Predictive text toy

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Predictive text toy

Post by zompist »

This is kind of amusing. Go here and enter a short text; an AI will then attempt to continue it. Here are some of my attempts; my starter text is in bold. The most impressive thing is the ability to keep on topic!
When the aliens came, no one was quite prepared to see what came out of their gleaming blue spacecraft: ersatz humanoids, but in real human form. With no sense of the Earth, they had no reason to attack New York City.

The aliens returned six weeks later with the first prototype: a new, streamlined model for the ship that still looked rather human, but now glowed blue. A group of young scientists in a nearby laboratory, now working in harmony with the machines, began work on a "computer" that could communicate with the craft's computer.

The most important element of this "computer" was the ability to speak alien languages. The ship quickly became a popular meeting point among alien visitors. In fact, a number of countries soon decided to take over the job of managing this new alien visitor.
Although the existence of God cannot be proven, scientists now believe that there is evidence for the existence of godlings. Although scientists agree that there is life on other planets, they do not believe there is life on planet Earth.

As Godling, Adam is seen in biblical accounts as being a being that had great knowledge, wisdom, skill, and courage.

Adam was known to have given his brother the serpent a rod, which was so powerful the earth trembled under it. And God was also given a man whose name was Seth, whom Adam called his brother, and he became father of all the living creatures on earth. (Genesis 3:1-2)
I have a killer idea for a video game. You can play as anyone you like from history, and replay their life in their own culture. Let's call it "Nostalgia: It's the way we feel when we were kids, or our parents were."
You'll be the first to hear about my new game if you help me raise $1,000 to pay for all the artists, people, marketing, and travel to Montreal. I want to get it out there so that we can show how we can make a game with real people, from people who didn't expect it to take off like this. This game is going to make a lot of people's families cry. As you might have read in the last post, "All the art I use is original. All the art is original." All the art is for sale - it doesn't exist anywhere else. But a lot of people seem to be confused about where to look for it.
In the year 2510, the remains of human civilization are run by three corporations: Facebook, Google, and Walmart.

Walmart is a corporation founded by a former United States Marine named Sam Walton. In the year 2510, after the government's attempt to shut down Walmart has fallen flat, Walmart decides to shut down Walmart. One of the key differences between Walmart and most other corporations is: The majority of the population can't survive without Walmart's products or services. It is also a company that can sell its products or services even in other countries at a lower price than its competitors.

After a number of years, a series of disasters leads to Walmart's demise. This leads to the "Walmart Effect": After Walmart's demise, a whole chain of stores, restaurants, department stores, hardware stores, and grocery stores are created, with the name "Walmart". A number of other Walmart franchises and subsidiaries become available, often to other companies that are in conflict with Walmart. These corporations provide products or services to the populace that are more in tune with their worldview.
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Re: Predictive text toy

Post by Pabappa »

Whoa. I went to the site without reading your post and typed just a few words .... I was expecting it just to add just a few words more, not five paragraphs. And, it is highly random, .... I typed "Hurry up!" and it gave me this:
More: show
Hurry up! We're not done yet!

I see your eyes, and it's not anger.

It's pity...

I know you're sorry.

You must be wondering why I'm here.

I'm here to ask you something.

I'm just really curious.

If you want to be your own person,

then I'm saying no more to your lies.

But I'm scared.

And I know what that feels like.

That feeling when somebody says

"I know that you don't see me as a person..."

And then they go, "You must be really stupid!

If you've been so brave, who could have seen it coming?"

You can't let them know you're here,

can you?

I just want to try to do something nice for you, don't I?

I just want to see what happened, can't I?

You've really come a long way!

Thanks for

(yes it ended there .... there may be a hard limit on text). Then i typed "Hurry up!" again and got something completely different in every way.

The behavior changes when the input text is long. It seems to reuse a lot of text from the original. I put in a few setnences from a write up of political parties of Teppala and it gave me mostly my own words back, but also some that look like they may have come from another author.

Maybe this tool could mix five different fantasy authors together and produce a hybrid work? Probably wouldnt be a very good book, but it might be worth it for novelty's sake. There was a chapter in the notorious sci-fi collab novel Atlanta Nights that did something like that, but good writing was not one of their goals.

one more (my text in bold):
More: show
"Our war against Repilia must come to an end. Repilia will rule our homeland; our men will be disarmed. There shall be no future wars within our territory, as our battles were fought in disobedience of Gahanaya." When the women in the assembly heard this, they began to worry about the soldiers camped out to the north of the temple. "My, that wasn't bad. I would have thought they'd have been happy to see our leader come back. But what about the soldiers south of the temple? It seems Repilia may need them." "My lord, the northern forces were not under our commands. They are my soldiers, and I am not going to give them arms. That may be a little harsh, but I hope it'll appease the women at the assembly. After all, Repilia is not the same woman she looked like just the two of us." "If that's the case, then the army must fall. The army that led us to Repilia is all that's left in northern territory. I'll
<--this one wasnt quite as impressive to me, but the algorithm was at least paying attention ... it knew the soldiers were up north.

It seems to offer me male pregnancy a lot ... I actually got a much more accurate result when I used Ponīl and Getōs as the name of a couple than when I changed them to Andrew and Julia. The tone changed, too ... not sure what's up with that, maybe it sees "unfamiliar name" and goes into a formal writing style.


i bwoked it : (
More: show
That night Ponīl and Getōs together chanted the prayers they were taught: Then Pōnil spoke, "Thank you, oh Goddess, for blessing my womb with a child! We are in awe at what magic you have done. Please help me deliver my baby into the world."
̂u ͡ɵŋn ̂uḩ ͡ʃ ʔ̃ ̂uḩḩəʇ ̂uḩḩuḩəḩʃ ̂uḩḩḩʃ
̂uḩḩḩəmʐ ɛuḩḩəəʇ ̂uḩḩḩʃ ̂uuḩuḩḩḩəəəəḩʃ
̂uuḩ͡ʃ e-̂uḩḩḩəmʐ êuḩḩ

Yeah Im editing my post for the 6th time now .... i'll play around with this some more. In the meantime, I think my favorite of the ones you posted is the Walmart one, although I love the line Although scientists agree that there is life on other planets, they do not believe there is life on planet Earth..
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Re: Predictive text toy

Post by Pabappa »

OK I spent another hour on that site. My favorite of all so far is this:
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Image is funny as well as the algorithm didnt seem to notice that it was from a horror story. is funny too.

And is another one from the text I used in the last post.... it did a good job this time.
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Re: Predictive text toy

Post by Ares Land »

The Sound of Music got pretty dark:

Do, a doe, a female deer!
Re, a beam of golden sun!
More: show
L, a lamb!
The sun went down on him and so he died.
L, a lamb!
As he drew close to his dying father he saw his little daughter
L, a lamb!
And she looked at him and said, "Oh, father, what have I done?"
When he got to the house, he told his wife and son,
L, a lamb!
L, a lamb!
So they all said, "What have you done?"
And his wife and son said, "We know, and you know,"
So his wife and son said, "This is your father's fate."
When he came home to his wife and son,
L, a lamb!
So they all said, "What have you done?"
And his wife and son said, "We know, and you know,"
So his wife and son said, "This is your father's fate."
L, a lamb! (So they said it over and over and over again, over and over
Did you know Frank Zappa wrote Futurama episodes?

The muffin man is seated at the table
in the laboratory of the utility muffin
Research kitchen... reaching for an
oversized chrome spoon he gathers an
Intimate quantity of dried muffin
remnants and brushing his scapular aside
Procceds to dump these inside of his shirt...
He turns to us and speaks:
More: show
(Takes muffin from hands and places them
inside his shirt)
KHALED: A bit of a stretch, but I think
I've got it.
(Dumps a few in pockets)
(Bender walks off, Bender pulls out a
dummy, and walks off as well.) (Scene: In the middle of the workshop, Farnsworth and Leela are cleaning the worktop, when Fry walks in to talk with a man wearing glasses who appears to be in his sixties. The door opens and a man walks in and Fry greets him with a "hey, old friend, old friend." Then the man walks off in a daze and Fry says, "Oh, I think he's about to have another brain-wave." Then he
Camus' Stranger writes a self-help book:

My mother died today. Or maybe yesterday, I don't know. I received a telegram from the old people's home: "Mother deceased. Funeral tomorrow. Very sincerely yours." That doesn't mean anything. It might have been yesterday.

More: show
Or last Wednesday. Or last Tuesday. Or last Monday. All I know is that I will always remember that day, the day I was told that I had lost my mother, because that's what he said."

It's a sad story. But that doesn't mean nothing is going to happen.

I've come to believe again and again that the "unexpected" moments in everything – whether it's a loved one's passing, a business deal, the death of a relative, or even a disaster like a natural disaster, a hurricane, or terrorist attack, these are not caused by the "magic" of the Universe or by human beings. But even the most natural things that have some mysterious or even "unexpected" cause, or the ones that are not caused by something else. These happen because the Universe and we are trying to do everything that we can for others. A simple example would be the fact that we were supposed to
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Re: Predictive text toy

Post by alice »

Hello to another amusing excuse not to do anything productive for the rest of the day!

I finally decided on an orthography for my latest conlang and...

the first thing to do was to learn the IPA of the most common words I wanted to have in the conlang. I did an extensive search to see if I had found a conlang in the IPA that sounded like what I wanted a conlang to sound like. In a word, I did not find that one. And then, lo and behold, I discovered that some words in the IPA are pronounced with a different voicing than those in the Germanic Languages. So when I tried to pronounce the words "zurück" (the main word for "zurück" in conlangs which I had not heard in more than a decade), I had no problem at all sounding their Germanic pronunciations. For example, I could say "zurück zurück". This conlanger had solved a conlang puzzle.

The second major conlang puzzle that I face is how to create a language with the same structure as the native Germanic languages. When I was in elementary school, it was a given that you could

When I told the ZBB about my new theory which combined syntax, pickles, and tea,...

she tried to give me the run down she had about the ZBB being a place for people to read about my theories. I went to the ZBB as a new visitor a few times and didn't even leave a note so I think they might have figured that.

I think the main reason why I didn't go back to the ZBB is because I liked the layout. I didn't like the idea that the only way I was going to get to read about my theories was to buy a book, a tablet, and send them via airmail. I wanted to learn about the ideas I had come up with, not just go to a bookstore.

I also like going to other coffee shops, but coffee isn't the only thing I like to drink!

I also love the idea of getting the ZBB to serve as a hub for conversation (with people coming and going from there) and also as a place where you can ask questions that others have had. I don't know if I'm reading it correctly, but I can see

Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? Caught in a landslide, no escape from reality....

The day when the world becomes an absolute shithole.
Self-referential signatures are for people too boring to come up with more interesting alternatives.
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Re: Predictive text toy

Post by Raphael »

It generally doesn't give you the same results twice for the same text.

Let's start with one of the classics:
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. He made the sea, the birds, beasts of the sky, and mankind. So God blessed them and said to them, 'Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth.' But they did not do so.

God then said to them, 'Because you have done what is evil in the sight of the Lord, you must be killed on the earth.'"

Numbers 22:7 (KJV) "Then the Lord God made a covenant with them and said, 'I will be your God, and you shall be my people. You shall do all my commandments' and 'You shall be my firstborn. I will be your God'…"

Psalm 127:32 "I can never understand what you said in the morning to your mother, but I know what you said in the evening to your father…"

Psalm 121:1 (KJV) "You are my rock. You hold me up when my spirit is broken. You have strengthened me when my spirit is broken. You have brought forth my children when my spirit is broken…"
Looks to me like it recognized where the quote is from and provided random quotes from the same work.

Less classical, but still one of my favorite opening lines:
As I write, highly civilized human beings are flying overhead, trying to kill me. They have come from a distant part of the globe, have not yet reached our shores with weapons and are probably hostile to us. If I ever come home, the last thing they're going to do to me will be to bring in the government.

And now I'm wondering, "Would I want to live in a world where no one is going to hurt me?" If I lived in such a world, would I want to do something about it?


I'd want to do everything I could to protect myself and my family. The very least I could do is to have a very strong sense of self. In my own words, I mean that I see myself as an important person: I'm a good person, with a strong sense of right and wrong, with a commitment to social justice, and I believe in an ethical, just society.

For my children, I'd want them to have the same sense of self I have. And, yes, I'm speaking about my children, not my husband, who probably won't
That got pretty philosophical.

How about something more modern?
I was sitting on Air Koryo Flight 152 to Pyongyang, ready to make my sixth trip to the North Korean capital but my first since the third-generation leader, Kim Jong Un, had taken over. It was August 28, 2014. I'd been to Beijing and Kuala Lumpur in the previous months for a series of North Korean propaganda and cultural events. Now I was on my way home to Beijing.

I was alone in the cabin. The rest of the flight was reserved for women and children, mostly with very young children, children as young as one (three-to-five-year-old "babes") and elderly women. None of the North Korean diplomats were there, and there were no South Korean soldiers on the plane. My ticket had been purchased for a small group of journalists who were going to be on an excursion with the Korean Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland (KCPPFRF). My flight from Beijing to Pyongyang—and my journey in general—was to be the occasion for an exchange of views on the prospects of peace in the Korean Peninsula.

For the first time during the six months I'd spent in
Wow, that sounds almost like AIs are ready to take over the journalism profession!

How about
As the captain of the Yale swimming team stood beside the pool, still dripping after his laps, and listened to Bob Moses, the team's second best freestyler, he didn't know what shocked him more - the suggestion or the fact that it was Moses who was making it. "We didn't realize that the sport that was so much in the news was also about sex and that some of the women in this sport were pretty strong personalities who didn't see eye to eye with one another," explains Dr. David M. Cramer the head of Yale's swimming and diving department.

While Cramer's wife was in the pool with her husband, three others in the pool were taking notes, including the captain. His two younger sisters and Cramer's best friend were doing their homework while Moses ran a free-throw drill. This seemed to throw the two girls of the team off. Moses was furious when he realized what was going on.

"I was at the pool with my friends when this happened," he says. "There's a lot of tension in the pool over there with the girls and
Zompist is right - the ability to stay on topic is impressive.

Ok, let's see how it handles large numbers:
Three billion smartphones. Two billion social media users. Two trillion-dollar companies. San Francisco's tallest skyscraper, Seattle's biggest employer, the four most expensive corporate campuses on the planet. The richest people in the history of humanity. And the richest and most dangerous city in the world, the home of a military dictatorship, a crime spree and a city where a police officer is murdered every three hours by a suspected killer who hasn't been arrested yet.
The city has also been built atop the former burial grounds of the infamous East Bay Posse.
Now, in The Bay , a series of essays that examines the connections between The Bay, the history of the neighborhood, and Bay Area politics, I explore a larger question: what happens when a city becomes a neighborhood, but the neighborhood isn't, itself? In The Bay , I argue that what happens in The Bay—a diverse, thriving, and densely interconnected cluster of working-class and middle-class neighborhoods with a great cultural and social center in one of the most heavily trafficked and economically successful cities on the planet—remains the same no matter where people live.
I begin by comparing an imaginary
It was twenty years ago today. Sergeant Pepper told the band to play. The band played, until they couldn't anymore. It was the longest, most embarrassing performance at a music festival in history. They didn't even start it, they just ended it.
In the twenty-three years since that day, Pepper has had to wear many uniforms, in many different countries. He has had to do a lot of traveling - to Europe, the Middle East, South Africa. He has had to make many compromises, to keep everything intact. For the past twenty-three years he has lived alone - in a large, modern brick apartment at the top of the same building (he could never bring himself to live alone). His apartment was as clean as a church's. It was the sort of apartment you might take with you in a warzone, if you had to. He had gotten so involved in this band (he has since moved onto another project), that he had become a bit overwhelmed by the idea of not sharing it with a partner. He hated to share it with a partner, especially since he didn't sleep very well
Hey, that backstory makes the song a lot more interesting!

Finally, something I came up with myself:
At first, it was just a minor itch. As you might imagine, some people would just get sick or bleed from the pores. Eventually though, the itch would go away, and there would be a change in appearance. This kind of change is also called "redness."
This is the change in appearance that would occur in the most severe cases.
You should also note that sometimes, as soon as you are healed completely, some part of your face will still show some redness. This is usually the skin at the bridge of the nose.
Some people will feel as if a red band or ring has formed within their face. In some cases, this band will be just a dot of redness and some other part of the face will be perfectly normal. It is usually difficult to determine whether a red band or a red ring will be a result of your scar tissue. Often, this redness can be very light, or very dark.
It's very common to get a lot of redness over your mouth, cheek
Dr AI will see you now!
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Re: Predictive text toy

Post by quinterbeck »

In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit. Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of worms and an oozy smell, nor yet a dry, bare, sandy hole with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat: it was a hobbit-hole, and that means comfort.

What was it a hobbit-hole gave to a hobbit? It was not good luck. It was an invitation for a hobbit: it would put together good news, the first meal and last drink that that hobbit had had, and also a little warmth in the heart, for its hobbits would go off to a better world after they had tasted of it. For such a hobbit-hole was a place where hobbits sat down to a last cup of tea or of ale, of good bread, and a cup of hot chocolate to fill their stomachs, to be well and truly satisfied with themselves. It was not all that hobbitish, as some people are now calling it; for a hobbit wasn't as good at being happy as a lot of other animals, and at being lonely.
Transformer doesn't recognise the prompt as the beginning of a story, treats it more like a descriptive text. Also... I think it's reinterpreting the hobbit hole as a place hobbits go to die?
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Re: Predictive text toy

Post by dhok »

The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. But I think that most of the problems are much more complex—and much harder to solve—than that…

For example there are some areas that I think are very promising. I can't remember an area in which it has been hard to predict how people will react, but I think, in the area of climate change many people think that the problem lies between us and the problem: if we continue to extract every bit we can from the earth, then we are simply going to put a lot of carbon into the air.

On how important climate change will be to our own future

We are a race to the bottom and our civilization itself depends upon the balance between the planet and the human race. We face a choice: either we let the planet go into irreversible damage or we will see many of the problems of the planet, including the climate, go beyond our control.
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Re: Predictive text toy

Post by quinterbeck »

I entered some nonsense, which it has turned into a story with a translation, number (II.4) apparently!
Shui shoui moui doki dai dikei. Elei enai sumi etuera hivi enei. Etei ekou, irudio; sumi nau ileru veri ikou. Nnakai epetera omukui, iseru sabi dihieru onu dihi rani. Alakiem - ueterem - gori ven aisi limi tenai hajia seki. Yatte nga mohi, alamu ia nga hajia ere. Na mau ke oki. Irahi-kirasai, sada, ke kai tai. Ichi ne, lama-a.

(II.4) And then it came to pass, as she was going back to bed, that the woman saw a spirit of a woman come into the house. She cried out, "Who is it," and ran out to meet the lady. And when she came inside,
Google translates the additional non-English into Maori (detected) as
a small hajj. Yatte know, but keep the seal. It will stop. Irahi-kirasai, sada, to the sea. Ichi ne, a long time.
or, starting at gori ven into Hausa (detected) as
gori ven aisi limi tenai hajia seki. This is good. I'm in a junkyard. The call-out, the friendship, is the tie. Ichi ne, no.
Ares Land
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Re: Predictive text toy

Post by Ares Land »

I tried with French sentences, and curiously, French/English mixes came out:
Au village, sans prétention, j'ai mauvaise réputation

Viens aussi avec aussi vous pourrait répondre une bousquet de quitts.

He was, indeed a man of very moderate size, a man who had a light complexion, blue eyes, and a thin nose.

"Well?" continued Planchet.

"Well? I do not understand. Let me give you my opinion, Monsieur Planchet." – Eh bien ? je ne connais pas plus en tout à moi. Je vous êtes me doute à mon opinion », dit Planchet.

"You should know that I am going in your service," said the worthy young man. Mais c'est le jeune homme, vu la tête.

"To go in your service I think," said Planchet, "is the easiest and most natural way; and why should not you take the same route?" – À faire à ma service je suis, dit Pl
The French output is nonsense and ungrammatical, but somewhat on the verge of making sense...
Oh, and that neural network has been fed The Three Musketeers :)

Something more technical:
Personnalisez le système d'exploitation invité pour empêcher les conflits lors du déploiement de la machine virtuelle

I am personally not fond of this particular brand of exploitation of the human machine.

La machine utiliser le baud, la mise en scene, l'autre létape, la femme, la création and le femme d'autre plus.

The machine will utilise our voice, our movements, our gestures, our clothes, our sexuality, our sex.

Le baud de la computer est toujours léger, comme vos jeunes, et comme que les éminences vouloir sécuriales.

Sous déférenc
"Machine" and "exploitation" confused it, I think. There's still some Dumas in there, I guess, judging from éminences.
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Re: Predictive text toy

Post by Travis B. »

Heute die Welt, morgens das Sonnensystem!

Die neuen Begehnheit eine gesamte Krieg.

Auf das Verantwortung die Einhaltendanz durch Gebrauch.

Die Sitzung und Krimiß vollkom Aus einmal für deine Krieg.

Kommen auch bei der Verfassung des eigenen Rote Nationale,

Möglichkeiten und Rechtsfahrungen

(L'Ancien Sous-chef: La Préfecture de La Règne, L'Étranger: Républicain-Comptoir-Armand,

Stamperbühler-Münster: Deutscher Gebrauch, Fünfstubble, Dit-Leidende

Fassung der Eine Abhandlung wie der Lebenswagensgesetz des Bundes,

This one is rather nonsensical, and for a bit switches into French. I wonder what would have come out had the neural network been fed some Robert Anton Wilson.
Yaaludinuya siima d'at yiseka wohadetafa gaare.
Ennadinut'a gaare d'ate eetatadi siiman.
T'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa.
Mornche Geddick
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Re: Predictive text toy

Post by Mornche Geddick »

This is what it gave me.
Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer, do. I'm half crazy, all for the love of you. It won't be a stylish marriage. I can't afford a carriage. But you'll look sweet, upon the seat of a bicycle made for two. I mean, if you're into that.

'All those years I've been in love with you, Daisy, this will be the last of it. If I must marry you, that's a matter for me. I haven't a penny for you to get married to. I don't want you to make me. You can't have money, and you don't have my good qualities. Why must I, when I've made my reputation out of my head? If you want a wife, come away. You may live by me, I'll still keep your health until your death!' 'I could give you a horse for a penny, Mrs. Cole.'

"And you did, and you did, and you did, and then that night while you were in bed, her father and mother were waiting on
It just stops there. But
You can't have money, and you don't have my good qualities.
Blooming cheek!
If you want a wife, come away.
Has Daisy suddenly changed sex?
'I could give you a horse for a penny, Mrs. Cole.'
Has she changed sex again?
And you did, and you did, and you did
Now it's going Gertrude Stein. I think it's probably just as well it stopped here.
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Re: Predictive text toy

Post by Mornche Geddick »

A Saylors Wife had Chestnuts in her Lappe,
And mouncht, & mouncht, and mouncht:
Giue me, quoth I.
Aroynt thee, Witch, the rumpe-fed Ronyon cryes.
Her Husband's to Aleppo gone, Master o'th' Tiger:
But in a Syue Ile thither sayle,
And like a Rat without a tayle,
Ile doe, Ile doe, and Ile doe,

Sneak, as ye may, as ye may, if ye shall wis,
For Godde's name is not beheld:
Rome doe not love its Lappe-femme.
And the Syue Ile go on euer moree,
And loke not her Worshipes more:
To th' Isle of Manne's be the fasse:
Lie you in me, Quince, shee quoth :
But quoth the wyche, quoth she, quhat she says,
Macbeth's witch has it beat. Now let's see what Romeo and Juliet can do...
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Re: Predictive text toy

Post by Vijay »

Maybe Mrs. Cole is lesbian and has the hots for Daisy.
Mornche Geddick
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Re: Predictive text toy

Post by Mornche Geddick »

It just gave up on Romeo and Juliet.
How cam’st thou hither, tell me, and wherefore?
The orchard walls are high and hard to climb,
And the place death, considering who thou art,
If any of my kinsmen find thee here.

With love’s light wings did I o’erperch these walls,
For stony limits cannot hold love out,
And what love can do, that dares love attempt:
Therefore thy kinsmen are no stop to me.
Mornche Geddick
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Re: Predictive text toy

Post by Mornche Geddick »

It did better with Macaulay.

The original text:
We know no spectacle so ridiculous as the British public in one of its periodical fits of morality. In general, elopements, divorces, and family quarrels, pass with little notice. We read the scandal, talk about it for a day, and forget it. But once in six or seven years our virtue becomes outrageous. We cannot suffer the laws of religion and decency to be violated. We must make a stand against vice. We must teach libertines that the English people appreciate the importance of domestic ties. Accordingly some unfortunate man, in no respect more depraved than hundreds whose offences have been treated with lenity, is singled out as an expiatory sacrifice.
Continuation no 1:
He is given an immense sum and required to take a vow and a promise not to commit the offence in question till he dies. I do not mean that he should be condemned, but that he must be given an opportunity of showing that he has no doubt in his mind that he can avoid it. Some one will doubtless reply that he has been found out. But who shall go to the devil to redeem his vows, as it was by one of God's servants in the last century
Continuation no 2:
His name is written down as having committed such an offence as having committed adultery and that in a public place. His wife is called to court, the public witness is sworn to do his duty and if he is still found guilty he is whipped and then banished.

A year before his marriage, Mr. Wills writes that he wished to propose to his beloved wife, Mrs. Thomas, on Thursday, March 4, but that the housekeeper said the maids would not stay
And attempt no 3:
A new law has been passed. No one who has been convicted of an offence relating to his mistress may marry. No one who has been convicted of an offence relating to his wife may ever marry again. The punishment for murder has been reduced. The only penalty the courts will impose for the offence of adultery is a fine of three hundred pounds. The penal laws do not change in consequence of change of morals; but this law is more than the laws of England. It is the law
Once more unto the breach.
This man is called "Mr. Folly," and his crime, it is stated, is to marry "a daughter of the King." We are told we should have our vengeance, not out of a sense of duty, though the honor of the country, but of revenge against the people who "tolerate" them. The story is a typical example of the evil consequences which follow on the breaking out of some popular passion. We are taught the law requires every man to maintain
And one more once.
He must not only be deprived of property, but must be made to go to prison. The family, the home, and the church are insulted; the nation is degraded, and all mankind disgraced. This is the way in which, though the criminal is not charged, the sentence is passed. This is the way in which the crimes of our fathers, which are so great, are turned into the crimes of our children.

The most outrageous crimes may be committed without being
Keep doing this, and it becomes quite obvious that the AI, in an absolutely literal sense, doesn't know what it is talking about.
Mornche Geddick
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Re: Predictive text toy

Post by Mornche Geddick »

Dr Johnson (talking about Addison):
Of very extensive learning he has indeed given no proofs. He seems to have had small acquaintance with the sciences, and to have read little except Latin and French; but of the Latin poets his "Dialogues on Medals" show that he had perused the works with great diligence and skill. The abundance of his own mind left him little indeed of adventitious sentiments; his wit always could suggest what the occasion demanded. A great part of what his "Fascinations of the World" contains, has a deep, and very amusing and profound interest. I have little doubt that he would not have read the works of the more eminent physicians in France, who, though he was acquainted with several, had none to the purpose; nor would he have taken notice of the vast quantity of modern medical writings, which in his time, were not only unknown, but more to his taste, than almost anything from France. But I believe him to have had a great deal of attention to the sciences. In his "Philosophy of Law and Liberty," he has a treatise on law and justice: this, indeed, is of a very profound
Well the result sounds like the eighteenth century. But how the AI got from medals to medicine I don't know.
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Re: Predictive text toy

Post by alynnidalar »

Raphael wrote: Sun Oct 27, 2019 9:21 am Looks to me like it recognized where the quote is from and provided random quotes from the same work.
On the contrary—those aren’t actual Bible verses. But it’s impressive that they’re believable not only as Bible verses, but as verses specifically from the books they claim to be from!

For anyone who’s unaware, Talk to Transformer was trained on the internet as a whole, which is why it’s so good at guessing context (but occasionally gets confused and starts writing a blog post instead of a story). Interestingly, it can also attempt to write code. Here’s a simple example I tried:
<!DOCTYPE html>

<h1>My First Heading</h1>
<p>My first paragraph.</p>

<p><a href="#" >About</a></p>



Now we should have a solid foundation on which to build more complex web applications. You'll get further help from this chapter where we'll discuss more details of HTML, CSS and JavaScript in general.
Or a random infobox from Wikipedia—less correct, but still clearly in the right vein:
{{Infobox protected area
| name = Parco Nazionale Arcipelago Toscano
| iucn_category = II
| photo = Montecristo1.JPG
| photo_alt = Montecristo
| photo_caption = [[Montecristo]] Island, Tuscan Archipelago
| photo_width =
| map_image = Tuscan archipelago.png

| title = Parco Nazionale Arcipelago tuscan.png
| author = The Tuscan Renaissance Project
| publisher = The Tuscan Renaissance Project, Inc.
| description = Tuscan island, central Italy, is the world's leading natural and cultural center, with natural wonders and great traditions dating back thousands of years.
| url =
| thumbnails =
| width = 300
| url =
| version = 4
| license = Creative Commons Attribution-Share
Maybe I can use it to help me write SQL at work!
NOT EXISTS #vendor_name
-- If a vendor has not been listed here,
-- consider it a known issue and move on to the next row
-- VEC='Y'
-- We can't update vendor name if we don't use the vendor id

<> 'Y'):

-- We can be sure the vendor id is in our query.

SELECT vendorid, vendor , vendor_colnum, Vendor_VENDOR_IND

FROM vendor.vendor

WHERE vendorid = vendor_colnum + 1

Uhh... maybe not.
Mornche Geddick
Posts: 96
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Re: Predictive text toy

Post by Mornche Geddick »

On the other hand it doesn't seem to be able to cope at all with 16th and 17th century prose. I've tried it on Bunyan, Milton, Robert Cecil and the Earl of Essex, and every time it comes up blank.
Travis B.
Posts: 6618
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Re: Predictive text toy

Post by Travis B. »

import math

def foo():
print("%g" % math.pi)

def bar(): print("%g" % math.pi)

A couple things to note here. First, this function simply prints the square root of the number it's given. So bar () prints pi squared if one of the arguments has pi in the range 1..3, and 5 if that argument has pi outside that range. The way sqrt() works with numbers can be confusing. It's just a factorial. In a way, it's the same thing as dividing by one: two times . The function's name isn't really relevant here, though, for a while.

But now back to the "foo" function! Note that the math.pi function returned a new tuple ( (pi x) ( (pi x)) ), meaning it was called with (pi x) as its first argument. This tells us that foo() can be treated as though there are two arguments. So, after it's been called with either pi or 5:

Now I try to get it to write code in Python, but it starts expounding on the code...

(Note that I tried to indent the code for foo() but it stripped out the whitespace.)
Yaaludinuya siima d'at yiseka wohadetafa gaare.
Ennadinut'a gaare d'ate eetatadi siiman.
T'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa.
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