Phrase evolution game

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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Darren »

  • Clitics become prefixes
  • Plosive shift /ʰp p b mp mb/ → /p p’ b b m/ etc
  • Syncope of vowel before stressed syllable
  • Coda consonants metathesised to onset, with voicing assimilation
  • Copula is dropped
  • Vowel harmony based on stressed syllable; /i y e ø a/ contrast with /ɨ u ə o ɔ/
  • /ɨ ə/ → /ɯ ɤ/
  • /kj dj/ → /t͡ʃ d͡ʒ/
[eˈprade deˈzɡnit’e t͡ʃ’ɬe ˈɬi.ŋwe sed dʒeˈfri.d͡ʒʒi ˈmnli.ŋwe kun ˈmlrja.dji deˈdnat͡ʃi p’saˈlad͡ʒi]
Esperanto desegnita kiel hel’lingvo sed ĝifariĝis mon’lingvo kun miliardoj dadenahkaj parolantoj.
esperanto designed as auxiliary-langusge.NOM but itbecome.PST world-language.NOM with billion.PL of-native.PL speaker.PL
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Nortaneous »

- d > ɾ / V_V within a word; gn dn > ŋl gn
- Fortition of liquids and s after most C; other r > ʐ
- ja ji > jɛ jɪ; /j/ is lost after retroflexes and alveolopalatals
- R̩ > Rɪ
- ɬ > x
- -n -d > -ŋ -n
- Orthographic reform

[eˈptʂaɾe deˈzŋlit’e t͡ʃ’xe ˈxi.ŋwe sen dʒeˈfʂi.ddʒi ˈmnɪ.li.ŋwe kuŋ ˈmlɪ.dʐɛ.djɪ deˈŋnat͡ʃi p’tsʼaˈlad͡ʒi]
Epč̣ade dezŋlitʼe čʼxe xiŋwe sen džefṣ̌iddži mnêliŋwe kuŋ mlêdžâdê deŋnači pʼcʼaladži.
esperanto designed as auxiliary-language.NOM but itbecome.PST world-language.NOM with billion.PL of-native.PL speaker.PL
Duaj teibohnggoe kyoe' quaqtoeq lucj lhaj k'yoejdej noeyn tucj.
K'yoejdaq fohm q'ujdoe duaj teibohnggoen dlehq lucj.
Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq.
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Rounin Ryuuji
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Rounin Ryuuji »

  • Vowels in stressed open syllalbles lengthen;
  • Ejective consonants merge with non-objective counterparts;
  • [x] > [çj] before [e], > [ç] before [i]; [li] > [ji]
  • Postalveolars become palatals before front vowels, retroflexes elsewhere; [dj] > [ɟʑ(j)]; [zŋ] > [ʐ], further [ʑ] before [i j]
  • Preconsonantal labial consonants vocalise to [w], or [u] initially; preconsonantal [ŋ] vocalises to [j]
  • Long Vowel Chain Shift
    • [aː] > [æː] > [ɛː] > [eː]
    • [iː] > [ai] > [aː]
    • [eː ej] > [ei] > [oi] > [waː~ɥaː]
    • [ew] > [joː]
    • [ɪː ij] > [iː]
  • Fronting of vowels in syllables immediately before [i j]
  • Various orthographical reforms.
[joː't͡ʂeːɾe diˈʑjaː.te c͡ɕçɥaː ˈçaːj.we sen ɖʐjøː'ɕi.ɟɟ͡ʑi y'niː.liː.we kuŋ y'liː.dʐi.ɟʑjɪ dwaː'naː.c͡ɕi pt͡saˈlæː.ɟʑi]
Jôczêre dizjâte cjhwjâ hjâjwe sen dczjêwsjídzzji unîlîwe kung ulîdczidzjy dwânâcji ptsalâdji.
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Karch »

jesus christ that's a lot of palatals
1. i i: e e: > ɯ ɯ: i ɤ:
2. y y: ø ø: æ æ: > i i: e e: e e:
3. cɕ c ɕ ç ɟ ɟʑ ʑ ɥ > ts ts s θ dz dz z ðʷ
4. epenthetic schwas break up hard-to-pronounce consonant clusters
5. vowels become rhotacized after retroflex consonants, retroflexion (and associated rhotacism) then spreads across alveolars
6. retroflex consonants become alveolar
7. tsj dzj sj zj > ʨ ʥ ɕ ʑ
8: VN# > Ṽ

[joːˈtsɤ˞ːɾi˞ dɯˈʑaː.ti tsə.θə.ˈðʷaː ˈθaːj.wi sĩ dʑe˞ːˈsɯ˞.ddzɯ˞ iˈnɯː.lɯː.wi kũ iˈlɯː.dzɯ˞.dʑɯ˞ dwaːˈnaː.tsɯ pə.tsaˈleː.dzɯ]
<Yooṭeere dizyaate tsθẉaa θaaywe sen ḍyaesiddzi eniiliiwe kun eliiḍidyi dwaanaatsi ptsalaedzi.>
Zpaf kkuñb ñvneahttiñ wqxirftvn meof ñfañhsit.
Kkuñb ñvzxirf kvtañb kkuñf ñtmeaq sfañkqeanth.
Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq.
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Neonnaut »

  • i˞ e˞ ɯ˞ ɤ˞ > ɪ ɛ ɨ˞ ə˞
  • (o˞ u˞ > ʊ˞ )
  • w > v
[joːˈtsə˞ ːɾɪdɯˈʑaːti tsə.θə.ˈðʷaː ˈθaːjvi sĩ dʑɛːˈsɨ˞ ddzɨ˞ iˈnɯːlɯːvi kũ iˈlɯːdzɨ˞ dʑɨ˞ dvaːˈnaː.tsɯ pə.tsaˈleː.dzɯ]
<Yooṭeere dizyaate tsθẉaa θaaywe sen ḍyaesiddzi eniiliiwe kun eliiḍidyi dwaanaatsi ptsalaedzi.>
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Darren »

  • /ɚ(ː) ɨ(ː)˞/ → /ɹ̩ ɹ̩ʲ/ → /oɹo eɹe/
  • /aː ɛː eː oː ɯː/ → /ɒæ̯ ɤ ʉe̯ ɨo̯ ɐi̯/
  • /ĩ ũ/ → /ĩɲ ũŋʷ/ → /ĩɟ ũɡʷ/ → /iɟ uɡ/ |_#
  • /θ ð t d/ → /t d c ɟ/
  • /dʷ → b/
  • /s z t͡s d͡z t͡ɕ d͡ʑ ɕ ʑ/ → /θ ð s z ʃ ʒ ʃ ʒ/
[jɨo̯ˈsoɹo ɾɪɟɯˈʒɒæ̯ci sə.cə.ˈbɒæ̯ ˈtɒæ̯jvi θiɟ ʒɤˈθeɹeɟzeɹe iˈnɐi̯lɐi̯vi kuɡ iˈlɐi̯zeɹeʒeɹe ɟvɒæ̯ˈnɒæ̯.sɯ pə.saˈlʉe̯.zɯ]
<Yooṭeere dizyaate tsθẉaa θaaywe sen ḍyaesiddzi eniiliiwe kun eliiḍidyi dwaanaatsi ptsalaedzi.>
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Rounin Ryuuji
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Rounin Ryuuji »

  • [ɟ c] merge with [tʃ dʒ] usually, but shift to [j] preconsonantally
  • Schwa and [ɤ] are coloured by nearest vowel, or merges with [o] in words whose vowels are all schwa;
  • [ɹ] merges with [ɾ]; dental fricatives merge with dental-alveolar stops; [t d s n l ɾ] take on heavily dental pronunciations [t̪ d̪ s̪ n̪ l̪ ɾ̪]
  • Falling diphthongs shift, often smoothing
    • [ɨo̯] > [ow] > [oː]
    • [ɒæ̯] > [ɛi] > [eː]
    • [ej] > [eː] > [iː]
    • [ɐi̯] > [ɐː] > [aː]
    • [ʉe̯] > [yː]
  • Disaffrication of terminal affricates with compensatory lengthening of preceding vowels:
  • Shortening of unstressed long vowels, lengthening of short vowels in stressed open syllables;
  • Laxing of short vowels:
    • [o] > [ɒ] > [ɐ], [a] > [ɐ]
    • [u ɯ] > [ʊ]
    • [i] > [ɪ]
    • [e] > [ɛ]
  • Postconsonantal [v] vocalises to [w], preconsonantal [j] > [ʒ]
[joːˈs̪ɐ.ɾ̪ɐ ɾ̪ɪ.dʒʊˈʒeːtʃɪ s̪ɐ.tʃɐ.ˈbeː ˈt̪eːʒwɪ t̪iːʒ ʒɛˈt̪eː.ɾ̪ɪ.z̪ɛ.ɾ̪ɛ iˈn̪aː.l̪ɐ.vɪ kʊɡ iˈl̪aː.z̪ɛ.ɾ̪ɛ.ʒɛ.ɾ̪ɛ dʒwɛˈn̪eː.sʊ pɐ.sɐˈlyː.zʊ]
Jôsara ridźuźêći saćabê têźwi tîź źetêrizere inâlavi kug ilâzereźere dźwenêsu pasalûzu.
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Nortaneous »

- yː > wiː
- ɾ̪ > ʁ
- dentals > alveolars; ɐ > ə
- ɛʁɛ əʁə > æː ɑː
- V-initial words take prothetic semivowels; C-final words take prothetic ə or (if C is palatal) ɪ

[joːˈsɑː ʁɪdʒʊˈʒeːtʃɪ sətʃəˈbeː ˈteːʒwɪ ˈtiːʒɪ ʒɛˈteːʁɪzæː jɪˈnaːləvɪ ˈkʊɡə jɪˈlaːzæːʒæː dʒwɛˈneːsʊ pəsəˈlwiːzʊ]
Jôsara ridźuźêći saćabê têźwi tîźi źetêrizere jinâlavi kuga jilâzereźere dźwenêsu pasalwîzu.
Duaj teibohnggoe kyoe' quaqtoeq lucj lhaj k'yoejdej noeyn tucj.
K'yoejdaq fohm q'ujdoe duaj teibohnggoen dlehq lucj.
Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq.
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by StrangerCoug »

New one from Classical Latin:


[ˈɡäl̠.l̠i.ä ɛs̠t̪ ˈɔm.nɪs̠ d̪iːˈu̯iː.s̠ä ɪn ˈpär.t̪eːs̠ ˈt̪ɾeːs̠ | ˈkʷäː.ɾʊ̃ˑ ˈuː.nä̃ˑ ˈɪŋ.kɔ.ɫ̪ʊn̪t̪ ˈbɛɫ̪.ɡäe̯ | ˈä.li.ä̃ˑ ä.kʷiːˈt̪äː.niː | ˈt̪ɛr.t̪i.ä̃ˑ kʷiː ɪpˈs̠oː.ɾʊ̃ˑ ˈlɪŋ.ɡʷä ˈkɛɫ̪t̪äe̯ | ˈnɔs̠.t̪ɾä ˈɡäl̠.l̠iː äp.pɛl̠ˈl̠än̪.t̪ʊr ‖ hiː ˈɔm.neːs̠ ˈlɪŋ.ɡʷäː | ĩː.s̠t̪ɪˈt̪uː.t̪iːs̠ | ˈɫ̪eː.ɡɪ.bʊs̠ ˈɪn̪.t̪ɛr ˈs̠eː ˈd̪ɪf.fɛ.ɾʊn̪t̪]
All Gaul is divided into three parts, one of which the Belgae inhabit, the Aquitani another, those who in their own language are called Celts, in ours Gauls, the third. All these differ from each other in language, customs and laws.

The original text without the gloss formatting for easier copy and paste:
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Gallia est omnis dīvīsa in partēs trēs, quārum ūnam incolunt Belgae, aliam Aquītānī, tertiam quī ipsōrum lingua Celtae, nostra Gallī appellantur. Hī omnēs linguā, īnstitūtīs, lēgibus inter sē differunt.
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by bradrn »

We’ve already done that one, albeit in part and without a gloss or phonetic transcription. But I suppose there’s nothing stopping us from doing it again.
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Rounin Ryuuji
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Rounin Ryuuji »

[ˈɡäl̠.l̠i.ä ɛs̠t̪ ˈɔm.nɪs̠ d̪iːˈu̯iː.s̠ä ɪn ˈpär.t̪eːs̠ ˈt̪ɾeːs̠ | ˈkʷäː.ɾʊ̃ˑ ˈuː.nä̃ˑ ˈɪŋ.kɔ.ɫ̪ʊn̪t̪ ˈbɛɫ̪.ɡäe̯ | ˈä.li.ä̃ˑ ä.kʷiːˈt̪äː.niː | ˈt̪ɛr.t̪i.ä̃ˑ kʷiː ɪpˈs̠oː.ɾʊ̃ˑ ˈlɪŋ.ɡʷä ˈkɛɫ̪t̪äe̯ | ˈnɔs̠.t̪ɾä
ˈɡäl̠.l̠iː äp.pɛl̠ˈl̠än̪.t̪ʊr ‖ hiː ˈɔm.neːs̠ ˈlɪŋ.ɡʷäː | ĩː.s̠t̪ɪˈt̪uː.t̪iːs̠ | ˈɫ̪eː.ɡɪ.bʊs̠ ˈɪn̪.t̪ɛr ˈs̠eː ˈd̪ɪf.fɛ.ɾʊn̪t̪]

Let's say it's to become a Romance language spoken in a more thoroughly Romanised Germania:
  • The same i-mutation that affects forms of Proto-Germanic also affects this language; e-mutation sometimes also triggers: /ae/ > [æj]
  • Intervocalic and post-nasal [b d g] > [ʋ ð j], [u̯] and coda [ɫ̪] > [ʋ]; [g] > [j] is blocked by labialisation;
  • Elsewhere [ɫ̪] merges with [l̠];
  • Non-geminate voiceless stops become voiced intervocalically and preceding and following resonants;
  • Transposition of /dreːs/ > /deːrs/, at least partially by analogy with other forms;
  • Pretonic long vowels shorten, with lengthening of either the stressed vowel if it is short, or the preceding vowel (if any) if it is short; quantitative metathesis of posttonic length to stressed short vowels immediately preceding;
  • Nasal vowels eject [m] into the following syllable after /u/, or [n̪] elsewhere;
  • Short [ä] > [ɐ], stressed [ɔ] lengthens to [oː], unstressed [ɔ] merges with [ɐ]; to fill the gap, a chain shift of the short vowels is triggered:
    • [ʊ] > [ɔ], restoring short [ɔ]
    • [ɪ] > [ɨ] > [ʊ];
    • [ɛ] > [ɪ]
    • [æ] > [ɛ]
  • A vibrant literary scene develops, and, while "proper" Latin is often used, a local variant on the orthography, chiefly used by those spelling out sounds in the vernacular, writing pieces to appeal to the masses, also comes into use, and is reproduced below, with modern macrons added to ease reading:
['ɡɛl̠.l̠i.ɐ ɪs̠t̪ ˈøm.nʊs̠ d̪ʊˈʋiː.s̠ɐ ʊn ˈpæːr.d̪ɪs̠ ˈd̪eːɾs̠ | ˈkʷäː.ɾɔm ˈuː.n̪ɐn̪ ˈʊŋ.gɐ.l̠ɔn̪d̪ ˈbʊʋ.ɡɛj | ˈɛ.li.än̪ˑ æː.gʷʊˈdæː.ni | ˈt̪ir.di.än̪ kʷiː ʊpˈs̠oː.ɾɔm ˈlʊŋ.ɡʷɐ ˈkʊʋdɛj | ˈnoːs̠.t̪ɾɐ ˈɡæːl̠.l̠i ɛp.pɪl̠ˈl̠än̪.d̪ɔr ‖ hiː ˈøːm.nɪs̠ ˈlʊŋ.ɡʷäː | iːn̪.s̠t̪ʊˈd̪yː.d̪ʊs̠ | ˈl̠iː.jʊ.ʋʊs̠ ˈʊn̪.d̪ɪr ˈs̠eː ˈd̪ʊf.fɪ.ɾɔn̪d̪]

Gellia ist oemnus divīsa un pārdis ders, quārom ūnan ungalond Bulgei, elian Aegvudaeni, tirdian qui upsōrom lungua Culdei, nōstra Gaelli eppilandor. Hī oemnis lungwa, īnstudeudus, lījuvus undir dufirond.

All Gaul is divided into three parts, one of which the Belgae inhabit, the Aquitani another, those who in their own language are called Celts, in ours Gauls, the third. All these differ from each other in language, customs and laws.

How's this for an unusual start?
Travis B.
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Travis B. »

['ɡɛl̠.l̠i.ɐ ɪs̠t̪ ˈøm.nʊs̠ d̪ʊˈʋiː.s̠ɐ ʊn ˈpæːr.d̪ɪs̠ ˈd̪eːɾs̠ | ˈkʷäː.ɾɔm ˈuː.n̪ɐn̪ ˈʊŋ.gɐ.l̠ɔn̪d̪ ˈbʊʋ.ɡɛj | ˈɛ.li.än̪ˑ æː.gʷʊˈdæː.ni | ˈt̪ir.di.än̪ kʷiː ʊpˈs̠oː.ɾɔm ˈlʊŋ.ɡʷɐ ˈkʊʋdɛj | ˈnoːs̠.t̪ɾɐ ˈɡæːl̠.l̠i ɛp.pɪl̠ˈl̠än̪.d̪ɔr ‖ hiː ˈøːm.nɪs̠ ˈlʊŋ.ɡʷäː | iːn̪.s̠t̪ʊˈd̪yː.d̪ʊs̠ | ˈl̠iː.jʊ.ʋʊs̠ ˈʊn̪.d̪ɪr ˈs̠eː ˈd̪ʊf.fɪ.ɾɔn̪d̪]

Gellia ist oemnus divīsa un pārdis ders, quārom ūnan ungalond Bulgei, elian Aegvudaeni, tirdian qui upsōrom lungua Culdei, nōstra Gaelli eppilandor. Hī oemnis lungwa, īnstudeudus, lījuvus undir dufirond.
  1. [b d̪ ɡ ɡʷ] > [β ð ɣ ɣʷ] except after nasals.
  2. [mb n̪d̪ ŋɡ ŋɡʷ] > [mː n̪ː ŋː ŋʷː]
  3. [mn] > [mː]
  4. [s̠] > [ʃ] \ $_
  5. V > V[+nasal] \ _C[+nasal]
  6. C[+nasal -long] > 0 \ _#
  7. C[+nasal +long] > C[+nasal -long] \ _#
  8. [ʋ] > [β]
  9. [βð βɣ] > [ðː ɣː]
  10. The informal orthography is left unchanged.
['ɣɛl̠.l̠i.ɐ ɪs̠t̪ ˈø̃m.mʊs̠ ðʊˈβiː.ʃɐ ʊ̃ ˈpæːr.ðɪs̠ ˈðeːɾs̠ | ˈkʷäː.ɾɔ̃ ˈuː.n̪ã ˈʊ̃ŋ.ŋɐ.l̠ɔ̃n̪ ˈβʊɣ.ɣɛj | ˈɛ.li.ã æː.ɣʷʊˈðæ̃ː.ni | ˈt̪ir.ði.ã kʷiː ʊpˈʃoː.ɾɔ̃ ˈlʊ̃ŋʷ.ŋʷɐ ˈkʊð.ðɛj | ˈnoːs̠.t̪ɾɐ ˈɣæːl̠.l̠i ɛp.pɪl̠ˈl̠ãn̪.n̪ɔr ‖ hiː ˈø̃ːm.mɪs̠ ˈlʊ̃ŋʷ.ŋʷäː | ĩːn̪.ʃt̪ʊˈðyː.ðʊs̠ | ˈl̠iː.jʊ.βʊs̠ ˈʊ̃n̪.n̪ɪr ˈʃeː ˈðʊf.fɪ.ɾɔ̃n̪]

Gellia ist oemnus divīsa un pārdis ders, quārom ūnan ungalond Bulgei, elian Aegvudaeni, tirdian qui upsōrom lungua Culdei, nōstra Gaelli eppilandor. Hī oemnis lungwa, īnstudeudus, lījuvus undir dufirond.

All Gaul is divided into three parts, one of which the Belgae inhabit, the Aquitani another, those who in their own language are called Celts, in ours Gauls, the third. All these differ from each other in language, customs and laws.
Yaaludinuya siima d'at yiseka wohadetafa gaare.
Ennadinut'a gaare d'ate eetatadi siiman.
T'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa.
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by StrangerCoug »

  • Retroactively restored a deleted word missing in the text.
  • Length distinction is lost in unstressed syllables and some monosyllabic function words; the length distinctions that remain are no longer marked with a macron.
  • Cardinal numerals now precede the nouns that they count.
  • /æ ø y/ are respelled ⟨ä ö ü⟩, retaining any macrons. Some other parts of the orthography are regularized as well.
['ɣɛl̠.l̠i.ɐ ɪs̠t̪ ˈø̃m.mʊs̠ ðʊˈβiː.ʃɐ ʊ̃ ˈðeːɾs̠ ˈpæːr.ðɪs̠ | ˈkʷäː.ɾɔ̃ ˈuː.n̪ãn ˈʊ̃ŋ.ŋɐ.l̠ɔ̃n̪ ˈβʊɣ.ɣɛj | ˈɛ.li.ãn æ.ɣʷʊˈðæ̃ː.ni | ˈt̪ir.ði.ã kʷi ʊpˈʃoː.ɾɔ̃ ˈlʊ̃ŋʷ.ŋʷɐ ˈkʊð.ðɛj | ˈnoːs̠.t̪ɾɐ ˈɣæːl̠.l̠i ɛp.pɪl̠ˈl̠ãn̪.n̪ɔr ‖ hiː ˈø̃ːm.mɪs̠ ˈlʊ̃ŋʷ.ŋʷä | ĩn̪.ʃt̪ʊˈðyː.ðʊs̠ | ˈl̠iː.jʊ.βʊs̠ ˈʊ̃n̪.n̪ɪr ˈʃeː ˈðʊf.fɪ.ɾɔ̃n̪]

Gellia ist ömnus duvisa un ders pärdis, quarom unan ungalond Bulgei, elian Ägvudäni, tirdian qui upsorom lungua Culdei, nostra Gälli eppilandor. Hi ömnis lungwa, instudüdus, lijuvus undir se duffirond.

All Gaul is divided into three parts, one of which the Belgae inhabit, the Aquitani another, those who in their own language are called Celts, in ours Gauls, the third. All these differ from each other in language, customs and laws.
Travis B.
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Travis B. »

['ɣɛl̠.l̠i.ɐ ɪs̠t̪ ˈø̃m.mʊs̠ ðʊˈβiː.ʃɐ ʊ̃ ˈðeːɾs̠ ˈpæːr.ðɪs̠ | ˈkʷäː.ɾɔ̃ ˈuː.n̪ãn ˈʊ̃ŋ.ŋɐ.l̠ɔ̃n̪ ˈβʊɣ.ɣɛj | ˈɛ.li.ãn æ.ɣʷʊˈðæ̃ː.ni | ˈt̪ir.ði.ã kʷi ʊpˈʃoː.ɾɔ̃ ˈlʊ̃ŋʷ.ŋʷɐ ˈkʊð.ðɛj | ˈnoːs̠.t̪ɾɐ ˈɣæːl̠.l̠i ɛp.pɪl̠ˈl̠ãn̪.n̪ɔr ‖ hiː ˈø̃ːm.mɪs̠ ˈlʊ̃ŋʷ.ŋʷä | ĩn̪.ʃt̪ʊˈðyː.ðʊs̠ | ˈl̠iː.jʊ.βʊs̠ ˈʊ̃n̪.n̪ɪr ˈʃeː ˈðʊf.fɪ.ɾɔ̃n̪]

Gellia ist ömnus duvisa un ders pärdis, quarom unan ungalond Bulgei, elian Ägvudäni, tirdian qui upsorom lungua Culdei, nostra Gälli eppilandor. Hi ömnis lungwa, instudüdus, lijuvus undir se duffirond.
  1. [ɣ] > [j] \ _V[+front]
  2. [β ð ɣ ɣʷ] > [ɸ θ x xʷ]
  3. [ɸ] > [f] \ #_
  4. [ɸ] > 0
  5. [θ] > [t̪]
  6. [x xʷ] > [k kʷ]
  7. Some orthographic adjustments to take the above into account
['jɛl̠.l̠i.ɐ ɪs̠t̪ ˈø̃m.mʊs̠ t̪ʊˈiː.ʃɐ ʊ̃ ˈt̪eːɾs̠ ˈpæːr.t̪ɪs̠ | ˈkʷäː.ɾɔ̃ ˈuː.n̪ãn ˈʊ̃ŋ.ŋɐ.l̠ɔ̃n̪ ˈfʊj.jɛj | ˈɛ.li.ãn æ.kʷʊˈt̪æ̃ː.ni | ˈt̪ir.t̪i.ã kʷi ʊpˈʃoː.ɾɔ̃ ˈlʊ̃ŋʷ.ŋʷɐ ˈkʊt̪.t̪ɛj | ˈnoːs̠.t̪ɾɐ ˈjæːl̠.l̠i ɛp.pɪl̠ˈl̠ãn̪.n̪ɔr ‖ hiː ˈø̃ːm.mɪs̠ ˈlʊ̃ŋʷ.ŋʷä | ĩn̪.ʃt̪ʊˈt̪yː.t̪ʊs̠ | ˈl̠iː.jʊ.ʊs̠ ˈʊ̃n̪.n̪ɪr ˈʃeː ˈt̪ʊf.fɪ.ɾɔ̃n̪]

Iellia ist ömnus tuisa un ters pärtis, quarom unan ungalond Fulgei, elian Äquutäni, tirtian qui upsorom lungua Cultei, nostra Iälli eppilandor. Hi ömnis lungua, instutütus, lijuus undir se tuffirond.

All Gaul is divided into three parts, one of which the Belgae inhabit, the Aquitani another, those who in their own language are called Celts, in ours Gauls, the third. All these differ from each other in language, customs and laws.
Yaaludinuya siima d'at yiseka wohadetafa gaare.
Ennadinut'a gaare d'ate eetatadi siiman.
T'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa.
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Rounin Ryuuji
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Rounin Ryuuji »

Travis B. wrote: Wed Jul 14, 2021 10:49 pm
['jɛl̠.l̠i.ɐ ɪs̠t̪ ˈø̃m.mʊs̠ t̪ʊˈiː.ʃɐ ʊ̃ ˈt̪eːɾs̠ ˈpæːr.t̪ɪs̠ | ˈkʷäː.ɾɔ̃ ˈuː.n̪ãn ˈʊ̃ŋ.ŋɐ.l̠ɔ̃n̪ ˈfʊj.jɛj | ˈɛ.li.ãn æ.kʷʊˈt̪æ̃ː.ni | ˈt̪ir.t̪i.ã kʷi ʊpˈʃoː.ɾɔ̃ ˈlʊ̃ŋʷ.ŋʷɐ ˈkʊt̪.t̪ɛj | ˈnoːs̠.t̪ɾɐ ˈjæːl̠.l̠i ɛp.pɪl̠ˈl̠ãn̪.n̪ɔr ‖ hiː ˈø̃ːm.mɪs̠ ˈlʊ̃ŋʷ.ŋʷä | ĩn̪.ʃt̪ʊˈt̪yː.t̪ʊs̠ | ˈl̠iː.jʊ.ʊs̠ ˈʊ̃n̪.n̪ɪr ˈʃeː ˈt̪ʊf.fɪ.ɾɔ̃n̪]

Iellia ist ömnus tuisa un ters pärtis, quarom unan ungalond Fulgei, elian Äquutäni, tirtian qui upsorom lungua Cultei, nostra Iälli eppilandor. Hi ömnis lungua, instutütus, lijuus undir se tuffirond.

All Gaul is divided into three parts, one of which the Belgae inhabit, the Aquitani another, those who in their own language are called Celts, in ours Gauls, the third. All these differ from each other in language, customs and laws.
  • Word order shifts such that nearly all adjectives and descriptive phrases precede the nominals they qualify, this reflecting a development in speech that was slow to be adopted into the written language;
  • Postvocallic [m ŋ ŋʷ f] vocalise to [w], most nasal vowels denasalise, except when followed by a coda nasal; intervocalic [ŋ ŋʷ] further denasalise to [g gʷ]
  • In syllables before front vowels, a second umlaut occurs that only affects [ʊ uː], shifting them to [ʏ yː]; the change also happens following [j]
  • This triggers another chain shift:
    • Remaining [uː] > [au]
    • [oː] > [uː]
    • [aː] > [oː]
    • [æː] and prerhotic [eː] > [aː]
  • Short vowels in hiatus (1) become semivowels before long vowels, or (2) form new diphthongs with short vowels;
  • Diphthongs smooth: [øw øːw jɛ ʊw ʏj ʏw ɛj au] > [oː øː i uː yː yː eː aː]
  • [t̪] > [tʃ] before [ɪ iːɥ ʏ yː]; [k] > [c] in similar circumstances; [j] > [dʒ], except where perceived as an excrescence of a preceding vowel
  • [ʃ s̠] merge, usually yielding [s], but sometimes [ʃ] after [r] and before [i]
  • [kʷʏ kʷi] > [cʏ]
  • Long vowels begin to be marked orthographically digraphs or circumflex;
  • The name of the "Gauls" is changed to match the name of the region in the language;
  • Terminal [ɔ] is frequently lost after long vowels;
  • Germanic loanwords, common in speech but before seen as unfit for proper literature, also begin making inroads:
    • The word tinija, cognate to English "tongue", and in the common language being far and away the more common, exists alongside inherited loûgua, typically used in speech to mean "expression, manner of speaking" or "regional language"; one instance of each is preserved in the text;
    • The word ellus, cognate to English "all", is finally allowed to replace words inherited from Latin "omnis", which have come to sound extremely stodgy and pretentious;
    • The word lendus, a word usually meaning specifically "pieces of land", replaces inherited Latin pârtis;
    • The word eicun, meaning "own", and cognate to it, replaces inherited oupsoûr, a word also coming to be seen as highly pretentious;
  • The element ou appears more often as a structural word to make up for some of the eroded case markers
[tʃɥiː.sɐ ʊ ˈt̪aːɾʃ ˈlɛ̃n̪.dʒʏs ɛl.lʏs 'il̠.l̠i.jɐ ɪst̪ ˈ | ˈkʷoːɾ ˈuː.gɐ.l̠ɔ̃n̪ ˈfyː.dʒeː ˈaː.n̪ãn | æ.cʏˈt̪aː.ni ˈɛ.li.ãn | kʷi | ʊ 'eː.cʏ̃n̪ ˈtʃɪ.ni.jɐ ˈcʏt̪.t̪eː | ʊ ˈnuːs̠.t̪ɾɐ ˈil̠.l̠iː | ɛp.pɪl̠ˈl̠ãn̪.n̪ɔr | ˈtʃir.tʃi.ã ‖ hiː ˈɛl.lʏs ʏ̃n̪.n̪ɪr ˈseː ˈtʃyː.fɪ.ɾɔ̃n̪ ˈluː.gʷɐ | ĩn̪s'tʃʏˈtʃyː.t̪ʊs | ˈl̠iː.jyːs ˈ]

Tuijsa ou târs pârtis ellus Ilija ist, quôr Oûgalon fûdjei ânan, Aecutâni elian, cu, ou eicun tinija Cuttei, ou noûstra Illî eppilannor, tirtian. Hî ellus unnir sei tûfiron loûgua, instutûtus, lijûs

Divided in three parts all of Gallia is, in one of which reside the Belgaie, the Aquitani another, and, in their own language called the Celts, and in ours the Gauls called, a third. They all have different languages, customs, and laws.''
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by StrangerCoug »

  • Retroactively applied a missed lexical change in the text.
  • Polysyllabic words that did not have their stress marked in the transcription are given initial stress.
  • Dental consonants retract to alveolar.
  • Labiovelars unpack to the corresponding velar + /v/.
[ˈtʃɥiː.sɐ ʊ ˈtaːɾʃ ˈlɛ̃n.dʒʏs 'ɛl.lʏs 'il̠.l̠i.jɐ ɪst | ˈkvoːɾ ˈuː.gɐ.l̠ɔ̃n ˈfyː.dʒeː ˈaː.nãn | æ.cʏˈtaː.ni ˈɛ.li.ãn | kvi | ʊ 'eː.cʏ̃n ˈtʃɪ.ni.jɐ ˈcʏt.teː | ʊ ˈnuːs̠.tɾɐ ˈil̠.l̠iː | ɛp.pɪl̠ˈl̠ãn.nɔr | ˈtʃir.tʃi.ã ‖ hiː ˈɛl.lʏs ʏ̃n.nɪr ˈseː ˈtʃyː.fɪ.ɾɔ̃n ˈluː.gvɐ | ĩns'tʃʏˈtʃyː.tʊs | ˈl̠iː.jyːs]
Tuijsa ou târs lendus ellus Ilija ist, quôr Oûgalon fûdjei ânan, Aecutâni elian, cu, ou eicun tinija Cuttei, ou noûstra Illî eppilannor, tirtian. Hî ellus unnir sei tûfiron loûgua, instutûtus, lijûs.
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Rounin Ryuuji
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Rounin Ryuuji »

StrangerCoug wrote: Thu Jul 15, 2021 9:57 am [ˈtʃɥiː.sɐ ʊ ˈtaːɾʃ ˈlɛ̃n.dʒʏs 'ɛl.lʏs 'il̠.l̠i.jɐ ɪst | ˈkvoːɾ ˈuː.gɐ.l̠ɔ̃n ˈfyː.dʒeː ˈaː.nãn | æ.cʏˈtaː.ni ˈɛ.li.ãn | kvi | ʊ 'eː.cʏ̃n ˈtʃɪ.ni.jɐ ˈcʏt.teː | ʊ ˈnuːs̠.tɾɐ ˈil̠.l̠iː | ɛp.pɪl̠ˈl̠ãn.nɔr | ˈtʃir.tʃi.ã ‖ hiː ˈɛl.lʏs ʏ̃n.nɪr ˈseː ˈtʃyː.fɪ.ɾɔ̃n ˈluː.gvɐ | ĩns'tʃʏˈtʃyː.tʊs | ˈl̠iː.jyːs]
Tuijsa ou târs lendus ellus Ilija ist, quôr Oûgalon fûdjei ânan, Aecutâni elian, cu, ou eicun tinija Cuttei, ou noûstra Illî eppilannor, tirtian. Hî ellus unnir sei tûfiron loûgua, instutûtus, lijûs.
  • The structural word "ou" [ʊ] is absorbed into the preceding word, triggering the following changes:
    • [ɐʊ] > [ɔʊ], graphically "aou"
    • [iʊ] > [ʏʊ]
    • [jʊ] > [jʏ], graphically "ju"
  • [c] > [ts], [kv] > [k~c];
  • Deletion of coda nasals following nasal vowels with compensatory lengthening; final long nasal vowels tend to draw a word's stress; other long vowels may gain secondary stress, or quantitative metathesis may occur;
  • In long words, posttonic, and sometimes pretonic, [ɪ ʏ ɐ ʊ] reduce to [jə ə ə ə], [j] is lost after affricates;
    [*| Resulting further erosion of the case system produces further syntactic changes;
  • Final clusters simplify, usually reducing to just their first element, except affricates are counted as single consonants;
  • Literacy had begun to become widespread during the past generation, consequently a few of these changes are reflected in the orthography; "c" becomes a common spelling of "ts" before "ae, e, i, u", in short, long, and reduced forms (in loanwords where it appears before "a o ou", it tends to be spelled "z");
[ˈtʃɥiː.sɔʊ ˈtaːɾ ˈlɛ̃ː.dʒʏs 'ɛl.lʏs 'il̠.l̠i.jɐ ɪst | ˈkoːɾ ˌuː.gə'l̠ɔ̃ː ˈfyː.ˌdʒeː ˌaː'nãː | æ.tsəˈtaː.ni ˌɛ.li'ãː | cʏʊ ˌeː'tsʏ̃ː ˈtʃɪ.ni.jɐ ˈtsʏt.teː.jʏ | ˈnuːs̠.tɾɐ ˈil̠.l̠iː | ˌɛp.pəl̠ˈl̠ãː.nər | ˌtʃir.tʃi'jãː ‖ hiː ˈɛl.lʏs 'ʏ̃ː.nɪr ˈseː ˌtʃyː.fjə'ɾɔ̃ː ˈluː.gvɔʊ | ˌĩːs.tʃəˈtʃyː.tsʊ | ˈl̠iːˌjyː.sʊ]
Tuijsaou târs lendus ellus Ilija ist, quôr Oûgalon fûdjei ânan, Aecutâni elian, quiu, eicun tinija Cutteiju, noûstra Illî eppilannor, tirtian. Hî ellus unnir sei tûfiron loûguaou, instutûtzou, lijûsou.

This is a pretty nice pseudo-Romance language so far.
Otto Kretschmer
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Otto Kretschmer »

Why pseudo Romance?

What on your opinion guys is the timeframe for those changes?

Who votes for something vowel heavy as the next one? Hawaiian?
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Rounin Ryuuji
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Rounin Ryuuji »

I'm thinking we're at least 1700s-1800s by now with this one.

Also, I guess "pseudo" in that it doesn't actually exist, even though it's a language that plausibly could have come into being.
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Neonnaut »

  • ʏ > ø
  • h > x
[ˈtʃɥiː.sɔʊ ˈtaːɾ ˈlɛ̃ː.dʒøs 'ɛl.løs 'il̠.l̠i.jɐ ɪst | ˈkoːɾ ˌuː.gə'l̠ɔ̃ː ˈfyː.ˌdʒeː ˌaː'nãː | æ.tsəˈtaː.ni ˌɛ.li'ãː | cøʊ ˌeː'tsø̃ː ˈtʃɪ.ni.jɐ ˈtsøt.teː.jø | ˈnuːs̠.tɾɐ ˈil̠.l̠iː | ˌɛp.pəl̠ˈl̠ãː.nər | ˌtʃir.tʃi'jãː ‖ xiː ˈɛl.løs 'ø̃ː.nɪr ˈseː ˌtʃyː.fjə'ɾɔ̃ː ˈluː.gvɔʊ | ˌĩːs.tʃəˈtʃyː.tsʊ | ˈl̠iːˌjyː.sʊ]
Tuijsaou târs lendus ellus Ilija ist, quôr Oûgalon fûdjei ânan, Aecutâni elian, quiu, eicun tinija Cutteiju, noûstra Illî eppilannor, tirtian. Hî ellus unnir sei tûfiron loûguaou, instutûtzou, lijûsou.
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