Lexicon Building

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Re: Lexicon Building

Post by Pabappa »

Imralu wrote: Sun Sep 15, 2019 8:55 am

Next: earlobe
fupir , historically from Bābākiam tīp "ear" + kevu "pouch"
Fupubo tupo. My earlobes are hot.

tipti (same etymology as Poswa)

The above two are opaque enough to be perceived as single roots, but I didnt have them before, so these are new creations.

Late Andanese:
gikutakiki , from the body part prefix gi- + kuta "pouch" + kiki "ear". The morpheme order in Andanic languages is the opposite of Poswa/Pabappa in most constructions, but I might still change my mind here and put body parts in the order from broadest to narrowest definition, and explain the anomaly by saying that it's animacy.

ikodakìke (same etymology as above)

next: horn, alarm, loud sound to get attention
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Re: Lexicon Building

Post by masako »

Pabappa wrote: Tue Sep 17, 2019 7:02 pm next: horn, alarm, loud sound to get attention

keho - alarm; alert; warning signal

next: to disclose; open
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Re: Lexicon Building

Post by Pedant »

masako wrote: Wed Sep 18, 2019 4:07 pm next: to disclose; open
Proto-Berserker: *hwrom "to open (mouth), disclose, reveal" (From Proto-Endurer *haramAU, from the root *ham "jaw")
Old Zanguenese: *l̥om (same as above)
Classical Zanguenese: *l̥om "to disclose, reveal"
Changuyan: lom /lɔ:m55/ "to reveal (archaic)"

Next: almond (fruit/drupe containing, when exposed to water, cyanide and benzaldehyde thanks to the presence of emulsin)
My name means either "person who trumpets minor points of learning" or "maker of words." That fact that it means the latter in Sindarin is a demonstration of the former. Beware.
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Re: Lexicon Building

Post by Yalensky »

Pedant wrote:Next: almond (fruit/drupe containing, when exposed to water, cyanide and benzaldehyde thanks to the presence of emulsin)
The Calintese word for almond is pozmun, from the verbal pozmi 'eye-shaped, ocular' plus a suffix which typically creates nouns meaning "small things that exhibit the verbal" (cf. epmun 'unit' < epmi 'lone'). Thus, the eye-shaped nut. Pozmi itself is from the stem *pog- 'eye' plus the verbal suffix -mi. Pozmi must be a rather old word since the g > z change took place early. A more transparent alternative formed more recently would have been the non-existent *poemi from poyi 'eye' (*poemi in fact exists in the compound yuspoemi 'bright-eyed', but not by itself).

The Calintese pozmun was borrowed into Rasal as pózmuna, which descends into Keshevan as poîmun [ˈpoẽ.mə̃n].

Next word: moment
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Re: Lexicon Building

Post by masako »

Yalensky wrote: Fri Sep 27, 2019 4:11 amnext: moment

ama - time; moment; period (sometimes amahi, to mean a short time)


arísh - short period of time; a moment

next: original; primary; raw
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Re: Lexicon Building

Post by äreo »


vár original, primordial, deeply held:

míe várri príuri my deepest beliefs

narros raw, exposed:

narrori marari raw vegetables

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Re: Lexicon Building

Post by Yalensky »

äreo wrote:next: pillow
žeš is the Keshevan word for pillow, descended from Rasal yethya. The -thya ending appears in a lot of nouns meaning furnishings and instruments (e.g. K. mapša 'kettle' < R. mapathya, from a verb meaning 'boil'). So what does ye- mean? Well, looking through my lexicon, Rasal yessa means 'soft', and is unanalyzable. Perhaps I should change that to yetha, since yethathya > yethya seems more believable to me than yessathya > yethya. So a pillow is etymologically 'soft thing'. Not my most inventive etymology.

Next word: toilet, bathroom, restroom, WC, etc.
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Re: Lexicon Building

Post by hwhatting »

Yalensky wrote: Tue Nov 12, 2019 2:41 amNext word: toilet, bathroom, restroom, WC, etc.
Tautisca: caccalun "toilet, outhouse, latrine" from caccaten "to shit" + suffix -lu- indicating instruments, implements, and locations reserved for specific activities. The Tautínai aren't squeamish about mentioning bodily functions.
Next: hedge (noun)
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Re: Lexicon Building

Post by äreo »

hwhatting wrote: Tue Nov 12, 2019 3:31 amNext: hedge (noun)

cíth hedge, topiary formation

Bestanea mía pax i barris i cíthi plás. I found my hat in the field, past the hedge.

next: oblivious
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Re: Lexicon Building

Post by Yalensky »

äreo wrote:next: oblivious
The Keshevan word for 'to notice' is léšrase, from le- 'out, from' + ášrase 'to see'. (Keshevan, as my most developed conlang, is also my oldest, and so has many very IE features, including preposition-derived verbal prefixes.) We add the nominalizer -š (different from the suffix in my post above, though the allomorph -ša is homophonous) to get léšraš 'attentiveness, observation', in short the ability to notice things. Adjectivalized with the all-purpose adjectivalizer -la and negated with il- and we get illéšrašla 'oblivious'. For me it's a bit of a tongue-twister.

Next word: map
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Re: Lexicon Building

Post by masako »

Yalensky wrote: Wed Nov 13, 2019 4:46 amnext: map
I kinda think "next word" is a bit redundant in a thread exclusively dedicated to lexicon building.

Kala: peta - map; chart; draft; cartographic

next: impetus; impulse
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Re: Lexicon Building

Post by äreo »

masako wrote: Thu Nov 14, 2019 4:52 amnext: impetus; impulse

pesto impetus, motivation

Tá mea minea sbráimbirpesto. You motivated me to start writing.

timpe whim, momentary impulse, sudden urge

timpebento or bento i timpe impulse buy

next: whey
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Re: Lexicon Building

Post by Yalensky »

äreo wrote: Thu Nov 14, 2019 5:02 pm next: whey
Keševan šarra 'whey'.

Next word: doubt
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Re: Lexicon Building

Post by masako »

Yalensky wrote: Fri Nov 15, 2019 4:28 amnext: doubt
Kala: ketsa - doubt; suspicion

next: tender; soft; delicate
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Re: Lexicon Building

Post by Yalensky »

masako wrote: Sun Nov 17, 2019 6:29 am next: tender; soft; delicate
Keševan žes 'soft', from Rasal yessa 'soft' (also see my comment above on žeš 'pillow'). Keševan fumbla 'tender' (softness of flesh or meat) comes from a root meaning 'touch' plus the usual adjectivalizing suffix. It can also mean 'touchy' or 'sensitive'. The meaning 'delicate' is one of the many meanings of the adjective šalen, which include 'petty', 'fine' (consisting of minute particles), and 'tiny', among others.

Next word: disgust
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Re: Lexicon Building

Post by äreo »

Yalensky wrote: Mon Nov 18, 2019 11:08 pmNext word: disgust

ecce disgust

This noun can be used as an interjection expressing the emotion it refers to, though more often you'll hear Sdo ecce!, literally Such disgust! It can also be used in the plural (ecci), which depending on context may mean dislikes, pet peeves, or dealbreakers.

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Re: Lexicon Building

Post by Yalensky »

äreo wrote: Mon Nov 18, 2019 11:49 pm Next: telephone, smartphone
Keševan lulamša 'phone', with the morphemes breaking down as 'through-talk-thing'. My conworld doesn't have phones, so this is a non-canonical word. Probably will be useful to me as I strangely mutter to myself in Keševan as I walk down the street. Good conlang practice.

EDIT: Also just realized my word has a nice similarity to the non-canonical word I use for 'computer': lurabša.

Next word: downstairs
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Re: Lexicon Building

Post by Pabappa »

Yalensky wrote: Tue Nov 19, 2019 2:31 am

Next word: downstairs
arampua, from a- (classifier for places) + rampua "basement, underground room".
apamarampua, the same as above but with ppama (sic) "story, level, floor in a building" in addition.

payaa, from pa "underground, low, down below" + yaa "story, level, floor in a building". I might add the furniture/indoors classifier suffix -kaa just because this word seems too short for its meaning.

These are of course nouns. Translating a sentence like "I walked downstairs" would require me to know the grammar of these languages, and that's a long way off. In Poswa, though I can say

I went down a staircase.
I went downstairs.

In just a single word, as the morpheme for "descend" here is a bound morpheme that takes a special form because it is embedded between the two inflectional morphemes. Thus, effectively, -mpamamb- is a case that means to travel down something. There's no Latin name that I can find, but sublative comes close.

Even though Poswa is descended from Play, I do not have the grammar of Play developed well enough to write a sentence, or even a verb of this type. Poswa's verb inflections arise from other parts of Play's grammar, and therefore this is not a continuity problem.


to deform, change shape
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Re: Lexicon Building

Post by Nila_MadhaVa »


√ R-P – related to shaping, molding, forming
rpú – deform; change the shape of

I will reshape it

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Re: Lexicon Building

Post by Pabappa »

Nila_MadhaVa wrote: Tue Nov 19, 2019 7:52 pm
I might as well, since I need more terms for architecture. I'll starting with Dreamlandic (a less developed language) again. I need to do a lot of work on this .... in fact, I think the a- classifier I used in the last post should have been nu-, as the language has a classifier specifically for buildings and furniture separate from its "place" classifier. (Though the classifiers disappear in the daughters.) Anyway:

numpuuŋua "roof, upper barrier", from nu- (as above) + mpuuŋua, which by itself means roof or upper side. This develops to mpuno in Baywatch and bumo in Dolphin Rider.

(Yes, all my newer conlangs have names like this. I got tired of changing the name every six months when I redid sound changes and reworked the vocabulary.)

šaip roof, hat, cap, something that overhangs
šaikaa roof of a house

Here as before, the word can be more specific or less specific depending on whether it has the classifier suffix on. This is a new word even though Play has been around a while .... the words for roof in the daughter languages arose through semantic shift.

This is where it gets fun, because I already have a word for roof here, which comes from /žai/ "beam" for some reason. And that word is žae. But it's a homophone with the word for meditate and one for a cultural concept ... and nouns and verbs overlap so ... I want a better word.

Poswa is my favorite language, and it got that way by my carefully shaping each new word I create to make it sound the way I want. I figured it would make sense to compound the new word with žai + šaip + kaa, but then I realized that the result of t hat would be *žaešaeffa, which has an unfavorable rhythm, with a superheavy second syllable. This is an initial-stress language, so I don't want superheavy second syllables. But I don't cheat by just making sound changes to get rid of them, I warp the words around. So ... after looking at a bit, what I've come up with is

žaetša "roof"
žaešatša "roof"

No ambiguity and the two words are true synonyms, either capable of being used in any context. The first one just uses the inherited word for roof and adds the furniture suffix, and the other is from žai + šakiaa ... no, not a typo, the inherited /šaikaa/ became /šakiaa/ due to a peculiar grammatical alternation.

I think I'm done now, though,... I'll do the other languages later.

next: petroleum, gasoline
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