Phrase evolution game

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Rounin Ryuuji
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Rounin Ryuuji »

Challenge accepted!
  • Glottal stops vocalise to [a] before or after other consonants, or lengthen a preceding vowel; if the preceding vowel is already long, they overlengthen it;
  • If an overlong vowel is present after a cluster, it shortens, and the same long vowel is inserted to break up the cluster;
  • Epinthesis of vowels to break up consonant clusters, usually whichever vowel is most "prominent" within the word;
  • [u ɯ] > [y u]
  • [l ŋ nj tj kj] > [j ɲ ɲ c͡ɕ c͡ɕ]; [jj] > [j];
  • Voiceless stops and fricatives become aspirated;
  • Vowels in open monosyllables lengthen;
  • Writing gets this fancy new invention called "spaces", but the orthography remains surprisingly conservative (the orthography is designed to have a pseudoclassical look rather than to be particularly scientific).

孔子、大儒 也。诸 夏人 皆 习 其 书 。
Coiónia saliú dáza nió iáia. Ciá Gáránin ciríi iubiu gú haia.
[kʰo'joː.ɲa a.sʰa'lyː 'daːd͡zaɲoː jaː.ja || c͡ɕʰaː ɡaː'raːɲin c͡ɕʰiriːji jyby ɡuː haja]
"Confucius was a great scholar. All Chinese people study his books"

Congratulations on your new baby polysyllabic Sinitic language.
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Neonnaut »

  • ɲ c͡ɕ d͡z n t d s > n t d n̪ t̪ d̪ s̪
  • Word final nasals become pre-stopped.
  • yː → ø / _j, j_
  • yː → ij
  • o oː u uː a aː i iː > ʌ o ɯ u e a i ij
孔子、大儒 也。诸 夏人 皆 习 其 书 。
Coiónia saliú dáza nió iáia. Ciá Gáránin ciríi iubiu gú haia.
[kʰʌ'jɔnɛ ɛs̪ʰɛ'lij 'd̪adɛnɔ jajɛ || tʰa ɡa'raniᵈn̪ tʰirijji jœby ɡu hɛjɛ]
"Confucius was a great scholar. All Chinese people study his books"
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Rounin Ryuuji
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Rounin Ryuuji »

  • Loss of [j] before high vowels; [jj] > [j]; [aɛ ɛɛ] > [aː uː];
  • Smoothing of [ij ii] > [ei] > [eː]
  • Short vowels in open, stressed syllables lengthen;
  • Unstressed pretonic and posttonic short vowels shift, [ʌ a i ɛ y] > [ɐ ɐ ɪ ʊ]
  • Intervocalic [d] > [ð]

孔子、大儒 也。诸 夏人 皆 习 其 书 。
Caióny esylé dádyno iá. Ta garányn tyré iéobu gú hí.
[kʰɐ'jɔːnɪ ɛs̪ʰɪ'leː 'd̪aː.ðɪ.nɔ jaː || tʰaː ɡɐ'raːnɪᵈn̪ tʰɪ'reː 'jœːbʊ ɡuː hiː]
"Confucius was a great scholar. All Chinese people study his books"
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Neonnaut »

  • j > dʑ / V_V
  • ɐ, ɪ, ʊ elide before a stressed syllable
  • s̪ > ɕ / before high vowels
  • œː > eː
  • ð d̪ s̪ n̪ > l ð θ n
  • 'V{b, d, g}V > V{b'b, d'd, g'g}V
  • V{b, d, g}V > V{bb, dd, gg}V
  • b d g > p t k
  • consonant clusters become homorganic
  • ɪ ʊ ɔ > ə ə ɒ

孔子、大儒 也。诸 夏人 皆 习 其 书 。
Caióny esylé dádyno iá. Ta garányn tyré iéobu gú hí.
['kʰtɕʰɒːnə ɛɕʰ'leː 'ðaːlə.nɒ jaː || tʰaː 'ɡraːnən 'tʰreː jeːp'pə ɡuː hiː]
"Confucius was a great scholar. All Chinese people study his books"
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Rounin Ryuuji
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Rounin Ryuuji »

  • [ə] > [i], insertion of [i] to break up consonant clusters;
  • [h] > [ɕʰ] before front vowels;
  • [eː iː] > [ɛi], [aː] > [ɛː] > [iɛ], [ɒː uː] > [ou]
  • [ɒ] > [a]
  • [kʰ tʰ g n] > [c͡çʰ sʰ ɟ͡ʝ ɟ͡ʑ] before front vowels; [j] > [ɟ͡ʑ] before [i ɛ]
  • [ð] > [θ]
孔子、大儒 也。诸 夏人 皆 习 其 书 。
Kichouji eshilei thielina jie. Sie giriejin sirei jeippi gou shei.
['c͡çʰitɕʰouɟ͡ʑi ɛɕʰi'lɛi 'θiɛ ɟ͡ʑiɛ || sʰiɛ 'ɟ͡ʝiriɛɟ͡ʑin 'sʰirɛi ɟ͡ʑɛip'pi ɡou ɕʰɛi]
"Confucius was a great scholar. All Chinese people study his books"
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Neonnaut »

[*] x > q
[*] ʊw > əw
[*] definite article marks noun phrase instead if all nouns agree.
[*] l > j /{k, g}_
[*] s > i / …V_#
[*] θ > ð /#(C...)_, V_V
[*] ɛ ɔ ɛ̃ ɔ̃ > e o ɛ ɔ
[*] w̃ r̃ > ŋʷ r
[*] Other nasalised approximates > ɲ
[*] k g > kʷ gʷ /_u, _o
[*] Ṽ > ə̃
[*] y > ø

[ndouθ ˌŋɛːn͜ ɔw ðɔw | qwaː ʒøsˈpøjrej ˈɡøji ɡeθ nqə̆ˈɲɛnza | d͡zŋʷɛ ə̃ˈrŋʷɛ sɛː ʃə̆laːwera ˈlowt ɛː ˈkjəwk ˈŋɔː ]
N' Dorth Ŵen un Sun, hwar dichpuir-lei ŵuich ŵes n’ strenza, dwen alen chen trarwela lowt en kloawk ŵon.

[aɡə̆ˈløjkrej nek nej ˈŋʷɔw qwəw ˈqwaθk ðekˈθə̃ɲd͡zɛd ɛː ˈbijsɛː neʃə̆ˈlaːwera ˈsejkʷow jøθ ˈkjəwk ʃə̃d bij ʃɛˈqə̃də̃d qə̆ˈɲɛza ɲɛ naːra]
Agruik-lei nek nei wun hwuw fask seksirdend en berchen ne’trarwela cheikow yis kloawk schand bir schenchidand strenza nien n’arla.

[ɔːn͜ aː ˈnaθk ˈzejqwow ndouθ ˈŋɛː nʃɛŋʷə̃t ‖ ˈɲɛ ˈʃɔːdaːk ˈŋɔːrij nðɔw | ɔw øˈbøjʒijri nʃə̆ˈlaːwera ˈsakʷow jøθ ˈkjəwk]
Un ar nask zeifow n' Dorth Ŵen n' schewnt. Nien schondark ŵonlei n’ Sun, un ibuiderli n’ trarwela chakow yis kloawk.

Can someone please do something with stress? I can't think of anything.
Last edited by Neonnaut on Sun Sep 19, 2021 2:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Rounin Ryuuji
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Rounin Ryuuji »

Can someone please do something with stress? I can't think of anything.
Well, all right.
  • Non-nasal vowels in stressed open syllables lengthen, then break to diphthongs; pre-existing long vowels in stressed closed syllables also break, but along different lines;
  • Preconsonantal [n] vocalises to [ɐ], schwa denasalises, and all schwa merge with [ɐ] except where the first element of a diphthong, where it merges with [ø];
  • Coda fricatives before stops vocalise, influenced by the vowel that comes before.
  • Definite article reinserted before "Sun";
  • Checked diphthongs smooth to new long vowels: [ou~ow ɔw øj ej øw ij] > [oː oː yː eː øː iː]
  • [ʃ ʒ] > [ɕ ʑ] before high front vowels, > [s z] elsewhere;
  • Satemisation — [q ŋ k g] > [k g c͡ɕ ɟ͡ʑ], but the shift of [k g] is blocked by labialisation;

    [ɐ'doːθ ˌŋɛɐn͜ ɔː ɐðɔː | kwaɐ zøsˈpyːreː ˈɟ͡ʑiø.ji ɟ͡ʑeθ ɐkɐˈɲɛ | d͡zgʷiɛ ɐˈrgʷiɛ sɛɐ sɐ'laɐ.we.ra ˈloːt ɛɐ ˈc͡ɕøːc͡ɕ ˈŋɔɐ]
    A Doorth Whernd oon a Sun, cwar zöspüülee jiöyi jeth a canyenza, dzwhen arwhie ser serlarwelar loot er chööch whor.

    [a.ɟ͡ʑɐˈlyːc͡ɕ.reː nec͡ɕ neː ˈgʷɔɐ kwøː ˈcwaɐk ðekˈθɐɲd͡zɛd ɛɐ ˈbiː.sɛɐ a.ʃɐˈlaɐ.we.ra ˈseːkʷoː jøθ ˈc͡ɕøːc͡ɕ sɐd biː sɛˈkɐdɐd kɐˈɲiɛ.za ɲɛ naɐra]
    Ajarlüüch-lee nech nee whoar cweou cwark seksarndzed er biesern a sarlarwelar seecwo yeos chööch serd bi seckerderd canyieza nye n aarla.

    [ɔɐn͜ aɐ ˈnaɐk ˈzeːkwoː ɐdoːθ ˈŋiɛ ɐ ɕiɛ.gʷɐt ‖ ˈɲiɛ ˈsɔɐ.daɐk ˈgɔɐ.riː ɐ'ðoː | oː øˈbyː.ʑiː.ri ɐsɐˈlaɐwera ˈsakʷoː jøθ ˈc͡ɕjøːc͡ɕ]
    Oarn aar naarc zeecwo a' Doorth Whernd a schiwhert. Nyie schordaarc whoarli a Sun, oo öbüüjilili a sarlarwelar sacwo yös chööch.
Otto Kretschmer
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Otto Kretschmer »

Pater noster, qui es in caelis,
sanctificetur nomen tuum.
Adveniat regnum tumu.
Fiat voluntas tua,
sicut in caelo, et in terra.
Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie,
et dimitte nobis debita nostra,
sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris.
Et ne nos inducas in tentationem,
sed libera nos a malo

1. Shift to pitch accent. It is very clumsy and random

[Páter nostér, kùi ès ín káilis,
sânktificètur nõmen túum.
Adwéniat regnúm.túum
Fìat võlúntas túa,
sìcut in káilo, èt ín tèrra.
Pànem nostrúm quótidiànum dá nobís hódie,
èt dímitte nobís dèbita nostrá,
sìcut èt nòs dímittimûs dèbitoribûs nostrís.
èt né nòs înducas ín tèntátionem,
sèd libéra nòs á màlo
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Rounin Ryuuji
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Rounin Ryuuji »

  • Short and long vowels merge in quality, but quantity is maintained;
  • Short /u/ becomes /o/ before nasal consonants and /r/;
  • Nasalisation of vowels before coda nasals has not yet occurred;
  • The pitch accent regularises a bit, such that
    • Short stressed syllables have high pitch, unstressed short syllables have low pitch;
    • Unstressed function words also have low pitch;
    • Initial stressed dipthongs have high pitch on both elements, and then a pitch drop after if the following syllable is short;
    • A long vowel following a high pitch has low pitch all through;
    • An initial long vowel has high pitch, and a following short syllable has low;
    • Long vowels in function words also have low pitch.
  • Represented vowel length and some other details more clearly.
Pater noster qui es in caelis
[pá.t̪è̞ɾ̪ n̪ó̞s̺.t̪è̞ɾ̪ kwì é̞s̺ ìn̪ káí.l̪ìs̺]

Sānctificētor nōmen tuom
[s̺áːŋ.ktì.fí.kè̞ː.t̪ò̞ɾ̪ n̪ó̞ː.mè̞n̪ t̪ú.wò̞m]

Adveniat rēgnom tuom.
[ád.wé̞.njàt̪ ɾ̪éːŋ.n̪ò̞m t̪ú.wò̞m]

Fīat volontās tua.
[fíː.jàt̪ vò̞.ló̞n̪.t̪àːs̺ t̪ú.wà.]

Sīcut in caelo, et in terra.
[s̺íː.kùt̪ ìn̪ káí.l̪ò̞ | é̞t̪ ìn̪ t̪éɾ̪.ɾ̪à]

Pānem nostrom quotīdiānom dā nōbis hodiē.
[páː.n̪è̞m nós̺.t̪ɾ̪ò̞m kwò̞.t̪íː.d̪jáː.n̪ò̞m dáː nó̞ː.bìs̪ hò.dì.jéː]

Et dīmitte nōbis dēbita nostra
[è̞t̪ d̪íː.mìt̪.t̪è̞ nó̞ː.bìs̪ d̪é̞ː.bì.t̪à n̪ó̞s̺.t̪ɾ̪à]

Sīcut et nōs dīmittimus dēbitōribus nostris.
[s̺íː.kùt̪ è̞t̪ n̪óːs̺ d̪íː.mìt̪.t̪í.mùs̺ d̪é̞ː.bì.t̪ó͉ː.rì.bùs̺ nó̞s̺.t̪ɾ̪ìs̺]

Et nē nōs indūcās in tentātiōnem
[è̞t̪ n̪è̞ː n̪ó̞ːs̺ ìn̪.d̪úː.kàːs̺ ìn̪ t̪èn̪.t̪àː't̪jó̞ː.n̪è̞m]

Sed lībera nōs a malō
[s̺èd̪ líː.bè̞.ɾ̪à n̪ó̞ːs̺ a má.l̪ò̞ː]

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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Neonnaut »

  • v h > b x
  • w > ɰ / ! _V[+round]
  • k > h /V_V, #_
  • kʷ > w
  • A nasal preceding a nasal changes to the preceding nasal's POA
Pater noster qui es in caelis
[pá.t̪è̞ɾ̪ n̪ó̞s̺.t̪è̞ɾ̪ wì é̞s̺ ìn̪ háí.l̪ìs̺]

Sānctificētor nōmen tuom
[s̺áːŋ.ktì.fí.hè̞ː.t̪ò̞ɾ̪ n̪ó̞ː.mè̞n̪ t̪ú.wò̞m]

Adveniat rēgnom tuom.
[ád.ɰé̞.njàt̪ ɾ̪éːŋ.ŋò̞m t̪ú.wò̞m]

Fīat volontās tua.
[fíː.jàt̪ bò̞.ló̞n̪.t̪àːs̺ t̪ú.ɰà.]

Sīcut in caelo, et in terra.
[s̺íː.hùt̪ ìn̪ háí.l̪ò̞ | é̞t̪ ìn̪ t̪éɾ̪.ɾ̪à]

Pānem nostrom quotīdiānom dā nōbis hodiē.
[páː.n̪è̞m nós̺.t̪ɾ̪ò̞m wò̞.t̪íː.d̪jáː.n̪ò̞m dáː nó̞ː.bìs̪ xò.dì.jéː]

Et dīmitte nōbis dēbita nostra
[è̞t̪ d̪íː.mìt̪.t̪è̞ nó̞ː.bìs̪ d̪é̞ː.bì.t̪à n̪ó̞s̺.t̪ɾ̪à]

Sīcut et nōs dīmittimus dēbitōribus nostris.
[s̺íː.hùt̪ è̞t̪ n̪óːs̺ d̪íː.mìt̪.t̪í.mùs̺ d̪é̞ː.bì.t̪ó͉ː.rì.bùs̺ nó̞s̺.t̪ɾ̪ìs̺]

Et nē nōs indūcās in tentātiōnem
[è̞t̪ n̪è̞ː n̪ó̞ːs̺ ìn̪.d̪úː.hàːs̺ ìn̪ t̪èn̪.t̪àː't̪jó̞ː.n̪è̞m]

Sed lībera nōs a malō
[s̺èd̪ líː.bè̞.ɾ̪à n̪ó̞ːs̺ a má.l̪ò̞ː]

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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by bradrn »

  1. Further pitch accent simplification: V̀V́ → V́V́ (iteratively)
  2. h → ∅
  3. Monophthongisation: ai i(j)e uwo → iː eː oː; iːV uːV → ijV uwV; e̞ː o̞ː → ɛ ɔ
  4. ɾɾ → rr
  5. x k → k ɰ
  6. s → ∅ / _C
  7. p b → b w
  8. V̆# → ə
Pater noter vi es in aelis.
[báꜜt̪è̞ɾ̪ n̪ó̞ꜜt̪è̞ɾ̪ ꜜwə̀ é̞s̺ ꜜìn̪ éːꜜl̪ìs̺]

Sānⱶtifētor nōmen tuom.
[s̺áːŋɯ́tíꜜfɛ̀ːt̪ò̞ɾ̪ n̪ɔ́ːꜜmè̞n̪ ꜜt̪òːm]

Adⱶeniat rēgnom tuom.
[ádɰé̞nꜜjàt̪ ɾ̪ɛ́ːŋꜜŋò̞m ꜜt̪òːm]

Fīat volontās tūⱶa.
[fíːjàt̪ wó̞ló̞n̪ꜜt̪àːs̺ t̪úꜜɰə̀]

Sīut in aelo, et in terra.
[s̺íꜜjùt̪ ꜜìn̪ éːꜜl̪ə̀ | é̞t̪ ꜜìn̪ t̪é̞rꜜrə̀]

Pānem notrom votīdiānom dā nōvis codae.
[báːꜜn̪è̞m nóꜜt̪ɾ̪ò̞m wó̞t̪íːd̪jáːꜜn̪ò̞m dáː nɔ̞́ːꜜwìs̪ kódéː]

Et dīmitte nōvis dēvita notra.
[ꜜè̞t̪ d̪íːꜜmìt̪t̪ə̀ nɔ̞́ːꜜwìs̪ d̪ɛ́ːꜜwìt̪à n̪ó̞ꜜt̪ɾ̪à]

Sīut et nōs dīmittimus dēvitōrius notris.
[s̺íꜜjùt̪ ꜜè̞t̪ n̪ɔ́ːs̺ d̪íːmít̪t̪íꜜmùs̺ d̪ɛ́ːwít̪ɔ́ːꜜrìwùs̺ nó̞ꜜt̪ɾ̪ìs̺]

Et nē nōs induās in tentātiōnem.
[ꜜè̞t̪ ꜜn̪ɛ̀ː n̪ɔ́ːs̺ ìn̪d̪úꜜwàːs̺ ꜜìn̪ t̪é̞n̪t̪áːt̪jɔ́ːꜜn̪è̞m]

Sed līvera nōs a malō.
[s̺èd̪ líːꜜwè̞ɾ̪ə̀ n̪ɔ̞́ːs̺ ə́ máꜜl̪ɔ̀ː]

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Rounin Ryuuji
Posts: 2994
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Rounin Ryuuji »

  • [e] > [æ] before coda rhotics;
  • [u ɯ w ɰ] > [y u ɥ w];
  • [k g t d s] > [c͡ç ɟʝ c͡ɕ ɟ͡ʑ ɕ] before front vowels and [j], in which case [j] is absorbed; [s] > [ɕ] also occurs in coda after; [f] > [ç] before [i];
  • Semivowels trigger certain shifts: [ɥə wi wə we] > [jy jy wo jo]
  • Initial semivowels are lost before vowels of similar roundness or frontness.
  • Minor changes to the orthography, tending to mark [y] as < y > , but orthographic conservatism elsewhere holds.
Pater noter jy es in aelis.
[báꜜt̪æ̀ɾ̪ n̪ó̞ꜜc͡ɕæ̀ɾ̪ ꜜjỳ é̞ɕ ꜜìn̪ éːꜜl̪ìɕ]

Sāncutifētor nōmen tuom.
[s̺áː.ŋú.c͡ɕíꜜfɛ̀ːt̪ò̞ɾ̪ n̪ɔ́ːꜜmè̞n̪ ꜜt̪òːm]

Adveniat rēgnom tuom.
[ádɟ͡ʑónꜜjàt̪ ɾ̪ɛ́ːŋꜜŋò̞m ꜜt̪òːm]

Fīat volontās tyo.
[çíːjàt̪ ó̞ló̞n̪ꜜt̪àːs̺ c͡ɕýꜜwò]

Sīyt in aelo, et in terra.
[ɕíꜜjỳt̪ ꜜìn̪ éːꜜl̪ə̀ | é̞t̪ ꜜìn̪ c͡ɕǽrꜜrə̀]

Pānem notrom votīdiānom dā nōjys codae.
[báːꜜn̪è̞m nóꜜt̪ɾ̪ò̞m wó̞.c͡ɕíːɟ͡ʑáːꜜn̪ò̞m dáː nɔ̞́ːꜜjỳs̪ kóɟ͡ʑéː]

Et dīmitte nōjys dējyta notra.
[ꜜè̞t̪ ɟ͡ʑíːꜜmìt̪t̪ə̀ nɔ̞́ːꜜjỳɕ ɟ͡ʑɛ́ːꜜjỳt̪à n̪ó̞ꜜt̪ɾ̪à]

Sīyt et nōs dīmittimys dējytōrius notris.
[ɕíꜜjỳt̪ ꜜè̞t̪ n̪ɔ́ːs̺ ɟ͡ʑíːmíc.c͡ɕíꜜmỳs̺ ɟ͡ʑɛ́ːjý,t̪ɔ́ːꜜrìwỳs̺ nó̞ꜜt̪ɾ̪ìs̺]

Et nē nōs indyvās in tentātiōnem.
[ꜜè̞t̪ ꜜn̪ɛ̀ː n̪ɔ́ːs̺ ìn̪ɟ͡ʑýꜜwàːs̺ ꜜìn̪ c͡ɕé̞n̪t̪áːc͡ɕɔ́ːꜜn̪è̞m]

Sed līvera nōs a malō.
[ɕèd̪ líːꜜjòɾ̪ə̀ n̪ɔ̞́ːs̺ ə́ máꜜl̪ɔ̀ː]

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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Neonnaut »

  • c͡ɕ ɟ͡ʑ ɕ > c͡ç ɟ͡ʝ x
  • oː ɔː ɛː > uː oː eː
  • s j > θ s
  • θ > t̪͡θ /#_
  • t̪ɾ̪ > t̪͡θ
  • l n → r l̪ / #_
  • ɾ̪ > ∅ / V_V
  • ɾ̪ > l̪ /_#
  • ɾ̪ > r
Pater noter jy es in aelis.
[báꜜt̪æ̀l̪ l̪ó̞ꜜc͡çæ̀l̪ ꜜsỳ é̞x ꜜìn̪ éːꜜl̪ìx]

Sāncutifētor nōmen tuom.
[t̪͡θáː.ŋú.c͡çíꜜfèːt̪ò̞l̪ l̪óːꜜmè̞n̪ ꜜt̪ùːm]

Adveniat rēgnom tuom.
[ádɟ͡ʝónꜜsàt̪ réːŋꜜŋò̞m ꜜt̪ùːm]

Fīat volontās tyo.
[çíːsàt̪ ó̞l̪ó̞n̪ꜜt̪àːθ c͡çýꜜwò]

Sīyt in aelo, et in terra.
[xíꜜsỳt̪ ꜜìn̪ éːꜜl̪ə̀ | é̞t̪ ꜜìn̪ c͡çǽrꜜrə̀]

Pānem notrom votīdiānom dā nōjys codae.
[báːꜜn̪è̞m l̪óꜜt̪͡θò̞m wó̞.c͡çíːɟ͡ʝáːꜜn̪ò̞m dáː l̪óːꜜjỳθ kóɟ͡ʝéː]

Et dīmitte nōjys dējyta notra.
[ꜜè̞t̪ ɟ͡ʝíːꜜmìt̪t̪ə̀ l̪óːꜜsỳx ɟ͡ʝéːꜜsỳt̪à l̪ó̞ꜜt̪͡θà]

Sīyt et nōs dīmittimys dējytōrius notris.
[xíꜜsỳt̪ ꜜè̞t̪ l̪óːθ ɟ͡ʝíːmíc.c͡çíꜜmỳθ ɟ͡ʝéːsý,t̪óːꜜrìwỳθ l̪ó̞ꜜt̪͡θìθ]

Et nē nōs indyvās in tentātiōnem.
[ꜜè̞t̪ ꜜn̪èː l̪óːθ ìn̪ɟ͡ʝýꜜwàːθ ꜜìn̪ c͡çé̞n̪t̪áːc͡çóːꜜn̪è̞m]

Sed līvera nōs a malō.
[xèd̪ ríːꜜsòə̀ l̪óːθ ə́ máꜜl̪òː]

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doctor shark
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by doctor shark »

  • b d d̪ → β ð ð
  • Vx Vθ → Vː in word-final position
  • Vn Vm / in → Vɰ̃ / ij̃ in word-final position
  • ꜜCV̀C2 → ꜜCə̀C2 (if C2 is not a nasal consonant)
  • f → h
Pater noter jy es in aelis.
[βáꜜt̪ə̀l̪ l̪ó̞ꜜc͡çə̀l̪ ꜜsỳ é̞ː ꜜìj̃ éːꜜl̪iː]

Sāncutifētor nōmen tuom.
[t̪͡θáː.ŋú.c͡çíꜜhèːt̪ò̞l̪ l̪óːꜜmè̞ɰ̃ ꜜt̪ùːɰ̃]

Adveniat rēgnom tuom.
[áðɟ͡ʝónꜜsə̀t̪ réːŋꜜŋò̞ɰ̃ ꜜt̪ùːɰ̃]

Fīat volontās tyo.
[çíːsàt̪ ó̞l̪ó̞n̪ꜜt̪àː c͡çýꜜwò]

Sīyt in aelo, et in terra.
[xíꜜsə̀t̪ ꜜìj̃ éːꜜl̪ə̀ | é̞t̪ ꜜìj̃ c͡çǽrꜜrə̀]

Pānem notrom votīdiānom dā nōjys codae.
[βáːꜜn̪è̞ɰ̃ l̪óꜜt̪͡θò̞ɰ̃ wó̞.c͡çíːɟ͡ʝáːꜜn̪ò̞ɰ̃ ðáː l̪óːꜜjỳː kóɟ͡ʝéː]

Et dīmitte nōjys dējyta notra.
[ꜜè̞t̪ ɟ͡ʝíːꜜmìt̪t̪ə̀ l̪óːꜜsỳː ɟ͡ʝéːꜜsỳt̪à l̪ó̞ꜜt̪͡θà]

Sīyt et nōs dīmittimys dējytōrius notris.
[xíꜜsə̀t̪ ꜜè̞t̪ l̪óː ɟ͡ʝíːmíc.c͡çíꜜmỳː ɟ͡ʝéːsý,t̪óːꜜrìwỳː l̪ó̞ꜜt̪͡θìː]

Et nē nōs indyvās in tentātiōnem.
[ꜜè̞t̪ ꜜn̪èː l̪óː ìn̪ɟ͡ʝýꜜwàː ꜜìn̪ c͡çé̞n̪t̪áːc͡çóːꜜn̪è̞ɰ̃]

Sed līvera nōs a malō.
[xèð ríːꜜsòə̀ l̪óː ə́ máꜜl̪òː]

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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by bradrn »

Oh dear, looks like the text has gotten all cluttered up with [c͡ç ɟ͡ʝ y] again. Well, we know what to do about that!
  1. Notational change: get rid of tone marks on each vowel
  2. c͡ç ɟ͡ʝ → s
  3. y yː i iː → i iː ɨ iː, except before [j]
  4. l̪ → ɰ / in coda, → ɫ / otherwise
  5. ð → j / in coda, → ð̞ / otherwise
  6. t̪͡θ s ç x → s t͡s s h
  7. β → w
Vatêr lozêr zî ē in ēlī.
[waꜜt̪əɰ ɫo̞ꜜt͡səɰ ꜜt͡sɨ e̞ː ꜜij̃ eːꜜɫiː]

Sāgnuzîhētor lōmen tūm.
[saːŋut͡sɨꜜheːt̪o̞ɰ ɫoːꜜme̞ɰ̃ ꜜt̪uːɰ̃]

Aizonzêt rēgnom tūm.
[ajt͡sonꜜt͡sət̪ reːŋꜜŋo̞ɰ̃ ꜜt̪uːɰ̃]

Sīzat olontā sivo.
[siːꜜt͡sat̪ o̞ɫo̞n̪ꜜt̪aː siꜜwo]

Hîzêt in ēlê, et in zärrê.
[hɨꜜt͡sət̪ ꜜij̃ eːꜜɫə | e̞t̪ ꜜij̃ t͡særꜜrə]

Vānêm losom vozīzānom dā lōī cozē.
[waːꜜn̪e̞ɰ̃ ɫoꜜso̞ɰ̃ wo̞t͡siːt͡saːꜜn̪o̞ɰ̃ ð̞aː ɫoːꜜjiː kot͡seː]

Ët zīmîttê lōzī zēzita losa.
[ꜜe̞t̪ t͡siːꜜmɨt̪t̪ə ɫoːꜜt͡siː t͡seːꜜt͡sit̪a ɫo̞ꜜsa]

Hîzêt et lō zīmîzzîmī zēzitōrîvī losī.
[hɨꜜt͡sət̪ ꜜe̞t̪ ɫoː t͡siːmɨt͡s͡sɨꜜmiː t͡seːt͡sit̪oːꜜrɨwiː ɫo̞ꜜsiː]

Ët nē lō înzivā în zentāzōnêm.
[ꜜe̞t̪ ꜜn̪eː ɫoː ɨn̪t͡siꜜwaː ꜜɨn̪ t͡se̞n̪t̪aːt͡soːꜜn̪e̞ɰ̃]

Hêî rīzoê lō ê malō.
[hej riːꜜt͡soə ɫoː ə maꜜɫoː]

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Rounin Ryuuji
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Rounin Ryuuji »

  • Loss of [w]; [ɫ ɰ] > [w], but blocked by nasalisation;
  • Sequences of nasal + stop or [s] become voiced stops; [ŋ] > [j] in contact with front vowels, [g] elsewhere
  • [s] > [ɕ] before [i]; [t͡s] > [cɕ] before front vowels, > [s] elsewhere;
  • [əw wə] > [ow wo], loss of schwa elsewhere with compensatory lengthening of the preceding vowel if the syllable were previously open, but this is blocked by gemination, in which case [ə] > [a], which also happens in monosyllables;
  • Loss of [ɨ] before [iː]
Vatêr lozêr zî ē in ēlī.
[aꜜt̪ow wo̞ꜜsow ꜜsɨ e̞ː ꜜij̃ eːꜜwiː]

Sāgnuzîhētor lōmen tūm.
[saːgusɨꜜheːt̪o̞w woːꜜme̞ɰ̃ ꜜt̪uːɰ̃]

Aizonzêt rēgnom tūm.
[ajꜜsos̪t̪ reːjꜜjo̞ɰ̃ ꜜt̪uːɰ̃]

Sīzat olontā sivo.
[ɕiːꜜsat̪ o̞wo̞ꜜd̪aː ɕiꜜo]

Hîzt in ēlê, et in zärrê.
[hɨs̪t̪ ꜜij̃ eːꜜwo | e̞t̪ ꜜij̃ c͡ɕærꜜra]

Vānêm losom vozīzānom dā lōī cozē.
[aːꜜn̪e̞ɰ̃ woꜜso̞ɰ̃ o̞c͡ɕiːsaːꜜn̪o̞ɰ̃ ð̞aː woːꜜjiː koc͡ɕeː]

Ët zīmîttê lōzī zēzita losa.
[ꜜe̞t̪ c͡ɕiːꜜmɨt̪t̪ə ɫoːꜜc͡ɕiː c͡ɕeːꜜc͡ɕit̪a wo̞ꜜsa]

Hîzt et lō zīmîzzîmī zēzitōrîvī losī.
[hɨꜜs̪t̪ ꜜe̞t̪ woː c͡ɕiːmɨt͡s͡sɨꜜmiː c͡ɕeːc͡ɕit̪oːꜜriː wo̞ꜜɕiː]

Ët nē lō înzivā în zentāzōnêm.
[ꜜe̞t̪ ꜜn̪eː woː ɨɟ͡ʑiꜜwaː ꜜɨn̪ c͡ɕe̞.d̪aːsoːꜜn̪e̞ɰ̃]

Hêî rīzoê lō ê malō.
[hej riːꜜsoː woː a maꜜwoː]

Otto Kretschmer
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Otto Kretschmer »

Rounin Ryuuji wrote: Wed Sep 22, 2021 8:13 am
  • Loss of [w]; [ɫ ɰ] > [w], but blocked by nasalisation;
  • Sequences of nasal + stop or [s] become voiced stops; [ŋ] > [j] in contact with front vowels, [g] elsewhere
  • [s] > [ɕ] before [i]; [t͡s] > [cɕ] before front vowels, > [s] elsewhere;
  • [əw wə] > [ow wo], loss of schwa elsewhere with compensatory lengthening of the preceding vowel if the syllable were previously open, but this is blocked by gemination, in which case [ə] > [a], which also happens in monosyllables;
  • Loss of [ɨ] before [iː]
Vatêr lozêr zî ē in ēlī.
[aꜜt̪ow wo̞ꜜsow ꜜsɨ e̞ː ꜜij̃ eːꜜwiː]

Sāgnuzîhētor lōmen tūm.
[saːgusɨꜜheːt̪o̞w woːꜜme̞ɰ̃ ꜜt̪uːɰ̃]

Aizonzêt rēgnom tūm.
[ajꜜsos̪t̪ reːjꜜjo̞ɰ̃ ꜜt̪uːɰ̃]

Sīzat olontā sivo.
[ɕiːꜜsat̪ o̞wo̞ꜜd̪aː ɕiꜜo]

Hîzt in ēlê, et in zärrê.
[hɨs̪t̪ ꜜij̃ eːꜜwo | e̞t̪ ꜜij̃ c͡ɕærꜜra]

Vānêm losom vozīzānom dā lōī cozē.
[aːꜜn̪e̞ɰ̃ woꜜso̞ɰ̃ o̞c͡ɕiːsaːꜜn̪o̞ɰ̃ ð̞aː woːꜜjiː koc͡ɕeː]

Ët zīmîttê lōzī zēzita losa.
[ꜜe̞t̪ c͡ɕiːꜜmɨt̪t̪ə ɫoːꜜc͡ɕiː c͡ɕeːꜜc͡ɕit̪a wo̞ꜜsa]

Hîzt et lō zīmîzzîmī zēzitōrîvī losī.
[hɨꜜs̪t̪ ꜜe̞t̪ woː c͡ɕiːmɨt͡s͡sɨꜜmiː c͡ɕeːc͡ɕit̪oːꜜriː wo̞ꜜɕiː]

Ët nē lō înzivā în zentāzōnêm.
[ꜜe̞t̪ ꜜn̪eː woː ɨɟ͡ʑiꜜwaː ꜜɨn̪ c͡ɕe̞.d̪aːsoːꜜn̪e̞ɰ̃]

Hêî rīzoê lō ê malō.
[hej riːꜜsoː woː a maꜜwoː]

Sounds... Sinitic?
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Neonnaut »

  • Nasalized approximates become nasal stops of their corresponding POA
  • e → i / _N
  • e ɨ o > ə ə u
  • st → ss
  • t̪ d > ɾ /V_V
  • r > ɾ /! ɾ_
  • c͡ɕ ɕ ɟ͡ʑ ʑ > t͡ʃ ʃ d͡ʒ ʒ
  • w → ɡw / #_
  • l → ɬ / _t, #_
  • ð > l > ɮ
Vatêr lozêr zî ē in ēlī.
[aꜜɾuw ɡwuꜜsuw ꜜsə eː ꜜiɲ eːꜜwiː]

Sāgnuzîhētor lōmen tūm.
[saːgusəꜜheːɾuw ɡwoːꜜmiŋ ꜜt̪uːŋ]

Aizonzêt rēgnom tūm.
[ajꜜsuss ɾeːjꜜjuŋ ꜜt̪uːŋ]

Sīzat olontā sivo.
[ʃiːꜜsat̪ uwuꜜɾaː ʃiꜜu]

Hîzt in ēlê, et in zärrê.
[həss ꜜiɲ eːꜜwu | ət̪ ꜜiɲ t͡ʃærꜜra]

Vānêm losom vozīzānom dā lōī cozē.
[aːꜜn̪iŋ ɡwuꜜsuŋ ot͡ʃiːsaːꜜn̪uŋ ɮaː ɡwoːꜜjiː kut͡ʃeː]

Ët zīmîttê lōzī zēzita losa.
[ꜜət̪ t͡ʃiːꜜmət̪t̪ə ɫoːꜜt͡ʃiː t͡ʃeːꜜt͡ʃiɾa ɡwuꜜsa]

Hîzt et lō zīmîzzîmī zēzitōrîvī losī.
[həss ꜜət̪ ɡwoː t͡ʃiːmət͡s͡səꜜmiː t͡ʃeːt͡ʃiɾoːꜜɾiː ɡwuꜜʃiː]

Ët nē lō înzivā în zentāzōnêm.
[ꜜət̪ ꜜn̪eː ɡwoː əɟ͡ʑiꜜwaː ꜜən̪ t͡ʃə.ɾaːsoːꜜn̪iŋ]

Hêî rīzoê lō ê malō.
[həj ɾiːꜜsoː ɡwoː a maꜜwoː]

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Rounin Ryuuji
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Rounin Ryuuji »

  • Low-pitched terminal long vowels shorten, and low-pitch terminal short short vowels, and schwa, if possible, are lost with compensatory lengthening;
  • [uw uwu uː] > [æuw] > [ɛəu];
  • [sh] > [sk];
  • [iː eː aː oː æ] > [ɛj jɛ ɛə ɔə ɛə];
  • [aj əj] merge with [ɛj]; [ɮ] and intervocalic [j] with [ʒ];
  • [w] > [vʲ] before front vowels, being lost elsewhere, and always lost after consonants;
  • During the Romantic period, a new orthography emerges, influenced somewhat by other languages in Eastern Europe, created by authors desiring to preserve forever the "perfect sound" of the language, and literacy becomes more widespread.
Areău guseău să ie in ievi.
[aꜜɾɛəu ɡuꜜsɛəu ꜜsə jɛ ꜜiɲ jɛꜜvʲi]

Seăgsciereău goămiġ teăuġ.
[sɛəgusꜜkjɛɾɛəu ɡɔəꜜmiŋ ꜜt̪ɛəuŋ]

Eisuss riejjuġ teăuġ.
[ɛjꜜsuss ɾjɛjꜜjuŋ ꜜt̪eəuŋ]

Szeisat eăura szihu
[ʃɛiꜜsat̪ ɛəuꜜɾa ʃiꜜu]

Hăss in iehu ăt in czeărra.
[həss ꜜiɲ jɛꜜu | ət̪ ꜜiɲ t͡ʃɛərꜜra]

Eăniġ gusuġ oczeisegănuġ zseă goăzsi cuczie.
[ɛəꜜn̪iŋ ɡuꜜsuŋ ot͡ʃɛjsɛəꜜn̪uŋ ʒɛə ɡɔəꜜʒi kut͡ʃjɛ]

Ăt czeimăttă loăczi czieczra geăus.
[ꜜət̪ t͡ʃɛiꜜmət̪t̪ə ɫɔəꜜt͡ʃi t͡ʃjɛꜜt͡ʃɾa ɡɛəus]

Hăss ăt goă czeimăzzămi czieczitoări guszi.
[həss ꜜət̪ ɡɔə t͡ʃɛimət͡s͡səꜜmi t͡ʃjɛt͡ʃiɾɔəꜜɾi ɡuꜜʃi]

Ăt nie goă ădzsihā ăn czăreăsoăniġ.
[ꜜət̪ ꜜn̪jɛ ɡɔə əɟ͡ʑiꜜa ꜜən̪ t͡ʃə.ɾɛə.sɔəꜜn̪iŋ]

Hei reiso goă a maho.
[hɛj ɾɛjꜜso ɡɔə a maꜜo]

Otto Kretschmer
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Otto Kretschmer »

what would you like for the next one?
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