I think it was the other way around. Historically the Catholics used vous. I'm less sure about the Protestants but I think they used tu.hwhatting wrote: ↑Sun Feb 19, 2023 3:34 am I remember reading somewhere that in France, Catholics use Tu for addressing God (in line with the Latin tradition), while the Protestant Huguenots used Vous, as they found the t-form too familiar. I can't find the source right now. (German, FWIW, uses du, independent of denomination.)
Now it's tu no matter the denomination. The Church switched to tu since, following Vatican II.
One oddity is that while the Church changes the Lord's Prayer, they left the Hail Mary as it was. So you use tu for God but vous for His mother.
It feels proper, in a way. I guess I could bring myself to say tu to the Ruler of the Universe if He really insisted on it, but to His mother? No way!
(I'm an agnostic. The above does not reflect the opinion of French Catholics in any way