Language Practice (Help your fluency)

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dɮ the phoneme
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Re: Language Practice (Help your fluency)

Post by dɮ the phoneme »

本当の母語話者と話してる時、いつもバカに間違って恥ずかしくなる。多分ここ、話さなくて書いてるので違う。でもないでしょう。 言語練習してると起こるでしょうね。
When I'm talking with actual native speakers, I always make some dumb mistake and get embarrassed. Maybe here, where I'm writing instead of talking, it'll be different. But I don't think so. I guess that's just how with language practice goes.
Ye knowe eek that, in forme of speche is chaunge
With-inne a thousand yeer, and wordes tho
That hadden pris, now wonder nyce and straunge
Us thinketh hem; and yet they spake hem so,
And spedde as wel in love as men now do.

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Re: Language Practice (Help your fluency)

Post by jal »

Max1461 wrote: Mon Oct 15, 2018 8:16 pmWhen I'm talking with actual native speakers, I always make some dumb mistake and get embarrassed. Maybe here, where I'm writing instead of talking, it'll be different. But I don't think so. I guess that's just how with language practice goes.
Genau. Und du wirst erstumt stehen wie gut Muttersprachler sind, um ein Fehler zu erkennen und zu verstehen wass du meinst (ohne zu denken das du dumm bist). Ich erinnere mich einmal, als ich mit ein Polnisches Kind gesprochen habe, und ich gefragt habe ob er "zamknięty" ("geschlossen") war statt "zmięczony" (tired). Er sagte nur "zmięczony, tak" - er hat mich verstehen, korrigiert, und geantwort ohne mich aus zu lachen (obschon es ganz lustig war).
Indeed. And you'd be surprised how well a native speaker can detect an error and understand what you mean (without thinking you're stupid). I recall once, when I spoke to a Polish kid, I asked whether he was "zamknięty" ("closed") instead of "zmięczony" (tired). He just said "zmięczony, tak" - he understood me, corrected me and answered me without laughing (even though it was quite funny).

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Re: Language Practice (Help your fluency)

Post by Imralu »

jal wrote: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:40 am
Max1461 wrote: Mon Oct 15, 2018 8:16 pmWhen I'm talking with actual native speakers, I always make some dumb mistake and get embarrassed. Maybe here, where I'm writing instead of talking, it'll be different. But I don't think so. I guess that's just how with language practice goes.
Genau. Und du wirst erstaunt stehen, wie gut Muttersprachler darin sind, um einen Fehler zu erkennen und zu verstehen, wass du meinst (ohne zu denken, dass du dumm bist*). Ich erinnere mich einmal, als ich mit einem polnischen Kind gesprochen habe, und ich gefragt habe, ob er "zamknięty" ("geschlossen") war statt "zmięczony" (tired). Er sagte nur "zmięczony, tak" - er hat mich verstanden, korrigiert, und geantwort ohne mich auszulachen (obschon** es ganz lustig war).
* Or also ohne dich für dumm zu halten.
** Obschon is absolutely correct but pretty old-fashioned. Obwohl is much more natural these days.


Nitakwenda Kopenhagen kwa wikiendi pamoja na rafiki. Kwa muda wa zaidi ya miaka minne sijakuweko nje ya Ujerumani. Sijawahi kwenda Udani wala kokote Skandinavia. Labda tutaenda Uswidi kwa siku moja. Nimechangamka.
I'm going to go to Copenhagen for a weekend with a friend. I haven't been outside of Germany for more than four years. I've never been to Denmark or anywhere in Scandinavia. We might go to Sweden for a day. I'm excited.
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Re: Language Practice (Help your fluency)

Post by finlay »

Max1461 wrote: Mon Oct 15, 2018 8:16 pm 本当の母語話者と話してる時、いつもバカに間違って恥ずかしくなる。多分ここ、話さなくて書いてるので違う。でもないでしょう。 言語練習してると起こるでしょうね。
When I'm talking with actual native speakers, I always make some dumb mistake and get embarrassed. Maybe here, where I'm writing instead of talking, it'll be different. But I don't think so. I guess that's just how with language practice goes.
the real test is to read your old posts after waiting a while - if you get embarrassed then it means you're improving.

そんなことといえば、一応っていちじゃなくて、いちおうなんだと、やっとたった今気付いちゃったわ。でも何年かあの言葉が解っていたよ!なんか、一回さえ書いていなさそう。 :oops: (今は、あの一回と書いていた所にタイプしてみて、なぜ出さないと解かなかった)だと、口語と文語が全く別の技術なのと示す。あと、しばしば二回以上言葉を学ぶ日本語だと特に明らかなんだ。例えば、撮影はそんなに、彼氏に聞いたまで一緒だとわからなかった、書く熟語と発音する言葉は別に学んだ言葉なので
also i just realized that 一応, a word that i've known how to say for years but have apparently never written down, is /ichi.ou/ and not /ichi.yo/. :oops: (just tried to type it where i typed 一回 there and couldn't work out why it didn't show up). just goes to show that verbal and written language are completely separate skills, and it's very evident in japanese when you often have to learn words twice. for example i knew 撮影 (satsuei, taking pictures) as a written kanji compound and a pronounced word completely separately until i asked my boyfriend how to say the kanji word

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Re: Language Practice (Help your fluency)

Post by jal »

Imralu wrote: Thu Oct 18, 2018 3:35 am** Obschon is absolutely correct but pretty old-fashioned. Obwohl is much more natural these days.
Vielen dank!
Thanks a lot!
I'm going to go to Copenhagen for a weekend with a friend. I haven't been outside of Germany for more than four years. I've never been to Denmark or anywhere in Scandinavia. We might go to Sweden for a day. I'm excited.
Viel spaß!
Have fun!

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Re: Language Practice (Help your fluency)

Post by Imralu »

jal wrote: Thu Oct 18, 2018 2:31 pm
Imralu wrote: Thu Oct 18, 2018 3:35 am** Obschon is absolutely correct but pretty old-fashioned. Obwohl is much more natural these days.
Vielen dank!
Thanks a lot!
Karibu! Nimeona kosa jingine moja ambalo nilikuwa sijaliona.
You're welcome! I've just seen another mistake that I hadn't seen before.


jal wrote: Thu Oct 18, 2018 2:31 pmViel spaß!
Have fun!
Asante sana!
Thanks very much!
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Re: Language Practice (Help your fluency)

Post by Zju »

Ich versuche meinen Sprachen zu üben, aber mir ist es langweilig in Kommentarsektionen teilzunehmen und dieser Diskussionsfaden hier ist nicht sehr aktiv... wisst ihr manche Foren in anderen Sprachen?
Provo esercitare le mie lingue straniere, ma a me è noioso a partecipare in sezioni di commenti e questa tema non è troppo attiva... potreste racommendare dei forum in altre lingue?

I try to practice my languages, but I find it boring to take part in comment sections and this thread here isn't very active... could you recommend forums in other languages?
/j/ <j>

Ɂaləɂahina asəkipaɂə ileku omkiroro salka.
Loɂ ɂerleku asəɂulŋusikraɂə seləɂahina əɂətlahɂun əiŋɂiɂŋa.
Hərlaɂ. Hərlaɂ. Hərlaɂ. Hərlaɂ. Hərlaɂ. Hərlaɂ. Hərlaɂ.
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Re: Language Practice (Help your fluency)

Post by Vilike »

Es gibt das französiche Forum L'Atelier Philologique, wenn Sie Französich lesen können.
There's the French forum L'Atelier, if you can read French.
Yaa unák thual na !
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Re: Language Practice (Help your fluency)

Post by Imralu »

Lazima tu tujilazimishe kuandika hapa zaidi! Ni vigumu sasa kwa sababu tumehamia kwenye tovuti mpya hivyo huenda hatuna watu wa kutisha kwa sasa.
We just have to force ourselves to write here more.It's hard now because we've moved to a new website so maybe we don't have enough people at the moment.
Glossing Abbreviations: COMP = comparative, C = complementiser, ACS / ICS = accessible / inaccessible, GDV = gerundive, SPEC / NSPC = (non-)specific, A/ₐ = agent, E/ₑ = entity (person or thing)
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Re: Language Practice (Help your fluency)

Post by Linguoboy »

Ausserdem mangelt es mir an Leistungswille, kann halt nicht sagen, warum...
Nil aon dúil agam chomh maith, n'fheadar cad'na thaobh...
I'm also lacking in motivation, just can't say why...
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Re: Language Practice (Help your fluency)

Post by Imralu »

Linguoboy, Kijerumani chako huonekana kwangu kiwe maridadi sana na cha kale kidogo.
Linguoboy, your German always seems so fancy and kind of old-fashioned to me.

Najaribu kujifunza Kimaori na huenda Kifiji pia. Nilidhani kwamba kuna nyenzo chache tu kwa kujifunza Kiswahili, lakini ... angalau Kimaori ni lugha ambayo watu na serikali moja wanajitahidi kuifufua. Kuna kamusi nzuri moja na angalau irabu ndefu sikuzote zinaonyeshwa ziwe ndefu. (Nimeshatengeneza mpangilio maalumu wa baobonye ili niweze kuchapa irabu zenye mistari ya urefu.) Hakuna watu wengi wanaotaka kujifunza Kifiji na kitu chote ninachokiona ni cha kidini. Sijui irabu zipi ni ndefu na mara nyingi ninachokiona ni kibaya sana. Kuna kitabu kimoja cha misemo kilichochapishwa na kampuni ya Kijerumani iliyo nzuri kwa kawaida ambacho nilikitazama nikasoma kwamba Wafiji walikuwa Wamisri waliohama kwanza kwende Tanzania halafu wakapanda ngalawa zao zenye mirengu wakaabiria moja kwa moja visiwani vya Fiji. Mavazi matupu! Natamaini ningevutiwa na kujifunza lugha zitakazoniletea faida.
I'm trying to learn Māori and maybe also Fijian. I thought there weren't many resources for learning Swahili, but ... at least Māori is a language that's got people and a government trying to revive it. There's one good dictionary and at least the long vowels are always shown to be long. (I've already made a custom keyboard to be able to type vowels with macrons.) There aren't many people who want to learn Fijian and everything I see is religious. I don't know which vowels are long and a lot of what I see is really bad. There's one phrasebook published by a German company which is usually good in which I read that Fijians were Egyptians who moved first to Tanzania and then got in their outrigger canoes and travelled directly to the Islands of Fiji. What fucking bullshit! I wish I were interested in learning languages that would actually be useful to me in some way.

Wehi nā! He taraka nui tērā!
Oh my! That is a big truck!
Glossing Abbreviations: COMP = comparative, C = complementiser, ACS / ICS = accessible / inaccessible, GDV = gerundive, SPEC / NSPC = (non-)specific, A/ₐ = agent, E/ₑ = entity (person or thing)
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Re: Language Practice (Help your fluency)

Post by Nerulent »

Ka pai! Kāore au i te matatau atu rawa ki te reo Māori, otirā ka āhei pea au ki te āwhina i a koe pēnā me tāu āwhina me tāku akoranga o te reo Huahiri (i whakangongotia e au mō te rea Whitināmu inā hoki i haere au ki reira inātata nei.
Cool! I am far from fluent, but maybe I can help you out like you help with my Swahili (which I have severely neglected in place of Vietnamese as I travelled there recently).
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Re: Language Practice (Help your fluency)

Post by Linguoboy »

Imralu wrote: Tue Nov 13, 2018 4:12 pmLinguoboy, Kijerumani chako huonekana kwangu kiwe maridadi sana na cha kale kidogo.
Wie Er mir doch schmeichelt!
You sweet talker, you!
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Re: Language Practice (Help your fluency)

Post by jal »

Imralu wrote: Tue Nov 13, 2018 3:11 pmWe just have to force ourselves to write here more.It's hard now because we've moved to a new website so maybe we don't have enough people at the moment.
Vielleicht. Aber ik denke, dass die Meisten, die früher auf der ander Website geschrieben haben, schon hier sind. Es scheint, dass es andere Ursache gibt.
Perhaps. But I think that most of the people that wrote on the other website before are already here. It seems there are other causes.

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Re: Language Practice (Help your fluency)

Post by Imralu »

Nerulent: Ndio, nitakusaidia kadiri ninawezavyo. Mimi si mtaalumu wa Kiswahili, lakini najua sarufi vizuri. Sijui tu misemo ambayo watu wanatumia kwa kweli.
Nerulent: Yes, I'll help you as much as I can. I'm not an expert in Swahili, but I know the grammar well. I just don't know the phrases people actually say. (Or the word for "idioms" apparently.)
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Re: Language Practice (Help your fluency)

Post by Imralu »

Nitaandika mara nyingi kwa kifupi tu kwa sababu nina wakati ninapoenda kazini au kadhalika na sitaki kupoteza nilichokiandika.
I'll be writing only short posts a lot of the time because I have time when I'm travelling to work etc. and I don't want to lose what I've written.
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Re: Language Practice (Help your fluency)

Post by Imralu »

Unasemaje "kuna" au "hakuna" kwa Kimaori?
How do you say "There is/are" or "There isn't/aren't" in Māori?
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Re: Language Practice (Help your fluency)

Post by Imralu »

jal wrote: Wed Nov 14, 2018 1:46 am Vielleicht. Aber ich denke, dass die Meisten, die früher auf der anderen Website geschrieben haben, schon hier sind. Es scheint, dass es andere Ursachen gibt.*
* Better: Es scheint andere Ursachen/Gründe zu geben.
Inawezekana, lakini tulikuwa sikuzote na "mawimbi" ya kuandika mengi halafu kutoandika kwa muda mrefu. Lazima tu mmoja avunje mida ya kutoandika.
It's possible, but we always had "waves" of writing a lot and then not writing for a long time. We just need someone to break the periods of no writing.
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Re: Language Practice (Help your fluency)

Post by Linguoboy »

Ich will auf den Hans-Werner doch keine Verantwortung für meine Verworfenheit abwälzen, aber ich interessierte mich mehr für die Teilnahme, als er regelmässig hierher kam und meine Fehler verbesserte.
I don't want to shift any of the responsibility for my turpitude onto Hans-Werner, but when he regularly showed up to correct my errors, I was more interested in participating.
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Re: Language Practice (Help your fluency)

Post by Imralu »

Ningeweza, ningekusaidia pia, lakini ni vigumu kwangu kukusahihishia kwa sababu unaandika kwa mtindo wa kifasihi zaidi yangu na siyajui maneno yote unayotumia wala yanavyotumiwa. Pia ni mara chache tu unafanya makosa ya kisarufi ya uhakika. Mimi ninamsahihishia Jal kwa sababu tu Hwhatting hayupo. Angekuwepo, angeweza kufanya bora kunishinda.
If I could, I'd help you too, but it's hard for me to correct you because you write in a more literary style than me and I don't know all the words you use or how to use them. Also, it's pretty infrequent that you make concrete grammatical mistakes. I only correct Jal because Hwhatting is not around. If he were here, he'd be able to do it better than me.

(I mean, I'm assuming you just can't easily type ß or you, like the Swiss, don't care for it, and that you do know that it's regelmäßig in standard German ... but that is literally all I can see.)

Laiti kungekuwa na mtu huku wenye uwezo wa kunisahihishia makosa kwenye Kiswahili changu! Najua sarufi, lakini labda sentensi ninazoziandika kamwe zisingesemwa hivyo.
If only there were someone here who could correct my mistakes in my Swahili for me! I know the grammar, but maybe the sentences I write would never actually be said that way.
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