Phrase evolution game

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Otto Kretschmer
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Otto Kretschmer »

You shall not destroy but transform.

Its up to you guys
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Rounin Ryuuji
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Rounin Ryuuji »

I was mostly being facetious.
Otto Kretschmer
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Otto Kretschmer »

What about this?

Esperanto estis desegnita kiel helplingvo sed ĝi fariĝis mondlingvo kun miliardoj da denaskaj parolantoj

[espe'ranto 'estis dese'gnita kiel help'lingvo sed ĝi fa'riĝis mond'lingvo kun mi'liardoj da de'naskaj paro'lantoj]

1. Change from syllabe timing to pitch accent

esperanto be.PST designed as auxiliary-langusge.NOM but it become.PST world-language.NOM with bilion.PL of native.PL speaker.PL
Last edited by Otto Kretschmer on Sun Jul 11, 2021 1:42 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Nortaneous »

it could be destroyed further. engage tangut beams

- Coda voicing contrast collapses
- Coda -ɕ > -is, -Sk > -kS
- -k > χ
- Retraction develops from low vowels /ɛ ɐ/ in minor syllables and coda -χ
- Coda -cɕ -s > -t -h
- ɔ > o
- Unstressed vowels are lost; preinitial /w/ metathesizes; other preinitials condition creaky voice
- ea > ə
- Remaining finals lenite: -p > -w, -t > -ʴ, N > nasalization

ʑjeʴ bwow to ɕjœ̠ mjwɔ̠̃j je tɑ̠h ʑjo̰w, ʑjeʴ i dʑjeʴj ɑ̠ʴ ʑjə̰h mjœ̠̃y mwɔ̠̃w nɛ̠̰j mjœ̠̃y i ʑjḛih
Ljäcz buop to siewjök majuoin nje taksz sieljoł, ljäcz i dljieicz at sieljeas. Amwjełn amwołn szaneich amwjełn i sieljesz.
Duaj teibohnggoe kyoe' quaqtoeq lucj lhaj k'yoejdej noeyn tucj.
K'yoejdaq fohm q'ujdoe duaj teibohnggoen dlehq lucj.
Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq.
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by bradrn »

Ooh, let me have a go at destroying it!
  1. Vʴ → ʁV, Ṽ → Vm~Vn~Vɲ~Vŋ~Vŋʷ
  2. jC → ɣCʲ, Cj Cw → Cʲ Cʷ, bw mw → bβ ŋʷ
  3. rhinoglottophilia: Vh → Ṽ, also V[+nasal] → Ṽ[+nasal]
  4. mʲ ʑʲ ɕʲ wʲ ʁʲ → ɲʷ j j ɥ h, ChV → hCV
  5. (C…)V̰ → ʔ(C…)V̰
  6. ow ej ɛ̠j œ̠ œ̠y ɑ̠ ɔ̠ ɔ̠j → u i ə ɞ ɵ ɑˤ ɔˤ ɤˤ
[hʑe bβu to jɞ mɥɤ̃ˤŋ je tɑ̃ˤ ʔju, hʑe i hdʑi ʁɑˤ jə̃ŋ ɲʷɵ̃ŋʷ ŋʷɔ̃ˤŋʷ ʔnə ɲʷɵŋʷ i ʔjĩ]

Ljäcz buop to siewjök majuoin nje taksz sieljoł, ljäcz i dljieicz at sieljeas. Amwjełn amwołn szaneich amwjełn i sieljesz.
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Darren »

  • Epenthetic /ə/ inserted between two consonants
  • Central vowels /ɵ ɤ ə ɞ/ → /ø o e ɛ/
  • Intervocalic lenition /ʑ β dʑ n/ → /Ø w j ~/; /VjV VwV/ → /Vi̯ Vu̯/
  • /eu̯ ei̯/ → /øː iː/
  • Coda consonants lost, giving falling tone; pharyngealisation gives high tone and length gives rising tone. Long nasal vowels and pharyngealised vowels with codas get contour ˦˥˨
  • New orthography introduced with tone letters
[he˧˥ bø˧˥ to˧ jɛ˧ me˧ɥo˦˥˨ je˧ tɑ˥ ʔi˧˥, he˧˥ i˧ hi˧˥ ʁɑ˥ je˧˩ ɲʷø˧˩ ŋʷɔ˦˥˨ ʔe˦˥˨ ɲʷø˧˩ i˧ ʔi˦˥˨]
Hex bqx to jz meyob je tah 7ix, hex i hix rah jem nyqm nwcb 7eb nyqm i 7im
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Neonnaut »

  • /i e u o/ → /iː i uː u/
  • /ø/ → e / ! Cʷ_
  • ɛ ɔ → a o
  • ɑ → ə
  • ŋʷ → kʷ
  • Cʷ → C
  • ɥ ʁ → g
  • h → ç → ɕ / _i
  • j → ʝ → ʑ
  • ɲ → j
[ɕi˧˥ be˧˥ tu˧ ʑa˧ mi˧gu˦˥˨ ʑi˧ tə˥ ʔiː˧˥, ɕi˧˥ iː˧ ɕiː˧˥ gə˥ ʑi˧˩ jø˧˩ kʷo˦˥˨ ʔi˦˥˨ jø˧˩ iː˧ ʔiː˦˥˨]
Hex bqx to jz meyob je tah 7ix, hex i hix rah jem nyqm nwcb 7eb nyqm i 7im
Otto Kretschmer
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Otto Kretschmer »

From Polish to Chinese? Geez
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Rounin Ryuuji
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Rounin Ryuuji »

  • Rising tone breaks a short vowel to a diphthong that ends in a schwa, long [iː] > [ei], [uː] > [ou]
  • Mid tone triggers an offglide depending on the preceding vowel;
  • Top tone triggers the insertion of [j];
  • Falling tone triggers the insertion of [w]
  • [iə eə] > [ie eː], [uw] > [ʉw] > [ʉː], [aw] > [ɑː], [ei əj] > [ai], [øw ow] > [oː]. [iw] > [øː], [iːw] > [yː], [iːj] > [iː], [ij] > [eː]
  • Glottal stop fortifies to [q]
  • Shift back to a more historical orthography.
[ɕie beː tʉː ʑɑː meːgʉː ʑeː tai qai, ɕie iː ɕai gai ʑoː joː kʷoː qøː joː iː qyː]

Sie bej tuł zsa mejguł zsej taj qaj, sie i szaj gaj zsoł joł kuoł geuł joł i qüł.

My, Polish has been on quite the journey.
Travis B.
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Travis B. »

I liked the Polish with tone letters myself.
Yaaludinuya siima d'at yiseka wohadetafa gaare.
Ennadinut'a gaare d'ate eetatadi siiman.
T'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa.
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Neonnaut »

  • q → h
  • ai → ɛː
  • kʷ → p
  • Syllables with a voiceless or null onset become high, all else become low.
  • /h/ deletes and leaves the syllable as rising tone.
  • Voiced plosives devoice.
  • Rising tone reanalysed as high tone; high tone becomes mid tone (unmarked).
  • Monophthongization.
  • ʉ → ɯ
  • ɕ ʑ → ʃ z
[ʃie pè tɯ zɑ̀ mèkɯ̀ zè tɛ ɛ́, ʃie i ʃɛ kɛ̀ zò jò po ǿ jò i ý]

Sie pè tu zà mèkù zè taj áj, sie i saj kàj zò jò po éú jò i ý.
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Darren »

  • V V́ V̀ are now IPAed /˩ ˥ ˧/
  • /j/ → /i/
  • If two vowels in a word have the same tone, the first tone changes; V˧V˧ gives V˥V˧ and V˩V˩ gives V˧˦V˩
  • final vowels in polysyllabic words are lost, with their tone switching to the first syllable
  • Coda consonants lax vowel /e/ → /ɤ/ and are lost
  • Vowel shift /i y ɯ u e ø ɤ o ɛ ɑ/ → /ɤi̯ iu̯ ɤæ̯ ou̯ i i ɤ u æ o/
  • New orthography
[ʃɤi̯˥˧ pi˩ tou̯˧ zo˩ mɤ˧˦˩ zi˩ tæ˧ æ˥ | ʃɤi̯˥˧ ɤi̯˧ ʃæ˧ kæ˩ zu˩ ɤi̯˧˩ pu˧ i˥ ɤi̯˧˩ ɤi̯˧ iu̯˥]
Xvim pic tou zoc mvg zim te eh, xvim vi xe ke zuc viq pu ih viq vi iuh
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Rounin Ryuuji
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Rounin Ryuuji »

  • Falling tones insert [əɹ] following a short vowel;
  • Rising tones insert [jə] following a short vowel;
  • Tonality reanalysed as a pitch accent; high-pitch [ə] > [é], low-pitch [ə̀] > [ò]
  • Falling Diphthongs become bimoraic, with first mora always rising, the pitch of the second is environmentally determined;
  • High-pitched [ɤ́] > [á], low-pitched > [è] [æ] > [ja] after velars, [a] elsewhere;
  • [ʃ z] merge to [s], or [ɕ] before [i]
  • The nasty new orthography is suppressed, though a few concessions are made to tone-marking with letters, notably historical-style "ł" follows low-tone back vowels , and low-tone high vowels are followed by "j"; the Polish Government and EU are unlikely to consent to any further radical orthographic changes after the period of recent chaos.
[sá͜í.jò pí.jòɹ tó͜ù só.wòɹ mè.jé.jòɹ ɕí.jòɹ ta à.jé | sá͜ì.jé jòɹ á͜ì sa kjá.jòɹ sú.wòɹ á͜í.jòɹ pu ì.jé á͜í.jòɹ á͜ì ìu̯.jó]
Saioł piorł touł soorł mejeorł siorł ta aje, saije jorł aij sa kjajorł suorł aiorł pu ie aiorł ai iłjo.

Getting a lot of mileage out of Polish, aren't we?
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Darren »

  • /j ɹ w/ → /ɖʐ dð ɡ/ → /ɖ d ɡ/
  • Germanic-type plosive shift /p t d ɖ k ɡ/ → /ɸ θ t ʈ h k/
  • /θ t/ → /t ʈ/
  • Intervocalic /t ʈ k/ → /l ɻ j/
  • ɻ colours vowels to /ɚ/; VɻV become /ɚ/
  • VjV → i
  • Vowel sequences collapse
  • The EU starts using Cyrillic; diacritics are only rarely used but are official
[sɚ̂ ɸɚ̂ʈ θú síʈ mɚ̂ʈ ɕɚ̂ʈ ta ɚ̌ | sɚ̂ ʈòʈ ɛ̂ sa hʈɚ̂ʈ sîʈ ɚ̂ʈ ɸu ɚ̌ ɚ̂ʈ ɛ̂ ɥɚ́]
Ср̂ фр̂д ѳу́ си́д мр̂д шр̂д та р̌, ср̂ то̀т э̂ са хтр̂т си̂т р̂т фу р̌ р̂т э̂ ӱр́

(I feel like this is probably still mutually intelligible with Polish, although the orthography might be a bit confusing...)
Travis B.
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Travis B. »

  • All final consonants are lost
  • All non-sibilant initial fricatives > /h/
  • /h/ before a consonant is lost
  • /ʈ/ > /t/
  • /ɚ/ > /ə/
  • Isolating morphology turns to agglutination
  • /əə/ > /ə/, taking the tone of the second vowel
  • A back vowel before another vowel becomes /w/, and loses its tone
  • A front vowel before another vowel becomes /j/, and loses its tone
  • A central vowel before another vowel is elided
  • Tone turns into pitch accent, with only the final syllable of a word being assigned pitch
  • /ə/ is deleted, starting from the start of a word, unless it was already deleted in the previous syllable or it falls on the final syllable
  • /sh/ > /s/, /h/ > 0 \ _V
  • /sj/ > /ɕ/
  • The Polish revolt against being made to use Cyrillic by the EU.
[səsimɕətə̌ stwɛsatɕəwɛɥə́]
Sesimśetě stwæsatśəwæyé.
Yaaludinuya siima d'at yiseka wohadetafa gaare.
Ennadinut'a gaare d'ate eetatadi siiman.
T'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa.
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Rounin Ryuuji
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Rounin Ryuuji »

  • Vowel chain shift [a ɛ ə i] > [e i a ɨ];
  • Falling-rising shifts to falling;
  • Coda [m] vocalises to [w];
  • [w] > [ɥ] before [i]; [stɥ] > [ɕcɕ] > [ɕɨcɕ];
  • Transposition [awi] > [eiw] > [ow]; [ɨw] > [u]; [ɨ] > [o]
  • [ɥ] > [vʲ]
  • Palatals eject [j] before vowels other than [i];
  • We all know I'm going to throw a bunch of historical-looking orthography in;
[sasuɕjatà ɕjocɕvʲisecɕjowvʲjá]
Sasuszjatà szjoczwiseczjołwjá.

This feels like we've come back to very contracted Polish.
Travis B.
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Travis B. »

  • Alveolopalatals become retroflex
  • Palatalization is lost after retroflex consonants
  • [e o] > [ɛ ɔ]
  • Palatalization occurs before [ɛ] except for retroflexes (note that does not apply in this example)
  • j > 0 \ _V
[sasuʂatà ʂɔʈʂvisʲɛʈʂɔwvʲá]
Sasuszatà szoczwisieczołwiá.
Yaaludinuya siima d'at yiseka wohadetafa gaare.
Ennadinut'a gaare d'ate eetatadi siiman.
T'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa.
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Darren »

  • /vi vʲa/ → /u/
  • /i u ɛ ɔ a/ → /ə a i o ã/
  • /tʂ/ → /t͡ɬ’/
  • /s sʲ ʂ/ → /θ s ɬ/
  • Pitch accent lost, but contrastive stress introduced
  • Two competing orthographies, one more historic and the other phonemic, are used
[θãθaˈɬãtã ɬot͡ɬ’asit͡ɬ’oˈwa]
θąθałą́tą łoƛ̓asiƛ̓owá
Sąsaszą́tą szoczaśiczołá
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Nortaneous »

- stressed open-syllable a > ai
- j w > ɟ g
- Ṽ > VN
- F > PF / N_
- unstressed a > ə; əC > əC: / _V

[θəntθəɬˈɬaɲctəŋ ɬot͡ɬ’əssit͡ɬ’oˈgaɟ]
θąθałłą́ytą łoƛ̓assiƛ̓owáy
Duaj teibohnggoe kyoe' quaqtoeq lucj lhaj k'yoejdej noeyn tucj.
K'yoejdaq fohm q'ujdoe duaj teibohnggoen dlehq lucj.
Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq.
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by bradrn »

I’m sick of Polish. Let’s start on Esperanto:
Otto Kretschmer wrote: Sun Jul 11, 2021 1:28 pm [espe'ranto 'estis dese'gnita kiel help'lingvo sed ĝi fa'riĝis mond'lingvo kun mi'liardoj da de'naskaj paro'lantoj]
  1. Nasal PoA assimilation to following stop
  2. C₁C₂C₃ → C₁C₃
  3. s → preaspiration / _ [+stop]
  4. v → w
  5. o, a → ə in word-class suffixes; dʒi da → dʒə= də=
  6. iV → jV; tj kj → tʃ
  7. əj → ɨj / _#
[eʰpeˈrantə ˈeʰtis deseˈɡnitə tʃel helˈliŋwə sed dʒə‿faˈridʒis monˈliŋwə kun miˈljardɨj də‿deˈnaʰkɨj paroˈlantɨj]

Esperanto ehtis desegnita kiel hel’lingvo sed ĝi fariĝis mon’lingvo kun miliardoj da denahkaj parolantoj.
esperanto be.PST designed as auxiliary-langusge.NOM but it=become.PST world-language.NOM with billion.PL of=native.PL speaker.PL
Conlangs: Scratchpad | Texts | antilanguage
Software: See
Other: Ergativity for Novices

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