Hi folks! Long-time conlanger and lurker around these parts! I've been a bit blocked with my most recent languages, so I thought I maybe should present what I have for one of them, which I've tentatively been calling Sàna. This is a bit more of a scratchpad than a fully fleshed-out language, so apologies. A bit rusty as well, so some of this might not be too naturalistic--let me know--or I might use terminology wrong!
Sorry for being a little lose with some of the labeling.
The general intention is to go for a vibe vaguely reminiscent of the Lakes Plain languages--thus the very minimal consonant inventory and fricativized vowels. /ṣ/ and /f̣/ pattern as vowels and are clearly diachronically descended from high vowels which became fricative during a raising chain shift. They also descend from current high vowels in certain environments--i.e. [ma55.i5] "cry" ---> [ma55.s̩.te11] "cried."
There are four tones: high tone(55), high mid tone(44), low mid tone(32 or 22), and low tone (11, plus creaky voice). The Fricativized vowels don't take tone.
Phonotactics are basically (C)V(C), but coda consonants aren't super common and are in most circumstances the result of devoicing between voiceless stops historically.
I haven't developed a ton of allophony yet but have a few rough ideas:
-/ɺ/ has quite a few surface forms: [ɾ] between vowels, [l] word-finally, and [ɺ] elsewhere.
-Intervocalic lenitions of the stops: /p t k/ --> [d l g]
-/s/-debuccalization before consonants
-Probably some tone sandhi
Romanization is something like this:
/p t t͡s k m n s ɺ/<p t ts k m n r>
/ṣ f̣ i e a o u/<ṣ f̣ i e a o u>
/a11 a32 a44 a55/<a à ā á>
I'm debating if how I want to romanize the fricative vowels--I might go with <ị ụ>.