Phrase evolution game

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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Karch »

1. umlaut occurs even across syllables: a ã o u ũ > ɛ ɛ̃ ø y ỹ / _C[V+front]
2. remaining palatals depalatalize: c cx cʰ ɟ ɲɟ ɲ > s sx sʰ z ndz n
3. non-low vowels delete in open syllables, but tone remains and moves to the previous syllable: i u e o > ∅ / VC_CV, VC_#
4: alveolar consonants palatalize: t d n nd > ʧ ʤ ɲ ɲʤ
5. remaining dental clicks become pulmonic: ǀ ǀʰ gǀ ŋǀ ŋǀg > t tʰ d n̥ n

[ɡúàɲàhà . ɡúɛ̀ʂ ínʂì sàβàkm̀sàβàɲàhà sǿβ ŋøé , sǿβ ŋøé ʔjũṹʧɛ̃̀ʂ . θà túú séè ʂíja biˈjeêdz tʰòà sɛ́êk]
<Guanyaha. Guash inshi sabakmsabanyaha söb ngoe, söb ngoe 'yũũtyã̈sh. Tha tuu see shiya biyéedz thoa saek.>
Zpaf kkuñb ñvneahttiñ wqxirftvn meof ñfañhsit.
Kkuñb ñvzxirf kvtañb kkuñf ñtmeaq sfañkqeanth.
Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq.
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Neonnaut »

  • C > əC / C_C
  • e > ə /_#
  • /i/ becomes shwa in an unstressed syllable before a stressed syllable
  • β > ɸ /_#
  • β > ʋ
  • ʔ > ∅
  • Transcribe the first and second tone if it is a high tone, transcribe tone if it is a contour.
[ɡúàɲàhà . ɡúɛ̀ʂ ínʂì sàʋàkə̀msàʋàɲàhà sǿɸ ŋøə́ , sǿɸ ŋøə́ jũṹʧɛ̃̀ʂ . θà túú séə̀ ʂíja bəˈjeêdz tʰòà sɛ́êk]
<Gúanyaha. Gúaș ínși savakemsavanyaha sǿf ngøé, sǿf ngøé yųų́tyąș. þa túú sée șíya biyeêdz thoa sáêk.>
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by bradrn »

  1. {o,u} → w / V _; ø → we
  2. [+velar] w → [+velar+round]; tʰw sw → kʷʰ ʍ
  3. [+affricate] → [+fricative]
  4. V₁{ʋ,h}V₁ → V₁V₁{ʋ,h}
  5. Nasality discharges on following consonant
  6. eə ɛe → ee ɛj
  7. VV̂ → V́V̀
  8. Tone dissimilation: V → V̀ / next to V́; V → V́ / next to V̀
  9. Vʋ → Vw; aw → ɔw
  10. jk → tʃ; wk → kʷ; wɲ → ŋʷ

[ɡʷâɲààh ‖ ɡʷɛ̂ʂ ínʂì sàɔ̀kʷə̀msàɔ̀ŋʷààh ʍéɸ ŋʷéé | ʍéɸ ŋʷéé jùúɲɛ̀ɳ ‖ θà túú séè ʂíjà bə̀ˈjéèz kʷʰà sɛ̂tʃ]
Gwânyaah. Gwɛ̂ș ínși saɔkwəmsaɔŋwaah s̄éf ŋwéé, s̄éf ŋwéé yuúnyɛn̦. S̭a túú sée șíya bəyéez khwa sɛ̂c.
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by bradrn »

OK, since it seems no-one else wants to reply, I’ll do another one:
  1. ʍ ɸ → h
  2. ə → ʊ / next to labials; otherwise ə → ɪ
  3. Regressive ±ATR vowel harmony: [a e i o u] ~ [a ɛ ɪ ɔ ʊ]
  4. ʂ ɳ z → ɻ / in coda
  5. θ ʂ → s; tʃ → ʃ; s → ʃ / _ {i,e}
  6. Minimal word constraint: monosyllabic lexical words must contain a long vowel
  7. [+aspirated] → [-aspirated]
  8. h → j / [+high] _ #; uj ʊj ej ɛj → əj
  9. b → w / #_
[ɡʷâɲààh ‖ ɡʷɛ́ɛ̀ɻ ínʃì sàɔ̀kʷʊ̀msàɔ̀ŋʷààh hə́ə́j ŋʷéé | hə́ə́j ŋʷéé jʊ̀ʊ́ɲɛ̀ɻ ‖ sà túú ʃéè ʃíjà wə̀ˈjéèɻ kʷʰàà sɛ́ɛ̀ʃ]
Gwânyaah. Gwɛ́ɛr ínsi saɔkwʊmsaɔŋwaah hə́ə́y ŋwéé, hə́ə́y ŋwéé yʊʊ́nyɛr. Sa túú sée síya wəyéer khwaa sɛ́ɛʃ.
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Neonnaut »

  1. vowels of the same quality are analyzed as long.
  2. ɡʷ → b / #_V ! _{u,ʊ}
  3. ɡʷ → b /! _#
  4. ɡʷ ŋʷ ɲ→ g m ŋ
  5. s ʃ→ z s
  6. z → ɾ / between two voiced segments
  7. j → dʒ / {#_, V_V}
  8. /else j → ì (I guess that's what would happen? Low tone because it was voiced)
  9. h → ∅ / _#
bâŋàː ‖ bɛ̂ːɻ ínsì zàɔ̀kʷʊ̀mɾàɔ̀màː hə́ːì méː | hə́ːì méː dʒʊ̌ːŋɛ̀ɻ ‖ zà túː sêː sídʒà wə̀ˈdʒêːɻ kʷàː zɛ̂ːs]
Bânyaah. Bɛ́ɛr ínsi zaɔkwʊmraɔmaah hə́ə́i méé, hə́ə́i méé jʊʊ́nyɛr. Za túú sée síja wəjéer kwaa zɛ́ɛs.
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Rounin Ryuuji
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Rounin Ryuuji »

Neonnaut wrote: Sun Jun 13, 2021 2:04 pm [bâŋàː ‖ bɛ̂ːɻ ínsì zàɔ̀kʷʊ̀mɾàɔ̀màː hə́ːì méː | hə́ːì méː dʒʊ̌ːŋɛ̀ɻ ‖ zà túː sêː sídʒà wə̀ˈdʒêːɻ kʷàː zɛ̂ːs]
Bânyaah. Bɛ́ɛr ínsi zaɔkwʊmraɔmaah hə́ə́i méé, hə́ə́i méé jʊʊ́nyɛr. Za túú sée síja wəjéer kwaa zɛ́ɛs.
  • Accent is reanalysed to simply high-low pitch; a rising-falling pitch is reanalysed as a long vowel with a pitch shift; long vowels sharing the same pitch are shortened;
  • Vowel Chain Shift: [e] > [i], [ɛ] > [e], [ə ɔ] > [o], [ʊ] > [u]
  • Denasalisation of [ŋ] > [g] medially; liquefaction of terminal [ɻ] > [j] with shortening of preceding vowel
  • Palatalisation, [s] > [ɕ], [z] > [ʑ], [dʒ] > [ɟʑ], [h] > [ç] (Then [ç] > [çj] before [e]) before front vowels; [t] > [ts] before [u]
  • Disaffrication of [dʒ ɟʑ] > [ʒ ʑ]
  • Vowel smoothing, [ei] > [eː], [ao] > [oː]; all long vowels shifted to have rising-falling pitch;
[bá͜àgà ‖ béj ínɕì z͜͜óòkʷùmɾóòmà hé͜è mí | hé͜è mí ʒúùgèj ‖ zà tsú ɕéè ɕíʒà wòˈʑíj kʷà ʑé͜ès]
Bâga. Béy inshi zôkwumrôma hê mí, hê mí jûgey. Zà tsú shê shíja wojíy kwà zhês.
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by bradrn »

  1. Echo vowel addition: V₁C# → V₁CV₁#
  2. Palatalisation continues: ɕ ʑ → ç j → ɦʲ j
  3. Chain shift: z ʒ → r, ɾ → d
  4. V́₁V̀₁ → V̀₁V̀₁, with high tone moving to previous vowel, and addition of homorganic syllabic nasal if no vowel available; reanalysis of tone as accentual downshift
  5. Reinforcement of initial syllabic nasals: m̩ n̩ ɲ̍ ŋ̍ → ũm ə̃n ĩɲ ũŋʷ
  6. C {h,ɦʲ,j} → C {∅,ʲ,ʲ}
[ũmꜜbaaɡa ‖ beꜜje iꜜɲi ə̃nꜜrookʷumꜜdooma ũꜜŋʷee mi | ũꜜŋʷee mi ĩꜜɲuuɡeje ‖ ꜜra tsu ĩꜜɲee ɦʲiꜜra wojiꜜji ꜜkʷa ĩꜜɲeese]
Ũmbàaga. Beyè inyì ṽnròokwumdòoma ũŋwèe mi, ũŋwèe mi ĩnyùugeye. Rà tsu ĩnyèe hyirà woyiyì kwà ĩnyèese.
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by cedh »

bradrn wrote: Sun Jun 13, 2021 11:47 pm [ũmꜜbaaɡa ‖ beꜜje iꜜɲi ə̃nꜜrookʷumꜜdooma ũꜜŋʷee mi | ũꜜŋʷee mi ĩꜜɲuuɡeje ‖ ꜜra tsu ĩꜜɲee ɦʲiꜜra wojiꜜji ꜜkʷa ĩꜜɲeese]
Ũmbàaga. Beyè inyì ṽnròokwumdòoma ũŋwèe mi, ũŋwèe mi ĩnyùugeye. Rà tsu ĩnyèe hyirà woyiyì kwà ĩnyèese.
  1. Tonal downshift becomes a stress accent.
  2. m n ɲ ŋ ŋʷ > b d ɟ ɡ ɡʷ > w ɾ j ɦ ɦʷ / ˈV_V
  3. Cʲ Cʷ > Cj Cw
  4. ɦ > Ø
  5. ɾ ts > r s
  6. Contrastive vowel nasalization is lost.
  7. Some monosyllabic words cliticise to a preceding word.
  8. All stressed syllables become long, and all unstressed syllables become short.
  9. Unstressed vowels merge into the three qualities /ɪ ʊ ʌ/, and get deleted in many pre-stress positions, especially near semivowels.
  10. Some amount of cluster simplification, including md ŋw nr jr > nd ŋɡw n ʒ
[ ʊˈmbɑː ‖ ˈbjeːnɪ nʊkʊˈndoːwʌ ʊˈŋɡweːmɪ | ʊˈŋɡweːmɪ ˈnjuːjʌ ‖ ˈrɑːsʊ ˈnjeːʒʌ ˈwiːkʌ ˈnjeːsʌ ]
Umbàà. Byèèni nukundòòwa ungwèèmi, ungwèèmi nyùùya. Rààsu nyèèja wììka nyèèsa.
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Rounin Ryuuji
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Rounin Ryuuji »

cedh wrote: Wed Jun 16, 2021 7:13 am
bradrn wrote: Sun Jun 13, 2021 11:47 pm [ũmꜜbaaɡa ‖ beꜜje iꜜɲi ə̃nꜜrookʷumꜜdooma ũꜜŋʷee mi | ũꜜŋʷee mi ĩꜜɲuuɡeje ‖ ꜜra tsu ĩꜜɲee ɦʲiꜜra wojiꜜji ꜜkʷa ĩꜜɲeese]
Ũmbàaga. Beyè inyì ṽnròokwumdòoma ũŋwèe mi, ũŋwèe mi ĩnyùugeye. Rà tsu ĩnyèe hyirà woyiyì kwà ĩnyèese.
  1. Tonal downshift becomes a stress accent.
  2. m n ɲ ŋ ŋʷ > b d ɟ ɡ ɡʷ > w ɾ j ɦ ɦʷ / ˈV_V
  3. Cʲ Cʷ > Cj Cw
  4. ɦ > Ø
  5. ɾ ts > r s
  6. Contrastive vowel nasalization is lost.
  7. Some monosyllabic words cliticise to a preceding word.
  8. All stressed syllables become long, and all unstressed syllables become short.
  9. Unstressed vowels merge into the three qualities /ɪ ʊ ʌ/, and get deleted in many pre-stress positions, especially near semivowels.
  10. Some amount of cluster simplification, including md ŋw nr jr > nd ŋɡw n ʒ
[ ʊˈmbɑː ‖ ˈbjeːnɪ nʊkʊˈndoːwʌ ʊˈŋɡweːmɪ | ʊˈŋɡweːmɪ ˈnjuːjʌ ‖ ˈrɑːsʊ ˈnjeːʒʌ ˈwiːkʌ ˈnjeːsʌ ]
Umbàà. Byèèni nukundòòwa ungwèèmi, ungwèèmi nyùùya. Rààsu nyèèja wììka nyèèsa.
  • [mb nd ŋɡ] > [ᵐb ⁿd ᵑɡ] > [m n ŋ], [ŋ] > [g]
  • [ʊ] merges into [ʌ], further pretonic deletions, but [ʌ] > [o] after [w], [ʌ] > [ø] after [j ʒ]
  • [ɑː] breaks to [æa] > [jæ], [eː] > [ie] > [je], pre-existing [j w] blocks this shift, and triggers [jeː] > [jei] > [i], [weː] > [wei] > [wi]
  • [uː] > [au] > [a], but [juː] > [yː] > [̞øy] > [ø]; [oː] > [uo] > [u]; [ɪ] merges back into [i]
  • Stress shifts to the first syllable of a word; intertonic vowels tend to be reduced or deleted, except that jV wV push deletion of a subsequent vowel instead
[ ˈʌ.mjæ ‖ ˈbini ˈnʌk.nwo ˈʌ.ɡwim | 'ʌɡwim ˈnø.jø ‖ ˈrjæ.sʌ ˈni.ʒø ˈwa.kʌ ˈni.sʌ ]
Eomya. Bini neoknwo eogwim, eogwim neujeu. Ryaseo nijeu wakeo niseo.

Feels kind-of Korean now.
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Neonnaut »

  • w → u
  • ui → əi → ai → eː
  • ei → iː
  • ʌ → ɔ /! #_
  • ʌ → a
  • g → ɣ /V_V
  • {mj nj} → ɲ
[ ˈa.ɲæ ‖ ˈbini ˈnak.nuə ˈa.ɣeːm | 'aɣeːm ˈnø.jø ‖ ˈrjæ.sɔ ˈni.ʒø ˈwa.kɔ ˈni.sɔ ]
Eomya. Bini neoknwo eogwim, eogwim neujeu. Ryaseo nijeu wakeo niseo.
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Karch »

1. uə jæ > uː æː
2. tonogenesis: long stressed vowels get falling tone, short stressed vowels get high tone except when there's a long vowel after the stressed syllable, in which case they get rising tone, length then disappears
3. æ ɔ > e o

[ ˈá.ɲe ‖ ˈbíni ˈnǎ ˈǎ.ɣem | ˈǎ.ɣem ˈnǿ.jø ‖ ˈrê.so ˈní.ʒø ˈwá.ko ˈní.so]
<Anye. Bini náknu ágem, ágem nöyö. Rèso nizhö wako niso.>

This looks decidedly non-Khoisan, so it's probably time for a new text, however I can't think of any right now.
Zpaf kkuñb ñvneahttiñ wqxirftvn meof ñfañhsit.
Kkuñb ñvzxirf kvtañb kkuñf ñtmeaq sfañkqeanth.
Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq.
Otto Kretschmer
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Otto Kretschmer »

Gothic perhaps?

Allái manna freihals jah samaleikō in waírþidái jah raíhteis waúrþans. Fraþei jah miþwissei gibnans jah libandau swē broþrjus.
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Karch »

1. fricatives are voiced before or after voiced consonants
2. short vowels reduce: a ɛ i ɔ u > ə ɛ ɪ ɔ ʊ
3: vowel-initial words receive an epenthetic glottal stop

[ʔəllɛ: mənnə βri:həls jəh səməli:ko: ʔɪn wɛrðɪðɛ: jəh rɛhti:s wɔrðəns || βrəθi: jəh mɪðwɪssi: gɪβnəns jəh lɪβəndɔ: swe: bro:ðrjʊs]
<Allái manna freihals jah samaleikō in waírþidái jah raíhteis waúrþans. Fraþei jah miþwissei gibnans jah libandau swē broþrjus.>
Zpaf kkuñb ñvneahttiñ wqxirftvn meof ñfañhsit.
Kkuñb ñvzxirf kvtañb kkuñf ñtmeaq sfañkqeanth.
Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq.
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Rounin Ryuuji
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Rounin Ryuuji »

Karch wrote: Wed Jun 16, 2021 6:20 pm 1. fricatives are voiced before or after voiced consonants
2. short vowels reduce: a ɛ i ɔ u > ə ɛ ɪ ɔ ʊ
3: vowel-initial words receive an epenthetic glottal stop

[ʔəllɛ: mənnə βri:həls jəh səməli:ko: ʔɪn wɛrðɪðɛ: jəh rɛhti:s wɔrðəns || βrəθi: jəh mɪðwɪssi: gɪβnəns jəh lɪβəndɔ: swe: bro:ðrjʊs]
<Allái manna freihals jah samaleikō in waírþidái jah raíhteis waúrþans. Fraþei jah miþwissei gibnans jah libandau swē broþrjus.>
  • [ə] > [ɐ] usually, but [jə] > [je], > [ɛ] in syllables preceded or followed by [i]; the former remains graphically "a"; the latter is usually graphically "e"
  • [ð] > [h] intervocalically or before or after liquids
  • [h] > [ç] before or after [ɛ e i ɪ], > [x] elsewhere except initially; orthographically "ch"
  • [ɪ jʊ] > [i y]
  • [β w] > [ʋ]
  • [ɛ:] > [iɐ], [iː] > [ɐi], [oː] > [uɐ], [eː] > [eɐ], [ɔː] > [ɔɐ], graphically "ia, ai, ua, ea, oa"
  • [i] > [y] before [ʋ]
  • [g] > [j] before front vowels]
  • [ʋr br] transposes [r] to the coda of the syllable where possible; other transpositions also occur sporadically
Allia manna wairchels jech semelaikua in wechichia jech rechtais wochrans. Werthai jech mywchissai gywnans jech lywandoa swea buarchrys.
[ʔɐlliɐ mɐnnɐ ʋɐirçɛls jeç sɛmɛlɐikuɐ ʔin ʋɛçriçiɐ jeç rɛçtɐis ʋɔxrɐns || ʋɛrθɐi jeç myʋçissɐi jyʋnɐns jeç lyʋɐndɔɐ sʋea buɐrxrys]

My, some of those diphthongs look atrocious, now don't they?
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by bradrn »

  1. ɐ → ɑ; V{ɑ,i,ç,u} → V{ʕ,j,j,w}
  2. [jej] cliticises to following word
  3. [+semivowel] → ∅ / _ CC
  4. ɛ ɔ → a o
  5. jt js jr jk ç → t͡ʃ ʃ ʒ t͡ʃ ʃ
  6. C₁C₂V₁ → C₁V₁C₂V₁ (applied cyclically RTL)
  7. iʕ eʕ uʕ oʕ → u o ɒ ɑ; remaining ʕ → ∅
  8. ʋ → w next to [+round] or [+back]
  9. ejy → ø
[ʔɑllu mɑnnɑ wɑraʃals jeʃamalɑt͡ʃo ʔin ʋaʒiju jeʒat͡ʃɑʃ woxɑrɑns || ʋarɑθɑj jømywijissɑj jyʋɑnɑns jølyʋɑndɒ seʋo buryxyrys]

Allu manna warächäls je s̊ämälajko in wächiju je r̊ächajs wocharans. Wäraþaj jy mywuhussaj gywanans jy lywandoa sewo burychyrys.

(NB. ⟨s̊⟩ comes from ⟨jech s⟩ → ⟨je chs⟩ → ⟨je ᶜʰs⟩ → ⟨je s̊⟩; the last two look similar in blackletter.)
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Karch »

1. ɒ > o
2. front-back vowel harmony appears (i y e ø a / ɯ u ɤ o ɑ), vowels harmonize with whatever class is more frequent in the word
3. s disappears word-finally after a consonant

[ʔɑllu mɑnnɑ waraʃal jeʃamalat͡ʃø ʔin ʋaʒijy jeʒat͡ʃaʃ woxɑrɑn || ʋɑrɑθɑj jømywijissaj juʋɑnɑn jølyʋandø seʋɤ byryxyrys]
<Allu manna wärächäl je s̊ämäläjko in wächiju je r̊ächäjs wocharan. Waraþaj je mywuhussaj gywanan je lywando sewo burychyrys.>
Zpaf kkuñb ñvneahttiñ wqxirftvn meof ñfañhsit.
Kkuñb ñvzxirf kvtañb kkuñf ñtmeaq sfañkqeanth.
Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq.
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Rounin Ryuuji
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Rounin Ryuuji »

Karch wrote: Fri Jun 18, 2021 6:02 pm [ʔɑllu mɑnnɑ waraʃal jeʃamalat͡ʃø ʔin ʋaʒijy jeʒat͡ʃaʃ woxɑrɑn || ʋɑrɑθɑj jømywijissaj juʋɑnɑn jølyʋandø seʋɤ byryxyrys]
<Allu manna wärächäl je s̊ämäläjko in wächiju je r̊ächäjs wocharan. Waraþaj je mywuhussaj gywanan je lywando sewo burychyrys.>
  • Loss of glottal stops;
  • Remaining [ʋ w] > [ʋ] initially, [w] elsewhere
  • Intervocalic [x] > [j] or [w] depending on surrounding vowels; intervocalic [m] > [w]
  • [m] > [w] between vowels
  • Contraction of sequences of vowel + [j] or [w] + vowel: [awa owa uwa] > [aɔ ao au] > [ɔː], [ijy yjy] > [yː], [øwy ywa ewɤ] > [øy ay øu] > [øː], [iji] > [iː]; new long vowels shorten before geminates.
  • Terminal [l] > [w]
  • [je aj ʋa aw] > [i eː wo ɔː]
  • [tʃ ʃ ʒ] develop palatal allophones [ɕ ʑ] before or after front vowels; terminal [ʃ] > [s] where not contacting a front vowel, [s] > [ɕ] where contacting one
  • Stress is drawn to the last long vowel in a word;
  • Loss of non-initial pretonic vowels followed immediately by a long vowel, except where this would produce a difficult cluster; remaining short vowels reduced to schwa, with preceding palatalisation for front vowels, other front vowels trigger light palatalisation of preceding consonants other than [w]
  • French invasion of the territory results in the Gallicisation of some vocabulary and the orthography.
['ɑllu 'pøːp.lɑ wor'ʃɔː i égal in diniteː i.drwaːt 'ʋɔːr.ɑn || ʋor'θʲeː jøː.wis'seː 'jɔː.nɑn jə'lʲøːndʲø sʲøː 'bryː.rʲyɕ]
Allou peûpla worscheau i égal in dinité idroit weauran. Worthay yeûwissay yeaunan yeleûndeu seu brûruche.
Posts: 96
Joined: Wed Jun 02, 2021 4:23 am

Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Neonnaut »

  • r → ɾ /! after a homorganic consonant
  • r → ʁ
  • a → æ
  • w → b / C_
  • w → f / #_
  • ʋ w → v
  • Coda becomes /palatal/palatalized if onset is palatalized
['ɑllu 'pøːp.lɑ foɾ'ʃɔː i égæl in diniteː i.dʁbaːt 'vɔːɾ.ɑn || voɾ'θʲeː jøː.vis'seː 'jɔː.nɑn jə'lʲøːnʲdʲø sʲøː 'bɾyː.rʲyɕ]
Allou peûpla worscheau i égal in dinité idroit weauran. Worthay yeûwissay yeaunan yeleûndeu seu brûruche.
Posts: 6058
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by bradrn »

  1. Vowel system reorganisation:
    1. Long vowels expand into back half of vowel space: yː øː aː ɔː → ʉː ɵː ɑː ɑː
    2. Short vowel centralisation: y ɯ ø ɤ → ʉ ɨ ɵ ə
    3. ɵ → ɞ, u → ʊ, æ e ə ɨ → ɛ ɪ ɘ ɘ
    (Summary of changes: æ e i ø y ɑ ɤ ɯ o u aː ɔː eː iː øː yː → ɛ ɪ i ɞ ʉ ɑ ɘ ɘ o ʊ ɑː ɑː eː iː ɵː ʉː)
  2. θʲ dʲ sʲ nʲ lʲ rʲ → ç ɟ ɕ ɲ ʎ ʝ; ʎ ʝ → j
  3. ʁ̩ → ɑ
  4. ClV → CVj; VɾC → VnC
  5. [+nasal] C → [+nasal] [+stop] with the nasal assimilating in PoA
  6. Coda [+obstruent] → ʔ → low tone
['ɑllʊ 'pɵːpɑj foɲ't͡ʃɑː i ɪgɛl in diniteː idɑbɑ̀ː 'vɑːɾɑn || voɲ'ceː jɵːvi'sseː 'jɑːnɑn jɘ'jɵːɲɟɞ ɕɵː 'bɾʉːjʉ̀]

Allou peûpał worscheau i égal in dinité idroit weauran. Wonthay yeûwissay yeaunan yełeûnjeu seu brûruche.
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Other: Ergativity for Novices

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Otto Kretschmer
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Otto Kretschmer »

Time for something more exotic


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