ZBB Census 2018

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Acid Badger
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Re: ZBB Census 2018

Post by Acid Badger »

Why not.

Username: Obviously Acid Badger
Name: Not Acid Badger
Other nicknames (including good stories, if you have any): Some friends jokingly call me by the French version of my name. Used to post on the CBB as Avo and I had a different username on the ZBB in the past but I don't remember
Birthplace: Hesse, Germany
Place of residence: Berlin
Any particular reason you live there now? Had the opportunity to work here, kinda got stuck when I made friends and started going to university
Occupation: Student but also working

Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
Relationship: No
Nationality: German
Ethnicity: I'm German-Italian if that's what this means
Religion: None

Age and date of birth: I was born in '91
Height: 170-something cm
Weight: Don't know. Average I guess.
Shoe size: 44(.5) and ridiculously big for my height
Blood type: No idea. Red.
Handedness: Right

Languages (including level of fluency!)
Native language(s): German, Italian
Other languages: Catalan/Spanish/French (with an Italian accent), Turkish ("gutter Turkish", according to a friend), beginner-level Persian (Dari) and Kazakh. Used to study Mongolian and Uzbek but can only translate things
Your conlangs: Various and I never post about them anyway
Natlangs or conlangs you have interest in but have never actually learned any of aside from maybe reading a paper on it once: All of them

Favourite language: Georgian, Ket, Mapuche
Favourite colour: My shirt rack says it's black, green and blue
Favourite food: Anything pasta
Favourite drink: Beer
Favourite animal: Dog

No extra credit for me.
Last edited by Acid Badger on Sun Dec 22, 2019 10:48 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: ZBB Census 2018

Post by quinterbeck »

Username: quinterbeck
Birthplace & Place of residence: Nottingham, UK
Any particular reason you live there now? I like it here (went away for uni and them came back)
Siblings: younger sister

Gender: male
Nationality: English
Ethnicity: white British
Religion: Christian

Age and date of birth: 14 July, early nineties (age: mid-twenties)
Height: ~5'6"
Weight: ~9st
Blood type: still don't know this... should probably go give blood already
Handedness: Right

Languages (including level of fluency!)
Native language(s): English
Other languages: None (unless you count being ultra-beginner in Japanese)
Your conlangs: Leima is mainly what I post because it's the only one with a decent vocabulary, but I have other phonologies and grammars knocking around (examples being Ineru, Hwiste, Pmski) plus various conscripts. I'm not fluent in my conlangs.
Natlangs or conlangs you have interest in but have never actually learned any of aside from maybe reading a paper on it once:
Natlangs - Euskara, Icelandic, Welsh
Conlangs - Okuna, Feayran, Ithkuil, Kēlen, Rick Morneau's Lexical Semantics, Dritok, anything by Tolkien

Favourite language: Okuna (conlangs are allowed right? It's legit my fav)
Favourite colour: purple
Favourite book: Lirael by Garth Nix
Favourite movie: Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
Favourite non-video game: Galaxy Trucker
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Re: ZBB Census 2018

Post by kodé »

Woo, haven't done one of these in YEARS. YEEEEEEARS.

Username: kodé
Name: Peter G.
Other nicknames (including good stories, if you have any): Ara (my middle name, but I went by it in college)
Birthplace: Las Vegas, NV, USA
Place of residence: Rochester, NY, USA
Any particular reason you live there now? Got a post-doc at the University of Rochester
Occupation: Post-doc (see above) in Linguistics
Pets (+5 extra credit if you provide photographic evidence): Hani the goldfish and my 3-year-old Zekiel who picked out Hani's name (he's doomed to be a conlanger like his father before him)

Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight, probably a 1 on the Kinsey scale if people still use that
Relationship: Married <3
Nationality: USA-nian
Ethnicity: Armenian (mostly from Cilicia)
Religion: Presbyterian (exoteric); panentheist perennialist (esoteric)
Politics: part California socialist, part Nevada libertarian; vote Democrat because *grumble grumble*

Age and date of birth: 1986 (that's the year, not my age)
Height: never quite made 6'; guessing 178 cm?
Weight: fluctuates, but around 240 lb/108 kg now
Shoe size: 12-13
Blood type: should know this
Handedness: right

Languages (including level of fluency!)
Native language(s): US West English (American)
Other languages: Western Armenian (heritage/intermediate), California Spanish (intermediate), French, Italian, Mandarin (all basic), Latin and Ancient Greek (reading knowledge), SaySiyat and Chukchansi (working knowledge through language documentation)
Your conlangs: Old Sanhr, Tl'acho, a bunch of other small projects; I once worked on the Akana project, but that was well nigh ten years ago
Natlangs or conlangs you have interest in but have never actually learned any of aside from maybe reading a paper on it once: too, too many

Favourite language: how can I choose? Alright, Attic Greek
Favourite colour: raaaaaaainbow
Favourite food: jeez, how does one choose? if pressed, I'll say bastirma
Favourite drink: coffee (or gin&tonic if you're talking booze)
Favourite animal: any pinniped
Favourite sport: baseball (for all those "dumb 'Murrcan" stereotypes, we sure came up with a needlessly complicated sport)
Favourite book: stop making me choose! i'll go with "All the King's Men" by Robert Warren Penn, which I gotta reread STAT
Favourite movie: Repo Man
Favourite video game: I once calculated that I've probably spent at least 6 months of my life on Civ (II, III and IV)
Favourite non-video game: so many!

Extra Credit
1) Link to the funniest picture you know of on the internet that isn't goatse or in the same spirit.
2) What's the most interesting place you've ever been to? maybe the mountains in Taiwan?
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Re: ZBB Census 2018

Post by thedukeofnuke »

Let's do this. I've not been around for a while but I'm not dead yet.

Username: thedukeofnuke
Name: Nye
Other nicknames: "Nyeti", "human radiator", "Fingerguns", "compact memeboi"
Birthplace: Southampton, England
Place of residence: Tameside, England
Any particular reason you live there now? Rural but close to my job and partners
Occupation: Railway engineer
Pets: I used to have a potted mint plant, but it died...

Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual (about a 2 on the Kinsey scale) and polyamorous
Relationship: Two girlfriends, four occasional partners (one man and three women)
Nationality: British
Ethnicity: White, mostly British, slightly Jewish
Religion: Agnostic

Age: 28
Height: 176cm, or 5' 9½"
Weight: 80kg, or 12st 8lbs
Shoe size: UK 9 (wide fit)
Handedness: right

Native language(s): English (very close to Southern Standard British English)
Other languages: French (formerly semi-fluent, now very rusty), German (basic and very rusty), Welsh (just starting to learn)
Your conlangs: Meduzían, various Akanaran languages

Favourite food: Tête de Moine cheese
Favourite drink: Wine (either medium red or sweet white), cider
Favourite animal: Cats, snakes, otters
Favourite sport: Walking (?)
Favourite book: The Orphan's Tales by Catherynne M. Valente
Favourite video game: Ori and the Blind Forest
Favourite non-video game: LARP, rules-light for preference

Extra Credit
Link to the funniest picture you know of on the internet that isn't goatse or in the same spirit. "2018 culture is absolute, inescapable Baudrillardian self-regression"
What's the most interesting place you've ever been to? Venice; Bangkok, Prague, and Mt. Ngauruhoe are also strong contenders
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Re: ZBB Census 2018

Post by bbbourq »

Username: bbbourq
Name: Brian
Nicknames (including good stories, if you have any):
  • Childhood nickname: Ray (from Ray Bourque, former captain of the Boston Bruins hockey team)
  • Other nickname: White Meat (from the Midwest commercials in the 80s & 90s, "Pork. The other white meat.")
    Why, do you ask? Because my last name is pronounced [bɔɹk]
Birthplace: Nashua, NH, USA
Place of residence: Los Angeles, CA, USA
Any particular reason you live there now? We want to live here and we enjoy it.
Current Occupation: Security in the film industry (Fox Studios)
Former Occupation: 20 years in the US military (Retired)
Pets (+5 extra credit if you provide photographic evidence): Two cats, Ramses and Felix

Gender: Male
Sexuality: straight, heterosexual
Relationship: Married with Children
Nationality: US
Ethnicity: White
Current Religion: Islam (Sunni)
Former Religion: Christianity (Roman Catholicism)

Age and date of birth: 42, 1976
Height: 65 in / 165 cm
Weight: 155 lbs / 70 kg
Shoe size: US 8
Blood type: O Pos
Handedness: Right

Languages (including level of fluency!)
Native language(s): English
Other languages: Persian (fluent), Korean (conversational), French (conversational), German (enough to get me in trouble)
Your conlangs: Lortho, Dhakhsh (sketchlang)
Natlangs or conlangs you have interest in but have never actually learned any of aside from maybe reading a paper on it once: Nahuatl, Chinese, Klingon, Urdu

Favourite language: Persian
Favourite colour: Blue
Favourite food: Iranian/Korean/Indian
Favourite drink: Coffee
Favourite animal: Spider
Favourite sport: Olympic Weightlifting
Favourite book: Needful Things
Favourite movie: The Princess Bride
Favourite video game: Silent Hill 2
Favourite non-video game: Pictionary

Extra Credit
1) Link to the funniest picture you know of on the internet that isn't goatse or in the same spirit.
More: show
2) What's the most interesting place you've ever been to?
Sarajevo, BiH
Last edited by bbbourq on Sat Oct 20, 2018 4:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ZBB Census 2018

Post by masako »

Username: masako
Name: C F Buck Jr
Other nicknames: sano, Khang/Qang Taq, (tlaca)mazatl
Birthplace: Tennessee
Place of residence: Pennsylvania
Any particular reason you live there now? Family
Occupation: Security Professional

Gender: Male
Sexuality: Yes
Relationship: Married
Nationality: Earthling
Ethnicity: Human
Religion: No thanks

Age and date of birth: shared with Oksana Baiul
Height: 1.85 meters
Weight: 16 stones
Handedness: ambidextrous (right predominant)

Languages (including level of fluency!)
Native language(s): American
Other languages: Spanish, German, French, Arabic, Mandarin (listed in descending level of fluency)
Your conlangs: Kala (use it daily), Amal (still in infancy)

Favourite language: Tie between Japanese & Arabic
Favourite colour: Green
Favourite food: Salsa
Favourite drink: Beer
Favourite animal: Panther
Favourite sport: American Football
Favourite book: Webster’s American Heritage Dictionary
Favourite movie: Ferris Bueller’s Day Off
Favourite video game: CIV II
Favourite non-video game: Hearts

Extra Credit
2) What's the most interesting place you've ever been to? Afghanistan
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Re: ZBB Census 2018

Post by dhok »

Username: dhok
Name: unique enough to easily google
Other nicknames (including good stories, if you have any):
Birthplace: Boston, Masach8suty
Place of residence: Ulaanbaatar
Any particular reason you live there now? Much better and more interesting job and lifestyle than China.
Occupation: English teacher abroad
Pets (+5 extra credit if you provide photographic evidence): two Rhodesian Ridgebacks chez parents, keep wanting to get a pair of guinea pigs but my nomadic lifestyle doesn't provide for them

Gender: Male, cis
Sexuality: Straight
Relationship: No, but I have a date this coming week
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: WASP, with bits of Norwegian and German mixed in
Religion: Raised Anglo-Catholic, currently agnostic, have leanings towards Zoroastrianism
Politics: center-right by temperament, center-left in practice because Reaganites and their spawn, consistently vote Democrat except for Charlie Baker, had a Nelson Rockefeller bumper sticker on my last laptop. getting a land value and carbon tax is way more important than most culture-war bickering du jour

Age and date of birth: 23.
Height: 5'11"
Weight: About 155 pounds
Shoe size: 11.5
Blood type: Not sure
Handedness: Right

Languages (including level of fluency!)
Native language(s): American English
Other languages: Russian, Portuguese, Latin, Ancient Greek, German (studying intensely; A2?), Mongolian (studying somewhat less intensely, low A1), Sichuan-accented Mandarin (can go shopping and order food), Sanskrit (can spout off the paradigms and some core vocab, but can't read it)
Your conlangs: various, none of them ever going anywhere
Natlangs or conlangs you have interest in but have never actually learned any of aside from maybe reading a paper on it once: most of them, mostly in North America

Favorite language: probably either Persian or Cree
Favorite colour: cerulean
Favorite food: khachapuri or chicken tikka masala with naan or feijoada with rice.
Favorite drink: either a nice lager or a nice cup of black coffee or a nice hot cup of chamomile tea, depending on the occasion. I don't drink soda. Port is very nice on special occasions
Favorite animal: dogs
Favorite sport: baseball
Favorite book: Os Maias by Eça de Queirós, Decline and Fall by Evelyn Waugh, Bonfire of the Vanities by Tom Wolfe all compete for the top spot
Favorite movie: Starcrash
Favorite video game: Sid Meier's Civilization 3 or, for multiplayer, the original Halo
Favorite non-video game: Diplomacy or a hand of whist
Favorite piece of music: it varies between about six Ralph Vaughan Williams pieces depending on my mood

Extra Credit
1) Link to the funniest picture you know of on the internet that isn't goatse or in the same spirit. bottom text
2) What's the most interesting place you've ever been to? the Crimea
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Re: ZBB Census 2018

Post by Birdlang »

Username: Birdlang
Birthplace: Tulsa, OK
Place of residence: The DMV area
Any particular reason you live there now? Adoption...
Occupation: student
Pets (+5 extra credit if you provide photographic evidence): none, have had fish and a Taiwanese praying mantis in the past

Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight.
Relationship: will try to avoid.
Nationality: Americano
Ethnicity: white, Asian, Hispanic (latter two in small amounts)
Religion: Christian
Politics: moderate, but sometimes heavily leaning towards right.

Languages (including level of fluency!)
Native language(s): English
Other languages: Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin Chinese, Hindi, Urdu, Bengali, Assamese, Gujarati, Kannada, Kashmiri, Konkani, Marathi, Malayalam, Odia, Pañjabi, Marwari, Tamil, Telugu, the major Eastern and Western EU languages other than the Baltic ones, Malay, Thai, Vietnamese, and Latin American Spanish (all these basic level, maybe 100 or so words at the most).
Your conlangs: too many to count, over 100+ conlang projects.
Natlangs or conlangs you have interest in but have never actually learned any of aside from maybe reading a paper on it once: Esperanto, Volapük, Klingon, Vulcan, Dothraki, Valyrian, Huttese.

Favourite language: Asian, African and other non-European languages.
Favourite colour: Blue and green.
Favourite food: Too selective to have a favorite food.
Favourite drink: water, milk, and grape juice, no soda or alcohol for me please.
Favourite animal: Birds of all kinds, anything other than cats and bloodsucking insects, which I personally dislike.
Favourite sport: I dislike sports.
Favourite book: anything with sheet music.
Favourite movie: cartoons,
Favourite video game: Pokémon and Super Mario.
Favourite non-video game: FL Studio counts?
Favourite music genre: anything that isn’t violent or sexually explicit, a reason why I don’t like modern rap music. Mostly synthpop or anything with synthesized instruments, and any foreign music which is interesting, even if I don’t understand the lyrics. I don’t really like modern rap, alternative rock, or English language pop since I grew up in the late 90’s and early 2000’s on old school music.
Edited to be more friendly. Sorry if my first version offended anyone.
Last edited by Birdlang on Fri Oct 12, 2018 3:39 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: ZBB Census 2018

Post by mèþru »

Birdlang wrote:LGBTQI+ or related freaks.
You just called me and half the board a slur on purpose. You have indicated a refusal to tolerate a multitude of people that compromises more than 10% of the world population due to naturally occurring genetic and environmental conditions. When you get banned, I will not shed a tear.
ìtsanso, God In The Mountain, may our names inspire the deepest feelings of fear in urkos and all his ilk, for we have saved another man from his lies! I welcome back to the feast hall kal, who will never gamble again! May the eleven gods bless him!
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Re: ZBB Census 2018

Post by Birdlang »

mèþru wrote: Fri Oct 12, 2018 2:59 pm
Birdlang wrote:LGBTQI+ or related freaks.
You just called me and half the board a slur on purpose. You have indicated a refusal to tolerate a multitude of people that compromises more than 10% of the world population due to naturally occurring genetic and environmental conditions. When you get banned, I will not shed a tear.
Edited, sorry...
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JT the Ninja
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Re: ZBB Census 2018

Post by JT the Ninja »

Username: JT the Ninja
Other nicknames: JT
Other online handles: JonathanaTegire (my old forum name)
Birthplace: USA
Place of residence: Pennsylvania
Any particular reason you live there now? Never lived anywhere else
Occupation: Assistant Registrar
Pets (+5 extra credit if you provide photographic evidence): One moo cat

Gender: male
Sexuality: straight
Relationship: taken
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: Polish/Ukrainian/Jewish
Religion: Christian

Date of birth: 3/2/86
Height: 5' 7.5"
Weight: 170-175 lbs (depending on if I've just eaten or not)
Shoe size: 12 (or 13, depending on the shoe)
Blood type: A+
Handedness: Left

Native language(s): English
Other languages: Spanish (5 years), Russian (3 years), Korean (counting and some terminology from martial arts)
Your conlangs: here
Natlangs or conlangs you have interest in but have never actually learned any of aside from maybe reading a paper on it once: I keep meaning to knuckle down and actually learn Sindarin/Quenya.

Favourite language: who can pick?
Favourite colour: dark blue
Favourite food: bacon
Favourite drink: coffee
Favourite animal: cats
Favourite book: The Lord of the Rings
Favourite movie: Star Trek II: Wrath of Khan
Favourite video game: Seaquest for Atari 2600
Favourite non-video game: Uh...I like throwing a frisbee around sometimes?

Extra Credit
2) What's the most interesting place you've ever been to? I guess Montreal? Been there twice, want to go back eventually.
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Re: ZBB Census 2018

Post by JT the Ninja »

Also woot woot I see there are a couple other left-handers on the board! Represent!
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Re: ZBB Census 2018

Post by Halian »

(outdated; look downthread)
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Re: ZBB Census 2018

Post by Sevly »

Heyo, been a while since I posted on the zeeb! Well, my years of inactivity and the whole board reboot thing seem to make for as good a moment as any to jump back on with one of these. So so so:

Username: Sevly
Birthplace: Nairobi
Place of residence: Seattle
Any particular reason you live there now? For work and to escape the insane cold of where I grew up
Occupation: Soft(ware )E(ngineer)
Pets: Not if I can help it

Gender: cis male
Sexuality: allo het
Relationship: single
Nationality: Canadian
Ethnicity: Kenyan
Religion: (very liberal) Christian
Politics: ^ (social justice warrior heavy / leftist lite)

Age: millennial af
Height: not quite six feet
Weight: under, according to bmi, pfft
Shoe size: annoyingly, not the same on each foot
Blood type: the selfish one (but also the universal platelet and plasma donor!)
Handedness: the boring one (with embarrassing lack of hand-eye coordination in either)

Native language: English (ostensibly fluent)
Other languages: French (conversationally fluent), Swahili (maternal and yet all but phonetically forgotten)
Your conlangs: Am a "spend lots of time on one" rather than "a little time on many" type 'langer, so only two:
  • Deevi (need to repost the latest on it at some point, but still actively working on it)
  • Zwera (back from CCC, not in active development)
Natlangs or conlangs you have interest in but have never actually learned any of aside from maybe reading a paper on it once: like most all us here, lots, but just offhead:
  • Danish (after a recent trip to Copenhagen)
  • Japanese (which predates my roommates' so-far-middling attempts to get me into anime)
  • Swahili (for obvious reasons)
  • Portuguese, Spanish, Catalan, Italian, Romanian (i.e. all the large Romance languages, by proximity to French)
  • Dutch and Afrikaans (particularly contrastingly)
  • and so on...
Favourite language: probably French at the moment, mostly because I'm trying to get to nativesque fluency there before moving on to an L3
Favourite colour: Big fan of purple/pink colour palettes
Favourite food: Increasingly a fan of home food, so probably, hmm, githeri and pilau
Favourite drink: mixed berry milkshakes / sparkling raspberry sodas
Favourite animal: H s. sapiens (heh, even though they're the worst)
Favourite sport: Hard pass all around (like the most of us)
Favourite book: Again, way too hard to narrow down, but most recent picks would be the Imperial Radch and Broken Earth trilogies
Favourite movie: (yet again with significant recency bias) The Incredible Jessica James
Favourite video game: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Either Civ or Sim City / Cities Skylines, I guess, but haven't planned any in a long, long while
Favourite non-video game: Avalon (and social deduction games in general, but I'd argue Av's the best)
Favourite music genre: I am a fan of my four chord songs, ok

Extra Credit
1) Link to the funniest picture you know of on the internet that isn't goatse or in the same spirit.
honestly this would probably be something from SMBC but there are too many good ones to pick
2) What's the most interesting place you've ever been to?
Haven't traveled nearly as much as I would like, but as a city kid I would say that New York, Copenhagen, and Nairobi each have distinct and intriguing elements to them and I would absolutely love to explore as many more metropolises as I can
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Re: ZBB Census 2018

Post by Xwtek »

Username: Akangka
Birthplace: Pasuruan, Indonesia
Place of residence: Surabaya
Any particular reason you live there now? Attending a university
Occupation: Student

Gender: Male
Sexuality: (Due to Indonesian's homophobia, I won't tell)
Relationship: Single
Nationality: Indonesian
Ethnicity: Javanese
Religion: Christianity

Age and date of birth: 20
Height: (To be filled later)
Weight: (To be filled later)
Shoe size: (To be filled later)
Blood type: O
Handedness: RIght (I somehow write this wrong)

Languages (including level of fluency!)
Native language(s): Indonesian, Javanese
Other languages: English (pretty fluent), Japanese (a little, from anime)
Your conlangs: Sakha
Natlangs or conlangs you have interest in but have never actually learned any of aside from maybe reading a paper on it once: Kayardild, Navajo

Favourite language: Head-marking languages
Favourite colour: Red
Favourite food: My taste is too broad to pick for favourite
Favourite drink: Drinking water
Favourite animal: Cat
Favourite sport: I hate sport
Favourite book: Don't read fictional book yet (except if it is manga)
Favourite movie: Don't particularly watch movie
Favourite game: Super Mario 64 DS
Last edited by Xwtek on Mon Aug 12, 2019 9:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
IPA of my name: [xʷtɛ̀k]

Favourite morphology: Polysynthetic, Ablaut
Favourite character archetype: Shounen hero
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Re: ZBB Census 2018

Post by Nerulent »

Username: Nerulent
Other nicknames: kanejam, Thunderlake
Birthplace: Auckland, NZ
Place of residence: Napier, NZ
Any particular reason you live there now? Moved here for my job
Occupation: Software Dev
Pets (+5 extra credit if you provide photographic evidence): a silver tabby cat Misty that lives with my parents

Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bi
Relationship: Yes
Nationality: NZ
Ethnicity: Kiwi or Pākehā (i.e. White NZer, of English, Welsh, Irish and Scottish heritage)
Religion: Atheist
Politics: Socialist flirting with anarchism

Age: 24
Height: 189cm
Weight: 75kg
Shoe size: 9 1/2 (I think that's 44)
Blood type: O+
Handedness: Left

Languages (including level of fluency!)
Native language(s): English
Other languages: French (probably about B2), Spanish, Māori, Swahili, Vietnamese (all beginner), scratchings of Italian, Romanian, Esperanto and Mandarin
Your conlangs: Ketzumin (a priori), Savvinic (Oscan lostlang), Qmachah (a priori), unnamed Gothic descendant - all mostly dormant
Natlangs or conlangs you have interest in but have never actually learned any of aside from maybe reading a paper on it once: Classical Maya, Tocharian, Arapaho, Kalaallisut, Welsh, Albanian, Mongolian, Arabic, Georgian, Sindarin

Favourite language: ??
Favourite colour: Red
Favourite food: Fried noodles
Favourite drink: White Russian
Favourite animal: Fox, fantail or some sort of cephalopod
Favourite sport: Dota or rugby
Favourite book: Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Favourite movie: LOTR
Favourite video game: Dota or Portal
Favourite non-video game: 500 (card game)
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Re: ZBB Census 2018

Post by Ultimate Ridley »

Username: Ultimate Ridley
Name: honestly Ridley is pretty much my name at this point
Birthplace: Somewhere in GA
Place of residence: Atlanta
Any particular reason you live there now? Been living there since I was six.
Occupation: Kroger
Pets: Three dogs

Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationship: If only
Nationality: Murrkin
Ethnicity: White mutt (mostly Scottish ancestry, with a sizable amount of Cherokee too)
Religion: yes

Age and date of birth: 23 March 1994 (currently aged 24)
Height: 6'1"/185cm
Weight: 290lbs/131.8kg
Shoe size: 13 (US men's sizes)
Blood type: O-
Handedness: right

Native language(s): English
Other languages: Spanish (I can read it fairly well, and can understand it with small difficulty when spoken, but I have a poor command of it)
Your conlangs: Nióruais, Ézponnis, Corraimian, Litovian, Pumorsian
Natlangs or conlangs you have interest in but have never actually learned any of aside from maybe reading a paper on it once: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Favourite language: English
Favourite colour: sunset orange
Favourite food: pizza
Favourite drink: coffee
Favourite animal: doggo
Favourite sport: Baseball, only because it's the only sport I understand thanks to Mario
Favourite book: lol I haven't finished a novel since high school (since middle school if you discount school enforced reading)
Favourite movie: The Dark Knight
Favourite TV series: Fargo
Favourite video game: Super Metroid, Metroid Prime, and Metroid: Zero Mission. Don't make me choose.
Favourite bands/groups: Beltaine, La Chavannée, Kíla, Trobar de Morte, Dalriada
Favourite school subject: history
Least favourite school subject: math*

*for everyone's sake I will not make an attempt to vent my true feelings about the education system and academic mathematics in general
Posts: 4
Joined: Wed Nov 07, 2018 4:58 pm
Location: Arizona

Re: ZBB Census 2018

Post by alumox »

Username: alumox
Name: Sophia
Birthplace: Salt Lake City, UT
Place of residence: Arizona
Any particular reason you live there now? Parents moved us here when I was 8
Occupation: Aetna Medicare Part D Customer Care Representative
Pets: 6 month old beagle named Emi

Gender: Trans girl
Sexuality: Bi/pan
Relationship: N/A
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: White

Age and date of birth: 22, July 8th 1996
Height: 188cm/6'2"
Weight: Yes
Blood type: O-
Handedness: Right

Languages (including level of fluency!)
Native language(s): English
Other languages: German (CEFR B1)
Your conlangs: Haven't gotten very far past the pre-planning stage on any of them yet, but I'm looking to change that.
Natlangs or conlangs you have interest in but have never actually learned any of aside from maybe reading a paper on it once: Spanish, Latin, Czech, Hebrew, Mandarin, Japanese, Xurnese (I'm a huge normie, I know)

Favourite language: Favorite natlang, obviously German. Favorite conlang, that's a choice I just can't make
Favourite colour: Purple, specifically #7f3fff
Favourite food: Pad thai
Favourite drink: Sprite
Favourite animal: Dog
Favourite sport: Do eSports count?
Favourite book: "The Xenocide Mission" by Ben Jeapes
Favourite movie: N/A
Favourite video games: Metroid Prime 2, Mother 3, ARMS
Favourite non-video game: Dungeons & Dragons
Posts: 332
Joined: Tue Aug 14, 2018 9:52 am

Re: ZBB Census 2018

Post by vegfarandi »

Username: vegfarandi
Name: Kári Emil
Other nicknames (including good stories, if you have any): vec
Birthplace: Reykjavík, Iceland
Place of residence: New York, NY
Any particular reason you live there now? Because nowhere else do I feel more like myself
Occupation: Brand design manager
Pets (+5 extra credit if you provide photographic evidence): No

Gender: Male
Sexuality: Homo
Relationship: Married
Nationality: Icelandic
Ethnicity: Icelandic
Religion: Atheist

Age and date of birth: 30
Height: 187 cm / 6'2"
Weight: 92 kg / 204 lbs.
Shoe size: 45 / 11
Blood type: O- (but since homosexual useless)
Handedness: Right

Languages (including level of fluency!)
Native language(s): Icelandic
Other languages: English, Spanish, Latin, Danish
Your conlangs: Uscaniv, Imutan, Kiassan Turasta, Azdûgan, Proto-Ronquian (aka Proto-Rompian), Əktoś Duəmeuk
Natlangs or conlangs you have interest in but have never actually learned any of aside from maybe reading a paper on it once: Indonesian, Georgian, Zulu

Favourite language: Sumerian
Favourite colour: Bluish teal
Favourite food: Spaghetti bolognese
Favourite drink: Right now, Aperol Spritz
Favourite animal: The ring-tailed lemur
Favourite sport: Whatever is big and exciting at the moment I'll somewhat engage with, especially if Iceland is in it
Favourite book: His Dark Materials
Favourite movie: Carol
Favourite video game: SimCity 4, Civ 5
Favourite non-video game: Ticket to Ride
Duriac Threadhe/him
Posts: 55
Joined: Sun Jul 08, 2018 8:06 pm

Re: ZBB Census 2018

Post by Ælfwine »

Username: Aelfwine
Name: Lex
Birthplace: Canada
Place of residence: NJ
Occupation: Student, part-time cashier

Gender: M
Sexuality: Asexual
Relationship: Nonexistent
Nationality: Canadian, American
Ethnicity: White I guess
Religion: Agnostic
Politics: Radical libertarian

Languages (including level of fluency!)
Native language(s): English
Other languages:
Your conlangs: I do a-posteriori's
Pelsodian (the romlang)
Pannonian (the slavlang)
Vestmál (né Mannish)
Natlangs or conlangs you have interest in but have never actually learned any of aside from maybe reading a paper on it once:
Crimean Gothic descendent
Greenlandic Norse descendent (yes, I really like the Germanic languages as you can tell.)
Semitic descendent in the caucus
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