Language Practice (Help your fluency)

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Re: Language Practice (Help your fluency)

Post by Znex »

WeepingElf wrote: Tue Jun 07, 2022 7:01 pm
Travis B. wrote: Tue Jun 07, 2022 3:18 pm
WeepingElf wrote: Tue Jun 07, 2022 2:55 pm Dat soet iut wui Schwuizerduitsch.
'That looks like Swiss German.'
Welche westgermanische Sprache ist das?
What West Germanic language is that?
Dat sull Lippsk Platt suin. Wat muine Greoteldern kürt hebbt. Awer ick bün nit geod dorin.
'That is meant to be Lippe Low German. What my grandparents spoke. But I am not good in it.'
Ο, ήθελα κι εγώ να μάθω κάτω γερμανικά. Μερικοί από τους προγόνους μου καταγόταν από την Σλέσβιχ-Χόλσταϊν.
o íthela ki egó na mátho káto germaniká | merikí apó tous progónous mou katagótan apó tin Slésvich-Chólstaïn
Ooh, I've been meaning to learn Low German too! Some of my ancestors came from Schleswig-Holstein.
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Re: Language Practice (Help your fluency)

Post by WeepingElf »

Znex wrote: Wed Jun 08, 2022 1:31 am
WeepingElf wrote: Tue Jun 07, 2022 7:01 pm
Travis B. wrote: Tue Jun 07, 2022 3:18 pm

Welche westgermanische Sprache ist das?
What West Germanic language is that?
Dat sull Lippsk Platt suin. Wat muine Greoteldern kürt hebbt. Awer ick bün nit geod dorin.
'That is meant to be Lippe Low German. What my grandparents spoke. But I am not good in it.'
Ο, ήθελα κι εγώ να μάθω κάτω γερμανικά. Μερικοί από τους προγόνους μου καταγόταν από την Σλέσβιχ-Χόλσταϊν.
o íthela ki egó na mátho káto germaniká | merikí apó tous progónous mou katagótan apó tin Slésvich-Chólstaïn
Ooh, I've been meaning to learn Low German too! Some of my ancestors came from Schleswig-Holstein.
Dat Platt vun Schloeswig-Holstoen is aower annert os dat lippske Platt. Et hebbt nich die waogrechten Diphthonge, sonnern eunfache lange Vokaole.
'But the Low German of Schleswig-Holstein is different from Lippe Low German. It doesn't have the horizontal diphthongs, rather simple long vowels.'
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Re: Language Practice (Help your fluency)

Post by Linguoboy »

Jo, i find's echd gägilisliichd, Nordniddersachsisch zu läse. Aber Weschdfälisch isch ebbes ganz anderschd, gäll?
Yeah, North Low German is super easy for me to read. But Westphalian is a whole nother ball of wax, y'know?
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Re: Language Practice (Help your fluency)

Post by Travis B. »

Wahrscheinlich hatte ich Vorfahren, die Niederdeutsch sprachen, weil die Familie meines Vaters aus Pommern kommt.
I probably had ancestors who spoke Low German, as my father's family came from Pomerania.
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Re: Language Practice (Help your fluency)

Post by azhong »

Ich heiße Zhong, komme aus Taiwan und spreche gut Chinesisch. Ich lerne jetzt Englisch und Deutsch. Ich verhabe habe vor, die zwei Sprachen hier zu üben. Euch danke ich im voraus für Ihren jeden Hilfen jede Hilfe von Ihnen in Zukunft.
I am Zhong, from Taiwan and speak Chinese well. I'm learning English and German. I plan to practice the two languages here. Thank you in advance for your any help in the future.

Wenn Sie einst manchmal meine Worte nicht angemessen finden und es denken, ich verletze jemanden, sprechen Sie bitte mit mir, damit wir uns besser verstehen.
(einst means 'long ago')
If [sometimes]/some day you find my any post improper and think I am offending people or something, please have a talk with me and help us understand each other.

(Der Absatz is mir zu schwierig...)
( Please don't banned me without any discussion and without having me informed in advance. The feeling of finding such a surprise is very bad. )

Ich sage es Ihnen ...(auch zu schwierig)... nur um mich vorzustellen.
I am telling you this because I have been active in a forum for years and am being banned for two weeks now. I am not making a complaint to anyone; I am just introducing myself to you all.

Vielen Dank. Und schön, Sie kennenzulernen.
Thank you. And nice to meet you.
Ansonsten ist für mich alles in Ordnung.
'Otherwise, everything is fine to me.'
angemessen: appropriate
die Zukunft: future; -
ansonstern: otherwise
--c.f. sonst: else
die Ordnung: order; no pl.
Last edited by azhong on Fri Jul 08, 2022 8:56 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Language Practice (Help your fluency)

Post by WeepingElf »

azhong wrote: Thu Jul 07, 2022 7:26 pm Ich heiße Zhong, komme aus Taiwan und spreche gut Chinesisch. Ich lerne jetzt Englisch und Deutsch. Ich verhabe, die zwei Spache hier zu üben. Euch danke ich im voraus für Ihren jeden Hilfen in Zukunft.
I am Zhong, from Taiwan and speak Chinese well. I'm learning English and German. I plan to practice the two languages here. Thank you in advance for your any help in the future.

Wenn Sie einst meine Worte unsachgemäß finden und es denken, ich verletzen jemanden, sprechen Sie bitte mit mir, damit wir uns besser verstehen.
If some day you find my any post improper and thinks I am offending people or something, please have a talk with me and help us understand each other.

(Der Absatz is mir zu schwierig...)
( Please don't banned me without any discussion and without having me informed in advance. The feeling of finding such a surprise is very bad. )

Ich sage es Ihenn ...(auch zu schwierig)... nur um mich vorzustellen.
I am telling you this because I have been active in a forum for years and am being banned for two weeks now. I am not having a complain to anyone; I am just introducing myself to you all.

Vielen Dank. Und schön, Sie kennenzulernen.
Thank you. And nice to meet you.
verhabehave vor
für Ihren jeden Hilfenfür jede Hilfe von Ihnen (für governs the accusative)
einstmanchmal (einst means 'long ago')
ich verletzenich verletze
IhennIhnen (just a typo)

Ansonsten ist für mich alles in Ordnung.
'Otherwise, everything is fine to me.'
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Re: Language Practice (Help your fluency)

Post by Linguoboy »

azhong wrote: Thu Jul 07, 2022 7:26 pmIch heiße Zhong, komme aus Taiwan und spreche gut Chinesisch. Ich lerne jetzt Englisch und Deutsch. Ich verhabe habe vor, die zwei Sprachen hier zu üben. Euch danke ich im voraus für Ihren jeden Hilfen jede Hilfe von Ihnen in Zukunft.
Wilkommen, Zhong, in Namen von beiden Forumsmoderatoren, mir und dem Zompist!
Welcome, Zhong, on behalf of both the forum moderators, me and Zompist!
azhong wrote:( Please don't banned me without any discussion and without having me informed in advance. The feeling of finding such a surprise is very bad. )
Das kann ich dir leider nicht versprechen. Ich hoffe, dass das nie geschieht, aber es könnte halt mal der Fall sein, dass eine Regelverletzung so extrem ist, dass wir uns verpflichtet sehen würden, ein Forumsmitglied ummittelbar zu verbannen, ohne die Person vorher zu warnen oder irgendein Gespräch darüber zu führen.
Unfortunately I can't promise you that. I hope it never comes to this, but it could just be the case that a violation of the rules is so egregious that we would see ourselves obligated to ban a forum member immediately without warning them first or hold a discussiong about it.

Die beste Abischerung gegen unmittelbare Verbannung ist sich mit den Forumsregeln gut auszukennen. Wenn du eine Frage hast, ob etwas erlaubt oder unerlaubt sei, stell sie uns ruhig vor dem Posten und gehe auf Nummer sicher.
The best protection against immediate banning is to be thoroughly familiar with the forum rules. If you have questions about what is and isn't allowed, ask before posting and err on the side of caution.
azhong wrote:Ich sage es Ihnen ...(auch zu schwierig)... nur um mich vorzustellen.
I am telling you this because I have been active in a forum for years and am being banned for two weeks now. I am not making a complaint to anyone; I am just introducing myself to you all.
Es tut mir leid, dass das dir passiert ist. Hoffentlich wirst du hier eine bessere Erfahrung machen!
I'm sorry that happened to you. Hopefully you'll have a better experience here.
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Re: Language Practice (Help your fluency)

Post by Raphael »

Willkommen auf dem ZBB, Zhong!
Welcome to the ZBB, Zhong!

Linguoboy wrote: Fri Jul 08, 2022 10:13 am Wilkommen, Zhong, in Namen von beiden Forumsmoderatoren, mir und dem Zompist!
Hm, ich bin mir nicht sicher, was das "dem" da angeht. Ich finde, es klingt irgendwie merkwürdig.
Hm, I'm not sure about the "dem" in that sentence. I think it sounds somehow weird.
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Re: Language Practice (Help your fluency)

Post by Linguoboy »

Raphael wrote: Fri Jul 08, 2022 10:47 amHm, ich bin mir nicht sicher, was das "dem" da angeht. Ich finde, es klingt irgendwie merkwürdig.
Hm, I'm not sure about the "dem" in that sentence. I think it sounds somehow weird.
Nojo, du bisch Nordditscha, gäll? Du hasch halt nitt diä Agwohnet, Ardigel vor Bersonenname zue ställe.
Well, you're a Northerner, right? You're just not in the habit of putting articles before personal names.
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Re: Language Practice (Help your fluency)

Post by Raphael »

Daran kann es liegen. Ich habe in dem Zusammenhang kein Problem mit "der" oder "die"; nur mit anderen Fällen.
That might be the reason. In that context, I've got no problem with "der" or "die"; only with other cases.
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Re: Language Practice (Help your fluency)

Post by aliensdrinktea »

Pareixo l'extrany, com l'únic aquí que no entén alemany.
I feel like the odd one out, being the only one here who doesn't understand German.

Tant se val, ja que tots nosaltres publiquem traduccions.
Not that it matters, since we all post translations.

No tinc res en particular que dir, només vull incloure'm en la conversació. :)
I have nothing in particular to say; I just want to include myself in the conversation. :)
azhong wrote: Thu Jul 07, 2022 7:26 pm
Ich heiße Zhong, komme aus Taiwan und spreche gut Chinesisch. Ich lerne jetzt Englisch und Deutsch. Ich verhabe habe vor, die zwei Sprachen hier zu üben. Euch danke ich im voraus für Ihren jeden Hilfen jede Hilfe von Ihnen in Zukunft.
I am Zhong, from Taiwan and speak Chinese well. I'm learning English and German. I plan to practice the two languages here. Thank you in advance for your any help in the future.
Per cert, benvingut/da!
Welcome, by the way!
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Re: Language Practice (Help your fluency)

Post by azhong »

(Edit: adding the German translation and revising/correcting some English sentences.)

Danke Ihnen allen für die Sprachhilfe und die Antworten, die ich bekommen habe. Mein Deutsch ist noch sehr weit von vollwertig. Ich freue mich auf jede Sprachhilfe von Ihnen und ich denke Ihnen im Voraus. Hat jemand Interesse Chinesisch zu lernen?
--die Antwort: response pl.-en
--sich.ACC auf etw.ACC freuen: look forward to, be glad to
--das Interesse; -n
----interessieren -> an etw.DAT interessiert sein
Thank you all for the language help and the replies I've received. My German is still very far from "fully fledged", a term I've just learned recently. I look forward to language help from any of you and I thank you in advance. Is anyone interested in learning Chinese?

Der Absatz ist zu lang, wird daher nicht gelesen und auch nicht übertragen.
--daher: therefore
--übertragen: translate | übertrug, übertragen |
The passage is too long and thus is not read and not translated, too.
More: show
(Below is the story why I was banned in that forum. Warning: Somewhat a passage with emotions, I predict the coming one will be, so some of you may not want to read a garbage like this. I'll try to summarize it as objectively as I can. Also, I am taking this as a chance to introduce myself (in a plainer way) as well as to practice my English writing.)

In that forum, where I guess some of you are also in, a member uploaded a post saying his gay ex-partner was both harassed and attacked for more than once in short hours on that day when, the member said, sitting by a river reading (in Germany). Then the member mentioned his personal experiences of being verbally attacked by non-gay people. Finally, he concluded his post with the still existence of the homophobic attitude.

I read his post and detected there were odd points, which I'll tell soon. I tried to point them out and had an interaction with him, three responses in total, with an intention to help him see the whole event from a different angle. As an unfortunate result, apparently, he didn't accept my "education" and kept arguing with me.

Later on the same day, I decided to delete all my three posts for one reason: I thought my posts would embarrass this young man if my logical analysis were left there and kept being read by the others. And then, the next day, I found I was banned for two reasons: I provoked him and I deleted my posts.

There are two points of oddness I have sensed in his post. Firstly, how can it be possible that a man is harassed and attacked by different people just because he sits by a river reading? How did those who harassed him know he is gay? Secondly, is the misfortune he encountered really related to so-called homophobic attitude of non-gay people? Obviously, at least obviously to me, there was something negative to his ex-partner and he (the forum member) chose not to say. A thought starting from these two points then led me to somewhere he didn't want to look at carefully.

No one interested in learning languages is possible to have a poor IQ, so I believe I am by no means the only person who could sense the two oddness.

Okay, this is the whole story. I do delete my posts, for the reason I've explained; however, I didn't intend to irritate him. If you think I shouldn't intend to "educate" him by pointing out something he didn't say clearly (and decide to ban me based on this), I think we are at least "speaking the same language".

BTW, if someone really thinks the reason I asked "why did your friend get attacked and harassed" is to avoid the same experience happening on me, or leads the topic then to the necessity of mutual support among gay people, I am sorry but I have to point out they've gone the wrong way. What I've seen is a post with biased/twisted viewpoints from a young man and I think it's better to remind him his bias.

Anyway, back to my purpose of joining these language fora, my intention is to practice languages. So, in this forum, I might choose to avoid language-unrelated interactions and responses like this.

I must be a very stupid guy, talking about something like this in my second post, when all are standing afar and watching what kind of person the newbie is.
Last edited by azhong on Sun Jul 10, 2022 12:47 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Language Practice (Help your fluency)

Post by Kuchigakatai »

aliensdrinktea wrote: Fri Jul 08, 2022 9:45 pm Pareixo l'extrany, com l'únic aquí que no entén alemany.
I feel like the odd one out, being the only one here who doesn't understand German.
Theodiscē volō discere, ut sunt multa hāc linguā composita quae legere velim, sed parum mihi placet. Conmaereāmus.
I want to learn German, as there are many things I'd like to read that are in it, but I don't enjoy it much. Let's be sad together.
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Re: Language Practice (Help your fluency)

Post by Znex »

Kuchigakatai wrote: Sat Jul 09, 2022 3:33 am Theodiscē volō discere, ut sunt multa hāc linguā composita quae legere velim, sed parum mihi placet. Conmaereāmus.
I want to learn German, as there are many things I'd like to read that are in it, but I don't enjoy it much. Let's be sad together.
Es gibt einige Sprachen, die ich schon lernen wollte, aber ich komme* nie dazu.
There's a few languages I've been meaning to learn, but I can never get around to it.

Ich muss zum Beispiel definitiv mein Deutsch mehr üben!
I definitely need to practise my German more for instance! :(
Last edited by Znex on Sat Jul 09, 2022 9:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Language Practice (Help your fluency)

Post by Raphael »

Znex wrote: Sat Jul 09, 2022 4:10 am Es gibt einige Sprachen, die ich schon lernen wollte, aber ich kann nie dazu kommen.
There's a few languages I've been meaning to learn, but I can never get around to it.
I'd say aber ich komme nie dazu (but I never get around to it) or aber ich bin nie dazue gekommen (but I never got around to it).
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Re: Language Practice (Help your fluency)

Post by azhong »

(Ein Satz bilden.)
Wenden Biegen Sie an der nächsten Querstraße links ab und (Sie) sehen das Postamt auf der linken Seite.
(Turn left at the next crossroad and you’ll see the post office on the left side.)
More: show
wenden: to turn to the opposite direction (U-turn)
rechts/links abbiegen: turn right/left; | bog ab, abgebogen |
-- etw.ACC biegen: to bend sth
link: adj. left
– links: adv. left
nächst: next
die Querstraße: crossroad pl. -n
die Kreuzung: crossing; -en
das Postamt pl. Postämter
die Seite: side; -n
die Kreuzung; -en
Last edited by azhong on Wed Aug 03, 2022 10:20 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Language Practice (Help your fluency)

Post by hwhatting »

azhong wrote: Sun Jul 10, 2022 12:45 am (Ein Satz bilden.)
:?: Wenden Sie links an der nächsten Querstraße und Sie sehen das Postamt auf der linken Seite.
(Turn left at the next crossroad and you’ll see the post office on the left side.)
Biegen Sie an der nächsten Kreuzung links ab und Sie sehen das Postamt auf der linken Seite.
GT is partly right.
GT hat teilweise recht.
GT heeft deels gelijk.
GT частично прав.
GT ma rację częściowo.
GT a raison en partie.
GT ha ragione in parte.
GT en parte tiene razon.
GT ex parte recte dicit.
GT benar sebagian.

wenden means "to turn around, in order to start moving in the opposite direction" (and you only use it in this sense when talking about driving / steering vehicles); if you mean "turn right / left", you say abbiegen.
Also GT has the better word order ("an der nächsten Kreuzung links"); where GT gets it wrong is mixing up crossroad (= intersecting road) Querstraße with crossroads Kreuzung.
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Re: Language Practice (Help your fluency)

Post by Znex »

hwhatting wrote: Sun Jul 10, 2022 5:24 amwenden means "to turn around, in order to start moving in the opposite direction" (and you only use it in this sense when talking about driving / steering vehicles); if you mean "turn right / left", you say abbiegen.
Huh, so wenden is like "do/make a U-turn" in English?

Ach, ich muss noch meinen Termin mit dem Gendertherapeuten, von* dem mein Psychotherapeut vorgeschlagen hat, *dass ich ihn treffen sollte, bestätigen.
Oof, I still need to confirm my appointment with the gender therapist my psychologist suggested I should go see.

Mein Psychotherapeut und ich sprechen bereits eine Weile über meine* Geschlectsdysphorie und meinen Wunsch, sich zu outen, und den* Übergang. (Wir sprechen noch darüber, aber ich wollte mit jemanden, dem über die Besonderheiten vielleicht mehr weiß, darüber, was zu tun ist, mehr sprechen.)
Me and my psychologist have already been talking for a while about my gender dysphoria and my desire to come out and transition. (We will still be talking about it, but I was wanting to talk more about what to do with someone who might know more about the specifics.)
Last edited by Znex on Sun Jul 10, 2022 9:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Language Practice (Help your fluency)

Post by Raphael »

Znex wrote: Sun Jul 10, 2022 9:14 am Ach, ich muss noch meinen Termin mit dem Gendertherapeuten, von dem mein Psychotherapeut vorgeschlagen hat, dass ich ihn treffen sollte, bestätigen.
Oof, I still need to confirm my appointment with the gender therapist my psychologist suggested I should go see.

Mein Psychotherapeut und ich sprechen bereits eine Weile über meine Geschlectsdysphorie und meinen Wunsch, sich zu outen, [und den Übergang or und über die Zeit nach dem Übergand]. (Wir sprechen noch darüber, aber ich wollte mit jemanden, dem über die Besonderheiten vielleicht mehr weiß, darüber, was zu tun ist, mehr sprechen.)
Me and my psychologist have already been talking for a while about my gender dysphoria and my desire to come out and transition. (We will still be talking about it, but I was wanting to talk more about what to do with someone who might know more about the specifics.)
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Re: Language Practice (Help your fluency)

Post by azhong »

hwhatting wrote: Sun Jul 10, 2022 5:24 am
azhong wrote: Sun Jul 10, 2022 12:45 am der nächsten Querstraße ...
GT: Biegen Sie an der nächsten Kreuzung links ab und Sie sehen das Postamt auf der linken Seite.(Turn left at the next crossroad and you’ll see the post office on the left side.)
...where GT gets it wrong is mixing up crossroad (= intersecting road) Querstraße with crossroads Kreuzung.
dictionary wrote:Querstraße: crossroad; a road that crosses another road; crossing, intersection
Kreuzung: crossroads; a place where two roads meet and cross each other
Eine Querstraße ist also eine Straße, während eine Kreuzung eine Stelle ist. Danke schön.
(So, a crossroad is a road while a crossroads is a point. Thank you.
More: show
die Stelle: point, site, place
während: while

Auch4 erst jetzt2 weiß3 Außerdem kannte1 ich bisher nicht den Unterschied zwischen "crossroad" und "crossroads".
(Also not till now do I know Also, neither/nor did I know the difference between "crossroad" and "crossroads" till now.
1. tense: simple past or past perfect
More: show
You can also use the perfect or past perfect:
Außerdem habe/hatte ich bisher nicht den Unterschied gekannt.
In my[=Bonn's] dialect, only the past perfect would be appropriate here because you know the difference now, but the present perfect may be appropriate in Southern variants that simply don't use the simple past.
2. Erst jetzt(only now) + erkennen/lernen, not compatible with wissen or kennen[/strike]
More: show
Ich habe ihn (auch) erst jetzt erkannt/gelernt.
ihn: it(=the difference.M)
Außerdem habe ich ihn (auch) erst jetzt erkannt/gelernt.
--erkennen: recognize, realize
3 wissen vs kennen
More: show
If you have a noun (like "difference") as an object of "to know", almost always kennen is the correct German equivalent.
Also, "kennen" is generally used with reference to people or things, not facts. (BTW, the pronoun of a fact is "es / das").
4. If you want to use auch, put it inside the sentence
More: show
Bisher kannte ich auch den Unterschied … nicht, or
Bisher kannte ich den Unterschied … auch nicht.
Leading with auch sounds very stilted / almost obsolete.
More: show
außerdem: in addition, besides
bisher: so far, until now
der Unterschied: difference ; -e
-- scheiden: divide | schied, geschieden |
zwischen +DAT/ACC: between

Übrigens, ich denke, dass die Folge gleich ist , ist die nicht,*, ob man an der nächsten Querstraße abzubiegen abbiegt oder an der nächsten Kreuzung abbiegt?
(BTW, I think the result will be always the same, isn't it, [whether one turns]/to turn at the next crossroad or at the next crossroads?
More: show
[*]German doesn't do tag questions as frequently as English; it also would be more idiomatic to put them at the end. If you want to do that, the Standard German tag question is nicht wahr?, but there are also other colloquial and regional variations.
die Folge: result
gleich: same
Last edited by azhong on Mon Jul 11, 2022 11:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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