Phrase evolution game

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Otto Kretschmer
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Otto Kretschmer »

No problem. I leave it up to someone else to provide a new tect. :P

I posted English twice(?) because English is the only language that all people here are familiar with.
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by bradrn »

Otto Kretschmer wrote: Tue Jul 06, 2021 6:36 am No problem. I leave it up to someone else to provide a new tect. :P
Thanks! In that case, let’s do… oh, I dunno, let’s do something Papuan:

/ˈkɪrˈbɪrba ˈkiwil a ˈkesær bæ ʤi ˈɡujɪt ˈebe ˈmujaba pip bæ jəm ‖ æmb ær ˈdənənːʤəron ˈombte ˈselemiŋɡama emˈbajsməne ‖ ʤi ˈsuri jɪˈmabem ˈdene eˈtanʤɪt ˈebe ˈmujaba pip bæ jəm | məˈneɡta jɪˈna ˈæræm ebe emˈbajsməne ˈselemiba dəˈnənːʤəron ˈselemi ɡeæ dəpˈtrærŋɡa de bæ jɪˈpalɪs ˈɡæmteŋɡa ˈebe ˈmujaba bæ jəm/
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Rounin Ryuuji
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Rounin Ryuuji »

bradrn wrote: Tue Jul 06, 2021 7:21 am
Otto Kretschmer wrote: Tue Jul 06, 2021 6:36 am No problem. I leave it up to someone else to provide a new tect. :P
Thanks! In that case, let’s do… oh, I dunno, let’s do something Papuan:

/ˈkɪrˈbɪrba ˈkiwil a ˈkesær bæ ʤi ˈɡujɪt ˈebe ˈmujaba pip bæ jəm ‖ æmb ær ˈdənənːʤəron ˈombte ˈselemiŋɡama emˈbajsməne ‖ ʤi ˈsuri jɪˈmabem ˈdene eˈtanʤɪt ˈebe ˈmujaba pip bæ jəm | məˈneɡta jɪˈna ˈæræm ebe emˈbajsməne ˈselemiba dəˈnənːʤəron ˈselemi ɡeæ dəpˈtrærŋɡa de bæ jɪˈpalɪs ˈɡæmteŋɡa ˈebe ˈmujaba bæ jəm/
It might be helpful if we had glosses with these, so we know what we're changing when we don't otherwise understand the language?
Otto Kretschmer
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Otto Kretschmer »

Would it help in your opinion?

Everybody is free to provide them if they feel it adds t the game
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by bradrn »

Rounin Ryuuji wrote: Tue Jul 06, 2021 2:41 pm
bradrn wrote: Tue Jul 06, 2021 7:21 am
Otto Kretschmer wrote: Tue Jul 06, 2021 6:36 am No problem. I leave it up to someone else to provide a new tect. :P
Thanks! In that case, let’s do… oh, I dunno, let’s do something Papuan:

/ˈkɪrˈbɪrba ˈkiwil a ˈkesær bæ ʤi ˈɡujɪt ˈebe ˈmujaba pip bæ jəm ‖ æmb ær ˈdənənːʤəron ˈombte ˈselemiŋɡama emˈbajsməne ‖ ʤi ˈsuri jɪˈmabem ˈdene eˈtanʤɪt ˈebe ˈmujaba pip bæ jəm | məˈneɡta jɪˈna ˈæræm ebe emˈbajsməne ˈselemiba dəˈnənːʤəron ˈselemi ɡeæ dəpˈtrærŋɡa de bæ jɪˈpalɪs ˈɡæmteŋɡa ˈebe ˈmujaba bæ jəm/
It might be helpful if we had glosses with these, so we know what we're changing when we don't otherwise understand the language?
Unfortunately, the source doesn’t have one. (And this is a Yam language, so I’m not sure how much it would help anyway.)
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Neonnaut »

Vn → Ṽ∅ / _C[+Labial]
Vn, m → Ṽ∅, n / _#
r → ɽ
tɽ, dɽ → ʈ, ɖ
ɽ → i / {i, ɪ, e}_
b d g → ɓ ɗ ɠ /#_æ

/ˈkɪiˈbɪiba ˈkiwil a ˈkesæɽ ɓæ ʤi ˈɡujɪt ˈebe ˈmujaba pip ɓæ jəm ‖ æmb æɽ ˈdənənːʤəɽõ ˈombte ˈselemiŋɡama emˈbajsməne ‖ ʤi ˈsuɽi jɪˈmabem ˈdene eˈtanʤɪt ˈebe ˈmujaba pip ɓæ jən | məˈneɡta jɪˈna ˈæɽæn ebe emˈbajsməne ˈselemiba dəˈnənːʤəɽõ ˈselemi ɡeæ dəpˈʈæɽŋɡa de ɓæ jɪˈpalɪs ˈɠæmteŋɡa ˈebe ˈmujaba ɓæ jən/
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by bradrn »

  1. ɽ → ʒ
  2. Cː → C
  3. jə jɪ ɪi → jɨ jɨ ɨi, ə → ɨ / [+coronal] _
  4. p k b ɡ mb ŋɡ → k͡p k͡p ɡ͡b ɡ͡b ŋ͡mɡ͡b ŋ͡mɡ͡b / next to {u,o,ɨ}
  5. C₁ C₂ V → C₁ V C₂ / _ #
  6. Word-finally: voiceless stops → ʔ, voiced obstruents devoice
  7. Regressive nasal spreading through glottals and approximants
[ˈkɨiˈɡ͡bɨiba ˈkiwil a ˈkesæʃ ɓæ ʤi ˈɡ͡bujɨʔ ˈebe ˈmujaba piʔ ɓæ jə̃m ‖ æ̃mp æʃ ˈdə̃nə̃nʤəʒõ ˈõŋ͡mɡ͡beʔ ˈsẽlẽmĩŋɡãma ẽmˈbajsmə̃ne ‖ ʤi ˈsuʒi jɨ̃ˈmabẽm ˈdẽne eˈtãnʤɪʔ ˈebe ˈmujaba piʔ ɓæ jɨ̃n | mə̃ˈneɡaʔ jɨ̃ˈna ˈæʒæ̃n ebe ẽmˈbajsmə̃ne ˈsẽlẽmiba dɨ̃ˈnɨ̃nʤɨʒõ ˈsẽlẽmi ɡeæ dɨk͡pˈʈæʒãŋk de ɓæ jɨˈk͡palɪs ˈɠæ̃mtẽŋɡa ˈebe ˈmujaba ɓæ jɨ̃n]

Also, I just realised I forgot to give the orthographic version, so here’s the original text:

Kérbérba kiwil a kesär bä zi guwyt ebe muyaba pip bä ym. Ä mb är dnnzron ombte selemingama embaesmne. Zi suri ymabem dene etanzt ebe muyaba pip bä ym, mnegta yna äräm ebe embaesmne selemiba dnnzron selemi geä dpträrnga de bä ypalés gämtenga, ebe muyaba bä ym.

And here’s my updated version:

Kɨibɨiba kiwil a kesär bä zi ḡuyɨʔ ebe muyaba piʔ bä ym. Ä mb är dnnzron onḡte selemingama embaesmne. Zi suri ymabem dene etanzʔ ebe muyaba piʔ bä yn, mnegaʔ yna ärän ebe embaesmne selemiba dnnzron selemi geä dqträrank de bä ypalés gämtenga, ebe muyaba bä yn.

(Before anyone complains at me about the labiovelars: yes, Nen does actually have labiovelars natively, and yes, the standard orthography does indeed transcribe them with ⟨q ḡ⟩.)
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Rounin Ryuuji
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Rounin Ryuuji »

  • Diphthongs smooth, some sequences of vowels and glides simplify: [ɨi] > [ɨː], [ujɨ uja iwi] > [jyː], [aj] > [æː], [ewe] > [øː] [eæ] > [eː], [ɪʔ iʔ] > [iː]; [aʔ] > [aː], [eʔ] > [eː]
  • Vocalisation of [b] > [w] following stops and between vowels, [m ŋ] > [u] as a syllable nucleus and in coda; loss of [w] before [u jy];
  • Denasalisation of terminal nasal vowels, and nasal vowels not immediately followed by nasal consonants
  • [æu] > [øy], [e] > [je], [æ] > [ɛ], [əu] > [oː], [eu] > [joː], [ij] > [iː], [ɪ] > [i]
  • [k p] > [x ɸ] before stops, followed by loss of [x] before fricatives, with lengthening of the preceding vowel;
  • [ɓ ʈ ɠ] > [b t g]
  • [æ̃ ə̃ ə ] > [ã ã a], [e] > [ɛ] except after [j]
[ˈkɨːˈɡwɨːba ˈkjyːl a ˈkjesɛʃ bɛ ʤi ˈɡjyːʔ ˈøː ˈmjyːwa piː bɛ joː ‖ øyp ɛʃ ˈdãnãnʤaʒoː ˈõŋuɡweː ˈsɛlẽmiːɡãma joːˈbæːsmãne ‖ ʤi ˈsuʒi jɨ̃ˈmabjoː ˈdẽnɛ ɛˈtãnʤiː ˈɛwɛ ˈmjyːba piː bɛ jɨ̃n | mãˈneɡaː jɨ̃ˈna ˈɛʒãn ɛwɛ joːˈbæːsmãnɛ ˈsɛlẽmiwa dɨ̃ˈnɨ̃nʤɨʒoː ˈsɛlẽmi ɡjeː dɨːɸˈtɛʒeːk dɛ bɛ jɨxˈpalis ˈgøyteːɡa ˈɛwɛ ˈmjyːba bɛ jɨ̃n]
Kŷgwŷba kiûl a kiesesch be dji giû eô miûwa pî be iô. Eoup esch danandjajô ongugwê selemîgama iôbaesmane. Dji suji iymabiô dene etandji ewe miûba pî be iyn, manegâ iyna ejan ewe iôbaesmane selemiwa dynyndjijô selemi giê dŷfejêkde be iykhpalis geoutêga ewe miûba be iyn.
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Karch »

1. k g > q ʁ / _V, _w ! _{i,j}
2. j disappears after consonants
3. i: y: ɨ: u: i y ɨ u > ʒəː ɥəː ɣəː wəː ʒəː ɥəː ɣəː wəː, e: ø: ə: o: øy > i: y: ɨ: u: y:
4. voicing and velar/uvular assimilation in clusters, clusters starting with a semivowel metathesize word-initially or after a consonant
5. ɛ æ: > ə ə:
6. if a stressed short schwa is followed by a non-schwa vowel, stress moves to the next syllable
7. ɥ > j
8. vowel-initial words gain a glottal stop and pretonic schwa disappears when preceded by a single consonant
9. b d ʤ become ɓ ɗ ʔʒ in the onset of stressed syllables, otherwise b d ʤ g > w l ʒ ɣ, however Nʒ Nl Nw Nɣ > nʤ nd mb ŋɡ

[ˈqχəːˈʁʁwəːwa ˈkjəːl a ˈkesəʃ ɓə ʔʒə ˈɣjəːʔ ˈyː ˈmjəːwa pʃəː ɓə juː ‖ yːp əʃ ˈɗãnãnʤaʒuː ˈõŋwəʁwiː ˈslẽnʤəːʁãma juːˈɓəːsmãne ‖ ʔʒə ˈswəʒə ɣjə̃ˈmawuː ˈɗẽnə ˈʔtãnʤəː ˈʔwə ˈmjəːwa pʃəː ɓə ɣjə̃n | mãˈneʁaː ɣjə̃ˈna ˈʔʒãn ˈʔwə juːˈɓəːsmãnə ˈslẽnʤəwa lɣə̃ˈŋɡə̃nʤɣəʒuː ˈslẽmʒə ɣiː lɣəːɸtəˈʒiːk ɗə ɓə ɣjəxˈpalʒəs ˈʁyːtiːɣa ˈʔwə ˈmjəːwa ɓə ɣjə̃n]
<Qhêghwêwa kyêl a késesh be je gyê' ü myêwa pshê be yû. Üp esh dhananjajû ongweghwî slénjêghama yûbhêsmané. Je sweje gyemawû dhéne 'tanjê 'we myêwa pshê be gyen, manéghâ gyena jan 'we yûbhêsmane slénjewa lgenggenjgejû slémje gî lgêftejîk de be gyehpaljes ghütîga 'we myêwa be gyen.>
Zpaf kkuñb ñvneahttiñ wqxirftvn meof ñfañhsit.
Kkuñb ñvzxirf kvtañb kkuñf ñtmeaq sfañkqeanth.
Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq.
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Rounin Ryuuji
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Rounin Ryuuji »

  • [qχ] > [qʁ] > [kʁ]
  • [ə əː] > [ø øː], but [jə jəː] > [je jeː], [wə wəː] > [wo woː[
  • [ʁw] > [v]; [ʁv] > [vʁ]
  • [kj] > [cj]; [ɣj] > [çj]
  • Remaining nasal vowels denasalise; coda nasals are deleted with compensatory lengthening
  • [u uː] > [y yː] after [j]; [y yː] acquire initial [j]
  • The unstressed sequence [ɗø ɓø] merges into a single word [ɗøːp]
  • Initial glottal stops vocalise to [e]; terminal glottal stops and [s ʃ x] vocalise to [j]
  • Coda [ɸ p ŋ l] and intervocalic [ɓ] vocalise to [w]
  • Unstressed long final vowels are shortened; stressed short vowels in open syllables lengthen
  • Short diphthongs smooth to long vowels; [owwo aːwu] > [oːw]
  • [sl] > [ʃ], [lɣ] > [ɣl] > [xl] > [kl]; [ʤɣ] > [gʒ] > [jʒ]
[ˈkʁøːˈvʁøːwa cjeːw a ˈkeː.søː ɓø e'ʒøː ˈçjeːj ˈjyː ˈmjeːwa pjøː ɓø jyː ‖ jyːw øː ˈɗaːna.ʤaʒu ˈoːwʁvi ˈʃeːʤøːʁama jyːˈɓøːj.mane ‖ e'ʒøː ˈsoː.ʒø çjeˈmoːw ˈɗeː.nø e'taː.ʤø e'woː ˈmjeːwa pjøː ɓø çjøː | maˈneː.ʁa çjeːˈna e'ʒaː e'woː jyːˈɓøːjmanø ˈʃeː.ʤøwa klø'ɡøːjʒøʒu ˈʃeːʒø çiː kløː.tøˈʒiːk ɗøːw çjeːˈpoːʒøs ˈʁjyːtiːɣa e'woː ˈmjeːwa ɓø çjeː]

Krêo vrêowa hyêw kêseo beo ejêo hyêi yû myêwa pyêo beo yû. Yûw êo dânadjaju ôwrvi schêdjêorama yûbêoimane. Ejêo sôjo hyemôw dêneo etâjeo ewô myêwa pyêo beo hyêô, manêra hyêna ejâ ewô yûbêoimaneo shêjeowa kleogêoijeoju, shêjeo hî klêoteojîk dêow hyêpôjos ryûtîgha ewô myêwa beo hyê.
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Neonnaut »

I find it funny that I was about to get rid of implosives, only to see that they someone already got rid of them and then another them put back in.
  • ʒ > z
  • dʒ > tʃ
  • C[+palatal/+post-palatal][+fricative]j > CC
  • a aː eː oː > æ ɑː i u
  • Vː > V / except in stressed syllables
[ˈkʁøː ˈvʁøːwæ cjiw æ ˈkisø ɓø eˈzøː ˈççij ˈjyː ˈmjiwæ pjøː ɓø jyː ‖ jyːw øː ˈɗɑːnætʃæzu ˈuwʁvi ˈʃitʃøʁæmæ jyˈɓøːj.mæne ‖ eˈzøː ˈsu.zø ççeˈmuw ˈɗi.nø eˈtɑːtʃø eˈwu ˈmjiwæ pjøː ɓø ççøː | mæˈniʁæ ççiˈnæ eˈzɑː eˈwu jyːˈɓøjmænø ˈʃi.tʃøwæ kløˈɡøːjzøzu ˈʃizø çiː kløtøˈziːk ɗøːw ççiˈpuzøs ˈʁʁyːtiɣæ eˈwu ˈmjiwæ ɓø çji]

Krêo vrêowa hyêw kêseo beo ejêo hyêi yû myêwa pyêo beo yû. Yûw êo dânadjaju ôwrvi schêdjêorama yûbêoimane. Ejêo sôjo hyemôw dêneo etâjeo ewô myêwa pyêo beo hyêô, manêra hyêna ejâ ewô yûbêoimaneo shêjeowa kleogêoijeoju, shêjeo hî klêoteojîk dêow hyêpôjos ryûtîgha ewô myêwa beo hyê.
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Nortaneous »

- Final stress on short vowels retracts to penultimate; secondary stress develops on alternate syllables
- Unstressed ø > œ > æ; unstressed y > i; unstressed æ > ɑ
- Vowel retraction develops from following unstressed low vowels and adjacency to ʁ; ɑ is always retracted
- Retraction spreads across words
- Final Ci Cu > jC wC / V_
- mj > mɲ; cj > c; ij uw > iː uː; long high vowels diphthongize; length contrasts are lost in diphthongs
- æ̠ > ɑ̠
- kl > tK
- orthographic confusion

[qœ̠ː ˈvœ̠w ciw ɑ̠ ˈkəjs ɓø eˈzøː ˈççəj ˈjøɥ ˈmɲɪ̠w pjøː ɓø jøɥ ‖ jøɥ øː ˈɗɑ̠ːntʃɑ̠wz ˈɔ̠wvɪ̠ ˈʃɐ̠jtʃʁɑ̠m jʏ̠ˈɓɐ̠ɥmɑ̠nɛ̠ ‖ eˈzøː ˈsujz ççeˈməw ˈɗəjn ɛ̠ˈtɑ̠ːtʃɪ̠ eˈwu ˈmɲɪ̠w pjøː ɓø ççøː | mɑ̠ˈnɪ̠ ˈççɪ̠n ɛ̠ˈzɑ̠ː eˈwu jəɥˈɓœ̠jmɑ̠nɪ̠ ˈʃɪ̠tʃœ̠w tɬiˈɡøjziwz ˈʃəjz çəj tɬɑtɑˈzɐ̠jq ɗøw ççiˈpuzis ˈʁʁɐ̠ɥtɪ̠ eˈwu ˈmɲɪ̠w ɓø çi]

Krêo vrêow kjêw ar kês beo ejêo hyê yû myêwr pyêo beo yû. Yû êo dârndjaz ûrveo schêrdjram yubeoirmane. Ejêo soiz hyemû dîn etârjeo ewu myêwr pyêo beo hyêo, manêr hyên ejâr ewô yûbeoirmaneo schêrjeow kleogêoijeowj shêj hî tlatajîrk deow hyeopôjeos ryûteo ewô myêwr beo hyeo.
Duaj teibohnggoe kyoe' quaqtoeq lucj lhaj k'yoejdej noeyn tucj.
K'yoejdaq fohm q'ujdoe duaj teibohnggoen dlehq lucj.
Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq.
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Rounin Ryuuji
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Rounin Ryuuji »

  • [c ç çç j] > [cɕ ɕ çj ɟʑ] except [j] as part of diphthongs is unaffected;
  • [œ̠w iw ɪ̠w əɥ] > [yw];
  • [əj ɐ̠j] > [eː], [uj yw øɥ œj] > [yː]. [ɑ̠w ɔ̠w əw øw] > [oː], [ɐ̠ɥ øj] > [øː];
  • [œ̠ː] > [øː];
  • Vowel retraction is lost, short [ɑ ɐ] > [ɐ], [e ɛ] > [ɛ], [ø] > [œ], [i ɪ] > [ɪ];
  • Preconsonantal [m ʁ] vocalise to [ʊ ɐ]
  • Pretonic long vowels shorten, merging with their laxer counterparts;
  • [ɓ ɗ] > [w ð], loss of [w] before [u y], initial [y] > [jy]
  • [ɛˈwu] collapses to [joː]
  • [ʃ ɕ] > [s] before [e], palatals and coronals otherwise merge, with palatals before front vowels, and coronals elsewhere; [s] > [ɕ], [z] > [ʑ] before high front; [tɬ] merges with [cɕ~tʃ];
  • Terminal [z] > [s]
  • Entirely new orthography;
[qøː ˈvyː cɕyː ɐ ˈkeːs wœ ɛˈzøː ˈçjeː ˈɟʑyː ˈʊɲyː pjøː wœ ɟʑyː ‖ ɟʑyː øː ˈðɑːntʃoːs ˈoːvɪ ˈseːtʃʁɐm jʏˈwøː.mɐ.nɛ ‖ ɛˈzøː ˈsyːz çjeˈmoː ˈðeːn ɛˈtɑːcɕɪ 'joː ˈʊɲyː pjøː wœ çjøː | mɐˈnɪ ˈçjɪn ɛˈzɑː 'joː ɟʑyːˈjyː.mɐ.nɪ ˈɕɪ.cɕyː cɕɪˈɡøːʑyːs ˈseːz seː tʃɐ.tɐˈzeːq ðoː çjɪˈpʊʑɪs ɐ'ʁøːtɪ 'joː ˈʊɲyː ɓø ɕɪ]
Qeou viu schiu a keis weo ezeou hyei djiu ugniu pieou weo djiu. Djiu eou tharnchos ouvi seichram yuweoumane. Ezeou siuhyemou thein etarchi you ugniu pieou weo hyeou mani hyin ezar you djiu yiumani schichiu chigeoujius seis sei chatazeiq thou hyipujis areouti you ugniw beo schi.
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Karch »

1. chain shift (gotta clean up the palatals a bit): q ʁ k g x c ɟ ç > ʔ ɦ q ɢ χ k ɡ x
2. kɕ ɡʑ ɢ > kʰ ɡ ʕ
3. j > ∅ / C_V[+front]
4. second chain shift (gotta clean up the front rounded vowels a bit): i: ɪ e: ɛ > ɨ: ɨ ə: ɜ, y: ʏ ø: œ > i: ɪ e: ɛ
5. tonogenesis: non-final stressed vowels gain falling tone, final stressed vowels gain low tone
6. V[-long, -stress] > ∅ / _#, VC_C
7. long unstressed vowels are shortened
8. ʑ > j
orthography cleaned up a bit - <sch gn dj eo iu eou ou> -> <sh ny j ö ü oe oo> - next time maybe consider stepping a bit out of your comfort zone, working with what's essentially the same phonemic inventory over and over gets boring after some time
[ʔeː ˈvìː kʰiː ɐ ˈqə̀ːs wɛ ɜˈzèː ˈxə̀ː ˈɡìː ˈʊ̂ɲɪ peː wɛ ɡiː ‖ ɡiː eː ˈðɑ̂ːntʃɔs ˈôːvɨ ˈsə̂ːtʃɦɐm jɪˈwêːmn ‖ ɜˈzèː ˈsìːz xəˈmòː ˈðə̀ːn ɜˈtɑ̂ːkʰ ˈjòː ˈʊ̂ɲɪ peː wɛ xeː | mɐˈnɨ̀ ˈxɨ̀n ɜˈzɑ̀ː 'joː ɡɪˈjîːmn ˈɕɨ̂.kʰɪ kʰɨˈʕêːjɪs ˈsə̀ːz səː tʃɐˈtzə̀ːʔ ðoː xɨˈpʊ̂js ɐ'ɦêːt 'jòː ˈʊ̂ɲɪ we ɕɨ]
<Qoe vü shü a keis wö ezoe hyei jü unyü pioe wö jü. Jü oe tharnchos oovi seichram yuwoemane. Ezoe süs hyemoo thein etarchi yoo unyü pioe wö hyoe mani hyin ezar yoo jü yümani shichü chigoejüs seis sei chatazeiq thoo hyipujis aroeti yoo unyü wö shi.>
Zpaf kkuñb ñvneahttiñ wqxirftvn meof ñfañhsit.
Kkuñb ñvzxirf kvtañb kkuñf ñtmeaq sfañkqeanth.
Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq.
Otto Kretschmer
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Otto Kretschmer »

Lecz był to człowiek mający nie tylko ciało, lecz i duszę z żelaza. Umiał łamać innych, umiał i siebie.

[lɛtʃ bɨw tɔ tʃ'wɔviɛk ma'jɔntsɨ ɲɛ 'tɨlkɔ 'tɕiawɔ, lɛtʃ i 'duʃɛ z ʒɛ'laza. 'umiaw 'wamatɕ 'innɨx 'umiaw i 'ɕiɛbiɛ]

but be.3SG.PAST this.NEUT man.SG.NOM have.ACT.PART NOT only body.SG.ACC but also soul.SG.ACC from iron.SG.GEN can.3SG.PAST break.INF other.PL.ACC can.3SG.PAST also he.REFL

IPA and gloss not perfect. No idea if the gloss helps anyone if one does not know at least a Slavic language
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Rounin Ryuuji
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Rounin Ryuuji »

  • [w v] > [ɥ] before front vowels, remaining [w] > [v], terminally > [f]
  • Unstressed pretonic or post-tonic vowels reduce: [a ɔ] > [ɐ], sometimes further > [ɘ], [i ɛ] > [ɘ]
  • [ɨ] > [ɘ]
  • Vowels in stressed open syllables lengthen;
  • Some vowel clusters are broken up by semivowels;
  • Sequences of Vowel + Nasal coalesce to long nasal vowels;
  • Vowel mutations conditioned by following vowels, especially [i], but sometimes also [ɐ]
  • [a] > [ɔ] after labial consonants;
  • Only very minor orthographical changes.
[lɛtʃ bɘf tɔ tʃæ'føː.ɥiɘk mɐ'jɔ̃ːtsɘ ɲɛ 'tal.kɐ 'tɕeː.jɐvɐ, lɛtʃ i 'dyː.ʃɘ ɐz ʒɐ'laː.zɐ. 'yː.miɘf 'vɔː.mɐtɕ 'in.nɘx 'yː.miɘf i 'ɕiː.jɘ.biɘ]
Lecz był to czalowiek majoncy nie talko cejało, leczi düszy az żalaza. Ümiał łomać innych ümiał i sijebie.
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Karch »

1. iV > jV, ɥ ɥj > vj
2. pj bj mj > pʧ bʤ mɲ
3. l > lʲ
4. y ø > i e
5. ɔː > wɛ, unless nasalized
6. Cj > Cʲ, alveolars and bilabials palatalize before front vowels

[lʲɛtʃ bɘf tɔ tʃæ'vʲeː.vʲɘk mɐ'jɔ̃ːtsɘ ɲɛ 'talʲ.kɐ 'tɕeː.jɐvɐ, lʲɛtʃ i 'dʲiː.ʃɘ ɐz ʒɐ'lʲaː.zɐ. 'iː.mɲɘf 'vwɛ.mɐtɕ 'in.nɘx 'iː.mɲɘf i 'ɕiː.jɘ.bʤɘ]
<Lecz był to czalowiek majoncy nie talko cejało, lecz i düszy az żalaza. Ümiał łomać innych, ümiał i sijebie.>
Zpaf kkuñb ñvneahttiñ wqxirftvn meof ñfañhsit.
Kkuñb ñvzxirf kvtañb kkuñf ñtmeaq sfañkqeanth.
Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq.
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Rounin Ryuuji
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Rounin Ryuuji »

[lʲiæɕ bop tɔ ɕæ.je.'ɥøk mɐ'jɔ̃ːs jiæ 'talʲ.kɐ 'ɕeː.jɐwɐ, lʲiæɕ i 'dʲiːɕ ɐz ʐɐ'lʲaː.zɐ. 'i.'mɥiæp u.wɛ'mɐʂ in'nɘx 'i.'mɥiæp i ɕi.'jiøː.ʐɘ]
  • Terminal [f] fortifies to [p], which begins to be reflected in the orthography;
  • Terminal [b] vocalises to [w], [v] > [w], [ww] > [uw], [vʲ] > [ɥ]; [ɥ] > [j] before [e]; [ɥ] becomes orthographically represented as "wj"
  • Disaffrication of [ts tʃ tɕ] > [s ʃ ɕ]; not orthographically reflected
  • [ʃ] > [ɕ] in contact with front vowels, [ɕ ʃ ʒ] > [ʂ ʂ ʐ] elsewhere; confusion between the spellings cz and ż, and other spellings of the sounds;
  • [ɘ] > [ɔ] after labials, > [ɛ] after palatals, > [ø] after labiopalatals, but is lost terminally in unstressed position; orthographically "o, e, ö"
  • [ɛ] > [iæ] after palatals, orthographically iä; [æ] elsewhere tends to be respelled "ä"
  • [ɲ] > [ɥ] after [m], orthographically "w" or "wj", > [j] elsewhere;
  • [æw] > [øː]
  • Stress shifts to the last "heavy" syllable in a word; all other syllables within the same word shorten.
Liäcz bop czälewjök majonce jiä talka czejała, liäcz i dicze az żalaza. Imwiäp uwemacz innych imwiäp i czijäwży.
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Karch »

1. voiced stops and fricatives devoice word-finally
2. x ɕ ʂ s > k c ʈ t / _#
3. word-final nasals become preploded unless the syllable starts with a nasal or contains a nasal vowel, word-final stops become preploded nasals if the syllable starts with a nasal or contains a nasal vowel, nasal vowels then denasalize
4. short unstressed vowels are deleted word-finally, stress then moves to the word-final syllable and voiced stops and fricatives devoice word-finally
5. ɛ ø > æ e
6. long vowels shorten in unstressed syllables
7. i disappears before vowels
8. vowel height assimilation - pretonic vowels assimilate to the stressed vowel's height (for the purposes of height harmony, [æ ɐ ɔ] are counted as having the same height)
minor orthography reform - word-final stops can be now spelled with the letters for voiceless affricates/fricatives, while word-final fricatives are spelled as voiced

[lʲæc bop tɔ ɕæ.je.'ɥøk mɐ'jɔːᵗn jæ 'talʲk ɕæ'jɐw, lʲæc i 'dʲiːc ɐt ʐɐ'lʲaːs. æ'mɥæᵖm u.wæ'mɐᵗɳ en'nɘᵏŋ æ'mɥæᵖm i ɕe.'jeːʂ]
<Liäć bop to czälewjök majonc jiä talk czejał, liäć i dić ac żalaz. Imwiäp uwemacz innych imwiäp i czijäwż.>
Zpaf kkuñb ñvneahttiñ wqxirftvn meof ñfañhsit.
Kkuñb ñvzxirf kvtañb kkuñf ñtmeaq sfañkqeanth.
Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq.
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Rounin Ryuuji
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Rounin Ryuuji »

  • [lʲ j] > [ʑ(j)], or [ɕ] > [ʂ] before voiceless stops; [c dʲ] > [cɕ ɟʑ]; retroflexes shift to palatals through contact with front vowels
  • Palatals gain following offglide before vowels other than [i]
  • Prestopping of nasals shift to voiced stops [b d ɖ g], which then vocalise to [w j w j]
  • [æ] > [ɛ], [e] after [j], [æw] > [ɛy], [ɐw] > [ou], [ɘj] > [ei]
  • [ɥ] > [j], [ɳ ŋ] > [n g]
  • [eje] collases to [ei]
  • [ɔː o] > [uo], [eː] > [ie], [aː] > [ɛa~ea], [iː] > [ei]
  • Attempted "correction" of the orthography — [cɕ] is usually "cz", [ɕ] is usually "si", but may be "sz" finally after front vowels, [ʂ] is usually "sz", [ʑ] is often confused between "lj" and "zi", [ʐ] is often spelled with the pseudohistorical "zs"; in some contexts [j] is spelled "nj" or "wj"; [u] in diphthongs is often written "ł"; there is also frequent confusion of "ä" and "e"
[ʑjecɕ buop tɔ ɕjei.'jøk mɐ'juoin je 'taʂk ɕje'ʑjou, ʑjecɕ i 'ɟʑjeicɕ ɐt ʐɐ'ʑjeas ɛ'mjeym u.wɛ'moun en'neig ɛ'mjeym i ɕje.'ʑieɕ]
Ljäcz buop to sieiwjök mawjuoin nje taszk siäljoł, ljäcz i dljieicz at zsaljeas. Ämwjełm uwämołn enneich ämwjełm i sieljesz.

Is it destroyed enough yet?
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