The glebst of gleb, V2.0

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Re: The glebst of gleb, V2.0

Post by ÜberBen »

Aaaaaaaaaand the seeds are weird again.
#1430463876, Mentsvyıⁿ [meːnt͡sujĩ]

/p t t͡s k/
/f s h/
/m n/
/w ʎ ɹ j ʟ ʟʷ/

/i iː eː aː oː u uː/ + Nasality

<p t ts k>
<f s h>
<m n>
<w ly r y l lw>

<ı i e a o v u> + <ⁿ>

Syllable Structure:
Stops and /ʎ ʟʷ/ are illegal codas

-/j w/ become mid-high after a non-high vowel
-All consonants except /w ʎ j ʟʷ/ palatalize after /j i iː eː/, but alveolars become alveopalatal and /h/ turns to /j/
-/aː/ becomes [ɑː] after /w/
-[ɑː] becomes [ɔː] before a semivowel (Reflected in orthography: written as <o>)
-Before a non-labial obstruent, [m mʲ f fʲ] all become /w/
-/t/ + /s/ = /t͡s/
-All vowels except [aː ãː] become front after [e̯] and back after [o̯]
-Unrounded vowels and semivowels become rounded before [w o̯]
-/n/ assimilates in POA to the following obstruent/nasal

Sample Sentence:
Marto su yatı ıⁿpun sv te raⁿnfika vi, oⁿhsılwoıor awyentsaⁿ um punlyi leⁿaⁿn ew iⁿw mılrıⁿ nvⁿ!
[maːɹtoː suː jaːti ĩpʲuːn su teː ɹãːmfiːkʲaː uiː|õːhsiʟʷoːioːɹ ɒːo̯jeːɲt͡sãː uːm puːɲʎiː lẽːãːn oːo̯ ỹːw miʟʲɹĩ nũ]

And #1503801852, Ywqiwtafnewq [ɨwqʷitan̥ɜwqʷ]

/p b mb t d nd t͡s d͡z nd͡z k g ŋg q/
/s x X h/
/m m̥ n n̥/
/w r ɑ̯ ɑ̯̊/

/i ɛ a/

<p b mb t d nd c z nz k g ng q>
<s x j h>
<m fm n fn>
<w r o fo>

<i e a>

Syllable Structure:
M /b m n r w ɑ̯/
/d d͡z g m̥ n̥ ɑ̯̊/ are illegal codas

-Obstruents assimilate in voice to the following obstruent and become voiceless word-finally, but:
  • [z ɣ] become /d͡z g/
  • [ɢ ʁ] become /ɑ̯/
  • [ɦ] is deleted
-All consonants except bilabials and semivowels labialize after /w/, but [hʷ] becomes /w/
-Uvulars become [ɘ̯̥] after /i/
-/i ɛ/ centralize before an uvular (Reflected in orthography: [ɨ ɘ] are written as <y u>)
-Prenasalised stops become plain after an obstruent (Reflected in orthography)
-High (semi)vowels become mid-high before an uvular (Partially reflected: [e o̯] are still written as <e w>)
-Front vowels centralize before /w ɑ̯ ɑ̯̊/ (Partially reflected: [ɜ] is still written as <e>)
-Voiceless stops aspirate after /h/
-Between two vowels/resonants, prenasalised stops become voiced nasals
-Nasals assimilate in POA to a following obstruent or nasal, except uvulars
-Voiced nasals become plain (if labialized) semivowels before an uvular obstruent
-Aspirated stops de-aspirate before any obstruent
-/t d nd/ + /s/ = /t͡s d͡z nd͡z/
-/r/ becomes [ɾ] between two vowels/resonants

Sample Sentence:
Iwomb fne ndindeikewn fnewziewbbdawjfoi gewbawjyw foywnndme fmee ewewrw fmindende bawngawmjewfoyw.
[io̯ɑ̯ʷmp n̥ɛ ndinɛikɜwn n̥ɜwd͡zʷiɜwbbʷao̯Xʷɑ̯̊i gɜwbʷao̯Xʷɨw ɑ̯̊ɨwnʷmmɛ m̥ɛɛ ɜwɜwɾʷw m̥inɛnɛ bawŋʷawwXɛo̯ɑ̯̊ʷɨw]
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Re: The glebst of gleb, V2.0

Post by Frislander »

/m mʲ n nʲ ɲ/
/mb mbʲ nd ndʲ nd͡ʒ nd͡ʑ/
/b bʲ t d tʲ dʲ t͡ʃ d͡ʒ t͡ɕ d͡ʑ k/
/f fʲ s sʲ ʃ ɕ/
/ɾ ɾʲ j ʎ w/

/i u
/a ã/

Syllable structure


C: a consonant
V: a vowel

  • [j] become [ɰ̟] before a rounded vowel or semivowel.
  • Non-affricate alveolar stops [nd t tʲ ...] become sibilants [nd͡z t͡s t͡sʲ ...] before a non-nasal coronal fricative.
  • Non-pharyngeal front consonants other than [ɲ j], i.e. [mʲ dʲ d͡ʑ ...], persistently become non-front [m d d͡ʒ ...] before a consonant.
  • Alveolar apical obstruents or nasals [n d t͡s ...] become palatoalveolar [ṉ̺ d͡ʒ̺ t͡ʃ̺ ...] after a palatoalveolar obstruent. Non-sibilant coronal stops become affricate sibilants.
  • Front vowels and palatal semivowels [j i] persistently become central [ɰ̟ ɨ] before a velar semivowel.
  • Coronal consonants [n nd͡ʒ t͡ʃ̺ ...] persistently assimilate in laminality to a following coronal consonant. Before a laminal obstruent, [ɾʲ] become [ɾ̻].
  • Non-front vowels and velar or uvular semivowels other than , i.e. [ɰ̟ w a ...], assimilate in backness or velarisation to a following semivowel.
  • Before one of [j ɰ̟], [w] become [ɰ̟]. Before [w], [ɰ̟] become [w]; [ɨ] become [ɑ].
  • Non-pharyngeal non-front consonants other than [ɾ̻ ɰ̟ w], i.e. [m t t͡ʃ ...], become front [mʲ tʲ t͡ɕ ...] after a front consonant except for a semivowel.
  • Palatal stops or nasals [c ɲ] persistently become alveopalatal [t͡ɕ nʲ̱] before a palatoalveolar obstruent or nasal. [c] become [t͡ɕ].
  • Non-sibilant coronal coronal nasals [n̻ n nʲ̱ ...] persistently become nasals and assimilate in place of articulation to a following obstruent or nasal.
  • Non-back tense vowels and non-velarised tense semivowels [j ɰ̟ i ɨ] assimilate in frontness or palatalisation to a following semivowel.
  • [ɱ ɱʲ mb mbʲ nd̻ nd̻ʲ nd ndʲ b bʲ t̻ d̻ t̻ʲ d̻ʲ t d tʲ dʲ c k nd͡z̻ nd͡z̻ʲ nd͡z nd͡zʲ nd͡ʒ nd͡ʑ nd͡ʒ̺ nd͡ʑ̺ t͡s̻ d͡z̻ t͡s̻ʲ d͡z̻ʲ t͡s d͡z t͡sʲ d͡zʲ t͡ʃ d͡ʒ t͡ɕ d͡ʑ t͡ʃ̺ d͡ʒ̺ t͡ɕ̺ d͡ʑ̺] become fricatives between a vowel or semivowel and a vowel or semivowel. Stops or nasals other than stops become stops; non-sibilant coronal stops become sibilants; stops or nasals other than stops become non-labiodental.
  • Coronal consonants other than [ɾ ɾʲ], i.e. [n̻ nd͡zʲ nz ...], persistently assimilate in anteriority and retroflexion to a following obstruent sibilant.
  • Before a palatoalveolar obstruent, non-affricate stops become affricate sibilants; [ɾ̻] become [ɾ].
  • Non-prenasalised obstruents [b t͡s z̻ ...] persistently assimilate in voice to a following obstruent or nasal and become voiceless word-finally.
  • Consonants other than [ɰ̟ w], i.e. [m k nʑ̺ ...], become rounded [mʷ kʷ nʒ̺ʷ ...] after a high rounded vowel or semivowel. Front consonants become non-front; non-velar palatal or velar consonants other than [j] become velar; [j] become [ɰ̟].
  • Obstruents or nasals other than [mʷ ɲ ŋ ŋʷ mbʷ pʷ bʷ c ɟ k g kʷ gʷ fʷ vʷ ç ʝ x ɣ xʷ ɣʷ], i.e. [m nd͡zʷ̻ nzʷ ...], assimilate in dorsality and uvularity and palatalisation and whether palatal or palatalised velar to a following obstruent or nasal and become non-palatal or velar word-finally. Before a front obstruent or nasal, . Before a palatal obstruent or nasal, non-labial rounded obstruents or nasals become back; [m ɱ ɱʷ ɱʲ mb p b mβ mβʷ mβʲ ɸ β ɸʷ βʷ ɸʲ βʲ f v] become [mʲ mʲ mʷ mʲ mbʲ pʲ bʲ ɱvʲ ɱvʷ ɱvʲ fʲ vʲ fʷ vʷ fʲ vʲ fʲ vʲ]. Before a velar obstruent or nasal, [mʲ ɱ ɱʷ ɱʲ mbʲ pʲ bʲ mβ mβʷ mβʲ ɸ β ɸʷ βʷ ɸʲ βʲ fʲ vʲ] become [m m mʷ m mb p b ɱv ɱvʷ ɱv f v fʷ vʷ f v f v]. Before a palatal or velar obstruent or nasal, coronal obstruents or nasals become non-coronal and assimilate in palatalisation; affricates become non-affricate and assimilate in palatalisation; bilabial fricatives become non-bilabial and assimilate in palatalisation; [ɱ ɱʷ ɱʲ] become non-labiodental and assimilate in palatalisation.
  • [a ɑ] become [ã ɑ̃] before a nasal phone.
  • [a ɑ] become [ã ɑ̃] before a nasal phone.
  • [j i ɨ ɑ ɑ̃] become rounded before a rounded consonant. [j] become [ɰ̟]; front vowels and palatal semivowels become non-front; tense vowels become back.
  • Non-glottal stop non-glottal fricative non-prenasalised obstruents [p t͡s s̻ ...] assimilate in voice to a preceding obstruent.

Some words
/tʲimbau/ [tʲimβau]
/nduwand͡ʑã/ [nduwanʑã]
/ndʲufad͡ʑã/ [ndʲufʷaʑã]
/t͡ɕit͡ʃa/ [t͡ɕiʃa]
/it͡ʃu/ [iʃu]
/iafʲa/ [iafʲa]
/tau/ [tau]
/wuɾʲi/ [wuɾʷi]
/uad͡ʑi/ [uaʑi]
/ai/ [ai]
/ɾʲiwi/ [ɾʲɒwi]
/nduka/ [nduxʷa]
/tʲii/ [tʲii]
/isi/ [isi]
/ãdʲinʲã/ [ãzʲinʲã]
/nãɾi/ [nãɾi]
/nd͡ʑaɕa/ [nd͡ʑaɕa]
/ɾʲaɾa/ [ɾʲaɾa]
/imbuwu/ [imβuwu]
/ubʲund͡ʒi/ [uβʷunʒʷi]
/wand͡ʒã/ [wanʒã]
/wuwaʎa/ [wuwaʎa]
/nd͡ʑumba/ [nd͡ʑumβʷa]
/ambawa/ [amβɒwa]
/nufu/ [nufʷu]
/t͡ʃuwu/ [t͡ʃuwu]
/waa/ [waa]
/anditu/ [anzisu]
/waaɾu/ [waaɾu]
/wã/ [wã]
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Re: The glebst of gleb, V2.0

Post by ÜberBen »

Two small seeds coming in!
#1639925309, Qayo'n [kʷɑjɔ̃ˤ]

/p t c k kʷ/
/w l j/

/i ɛ ɑ ɑˤ ɔ ɔˤ u ʊˤ/ + Nasality

<p t c k q>
<w l y>

<i e a a' o o' u u'> + <n>

Syllable Structure:
/c kʷ j/ are illegal codas

-Sonorants de-voice after an obstruent
-All consonants except /kʷ w/ labialize before /kʷ w/ and word-finally
-Velars become palatal before /j i e/
-/t/ + /s/ = [t͡s]
-/ɑ/ and its variations centralize before a palatal
-Alveolar obstruents become /l/ before another /l/
-/p t k s l/ palatalize before a palatal consonant

Sample Sentence:
Sako' cocolikkan a'nlan cip yu'to'nlen a'n. Qullou' winles yo'luyan o pal ku' la'n a sak yan ku'yata'no't.
[sɑkɔˤ cɔcɔlikkɑ̃ ɑ̃ˤlɑ̃ cipʷ jʊˤtɔ̃ˤlɛ̃ ɑ̃ˤ|kʷulloʊˤ wĩlɛsʷ jɔˤlujɑ̃ ɔ pɑlʷ kʊˤ lɑ̃ˤ ɑ sɑkʷ jɑ̃ kʊˤjɑtɑ̃ˤɔ̃ˤtʷ]

And #1670988040, Üyüdoi [yjytoi]

/p pʰ t tʰ c cʰ k kʰ/
/m n/
/w j ɥ/

/i y e ø a ɒ o u/

<b p d t j c g k>
<m n>
<w y ÿ>

<i ü e ö a å o u>

Syllable Structure:
P /p s w j/

-All consonants + /j/ = Palatalized consonants
-Semivowels become voiceless after an obstruent
-Vowels nasalize before a nasal
-Nasals assimilate in POA to the following obstruent
-/i e/ become rounded before /w ɥ/ (Reflected in orthography)
-/s/ is voiced between two voiced phones

Sample Sentence:
Åtyo iöbi yi übå jaba köga odüksöå wåa dokü ÿwöu, codo goÿå yseo jawü ewadebuga gemope?
[ɒtʰʲo iøpi ji ypɒ japa kʰøka otykʰsøɒ wɒa tokʰy ɥwøu|cʰoto koɥɒ jzeo cawy ewatepuka kẽmopʰe]
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Re: The glebst of gleb, V2.0

Post by ÜberBen »

And it dips back to weirdness as we finish the fourth batch.
#1678002771, Luhhenmi [lʷuhhemmi]

/p t k/
/s x h/
/m n/
/l ʀʷ/

/i e o u/

<p t k>
<s x h>
<m n>
<l r>

<i e o u>

Syllable Structure:

-Velars become palatal before /i/
-All consonants except bilabials and /ʀʷ/ labialize before /u ʀʷ/, but [hʷ] becomes /ʀʷ/
-Stops aspirate after /h/
-Nasals assimilate in POA to the following obstruent/nasal
-/n/ becomes /l/ when neighboring another /l/ (Reflected in orthography)
-All consonants except palatals and /ʀʷ/ palatalize before a palatal
-Resonants become voiceless before any obstruent

Sample Sentence:
Mehep toi moollooh riohnhuh e ilihrehih. Tuuhur lehnuhpe keri nu huo ihhuhher rim kuh ruhehxirsih me o iohk?
[mehep toi moollooh ʀʷiohnʀʷuh e iliʀʀʷehih|tʷuuhʷuʀʷ lehnʷuhpe keʀʷi nu huo ihʀʷuhheʀʷ ʀʷim kʷuh ʀʷuheççiʀʷsih me o iohkʰ]

And #2011940325, Vebkdismžeebšgon [βɛbgdizmʑɛɛbʑgɔn]

/p b t d tʲ dʲ k g kʷ gʷ q qʷ/
/ɸ β s z ɕ ʑ xʷ Xʷ/
/m n/
/w l j/

/i ɛ a ɔ u/

<p b t d ť ď k g kw gw q qw>
<f v s z š ž x h>
<m n>
<w l y>

<i e a o u>

Syllable Strucutre:
P /b ɸ β/
R /p b t k q ɸ s ɕ m n l j/

-All consonants except bilabials, labialized dorsals and [j] labialize after /w/ or a labialized dorsal
-Alveolar stops + /s/ = affricates
-/w/ turns to /j/ before a coronal (Reflected in orthography)
-Dorsal obstruents become velar/uvular according to the following dorsal (except /w/)
-/w/ turns to /j/ before another /j/ (Reflected in orthography)
-Front vowels centralize after an uvular
-Coronal nasals assimilate in POA to the following obstruent/nasal
-Semivowels become lax after /ɛ ɔ/
-/ɸ/ is deleted and /β/ becomes /j/ after an obstruent or a nasal (Reflected in orthography)
-Obstruents assimilate in voice to the following obstruent

Sample Sentence:
Bsgwa ab zafpqedeasbož bďoš pye mďekuu gwab, vťupsnufbhiw qogwu fqwuk byde žo fgay fkževol.
[bzgʷa ab zaɸpqɜdɛazbɔʑ bdʲɔɕ pjɛ mdʲɛkuu gʷab|ɸtʲupsnuɸpXʷiw qɔgʷu ɸqʷuk bjdɛ ʑɔ βgaj βgʑɛβɔl]
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Re: The glebst of gleb, V2.0

Post by Raholeun »

ÜberBen wrote: Thu Nov 01, 2018 4:18 pm /i ɛ ɑ ɑˤ ɔ ɔˤ u ʊˤ/ + Nasality
Love this one!

Sometimes I feel Gleb is sort of the weird kid in school, but instead of skipping most classes or shooting up the place, he blurts out a CC(C)VC root with the C being any of 200 consonants.
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Re: The glebst of gleb, V2.0

Post by bbbosborne »


/m n̻ n ɲ ŋ ɴ/
/b ɓ̰ t̻ d̻ ɗ̰̻ t d ɗ̰ ɗ̰̱ k g ɠ̰ kˤ gˤ ɠ̰ˤ/
/t͡s̻ d͡z̻ t͡s d͡z t͡ʃ d͡ʒ k͡x g͡ɣ k͡xˤ g͡ɣˤ/
/f s̻ s ʃ ħ/
/ɾ w/

/i u/
/e o/


C1: a consonant
V: a vowel
C2: a consonant other than a stop or /ʔ ħ/; i.e. one of /m n̻ n ɲ ŋ ɴ f s̻ s ʃ ɾ w/
C3: a consonant
C4: one of /n t ɗ̰ t͡s s ɾ/

[a] become [ɑ] before a pharyngealised consonant.
Unrounded vowels and unrounded dorsal consonants other than [ɲ a], i.e. [ŋ gˤ k͡xˤ ...], become rounded [ŋʷ gˤʷ k͡xˤʷ ...] before a labial obstruent or nasal.
Labial obstruents or nasals [m b ɓ̰ f] assimilate in labiodentality to a following labial obstruent or nasal.
[ɴ] become [ɘ̯̃] before a front vowel.
Non-pharyngealised consonants other than resonants or uvular consonants or [ɲ], i.e. [m g t͡s ...], persistently become front [mʲ ɟ t͡s̻ʲ ...] before a palatal nasal. Apical obstruents or nasals become laminal; rounded stops or nasals become unrounded.
Non-front vowels and velar or uvular semivowels other than [w], i.e. [ɘ̯̃ o ɑ ...], assimilate in backness or velarisation to a following uvular consonant. Before [ɘ̯̃], [ɒ] become [a].
Non-pharyngealised vowels and non-pharyngeal consonants other than mid-high vowels and semivowels [m g t͡ɕ ...] persistently become pharyngealised [mˤ gˤ t͡ɕˤ ...] before a pharyngealised consonant. Tense vowels and semivowels become non-pharyngealised; tense vowels and semivowels become non-high.
Non-front coronal obstruents or nasals [n̻ ɗ̰̻ t͡sˤ ...] persistently assimilate in laminality to a following coronal consonant. Before an apical consonant, palatoalveolar obstruents become alveolar.
Fricatives [ɸ fʲ s ...] become stops or nasals [p pʲ t͡s ...] after a nasal consonant except for a stop or nasal. Labiodental fricatives become bilabial.
Palatal stops or nasals [ɲ c͡çˤ c͡ç ...] persistently become alveopalatal [ṉʲ t͡ɕˤ t͡ɕ ...] before a palatoalveolar obstruent. Non-implosive non-affricate stops become affricates; implosives become non-front non-glottalised alveolar taps.
High vowels and semivowels [w i ʉ ...] become non-high [o̯ e ɵ ...] before a pharyngealised consonant.
Nasals [m n̻ ɲˤ ...] persistently become nasals and assimilate in place of articulation to a following obstruent or nasal.
Semivowels [ɘ̯̃ ɤ̯̃ w o̯] become lax [ɜ̯̃ ʌ̯̃ ʊ̯ ɔ̯] before a lax vowel.
Voiced vowels [i e aˤ ...] persistently become creaky-voiced [ḭ ḛ a̰ˤ ...] after a creaky-voiced implosive.
Coronal laminal obstruents or nasals [n̻ ɗ̰̻ t͡ʃ ...] persistently assimilate in anteriority and retroflexion to a following obstruent sibilant. Before a non-implosive palatoalveolar obstruent, non-implosive non-affricate stops become affricate sibilants.
Stops [p kʷ d͡z̻ ...] persistently assimilate in voice to a following non-nasal consonant other than resonant. Before a voiceless consonant, creaky-voiced implosives become non-implosive.
[p pʼ pˤ pˤʼ pʲ pʼʲ pˤʲ pˤʼʲ p̪ pʼ̪ pˤ̪ pˤʼ̪ p̪ʲ pʼ̪ʲ pˤ̪ʲ pˤʼ̪ʲ t̻ tʼ̻ tˤ̻ tˤʼ̻ t̻ʲ tʼ̻ʲ tˤ̻ʲ tˤʼ̻ʲ t tʼ tˤ tˤʼ tʼ̱ tˤʼ̱ tʼ̱ʲ tˤʼ̱ʲ c cʼ cˤ cˤʼ k kʼ kʷ kʼʷ kˤ kˤʼ kˤʷ kˤʼʷ ɓ̰ ɓ̰ˤ ɓ̰ʲ ɓ̰ˤʲ ɓ̰̪ ɓ̰ˤ̪ ɓ̰̪ʲ ɓ̰ˤ̪ʲ ɗ̰̻ ɗ̰ˤ̻ ɗ̰̻ʲ ɗ̰ˤ̻ʲ ɗ̰ ɗ̰ˤ ɗ̰̱ ɗ̰ˤ̱ ɗ̰̱ʲ ɗ̰ˤ̱ʲ ʄ̰ ʄ̰ˤ ɠ̰ ɠ̰ʷ ɠ̰ˤ ɠ̰ˤʷ t͡s̻ t͡sˤ̻ t͡s̻ʲ t͡sˤ̻ʲ t͡s t͡sˤ t͡ʃ t͡ʃˤ t͡ɕ t͡ɕˤ c͡ç c͡çˤ k͡x k͡xʷ k͡xˤ k͡xˤʷ] persistently assimilate in glottalisation to a preceding non-nasal consonant other than resonant. After a non-glottalised non-nasal consonant other than a resonant, non-implosive palatoalveolar ejective stops become affricate sibilants.
Palatoalveolar stops or nasals [ṉ ɗ̰̱ d͡ʒ ...] become non-affricate non-coronal palatal [ɲ ʄ̰ ɟ ...] before a palatal stop or nasal.
High vowels and semivowels [w ḭ ʉ ...] persistently become non-high [o̯ ḛ ɵ ...] before a non-near-high vowel or an uvular consonant except for a vowel or semivowel.
Before a non-nasal coronal fricative, non-sibilant coronal non-implosive stops become non-nasal coronal affricate sibilants; non-sibilant coronal implosives become non-implosive non-nasal coronal voiceless fricative sibilants; coronal creaky-voiced implosives become non-glottalised non-implosive non-nasal coronal voiceless fricative sibilants.
Lax semivowels [ɜ̯̃ ʌ̯̃ ʊ̯ ɔ̯] become tense [ɘ̯̃ ɤ̯̃ w o̯] before a high vowel or semivowel.
Tense vowels and semivowels [ɘ̯̃ y ḛ ...] persistently become lax [ɜ̯̃ ʏ ɛ̰ ...] after a pharyngealised consonant.
Vowels [i ʊ ɞ̰ ...] become nasal [ĩ ʊ̃ ɞ̰̃ ...] before a nasal consonant.
Front vowels [i ɪ̃ ø̰ ...] become non-front [ɨ ɪ̈̃ ɵ̰ ...] after a pharyngealised consonant.
Nasal consonants [m n̻ʲ ŋʷ ...] become non-nasal resonants [w ɾ w ...] after a non-nasal resonant except for a semivowel. Non-coronal pharyngealised nasals become non-pharyngealised; palatalised nasals become non-front; laminal nasals become apical; labial nasals become non-labial rounded back semivowels; palatoalveolar nasals become alveolar; palatal or velar pharyngealised nasals become mid.
Non-nasal vowels and resonants [ɾ u ɛ ...] become nasal [ɾ̃ ũ ɛ̃ ...] after a nasal vowel or semivowel.
when the hell did that happen
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Re: The glebst of gleb, V2.0

Post by Birdlang »

/m n̻ ɲ/ m n ñ
/p b t̻ d̻ k g ʔ/ p b t d k g q
/ɸ β s̻ z̻ h/ f v s z h
/ɾ̻/ r
/l̻ j/ l j

/i ɨ u e o a/ i y u e o a
There was an allophone rule that any vowel before a glottal stop becomes creaky voiced.
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Re: The glebst of gleb, V2.0

Post by Raholeun »

Seems very reasonable, coming from Gleb.
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Re: The glebst of gleb, V2.0

Post by Zaarin »

Birdlang wrote: Sun Nov 04, 2018 10:30 am /m n̻ ɲ/ m n ñ
/p b t̻ d̻ k g ʔ/ p b t d k g q
/ɸ β s̻ z̻ h/ f v s z h
/ɾ̻/ r
/l̻ j/ l j

/i ɨ u e o a/ i y u e o a
There was an allophone rule that any vowel before a glottal stop becomes creaky voiced.
Ditch /ɸ β/ and pick one liquid and this language would be right at home in the Great Basin, Plateau, or California.
But if of ships I now should sing, what ship would come to me?
What ship would bear me ever back across so wide a Sea?
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Re: The glebst of gleb, V2.0

Post by Birdlang »

Zaarin wrote: Sun Nov 04, 2018 3:22 pm
Birdlang wrote: Sun Nov 04, 2018 10:30 am /m n̻ ɲ/ m n ñ
/p b t̻ d̻ k g ʔ/ p b t d k g q
/ɸ β s̻ z̻ h/ f v s z h
/ɾ̻/ r
/l̻ j/ l j

/i ɨ u e o a/ i y u e o a
There was an allophone rule that any vowel before a glottal stop becomes creaky voiced.
Ditch /ɸ β/ and pick one liquid and this language would be right at home in the Great Basin, Plateau, or California.
You’re right, I was thinking of Luiseño for some reason when I saw it.
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Re: The glebst of gleb, V2.0

Post by ÜberBen »

Batch #5 is released. Here be monsters.
#1310527551, Ddeʔr [ɗeʔɾ]

/p b pʲ bʲ t d t͡ʃ d͡ʒ t͡ɕ d͡ʑ k g k͡p g͡b q ɢ q͡p ɢ͡b ʔ ʔʲ/
/ƥ ɓ ƥʲ ɓʲ ƭ ɗ ƭ͡ʃ ɗ͡ʒ ƭ͡ɕ ɗ͡ʑ/
/s ʃ ɕ/
/m mʲ n ɲ ɲ͡m ŋ͡m ɴ͡m/
/l ɾ j/

/i e a o u/ + Length

<p b py by t d c j č ĵ k g kp gb q ğ qp ğb ʔ ʔy>
<pp bb ppy bby tt dd cc jj čč ĵĵ>
<s x š>
<m my n ny nmy nm ňm>
<l r y>

<i e a o u> + Double Letters

Syllable Structure:
R /m mʲ n ɲ ɲ͡m ŋ͡m ɴ͡m l ɾ j/

-Nasals assimilate in POA to the following obstruent/nasal
-/j/ turns to [e̯] after a non-high vowel
-All consonants other than palatals or uvulars palatalize after [i e j e̯], but velars become alveolo-palatal
-/a/ becomes [æ] before a semivowel

Sample Sentence:
Ĵiintoo aa ppoonmykpaa luupeey ppyicooeee eeččeuʔ, myunydduččuuʔtul gbany ee baasuu kpaaluu ʔuur uuʔnonyuuʔmyee.
[d͡ʑiːntoː aː ƥoːŋ͡mk͡paː luːpʲeːe̯ ƥʲit͡ʃoːeːː eːƭ͡ɕeuʔ|mʲunɗuƭ͡ɕuːʔtul g͡baɲ eː baːsuː k͡paːluː ʔuːɾ uːʔnoɲuːʔmʲeː]

And 1313902710, Tfoẓãḍ [t͡θɔɳʐã˞ɳɖ]

/p pʰ mb mbʱ t tʰ nd ndʱ ʈ ʈʰ ɳɖ ɳɖʱ k kʰ ŋg ŋgʱ/
/t͡θ t͡θʰ t͡s t͡sʰ ʈ͡ʂ ʈ͡ʂʰ t͡ʃ t͡ʃʰ/
/f s nz ʂ ɳʐ ʃ nʒ/
/m mʱ n nʱ ɳ ɳʱ ɲ ɲʱ/
/w wʱ l lʱ ɭ ɭʱ ɾ j jʱ/

/i ɛ ɛ̃ a ã ɔ ɔ̃ u/ + Breathy Voice

<p ph b bh t th d dh ṭ ṭh ḍ ḍh k kh g gh>
<tf tfh ts tsh tṣ tṣh tc tch>
<f s z ṣ ẓ c j>
<m mh n nh ṇ ṇh ny nhy>
<w wh l lh ḷ ḷh r y yh>

<i e ẽ a ã o õ u> + <h>

Syllable Structure:

-Front (semi)vowels become rounded before a rounded semivowel
-Dental consonants become retroflex after a retroflex consonant (Reflected in orthography)
-All modal vowels and unaspirated resonants become breathy-voiced/aspirated after a voiced aspirate
-All consonants except nasals and nasailzed obstruents assimilate in voice to the following obstruent, but aspirated sonorants become plain when devoiced
-Unaspirated stops become aspirated after any aspirated phone except for non-nasal vowels and resonants
-Retroflex consonants become non-retroflex after a front high (semi)vowel
-Prenasalised stops become nasals before an obstruent/nasal, and prenasalised fricatives become nasalized resonants in the same environment (Reflected in orthography)
-Nasals assimilate in POA to the following obstruent/nasal (Reflected in orthography)
-Non-back vowels become rhotic before a retroflex consonant
-All stops assimilate in aspiration to the following obstruent/nasal

Sample Sentence:
Ãhṇod ẽ õhgh ḍheḍheṭõhtṣihtṣãh ṇheohẽheh. Ẽthihẽyheṭṭṣhuḍ tcãnytcãh ẽ uhṇṇhah loh?
[ã̤˞ɳɔd ɛ̃ ɔ̤̃ŋɳɖʱɛ̤˞ɳɖʱɛ̤˞ʈɔ̤̃t͡ʃʰi̤˞ʈ͡ʂã̤ ɳʱɛ̤ɔ̤ɛ̤̃ɛ̤|ɛ̃tʰi̤ɛ̃jʱɛ̤˞ʈʈ͡ʂʰṳɳɖ t͡ʃãɲt͡ʃã̤ ɛ̃ ṳɳɳʱa̤ lɔ̤]
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Re: The glebst of gleb, V2.0

Post by ÜberBen »

A little respite from the prevoius seeds...
1209146780, Kalawyduy [kʌˤlʌˤʁ̞ɨɗuɨ]

/p ɓ t ɗ t͡s k/
/f s x/
/m n/
/l ɰ/

/i ɨ ʌˤ u/

<p b t d c k>
<f s h>
<m n>
<l w>

<i y a u>

Syllable Structure:

-Stops and nasals (except /t͡s/) assimilate in POA to the following obstruent or nasal, but [ɠ] turns to [ŋ] (Partially reflected: [ŋ] is written <n>)
-/i/ and /ɨ/ back to [ɯ] before /ɰ/
-All (semi)vowels (except /u/) become rounded before a labial obstruent/nasal (Partially reflected: [y ʉ] are still written <i y>)
-Vowels and resonants nasalize after a nasal
-Velar obstruents and nasals become uvular after /ʌˤ/
-All consonants except uvulars and /ɰ/ palatalize before /i/
-All consonants that can palatalize do so when before a palatalized consonant
-Obstruents assimilate in voice to the following obstruent and become voiceless word-finally, but:
  • When devoiced, implosives become regular stops
  • [g] turns to [ŋ] (Reflected in orthography)
Sample Sentence:
Siays dyfib a uhby lahic kilu wiwcombica pi kynhy, ybmuau dutda niddipakucu doby pu!
[sʲiʌˤɨs ɗɨfyp ʌˤ uɣɓɨ lʌˤhit͡s kʲilu ɰɯɰt͡sɔ̃ˤmɓʲit͡sʌˤ pi kɨ̃ŋxɨ|ʉɓmuʌˤu ɗudɗʌˤ nʲiɗɗypʌˤkut͡su ɗɔˤɓɨ pu]

And #1334711149, Ïꞧlhiunhe [i̤ɹ̥lʱiunʱɛ]

/b bʱ t tʰ d dʱ k kʰ/
/ɸ β/
/m mʱ n nʱ/
/l l̥ lʱ ɹ ɹ̥ ɹʱ/

/i ɛ a ɔ u/ + Breathy Voice

<b bh t th d dh k kh>
<f v>
<m mh n nh>
<l ł lh r ꞧ rh>

/i e a o u/ + Diaeresis

Syllable Structure:
K /t tʰ k kʰ β m mʱ n nʱ l lʱ ɹ ɹʱ/

-Obstruents assimilate in voice to the preceding obstruent/nasal and devoice word-finally (Reflected in orthography)
-Aspirated stops deaspirate before any consonant that isn't a lateral/rhotic

Smaple Sentence:
Lhumhünhäthmvekhmh ër kinhilhöththifthë. Küföꞧurhë müdhï bhau vör tam kädho ruëꞧutäbr dhadhmit lhe?
[lʱumʱṳnʱa̤tmβɛkmʱ ɛ̤ɹ kinʱilʱɔ̤ttʰiɸtʰɛ̤|kṳɸɔ̤ɹ̥uɹʱɛ̤ mṳdʱi̤ bʱau βɔ̤ɹ tam ka̤dʱɔ ɹuɛ̤ɹ̥uta̤bɹ dʱadmit lʱɛ]
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Re: The glebst of gleb, V2.0

Post by Raholeun »

ÜberBen wrote: Thu Nov 08, 2018 2:45 am 1209146780, Kalawyduy [kʌˤlʌˤʁ̞ɨɗuɨ]
This might be my favorite thusfar. It's truly elegant and had I not been monogamous, I would have made a move on this seed.
ÜberBen wrote: Thu Nov 08, 2018 2:45 am /i ɨ ʌˤ u/
Skipping thorugh PHOIBLE, there does not seem to be a natlang precursor for a four vowel system, one of which is pharyngealized. But how does one explain the pharyngealization on the one vowel. *a > ʌˤ as an unconditioned change puts a strain on my suspension of disbelief. Nevertheless, it is a nice touch.
ÜberBen wrote: Thu Nov 08, 2018 2:45 am -All consonants except uvulars and /ɰ/ palatalize before /i/
-All consonants that can palatalize do so when before a palatalized consonant
Palatalization caused by /i/ just carries over to preceding consonants without there being a condition for being blocked?
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Re: The glebst of gleb, V2.0

Post by ÜberBen »

The weirdness continues...
#1391255703, Tseg'adzixa [t͡seɰˤazixa]

/p b t d t͡θ d͡ð t͡s d͡z k g kˤ gˤ q qˤ/
/f θ s x xˤ X ʁ Xˤ ʁˤ h/
/m n nˤ/
/w l/

/i ɨ a u/

<p b t d tŧ dđ ts dz k g k' g' q q'>
<f ŧ s x x' ķ ģ ķ' ģ' h>
<m n n'>
<w l>

<i y a u>

Syllable Structure:

-Between two vowels:
  • Voiceless stops become fricatives
  • Voiced stops become resonants
  • /h ʁ/ are deleted
  • /ʁˤ/ becomes [ʕ]
-All vowels other than /a/ become mid before a pharyngealised consonant (Reflected in orthography: [e ə o] are written <e e o>)
-Non-labial consonants labialize after /w u/
-Front vowels centralize after an uvular obstruent (Reflected in orthography)
-Tense vowels become lax after a pharyngealised consonant

Sample Sentence:
K'oq'a lyhi dđagaihitŧu dza g'ibi akysa myu ipu, Qytŧa q'ywa sai ģ'yģ'u i huqy ox'amu.
[kˤɔXʷˤa lɨi d͡ðaɰaiiθu d͡za gˤɪwi axɨsa mɨu ifu|qɨθa qˤɨ̞wa sai ʁˤɨ̞ʕʊ i huXʷɨ oxʷˤamu]

And #1462496591, Ŋgëbëm [ŋgʌbʌm]

/p b mb t d nd k g ŋg q ɢ ɴɢ/
/f s x X h/
/m n ŋ/

/i y e ẽ ø ø̃ ɨ ʌ ʌ̃ o õ u/

<p b mb t d nd k g ŋg q ġ ŋġ>
<f s x ẋ h>
<m n ŋ>

<i ü e ẽ ö y ë ẽ̈ o õ u>

Syllable Structure:
K cannot be uvular

-High vowels become mid before an uvular (Reflected in orthography)
-Central vowels become back after an uvular obstruent (Reflected in orthography)

Sample Sentence:
Sẽ̈ẋü ŋoŋkoge ndŋü bẽ ly bpy tlöe eġẽ̈ dëömi ü xẽ tnẽ fe!
[sʌ̃Xy ŋoŋø̃koge ndŋy ø̃bẽ lɨ bpɨ tløe eɢʌ̃ dʌømi y xẽ tnẽ fe]
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Re: The glebst of gleb, V2.0

Post by ÜberBen »

Raholeun wrote: Thu Nov 08, 2018 2:49 pm
ÜberBen wrote: Thu Nov 08, 2018 2:45 am -All consonants except uvulars and /ɰ/ palatalize before /i/
-All consonants that can palatalize do so when before a palatalized consonant
Palatalization caused by /i/ just carries over to preceding consonants without there being a condition for being blocked?
Didn't notice that, thanks.
Oh dear god, the second seed...
#1639193013, Sekhutuyqyu [sɛkʰuduɥʔju]

/p pʰ b t tʰ d t͡ʃ t͡ʃʰ d͡ʒ c͡p c͡pʰ ɟ͡b k kʰ g k͡p k͡pʰ g͡b ʔ/
/f fʲ v s ʃ x/
/m mʲ n/
/w r j/

/i ɛ a ɔ u/

<p ph b t th d c ch j cp cph jb k kh g kp kph gb q>
<f fy v s sh x>
<m my n>
<w r y>

<i e a o u>

Syllable Structure:
R /w r j/
N /m mʲ n r j/

-Nasals assimilate in POA to the following obstruent
-Front vowels centralize before /w/, and /j/ is deleted in the same environment
-Unaspirated voiceless obstruents become voiced between two voiced phones
-/j/ becomes rounded after a rounded (semi)vowel
-Consonants + /w/ = Labialized consonants, but palatals become velars and [ʔʷ] gets deleted

Sample Sentence:
Vri thoamyi u somy onyosiaphwam kphuytiqrae, amy camxum a jir iye kpuydwekheonme um cphotha qwen jbowueyti.
[vri tʰɔamʲi u sɔmʲ ɔnjɔziapʷʰam k͡pʰuɥdiʔraɛ|amʲ t͡ʃaŋɣum a d͡ʒir ijɛ k͡puɥdʷɛkʰɛɔnmɛ um c͡pʰɔtʰa ɛn ɟ͡bɔwuɛjdi]

And #1684967617, İkdpoñ [ɪktpɔ̃]

/p p' b t t' d t͡s t͡s' d͡z k k'/
/m n ŋ/
/w ɾ/

/i ɪ e ɛ a ʌ ɔ ɤ o ɯ̽ ʊ ɯ u/ + Nasality

<p p' b t t' d s s' z k k'>
<m n g>
<w r>

<í i é e á a o ə ó ı u y ú> + <ñ>

Syllable Structure:
G cannot be an affricate
R /w ɾ/
affricates and voiced stops are illegal codas

-/w/ becomes [ʊ̯] before a lax vowel
-Non-bilabial consonants + /w/ = Labialized consonants
-Oral vowels become nasal before a nasal phone
-Non-ejective stops assimilate in voice to the following stop/nasal
-Ejective stops become plain word-finally
-/n/ assimilates in POA to the following stop/nasal
-/a/ becomes [ɜ] before a semivowel

Sample Sentence:
P'írıh t'uhwuñt'zés'wyg nk'ıñrsrí ap wit'rəp'təñwyñhor añwrah datke óñnú zi ubúéñ oyw ım phérmeñ?
[p'iɾɯ̽h t'ʊhʷʊ̃t'd͡zet͡sʷ'ɯ̃ŋ ŋk'ɯ̽̃ɾt͡sɾi ʌp wɪt'ɾɤp'tɤ̃wɯ̃hɔɾ ʌ̃wɾʌh dʌtkɛ õnu d͡zɪ ʊbuẽ ɔɯw ɯ̽̃m pheɾmɛ̃]
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Re: The glebst of gleb, V2.0

Post by ÜberBen »

Those two aren't full-on wacky, just... peculiar.
#1717212559, Kâhocê [k͡pãhokẽ]

/p t k k͡p/
/s X h/
/m n/

/i e ẽ a ã o õ u/

<p t c k>
<s x h>
<m n>

<i e ê a â o ô u>

Syllable Structure:
M /m k k͡p X h/

-Oral vowels nasalize before a nasal phone, but high vowels become mid
-/χ/ turns to [f] before an alveolar obstruent/nasal (Reflected in orthography)
-Dorsal obstruents assimilate in uvularity to the following back obstruent
-Obstruents become nasals after /m/
-Velar obstruents/nasals become palatal after a front vowel

Sample Sentence:
Msôkmosi xhihi lu hipiô eôsêi pâhicô, aka lôtâ pulâ kimue châmu flokeâ êhu sasato mhu kuki.
[mnõk͡pmosi Xhihi lu hipẽõ ẽõsẽi pãhico|ak͡pa lõtã pulã k͡pẽmue khãmu flok͡peã ẽhu sasato mŋu k͡puk͡pi]

And #1778060761, Bollumburhu [bɔʟʷːumbuɹu]

/b mb t d nd ʈ͡ʂ ɖ͡ʐ ɳɖ͡ʐ k/
/f s ʂ/
/m n ɳ/
/w wː ɾ rː ɹ j ʟ ʟː/

/i y ɛ œ a ɔ u/

<b mb t d nd c j nj k>
<f s sh>
<m n nh>
<w ww r rr rh y l ll>

<i ü e ö a o u>

Syllable Structure:

-Dorsals are labialized before /y u/
-Front vowels centralize before a retroflex

Sample Sentence:
Ndoburrömbö öjü rröndönhöyö njöenjö njarae rherrö ambe fu yeu nhüru shutö rrerro!
[ndɔburːœmbœ ɞɖ͡ʐy rːœndɞɳœjœ ɳɖ͡ʐœɜɳɖ͡ʐœ ɳɖ͡ʐaɾaɛ ɹɛrːœ ambɛ fu jɛu ɳyɾu ʂutœ rːɛrːɔ]
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Re: The glebst of gleb, V2.0

Post by Birdlang »

Ok. So these may have some weird ones
/t t͡ʃ c k/ t c p k
/f s ʃ/ f s ç
/ɾ/ r
/l j w/ l j b

/i y u ɪ ʏ ʊ e ø o ɛ œ ɔ a/ i y u ì ỳ ù e w o è v ò a
Syllable structure


C1: a consonant
V: a vowel
C2: a consonant


[t] become [t͡s] before a non-nasal coronal fricative.
Non-low vowels and semivowels [j u ø ...] assimilate in rounding to a following one of [j w]. Before [w], [j] become [w]. Before [j], [w] are deleted.
Palatal or velar consonants other than [w], i.e. [c k j], become rounded [kʷ kʷ w] before a rounded vowel or semivowel. Consonants other than [k] become velar.
Coronal consonants [t t͡ʃ ʃ ...] persistently assimilate in laminality to a following coronal consonant. Before an apical consonant, laminal obstruents become alveolar.
Before a tap, approximant laterals become non-lateral alveolar taps. Before an approximant lateral, taps become alveolar approximant laterals.
Non-front vowels [ɯ ʊ ʌ ...] assimilate in backness or velarisation to a following one of [j w].
Non-pharyngeal coronal consonants [t̻ t͡ʃ ɾ̻ ...] become palatalised [t̻ʲ t͡ɕ ɾ̻ʲ ...] before a front vowel or semivowel.
Non-pharyngeal palatalised consonants [t̻ʲ t͡ɕ ɾ̻ʲ ...] persistently become non-front [t̻ t͡ʃ ɾ̻ ...] before a consonant.
[c] become [t͡ɕ] before a palatoalveolar obstruent.
[t̻ t̻ʲ t tʲ t͡s̻ t͡s̻ʲ t͡ʃ t͡ɕ s̻ s̻ʲ ʃ ɕ ɾ̻ ɾ̻ʲ l̻ l̻ʲ l lʲ] persistently assimilate in anteriority and retroflexion to a following obstruent sibilant. Before a palatoalveolar obstruent, [t tʲ] become [t͡θ̺ t͡θ̺ʲ]; approximant laterals become non-lateral non-coronal palatal or velar; [t̻ t̻ʲ] become [t͡ʃ t͡ɕ]; [l̻ l] become [j j]; taps become alveolar apical.
Non-glottal fricative non-nasal resonants [ɾ̻ ɾ̻ʲ l ...] persistently become voiceless [ɾ̻̥ ɾ̻ʲ̥ l̥ ...] after a non-nasal consonant except for a resonant.
Coronal consonants [t̻ t͡ɕ ɾ̥ ...] assimilate in laminality to a following coronal consonant. Before an apical consonant, palatoalveolar obstruents become alveolar.
Palatoalveolar affricates [t͡ʃ t͡ɕ] become non-affricate non-coronal palatal [c c] before a palatal stop.
Unrounded consonants [t̻ t͡sʲ ɾ̥ ...] become rounded [t̻ʷ t͡sʲʷ ɾ̥ʷ ...] after a rounded consonant. [c j̥ j] become [kʷ w̥ w]; [f] become [xʷ].
Front vowels and semivowels [j̥ y e ...] become central [ ʉ ɘ ...] before a velar semivowel. Semivowels are deleted.
The seed for that one is seed 1336353064.
Next this is weird
/m̥ m n̥ n ŋ̥ ŋ/ mh m nh n ñh ñ
/pʰ p b tʰ t d kʰ k g ʔ/ ph p b th t d kh k g c
/f s h/ f s h
/r/ r

/i u e o ɛ ɔ a/ i u e o ê ô a
/C+h/ is C’h


C1: a non-labial obstruent or nasal other than a non-sibilant coronal stop or nasal; i.e. one of /ŋ̥ ŋ kʰ k g s/
C2: a consonant other than a voiced stop (/b d g/)
C3: a consonant
V: a vowel
C4: a consonant


Short trills [r] persistently become taps [ɾ] between a vowel or resonant and a vowel or resonant.
Unaspirated stops [p t k ...] persistently become glottalised [pʼ tʼ kʼ ...] after a non-nasal glottal stop. become [ɓ̰ ɗ̰]; [g] are deleted.
Non-nasal voiced phones other than taps or trills or implosives [b i o ...] become creaky-voiced [ɓ̰ ḭ o̰ ...] after a creaky-voiced implosive. Stops other than [g] become implosives; [g] are deleted.
Unaspirated stops [p t kʼ ...] assimilate in glottalisation to a following non-nasal consonant other than resonant. Before a glottalised consonant, become [ɓ̰ ɗ̰]; [g] are deleted.
Unaspirated stops [p tʼ g ...] persistently become aspirated [pʰ tʰ kʰ ...] after an aspirated consonant. Voiced stops become voiceless; glottalised stops become non-glottalised.
Nasals [m̥ n̥ ŋ̥ ...] persistently become nasals and assimilate in place of articulation to a following obstruent or nasal.
[f] become [hʷ] after an obstruent.
Unaspirated non-implosive obstruents [p t kʼ ...] persistently assimilate in voice to a following obstruent and become voiceless word-finally. Before a voiced stop, [pʼ tʼ] become [ɓ̰ ɗ̰]; [kʼ] are deleted.
Unaspirated consonants other than implosives [m̥ p g ...] persistently assimilate in voice to a preceding non-nasal consonant other than resonant. After a voiced obstruent, [pʼ tʼ] become [ɓ̰ ɗ̰]; [kʼ ʔ] are deleted.
Mid-low vowels [ɛ ɛ̰ ɔ ɔ̰] become tense [e ḛ o o̰] before a nasal.
Unaspirated voiceless stops [p t k ...] become aspirated [pʰ tʰ kʰ ...] before a glottal fricative. Ejective stops become non-glottalised.
Stops [pʰ tʼ ɓ̥ʰ ...] persistently assimilate in aspiration to a following consonant other than resonant. Before an unaspirated consonant other than a resonant, [ɓ̥ʰ ɗ̥ʰ] become [ɓ ɗ]. Before an aspirated consonant, voiced stops become voiceless; glottalised stops become non-glottalised.
Seed 1278977259.
What the heck, look at that syllable structure!
/m̥ m n̥ n/ ḿ m ń n
/pʰ p b tʰ t d t͡sʰ t͡s d͡z kʰ k g ʔ/ ṕ p b t́ t d ć c ʒ ḱ k g ɂ
/ɬ s/ z s
/ɾ/ r
/l w/ l v

/i y u ɛ ɛ̃ œ œ̃ ɔ ɔ̃ a ã/ i ü u e ẽ ö ṏ o õ a ã
Syllable structure


C1: a consonant
V: a vowel
C2: a consonant other than an affricate (/t͡sʰ t͡s d͡z/) or /d ɬ/
C3: a consonant other than an affricate (/t͡sʰ t͡s d͡z/) or /d ɬ/
C4: a consonant other than one of /t͡sʰ t͡s ɬ/ (/t͡sʰ t͡s ɬ/)
C5: a consonant other than one of /t͡sʰ t͡s ɬ/ (/t͡sʰ t͡s ɬ/)


Non-high non-nasal vowels [ɛ œ ɔ a] persistently become nasal [ɛ̃ œ̃ ɔ̃ ã] before a nasal vowel.
Unrounded non-low vowels [i ɛ ɛ̃] become rounded [y œ œ̃] before a rounded semivowel.
Front vowels [i ɛ œ ...] persistently become central [ɨ ɜ ɞ ...] before a semivowel.
Short non-glottal stop unaspirated voiceless fricatives [ɬ s] become voiced [d͡ɮ d͡z] between a voiced phone and a voiced phone.
Nasals [m̥ m n̥ n] persistently become nasals and assimilate in place of articulation to a following obstruent or nasal.
Voiced vowels and resonants [ɾ ʉ ɜ̃ ...] become creaky-voiced [ɗ ʉ̰ ɜ̰̃ ...] before a glottal stop. Resonants other than [w] become non-glottal stop stops or nasals; [w] are deleted.
Stops [pʰ d ɗˡ ...] persistently assimilate in aspiration to a preceding consonant other than resonant. After an aspirated stop, voiced stops other than [ɗ] become voiceless; [ɗˡ] become [l̥]; [ɗ] are deleted.
Low vowels [a a̰ ã ã̰] become non-low [ɜ ɜ̰ ɜ̃ ɜ̰̃] before a nasal.
Central vowels [ɨ ɜ̰ ɞ̃ ...] become back [ɯ ʌ̰ ɔ̃ ...] before a semivowel.
Unaspirated obstruents [p k d͡ɮ ...] persistently assimilate in voice to a following non-nasal consonant other than resonant and become voiceless word-finally. Before a voiced stop, obstruents other than stops become stops. Before a non-nasal voiceless consonant other than [l̥], implosives become non-implosive.
Some of the words in this one are insane
/t͡sʰugɾum/ [t͡sʰugɾum]
/tãkʰ/ [tãkʰ]
/tãkʰtʰ/ [tãkʰtʰ]
/lɔs/ [lɔs]
/man̥dɛ̃w/ [mɜn̥dɔ̃w]
/num/ [num]
/nis/ [nis]
/nɛn̥/ [nɛn̥]
/n̥ɛ/ [n̥ɛ]
/pɔn̥/ [pɔn̥]
/d͡za/ [d͡za]
/kʰakan/ [kʰakɜn]
/ly/ [ly]
/ɬɛ̃nœ/ [ɬɛ̃nœ]
/tʰɛ̃n̥a/ [tʰɛ̃n̥a]
/tʰɔ̃ɾɔb/ [tʰɔ̃ɾɔp]
/ma/ [ma]
/natʰn̥ɔ/ [natʰn̥ɔ]
/bɔpnɛ/ [bɔpnɛ]
/mãtʰgbœpʰ/ [mãtʰpʰœpʰ]
/kʰɔ̃pʰtãt/ [kʰɔ̃pʰtʰãt]
/nɔb/ [nɔp]
/ɬɔ̃ɬi/ [ɬɔ̃d͡ɮi]
/biã/ [biã]
/n̥ɛkʰus/ [n̥ɛkʰus]
/nu/ [nu]
/n̥ugn/ [n̥ugn]
/sãsku/ [sãsku]
/kʰɔ̃klɛtg/ [kʰɔ̃klɛtk]
/kãw/ [kɑ̃w]
Generated by Gleb version 0.3.1a / 5.0a with seed 1102067958.
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Re: The glebst of gleb, V2.0

Post by ÜberBen »

Batch #5 is over... and I've kept the best for the end.
#1866105628, Užžiţ [uʒʒitʰ]

/b t tʰ d t͡ʃ t͡ʃʰ d͡ʒ k kʰ g q qʰ ɢ ʔ/
/s z ʃ ʒ/
/m n n̥ ɲ ɲ̊ ŋ ŋ̊ ɴ ɴ̥/
/w l r j/

/i a u/

<b t ţ d c ç j k ķ g q q́ 3 7>
<s z š ž>
<m n ņ ny ņy ng ņg n3 ņ3>
<w l r y>

<i a u>

Syllable Structure:

R is a voiced sonorant

-Unaspirated obstruents (except /ʔ/) assimilate in voice to the preceding obstruent
-Palatoalveolar affricates become pure palatals before /ɲ ɲ̊/
-Dorsal stops/nasals change POA to palatal, velar or uvular according to the following stop/nasal (Reflected in orthography)
-Stops assimilate in aspiration to the preceding obstruent, But voiced aspirates lose their voicing
-Nasals assimilate in POA to the following obstruent/nasal (Reflected in orthography)
-/u/ centralizes before a palatal, and /w/ is deleted in the same environment
-/i/ centralizes before /w/, and /j/ is deleted in the same environment
-Stops + /ʔ/ = Ejectives/Implosives

Sample Sentence:
Wiaņ iņyui za7 aliiq šauç kiņ iscuwayd, iţn3uždi ķa ma uņyuut! Q́an3ilsaq́ gušuk ņit aņaa 3u uņiņ3 ţad riyiti išildnyi7 nuqu?
[wian̥ iɲ̊ui zaʔ aliiq ʃaut͡ʃʰ kin̥ ist͡ʃuwayd|itʰɴuʒdi kʰa ma uɲ̊uut|qʰaɴilsaqʰ guʃuk n̥it an̥aa ɢu un̥iɴ̥ tʰad rijiti iʃildɲiʔ nuqu]

And #2117740606, Թdźoybahtգugղemźxpշuśehpկuhծadyoխ [t͡ʃd͡ʑojahtʰʁugʷɴẽmʑz̃ps̠uɕehpʰXuht̠͡sʰazjoz̠̃]

/p b t d t͡s d͡z t̠ d̠ t̠͡s d̠͡z t͡ɕ d͡ʑ k g q ɢ/
/s z z̃ s̠ z̠ z̠̃ ɕ ʑ h/
/m n n̠ ɲ ŋ ɴ/
/l l̠ j/

/i e a o u/

<p b t d c j թ դ ծ ձ tś dź k g կ գ>
<s z x շ ժ խ ś ź h>
<m n ն ń ñ ղ>
<l ռ y>

<i e a o u>

Syllable Strucutre:
T /n t s z̃ l/
K /p t t̠ k q s s̠ z̃ z̠̃ h m n n̠ ŋ ɴ l l̠/
N cannot be an alveolar consonant, an uvular, or an affricate
B cannot be a palatal or an affricate
S cannot be an alveolar

-/a/ becomes [ɜ] before /ɲ ŋ/
-All alveolars (except l̠) become palatoalveolar before /t͡ɕ d͡ʑ/, but /t̠ d̠ t̠͡s d̠͡z/ become [t͡ʃ d͡ʒ t͡ʃ d͡ʒ]
-Coronal stops become sibilants before /j i u/
-Between two (semi)vowels, /b g ɢ/ are deleted and /d d̠/ become /z z̠/
-Alveopalatal obstruents/nasals become palatals before /ɲ/
-Voiceless stops become aspirated after /h/
-Dorsals are labialzed after /u/, but palatals become velars
-Vowels nasalize after /h/ and before nasals

Sample Sentence:
Utpin agttśalni lhձuxamt գam jozzթśu lñuup ղźuźgal ssńalduշegg omokzkձi nsźuձa ntettńayzlxmձosկźe aժpleկ. Eնձu tixnmo asnշeyzya idtgaգe izguñhhxռhom kzoyռystińնlթha npu deźmծaղudխsuñ eibmxtśueղuź xtśadtńasկoñ nxet?
[utɸin agtt͡ɕalni lhz̠uz̃ãmt ɢãm d͡zozzt̠ɕu lŋuup ɴʑuʑgal ssɲalðus̠egg õmokzkz̠i nsʑud̠͡za ntettɲajzlz̃md̠͡zosqʑe az̠pleq|ẽn̠z̠u θĩz̃nmo asns̠ejzja idtgae izũŋhhz̃l̠hõm kzojl̠jsθĩɲn̠lt̠hã nɸu deʑmt̠͡sãɴudz̠̃sũŋʷ eibmz̃ɕuẽɴuʑ z̃t͡ɕadtɲasqõŋ nz̃et]
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Re: The glebst of gleb, V2.0

Post by bbbosborne »

i think this is the most normal phonology gleb is capable of producing

/m n ɲ/
/p b t d t͡ʃ d͡ʒ k g ʔ/
/v s z ʃ ʒ x/
/ʋ l/

/i u/


C1: a labial consonant other than /b/; i.e. one of /m p f v ʋ/
C2: one of /m n f s x ɾ ʋ/
C3: a consonant
V: a vowel
C4: a consonant

get ready:

Labial obstruents or nasals [m p f ...] become rounded approximants [mʷ β̞̥ʷ ʋ̥ʷ ...] after a non-labial obstruent or nasal. [m] become [mʷ].
Palatoalveolar affricates [t͡ʃ d͡ʒ] persistently become non-affricate non-coronal palatal [c ɟ] before a palatal nasal.
Labial obstruents or nasals [m p f ...] assimilate in dorsality and uvularity and palatalisation and whether palatal or palatalised velar to a following obstruent or nasal.
Labial consonants [m pˠ vˠ ...] assimilate in labiodentality to a following labial consonant.
[t d t͡ʃ d͡ʒ ʃ ʒ l] persistently assimilate in anteriority and retroflexion to a following obstruent sibilant other than stop. Before one of [ʃ ʒ], non-affricate stops become alveolar; non-sibilant coronal stops become affricate sibilants; [l] are deleted.
Non-front non-palatal or velar consonants [m b̪ˠ fˠ ...] persistently assimilate in velarisation to a following consonant.
Velarised consonants [mˠ t͡s̻ˠ sˠ ...] become non-back [m t͡s̻ s ...] before a consonant.
[a] become [ɛ] before a front obstruent or nasal.
Non-pharyngeal velar obstruents [k g x] become palatal [c ɟ ç] after a front high vowel.
Coronal consonants [n d͡z s ...] persistently assimilate in laminality to a following coronal consonant. Before a laminal obstruent, taps become obstruents or nasals. Before an apical consonant, palatoalveolar obstruents become alveolar.
Consonants [m d vʲ ...] assimilate in rounding to a following consonant and become unrounded word-finally. Before a rounded consonant, front obstruents or nasals become non-front; palatal obstruents or nasals become back; glottal stops are deleted.
Unrounded palatal or velar obstruents or nasals [ɲ ɟ g ...] become rounded [ŋʷ gʷ gʷ ...] after a high rounded vowel. Palatal obstruents or nasals become velar.
Nasals [m ɱʷ nʷ̻ˠ ...] become nasals and assimilate in place of articulation to a following obstruent.
Palatal obstruents or nasals [ɲ c ɟ ç] persistently become alveopalatal [nʲ̱ t͡ɕ d͡ʑ ɕ] before a palatoalveolar obstruent or nasal. Stops become affricates.
Obstruents other than [β βʷ βˠ βʷˠ βʲ v vʷ vˠ vʷˠ vʲ z̻ zʷ̻ z̻ˠ zʷ̻ˠ z zʷ zˠ zʷˠ ʒ ʒʷ ʒˠ ʒʷˠ], i.e. [p dʷ t͡ʃˠ ...], become ejective [pʼ tʷʼ t͡ʃˠʼ ...] after a non-nasal glottal stop. Voiced stops become ejective; obstruents other than stops become stops; bilabial obstruents other than stops become labiodental.
[m mˠ mʷˠ mʲ ɱ ɱˠ ɱʷˠ ɱʲ n̻ n̻ˠ nʷ̻ˠ n nˠ nʷˠ ṉ nˠ̱ nʷˠ̱ nʲ̱ ŋ p pʼ b pˠ pˠʼ bˠ pʷˠ pʷˠʼ bʷˠ pʲ pʲʼ bʲ p̪ p̪ʼ b̪ p̪ˠ p̪ˠʼ b̪ˠ p̪ʷˠ p̪ʷˠʼ b̪ʷˠ p̪ʲ p̪ʲʼ b̪ʲ t̻ t̻ʼ d̻ t̻ˠ t̻ˠʼ d̻ˠ tʷ̻ˠ tʷ̻ˠʼ dʷ̻ˠ t tʼ d tˠ tˠʼ dˠ tʷˠ tʷˠʼ dʷˠ k kʼ g ʔ ʔˠ p͡fʼ p͡fˠʼ p͡fʷˠʼ p͡fʲʼ t͡s̻ t͡s̻ʼ d͡z̻ t͡s̻ˠ t͡s̻ˠʼ d͡z̻ˠ t͡sʷ̻ˠ t͡sʷ̻ˠʼ d͡zʷ̻ˠ t͡s t͡sʼ d͡z t͡sˠ t͡sˠʼ d͡zˠ t͡sʷˠ t͡sʷˠʼ d͡zʷˠ t͡ʃ t͡ʃʼ d͡ʒ t͡ʃˠ t͡ʃˠʼ d͡ʒˠ t͡ʃʷˠ t͡ʃʷˠʼ d͡ʒʷˠ t͡ɕ t͡ɕʼ d͡ʑ ɸ β ɸˠ βˠ ɸʷˠ βʷˠ ɸʲ βʲ f v fˠ vˠ fʷˠ vʷˠ fʲ vʲ s̻ z̻ s̻ˠ z̻ˠ sʷ̻ˠ zʷ̻ˠ s z sˠ zˠ sʷˠ zʷˠ ʃ ʒ ʃˠ ʒˠ ʃʷˠ ʒʷˠ ɕ x ɾ ɾˠ ɾʷˠ β̞̥ β̞ β̞̥ˠ β̞ˠ β̞̥ʷˠ β̞ʷˠ ʋ̥ ʋ ʋ̥ˠ ʋˠ ʋ̥ʷˠ ʋʷˠ l̻ ɫ̻ ɫʷ̻ l ɫ ɫʷ] persistently assimilate in palatalisation to a following consonant. Before a front obstruent or nasal, rounded consonants become non-front.
Lax vowels [ɛ a] become nasal [ɛ̃ ã] after a glottal stop.
[ɛ a] persistently become [ɛ̃ ã] before a nasal vowel.
[ɛ a] become [ɛ̃ ã] before a nasal phone.
when the hell did that happen
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Re: The glebst of gleb, V2.0

Post by Raholeun »

Is it just me, or is Gleb really skewed towards laminal alveolars?
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