Conlang fluency thread

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Dē Graut Bʉr
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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by Dē Graut Bʉr »

Dē túti Jal.
Jal did.
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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by akam chinjir »

ki wañimuki=wati ahwaicu a janaki papai=wati
DET opinion=DIST lie.down LOC person many=DEIC
Many people think that.

hau miwa ijau wañi aja na kasumuki
1s NEG sit(IPFV) say out(PFV) DS correct
(I'm not saying it's correct.)

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wañimuki opinion is from wañi think, say and (the reduced form of) pumuki current, way; unofficially it's a calque of Mandarin xiǎngfǎ 想法 (manner of thinking). muki also shows up in kasumuki correct, true, appropriate, whose other source is kasu follow, accompany.
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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by jal »

Wen minu go af palaba fo ray bo way yu a gutman wen yu in pen lif bis, mi af sori bo yu won a kancas.
If we really need to discuss why you're a decent person when you don't hurt living animals, I'm sorry for your lack of conscience.

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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by Pabappa »

Ši sapwepos poppiebo, wa puppo bepambo labbebo.
if fish-ACC-1p-GEN, then VOL friend-DAT-1p share-TR-1p
If I catch a fish I won't eat, I'll give it to a friend.
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Puppo has no English translation, it just shows the action is voluntary, so I glossed it as VOL. TR marks a transitive verb ... it's not really a separate morpheme, it's just that person marking differs between transitive and intransitive verbs and it is fusional but the end vowel is the same, so the native speakers may think of it as two separate morphemes.
Last edited by Pabappa on Fri Oct 05, 2018 9:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by masako »

ta nya na ke "toya" natsapa ka
Can you draw for me a "conscience"?

tlanampe nya yonim muna...nahe kata ak
Humans alone are concerned with ethics/ does not exist within nature.
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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by jal »

Pabappa wrote: Fri Oct 05, 2018 9:40 am Ši sapwepos poppiebo, wa puppo bepambo labbebo.
if fish-ACC-1p-GEN, then VOL friend-DAT-1p share-TR-1p
If I catch a fish I won't eat, I'll give it to a friend.
Puppo has no English translation, it just shows the action is voluntary, so I glossed it as VOL. TR marks a transitive verb ... it's not really a separate morpheme, it's just that person marking differs between transitive and intransitive verbs and it is fusional but the end vowel is the same, so the native speakers may think of it as two separate morphemes.
You have a special verb meaning "to not eat"? Also, if TR is not a seperate phoneme, it should be glossed TR.1p?

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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by Pabappa »

jal wrote: Fri Oct 05, 2018 10:21 am You have a special verb meaning "to not eat"?
Yes, I wavered on how to translate it, since either the suppletive form "not eat" or the bare verb "to eat" plus the negative pi- are correct. There are maybe a hundred or so suppletive negative verbs in Poswa, with little semantic difference from their composite counterparts. But I think that to actively avoid eating something is best expressed by the suppletive, whereas the composite form leaves open the question of the reason for one's not eating the available food.

In this case, the suppletive poppi- is just a contraction of the composite poba-pi-, but many other suppletives are from unrelated stems. There is a second poppi- that means "to not speak; to stay silent", but I doubt that there would ever be ambiguity here, and I could even consider the two to be the same verb, since they both relate to keeping one's mouth shut.
Also, if TR is not a seperate phoneme, it should be glossed TR.1p?
OK, thanks, I'll do that.
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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by doctor shark »

Pabappa wrote: Fri Oct 05, 2018 9:40 am Ši sapwepos poppiebo, wa puppo bepambo labbebo.
if fish-ACC-1p-GEN, then VOL friend-DAT-1p share-TR-1p
If I catch a fish I won't eat, I'll give it to a friend.
Peșissir èt Texas, dãde stiãt dei rejuli zereu stricti per se stature și si classi delle puissae c̦e une peșar podia atrapare. Za atrapesse un puissam mit une viètatu, lua dovissir libetare. (Sa Carolina borèialin a asse dei rejuli, mè sãt piveu stricti).
I've fished in Texas, where there are very strict rules for the size and types of fish a fisherman can keep. If you catch a prohibited fish, you have to release it. (North Carolina also has rules, but they're less strict.)

Tabeme normaleu șe puissae c̦e atrapaie. Mè poda un puissam mit une viètatu neu c̦e nè vol normaleu sin atanteu di dolot libetare za sa croșeta nè sè avaluta.
I normally eat the fish I catch. But you can normally release fish that are prohibited to keep or the ones you don't want without much pain if the hook has not been swallowed.
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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by Pabappa »

Pipop pybampava! Ši sapwebba piwibamba, wa nippažopappis? Pitapa? Bum puppadža papefap pempum pwežebopapio.
choice-ACC wild.animal-brain-3p! If fish-count forbid-word-ACC-3p, then bait-handheld-POSS-1p-ACC-TRANSL-3p-ACC-WH.Q? not.know-3P-Q? people sign-handheld more-3p-ACC ocean-LOC fasten-TR-1p-SJV-need-1p.
But that's silly! If the fish are prohibited, why are they biting my bait? Dont they know? We need to put more signs under the sea.
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Pitapa is an example of a suppletive negative that doesnt resemble its positive form at all. It comes from a word meaning to keep one's eyes closed, and therefore has neither a word for "know" nor a negative morpheme in it.

I translated nippažopappis as "why are they biting my bait" because the only way a fish could take something of mine and make it his is by biting it, so the translative 1p>3p setup is all i need to say. a narrower translation would be "why are they taking my bait?"
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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by evmdbm »

Brexnae qhladetnae ba
Do fish read?
Fish -NOM pl read -PRES pl Question particle
Dē Graut Bʉr
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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by Dē Graut Bʉr »

Ǧiežlatiniž bunin.
Only on Tuesdays.
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Ǧiežlatin actually refers to the second day of an eight-day week, but for the convenience of terrestrial readers I translated it as the second day of a seven-day week.
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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by evmdbm »

A üskiat "Tuesday". U Azdrem natnae xla qhodnae u xlaqhodem
I don't know Tuesdays. On Azdra there are 10 days in a week.

[size=50][ I - nom plain form - know - neg PRES IND Sg Masc - "Tuesday". On Azdra - Prepositional Sg - there are -PRES IND pl- ten days - NOM Pl- in a week (Prepositional Sg) size]
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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by jal »

Way soso wen Cusde?
Why only on Tuesdays?

Dē Graut Bʉr
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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by Dē Graut Bʉr »

Ňa cadan. Qås šin sumiras dana cadin.
I don't know. Maybe the fish do.
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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by masako »

Dē Graut Bʉr wrote: Tue Oct 09, 2018 2:17 am I don't know. Maybe the fish do.
me uatsi ke noma unyak
But fish don't know things...
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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by Vilike »

Yé yoskut bú yû deer thómba.
PFCT induce-SS REL fish possess memory
Fish memory has been observed.
Yaa unák thual na !
Dē Graut Bʉr
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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by Dē Graut Bʉr »

Dē miess biwyting iss aug bizit givirtē. Dē dúl nikkt oss dy dē dē vragglyk zyt.
My memory has also been observed. That doesn't mean that it actually exists.
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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by Bessunire »

Meryan hyonna nitthinda in, vihiro umi bue?
if memory-PAT see-PASS-RESULT-f-PAT be-3s.sub, what.way-ADV
If memory has been observed, how could it be a non-existing thing?
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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by Dē Graut Bʉr »

Oss traumē burr nitkunnigess.
Impossible things happen in dreams.
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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by masako »

ke unya ma moto hunankotse
Knowledge and memory seem to be confused.
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