What do you think this is?

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What do you think this is?

Post by alice »

Obviously, it's YAML, but YAML for what? And when you've worked that out, what would you do better? Have fun!

Code: Select all

  str: "stop aff fric nasal lat trill tap glide hi himid mid lomid lo"

  place: 12

  - "str>=9 place<=7"
  - "str>=9 place>=11"

  voice:  { mods: "°", value: 0, req: "str>=4", cats: "voiceless voiced" }
  asp:    { mods: "ʰ",           req: "str<=2"  }
  fric:   { mods: "¤",           req: "str:4-7" }
  nas:    { mods: "~" }
  rnd:    {                      req: "str>=9", cats: "unround round"  }
  sec:    { mods: "ʷʲˠˀ",        req: "str<=8"  }
  length: { mods: "ˑː",          req: "str>=9"  }
  tone:   { mods: "'^`",         req: "str>=9"  }

  cons:    "str<=8"
  obs:     "str<=3"
  liq:     "str:5-7"
  res:     "str:4-8"
  lab:     "str<=8 place==1"
  alv:     "str<=8 place==4"
  ret:     "str<=8 place==5"
  pal:     "str<=8 place==8"
  vel:     "str<=8 place==10"
  vowel:   "str>=9 place:8-10"
  front:   "str>=9 place:8"
  cwntral: "str>=9 place:9"
  back:    "str>=9 place:10"

    stop:  ustop vstop
    aff:   uaff  vaff
    fric:  ufric vfric
    voice: uobs  vobs
    hi:      uhi      rhi
    himid:   uhimid   rhimid
    mid:     umid     rmid
    lomid:   ulomid   rlomid
    lo:      ulo      rlo
    front:   funround fround
    central: cunround cround
    back:    bunround bround

  T: stop
  F: fric
  N: nasal
  L: liq
  G: glide
  R: res
  C: cons
  V: vowel

  P: lab
  D: alv
  J: pal
  K: vel

    ustop:  "p  tʈ  c kqʔ"
    vstop:  "b  dɖ  ɟ gɢ"
    uaff:   "   ʦ ʧʨ"
    vaff:   "   ʣ ʤʥ"
    ufric:  "ɸfθsʂʃɕç xχh"
    vfric:  "βvðzʐʒʑʝ ɣʁɦ"
    nasal:  "mɱ nɳ  ɲ ŋɴ"
    lat:    "   lɭ  ʎ ʟ"
    trill:  "ʙ  rɽ     ʀ"
    tap:    "   ɾ       "
    glide:  " ʋ ɹɻ"
    uhi:    "       iɨɯ"
    uhimid: "       ɪᵻ"
    umid:   "       eəɤ"
    ulomid: "       ɛɐʌ"
    ulo:    "       æaɑ"
    rhi:    "       yʉu"
    rhimid: "       ʏᵾʊ"
    rmid:   "       øɵo"
    rlomid: "       œɞɔ"
    rlo:    "       ɶ ɒ"

  ɰ: "vel glide unround"
  w: "vel glide round"
  j: "pal glide unround"
  ɥ: "pal glide round"
  ɬ: "alv lat   voiceless fric=1"
  ɮ: "alv lat   voiced    fric=1"
  ɼ: "alv trill voiced    fric=1"
Self-referential signatures are for people too boring to come up with more interesting alternatives.
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Re: What do you think this is?

Post by KathTheDragon »

My guess is
More: show
a phonotactics checker/word-generator
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