Keševan šembze, šembo, šembat 'climb', from the Rasal šembase, itself probably from some Proto-Borvic root like *kimb-.
next: next
Keševan šembze, šembo, šembat 'climb', from the Rasal šembase, itself probably from some Proto-Borvic root like *kimb-.
following: si hlèt (Proto-Tshyak), hliet si (Old Zlang)
Keševan endla, from the preposition en 'before' + an adjectival suffix.
Keševan sanžeûse, sanželo, sanželta 'confine, pen in', from the prefix san- 'behind' and the root -žel- 'bound, limit, fence, border', seen also in želga 'fence' and in many toponyms with the meaning 'enclosure'.
Proto-Sealander: *miq "pinecone, coniferous seed package" (*conifers on Ajjamah create cones as specialized branches along the trunks, and have twelve sexes adapted to six different climatic conditions)
Im having trouble with this one but i want to move the thread along. Wiktionary was no help at all, since the word for chestnut in European languages is most commonly unanalyzable, but that gives me more confidence that deriving it from an unanalyzable root in Poswa too would be OK.
hkoni ta taho (literally a house for meeting/facing one another)office, planning room
Ssaiqhamic: qulwats’al “eye sand” (literally eye+material locative+sand)
hina kteku (literally "They are loyal inside")fortress, fortification
Ooh dear…
se aro ota (literally "a lot of water runs out")deluge, flood
Keševan šeúk 'disappointment', derived from roots meaning 'under belief'.
*htihe ta kahsoo* (literally "the robes that a squid would wear." You can tell they don't care for trousers)pants, trousers
Classical Salvian: gēndū, gēndū- ['ge:.ndu] "incense stick" (from *gDan "to burn")
Mejaguese sön 'fitting, suitable' < Gapašan *sawn. With the verb ño 'go' it can mean 'to fit into something, match something', with an additional oblique argument.