Conlang fluency thread

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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by masako »

ya kuama ke kihu halonko
Jeesh, always discussing the weather...
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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by jal »

Fi tok bo weda u mataful. Nof mata mata bo weda. Fo specal ina kes yu a fis kaca o fahma.
Talking about the weather is important. Many things depend on the weather. Especially if you are a fisherperson or farmer.


EDIT: Fixed type ("wheather")
Last edited by jal on Sat Sep 29, 2018 11:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by Pabappa »

Pišom sažios pappapeži. Pupivom, šappel.
There was a storm here today. Out west, they got snow.
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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by masako »

jal wrote: Fri Sep 28, 2018 5:00 pm Talking about the wheather is important.
ke "wheather" ka
What is "wheather"? :P

ya uala...tlalo ke kihu muna me ma uano
Really though, of course weather is important, but so are other things.
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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by jal »

masako wrote: Sat Sep 29, 2018 7:51 amWhat is "wheather"?
Swayk mi don! Mi mos misop "whether" an "weather". Bles yu fi ray mi.
Damn! I must've mixed up "whether" and "weather". Thanks for correcting me.
masako wrote: Sat Sep 29, 2018 7:51 amReally though, of course weather is important, but so are other things.
Ray, ray. Bo wo yu sojes minu tok no?
True, true. About what do you propose we talk then?

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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by quinterbeck »

jal wrote: Sat Sep 29, 2018 11:24 am
masako wrote: Sat Sep 29, 2018 7:51 amReally though, of course weather is important, but so are other things.
Ray, ray. Bo wo yu sojes minu tok no?
True, true. About what do you propose we talk then?
Ema Doeglan, yoin ada reo mair em ahagego aneu. Wainnoa irea in araug yeor eimoadi...
/ɛma dɜːŋlan jɔin ada ɾɜː maiɾ ɛm ahagɛgɔ anɛu _ wainːɔə iɾɛə in aɾaug jɜːɾ əimɔədi/
I'm English, so I'm not a good person to ask. We love to talk about the weather...
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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by mèþru »

ìqir̀z gekalhördeiŋ ubir̀z rirl göŋdasil,
/ɪ.qirz ɡe.kœl.høɹ̠ʷ.deɪ̯ŋ riɹ̠ʷl gøŋ.dœ.sil/
I suggest food.
or more literally, I want for us to talk about food.
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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by Vijay »

Oogrrr oogrry grrowrrr munh agrrr!
deer big/very good mouth eat
Venison is very tasty!
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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by Pabappa »

Vijay wrote: Sat Sep 29, 2018 6:45 pm Oogrrr oogrry grrowrrr munh agrrr!
deer big/very good mouth eat
Venison is very tasty!
Wiwiappiebo₁... bavapa₂ 😋pava₃ bubwawu😋₄ weba₅ pa?₆
I've never had it₁ ... is it good₂ with₅ pineapple₃ marinade?₄ ₆
😭 Pappatšopi₁ wupebi₂ pappabebom.₃ 😭
I broke₂ my lamp₁ trying to fix it.₃

Pembo,₁ saesappos₂ tšavampap₃ papiub.₄
Tomorrow₂ I will₁ go₄ to the store.₃
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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by Vijay »

Pabappa wrote: Sat Sep 29, 2018 9:47 pm
Vijay wrote: Sat Sep 29, 2018 6:45 pm Oogrrr oogrry grrowrrr munh agrrr!
deer big/very good mouth eat
Venison is very tasty!
Wiwiappiebo₁... bavapa₂ 😋pava₃ bubwawu😋₄ weba₅ pa?₆
I've never had it₁ ... is it good₂ with₅ pineapple₃ marinade?₄ ₆
Wowgrrr meow grrove. Kabhi meow agrred pingeapprremarrngegrrxhrrub.
adult.male.mountain.lion NEG know ever NEG eat-PST pineapple-marinade-vegetation
I don't know. I've never had pineapple marinade.
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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by Vilike »

Tógdól na sák azdiyáa na siụ sia zórthoba uz na ? Duapód na siụt
/tógdól nà sák àzdìjáà na sìȕsìà zórtʰòbà ùz na/ /dùàpód àzdìjáà na sìȕt/
big.time LOC you market LOC be.not be forest meat PRS 1.domain LOC be.not-ꜱꜱ
Is there habitually venison in your stores? Not in ours.
Yaa unák thual na !
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Re: Conlang fluency thread

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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by masako »

jal wrote: Sat Sep 29, 2018 11:24 am True, true. About what do you propose we talk then?
mèþru wrote: Sat Sep 29, 2018 5:25 pm I suggest food. or more literally, I want for us to talk about food.
na ke itla nkata
I agree with this.
Vijay wrote: Sat Sep 29, 2018 6:45 pm Venison is very tasty!
ke nkoyo ohi
Less so than lamb.
Pabappa wrote: Sat Sep 29, 2018 9:47 pm I've never had it... is it good with pineapple marinade?
na nyonke hauapak
1s why-NEG believe-ABIL-NEG
I don't see why not.
Vilike wrote: Sun Sep 30, 2018 1:18 am Is there habitually venison in your stores?
nahe hanya nayo, a
In my state, yes

nye na ya'e tasakompa suta
Because I live near many hunters.
Vijay wrote: Sun Sep 30, 2018 2:08 am Meow.
ya kyo'a
be quiet
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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by Vilike »

Thiénas — lang ?
/tʰíénàs ꜜlaŋ/
hunter COP who
Who's a hunter?

Phés rǐ alenes íti rágráa bú zórthoba tarungko raa bú tólsiat bú dua nezidit raa — guós duapód.
/pʰés rìí àlènès ítì rágráà bú zórtʰòbà tàrùŋkò raa bú tólsìàt bú dùà nèzìdìt raa ꜜgúòs dùàpód/ eat pipeweed bud too.much REL forest bull PST REL corner-SS REL 1 PST COP only 1.domain
As for me, my only experience was trying to catch a deer that had been eating too much tobacco buds.
Yaa unák thual na !
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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by Dē Graut Bʉr »

Inn Bʉrnlannt ytē man gyt, fiss enn brot.
In Bearland they eat goat, fish and bread.
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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by Pabappa »

Podžompom, poppašula poršas, sapabum maemumpa, nanu pubupatwop piššežamba.
inland.port-LOC-dwell-LOC₁ harvest-season₂ every-cycle-GEN₃ man-PLUR₄,₅ deer₆ bullet-license-ACC₇ buy-3P-DAT-3P.₈
Where I live, people wait in line every fall to buy deer hunting licenses.

Pomba, šapepom, wampi sapel papefaba,
but-3P,₁ deer.hunting.grounds-LOC,₂ bear₃ man-ESS₄ outnumber-3P,₅
But in the deer hunting grounds, bears outnumber people,

wa wampipwu pubupatwop piššežapapoppia, puppambam.
and₁ bear-group₂ bullet-license-ACC₃ buy-3P-LIBERATIVE-3P,₄ hunt-3P-DAT.₅
and bears don't need to buy licenses to hunt.
More: show
I've resisted using Leipzig for a long time, but I might as well jump in since otherwise I'm explaining very little. Poswa is polysynthetic and thus has a very high number of morphemes per word, some of which are highly polysemous. For example, the locative noun case also carries dative meaning, and so I've glossed it as both LOC and DAT up above, depending on context. Im still using the subscripts on the middle line only just to keep it clearer which gloss corresponds to each word, but other people don't seem to need this, so I'll probably drop them too.

Yes, that's a primitive, atomic root for "deer hunting grounds", and no, I didn't just make it up for this exercise. 😜 It goes back about 7000 years to a compound of a (now obsolete) word for deer and a word meaning a place where an animal habitually appears ... essentially, a habitat. This word is also obsolete as a standalone morpheme but can be seen in other words that rhyme with the above.

The very long "liberative" verb is my best attempt to describe a compound verb that attaches to the subjunctive. The /-apoppi-/ part means "without the need to", and is formed by suffixing /-pi-/ to the necessitative form /-api-/. Since, due to historical sound changes, the outcome is quite unlike its parts, I consider this form to be atomic and give it its own name.
Vilike wrote: Sun Sep 30, 2018 10:17 am Thiénas — lang ?
Who's a hunter?
Puppambiappio, punambiappio.
hunt-never.yet-1P, fish-never.yet-1P.
I've never been hunting, or fishing.

Pombo, mappafop, Instagrambam sapwes pupubap plevebo.
but-1P happy-1P-SJV Instagram-handheld.object-LOC fish-GEN picture-ACC gaze-TR.1P
I like looking at pictures of fish on Instagram, though.
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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by jal »

De Sajiwa man it nof taym olde Karibyan it.
In Sajiwan people eat mostly typical Caribbean food.

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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by doctor shark »

Vilike wrote: Sun Sep 30, 2018 10:17 am Thiénas — lang ?
/tʰíénàs ꜜlaŋ/
hunter COP who
Who's a hunter?
Sèie une peșar, mè nè une șassar.
[sᵊˈjɛ ˈunɛ ˈpeʃaɾ mᵊ͜ nᵊ͜ ˈunɛ ˈʃassaɾ] (standard)
[sjɛ ũnə peʃaɐ̯ mə̃n ũnə ʃasaɐ̯] (SE dialect)
I'm a fisherman, but not a hunter.

Nè peșe malheuruseu èo Lucsemborgo, car mièir paitru va tosi mièii canni per peșère și nè vaie une atorite di peșère lucsemborgir.
[nə ˈpeʃɛ malhʊˈɾusʊ ø luksɛmˈboɾgɔ kaɾ mjᵊiɾ ˈpajtɾu vɐ ˈtosi mjᵊiː ˈkanni peɾ ˈpeʃᵊɾɛ ʃi nᵊ ˈvajɛ ˈunɛ atoˈɾitɛ dᶻi ˈpeʃᵊɾɛ luksɛmˈboɾgiɾ] (standard)
[nə pɛʃ mawɾuzə luksəmbuɾg kaɐ̯ mjiɐ̯ patɾo ɐ toʃmjiː vaɾi dʒi pɛʃɾ̩ ʃi naj ũnə atəɾitˢɛ dʒi pɛʃɾ̩ luksəmbuɾjiɐ̯] (SE dialect)
I unfortunately don't fish in Luxembourg, as my father has all of my fishing rods and I don't have a Luxembourgish fishing license.
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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by jal »

A it yu it dem fis yu kac? Wen yu in go it dem, yu les no kac no fis. Wen yu pen pon lif bis, yu les kil im an it im - oda yu a soso kwul dway ay.
Do you eat the fish you catch? If you don't it them, you shouldn't catch fish. When you hurt a living animal, you should kill it and eat it - otherwise you're just being a cruel and callous person.

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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by masako »

jal wrote: Thu Oct 04, 2018 3:07 pmyou're just being a cruel and callous person.
ko inaho tohyoye ka
Who decided this rule?
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