Dream sharing thread

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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by Pabappa »

Courtesy link because I bumped 😛 viewtopic.php?p=4377#p4377


"Google Turbo" was the name of a tabletop game played with red and black checkers on an upright circular board. The goal may have been to get a piece of ones color to the center of the board, or to make a line all the way across. The checkers slid down using a connect-four style mechanism, and the board presumably rotated like a ferris wheel so that the same piece could be alternately above or below another.

It had been published in 1989, well before Google the tech company had chosen it's name. Google bought the rights to the name, though , and had published an android app with that name. There was some speculation about the origin of the game's name, and that Google might have even taken it's name from it, but the game was obscure and not widely sold outside it's manufacturer's factory in Minnesota. In the dream, it didn't occur to me that it could have simply been a repelling of googol, as was the case with Google. Nor did I think to ask if Google Turbo was a sequel to an older game just called Google.

This game seems interesting to me, though it probably wouldn't be superior to Connect Four.

I've skipped three other dreams because they were very formulaic, mostly repeating elements of other dreams, but I might try to start up a dream diary again and then post it on my website somewhere.
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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by linguistcat »

Me, my mom, my hubby, and some other people I knew (as well as tons and tons of people I didn’t) were put on a spaceship in cryogenic sleep to travel to this planet far away. Before we got there, a bunch of drones and robots had been sent to build a big city (in some type of bubble but that let light from the planet’s star through) and fill it with plants and stuff from Earth before we got there. We woke up on the ship but I don’t remember how we got down to the city.

Everyone was kind of nervous but we got to explore all the things the robots had made through their instructions and some AI. There was a park that was really nice, and since the bubble didn’t let much UV through, I could actually enjoy being out in the “sun” with everybody else, since I'm UV sensitive irl (or maybe this was my mind rationalizing once I woke up). Somehow my phone was working (but not to contact Earth), and I was kind of amazed to see that this planet turned faster or something because its sun moved visibly in the sky. I commented about that and said “We’ll have to get used to sleeping and working shorter amounts.”

At some point I realized/remembered that aside from the planet not being terraformed, it had been mentioned that there were beings on the planet too that weren’t friendly, but they didn’t seem to have culture or were sapient or anything from what could be figured out from the robots interacting with them, they were just aggressive. But it felt like the aggressive alien things weren’t going to get into the little city.

So people started to settle into apartments and I guess we already had some food either packed with us or grown by the robots, and mom and hubby and some people we met while exploring all had dinner together.
A cat and a linguist.
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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by Raphael »

I can't really say much because I suck at remembering my dreams, but last night I dreamed that I got fairly drunk, which is interesting because I usually never drink in my dreams. I think it involved me ordering a Four Horsemen. Also, for some reason I had a cute small dog I've never seen before with me in the bar.
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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by alynnidalar »

I'm home sick with a bad cold today, and I knew when I went to bed last night that I'd be calling in sick this morning, so I expect that's why I had the following dream:

I was terribly sick, but had to come in to work anyway. I was trying to get some work done so I could go home, but I had to talk to all these different coworkers to get what I needed, so I was constantly walking back and forth across the office to find people. (also my cat was present and was interfering every time I tried to sit down, which, you know, accurate) The particularly weird thing is that the office had the exact same layout as it does in real life... but everyone in the dream office were sitting at completely different desks. And not even at desks where they used to sit before we shuffled seats around, but desks that they've never sat at the entire two years I've worked in the office. None of this struck me as odd in the dream, but immediately after waking up, I recognized how strange it was.

...that was pretty much it. I never did get to go home, in the dream.
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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by Birdlang »

I dreamed this one night
I was in a country, I think it was called Esh-Elaab. There was a man named Gus-Ulaarngeth. He was eating motor oil flavored ramen noodles, and he looked like a deformed severely disfigured pickup truck with eyes where the headlights are and a mouth where the grill would be. He was speaking in a language that had a lot of prefixes, and was written in a script similar to Thai that sounded very Semitic mixed with Icelandic and Nuxálk. I could understand him, and he was talking about a zombie cloud behind me. My only weapon was a bug spray can. And I sprayed it at the zombie cloud, and it disintegrated and garbled some gibberish noises before it died. Then I woke up because I had to use the restroom.
Another night.
I was at a beach town that had a lot of stores. There was a man in a chicken suit following me who had a thick Scottish accent speaking about sheep and gigolos for some reason. He looked like he was high on some sort of drug, and I ran away. A net came out of his mouth and he tried to catch me by spitting spider webs out of his mouth, he was speaking about Sarah Jessica Parker being a robot spy for a secret society he called the Numnumitumm. There was a lady named Frida who if I remember, was Swedish. She was singing ABBA songs, and it turned out it was Frida from ABBA. There was also a short faceless yarmulke wearing ninja Jewish robot who said he practiced jew-do. And I saw a man in a ghost costume who had epilepsy who kept on having reverse seizures and speaking in Romansch. Why Romansch, I don’t know. Then I woke up because I felt someone touch me.
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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by Pabappa »

I've been very careful with liquids today because I dreamt I got my phone wet. Other than that, it was a typical formulaic dream, with a large building, a swimming pool, perhaps a theater, etc and no other people, at least none that I remember talking to. However I did have four other cellphones there, which were not all mine but which I seemed to think I'd be allowed to use.
Another dream involved me at a beach in Florida where I ducked because 2 people were playing catch with a heavy ball, but when I got on my knees some crabs grabbed me with their claws and they were so strong I couldn't get up.
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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by alynnidalar »

Lately I've been having a lot of "realistic" dreams--dreams where I'm going about my ordinary life, or I'm at work, or I'm at the shelter where I volunteer, or something like that. Not sure what that says about my life right now, if anything. :P
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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by Linguoboy »

Tobey Maguire told me I had to buy him a new sweater because I kept wiping my soup spoon on the one he was wearing to emphasis conversational points while we were talking over lunch and leaving grease stains.
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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by alynnidalar »

I had a dream last night that actually could make a good premise for a murder mystery.

I'm not quite sure if I was this character or if I was just observing his life, but the "main character" was this teenage boy who was a high school senior. The dream began with the main character trying to apply to colleges, talking to his younger brother, etc. while obviously very disturbed and depressed about something, and then flashed back to what had happened. The police had arrived at the family house to discover a brutally-murdered person upstairs (I didn't know who the person was, in the dream) and the main character badly injured in the basement covered in the murder victim's blood--except the main character insisted he had amnesia and couldn't remember anything that happened, despite the police determining his own pocketknife had been used as the murder weapon. The only thing the main character could say is that he was convinced the murder didn't happen in the house (and indeed, the police couldn't find any signs that another person had been in the house). Naturally, although the police were officially treating him like a victim, a lot of people assumed he was actually the murderer and stabbed himself to throw off suspicion, and this explained why he wasn't trying that hard to apply to university--because he assumed he was going to get arrested for the murder and sent to prison, all while not knowing if he actually did it and somehow blanked it from his memory.

I'm very curious about what actually happened! Who was the murder victim? Why were they murdered? Did the guy kill them? (probably not, but then, who did and where's the evidence?) Why is he so convinced the person wasn't murdered in the house, even though the police think it's obvious it was the place of the murder? How did he end up in the basement anyway, if we assume he e.g. interrupted the murder and tried fight off the murderer?
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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by Raphael »

I dreamed of dinosaurs trying to eat me last night. Oh, and an old crush.
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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by Pabappa »

alynnidalar wrote: Thu Dec 13, 2018 12:30 pm I had a dream last night that actually could make a good premise for a murder mystery.
I like it, thanks for sharing. It took me until midday to read it and understand the plot properly .... I get long and detailed dreams too, but rarely ones where the same plot elements persist throughout.
Nothing fun to share of my own this time.... I was convinced "logarice" was a word for severe diarrhea where you can't move... sorry if I've ruined anyone's appetite for candy.

Actually I just remembered a fragment of another dream where a Lucy/ Ricky type couple was riding a large train run by two brothers named Cohen, who had gotten lucky in some way by having their business. One was driving the train, while the other rode along in a separate car. But "Ricky" was singing a song , and this alerted the 2nd Cohen brother that the one dririving the train had entered a triangle-shaped territory owned by the 2nd brother, which was bad luck. So after a brief argument they turned the train around and prepared for a longer alternate route.
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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by Linguoboy »

For some reason, I was on the phone with a representative of an insurance company (called Alliance) and I was inventing a false address for my account. I was aiming for someplace outside of Kansas City, Kansas and the address I gave prompted the woman to say, "Aikens"? I confessed to not knowing the zip code beyond the first three digits, 611. The whole time, I was trying to figure out how to intercept the information before she sent something to that address.

(Geek that I am, I had to look up some of the details when I woke up. There is no "Aikens, KS", though there is a town called "Aiken" in SC. 611XX would be north central Illinois (near Rockford), not east central Kansas.)
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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by zyxw59 »

I was getting hired by a hotel to do security. I showed them how easy it was to get into the building, without ever passing a security guard, or even passing thru the lobby. There was a staff entrance about 20 feet down the street from the main entrance, and it was unlocked, at least during business hours. I went to show the person who would be hiring me, and I had to tell her to stand far enough away so that her badge wouldn't trigger the wifi-operated lock. I showed her that even when she wasn't standing nearby, the door was unlocked. Then I showed her how one could go directly to the stairwell, without coming in view of the front desk in the lobby. I also pointed out that just as easy would be to walk into the lobby, and blend in with the crowd of legitimate hotel guests.
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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by Risla »

I don't remember very much of this one, but: I cracked an egg and dropped it on the ground, and the raw egg on the ground grew and grew until it was about the size of a large, flat dog. The yolk was its head, and it started chasing people so it could consume them.
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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by Pabappa »

Guy I was living with pointed out to me that another guy we were living with, who had just been involved with the police, had written a scientific paper entitled

1-inch-long Wire has been Reported to have a Non-Stimulated Fungus

A separate dream involved political commentator Cenk Uygur giving a message I don't remember except that he pronounced his name /sENk/ three times during the message and only switched to the correct /dZENk/ as he was signing off, though all parts of the message seemed to be live rather than being recorded at different times.
Last edited by Pabappa on Sat Jan 05, 2019 9:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by Birdlang »

I went to a lady’s house. She was speaking Arabic (but dialectal. Maybe Moroccan Arabic?). Anyways when I knocked on the door, I heard a beep. Anyways, when I opened it, a small robot that looked like a tiny Dalek without the gun on the front. It beeped and chased me until the woman told it to stop. It turns out her mother was a mad scientist who I had helped arrest for a spy mission type thing.
The mad scientist dream went as
I was sent with a bunch of other kids to a mansion. We went to spy on the mad scientist and she had a pie chart on how to defeat us. I went up and put handcuffs on her, and she called security with her headphones. Immediately we knocked out the security guard in the little security vehicle (which was completely sealed and had good air conditioning). The other security vehicle and robot guards (floor scrubbers and Roombas) showed up and started shooting lasers at us in our vehicles. We went out, shot lasers at them, they all exploded and we went to an exit in the vehicles, I used my levitation power which I have in my dreams to hover the vehicle and a box with a fireball bomb exploded, a big mushroom flame came out after we broke open the big window in the mansion with three laser shots and came out. We landed and our mission was complete.
Ok another one
On some ordinary day, I was in my conworld with my alien friends, and we had to escape a school. We ran out, a teacher spotted footprints and pressed a button. We heard alarms and I levitated and they flew since they were alien birds, and as soon as that happened and we were a bit in the air, we saw robots on the ground looking for us, and they went back inside looking for everyone else. Only that teacher was there and everyone else had escaped. That school somehow blew up after the teacher ran out with the robots still inside. Apparently one of my friends had placed a laser trap (a kind of laser tripwire pod thing) and a robot tripped it and it set off a fireworks looking missile which blew it up. The teacher was on the ground looking for police but was arrested for bribery, conspiracy, treason, and violent crimes by the secret police.
Another one
This ones going to be a bit odd in the end with the magic wands, so if you don’t like odd things. Don’t look. Though I’m sure you all will enjoy it nonetheless.
I was stuck in a room full of rubber birds, and I played with them with an alien bird person named Uter who was wearing lederhosen and a Bavarian hat (don’t ask, it’s a Simpsons reference). They were all marked different years and different languages were on the bottom of the toys. It turns out they were all mine and the birds, and we got them back in the end with help from a bird star.
Some of the toys were broken, so the bird had a bag full of plastic squeak whistle things and removed the broken ones and put the working ones in. I’m not kidding, the bird blew into a working one and the people almost came. But when I told him to stop, they didn’t do anything. The people were this crow with an Afro, a blue jay with a Livingston Taylor Seagull shirt and a disabled bird named Bubba who had a beak deformity and I wasn’t sure what kind of bird he was because of that.
We defeated them with magic wands. They were unarmed and they died from some spell that turned them into ants and Arthur the aardvark from the kids show ate them, and said ‘Tastes like pancakes!’.
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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by Pabappa »

I was in a large gymnasium browsing files on a computer. I looked up some people I had talked to more than 20 years ago and found their real names and details of the conversations we had. So this computer had more information than any real computer would. In the corner of the gym, there were some small children playing ... very small, each about the size of my thumb. I believe the computer also generated these kids, but they were real and not just a holographic projection.
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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by Risla »

I was showing a young Japanese couple around Kobe. We got onto the topic of the importance of eating a healthy diet with lots of vegetables, and I said that vegetables are great, but sometimes I want ice cream. This made them want ice cream, so I brought them to a restaurant named "The Mix" in the central shopping street, which my coworker had recommended to me as having great ice cream.

After this, I forgot what happened for a little while, but then I was sitting, naked from the waist down, in a giant bowl of peach gelato. This was the house special of The Mix, and was designed to be consumed anally.

This was when my alarm went off.
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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by Raphael »

Risla wrote: Thu Jan 10, 2019 7:14 am
After this, I forgot what happened for a little while, but then I was sitting, naked from the waist down, in a giant bowl of peach gelato. This was the house special of The Mix, and was designed to be consumed anally.

This was when my alarm went off.
Thank God, I guess.
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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by Ryusenshi »

I remember having the sentence "ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny" distinctly in mind when I woke up. I don't remember the rest of the dream. Why was I thinking about this very specific (and thoroughly discredited) theory??
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