Karch's scratchpad

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Karch's scratchpad

Post by Karch »

In $speedlang, location is most of the time encoded using verbs of location. There are four verbs of location.
  • ádú - to be located in a closed space, e.g. a container or a box
  • ìt̪t̪à - to be located in an open space, e.g. a village or a plain
  • ɛ̀ᵑɡɛ̀ - to be located on the surface of something
  • àccʊ̀ - to be located in a liquid (perceived as halfway between ádú and ìt̪t̪à)
ṯɩɽɩ ṯəco ṯadu taŋgo
t̪-ɪ̀ɽɪ̀ t̪ᶷ-cʊ́ t̪-ádú t-àᵑɡɔ̀
CL1-man CL1-big CL1-be.in.box CL4.box
The big man is in a box.

The verb ɛ̀ᵑɡɛ̀ can be used with the postpositions CL-à-CL „over“ and CL-ɛ́t „under“ (which agree with the class of their complement - CL denotes the corresponding class marker) to mean „to be on the top“, resp. „to be under“.

ŋgɩrɩ ŋgəco ŋge maṯṯɩ mam

ᵑɡ-ɪ̀ɽɪ̀ ᵑɡᶷ-cʊ́ ᵑɡɛ̀ː m-áꜜt̪t̪ɪ́ m-à-m
CL1.PL-man CL1.PL-big CL1.PL-be.on CL3-hill CL3-over-CL3
The big men are on the hill.
Zpaf kkuñb ñvneahttiñ wqxirftvn meof ñfañhsit.
Kkuñb ñvzxirf kvtañb kkuñf ñtmeaq sfañkqeanth.
Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq.
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