- Tenom
- have-1p
- dvadec
- 20
- zoni,
- year-?p
- duya
- therefore
- zonulî
- grown.up-p
- am
- COP.1p
Is this correct? And if so, would a correct translation be ‘We’re 20 years old, so we’re grown-ups now’?
Also, if that’s correct, I believe I’ve found a typo: surely the plural of zon ‘year’ should be zonî, not zoni? (That’s why I put a question mark next to -p in the gloss.) But I’m hesitant to be sure about this due to my complete lack of knowledge about Verdurian.
(And also, a minor feature request: in the dictionary, it would be nice to be able to press Enter to get a list, rather than needing to click on the ‘List’ button. Instead, it gets rid of my input when I press Enter.)