Alternate Orthographies

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Alternate Orthographies

Post by Starbeam »

Basically alternate orthographies or transcription systems for various languages. This is not a serious proposal thread, but more of seeing how phonological and lexical communication can be altered yet still function. Unlike the romanization game, you can pick whatcha want to do. Just be sure to show a sample and label the language you are messing with.

Without further ado, here's my attempt at sorta-Gaelicizing Manx orthography:

I'm not going to explain how Manx phonology works for this. Words are spelled as dictated by the rules below, rather than a perfect reinstatement of Middle Gaelic.


The vowels are a bit more distorted from Middle Gaelic, so i'm gonna start from scratch to make it Gaelicized.

/a a:~ø: E E: I I: O O: U U: @~ø/ are treated as broad variants of /æ æ:~E: e e: i i: o o: u u: 1/; all respectively. The lineup is normally spelled <a á e é i í o ó u ú>, and shwa is spelled u(i) (broad before) or i(o) (slender before) at the beginning or end of words, and not spelled elsewhere. <a á o ó u ú> normally broaden the surrounding consonant(s), while <i í> normally slenderize the surround the surrounding consonants; but <e é> slenderize preceding consonants and broaden the postceding ones.

<a á o ó u ú> become <ia iá io ió iu iú> to indicate slenderized consonants before.
<a á e é o ó u ú> become <ai ái uei uéi oi ói ui úi> to indicate slenderized consonants after.
<a á e é o ó u ú> become <iai iái ei éi ioi iói iui iúi> to indicated slenderized consonants surrounding.
<e é í> become <uei uéi uí> to indicate broad consonants before.
<í> becomes <ío> to indicate broad consonants after.
<e é í> become <ue ué uío> to indicate broad consonants surrounding.

the polyphthongs /ai au ei ei~i: eu øi oi au~o: i@ iu ui/ are spelled <aí au eí (i)ái eu uoí oí ou ía iu úí>.
the /E:~I:~M:/ when broad after, /i:/ when slender after polyphthong is spelled <ao> and <aoi>, in the respective situations.
the /ø:~M:~U:/ when broad after, /y:~i:/ when slender after polyphthong is spelled <uo> and <uoi>, in the respective situations.

Neither the <ao> nor the <uo> vowel slenderizes the preceding consonants.
Doubled vowel letters function as alternatives for the respective vowel acute accent'd.


All consonants except /v h/ adopt a broadening-slenderizing paradigm indicated by the vowels above and change pronunciation according to the chart below

/n~n' N~n' t~tS d~dZ k c g J\ s~S z~Z x~ç G~j l~l' r~r'/ n

<-gh -ght> are respelled <ch cht>; jeeragh, hoght :arrow: díorach, hocht
<c qu wh Cw> are respelled <c cuV chuV CuV>; kione, queig, bwee :arrow: cioun, cueig, buí
Slenderizing letters are NOT added back to initial <m(h)- p(h)- b(h)- f(h)- v-> due to the loss of the slender labials.
Silent <-e> is removed and words respelled to accomodate vowel length, shwa sound, and palatalization.
Silent <h> is removed from words where it doesn't change the pronounciation of the preceding letter.tholtan > toltan
<sh çh/tçh j/dj> become slender variants of <s t d>; shassoo, çhengey, padjer :arrow: siású, tengi, paidr
With the exception of <tt cc/ ck> representing /d g/ rather than /D G/, all spelled doubled consonants become singular; baatey :arrow: báide, but peccah > paiccy
<z> is added in words where original <s> is pronounced /z~Z/ rather than /s~S/. If an <s> is between vowels in a root word, it does not become <z>; likewise with <v> for <f>.

Initial Mutations

Initial mutations do not affect <l r n ng v z h>. I don't think vowel h-adding exists as an initial mutation in Manx.

Aspirate lenition makes the consonant or first consonant in a cluster take a spelled <h>, rather than the spelling of the changed sound.
Nasalizing lenition makes the consonant take the letter normally representing the changed sound before the mutated letter, rather than respell the letter to match the changed sound. Labials and /s d~dZ g~J\/ didn't get nasalized in Late Former Manx.


Tá dach úili phéach roguit suér as corm aíns ardcheím as ciart.
Ren dío fuoíltacha resún as cúinsians urrú as bu chéir dau imirci richéili mur brárachun.

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.
They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

There are some gaps, and i am distrustful of my translation and the one for the UN mission statemnent i found on Omniglot; but i hope this gets the job done.
Last edited by Starbeam on Tue Jun 15, 2021 12:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
They or she pronouns. I just know English, have made no conlangs (yet).
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Re: Alternate Orthographies

Post by Nortaneous »

pʲ pˠ t̪ˠ tʲ c k <p p t çh/tch k k>
bʲ bˠ d̪ˠ dʲ ɟ g <b b d j~dj g g>
fʲ fˠ sˠ ʃ ç x h <f f s sh ch/gh# ch/gh(# t) h>
vʲ w j ɣ <v w y gh>
mʲ mˠ n̪ˠ nʲ ɲ ŋ <m m n n ng ng>
ɾˠ rʲ <r r>
l̪ˠ lʲ <l ll>

ɪ <iCC, e# in monosyllables, ooi>
iː <ee, eeCe, oie>
ʊ <oo>
uː <ooCe, ooiCe>
ɛ <e>
eː <eay ay ea ae>
ɔ <eo o>, but <au> before <gh l>
oː <eoCe/eoa oCe/oa>
a aː <ea a eaa aa>
əi <iCe>
əu <eu ao>
iə <eea>
uə <ooey ooa>
ə <e/ey/i uy y/a/u>
(e: slender in monosyllables and medially, ey: slender otherwise, i: before velars; y: medially or in VC/CVC monosyllables, a: initially and before final <s> or finally, u: after vowels or before C#)

Vee shay eg affyrk amagh ass a winneogue nooeyr a vee misshey goll hart. Nee eckitch shay paol hree dreaymrey. Taa meay fleaugh hreedje ys hreedje. Hoog shay claugh wore aggas cha shay lesh a winneogue ee. Haaneg shay eshtchagh aggas cooghue er.
―Yr eek shib mooraan er a mooine?
―Ga jivven jeek sa liud a will aan ye.
Chagguym aan chooilla laa sys minnick nagh meean moraan faaltchey roome. Taa meay clishtchaal a gaul harrum ga mie savra fleaugh sa mleeana agguyn aggas cheetur ghaum peayne gyr ashtchegh a shkeayl ay shin. Will na fattee choe mass doorche shay? A Gheaylgey laoroier a gooiege moone nee haunan ee sa gheaylgey shagganey.
Duaj teibohnggoe kyoe' quaqtoeq lucj lhaj k'yoejdej noeyn tucj.
K'yoejdaq fohm q'ujdoe duaj teibohnggoen dlehq lucj.
Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq.
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Re: Alternate Orthographies

Post by Starbeam »

That is literally Manx as it is now.
They or she pronouns. I just know English, have made no conlangs (yet).
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Re: Alternate Orthographies

Post by Nortaneous »

Starbeam wrote: Wed Aug 14, 2019 12:41 am That is literally Manx as it is now.
it's Irish Gaelic
Duaj teibohnggoe kyoe' quaqtoeq lucj lhaj k'yoejdej noeyn tucj.
K'yoejdaq fohm q'ujdoe duaj teibohnggoen dlehq lucj.
Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq.
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Re: Alternate Orthographies

Post by Starbeam »

Nortaneous wrote: Wed Aug 14, 2019 11:53 am
Starbeam wrote: Wed Aug 14, 2019 12:41 am That is literally Manx as it is now.
it's Irish Gaelic
Ah, my apologies. Didn’t recognize it after such a change, and it also i don’t think was labelled. God, the scribes really butchered Manx.
They or she pronouns. I just know English, have made no conlangs (yet).
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Re: Alternate Orthographies

Post by mèþru »

Starbeam wrote:Unlike the romanization game, you can pick whatcha want to do.
You can do that there as well. I don't see a point in this being a separate thread
ìtsanso, God In The Mountain, may our names inspire the deepest feelings of fear in urkos and all his ilk, for we have saved another man from his lies! I welcome back to the feast hall kal, who will never gamble again! May the eleven gods bless him!
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Re: Alternate Orthographies

Post by Starbeam »

I didn't know that. Whoops. Should i just ask Zompist to merge these threads or pack what i posted to over there?
They or she pronouns. I just know English, have made no conlangs (yet).
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Re: Alternate Orthographies

Post by Starbeam »

This is French in the style of Standard German (largely). I've had this draft sitting around since yesterday, so i might as well post it.

General rules:

/m n J/ m n nj
/p b t d k g/ p b t d k g
/f v s z S Z/ f w s z sch zj
/l R/ l r
/l j H w/ l i/j ü u r
/a A E: E œ O e ø o i y u @/ a ah ä e ö o eh öh oh i ü u e y

*<ah eh öh oh> are only used in closed syllables, or in any place where there would cause confusion with <a e ö o>.
*Aspirat "h" is represented as h at the beginning of a word. Silent initial h is not used, except in propper nouns.
*Doubled consonants indicate a non-silent letter at the end of a word (doubled k is written "ck"). Unsilent clusters use h after the second letter.
*/j/ after /i/ is written <ij>.
*<mh nh> indicate liaison that does not nasalize the preceding vowel.
*<iN uN üN> are still indicative of /E^n O^n œ^n/.
*<h> between vowels indicate a broken diphthong. loua :arrow: luha
*/N X L/ are not considered part of the phonology. /@/ is only written <y> rather than <e> or <ö> in contrasting positions.
*/f t k R/ are not written <ph th kh rh> in Greek words. Likewise, etymological unconstrasting silent consonants are not written.
*/ks/ and /gz/ outside of morphological boundries is written <x>.
*soft c contrasting with <s> is written <ß>. soft g contrasting with <zj> is written <zh>.
*<v> is only used in növ

Individual words and morphemes:

fais- (congjugation of faire), eu- (conjugation of avoir) :arrow: fyz-, uh-
-ent, -es (verb endings) :arrow: -0
-esque, -inct, -spect :arrow: -eschk, -int, -spet
baptême, brut, cerf, clef, compter, cul, est ("east"), fusil, gaz, neuf, nerf, saoul, sud, yaourt, zinc :arrow: batemm, brütt, ßerr, kleh, konter, kü, esth, füsij, növ, nerr, suh, südd, yaurt, zingh
deuxième, dix, second, sept, septante, six, soixante :arrow: döziemm, diß, sygond, sett, settant, siß, suaßant; or with the digits


Ünn tematick obsedanth organizät dezja tut ün espaß dy kestions e d'interpretasions: sell dy l'ehkritür, entyr literatür, filosofi e sienß. -Jacques Derrida

An obsessive theme already organized a whole space of questions and interpretations: that of writing, between literature, philosophy and science. -Jacques Derrida
Last edited by Starbeam on Wed Sep 04, 2019 6:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
They or she pronouns. I just know English, have made no conlangs (yet).
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Re: Alternate Orthographies

Post by Zju »


/m n ŋ¹/ <m n ng>
/p t tʃ k/ <p t ch k>
/b d dʒ ɡ/ <b d gh g>
/f θ s ʃ h/ <f th s sh h>
/v ð z ʒ/ <v dh z zh>
/l ɹ j w/ <l r j² w>

¹ <n> in front of /g/
² <i> in front of rounded vowels, <j> elsewhere; /juː/ is <iu>

/æ ɛ ɪ i iː/ <ae e i i ii>
/ɑ ʌ ə/ <a eo e>
/ɒ ɔ ɔː ʊ u uː/ <ao o oo u u uu>

/eɪ əʊ aɪ ɔɪ aʊ/ <ei ou ai oi au>
/ɜ˞ ɑ˞ ɔ˞ ɪə˞ ɛə˞ ʊə˞ ə˞/ <er¹ ar or ier eer uer er¹>

¹ Word-finally <r>

Dierist kriichr in kriieishn,
steodi Inglish preneonsieishn.
Ai wil tiich iu in mai vers,
saundz laik korps, koer, hors and wers.
It wil kiip iu, Suuzi, bizi,
meik ior hed widh hiit grou dizi.
Tier in ai, ior dres iul teer,
sou shael ai! Ou, hier mai preer.
/j/ <j>

Ɂaləɂahina asəkipaɂə ileku omkiroro salka.
Loɂ ɂerleku asəɂulŋusikraɂə seləɂahina əɂətlahɂun əiŋɂiɂŋa.
Hərlaɂ. Hərlaɂ. Hərlaɂ. Hərlaɂ. Hərlaɂ. Hərlaɂ. Hərlaɂ.
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Re: Alternate Orthographies

Post by Xwtek »

The khoekhoe orthography is horrible. Here's my attempt at creating an orthography:

/m n/ <m n>
/p t k ʔ/ <b d g> (Glottal stop is not written)
/ts kx/ <t k>
/β ɾ/ <w r>
/s x h/ <s h h>
/| ! ‖ ǂ/ <c c x q>
/ǀ͡χ ŋǀ ŋ̊ǀʰ ŋ̊ǀˀ/ <ch nc nch nc'> (Other clicks are similiarly written)

/i e a o u/ <i e a o u>
/ai ae ao au ui oe oa/ <ai ae ao au ui oe oa>
/iiⁿ aaⁿ uuⁿ aiⁿ auⁿ uiⁿ oaⁿ/ <įį ąą ųų ąį ąų ųį ǫą>

Length is indicated by doubling the letter.

Khoekhoe has 7 tone groups (after taking the sandhi form into account) according to this:

Code: Select all

SL   àà
L    aa
SL-L àa
L-SL aà
H    áa
SH   áá
H-SH aá
IPA of my name: [xʷtɛ̀k]

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Re: Alternate Orthographies

Post by Birdlang »

A few
Ende-Lio as one of my conlangs
/p b t d ʧ ʤ k g ʔ/ p b t d c j k g h/ʼ
/ˀb ˀd/ ƀ đ
/ᵐb ⁿd ᵑg/ mb nd ŋg
/m n ŋ/ m n ŋ
/f s x/ f s ḥ
/r l w/ r l v/w
First one out of the slashed ones is used in between two vowels or at the beginning of a word, at the end of a syllable the second is used.
/i u e o ə a/ i u e o ë a
/m n ɲ ŋ/ m n ñ ŋ
/p b t d c ɟ k g ʔ/ p b t d c j k g h
/mb nd ɲɟ ŋg/ mb nd ñj ŋg
/f s z ʃ h/ f v s z x ḥ
/r l j w/ r l y w

/i ɯ u e ə o ɛ ʌ ɔ a/ i ů u é ŏ ó e ŭ o a
/m n ŋ/ m n ŋ
/p pʰ b t tʰ d k kʰ ʔ/ p p’ b t t’ d k g h
/f s h/ f s ḥ
/ʨ ʨʰ/ c c’
/r l j w/ r l y w

/i iː ɯ ɯː u uː e eː ɤ ɤː o oː ɛ ɛː ɔ ɔː a aː/ i ī ů ů̄ u ū é ḗ ö ȫ ó ṓ e ē o ō a ā
/ā á à â ǎ/ a aƨ aȝ aꜭ aƽ
More coming soon.
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