Lexember 2018

Conworlds and conlangs
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Lexember 2018

Post by Šọ̈́gala »

Anybody else participating in Lexember this year? I'm posting mine to my Lexember tumblr here: https://kwaco.tumblr.com/ Please follow if you're on tumblr.

This year I'm making vocabulary for Ə̨kan, a language which is intended to be part of the Akana project. Today's Lexember post is the first material on Ə̨kan that I've made public, although my 2016 and 2017 Lexember language sketches are intended to feed in as substrates.
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Re: Lexember 2018

Post by Vilike »

Yes, I'm also on Tumblr: http://vilikemorgenthal.tumblr.com/.
This year with Ubaghuns Tëhe, a neolithic language that I created in class out of boredom.
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Re: Lexember 2018

Post by Pedant »

Are we allowed to post our Lexember stuff on the ZBB?
My name means either "person who trumpets minor points of learning" or "maker of words." That fact that it means the latter in Sindarin is a demonstration of the former. Beware.
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Re: Lexember 2018

Post by Frislander »

I had half a mind to do so with Asta, but given I've already missed one day due to planned absence, and I know I have other planned absences, I probably won't bother.
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