history, true or feigned, with its varied applicability to the thought and experience of readers. I think that many confuse 'applicability' with 'allegory'; but the one resides in the freedom of the reader, and the other in the purposed domination of the author.⟩
Last edited by StrangerCoug on Tue Jul 23, 2019 6:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The New "Let's Reform English" Game

Post by Xwtek »

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  1. Subject pronoun and verb cannot be separated by an adverb. Note that noun subject can still be separated by an adverb. The subject pronoun also fuses with the verb. The pronoun is reduced if after fusion the pronoun receives no secondary stress. Similarly to the possessive pronoun, but to the next noun/adjective, objective pronoun, to the previous verb or preposition.
  2. Adverb also cannot be placed between have/is/am/are + participle.
  3. Some word like like his [z], its [z], is [z], of [v], it [t] is reduced even further, deleting its only vowel, if cluster permits (voiced cluster like zb is now permitted). They also assimilate its voice to the surrounding consonants. It's also written 's, 's, 's, 'v, 't, respectively
  4. Spelling-wise, ough is no longer spelled ough. It depends on the actual pronunciation. <gh> is extict, either is not written, or written <f>
  5. The Saxon genitive is now replaced by his genitive, thanks from confusion between it with the reduction of both his and its.
  6. Schwa is deleted between stop and liquid or sibilant fricative. It's also deleted word finally.
  7. -er is replaced by -man/woman/human. (Because it would be silent). This is only done if it's visibly derived from a base word. Something like author, etc, doesn't get a new suffix
  8. Passive is used much more frequently.
/ˈk͡xɔːdiəɺi ˌaɪdɪsˈlaɪk ˈæɺɪɡɾi ɪn ˈɔːɺ ˌsmæɾ̃ɪfɛsˈt͡θeɪʃn̩z | ⁿd̩ ɔːlweiz həv dɔn səʊ sɪns aɪɡɹuː ˈəʊld ⁿd̩ ˈweəɾi ɪˈnɔf tə dɪˈt͡θɛkt ˈspɹɛzn̩s ‖ ˌaɪp͡ɸɹiˈfɜː ˈhɪstɾi ɪnsted | ˈt͡θɹuː ɔː ˈfeɪnd | wɪð ˈzveəɾɪd ˌæplɪkəˈbɪɺɪti tə ðə ˈθɔːt ⁿd̩ ɪksˈpɪəɾɪəns ˈvɹiːdmɛn ‖ ˈaɪθɪŋk ðət ˌæplɪkəˈbɪɺɪti skn̩ˈfjuːzd ɔftn̩ wɪð ˈæɺɪɡɾi ‖ bət ðə ˈwɔn ɹɪˈzaɪdz ɪn ðə ˈfɹiːdm̩ əv ðə ˈɹiːdmæn | ⁿd̩ ˈðjɔðəɾ ɪn ðə ˈp͡ɸɜːpst ˌdɒmɪˈneɪʃn̩ əv ˈðjɔːθ ‖/
(Cordially I dislike allegory in all 'smanifestations, and always have so since I grew old and wary enuff to detect 'spresence. I prefer history instead, true or feigned, with 'svaried applicability to the thawt and experience of readmen. I think that 'applicability' 'sconfused often with 'allegory'; but the one resides in the freedom of the readman, and the other in the purposed domination of the author.⟩
IPA of my name: [xʷtɛ̀k]

Favourite morphology: Polysynthetic, Ablaut
Favourite character archetype: Shounen hero
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Re: The New "Let's Reform English" Game

Post by StrangerCoug »

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  1. /ⁿd̩/ ceases to be syllabic and fuses to the next word if phonotactics would allow /d/ there by analogy with the previous set of changes, thus making /ⁿd/ a new phoneme in its own right. It remains /ⁿd/ otherwise.
  2. Further analogy turns syllable-final nasal-stop sequences into their corresponding prenasalized stops.
  3. /l/ elides next to /w/ or after a rounded vowel.
  4. /i ɪ/ merge into /j/ before a vowel.
/ˈk͡xɔːdjəɺi ˌaɪdɪsˈlaɪk ˈæɺɪɡɾi ɪn ˈɔːɺ ˌsmæɾ̃ɪfɛsˈt͡θeɪʃn̩z | ⁿdɔːweiz həv dɔn səʊ sɪns aɪɡɹuː ˈəʊd ˈⁿdweəɾi ɪˈnɔf tə dɪˈt͡θɛkt ˈspɹɛzn̩s ‖ ˌaɪp͡ɸɹiˈfɜː ˈhɪstɾi ɪnsted | ˈt͡θɹuː ɔː ˈfeɪⁿd | wɪð ˈzveəɾɪd ˌæplɪkəˈbɪɺɪti tə ðə ˈθɔːt ⁿd̩ ɪksˈpjəɾjəns ˈvɹiːdmɛn ‖ ˈaɪθɪᵑk ðət ˌæplɪkəˈbɪɺɪti skn̩ˈfjuːzd ɔftn̩ wɪð ˈæɺɪɡɾi ‖ bət ðə ˈwɔn ɹɪˈzaɪdz ɪn ðə ˈfɹiːdm̩ əv ðə ˈɹiːdmæn | ⁿd̩ ˈðjɔðəɾ ɪn ðə ˈp͡ɸɜːpst ˌdɒmɪˈneɪʃn̩ əv ˈðjɔːθ ‖/
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⟨Cordially I dislike allegory in all 'smanifestations, and always have so since I grew old and wary enuff to detect 'spresence. I prefer history instead, true or feigned, with 'svaried applicability to the thawt and experience of readmen. I think that 'applicability' 'sconfused often with 'allegory'; but the one resides in the freedom of the readman, and the other in the purposed domination of the author.⟩
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Re: The New "Let's Reform English" Game

Post by mèþru »

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  1. Fricatives strengthen into stops in an onset with approximants, affricates become geminate stops in the same context
  2. /ə/ → /e/ after /j/, /i/ otherwise. As the second component of diphthongs, it lengthens the preceding component and disappears
  3. /ɜ ɜː/ → /ɛ ɛː/
  4. /aɪ eɪ ei/ →/ai/
  5. /ɪ ʊ e/ → /e o eː/
[*]/ɛ ɔ/ → /ɜ ɞ/
[*]All word finally: /ɜ ɞ æ ɒ/ → /ɐ/, /i u e o/ → /ɪ̈/, long vowels shorten, dipthongs monophthongise
[*]/ɐ/ → /ɒ/, /æ/ → /ɒ/ before bilabial or velar
[ˈk͡xɔːdjeːɺɪ̈ ˌaidesˈlaik ˈæɺeɡɾɪ̈ en ˈɔːɺ ˌsmæɾ̃efɜsˈt͡θaiʃn̩z | ⁿdɔːwaiz hiv dɞn so sens aiɡɹu ˈiod ˈⁿdweːɾɪ̈ eˈnɞf tɪ̈ deˈt͡θɜkt ˈspɹɜzn̩s ‖ ˌaipːɹiˈfɛ ˈhestɾɪ̈ ensteːd | ˈtːɹu ɔ ˈfaiⁿd | weð ˈzveːɾed ˌɒplekiˈbeɺetɪ̈ tɪ̈ ðɪ̈ ˈθɔːt ⁿd̩ eksˈpjeːɾjeːns ˈbɹiːdmɜn ‖ ˈaiθeᵑk ðit ˌɒplekiˈbeɺetɪ̈ skn̩ˈpjuːzd ɞftn̩ weð ˈæɺeɡɾɪ̈ ‖ bit ðɪ̈ ˈwɞn ɹeˈzaidz en ðɪ̈ ˈpɹiːdm̩ iv ðɪ̈ ˈɹiːdmin | ⁿd̩ ˈdjɞðiɾ en ðɪ̈ ˈp͡ɸɛːpst ˌdɒmeˈnaiʃn̩ iv ˈdjɔːθ ‖]
ìtsanso, God In The Mountain, may our names inspire the deepest feelings of fear in urkos and all his ilk, for we have saved another man from his lies! I welcome back to the feast hall kal, who will never gamble again! May the eleven gods bless him!
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Re: The New "Let's Reform English" Game

Post by StrangerCoug »

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  1. Retroactively added stress marks where they were missing in polysyllabic words.
  2. Unstressed vowels lose their length distinction.
  3. /ɺ/ → /ɾ/
  4. Word-final obstruents lose their voicing contrast; they are now voiceless before a pause and when the next word starts with a voiceless consonant and voiced elsewhere. If the obstruent is part of a word-final cluster, the entire cluster is voiced or devoiced accordingly.
  5. The remaining affricates deaffricate into their corresponding fricatives.
[ˈxɔːdjeɾɪ̈ ˌaidesˈlaiɡ ˈæɾeɡɾɪ̈ en ˈɔːɾ ˌsmæɾ̃efɜsˈθaiʃn̩s | ˈⁿdɔːwais hiv dɞn so sens ˈaiɡɹu ˈiod ˈⁿdweːɾɪ̈ eˈnɞf tɪ̈ deˈθɜkt ˈspɹɜzn̩s ‖ ˌaipːɹiˈfɛ ˈhestɾɪ̈ enˈsteːt | ˈtːɹu ɔ ˈfaiⁿt | weð ˈzveːɾed ˌɒplekiˈbeɾetɪ̈ tɪ̈ ðɪ̈ ˈθɔːd ⁿd̩ eksˈpjeːɾjenz ˈbɹiːdmɜn ‖ ˈaiθeᵑɡ ðid ˌɒplekiˈbeɾetɪ̈ skn̩ˈpjuːzd ɞftn̩ weð ˈæɾeɡɾɪ̈ ‖ bid ðɪ̈ ˈwɞn ɹeˈzaidz en ðɪ̈ ˈpɹiːdm̩ iv ðɪ̈ ˈɹiːdmin | ⁿd̩ ˈdjɞðiɾ en ðɪ̈ ˈɸɛːbzd ˌdɒmeˈnaiʃn̩ iv ˈdjɔːθ ‖]
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(Cordially I dislike allegory in all 'smanifestations, and always have so since I grew old and wary enuff to detect 'spresence. I prefer history instead, true or feigned, with 'svaried applicability to the thawt and experience of readmen. I think that 'applicability' 'sconfused often with 'allegory'; but the one resides in the freedom of the readman, and the other in the purposed domination of the author.⟩
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Re: The New "Let's Reform English" Game

Post by mèþru »

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  1. No gemination in consonants
  2. final ⁿd̩/ⁿt is denasalised finally in words other than "and" to avoid parsing it as the next word
  3. Plurals regularised
  4. The definite article is no longer a clitic but a mandatory part of the declension paradigm of nouns. The indefinite is deleted. When preceding [s], assimilates in voicing
  5. /ɜ ɞ/ → /ə/, syllabic consonants become /ə/ + consonant after another consonant both within and outside a word
  6. unstressed /ɔ ɒ/ → /o ɔ/, stressed /ɒ/ → /ɔ/
  7. /ɪ̈/ → /ʉ/ after labials, /ɨ/ otherwise; /jɪ̈/ → /i/
  8. /u uː/ → /ʉ ʉː/
  9. /a æ/ → [æ] after /j/, [ä] otherwise (even in /ai/)
[*]/ɸ θ ð/ → /f f v/
[*]intervocalic voicing within every word
[ˈxɔːdjeɾɨ ˌäidesˈläiɡ ˈäɾeɡɾɨ en ˈɔːɾ ˌsθimäɾ̃evəsˈfäiʒənz | ˈⁿdɔːwäis hiv dən so senz ˈäiɡɹʉ ˈiod ˈⁿdweːɾɨ eˈnəf tɨ deˈvəkt viˈbɹəzənz ‖ ˌäipɹiˈvɛ ˈhestɾɨ enˈsteːt | ˈtːɹʉ o ˈfɔːlz1 | wev ˈzveːɾed ˌɔpleɡiˈbeɾedɨ tɨ viˈvɔːd əⁿd djeksˈpjeːɾjenz iv viˈɹiːdminz ‖ ˈäiveᵑɡ vid ˌdjɔpleɡiˈbeɾedɨ skənˈpjʉːzd əftən wev ˈdjæɾeɡɾɨ ‖ bid viˈwən ɹeˈzäidz en viˈpɹiːdəm iv viˈɹiːdmin | ⁿd̩ ˈdjəviɾ en viˈvɛːbzd ˌdɔmeˈnäiʒən iv ˈdjɔːf ‖]

Cordially I dislike allegory in all 'sthe manifestations, and always have done so since I grew old and wary enuff to detect the presence. I prefer history instead, true or false1, with 'svaried applicability to the thawt and the experience of the readmans. I think that 'the applicability' 'sconfused often with 'the allegory'; but the one resides in the freedom of the readman, and the other in the purposed domination of the author.

1 feigned would fall out of use as it is now identical with fight
ìtsanso, God In The Mountain, may our names inspire the deepest feelings of fear in urkos and all his ilk, for we have saved another man from his lies! I welcome back to the feast hall kal, who will never gamble again! May the eleven gods bless him!
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Re: The New "Let's Reform English" Game

Post by StrangerCoug »

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  1. Retroactively applied a couple missed changes and made the word ⟨false⟩ subject to the changes from before.
  2. Final /ᵑɡ/ is denasalized by analogy with change 2 in the previous post.
  3. /tɹ/ → /ʈ͡ʂ/
  4. /ɹ/ → /ʐ/ before a vowel EXCEPT after a consonant, where /ɹ/ → /ʐ/ instead
  5. Contrastive stress is lost.
  6. A moderate spelling reform takes place.
[xɔːdjeɾɨ äidesläiɡ äɾeɡɾɨ en ɔːɾ sfimäɾ̃evəsfäiʒənz | ⁿdɔːwäis hiv dən so senz äiɡɻʉ iod ⁿdweːɾɨ enəf tɨ devəkt vibɻəzənz ‖ äipɻivɛ hestɾɨ ensteːt | ʈ͡ʂʉ o fɔːz | wev zveːɾed ɔpleɡibeɾedɨ tɨ vivɔːd əⁿd djekspjeːɾjenz iv viʐiːdminz ‖ äiveɡ vid djɔpleɡibeɾedɨ skənpjʉːzd əftən wev djæɾeɡɾɨ ‖ bid viwən ʐezäidz en vipɻiːdəm iv viɻiːdmin | ⁿd̩ djəviɾ en vivɛːbzd dɔmenäiʒən iv djɔːf ‖]
⟨Chordially I-dislike allegly in all 'svee-manivesfations, 'nd-auways have done so since I-grew youd 'nd-waly enuff to devect vee-presence. I-prefer histly instead, true or fause, wiff 'svaried appligability to vee-vaut and dyexperience of vee-readmans. I-theck vit 'vee-applicability' 'sconfused often wiff 'vee-allegly'; but vee-wun resides in vee-freedom of vee-readman, and dyovver in vee-verpst domination of dyauff.⟩
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Re: The New "Let's Reform English" Game

Post by Xwtek »

  1. ɔː > oː
  2. ə > 0, except if it results in a word with only a single consonant that is a stop.
  3. Resonant not adjacent to vowel becomes syllabic. Vowel adjacent to other vowel becomes nonsyllabic.
  4. ʉ ɨ > ə
  5. final devoicing for stops, fricatives and affricatives.
  6. ɾ̃ > r, ⁿd > d
  7. The object now can be dislocated to emphasize the topicality.
[aɾegɾə xoːdjeɾə aideslaikt en oːɾ sfimarefsfaiʒns | doːwais hif dn so sens aigɻə jod ⁿdweːɾə enf tə defkt vibɻzns ‖ aipɻive hestɾə ensteːt | ʈ͡ʂə o foːs | wef zveːɾed opleɡibeɾedə tə vivoːt ət djekspjeːɾjens if viʐiːdminz ‖ aiveɡ vid djopleɡibeɾedə sknpjəːzd ftn wev djeɾeɡɾə ‖ bid viwən ʐezaidz en vipɻiːdm iv viɻiːdmin | ət diviɾ en viveːpst domenaiʒn if djoːf ‖]

⟨Allegly chordially I-dislike't in all 'svee-manivesfations, 'nd-auways have done so since I-grew youd 'nd-waly enuff to devect vee-presence. I-prefer histly instead, true or fause, wiff 'svaried appligability to vee-vaut and dyexperience of vee-readmans. I-theck vit 'vee-applicability' 'sconfused often wiff 'vee-allegly'; but vee-wun resides in vee-freedom of vee-readman, and dyovver in vee-verpst domination of dyauff.⟩
IPA of my name: [xʷtɛ̀k]

Favourite morphology: Polysynthetic, Ablaut
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Re: The New "Let's Reform English" Game

Post by StrangerCoug »

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  1. Retroactively applied a missed /ⁿd/ → /d/ change and several word-final devoicings.
  2. Two heterorganic stops in sequence become a geminate of the second; resulting word-final geminates degeminate.
  3. /ts/ → /t͡s/
  4. /eː iː oː əː/ → /ej ij ow ɑʕ/; resulting geminates of semivowels degeminate.
  5. Final /p t t͡s k/ cease to have an audible release. (EDIT: Decided unreleased t͡s doesn't make a lot of sense to me—if anyone can attest to it, feel free to reapply it!)
[aɾegɾə xowdjeɾə aideslait̚ en owɾ sfimarefsfaiʒns | dowais hif dn so sens aigɻə jot̚ dwejɾə enf tə deft̚ vibɻzns ‖ aipɻive hestɾə enstejt̚ | ʈ͡ʂə o fows | wef zvejɾet̚ opleɡibeɾedə tə vivowt̚ ət̚ djekspjejɾjens if viʐijdmins ‖ aivek̚ vit̚ djopleɡibeɾedə sknpjɑʕst̚ ftn wev djeɾeɡɾə ‖ bit̚ viwən ʐezait͡s en vipɻijdm if viɻijdmin | ət̚ diviɾ en vivejpst̚ domenaiʒn if djowf ‖]
More: show
⟨Allegly chordially I-dislike't in all 'svee-manivesfations, 'nd-auways have done so since I-grew youd 'nd-waly enuff to devect vee-presence. I-prefer histly instead, true or fause, wiff 'svaried appligability to vee-vaut and dyexperience of vee-readmans. I-theck vit 'vee-applicability' 'sconfused often wiff 'vee-allegly'; but vee-wun resides in vee-freedom of vee-readman, and dyovver in vee-verpst domination of dyauff.⟩
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Re: The New "Let's Reform English" Game

Post by mèþru »

I think we can milk the current text longer but no one's posting.
Also, can we make this an all language thread?
ìtsanso, God In The Mountain, may our names inspire the deepest feelings of fear in urkos and all his ilk, for we have saved another man from his lies! I welcome back to the feast hall kal, who will never gamble again! May the eleven gods bless him!
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Re: The New "Let's Reform English" Game

Post by Pedant »

mèþru wrote: Tue Jul 23, 2019 12:40 pm I think we can milk the current text longer but no one's posting.
Also, can we make this an all language thread?
Which language did you have in mind?
My name means either "person who trumpets minor points of learning" or "maker of words." That fact that it means the latter in Sindarin is a demonstration of the former. Beware.
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Re: The New "Let's Reform English" Game

Post by mèþru »

None in particular
I might post here with French or some very basic Latin because I don't know enough grammar and sounds to do other languages
ìtsanso, God In The Mountain, may our names inspire the deepest feelings of fear in urkos and all his ilk, for we have saved another man from his lies! I welcome back to the feast hall kal, who will never gamble again! May the eleven gods bless him!
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Re: The New "Let's Reform English" (and Others) Game

Post by StrangerCoug »

Rule added effective now :)
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Re: The New "Let's Reform English" (and Others) Game

Post by Xwtek »

Pedant wrote: Tue Jul 23, 2019 1:19 pm
mèþru wrote: Tue Jul 23, 2019 12:40 pm I think we can milk the current text longer but no one's posting.
Also, can we make this an all language thread?
Which language did you have in mind?
How about Proto Indo European? Scratch that. No easily accessible book (that is free) for reference.
Last edited by Xwtek on Wed Jul 24, 2019 7:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The New "Let's Reform English" Game

Post by Nortaneous »

More: show
- Unreleased plosives > glottal stop or gemination of a following consonant
- ɑʕ > a
- s > ʃ / _t; t > 0 / ʃ_#
- ə > 0 where phonotactics allow; ə > a otherwise
- ɾ > r / _#
- syllabic resonants eject ɨ
- i ij ej e ai > ɨ i i i e
- ow > u
- ji > je
[aɾegar xudjir edisleʔ en ur sfɨmarifsfeʒns | duwes hɨf dɨn so sins egɨɻ joʔ dwir inf ta difʔ vɨbɨɻzɨns ‖ epɻɨvi histaɾ instiʔ | ʈ͡ʂa o fus | wef zviɾiʔ opliɡɨbiɾid ta vivuʔ addjekspjeɾjens ɨf vɨʐidmɨns ‖ eviʔ vɨddjopliɡɨbiɾid skɨmpjaʃ ftɨn wiv djeɾiɡaɾ ‖ bɨt̚ vɨwn ʐizet͡s in vɨpɻidɨm ɨf vɨɻidmɨn | addɨvɨr in vivipʃ domineʒɨn ɨf djuf ‖]
Duaj teibohnggoe kyoe' quaqtoeq lucj lhaj k'yoejdej noeyn tucj.
K'yoejdaq fohm q'ujdoe duaj teibohnggoen dlehq lucj.
Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq.
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Re: The New "Let's Reform English" Game

Post by Xwtek »

Nortaneous wrote: Wed Jul 24, 2019 6:05 am
More: show
- Unreleased plosives > glottal stop or gemination of a following consonant
- ɑʕ > a
- s > ʃ / _t; t > 0 / ʃ_#
- ə > 0 where phonotactics allow; ə > a otherwise
- ɾ > r / _#
- syllabic resonants eject ɨ
- i ij ej e ai > ɨ i i i e
- ow > u
- ji > je
[aɾegar xudjir edisleʔ en ur sfɨmarifsfeʒns | duwes hɨf dɨn so sins egɨɻ joʔ dwir inf ta difʔ vɨbɨɻzɨns ‖ epɻɨvi histaɾ instiʔ | ʈ͡ʂa o fus | wef zviɾiʔ opliɡɨbiɾid ta vivuʔ addjekspjeɾjens ɨf vɨʐidmɨns ‖ eviʔ vɨddjopliɡɨbiɾid skɨmpjaʃ ftɨn wiv djeɾiɡaɾ ‖ bɨt̚ vɨwn ʐizet͡s in vɨpɻidɨm ɨf vɨɻidmɨn | addɨvɨr in vivipʃ domineʒɨn ɨf djuf ‖]
You missed some unreleased plosives. But anyway, this already sounds non-English for me.
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Re: The New "Let's Reform English" (and Others) Game

Post by Xwtek »

New game. Now it's from Latin
Someone* wrote: Hyaenās singulīs annīs nātūram mūtāre ferunt, et quī modo mās fuit, deinde in fēminam convertī. Cum ōlim itaque Hyaena masculus contrā nātūrae lēgēs cum fēminā coīre vellet, Heus tū, illa ait, nē quid tāle faciās; haec eadem enim mox ipse patiēris.
[hɪˈae.naːs ˈsɪŋ.ɡʊ.liːs ˈan.niːs naː.ˈtuː.rãː muːˈtaː.rɛ fæ.rʊnt | ɛt kʷiː ˈmɔ.dɔ maːs ˈfʊ.ɪt | dɛˈɪndɛ ɪn ˈfeː.mɪ.nam kɔnˈwær.tiː ‖ kʊm ˈoː.lɪm ˈɪ.ta.kʷɛ hɪˈ ˈmas.kʊ.lʊs ˈkon.traː naːˈtuː.rae ˈleː.ɡeːs kũː ˈfeː.mɪ.naː kɔˈiː.rɛ ˈwɛl.lɛt | heus tuː | ˈɪ ait | ne: kʷɪd ˈtaː.lɛ ˈfa.kɪ.aːs haek ˈɛ.a.dẽː ɛnĩː mɔks ˈɪp.sɛ pa.tɪˈeː.rɪs]

Please check the text before playing the game, I never learned Latin at school.

*=Please tell me who made this text.
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Re: The New "Let's Reform English" (and Others) Game

Post by mèþru »

This comes from the Latin translation that accompanies De Furia's edition of the Greek Aesopic corpus, published in 1810 and available at GoogleBooks. This is fable 325 in De Furia; for other versions, see Perry 243.
My Latin is rusty and I never got beyond basics so I don't know if I can provide a good gloss. I'll try though
ìtsanso, God In The Mountain, may our names inspire the deepest feelings of fear in urkos and all his ilk, for we have saved another man from his lies! I welcome back to the feast hall kal, who will never gamble again! May the eleven gods bless him!
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Re: The New "Let's Reform English" (and Others) Game

Post by Kuchigakatai »

Akangka wrote: Thu Jul 25, 2019 12:36 amPlease check the text before playing the game, I never learned Latin at school.
You're quite inconsistent in your phonetic transcription. I would go for:

[hyˈae̯.naːs ˈsɪŋ.ɡʊ.liːs ˈan.niːs naːˈtuː.rãː muːˈtaː.rɛ ˈfæ.rʊnt | ɛt kʲʷiː ˈmɔ.dɔ ˈmaːs ˈfʊ.ɪt | dɛˈɪndɛ ĩː ˈfeː.mɪ.nãː kɔnˈwær.tiː ‖ kʊm ˈoː.lĩː ɪ.ta.kʲʷɛ hyˈae̯.na ˈmas.kʊ.lʊs kon.traː naːˈtuː.rae ˈleː.ɡeːs kũː ˈfeː.mɪ.naː kɔˈiː.rɛ ˈwɛl.lɛt | ˈheu̯s ˈtuː | ˈɪ ˈa.ɪt | ne: ˈkʲʷɪd ˈtaː.lɛ ˈːs | hae̯k ˈɛ.a.dẽː ɛnĩː ˈmɔks ˈɪp.sɛ pa.tiˈeː.rɪs]

- We know that /ɪ/ was raised to [ i ] when unstressed before another vowel, as in "faciās" and "patiēris". This is not a typo in my transcription.
- Realistically, only a few people would've ever used the foreign sound [y] in "hyaena". Most people just used the native /ɪ/ [ i ].
- The preposition "in" underwent nasalization-and-lengthening before a fricative, as in "īn fēminam". This is not reflected in any Romance language as far as I know, as [ɪn] (> [en]) became the sound of the preposition in all contexts. Similarly, "cum" seems to have settled on [kʊn] (> [kon]) in Romance, although I wonder whether Romanian "cu" might be an exception.
- I added primary stress markers on "ferunt" (it's a main verb), "heus tū" ("heus" may not have had primary spress, but the nominative pronouns are usually pretty heavy, as can be seen in the fact they weren't used near the beginning interrupting NPs like the accusative/dative pronouns, and also in the Romance descendants) and "mox" (I think it's a contextually important adverb here).
- I took away primary stress markers from "itaque" (in most authors, except Sallust, it behaves just like a postpositional particle, like "enim", so it was likely completely unstressed in spite of having three syllables) and "contrā" (it's a preposition here).
mèþru wrote: Thu Jul 25, 2019 10:49 amMy Latin is rusty and I never got beyond basics so I don't know if I can provide a good gloss. I'll try though
I don't think a gloss is necessary, as people have never cared about structuring grammar in this game. It's all about sound changes.

That said, here's a gloss:

Hyaenās singulīs annīs nātūram mūtāre ferunt,
hyena.ACC.PL each.ABL.PL.MASC year.ABL.PL nature.ACC.SG change.INF hold.PRES.3PL
'It is said that hyenas change their nature each and every year,'

et quī modo mās fuit, deinde in fēminam convertī.
and who.NOM.SG now male.NOM.SG be.PERF.3SG, then in female.ACC.SG convert.PASS.INF
'and that whichever was male then turns into a female.'
(convertō 'turn into' is used in the passive voice to emphasize the spontaneity and lack of control over this process in hyenas)

Cum ōlim itaque Hyaena masculus contrā nātūrae lēgēs cum fēminā coīre vellet,
when once.upon.a.time therefore hyena.NOM.SG male.NOM.SG.MASC against nature.GEN.SG law.ACC.PL with female.SG.ABL meet.INF want.IMPERF.SUBJ.3SG
'When, once upon a time, a male hyena tried to meet (copulate) with a female against the laws of nature (having anal sex),'

Heus tū, illa ait, nē quid tāle faciās;
hey 2SG.NOM, 3SG.FEM.NOM say.PRES.3SG, not.SUBJ something.ACC.SG such.ACC.SG.NEUT do.PRES.SUBJ.2SG
' "Hey you", she said, "don't do such a thing"; '

haec eadem enim mox ipse patiēris.
this.ACC.PL.NEUT same.ACC.PL.NEUT because soon reflexive.pronoun.NOM.SG suffer.FUT.PASS.2SG
' "because soon you will suffer these same things yourself." '
("patior" is one of those Latin verbs that have an experiencer subject and take an accusative direct object but have passive morphology)
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Re: The New "Let's Reform English" (and Others) Game

Post by Xwtek »

Ser wrote: Thu Jul 25, 2019 12:12 pm
Akangka wrote: Thu Jul 25, 2019 12:36 amPlease check the text before playing the game, I never learned Latin at school.
You're quite inconsistent in your phonetic transcription. I would go for:

[hyˈae̯.naːs ˈsɪŋ.ɡʊ.liːs ˈan.niːs naːˈtuː.rãː muːˈtaː.rɛ ˈfæ.rʊnt | ɛt kʲʷiː ˈmɔ.dɔ ˈmaːs ˈfʊ.ɪt | dɛˈɪndɛ ĩː ˈfeː.mɪ.nãː kɔnˈwær.tiː ‖ kʊm ˈoː.lĩː ɪ.ta.kʲʷɛ hyˈae̯.na ˈmas.kʊ.lʊs kon.traː naːˈtuː.rae ˈleː.ɡeːs kũː ˈfeː.mɪ.naː kɔˈiː.rɛ ˈwɛl.lɛt | ˈheu̯s ˈtuː | ˈɪ ˈa.ɪt | ne: ˈkʲʷɪd ˈtaː.lɛ ˈːs | hae̯k ˈɛ.a.dẽː ɛnĩː ˈmɔks ˈɪp.sɛ pa.tiˈeː.rɪs]

- We know that /ɪ/ was raised to [ i ] when unstressed before another vowel, as in "faciās" and "patiēris". This is not a typo in my transcription.
- Realistically, only a few people would've ever used the foreign sound [y] in "hyaena". Most people just used the native /ɪ/ [ i ].
- The preposition "in" underwent nasalization-and-lengthening before a fricative, as in "īn fēminam". This is not reflected in any Romance language as far as I know, as [ɪn] (> [en]) became the sound of the preposition in all contexts. Similarly, "cum" seems to have settled on [kʊn] (> [kon]) in Romance, although I wonder whether Romanian "cu" might be an exception.
- I added primary stress markers on "ferunt" (it's a main verb), "heus tū" ("heus" may not have had primary spress, but the nominative pronouns are usually pretty heavy, as can be seen in the fact they weren't used near the beginning interrupting NPs like the accusative/dative pronouns, and also in the Romance descendants) and "mox" (I think it's a contextually important adverb here).
- I took away primary stress markers from "itaque" (in most authors, except Sallust, it behaves just like a postpositional particle, like "enim", so it was likely completely unstressed in spite of having three syllables) and "contrā" (it's a preposition here).
Thanks, That's why I don't start a game until someone confirms it. Although, I prefer transcribing <y> as /i/, because as you say, few will say it anyway.
Ser wrote: Thu Jul 25, 2019 12:12 pm I don't think a gloss is necessary, as people have never cared about structuring grammar in this game. It's all about sound changes.
On the other hand, I love structuring grammar. Thank you for the grammar.

Any way, let's start the game
  1. Defective verbs is treated as normal verb, but with reversed argument
  2. Neuter noun cannot be subject of the transitive sentence
  3. The copula is replaced by -eō.
  4. /n/ and /m/ is now makes nasalized long vowel before anything. It's also deleted before anything except for nasal/stop.
  5. Vowel is raised before another vowel (ɪ is already raised).
[hyˈae̯.naːs ˈsĩːŋ.ɡʊ.liːs ˈan.niːs naːˈtuː.rãː muːˈtaː.rɛ ˈfæ.rũːnt]
hyena.ACC.PL each.ABL.PL.MASC year.ABL.PL nature.ACC.SG change.INF hold.PRES.3PL
[ɛt kʲʷiː ˈmɔ.dɔ ˈmas.kʊ.let | deˈĩːndɛ feː.mɪ.niːˈneːskɪt]
and who.NOM.SG now male-3SG.PRES, then female-be-INCH-3SG.PRES
[kũːm ˈoː.lĩː ɪ.ta.kʲʷɛ hyˈae̯.na ˈmas.kʊ.lʊs kõːn.traː naːˈtuː.rae ˈleː.ɡeːs kũː ˈfeː.mɪ.naː koˈiː.rɛ ˈwɛl.lɛt]
when once.upon.a.time therefore hyena.NOM.SG male.NOM.SG.MASC against nature.GEN.SG law.ACC.PL with female.SG.ABL meet.INF want.IMPERF.SUBJ.3SG
[ˈheu̯s ˈtuː | ˈɪ ˈa.ɪt | ne: ˈkʲʷɪd ˈtaː.lɛ ˈːs]
hey 2SG.NOM, 3SG.FEM.NOM say.PRES.3SG, not.SUBJ something.ACC.SG such.ACC.SG.NEUT do.PRES.SUBJ.2SG
[hae̯k ˈe.a.dẽː ɛnĩː ˈmɔks ˈɪp.sɛ pa.tiˈeː.rɪs]
this.ACC.PL.NEUT same.ACC.PL.NEUT because soon reflexive.pronoun.NOM.SG suffer.FUT.PASS.2SG

Anyway, can I add text, because I always get a text that doesn't showcase my favourite grammatical changes?
IPA of my name: [xʷtɛ̀k]

Favourite morphology: Polysynthetic, Ablaut
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