Lexicon Building

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Re: Lexicon Building

Post by Yalensky »

Travis B. wrote: Wed Feb 26, 2020 1:17 pm next: climb, ascend, scale (v.)
Keševan šembze, šembo, šembat 'climb', from the Rasal šembase, itself probably from some Proto-Borvic root like *kimb-.

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Re: Lexicon Building

Post by Travis B. »

Yalensky wrote: Wed Feb 26, 2020 1:34 pm next: next
following: si hlèt (Proto-Tshyak), hliet si (Old Zlang)

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Yaaludinuya siima d'at yiseka wohadetafa gaare.
Ennadinut'a gaare d'ate eetatadi siiman.
T'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa.
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Re: Lexicon Building

Post by Yalensky »

Travis B. wrote: Wed Feb 26, 2020 3:37 pm next: previous
Keševan endla, from the preposition en 'before' + an adjectival suffix.

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Re: Lexicon Building

Post by masako »

Yalensky wrote: Thu Feb 27, 2020 5:47 amnext: simultaneous, concurrent

aryina - same day; simultaneous; concurrent

next: to confine; to lock up; to pen in
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Re: Lexicon Building

Post by Yalensky »

masako wrote: Fri Feb 28, 2020 7:27 pm next: to confine; to lock up; to pen in
Keševan sanžeûse, sanželo, sanželta 'confine, pen in', from the prefix san- 'behind' and the root -žel- 'bound, limit, fence, border', seen also in želga 'fence' and in many toponyms with the meaning 'enclosure'.

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Re: Lexicon Building

Post by Pedant »

Yalensky wrote: Sun Mar 01, 2020 8:55 pm next: pinecone
Proto-Sealander: *miq "pinecone, coniferous seed package" (*conifers on Ajjamah create cones as specialized branches along the trunks, and have twelve sexes adapted to six different climatic conditions)

Next: chestnut
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Re: Lexicon Building

Post by Pabappa »

Pedant wrote: Wed Mar 04, 2020 3:48 pm
Next: chestnut
Im having trouble with this one but i want to move the thread along. Wiktionary was no help at all, since the word for chestnut in European languages is most commonly unanalyzable, but that gives me more confidence that deriving it from an unanalyzable root in Poswa too would be OK.

I picked the Tapilula roots hăna "star(fish)" and mbìlu "animals' milk", and put them through the required 8700 years of sound changes to get the Poswa form. That is, this is not the word that the Tapilula speakers would have used for chestnut, its just the two morphemes that went into the Play word that then became the word for Poswa and Pabappa. The result of those sound changes is hanambìlu ----> šavu. Coincidentally this is close to the unrelated word šavupi "deer", which is also an atomic root with no readily perceptible internal structure. So I could just call this the deer tree and leave it at that, and perhasp I will. The proper word for "deer tree" would be šavupifa, the word for deer with the addition of -fa "tree". Or I could just stick with the original root and make šaffa, from šavu + fa.

I dont think we have chestnut trees here. I walked by a tree once that had a very nice smell, and had some chestnut-like things on the ground around me, but i looked it up online and it didnt look that similar. So I dont know what I saw. I could say that whatever it was, some similar tree exists in Poswob country and they would use that word for chestnut trees. So I would take the word I made up above and add a morpheme for "fragrant" before the morpheme for tree, changing it to šaviumpa, which has a heavier weight that I feel more appropriate for a word that won't be used that often.

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Re: Lexicon Building

Post by Glass Half Baked »

office, planning room
hkoni ta taho (literally a house for meeting/facing one another)

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Re: Lexicon Building

Post by Pedant »

Glass Half Baked wrote: Mon Mar 09, 2020 2:47 am Next: eye sand/crust
Ssaiqhamic: qulwats’al “eye sand” (literally eye+material locative+sand)

Next: fortress, fortification
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Re: Lexicon Building

Post by Glass Half Baked »

fortress, fortification
hina kteku (literally "They are loyal inside")

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Re: Lexicon Building

Post by Pedant »

Glass Half Baked wrote: Tue Mar 10, 2020 6:58 am Next: Covid-19
Ooh dear…

Kisimbi: faiwéngu (9/10; plural ifaiwéngu) (from Nandiguese phwái-byáeng "lung-virus")

Next: vaccination
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Re: Lexicon Building

Post by masako »

Pedant wrote: Tue Mar 10, 2020 12:09 pm Next: vaccination

pyokiya'a - "disease + medicine" - vaccine; vaccination

next: deluge; flood
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Re: Lexicon Building

Post by Glass Half Baked »

deluge, flood
se aro ota (literally "a lot of water runs out")

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Re: Lexicon Building

Post by Yalensky »

Glass Half Baked wrote: Wed Mar 11, 2020 5:22 am Next: disappointment
Keševan šeúk 'disappointment', derived from roots meaning 'under belief'.

next: pants, trousers
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Re: Lexicon Building

Post by Glass Half Baked »

pants, trousers
*htihe ta kahsoo* (literally "the robes that a squid would wear." You can tell they don't care for trousers)

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Re: Lexicon Building

Post by Pedant »

Glass Half Baked wrote: Thu Mar 12, 2020 2:22 pm Next: incense
Classical Salvian: gēndū, gēndū- ['ge:.ndu] "incense stick" (from *gDan "to burn")
Kankori Salvian: gaindu ['gɛ̃.du] "incense"
Ankoseiwas: keido ['ke.do] "incense"

Next: cabbage
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Re: Lexicon Building

Post by Darren »

Pedant wrote: Thu Mar 12, 2020 9:00 pm Next: cabbage
Eungadhuot: còvero [ˈkub.bɨ.ɾʉ] "cabbage plant" (from Latin caulis with a diminuitive suffix)
Northern Eunga: clèḍo [ˈklæɖ.ɖə]

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Re: Lexicon Building

Post by Pabappa »

Darren wrote: Fri Mar 13, 2020 2:58 am
Next: toilet paper
I thought I had a clever idea for this one recently, based on semantically shifting a word for leaf or whatever the Poswobs would use before they had toilet paper, but I can't remember it right now. Some ideas, of which more than one could be valid, are:

pattibo "what I mess up". Because this is derived from a verb, and Poswa lacks infintives and impersonal conjugations, it is inalienable and one can only change the person marker from 1st to 2nd to 3rd. This word is imprecise and would never become the sole word for toilet paper even as a euphemism. Being inalienable is no great problem because Poswa uses possession markers in some instances where English would not; e.g. pattibompi "I bought my toilet paper", or more literally "i bought myself something I will mess up".

There is a depersonalizing resultative morpheme -na, and so one could say e.g. pattibona, but this denotes a completed action, so this word would only mean "my used toilet paper". This is also grammatically inalienable because it has the 1st person marker -o- within it, but unlike the above words, it is grammatically 3rd person because -na is an ancient morpheme outside the person system.

pwitos, wiping implement; "what to wipe with". Probably the best solution although it is still not suitable to a modern world since this would also just translate the English word "wipe" (noun).

About the only avenue I won't consider using in Poswa is just calquing it as something like putšemwamba "toilet paper", both because it's not very creative and because Poswa prefers to coin new stems by attaching affixes to just a single nominal root. (Though this isn't a rule, just a preference; I don't see a way around using a noun-noun compound for "ballot" as I did on the previous page when I came up with plambepempo.)

Although Play is the ancestor of Poswa, this word is a neologism intended for the modern world, and therefore the Play translation is wholly separate from Poswa's.
žužaya , "handheld innermost blanket". If this had indeed been passed down into Poswa, it would have become žužža.

mupii fiapua "gift to (one's) buttocks", leading to Baywatch mupi pepo and Dolphin Rider musipo.

Old Andanese:
gikòma, "handheld (painter's) canvas". Because each sheet of toilet paper is a miniature canvas that you can paint on.

kukòma or yokòma , same etymology as above but with a different prefix. /ku-/ denotes non-weaponous handheld tools and /yo-/ denotes handheld objects generally. The /yo-/ is cognate to Play's /-ya/.

Possibly hʷampṡ . Syllable structure is CVC, but there are many syllabic consonants; the final consonant here is a syllabic /s/. Not much room for fun here, the etymology is just hʷà "toilet" + pṡ paper along with the assumption that the /m/ that had been present in earlier stages of the language would survive in compounds.

next: game, match, one competition in a series or tournament
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Re: Lexicon Building

Post by masako »

Pabappa wrote: Fri Mar 13, 2020 11:10 am next: game, match, one competition in a series or tournament

kyoso - compete; competition; match
mpila - any game involving a ball
yoti - play; ~ a game

next: to fit; balanced; suitable
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Re: Lexicon Building

Post by Yalensky »

masako wrote: Sun Mar 15, 2020 8:41 am next: to fit; balanced; suitable
Mejaguese sön 'fitting, suitable' < Gapašan *sawn. With the verb ño 'go' it can mean 'to fit into something, match something', with an additional oblique argument.

sön hañó fi mai ga ej egönre
fit 3p-go NEG good person bad world-LOC
No good man fits in an evil world.

next: hermit
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