Phrase evolution game

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Rounin Ryuuji
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Rounin Ryuuji »

bradrn wrote: Thu May 13, 2021 9:43 am
Rounin Ryuuji wrote: Wed May 12, 2021 12:35 pm My poor palatals can't ever last. Oh,well.
That’s entirely my fault; I don’t like palatals. In fact, I loathe palatals, especially when ignorant people try to contrast them with palatal-alveolars. That is why I destroy palatals when I see them; I wish to erase all palatals from the world! Death to all palatals!! Bwa-ha-ha-ha-hããã!!!

(At this point I should probably be stroking a white cat or something while maniacally laughing, but all I have is a rather cute tabby who is currently sleeping. Ah well.)

Also, in case you’ve noticed, I don’t like [y] either. But in deference to your complaint, I have refrained from eliminating both palatals and [y] from your text.
I think destroying each-other's sound changes is a bit of a running gag at this point. I also like nasty awful historical orthographies, Classicalising, fake Classicalising, and so on, in addition to my palatals and front vowels.
[ˈwiɐ.lʉn ɨn dɐi ˈɟʑyʃ.ʃɨn wɔnsɐ ðɐi sɛɹɛnt ɹɛːt wʉɐ ˈˀkɐnsɨʃʉsɨt ðɐi 'ʑiɐstɛst mi'jɛttɨˌwi ˌɹɐmɨnˈswɔʉʃɨnnɛn ɨn ˈɕist.tɨ.wi ‖ wiɛ 'ɔʉ.wɨn ˈʃʉɐ.kɨk.sɨˌwiɛt wiɛ ɛnˈwɐʃɨˌtɛnsɨt 'wɛʉʃɨˌɕi ɛnt wʉˈsɐi.ə.ɕi | ˈhʉɐˌʃʉɐ tɛs'twok.kʃɨn | mɐʃ ˌtippʉɐˈswɔʉʃɨn.nɛn | ɛnt ɛˈmɐnʃ ɟʑyʃʃɐ ɟʑiɛ tʃɛʉ ʃəm'vɛtt | ɨɕɕiɐˈwɔʉʃɨn | ɛkkˈsɸʉɐʒə | tɨˈʒɐi | ɛnt ˈmɛɕc.cɕiɐ.wɛn]
  1. Disappearance of preglottalisation
  2. ʃ ʒ → ʂ ʐ
  3. iɛ → iə, iV → jV, #wj → #uj; ʉV → wV, ww → uw
  4. ɹ → ∅
  5. ˈV₁jV₂C → ˈV₁jC
  6. ‘Labial–velar chain shift’: ɸ w → ɸ β → p b; k kk → w k; c cɕ → k
  7. Regressive voicing assimilation in newly-formed clusters (with some associated geminate shortening)
At this point, the government becomes sick of the revolving-door orthography and associated constant warfare between the various groups, and legislates the ‘Nyoo Funetik Alfabet Akt 2198’, criminalising ‘ol uttempts to wilfilee and malishuslee alter dhe speling ov dhe Ingglish Langwij’, to general acclaim. No further orthographical changes are attempted after this.

[ˈuj.lʉn ɨn dɐi ˈɟʑyʂ.ʂɨn bɔnsɐ ðɐi sɛ.ɛnt ɛːt ubɐ ˈwɐnsɨʂʉsɨt ðɐi 'ʑjɐstɛst mi'jɛttɨˌbi ˌɐmɨnˈzbɔʉʂɨnnɛn ɨn ˈɕist.tɨ.bi ‖ ujə 'ɔʉ.bɨn ˈʐbɐ.wɨw.sɨbˌjɛt ujə ɛnˈbɐʂɨˌtɛnsɨt 'bɛʉʂɨˌɕi ɛnt bʉˈsɐj.ɕi | ˈɦbɐˌʐbɐ tɛz'dbo.kʂɨn | mɐʂ ˌtibbɐˈzbɔʉʂɨn.nɛn | ɛnt ɛˈmɐnʂ ɟʑyʂʂɐ ɟʑjə tʂɛʉ ʂəm'vɛtt | ɨɕɕjɐˈbɔʉʂɨn | ɛɡˈzbɐʐə | tɨˈʐɐi | ɛnt ˈmɛɕk.kjɐ.bɛn]

Ujlʉn yn dai Djüṣṣyn Bonsa dhai Seent Eet Uba wansyṣʉsyt dhai zjastest mijettybi amynzbouṣynnen yn sjisttybi. Uyə oubyn ẓbawywsybjet uyə enbaṣytensyt beuṣysji ent bʉsajsji. Hbaẓba tezdbokṣyn, maṣ tibbazbouṣynnen, ent emanṣ djüṣṣa djə tṣeu ṣəmvett, yssjabouṣyn, egzbaẓə, tyẓai, ent mesjkkjaben.
On which note, let's see how awful I can make it!
  • [ɕ] > [çj], but [j] drops out before [i]
  • [ɨ] tenses to [i], [ə] merges with [ɔ] in isolation, but [y] after [j]; [ɔ o] merge to [ɔ]
  • The new [i] triggers even more palatalisation, [ʂ s] > [ɕ], [t] > [cɕ], [k] > [c] > [cç]
  • [uj, wiw] > [jy]
  • A consonant before a string of two or more of the same consonant will insert an epinthetic [ʉ], except palatals instead eject [i]; at the beginning of the word, [ʉ] is inserted before or into a string of consonants; in these cases, [n] does not usually trigger epenthesis. Consonants at the end of a word that are not [n] also receive [ʉ]
  • Voiceless stops devoice, with single [p] > [ɸ]; and further > [w] medially, but geminating in coda before [j]
  • [t] > [ts] before [ʉ]
  • [v] > [w]
  • Remaining sequences of anything other than [n] + consonant tend to become geminates, [ʂ] > [s]
  • [wi] > [jy]
  • Diphthongs smooth [ɐi~ɐj] > [eː], [ɔʉ] > [oː], [ɛʉ] > [joː]
  • [l] > [j]

    [ˈjy.jyn in teː ˈɟʑyɕ.ɕin ɸɔnsɐ teː sɛ.ɛn.tsʉ ɛː.tsʉ uwɐ ˌwɐn.ɕi.sʉ'ɕi.tsʉ teː ʑjɐt'tɛt.tsʉ mi'jɛc.cɕiˌjy ˌɐminʉp'poːɕin.nɛn in ˈçisʉ.ccɕi.jy ‖ ujy 'oː.jyn ˈʉppɐ.jy.ɕipˌpjɛ.tsʉ ujy ɛnˈpɐ.ɕiˌtɛn'ɕi.tsʉ 'pjoː.ɕiˌçi ɛn.tsʉ ɸʉˈseː.çi | ʉp'pɐp.pɐ tɛppʉ'wɔɕ.ɕin | mɐ.sʉ ˌcɕip.pɐp'poːɕin.nɛn | ɛn.tsʉ ɛˈmɐnsʉ ɟʑyssɐ ɟʑjy cɕjoː sɔ.mʉ'wɛt.tsʉ | iççjɐˈwoːɕin | ɛ.kʉp.pɐ.zɔ | cɕiˈzeː | ɛn.tsʉ mɛ'ɕic.cçjɐ.bɛn]

    Changes occurred a large migration to a Japanese-speaking environment, and were partly conditioned by the superstratum language, which was a very conservative variety; the Government there prescribing the following Katakana orthography. There are talks of introducing Kanji, but these are met with reluctance by some, and excitement by others.

    ユユン イン テイ ヂュッシン ホンサ テイ セセンツ エイツ ウワ ワンシスシツ テイ ヂャッテツ ミエッチユ アミヌッポウシンネン イン ヒスッチユ。ウユ オウユン ウッパユシッピェツ ウユ エンバシ テンシツ ビョウシヒ エンツ フセイヒ、ウッパッパ テップヲッシン、マス チッパッポウシンネン、エンツ エマンス ヂュッサ ヂュ チョウ ソムヱツ、イッヒャヲウシン、エクッパゾ、チゼイ、エンツ メシッキャベン。

    Yuyun in tei jusshin fonsa tei sesentsu entsu uwa wanshisushitsu tei juttentsu miecchiyu amasuppoushinnen in hisucchiyu. Uyu ouyun uppayushippyetsu uyu enpashi tenshitsu pyoushihi entsu fuseihi, uppappa teppuwosshin, masu chippappoushinnen, entsu emansu jussa ju chou somuwettsu, ihhyawoushin, ekuppazo, shizei, entsu messhikkyaben.

    Is it destroyed enough now that I've turned it into Japanese?
Otto Kretschmer
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Otto Kretschmer »

:D :D :D

Maybe something Bantu this time? With clicks at best

Edit, not. German

Die Schlacht von Kursk war die größte Panzerschlacht der Geschichte. Es wurde von der Roten Armee gewonnen, obwohl es schwerere Verluste gab.

[di: ʃlaxt fɔn kʊɐ̯sk va:ɐ̯ di: gʁœstə pant͡sɐʃlaxt de:ɐ̯ gəʃɪçtə ɛs vʊɐ̯də fɔn de:ɐ̯ ʁo:tən aɐ̯me: gəvɔnən ɔpvo:l ɛs ʃve:ʁəʁə fɛɐ̯lʊstə ga:p]
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Rounin Ryuuji
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Rounin Ryuuji »

Otto Kretschmer wrote: Thu May 13, 2021 3:35 pm :D :D :D

Maybe something Bantu this time? With clicks at best

Edit, not. German

Die Schlacht von Kursk war die größte Panzerschlacht der Geschichte. Es wurde von der Roten Armee gewonnen, obwohl es schwerere Verluste gab.

[di: ʃlaxt fɔn kʊɐ̯sk va:ɐ̯ di: gʁœstə pant͡sɐʃlaxt de:ɐ̯ gəʃɪçtə ɛs vʊɐ̯də fɔn de:ɐ̯ ʁo:tən aɐ̯me: gəvɔnən ɔpvo:l ɛs ʃve:ʁəʁə fɛɐ̯lʊstə ga:p]
Well, since there aren't any other takers so far:
  • [ʃ] > [s] before consonants, [s] > [z] before voiced consonants
  • [x] > [w] after [a], [v] > [w], [ç] > [j] preconsonantally
  • Deletion of pretonic [ə], and medial [ə] following a stressed syllable if an illegal cluster would be produced; terminal [ə] is not affected;
  • Remaining [ə], and [a], merge with [ɐ], [ɐɐ̯] > [ɐː] > [aː]
  • [ʊ] > [o] before [ɐ̯]
  • [ɐ̯] becomes a distinct syllable, usually with excrescence from the preceding vowel
  • [g] > [ɣ] > [x]
The "standard" orthography remains fairly conservative, with only a few losses of vowels noted by apostrophes, however a more informal new one begins to emerge alongside it. Both are given below.

[di: slawt fɔn kowɐsk va:rɐ di: xʁœstɐ pɐnt͡sɐslawt de:jɐ xʃɪjtɐ
Formal: Die Schlacht von Kursk wara die größte Panzerschlacht der G'schichte.
Informal: Die Slaut von Koarsk wara die größta Panzerslaucht der Gschijta.

[ɛs wowɐdɐ fɔn de:jɐ ʁo:tɐn aːme: xwɔnɐn ɔpwo:l || ɛs 'zwe:ʁ.ʁɐ fɛjɐlʊstɐ xa:p]
Formal: Es wurde von der Rotan Armee g'wonnen, obwohl es schwer're Verluste gab.
Informal: Ess woarda fon der Rotan Armee gwonnen opwohl, ess sweerra Fearlusta gaab.
Otto Kretschmer
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Otto Kretschmer »

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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Neonnaut »

j > h
e: > i: / ! w_
t͡s > θ
z > ð

[di: slawt fɔn kowɐsk va:rɐ di: xʁœstɐ pɐnθɐslawt di:hɐ xʃɪhtɐ
Formal: Die Schlacht von Kursk wara die größte Panzerschlacht der G'schichte.
Informal: Die Slaut von Koarsk wara die größta Panzerslaucht der Gschihta.

[ɛs wowɐdɐ fɔn di:hɐ ʁo:tɐn aːmi: xwɔnɐn ɔpwo:l || ɛs 'ðwe:ʁ.ʁɐ fɛhɐlʊstɐ xa:p]
Formal: Es wurde von der Rotan Armee g'wonnen, obwohl es schwer're Verluste gab.
Informal: Ess woarda fon der Rotan Armee gwonnen opwohl, ess sweerra Fearlusta gaab.
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Rounin Ryuuji
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Rounin Ryuuji »

  • [l] > [j] after consonants;
  • Long vowel breaking, [aː] > [æa] > [ɛa]; [iː] > [əi] > [ei], but not terminally, wihere [iː] > [ij] happens instead; [oː] > [uə] > [uo]; [eː] > [ie];
  • Vowels tend to mutate depending on the following syllable: [o ɔ uo e ei] > [a a oa a ai], [œ ʊ] > [o o], [ɪ] > [e] before [a ɐ]; [ɛa] > [ɛː] before [i];
  • Deletion of intervocalic [h] after short vowels, producing new vowel coalescences, [aɐ] > [aː], or following short vowels to produce long ones;
  • The formal orthography undergoes only a few very minor changes, but the informal one is updated to reflect the various sound changes.

[dij sjawt fɔn kawɐsk vɛarɐ dij xʁostɐ pɐnθɐslawt dai:hɐ xʃeːtɐ
Formal: Die Schlacht von Kursk wara die großte Panzerschlacht der G'schichte.
Informal: Dij Sjaut von Kouarsk weara die grossta Panthersjaut der Gscheeta.

[ɛs wawɐdɐ fɔn daihɐ ʁoatɐn ɛːmij xwanɐn ɔpwuol || ɛs 'ðwieʁ.ʁɐ faːlostɐ xɛap]
Formal: Es wurde von der Rotan Armee g'wonnen, obwohl es schwer're Verluste gab.
Informal: Ess wouarda fon der Ruatan Ermij gwannen opwuol, ess swierra Faarlosta geab.
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by bradrn »

  1. sj → ʃ
  2. C₁C₂ → C₂ː / when both are fricatives
  3. ð θ → v f; v → w; ww → uw
  4. ij → yi
  5. [+round] V → w V
  6. ʁw xw dw pw mw → ɣʷ xʷ bʷ pʷ mʷ; ɣʷ → w
  7. Vowel hiatus broken up with semivowel (I interpret [ai] as a diphthong and [ɛa aiː] as hiatus)
And: the Spelling Wars, so recently started in England (assuming the changes are contemporaneous), spread to Germany, making a mess of things.

[bʷi ʃawt fɔn kawɐsk wɛjarɐ bʷi ʁːostɐ pɐnfɐslawt daji:hɐ ʃːeːtɐ]
Büe Schlacht von Kouarsk weara büe großta Panferschlacht büi G’schichte.

[ɛs wawɐdɐ fɔn da͡ihɐ watɐn ɛːmʷi xʷanɐn ɔpʷol || ɛs u'wijeʁ.ʁɐ faːlostɐ xɛjap]
Es wouarda von der Wotan Armüi g’üonnen obüohl, es schwer’re Verluste geab.
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Rounin Ryuuji
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Rounin Ryuuji »

bradrn wrote: Thu Jun 03, 2021 7:02 am And: the Spelling Wars, so recently started in England (assuming the changes are contemporaneous), spread to Germany, making a mess of things.
CHALLENGE ACCEPTED! I'm using Kanji when I turn it into Japanese this time.
  • Dissimilation of [bʷ] > [dʷ], [mʷ] > [nʷ]
  • [xʷ] > [f]
  • Insertion of [ɐ] in the middle to break up initial geminates
  • [ʁ] merges with remaining [x]; [x] is lost between vowels, intervocalic geminate [xː] reduces to [x]
  • Smoothing of [aw ɐo awɐ] > [oː oː oːu], [ai ɛja ajiː] > [ɛː ɛːi ɛːi], [ije] > [iː], [o] > [oː] by analogy
  • Stressed short vowels in open syllables are lengthened; long vowels in unstressed syllables are shortened; if shortening would occur before ar stressed short closed syllable, quantitative metathesis occurs instead;
  • [sk] > [ʃ]; a certain word regains an initial [ʃ] as a reading pronunciation;
  • Spelling wars continue, naturally, with some sort of Scandinavianist Romanticist movement trying to make a "New Style" spelling:
[dʷi ʃoːt fɔn koːusk wɛːiːrɐ dʷi xoːstɐ pɐnfɐʃoːt dɛ:ihɐ ʃɐ'ʃeːtɐ]
Old Style: Büe Schlacht von Kouarsk weara büe großta Panferschlacht büi G’schichte.
New Style: Dvie Skjogt fon Kooursk wääira dvie grooste Panfaskjogt dvie Skjeskigte.

[ɛs woːudɐ fɔn dɛːhɐ waːtɐn ɛːnʷi faːnɐn ɔ'dʷoːl || ɛs ʃu'wiː.xɐ fɐ'loːstɐ xɛːip]
Old Style: Es wouarda von der Wotan Armüi g’üonnen obüohl, es schwer’re Verluste geab.
New Style: Es woordar fon dähe Waatan Ernvie faanen obwool, es skjuwiere Farlooste gääib.
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Karch »

1. labialized consonants become velar
2. vowel-initial words gain an epenthetic glottal stop
3. short pretonic vowels are deleted
4. i: u: ɛ:i o:u e: > jə wə i: u: i:
5. single consonants in onsets of stressed syllables geminate if the preceding word ends in a consonant
6. word-final ɐ is deleted, newly-created closed syllables receive a falling tone

The new orthography is reformed once again, both to be more compatible with the old one and to reflect new changes.

[ɡʷi 'ʃʃoːt fɔn 'ku:sk 'wîːr ɡʷi 'xxôːst pɐn'fʃoːt 'dîːh 'ʃʃîːt]
Old style: Büe Schlacht von Kouarsk weara büe großta Panferschlacht büi G’schichte.
New style: Gwi Schoot von Kursk wiera gwi choosta Panfschoot dieh Schiet.

[ʔɛs 'wûːd fɔn 'dɛ̂ːh 'wwaːtɐn 'ʔɛːŋʷi 'ffaːnɐn 'ʔɡʷoːl || ʔɛs 'ʃwjə̂x 'flôːst 'xxɛːip]
Old style: Es wouarda von der Wotan Armüi g’üonnen obüohl, es schwer’re Verluste geab.
New style: Es wurda von deeh Waatan Eenwi faanan 'gwool, es schwiach Vloosta cheeip.
Zpaf kkuñb ñvneahttiñ wqxirftvn meof ñfañhsit.
Kkuñb ñvzxirf kvtañb kkuñf ñtmeaq sfañkqeanth.
Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq.
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Rounin Ryuuji
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Rounin Ryuuji »

  • Corrected a missed change;
  • Unstressed words like the definite articles reduce; [ɡʷi] > [gɪ] > [gjə], [dɛ̂ːh] > [dɛh] > [dəh], [dîh] > [dih] > [djəh];
  • Metathesis of stressed [jə] > [əj] after [w]; elsewhere [jə] > [je], [wəj] > [we]
  • Long vowels without falling tone are shortened, resulting [ɛi] undergoes metathesis to [iɛ]
  • [k g x] > [cɕj ɟʑj çj] before front vowels, > [cɕ ɟʑ ç] before [j]; [t d] > [cɕ ɟʑ] before [j]; [ʃ] > [ɕ] before [i j]
  • Fortition of initial [çç xx ff ww] > [cç kx pf gʷw]
  • Fortition of final [h] > [x~ç]
  • Yet more changes to New Style orthography, Old Style is untouched.
[ɟʑje 'ʃʃot fɔn 'ku:ʃ 'wîːr ɟʑje 'kxôːst pɐn'fʃot 'ɟʑeç 'ɕɕîːt]
Old style: Büe Schlacht von Kouarsk weara büe großta Panferschlacht büi G’schichte.
New style: Tgi Sch'schott fon Koursch wiere tgi kgosta Panfschott tgiech Schiete.

[ʔɛs 'wûːd fɔn 'dəx 'gʷwatɐn 'ʔɛŋʷi 'pfanɐn 'ʔɡʷol || ʔɛs 'ʃwêːç 'flôːst 'cçiɛp]
Old style: Es wouarda von der Wotan Armüi g’üonnen obüohl, es schwer’re Verluste geab.
New style: Es wuurde fon dëch Gwuattan Erngwi pfannan 'gwol, es schweech flooste kgiäb.
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Neonnaut »

  • VN > Ṽ / _#
  • V > Ṽ / _n
  • n > ∅ / _{f,v,s}
  • {n,m} > ∅ / C_#
  • ɐ̃ > ɑ̃
  • V'CCV > VC'CV
  • ɟʑ > ɟ͡ʝ
  • cç > c͡ç
  • x > χ
  • kχ > q͡χ
  • ɕ > x
[ɟ͡ʝje 'ʃʃot fɔ̃ 'ku:ʃ 'wîːr ɟ͡ʝje 'q͡χôːst pɑ̃f'ʃot 'ɟ͡ʝeç 'xxîːt]
Old style: Tgi Sch'schott fon Koursch wiere tgi kgosta Panfschott tgiech Schiete.

[ʔɛs 'wûːd fɔ̃ 'dəχ 'gʷwatɑ̃ 'ʔɛŋʷi 'pfanɑ̃ 'ʔɡʷol || ʔɛs 'ʃwêːç 'flôːst 'c͡çiɛp]
Old style: Es wuurde fon dëch Gwuattan Erngwi pfannan 'gwol, es schweech flooste kgiäb.
Otto Kretschmer
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Otto Kretschmer »

Who wants to do alternate evolution of Middle English

In the mid of the table, acountre vowen draperies upon the wall, ther was a sede under a canape, and ther sat a ladi faire to miren.

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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by bradrn »

Please can we not do yet another Germanic language? Let’s do something a bit more interesting, like, I dunno, Tsʼixa:

/ɡúànàhà . ɡúàsì ĩ́sì ǁàbàkùm̀ǁàbànàhà ǁóbé ᵑǁᶢoé , ǁóbé ᵑǁᶢoé ʔjũṹtã̀sè . tʰà ǀúú tsʰé`e síia bijeédzì ǀˣòà ǁʼáékù/
Conlangs: Scratchpad | Texts | antilanguage
Software: See
Other: Ergativity for Novices

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Rounin Ryuuji
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Rounin Ryuuji »

Are we really done with German?
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Neonnaut »

Obviously I can't do much realism without being a Khoisanist.
  • Stress the leftmost H-toned syllable immediately followed by a Low toned
    Else stress the leftmost H-toned syllable,
    Else stress the leftmost M-toned syllable immediately followed by a Low toned syllable,
    Else stress the leftmost syllable
  • ǀˣ > ǀʰ
/ˈɡúànàhà . ˈɡúàsì ˈĩ́sì ˈǁàbàkùm̀ǁàbànàhà ˈǁóbé ˈᵑǁᶢoé , ˈǁóbé ᵑǁᶢoˈé ʔjũˈṹtã̀sè . ˈtʰà ˈǀúú ˈtsʰéè síia bijeˈédzì ǀʰòà ǁʼáˈékù/
Otto Kretschmer
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Otto Kretschmer »

Rounin Ryuuji wrote: Fri Jun 04, 2021 7:53 am Are we really done with German?
No if you think you are not :)
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by bradrn »

OK, I’ll do one more for German:
  1. palatals → palato-alveolars
  2. nasal harmony: entire word becomes nasalised if any nasal phonemes are present (note particularly: f ʃ ʔ → w̃ j̃ ŋ)
  3. unstressed word-final vowels → ∅
  4. tone split: stressed vowels lower in pitch before voiced coda, raise in pitch before voiceless coda
  5. final C₁C₂ → C₁; then final fricatives → h, stops → ʔ, r → ɐ̆
  6. orthographists give up on old orthography entirely
[dʒe˧ 'ʃʃoʔ˥ w̃ɔ̃˧ 'ku:h˥ 'wiːɐ̆˧˩ dʒe˧ 'q͡χoːh˥˧ mɑ̃w̃'j̃õn˩ 'dʒeh˥ 'xxiːʔ˥˧]

jē schóʔ wɔ̄ⁿ kúúh wīìr jē qhôh mawyòn jéh khhíìʔ

[ʔɛh˥ 'wuːʔ˧˩ w̃ɔ̃˧ 'dəh˥ 'ŋʷw̃ãn˩ 'ŋɛ̃ŋʷ˩ 'mw̃an˩ 'ʔɡʷol˩ || ʔɛh˥ 'ʃweːh˥˧ 'floːh˥˧ 'tʃiɛʔ˥]

ʔɛ́h wūùʔ wɔ̄ⁿ də́h ŋwàn ŋɛ̀ŋw mwàn ʔgwòl, ʔɛ́h shwéèh flóòh chíɛ́ʔ
Neonnaut wrote: Fri Jun 04, 2021 8:13 am Obviously I can't do much realism without being a Khoisanist.
This is why I linked the grammar.
Conlangs: Scratchpad | Texts | antilanguage
Software: See
Other: Ergativity for Novices

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Rounin Ryuuji
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Rounin Ryuuji »

I think that is well and truly no longer German.
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Karch »

bradrn wrote: Fri Jun 04, 2021 7:51 amLet’s do something a bit more interesting, like, I dunno, Tsʼixa:
I prefer boobs, but whatever, butts it is! :lol:

1. All clicks except the dental ones are lost: ǂ ᶢǂ ǂʼ ǂʰ ǂx ǂq ǂɢ ǂʔ ᵑǂ ᵑǂᶢ > c ɟ cʼ cʰ cx c ɟ cVʔ ɲ̊ ɲ, ǁ ǃ > t͡ɬ k, ǃq ǃɢ > q ɢ
2. Uvularized (and glottalized) dental clicks are lost as well: ǀq ǀɢ ǀʔ > tq dq tʼq
3. s > ʂ
4. Aspirated stops fricativize, stop + x clusters then become aspirates: tʰ tsʰ cʰ kʰ > θ s ç x
5. Stress moves to the first vowel of a vowel sequence.

The sole dental click is now written <c>.

[ˈɡúànàhà . ˈɡúàʂì ˈĩ́ʂì ˈcàbàkùm̀càbànàhà ˈcóbé ˈɲoé , ˈcóbé ˈɲoé ˈʔjũṹtã̀ʂè . ˈθà ˈǀúú ˈséè ʂíia biˈjeédzì ǀʰòà ˈcʼáékù]
<Guanaha. Guasi ĩsi kyabakumkyabanaha kyobe nyoe, kyobe nyoe 'yũũtãse. Tha cuu tshee siia biyeedzi choa ky'aeku.>
Zpaf kkuñb ñvneahttiñ wqxirftvn meof ñfañhsit.
Kkuñb ñvzxirf kvtañb kkuñf ñtmeaq sfañkqeanth.
Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq.
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Neonnaut »

Lets only transcribe stress when it's not on the first syllable like a previous challenge, (I messed up last time, visually).
  • ɲ > ŋ
  • ı̃ > iɲ
  • b > β /V_V
  • c > s
  • {o, u} > ø y / _{e, i}
  • i > j / i_V
  • Cʼ > C
[ɡúànàhà . ɡúàʂì íɲʂì sàβàkùm̀sàβànàhà sóβé ŋøé , sóβé ŋøé ʔjũṹtã̀ʂè . θà ǀúú séè ʂíja biˈjeédzì ǀʰòà cáékù]
<OLD: Guanaha. Guasi ĩsi kyabakumkyabanaha kyobe nyoe, kyobe nyoe 'yũũtãse. Tha cuu tshee siia biyeedzi choa ky'aeku.>
<NEW: Guanaha. Guashi inyshi sabakumkyabanaha sobe ngoe, sobe ngoe 'yũũtãshe. Tha cuu see shiya biyeedzi choa kyaeku.>
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