Phrase evolution game

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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Neonnaut »

  • pʰ tʰ kʰ → f θ x
  • h → ŋ
[pɛɭˈɭɛ́ɻɛ̃ŋwɛ ˈŋɛːʑimi saɭáˈɻo ɕiˈmi ˈdá ˈsíttɛɡo ˈθʉ́ɡwo iˈsʉɭʉ di | ˈŋɛː nɛˈɡʉniɡɛ ˈθʉdɛ́ː ˈwetθíɭʉ́ɻʉ ˈikxo ˈkárra wɛ ˈsʉːʑidɛ ‖ kʉ́dʉ́ˈɭʉɻʉː nʉˈɡwʉdʉ̃ɲi nɛˈɡʉnewi ˈwetθiɭʉ́ɻʉ ˈmãɲa ˈpákxinʉː ʑiɡɛ ɕiˈmi ˈdá ˈsíttɛɡo ŋɛˈɡiro cɕaˈɭacɕaːŋisʉːʑidɛ]

Pelérẽngue hējimi saláro shimi dá síttego túguo isulu di, hē negunige tudê wetthiluru ikkho garra we sūjide. Kudulurū nugudũgni ne gunewi wetthiluru mãgna pákkhinū jige shimi dá síttego hegiro shalachāhisujide.

wind-and sun-NOM with.each.other strength-NOM more to.count argue time/hour, one stranger warm cloak wear walk come.IND.PST. they-TOP anyone stranger-GEN cloak first strip.PRS person strength-NOM more to.count ought decide.IND.PST
Otto Kretschmer
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Otto Kretschmer »

I repost this Who wants some creole after this?

Opnēs hemones deknotāti jowezikʷe louðeroi parēskʷe gnāskontor, ratijones komskijentijāskʷe partikapes sont, kʷois enter se komkordijās studēōd agontinom est.

['Opne:s he'mones dekno'ta:ti jowe'zikʷe lou'deroi pa're:skʷe gna:s'kontor, rati'jones komskije'ntija:skʷe parti'kapes sont, kʷois enter se kom'kordija:s stu'dēo:d agon'tinom est]
1. Relocation of a group of Italic speakers to the Sinai. They come under the influence of Semiic speakers there
2. -kwe moves before the noun
3. h > ɣ
4. om >on under Semitic influence
5. "Partikapes" changes to "donates" (are given)
Opnēs hemones deknotāti kwe jowezi louðeroi kwe parēs gnāskontor, ratijonem kwe komskijentijām donates sont, kʷois enter se komkordijās studēōd agontinon est.

['Opne:s ɣe'mones dekno'ta:ti kwe jowe'zi lou'deroi kwe pa're:s gna:s'kontor, rati'jonem kwe komskije'ntija:m do'nates sont, kʷois enter se kom'kordija:s stu'dēo:d agon'tinon est]
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Rounin Ryuuji
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Rounin Ryuuji »

  • Stressed short vowels in open syllables lengthen, with the last of the heavIest syllables in a word then gaining stress; pretonic unstressed vowels reduce in open syllables;
  • The second of two concurrent long vowels shortens and reduces to a semivowel;
  • Voiceless stops before nasals assimilate [p k] > [m ŋ]; initial [gn] > [ŋː]
  • The sequence [owɘ] contracts to [ou]; followed by [ou] > [oː];
  • The Greek Alphabet is used to write the language, and a modern Romanisation is also given:
[Om'ne:s ɣɘ'moː.nes deŋ.nɵ'ta:ti kʷe joː'ziː loː'deː.roi kʷe pa're:s 'ŋːa:s.kon.tor | ra.ti'joː.nem kʷe'ja:m dɵ'naː.tes sont, kʷois enter se kɵm.kor.di'ja:s stʊ'deːwd a.gɵn'tiː.non est]
Ομνής χεμώνες δεγνοτάτι κυε ιωζί λωδήροι κυε παρής γνάσκοντορ, ρατιώνεμ κυε κομσκιεντιάμ δονάτες σοντ, κυοις εντερ σε κομκορδιάς στυδήυδ αγοντίνον εστ.
Omnês hemônes degnotâte que jōzî lōdêroi que parês gnâskotor, ratiônem que comskientiâm donâtes sont, quois enter se comcordiâs studéud agontînon est.
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Otto Kretschmer »

Here's a gloss

every.PL human.PL dignity.ABL and law.ABL free.PL.MSC.NOM and equal.PL.MSC.NOM is-born.3PL.PRS.PAS reason.ACC and conscience.ACC give.PL.ACT.PART be.3PL.PRS who between self agreement.ABL desire.ABL do.ACC.FUT.PART be.3SG.PRS

The last paragraph may be wrong
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Karch »

1. ɵ ʊ > ɘ ɪ
2. ti > si
3. VNC > ṼC
4. short mid vowels raise in final syllables
5: ŋ > g

[õ'ne:s ɣɘ'moː.nis dẽ.nɘ'ta:si kʷi joː'ziː loː'deː.roi kʷi pa're:s 'gːa:s.kõ.tur |'joː.nim kʷi kõ.ski.jẽ.ti'ja:m dɘ'naː.tis sũt, kʷois ẽtir si kɘ̃.kor.di'ja:s stɪ'deːwd a.gɘ̃'tiː.nun ist]
<Ομνής χεμώνες δεγνοτάτι κυε ιωζί λωδήροι κυε παρής γνάσκοντορ, ρατιώνεμ κυε κομσκιεντιάμ δονάτες σοντ, κυοις εντερ σε κομκορδιάς στυδήυδ αγοντίνον εστ.>
<Omnês hemônes degnetâte que jōzî lōdêroi que parês gnâskontor, ratiônem que comscientiâm denâtes sont, quois enter se cemcordiâs stidêud agentînon est.>
Zpaf kkuñb ñvneahttiñ wqxirftvn meof ñfañhsit.
Kkuñb ñvzxirf kvtañb kkuñf ñtmeaq sfañkqeanth.
Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq.
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Rounin Ryuuji »

  • Presuming /s/ descended from /t/ to be [s̪], and inherited /s/ to be [s̺], [s̺ s̺k] > [ʃ]; a few surviving instances of [ti] > [si], completing the shift;
  • [ɘ] is lost in certain pretonic senses, otherwise [ɘ ɪ] > [i];
  • [eːw oi] > [yː y]; completion of loss of coda nasals after oral vowles shifting to nasal vowels;
  • Some confusion of vowels in the orthography, which also changes to reflect the loss of certain sounds;
[õ'ne:ʃ ɣmoː.n̪iʃ d̪ẽː't̪a:s̪i kʷi joː'ziː loː'deː.ry kʷi pa're:ʃ 'gːa:ʃõ.tur | ra.s̪i'joː.n̪im kʷi kõ.ʃi.jẽ.si'jã: d̪n̪aː.s̪is̪ sũt, kʷys ẽs̪ir ʃi kĩ.kor.di'ja:s ssi'dyːd ak'ksiː.nũ iʃt]
<Ομνής χμώνις δηντάτι κυε ιωζί λωδήροι κυε παρής γνάσκοντυρ, ρατιώνιμ κυε κομσκιεντιάμ δνάτις συντ, κυοις εντιρ σι κιμκορδιάς στιδήυδ ακτίνυν ιστ.>
<Omnês hmônes dēntâti que jōzî lōdêry que parês gnâsciontor, ratiônem que comscientiâm dnâtis sont, quys entir sci cimcordiâs stidêud agentînon est.>
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Otto Kretschmer »

1. All nasal vowels denasalize and turn into two vowel sequence
2. k>h, ɣ>ʒ
3. p>ɸ
4.loss of ablative and accusative replaced by nominative
5.loss of vowel length
6.loss of passive replaced by a construction of an active voice + to be (literally "they born-they are")
7. loss of plural markings plural indicated with a click consonant. Introduction of a genitive particle [iʃ]
[oun iʃ !ʒmon̪ in d̪eu't̪as̪ hʷi !joz !lo'der hʷi !ɸar 'gaʃout sout]

[ras̪i'jon̪ hʷi houʃijeusi'ja !d̪n̪as̪ sout]

[hʷys eus̪ir ʃi hiuhordi'ja ssid ak'sin iʃt]

Is it fine guys?

Are we ending with ATL French? One word evolved very similar to French (action, aksin)
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Rounin Ryuuji
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Rounin Ryuuji »

  • Dialectal interference restores the terminal [iʃ], now regularised, as the plural marker; dialects with clicks run extinct;
  • Epinthesis of [i] to break up certain consonant clusters;
  • Short vowels in stressed open syllables lengthen;
  • [j] and intervocalic [ʃ] > [ʒ], except where [j] is an excrescence of another vowel; intervocalic [s̪] > [z̪]
  • [eu ou iu] > [øː uː yː]; [ija] > [ije] > [iː]
  • [hʷ ɸ] merge to [ɸʷ], loss of [h] elsewhere
  • Some alterations to the orthography in the midst of these changes, making the new pronunciation at least partly reflected;
['uː.niʃ ʒi'moː.n̪iʃ in d̪øː't̪aːs̪ ɸʷi ʒoz lo'deː.riʃ ɸʷi 'ɸʷaː.riʃ 'gaː.ʒuːt suːt | ras̪i'jon̪ ɸʷi uːʒijøː'z̪iː d̪i'n̪aːz̪iʃ suːt | ɸʷys 'øː.z̪ir ʃi yː.wor'diː is'sid ak'sin iʃt]
Ουνις ζιμώνις ιν δευτάς φυι ιοζ λοδήρις φυι φάρις γάιουτ σουτ, ρατιον φυι ουζιευδί δεινάζεις σουτ, φυιυς ευδιρ σι ιυορδεί ισσιδ ακτιν ιστ.
Ounish jimônish in deutâs fi zhoz lodêrish fi fârish gâjout sout, rasion fi oujieuzî dinâzish sout, fys euzir shi ŷwordî issid aksin isht.

It did seem to invite changes that made it more French.
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Otto Kretschmer »

Le vent du nord et le soleil se disputaient quel était le plus fort lorsqu'un voyageur arrivait, enveloppé dans un manteau chaud.Ils convinrent que celui qui réussit le premier à faire enlever son manteau au voyageur devait être considéré comme plus fort que l'autre.

Real French this time ;)
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Neonnaut »

/lə vɑ̃ dy nɔʁ e lə sɔ.lɛj səɛ kɛl e.tɛ lə ply fɔʁ lɔʁs.kɛ̃ vwa.ja.ʒœʁ a.ʁ , ɑ̃.və.lɔ.pe dɑ̃nz‿œ̃ mɑ̃.to ʃo . il kɔ̃vɛ̃ʁ kə sə.lɥi ki ʁ lə pʁə.mje a fɛʁ ɑ̃ sɔ̃ mɑ̃.to o vwa.ja.ʒœʁ də.vɛ ɛtʁ kɔ̃ʁe kɔm ply fɔʁ kə lotʁ/

Le vent du nord et le soleil se disputaient quel était le plus fort lorsqu'un voyageur arrivait , enveloppé dans un manteau chaud . Ils convinrent que celui qui réussit le premier à faire enlever son manteau au voyageur devait être considéré comme plus fort que l'autre
  • ỹ > œ̃
  • ɔ̃ > õ
  • ɑ̃ > ɔ̃
  • ɛ̃ > æ̃
  • /ʁ/ becomes a syllabic consonant in {C, V}C_{C, #} sequences.
/lə vɔ̃ dy nɔʁ e lə sɔ.lɛj səɛ kɛl e.tɛ lə ply fɔʁ lɔʁs.kæ̃ vwa.ja.ʒœʁ a.ʁ , ɔ̃.və.lɔ.pe dɔ̃nz‿œ̃ mɔ̃.to ʃo . il kõvæ̃ʁ kə sə.lɥi ki ʁ lə pʁə.mje a fɛʁ ɔ̃ sõ mɔ̃.to o vwa.ja.ʒœʁ də.vɛ ɛ.tʁ̩ kõʁe kɔm ply fɔʁ kə lo.tʁ̩/

Le vent du nord et le soleil se disputaient quel était le plus fort lorsqu'un voyageur arrivait , enveloppé dans un manteau chaud . Ils convinrent que celui qui réussit le premier à faire enlever son manteau au voyageur devait être considéré comme plus fort que l'autre
Last edited by Neonnaut on Mon Aug 02, 2021 10:37 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Rounin Ryuuji
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Rounin Ryuuji »

  • Fortition of [ə] to [i] terminally, and [ɛ] elsewhere;
  • Chain shift of [y ø œ e ɔ o] > [ɥi øy jɛ jø we wo], however most function words are unaffected; the change sometimes fails to occur in pretonic open syllables; the morpheme; a dialect form becomes prevalent, merging the past participle -é(e) with -ie instead; the above shift causes some instances of initial [o] to shift to [wo], causing them to be perceived as consonant-initial, and separating the definite article from them;
  • Nasal vowels denasalise; in monosyllables, they frequently eject a nasal into the coda, but elsewhere, the nasalisalisation is lost without trace; a following nasal consnant blocks this shift;
  • The vowels [æ e æ o] merge with [ɛ i ø wo], except that [je we] merge with [jɛ wɛ];
  • The use of the simple past disappears entirely, even from the literary language;
  • The Académie authorises a spelling reform replacing e with i where schwa has been fortified, but now é is a common spelling of [i] (though popularly, i or y is preferred); diphthongisation of [ɔ] > [wɛ] is represented graphically as oe, but [wo] is represented usually as au, eau, ô, with some in favour of adding w, but the Académie being still resistant; shifted nasal vowels are also represented graphically; [øy], which does not appear in this sample, is represented êu;
  • Bowing to public pressure, it does allow the third-person plural verbal forms to be written identically to the singulars;
[li vɔn dy nwɛʁ i li swɛ.lɛj si dis.pɥi.tɛ kɛl i.tɛ li plɥi fwoʁ lwoʁs.kɛn vwa.ja.ʒjøʁ a.ʁi.vɛ | ɔ.vɛ.lwɛ.pi dɔnz‿ɛn mɔ.two ʃwo. il zon ki sɛ.lɥi ki ʁi.ɥi.sɛ li pʁɛ.mjɛ a fɛʁ ɔ.lɛ.vjɛ swon mɔ.two wo vwa.ja.ʒjøʁ dɛ.vɛ ɛ.tʁ̩ɛ.ʁi kɔm plɥi fwɛʁ ki li wo.tʁ̩]

Académie Orthogrpahy: Li vont du noerd é li soeleil si dispuitait quel était li pluis foert lôrsqu'en voyagieur arrivait , enveloeppi dons en moteau chaud. Ils ont dicédi qui celui qui réhuissit li premier à faire olevier sôn moteau au voyagieur divait être côsidieri comme pluis foert qui li autre

Popular Orthography: Li vont du noerd i li soeleil si dispuitait quel itait li pluis foert lworsqu'en voyagieur arrivait, enveloeppi dons en motweau chweaud. Ils ont dicidi qui celui qui rihuissait li premier a faire olevier swon montweau wau voyagieur devait être kwosidoeri comme pluis foert qui li wautre.

(There are multiple variants on the popular orthography, which is mostly used informally. Some still write using a more conservative style, but a spirit of newness and innovation has caused this to come off as rather stodgy.)
Last edited by Rounin Ryuuji on Mon Aug 02, 2021 11:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by bradrn »

I find your changes unusually implausible. I don’t believe the Académie has ever bowed to popular pressure.

(Also, I think you missed a [/bk] in your first line.)
  1. In coda: sC s# ʁ l → Cː ∅ ∅ n, unless it can be resyllabified
  2. Coda nasals assimilate in PoA to next consonant, or → [ŋ] if followed by a vowel; then further resyllabification
  3. jɛ jø ɥi wa wɛ wo → iə̆ ʏɵ̆ ʉĭ uɔ̆ uə̆ uŏ / C_
  4. p t k b d ɡ mb nd nz → pʰ tʰ kʰ p t k b d z
  5. v → w; wuV̆ → wV
  6. Académie fades into irrelevance; popular orthography takes over
(The motivation behind some of the more curious changes here is that French already seems to be in the early stages of an open-syllable conspiracy; I’m just helping it along a bit.)

[li wɔ‿dy nuə̆.ʁ‿i li suə̆.lɛj si ti.pʰːʉĭ.tʰɛ kʰɛ.ŋ‿i.tʰɛ li pʰlʉĭ fuŏ luŏ.kːɛm wɔ.ja.ʒʏɵ̆.ʁ‿a.ʁi.wɛ | ɔ.wɛ.luə̆.pʰi tɔ.z‿ɛm‿ːɔ.tʰuŏ ʃuŏ ‖ i‿zo‿ kʰi sɛ.lʉĭ kʰi ʁi.ɥi.sɛ li pʰʁɛ.miə̆ a fɛ.ʁ‿ɔ.lɛ.wiə̆ suŏm‿ːɔ.tʰuŏ wo wɔ.ja.ʒʏɵ̆ tɛ.vɛ ɛ.tʰʁ̩ kʰuŏ.si.tiə̆.ʁi kɔ.m‿plʉĭ fuə̆ kʰi li wo.tʰʁ̩]

Li vont du noerd i li soeleil si dispuitait quel itait li pluis foert lworsqu'en voyagieur arrivait, enveloeppi dons en motweau chweaud. Ils ont dicidi qui celui qui rihuissait li premier a faire olevier swon montweau wau voyagieur devait être kwosidoeri comme pluis foert qui li wautre.

Also, one change I’d quite like to do is to properly merge the ‘clitics’ into the verb. (For all intents and purposes they already are part of the verb today, but this isn’t yet reflected in the transcription or the orthography.) However, I’ll need a gloss for that. Alternately, I’d be grateful if any French-speakers here could do this for me.
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Rounin Ryuuji
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Rounin Ryuuji »

bradrn wrote: Mon Aug 02, 2021 9:12 am I find your changes unusually implausible. I don’t believe the Académie has ever bowed to popular pressure.
It was trying to avoid fading into irrelevance, and appears to have failed at that.

(Did you think any of the actual changes were implausible?)
(Also, I think you missed a [/bk] in your first line.)
  • Aspirate stops [pʰ tʰ kʰ] lenite to voiceless fricatives [ɸ θ x];
  • Geminates shift to close preceding syllables;
  • Nonsyllabic schwa assimilates somewhat to the preceding vowel;
  • Before consonants, [ʁ̩] vocalises to [ɐ];
  • [d t] > [dʒ tʃ] before front rounded vowels;
  • A few minor orthographic changes; "oe" and non-initial "wau/weau" tend to lose the "w"; "wau" reverts to the historical spelling "au"; unpronounced nasal consonants are often deleted; ô is used to distinguish [o] from [ɔ] when there is no initial glide.
[li wɔ‿dʒy nuŏ.ʁ‿i li suŏ.lɛj si tiɸ.ɸʉĭ.θɛ xɛ.ŋ‿i.θɛ li ɸlʉĭ fuŏ luŏk.kɛm wɔ.ja.ʒʏø̆.ʁ‿a.ʁi.wɛ | ɔ.wɛ.luŏ.ɸi tɔ.z‿ɛm‿ːɔ.θuŏ ʃuŏ ‖ i‿zo‿ xi sɛ.lʉĭ xi ʁi.ɥi.sɛ li ɸʁɛ.miĕ a fɛ.ʁ‿ɔ.lɛ.wiĕ suŏm‿ːɔ.tʰuŏ wo wɔ.ja.ʒʏø̆ tɛ.vɛ ɛ.θɐ xuŏ.si.tiĕ.ʁi kɔ.m‿plʉĭ fuŏ xi li wo.θɐ]

Li vot du noerd i li soeleil si disputait qu'en itait li pluis foert loersqu'en voyagieur arrivait, oveloeppi dos e moteau choed. Ils ôt dicidi qui celui qui rihuissait li premier a faire olevier soe moteau au voyagieur devait être coesidoeri comme pluis foert qui li woetre.
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Nortaneous »

1) iĕ yø̆ uŏ > iə øə uə; ʉi̯ > øj
2) ɥ > j
3) Most cases of liaison are generalized to linking and intrusive ʁ, but some remain
4) ɸC- > Cw-
5) VC: > VˀC (probably via V̆C)
6) pl > tɬ
7) Educational standards decline; a hardly-standardized social media orthography takes over

[li wɔ dʒy nuəʁ‿i li suəlɛj si tiˀɸøjθɛ xɛŋ‿iθɛ li lwøj fuə luəˀkɛm wɔjaʒøəʁ‿aʁiwɛ | ɔwɛluəɸi tɔʁ‿ɛˀ mɔθuə ʃuə ‖ iz‿o tisiti xi sɛløj xi ʁijisɛ li ʁwɛmiəʁ‿a fɛʁ‿ɔlɛwiə suəˀ mɔtʰuə wo wɔjaʒøə tɛvɛ ɛθɐ xuəsitiəʁi kɔ tɬøj fuə xi li woθɐ]
Li vot du noer i li soeleil si dipputait quen itait li lvu foer loeqquen voyagieur arrivait, oveloepi dor epmoteau choe. Is ôt dicidi qui celui qui riyissait li rouemier a faire olevie soepmoteau au voyagieur devait etre coesidieri co tlu foer qui li woetre.
Duaj teibohnggoe kyoe' quaqtoeq lucj lhaj k'yoejdej noeyn tucj.
K'yoejdaq fohm q'ujdoe duaj teibohnggoen dlehq lucj.
Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq.
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by bradrn »

Rounin Ryuuji wrote: Mon Aug 02, 2021 11:40 am (Did you think any of the actual changes were implausible?)
Denasalisation ejecting coda strikes me as odd for French, but the rest seemed fine.
Nortaneous wrote: Mon Aug 02, 2021 9:21 pm [li wɔ dʒy nuəʁ‿i li suəlɛj si tiˀɸøjθɛ xɛŋ‿iθɛ li lwøj fuə luəˀkɛm wɔjaʒøəʁ‿aʁiwɛ | ɔwɛluəɸi tɔʁ‿ɛˀ mɔθuə ʃuə ‖ iz‿o tisiti xi sɛløj xi ʁijisɛ li ʁwɛmiəʁ‿a fɛʁ‿ɔlɛwiə suəˀ mɔtʰuə wo wɔjaʒøə tɛvɛ ɛθɐ xuəsitiəʁi kɔ tɬøj fuə xi li woθɐ]
  1. Vˀ Vəˀ → VʔV Vʔə
  2. Və Vj → V
  3. ø → e
  4. lw ʁw → w
  5. ɸ θ → f
  6. v → w
  7. Tahitians have enough, overthrow government, mandate new orthography
[li wɔ dʒy nuʁ‿i li sulɛ si tiʔifefɛ xɛŋ‿ifɛ li we fu luʔəkɛm wɔjaʒeʁ‿aʁiwɛ | ɔwɛlufi tɔʁ‿ɛʔɛ mɔfu ʃu ‖ iz‿o tisiti xi sɛle xi ʁijisɛ li wɛmiʁ‿a fɛʁ‿ɔlɛwi suʔə mɔtʰu wo wɔjaʒe tɛwɛ ɛfɐ xusitiʁi kɔ tɬe fu xi li wofɐ]

Li vo dī nu i li sule si tiʻifēfe heng ife li vē fu luʻūkem voyajē arive, ovelufi to eʻe mofu chu. Iz o tisiti hi selē hi riyise li vemi a fe olevi suʻū mothu vō voyajē teve efa husitiri ko tlē fu hi li vōfa.
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Rounin Ryuuji
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Rounin Ryuuji »

  • Palatalisation of [l ʁ s t dʒ ʒ x f] > [ʎ ç ɕ cɕ ɟʑ ʑ ç ç] before [i y e]; [tɬ] merges with [cɕ]
  • Deaspiration of aspirate stops;
  • Terminal [ŋ] > [w]
  • [w] > [v]
  • Deletion of glottal stops, and often intervocalic fricatives, and coalescence of vowels into new long vowels [ii ɛɛ eɛ uə ui ɔu ɛɐ oɐ] > [iː ɛː eː uː yː oː jaː oː]; [iji oja ɛwi ɛwɛ ] also collapse to [iː (w)aː jyː joː]; [ɛw] > [øː]
  • Loss of initial [x];
  • Educational standards improve drastically, and interest in historical forms of French produces a highly historicised orthography:
Li vont du noerd i li souleil si tîrê eû ifait li vé foert loûqu'en voiagiér arrivait, onvelût tor aî meaut chout. Ils ôt ticiti qui selé quîsait li vermir à faire onlûr soû meaut vôt tiôt yât ousitiri quo té fou ri li veaut.
[ʎi vɔ ɟʑy nuʁ‿i ʎi sulɛ ɕi ɕciːçeː øː(w)‿ifɛ ʎi ve fu luːkɛm vwaːʑeʁ‿açivɛ | ɔvɛlyː tɔʁ‿ɛː moː ʃu ‖ iz‿o cɕiɕicɕi çi sɛʎe çi çiːsɛ ʎi vɛmiʁ‿a fɛʁ‿ɔljyː suː moː vo vwaː.ʑe cɕjoː jaː uɕicɕiçi kɔ cɕe fu çi ʎi voː]

This kind-of resembles some sort of Late Middle or Early Modern French, except without nasal vowels. Have we come full-circle?
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by bradrn »

Rounin Ryuuji wrote: Tue Aug 03, 2021 2:46 am Have we come full-circle?
I think this may be the case. Let’s do Bardi now:

[bɑːwɑ || midəbɑʊ || ɑɣɑl iːlɑ ɑɡɑl gɑrjɑɭ cirə cɑwɑl || midɑbɑːw jɪnɑ cɑwɑl ɑgɑl | iːlɑ || ɑɡɑl ɡɑrcɑɭ ‖ ŋɑnmɑn cibɑ || ulɒn | cubolɟubol ɪrɪn || ɻoəlɪ | ɪnɲɑ || miːdəbɑwə agal iːlə | bɑɖə | bɑlɪŋɑn || ɪnəmɪjɪn | miːdəbɑwnɪm ɪnɑmɪjɪn bɑːgɪdi | nɛːd ɪnəmɪjɪn | gɑɳɖɪ | bɑɖə | ruəl inɲə cubol inɟʊ || bɪləboŋɡon]





Conlangs: Scratchpad | Texts | antilanguage
Software: See
Other: Ergativity for Novices

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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Neonnaut »

Oh, okay.
I attempted a gloss if anyone's interested.

DEF wind of.the north and DEF sun 3(M).REFL dispute.3P.IMPF.IND which be.3S.IMPF.IND DEF more strong when.a traveller arive.3S.IMPF.IND ,
wrap.PPRT in INDEF cloak warm .
3P(M) agree.3P.PAST.HIST that who success.3S.PRS.IND DEF first to make remove 3S.GEN(M) cloak(M) to.the traveller be consider.PPRT as more strong than DEF=other
Otto Kretschmer
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Otto Kretschmer »

Who wants The entire The North wind and the sun in English,? Wikipedia has it in IPA transcription, it is enough to copypaste it
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by bradrn »

Otto Kretschmer wrote: Tue Aug 03, 2021 1:26 pm Who wants The entire The North wind and the sun in English,? Wikipedia has it in IPA transcription, it is enough to copypaste it
Not just yet, no. We’ve done lots of English texts already.
Conlangs: Scratchpad | Texts | antilanguage
Software: See
Other: Ergativity for Novices

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