Dream sharing thread

Topics that can go away
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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by TomHChappell »

I have many dreams about schools I’ve gone to, and places I used to work. About as often as I dream about family-members who are no longer alive, or ex-wives who aren’t ex in the dream.
(Usually the dream school is a mashup of several former real-life schools, or the business is a mish-mash of several real-life former employers. Usually I can’t keep it straight in the dream whether I’m still married to, or divorced from, whichever exwife I’m dreaming about. I think I’ve only once been unable to keep “which exwife?” straight in my dream.)
As for my dream-self having different politics or different religious views than my real-life self; in the narrow sense, no, never. But I have had dreams set in monarchies, or in worlds where dragons or vampires or such were commonly known to exist.
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