Phrase evolution game

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Rounin Ryuuji
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Rounin Ryuuji »

  • Unconditional loss of [w] initially and intervocalically, vowels in hiatus contract into diphthongs; if the second vowel is long, quantitative metathesis transfers the length to the first element;
  • [f xw] merge to [ɸʷ];
  • Coda [l] vocalises, depending on the preceding vowel; resulting [ʊw ɛj] > [ɑʊ ɛɪ]
  • Front rounded vowels [ʏ yː], and long unrounded [iː] trigger palatalisation: [s z k dz] > [ʃ ʒ c dʒ]; [tj] also to [tʃ]
  • Elements of short diphthongs become always lax
  • Intertonic, and posttonic terminal, unstressed vowels reduce: [ɑ jɑ ɪ ʊ] > [ə ɪ ɨ ɵ]
  • ADDENDUM: Definite articles become more common, demonstratives all regularise to a paradigm in [s]-.

['ɛɪs ɛ.'ɸʷa:s ɵx]
Eis efâs och.

['ɛɪs | za: 'ɑʊ.la: nɛ høʏ'dʒi: | 'zɑ.xɵ ɛ'ɸʷaːs | 'eː.nəˌna: 'ʃʏ.rɪˌna; 'ɑʊˌna: 'tʃoː.hən.du: | 'eː.nəˌna:ɵʊx 'mɪ.sɨ.laː 'cʏ.rɨˌta: | 'eː.nəˌna: ɵx 'gʊ.mə.nɵ 'snɛ.mɵnˌda: 'bɛ.rən.dɵ || zaː 'ɛɪs nɵ e'ɸʷɑ.məs 'zøʏˌdʒi: || 'ʃɛrˌta: 'ʒiː.rɨ.tʃɪ mɛk | 'zɛ.ɸʷɛnˌdʒi: ɛ'ɸʷaːs 'ɑ.kən.dɵ 'gʊ.mə.nɵ || zaːs e'ɸʷa:s 'zøʏˌdʒi:.dɵn || gɑ'hoːˌʒi: 'ɛɪ || 'ʃɛrta: 'ʒiː.rɨ.tʃɪ uːs 'zɛ.ɸʷɛn.dʒʏ.mɨs zəs 'guˌma: | zəs 'ɸʷe:dzɨs | ɵs ɛːis 'ɑʊ.la: 'ʏr.sɨ.tʃɪ zɪs 'ɑr.mə 'ɛz.tʃiˌja: || zaː 'ɛɪs ɵx 'ɑʊ.la: nɛ hɛ'biː.tʃɨ zət 'hoː.zɨ.dəs zaː 'ɛɪs 'akˌra: 'floːh]

Eis, sā aulā ne hoeuzî, sacho efâs, ênenā scyrjanā aunā tjôhendū, ênenā och miscilā cyritā, ênanā och gumeno snemondā berendo. Sā Eis no efames soeuzī: Hjertā sîriti mec, sefenzī efâs acendo gumeno. Sās efâs soeuzīdon: gahôsī Ei! Hjertā sîriti ûs sefenzymis: ses gumā, ses fêzis, os êis aulā yrsciti sis arme estijā. Sā eis och aulā ne hebîti. Set hôsides sā eis acrā flōch.

Approximate translation (as literal as possible):

A sheep, that no wool had, saw horses, of them one a heavy wagon pulling, and one a big load carrying, and one a man quickly carrying. The sheep to the hoses said: hurts (it) sorely me, seeing horses driven by men. The horses said: Listen, o Sheep! (It) hurts sorely us seeing: the man, the master, of the sheep's wool works for himself a warm garment. And the sheep has not her wool. That having heard, the sheep into the wilds flew.
Last edited by Rounin Ryuuji on Thu Jul 22, 2021 5:43 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Otto Kretschmer
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Otto Kretschmer »

I think we should break it into smaller blocks sentence by sentence
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Rounin Ryuuji
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Rounin Ryuuji »

Otto Kretschmer wrote: Thu Jul 22, 2021 3:58 am I think we should break it into smaller blocks sentence by sentence
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Neonnaut »

  • ɸʷ > ʍ
  • ɑ ə i ɵ > ɔ ʌ ɪ y

['ɛɪs ɛ.'ʍa:s yx]
Eis efâs och.

['ɛɪs | za: 'ɔʊ.la: nɛ høʏ'dʒi: | 'zɔ.xy ɛ'ʍaːs | 'eː.nʌˌna: 'ʃʏ.rɪˌna; 'ɔʊˌna: 'tʃoː.hʌn.du: | 'eː.nʌˌna:yʊx 'mɪ.sɨ.laː 'cʏ.rɨˌta: | 'eː.nʌˌna: yx 'gʊ.mʌ.ny 'snɛ.mynˌda: 'bɛ.rʌn.dy || zaː 'ɛɪs ny e'ʍɔ.mʌs 'zøʏˌdʒi: || 'ʃɛrˌta: 'ʒiː.rɨ.tʃɪ mɛk | 'zɛ.ʍɛnˌdʒi: ɛ'ʍaːs 'ɔ.kʌn.dy 'gʊ.mʌ.ny || zaːs e'ʍa:s 'zøʏˌdʒi:.dyn || gɔ'hoːˌʒi: 'ɛɪ || 'ʃɛrta: 'ʒiː.rɨ.tʃɪ uːs 'zɛ.ʍɛn.dʒʏ.mɨs zʌs 'guˌma: | zʌs 'ʍe:dzɨs | ys ɛːɪs 'ɔʊ.la: 'ʏr.sɨ.tʃɪ zɪs 'ɔr.mʌ 'ɛz.tʃɪˌja: || zaː 'ɛɪs yx 'ɔʊ.la: nɛ hɛ'biː.tʃɨ zʌt 'hoː.zɨ.dʌs zaː 'ɛɪs 'akˌra: 'floːh]

Eis, sā aulā ne hoeuzî, sacho efâs, ênenā scyrjanā aunā tjôhendū, ênenā och miscilā cyritā, ênanā och gumeno snemondā berendo. Sā Eis no efames soeuzī: Hjertā sîriti mec, sefenzī efâs acendo gumeno. Sās efâs soeuzīdon: gahôsī Ei! Hjertā sîriti ûs sefenzymis: ses gumā, ses fêzis, os êis aulā yrsciti sis arme estijā. Sā eis och aulā ne hebîti. Set hôsides sā eis acrā flōch.

Approximate translation (as literal as possible):

A sheep, that no wool had, saw horses, of them one a heavy wagon pulling, and one a big load carrying, and one a man quickly carrying. The sheep to the hoses said: hurts (it) sorely me, seeing horses driven by men. The horses said: Listen, o Sheep! (It) hurts sorely us seeing: the man, the master, of the sheep's wool works for himself a warm garment. And the sheep has not her wool. That having heard, the sheep into the wilds flew.
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Rounin Ryuuji
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Rounin Ryuuji »

  • In unstressed words, long vowels become short; short vowels in open, stressed syllables become long;
  • Deletion of intertonic unstressed vowels if both surrounding vowels are long, and terminal short vowels in inflectional syllables
  • Dissimilation of [nn mn] > [ln ʊn~ʏn]; coda [h] > [x]; [xnd knd] > [xt]; [stʃ ztʃ] > [ʃ(ʃ)]; [zd] > [st]
  • New short vowels take lax pronunciations; new long vowels take tense ones; long vowels in diphthongs shorten;
  • Long vowel and diphthong chain shift: [ɛɪ aː] > [ɛː æː] > [eː]; [ɔʊ ɔː] > [oː]; [øʏ uʏ] > [yː wyː]; [eː yː] > [iː]; [oː] > [uː]; [uː uʊ] > [au]; [iː] > [ai]; [eʏ] > [øː];
  • [dʒ dz] merge with [ʒ z], followed by rhotacism of non-initial [ʒ z] > [ʁ]
  • [t d x s z n] > [c ɟ ç ʃ ʒ ɲ] before [iː ʏ yː]; [x] > [ç] after the same vowels in unstressed syllables; coda [r] > [ʁ]
  • Some amount of orthographic confusion, but long vowels are marked in the orthography fairly regularly by an acute, or by a digraph if it descends from a diphthong; w is introduced as a distinct letter.

['eːs ɛ.'ʍe:s ʏx]
És efés ych.

['eːs | za 'oː.le: nɛ çyː'ʁai | 'zoːx ɛ'ʍeːs | 'iːlˌne: 'ʃiːʁˌneː 'oːˌne: 'tʃuːx.tau: | 'iːlˌne: ʏç 'mais.leː 'ciːʁˌte: | 'iːlˌne: ʏç 'gwyː.ɲʏ 'snøːnˌde: 'biːʁn.ɟʏ || za 'eːs ɲʏ e'ʍoːs 'ʒyːˌʁai || 'ʃɛʁˌte: 'ʒaiʁ.tʃɪ mɛk | 'ʒiː.ʍɛnˌʁai ɛ'ʍeːs 'uːç.cʏ 'gau.ɲʏ || zas e'ʍe:s 'ʒyˌʁai.ɟʏn || gɔ'huːˌʁai 'eː || 'ʃɛʁte: 'ʒaiʁ.tʃɪ aus 'ʒiː.ʍɛnˌʁiː.mɨs zʌs 'gauˌme: | zʌs 'ʍi:.ʁɨs | ʏs eːs 'oː.la: 'ʏʁʃɪ zɪs 'ɔr.mʌ 'ɛʃ.ʃɪˌje: || za 'eːs ʏç 'oː.la: nɛ hɛ'baitʃ zʌt 'huːs.tʌs za 'eːs 'akˌre: 'fluːh]

Eis, sa oulé ne hýrhai, sóch ehwés, ílné sjírné ouné tsjóchtau, ílné ych míslé cýrté, ílné ych gwýny sneundé bírngy. Sa Eis no ewós sýrhai: Sjerté sjartsi mec, síwenrhai ewés úchcy gauny. Sas ewés sýrhaigyn: Gohúrhai Ei! Sjerté sjairtsi aus síwenrhímis: ses gaumé, ses wírhis, os és oulé yrsi sis arme essijé. Sa Eis ych oulé ne hebaitj. Set hústes sa Eis acré flúch.

Approximate translation (as literal as possible):

A sheep, that no wool had, saw horses, of them one a heavy wagon pulling, and one a big load carrying, and one a man quickly carrying. The sheep to the hoses said: hurts (it) sorely me, seeing horses driven by men. The horses said: Listen, o Sheep! (It) hurts sorely us seeing: the man, the master, of the sheep's wool works for himself a warm garment. And the sheep has not her wool. That having heard, the sheep into the wilds flew.

Looks like we've had our equivalent to the Great Vowel Shift; good thing the orthography reflects it (for now).
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by StrangerCoug »

  • Retroactively fortited a final /h/ that didn't become /x/.
  • Final /s/ debuccalizes to /h/.
  • Final /p t tʃ k/ cease to have an audible release.
  • Final nasal consonants trigger nasalization of the preceding vowel.

['eːh ɛ.'ʍe:h ʏx]
És efés ych.

['eːh | za 'oː.le: nɛ çyː'ʁai | 'zoːx ɛ'ʍeːh | 'iːlˌne: 'ʃiːʁˌneː 'oːˌne: 'tʃuːx.tau: | 'iːlˌne: ʏç 'mais.leː 'ciːʁˌte: | 'iːlˌne: ʏç 'gwyː.ɲʏ 'snø̃ːnˌde: 'biːʁn.ɟʏ || za 'eːh ɲʏ e'ʍoːh 'ʒyːˌʁai || 'ʃɛʁˌte: 'ʒaiʁ.tʃɪ mɛk̚ | 'ʒiː.ʍɛnˌʁai ɛ'ʍeːh 'uːç.cʏ 'gau.ɲʏ || zah e'ʍe:h 'ʒyˌʁai.ɟʏ̃n || gɔ'huːˌʁai 'eː || 'ʃɛʁte: 'ʒaiʁ.tʃɪ auh 'ʒiː.ʍɛ̃nˌʁiː.mɨh zʌh 'gauˌme: | zʌh 'ʍi:.ʁɨh | ʏh eːh 'oː.la: 'ʏʁʃɪ zɪh 'ɔr.mʌ 'ɛʃ.ʃɪˌje: || za 'eːh ʏç 'oː.la: nɛ hɛ'baitʃ̚ zʌt̚ 'huːs.tʌh za 'eːh 'akˌre: 'fluːx]

Eis, sa oulé ne hýrhai, sóch ehwés, ílné sjírné ouné tsjóchtau, ílné ych míslé cýrté, ílné ych gwýny sneundé bírngy. Sa Eis no ewós sýrhai: Sjerté sjartsi mec, síwenrhai ewés úchcy gauny. Sas ewés sýrhaigyn: Gohúrhai Ei! Sjerté sjairtsi aus síwenrhímis: ses gaumé, ses wírhis, os és oulé yrsi sis arme essijé. Sa Eis ych oulé ne hebaitj. Set hústes sa Eis acré flúch.
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Nortaneous »

- ʍ > w
- aː ai au > ɑː aː æː; ɑː > ɔː
- y y: > ø øː / _ʁ$
- ˈV$V̄ > V$ˈV̄˩˥; ˈV$ˌV̄ > V$ˈV̄˥˩; mid tone otherwise; in longer words, penultimate/ultimate secondary stress takes over primary. Short vowels have no tone contrast.
- Unstressed final syllables reduce.
- Vocative case is lost
- Clusters of s+sonorant or sonorant+h > R̥
- Various confusions and inter-dialect loans (regularize oulé > oulá)
- other phonetic things from above should be assumed to still exist


['eːh ɛ.'ʍe:h ʏx]
És ehwés ych.

[ˈēːh | za oːˈlɔ̌: nɛ çyːˈʁāː | ˈzōːx ɛˈʍēːh | iːlˈnê: ʃiːʁˈnêː oːˈnê: tʃuːxˈtæ̌ː | iːlněː ʏç maːˈɬěː ciːʁtê: | iːlnêː ʏç ˈgwȳːɲ n̥øːnˈdêː ˈbīːʁɲɟ || za ˈēːh ɲʏ eˈʍōːh ʒyːˈʁâː || ʃɛʁtêː 'ʒāːʁtʃ mɛk | ʒiːʍɛnˈʁāː ɛˈʍēːh ˈūːçc ˈgǣːɲ || zah eˈʍēːh ʒyˈʁâːɟɲ̩ || gɔhuːˈʁâː 'ēːh || ʃɛʁˈtě: 'ʒāːʁtʃ æːh ʒiːwɛnˈʁīːm̥ zʌh gæːˈmê: | zʌh 'ʍī:χ | ʏh ēːh oːlɔ̌ː ˈøʁʃ zɪh ˈɔrmʌ ɛʃʃɪˈjē: || za ˈēːh ʏç oːˈlɔ̌ː nɛ hɛˈbāːtʃ zʌt ˈhūːst za ˈēːh akˈrě: ˈflūːh]

Eis, sa oulá ne hýrhai, sóch ehwés, ílné sjírné ouné tsjóchtau, ílné ych maislé círté, ílné ych gwýnj sneundé bírngj. Sa Eis no ehwós sýrhai: Sjerté sjartj mec, síhwenrhai ehwés úchcj gaunj. Sas ehwés sýrhaignj: Gohúrhai Eis! Sjerté sjairtj aus síhwenrhíms: ses gaumé, ses hwírhs, os és oulá yrsj sis arme essijé. Sa Eis ych oulá ne hebaitj. Set húst sa Eis acré flúch.

Approximate translation (as literal as possible):

A sheep, that no wool had, saw horses, of them one a heavy wagon pulling, and one a big load carrying, and one a man quickly carrying. The sheep to the horses said: hurts (it) sorely me, seeing horses driven by men. The horses said: Listen, Sheep! (It) hurts sorely us seeing: the man, the master, of the sheep's wool works for himself a warm garment. And the sheep has not her wool. That having heard, the sheep into the wilds flew.
Duaj teibohnggoe kyoe' quaqtoeq lucj lhaj k'yoejdej noeyn tucj.
K'yoejdaq fohm q'ujdoe duaj teibohnggoen dlehq lucj.
Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq.
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Rounin Ryuuji
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Rounin Ryuuji »

  • Long vowels shorten, causing distinctions to be primarily of quality rather than duration, tenseness continues to be marked with an acute;
  • [ɔ æ ʌ] all merge to [ɐ];
  • Voiceless nasals merge with their voiced counterparts; [χ] merges with [ʁ], [ɬ] merges with [ʃ]
  • Interdialectal borrowing and hypercorrection shifts a few terminal [h] to [x~ç], but others are lost with lengthening of the preceding vowel
  • Metathesis of [ɟɲ] > [ɲɟ], insertion of schwa to break up some clusters; a few irregular metatheses occur; [ɟ sx] > [dʒ ʃ]
  • Tones and stresses are reanalysed as a pitch accent; all function words are low pitch, stressed syllables with mid or high tone tend to be high pitched, but with low tone low pitched; unaccented syllables will take usually the opposite of the formerly stressed syllable's pitch; long vowels tend to be either rising-rising or rising-falling, triggering mandatory falling pitch after; schwa is always low-pitched.
  • The indefinite article íln, ílná develops;
  • [r] merges with [ʁ]; the digraph "rh" falls into disuse;
  • Orthographically, s is frequently used to mark vowel length, while the acute is used to denote tenseness; some digraphs are still used, but the pitch accent is poorly represented by the orthography; [z] is now usually graphically represented as z; "sch tsch" become common spellings of [ʃ tʃ]; analogically zsch tzsch appear for [ʒ dʒ]; under French and Italian influence [ɲ] when not contacting another palatal is spelled "gn".

['é͜è ɛ.'ʍé͜è ʏ̀x]
És ehwés ych.

[íl.nà ˈé͜è | zà óˈlɐ̀ nɛ̀ çỳ.ʁɐ́ | ˈzóx ɛ̀ˈʍé͜é | ìlˈné ʃìʁˈné ó͜óˈnè tʃùxˈtɐ́ | ílnè ʏ̀ç máˈʃè cìʁté | ìlné ʏ̀ç ˈgwýɲ nø̀nˈdé ˈbíʁɲdʒə̀ || zà ˈé͜è ɲʏ eˈʍó͜ò ʒỳˈʁá || ʃʁté ʒáʁ.tʃə̀ mɛ̀k | ʒí.ʍɛ̀nˈʁá ɛ̀ˈʍé͜é ˈýçʏ̀c ˈgɐ́ɲ || záx èˈʍé͜é ʒỳˈʁáɲ.dʒə̀ || gɐ́hùˈʁá 'é͜è || ʃɛ̀ʁˈté 'ʒáʁ.tʃə̀ ɐ̀x ʒí.ʍɛ̀nˈʁím zɐ̀x gɐ̀.mé | zɐ̀x 'ʍíʁ | ʏ̀ç é͜è ólɐ̀ ˈǿʁʃ zɪ̀ç ˈɐ́rmɐ̀ ɛ́ʃ.ʃɪ̀ˈjé || zà é͜è ʏ̀ç óˈlɐ̀ nɛ hɛ̀ˈbátʃ zɐ̀t ˈhúst zà ˈé͜è à'kʁé ˈflúx]

Ílná Eis, zá oulá ne hýrá, sóch ehwés, ílné schírné ósné tschúchta, ílné ych máscheé círté, ílné ych gwýgn neundé bírntzsche. Za Eis ny ehwós sýrá: Scherté schartsch mec, zschíhwenrá ehwés ýchyc gagn. Zách ehwés sýrántzsche: Gahúrá Eis! Scherté schártsch ach zschíhwenrím: zach gamé, zach hwír, ych és oulá yrsch zich arma esschijé. Za Eis ych oulá ne hebátsch. Zat húst zá Eis ácré flúch.

Approximate translation (as literal as possible):

A sheep, that no wool had, saw horses, of them one a heavy wagon pulling, and one a big load carrying, and one a man quickly carrying. The sheep to the horses said: hurts (it) sorely me, seeing horses driven by men. The horses said: Listen, Sheep! (It) hurts sorely us seeing: the man, the master, of the sheep's wool works for himself a warm garment. And the sheep has not her wool. That having heard, the sheep into the wilds flew.

This alternate history German is getting interestingly weird.
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by StrangerCoug »

Someone suggested a language with clicks next. I'm up for Khoekhoe myself, but if only I could figure out the tones for the initial sentence I picked xD
Otto Kretschmer
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Otto Kretschmer »

StrangerCoug wrote: Fri Jul 23, 2021 9:42 am Someone suggested a language with clicks next. I'm up for Khoekhoe myself, but if only I could figure out the tones for the initial sentence I picked xD
It was me

I can post Abkhaz instead ^^
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by StrangerCoug »

Otto Kretschmer wrote: Fri Jul 23, 2021 9:48 am
StrangerCoug wrote: Fri Jul 23, 2021 9:42 am Someone suggested a language with clicks next. I'm up for Khoekhoe myself, but if only I could figure out the tones for the initial sentence I picked xD
It was me

I can post Abkhaz instead ^^
Sure :)
Otto Kretschmer
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Otto Kretschmer »

[darbanza:lakʼ awaɥɨ tʂawpʼ jiχɨ dakʷʰitʰnɨ ǁ awaː zagʲ zjinlaj pʼatʼwɨlaj ajqʼarawpʼ ǁ wartʰ jirɨmawpʼ aχʂɨɥij alamɨsij ǀ dara daragʲ ajaʃaj rajpʰʂ ajzɨqʼazarawpʼ]

Darbanzaalak auaòy dšoup ihy dak̦a̋ițny. Auaa zegʹ zinlei patulei eik̄aroup. Urț irymoup ahšyòi alamysi, dara daragʹ aešʹei aešʹei reip̀š eizyk̄azaroup

I rxpected more weird consonants though ; (
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Karch »

1. aj aw > ej ow
2. a > ɔ / _Cʷ, w_
3. a fronts in syllables closed by alveolars, palatals, or palatalized consonants, backs in syllables closed by uvulars and rounds in syllables closed by labials or labialized consonants
4. ej ow ij uw > e o i u (provided a vowel doesn't follow)
5. qʼ > ʔ
6. palatalization is lost

[dærbænza:lakʼ owɔɥɨ tʂopʼ jiχɨ dɔkʷʰitʰnɨ ǁ owaː zæg zinlej pʼɔtʼwɨlej eʔaropʼ ǁ wɔrtʰ jirɨmowpʼ ɑχʂɨɥi alamɨsi ǀ dara daræg ejaʃe repʰʂ ezɨʔazaropʼ]
Zpaf kkuñb ñvneahttiñ wqxirftvn meof ñfañhsit.
Kkuñb ñvzxirf kvtañb kkuñf ñtmeaq sfañkqeanth.
Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq.
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Darren »

  • /tʰ t d t’/ → /tː tʰ t ʔ/ (etc. for all plosives including affricates)
  • Vʔ → V̰ → ʔV
  • plosive + ʔ → ejective
  • tʂ ʂ → k s
  • zʔ rʔ lʔ wʔ → s’ s̠’ ɬ’ xʷ’ → ts’ tʃ’ tɬ’ kʷ’
  • Vowel sequences collapse; /ɔɥɨ owaː ɔwɨ ea ɨɥi eja ɨa ji/ → /œː ɔː ɨː ɛː ɨː ɛː œː iː/
  • An orthography is introduced
[tærpænza:t͡ɬ’a owœː k’o jiχɨ tɔkːʷitːnɨ ǁ ɔː zæk zinlej ʔɨːlej ʔɛːt͡s’o ǁ wɔrtː iːrɨmokʷ’ ɑχsœː alamɨsi ǀ tara taræk ɛːʃe repːs et͡s’œːzat͡ʃ’o]
Tärpänzaatlˀa owǫ̈ǫ̈ kˀo yix̌ï tǫkkwittnï. Ǫǫ zäk zinley ɂïïley ɂęętsˀo. Wǫrtt iirïmokwˀ åx̌sǫ̈ǫ̈ alamïsi, tara taräk ęęše repps etsˀǫ̈ǫ̈začˀo
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by StrangerCoug »

  • A standard syllabification becomes established.
  • All words are given initial stress. In words of four or more syllables, every odd-numbered syllable except the first and last get secondary stress.
  • Geminate consonants that do not span a syllable break degeminate.
  • Nasal consonants become /l/ before another /l/.
  • /r/ lenites to /ɾ/ except when it precedes a stressed vowel.
[ˈtæɾ.pænˌza:.t͡ɬ’a ˈo.wœː ˈk’o ˈji.χɨ ˈtɔkʷ.kʷit.tnɨ ǁ ˈɔː ˈzæk ˈzil.lej ˈʔɨː.lej ˈʔɛː.t͡s’o ǁ ˈwɔɾtː ˈiː.ɾɨ.mokʷ’ ˈɑχ.sœː ˈa.laˌmɨ.si ǀ ˈta.ɾa ˈta.ɾæk ˈɛː.ʃe ˈreps ˈe.t͡s’œˌza.t͡ʃ’o]
Tärpänzaatlˀa owǫ̈ǫ̈ kˀo yix̌ï tǫkkwittnï. Ǫǫ zäk zinley ɂïïley ɂęętsˀo. Wǫrtt iirïmokwˀ åx̌sǫ̈ǫ̈ alamïsi, tara taräk ęęše repps etsˀǫ̈ǫ̈začˀo
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Darren »

  • Syncope of unstressed syllables, with cluster reduction
  • l.l > ɫ.l > .ʎ > .tʃ
  • /ɛ æ a ɑ ɔ o u/ > /a a ɒ ɔ o u ɨ/
[ˈtaɾnzɒ:t͡ɬ’ ˈuw ˈk’u ˈiːχ ˈtokʷt.nɨ ǁ ˈoː ˈzak ˈzit͡ʃ ˈʔɨːlj ˈʔaːt͡s’ ǁ ˈwoɾt ˈiːɾmokʷ’ ˈɔχs ˈɒlmɨs ǀ ˈtɒɾ ˈtɒɾk ˈaːʃ ˈreps ˈet͡s’zɒt͡ʃ’]
Tärnzaatlˀ ow kˀo iix̌ tǫkwtnï. Ǫǫ zäk zinl ɂïïly ɂäätsˀ. Wǫrtt iirmokwˀ åx̌s almïs, tar tark ääš repps etsˀzačˀ
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by bradrn »

  • Vowel system collapses to /a ɨ aː ɨː/ + following labialisation + plain/palatalised/labialised prosody: {a,ɒ,ɔ,e,o,i,ɨ,u} → {a,aᵒ,aʷᵒ,aᵉ,ɨᵒ,ɨᵉ,ɨ,ɨʷᵒ}
  • /ɨ/ becomes epenthetic, /ɨː/ → /j/
  • Orthography becomes more Americanistised (except for ⟨ə⟩ /ɨ/, which is Chadic)
/ˈtaɾnzaːt͡ɬʼᵒ wᵒ kʼwᵒ jχᵉ ˈtkʷtnᵒ ‖ jᵒ zak zt͡ʃᵉ ʔjl ʔaːt͡sʼ ‖ wɾtᵒ ˈjɾmkʷʼᵒ aχʷsᵒ almsᵒ | taɾᵒ taɾkᵒ aːʃ rapsᵉ ˈat͡sʼzat͡ʃʼᵉ/
[ˈtɒɾonozɒːt͡ɬʼ wo kʼuw jiχ ˈtukʷoton ‖ jo zak zit͡ʃ ʔɨjɨl ʔaːt͡sʼ ‖ woɾot ˈjoɾomukʷʼ ɔχʷos ɒlomos | tɒɾ tɒɾok aːʃ repis ˈet͡sʼizet͡ʃʼ]

Taronozaaƛʼ wo kʼuw yix̌ tukoton. Yo zäk zič ɂəyəl ɂääcʼ. Worot yoromukʼ ɔx̌os alomos, tar tarok ääš rrepis ecʼizečʼ.
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Otto Kretschmer
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Otto Kretschmer »

A questio

I post a lot of sentences in old/proto languages with a posteriori changes in mind. Is it a bad thing?
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by bradrn »

Otto Kretschmer wrote: Sat Jul 24, 2021 6:11 am I post a lot of sentences in old/proto languages with a posteriori changes in mind. Is it a bad thing?
I don’t mind, as long as we get a good range of languages. I’m fine doing Proto-Germanic etc. once every few rounds as long as we get some other interesting languages in between.
Conlangs: Scratchpad | Texts | antilanguage
Software: See
Other: Ergativity for Novices

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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by StrangerCoug »

Have we done ancient Greek yet?
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