Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

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Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by Karch »

As the title says. This game was pretty popular on the old board (over 150 pages) and it was one of my favorites.

Compilation of natlang challenges from the old board (p. 1-37 so far)
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Hmong Daw

/pʰ p pˡʰ pˡ tʰ t ʈʰ t cʰ c kʰ k qʰ q ʔ/
/ᵐpʰ ᵐb ᵐpˡʰ ᵐbˡ ⁿtʰ ⁿd ᶯʈʰ ᶯɖ ᶮcʰ ᶮɟ ᵑkʰ ᵑɡ ᶰqʰ ᶰɢ/
/tsʰ ts tʂʰ tʂ/
/ⁿtsʰ ⁿdz ⁿtʂʰ ⁿdʐ/
/f v s ɬ ʂ ʐ ç ʝ h/
/m̥ m m̥ˡ mˡ n̥ n ɲ̥ ɲ/
/a e ẽ~ʌŋ ɔ ɔ̃~oŋ i ɨ u/
/ai aɨ au iə uə/
Tones: high, mid, low, high falling, mid rising, low creaky, mid-falling breathy (pɔ́ pɔ pɔ̀ pɔ̂ pɔ̌ pɔ̰̀ pɔ̤̂)
Low creaky tone is realized phrase-finally as a long low rising tone.

Example: tʰa̰u˩ tsɔ̤˧˩ pe˥ ca̤u˧˩ la̰ɨ˩ saɨ˧˦ daɨ˩ tʰiə˥˧ tau˧ n̥a˧˦ kʰau˥ ᶮcaɨ˩ tʂʰi̤ə˧˩. ʝa̰˩ ʐɔ̃˧ tʂʰa˥˧ pˡaɨ˩ ma˩, ne˥˧ ʝuə˧˦ tʂṵ˩ mu˩ ᶯʈʰiə˧˦ nṳ˧˩ çuə˩ sai˥ lṳə˧˩ muə˥˧ ke˧˦ pa˥ hɔ̰˩ da˥ tʂi˧ ɲo˥ ᶮɟi̤˧˩ i˥ cʰẽ˥ tʂa̰˩ ⁿda̰ɨ˩ ne˥˧.


/p pʼ b t tʼ d k kː kʼ kʼː g ʔ/
/m n/
/t͜s t͜sː t͜sʼ t͜sʼː t͜ʃ t͜ʃː t͜ʃʼ t͜ʃʼː d͜ʒ t͜ɬ t͜ɬː t͜ɬʼ t͜ɬʼː q͡χ q͡χː q͡χʼ q͡χʼː/
/v s sː z ʃ ʃː ʒ ɬ ɬː ç x xː ɣ ħ ʕ h/
/l j/

/ħ ʕ/ may actually be /ʜ ʢ/, or allophones, or something. The article notes a reliance on older sources and mentions this uncertainty.

/a aː e eː i iː o oː u uː/
Example sentences:

jaʃe q͡χ'ːeɬːa jete jiːni
ak'ːode riɬ'ːi biʒe q͡χ'ːeːni


/p t k kʷ ʔ/
/ɸ s ɬ ʃ x xʷ χ χʷ/
/m n/
/l ɾ/ (only in loanwords)
/ɛ ɛː ɑ ɑː i iː o oː/

* /m/ is realized as [w̃] + nasalization of the following vowel after velar stops.
* Non-rounded vowels are realized as diphthongs [ɛo̯ ɑo̯ iu̯] before rounded consonants.
* Stress is contrastive. Stress normally falls on the first syllable of a root. The sample text only marks stress when it's not on the first syllable of the word.

Sample text:
oχ iˈpɑktɑ iti, ʃɑːx pɑk ʔɑkiχ tɑʔkɑ mɑ, kʷsiːɸp tɑ mɑ, ʔɑpχɑ ʃo tok kopom iʔo χ, tok kʷpoːp iʔo, oχ χɑʔ ʃo ʔɑiː ʔɑ. ʔɑpχɑ tikom oːt kop iˈtɑʔo, ʔɑɬχ itiˈχiːm, ʔɑɬχ iːx kʷkɑ ʔiː, ʔɑχ tɑˈʔiː ʔɑχ tɑː mɑ, ʃiːχ kiʔ iti kʷpoˈpɑktɑ tɑ, ʃiːχ kiʔ iti kʷisʃɑχʷ ʔɑ ʃo kʷiˈsiːʔkɑ ʔɑ, ʃ iˈpɑktɑ ʃ iˈmɑ, ʔɑχ tɑˈʔiː ʔɑχ mɑː χo ʃɑːx kiʔ iːʃk kiʔ koˈɬɛːkp koːm kom iti tinoɬ, koˈɬɛːki iˈtɛːtoɬ, tok kʷtɑp, jokɛ.


/pʲ p t kʲ k kʷ/
/ɓ ɗ/
/β f θ ɕ ɣ h/
/mʲ m n ɲ ŋ ŋʷ/
/l j/
/a aː e o oː i ɯ u/
Tones: ˨˦ ˧˩ ˥ ˦˨ ˧˥ ˧

poːu˦˨poːu˦˨ maː˨˦ taŋ˧˩ laː˥ɓɯn˨˦ ɕoːu˧ mi˧˩ ɕɯ˨˦joːu˧˩, ɕin˧jen˧˩ ɕau˧˥ ken˧˩li˨˦ poːu˦˨poːu˦˨ piŋ˧˩taŋ˥. kʲoŋ˧˥ βun˧˩ mi˧˩ li˥θiŋ˨˦ ɕau˧˥ lieŋ˧˩θim˨˦, ɯŋ˨˦taːŋ˨˦ taːi˧ kʲoŋ˧˥ te˨˦ lum˥ pei˦˨nueŋ˦˨ itjieŋ˧.


/m n/
/p b t d k kː g qː ʔ/
/ts tsː tʃ tʃː tɬː/
/tʼ kʼ kːʼ qːʼ/
/tsʼ tsːʼ tʃʼ tʃːʼ tɬːʼ/
/s sː ʃ ʃː ɬ ɬː x xː χ χː ʜ/
/v z ʒ ʁ ʢ ɦ/
/r l j/
/a e i o u/

noɬ matɬːʼiɬ vixːana, xːalda ɬuqːʼ-ɬuqːʼun
xːurda kver tʃʼvan unev, bida vetsːʼun dun
xːurugi batʼaɬun tseve unago
tso ɬaral raʕalda ʕodov kːolev dun

ɬar tʃvaχːuleb bugo tʃabχil kːʼalaqːan
ɬin kʼantsʼuleb bugo gantʃʼazda tʼasan
tʼaramaʁadiseb qːʼval baleb bugo
qːʼo ɬikʼilan ditsa soʁab ratɬːʼalda


/p b t d ɖ tʃ dʒ k g ʔ/
/v ð s ʂ/
/m n ɲ ŋ/
/w ɭ j/
/a ə ɔ i ɨ u/, with three degrees of length: long, short, and extra short

ʔshəːpid ʂuːdagĭ ʔaɲ hɔhɔʔið. Naːnsə ʔəːða, mɔː hək dʒəwəɖ ʔuːð si wəːtʃɔtʃ, maːʂ hək Tadai siskəg ʔuːð ʔuʔuhig. Hək ʔaʔanatʃ tʃ wɔpɔːtʃ si wɔ skəgatʃ tʃ ʔəp si tʃətʃwatʃ. Kuʂ ʔam həbai hai ki g ʔɔʔɔðham ʂam ʔɔʔɔiðam k ʔam ʔupam ðaːða k ʔam tʃəː maːʂ həːkai tʃu hək ha naːða. ʔIːðam ʔɔʔɔðham ʂam ʔəh həːmapa k ʔam aʔaga maːʂ has maːsma vɔ bəi hək naːða ʔab ʔamdʒəɖ hək Tataɲki dʒiɔʂ.


/p b t d (tɕ) k g q ɢ/
/f v s~θ z~ð ʃ ʒ (ɕ x) h/
/m n ŋ/
/r l j w/
-RTR: /æ ɘ ʉ i̯ɘ y̯ʉ/
+RTR: /ɑ ə ʊ u̯ʊ/

bʊrəŋɢə y̯ʉtki̯ɘn zɑmɑndɑ, bɘr dɑnəʃpɑn kɘsɘ, bɑɢdɑt ʃɑhɑrənəŋ bɘr ʉlki̯ɘn qɑzəsənəŋ ʉjɘni̯ɘ ki̯ɘlɘp qu̯ʊnəptə. qɑzəmi̯ɘni̯ɘn sy̯ʉjli̯ɘsɘp, qɑzənə sy̯ʉzgi̯ɘ ʒi̯ɘŋi̯ɘ bi̯ɘrɘptɘ. su̯ʊndɑ qɑzə qu̯ʊrqəp, — "bʊl mɑɢɑn ki̯ɘlgi̯ɘn bɑlɑ — mi̯ɘnɘŋ qɑzələɢəmdə tɑrtəp ɑlsɑ ki̯ɘri̯ɘk! ni̯ɘ di̯ɘ bu̯ʊlsɑ, bʊɢɑn ʒɑlənəp, səj bi̯ɘrɘp, u̯ʊrnəmdɑ qɑlɑjən!“ — di̯ɘp, qɑtənənɑ ɑqəldɑsəptə.


/m n ɴ (ŋ̍)/
/p b t d tɕ d͡ʑ kʷ ɡʷ k ɡ ʔ/
/ɸ s (z) (ɕ) (ç) h/
/ɾ j w/

/u o/
/uː oː/
/i (ɨ) e a/
/iː eː aː/

nindʑinoː taːn n̥maɾijagiːnaː dʑiju jai, mata, duː teːɕitɕi ni umujuɾu tɕimu tu duː mamuɾandiɾu tɕimoː taː jatin junu gutu sadʑakatoːɾu mun jan. nindʑinoː muːtu kaɾa iːkani nu sunawatoːkutu, tageːni tɕoːdeːjandiɾu kangeːsaːni kutuni ataɾandaɾeː naɾan.


/p b t d tʃ dʒ k~q g~ʁ/
/ɸ β θ ð ʃ ʒ x~h/
/m n ŋ/
/l r j/
/æː a e ø o i y yː ɯ u/

ben ijen bolmalɯ seniŋ køkeleriŋi. øjde Amandan baʃga adam jok. Islendik tema bojuntʃa maglumat gøzlæːp we goʃup bilersiŋiz. jardam sahɯpasɯndan kømek alɯp, Garalamada tedʒribe getʃirip bilersiŋiz.


/m n ɲ ŋ/
/p b t d c ɟ k g/
/ts dz tʃ dʒ/
/f v θ ð s z ʃ ʒ h/
/r ɾ l ɫ j/
/a e ə o i y u/

ati ynə cə je nə cieɫ, u ʃəɲtəɾoftə emɾi yt.
aɾθtə mbɾetəɾia jote; u bəftə dəʃiɾa jote,
si nə cieɫ, eðe mbi ðe.
bukən tonə tə pəɾditəʃme jepna neve sot;
eðe falna fajet tona,
sikundəɾ eðe ne ua falim fajtoɾəvet tanə;
eðe mos na ʃtjeɾə nə ŋasje, po ʃpətona ŋa i ligu;
sepse jotja əʃtə mbɾetəɾia e fucia e lavdia nə jetət tə jetəvet.


/pʲ pˠ tʲ~zʲ tˠ k kʷ/
/mʲ mˠ nʲ ɳˠ ɳʷ ŋ ŋʷ/
/r̪ʲ rˠ rʷ lʲ lˠ lʷ/
/j ɰ w/, mostly theoretical heightless glides to explain the vowel system although /j w/ are realized initially (might not be contrastive?)
/a ɜ ɘ ɨ/ that vary according to the qualities of the surrounding vowels

jɨtʲ jaɡʷɜj lˠakʷ ɰajɘlʲɘŋ jɜw ɰɑɰɤ jɨtʲɜw jaɰarˠ lʷɜtˠak jɜ
mʲɜlˠanʲ kɜ jɛ jɨmʲ jɨjalˠ kɜw jɜ jɨmʲ jɨjajɘw kɜ jɜ
jɨtʲ tʲamʲɨnʲ jɨlʲakʷ tʲanʲɜ pˠɜj jɨtʲɜw tʲɨɡɨ jɜmˠɜwɜlʲ
jɨmʲ ɰaɰɘ lˠajmˠɜrʷanʲ jɨnʲ.r̪ʲɘjɜw ɜmˠmˠanʲ lˠaŋŋɜj jɨnʲaɰatʲ mʲɘtʲ jɜ

Or, if you prefer a phonetic transcription:

itʲ i̯æ͡ɒ.ɡʷɔ͡ɛ lˠɑ͡ɒkʷ ɑ͡æe.lʲe͡ɤŋ ɛ͡ɔ ɑ.ɤ i.zʲɛ͡ɔ i̯æ͡ɑːrˠ lʷɔ͡ʌ.tˠɑk i̯ɛ
mʲɛ͡ʌ.lˠɑ͡ænʲ kʌ͡ɔ i̯ɛ imʲ i.æ͡ɑlˠ kʌ͡ɔ i̯ɛ imʲ i.æ.i̯e͡o kʌ͡ɔ i̯ɛ
itʲ tʲæ.mʲinʲ i.lʲæ͡ɒkʷ tʲæ.nʲɛ pˠʌ͡ɛ i.zʲɛ͡ɔ tʲi͡ɯ.ɡɯ ɛ͡ʌ.mˠʌ͡ɔː͡ɛlʲ
imʲ ɑɤ̯ lˠɑ͡æ.mˠʌ͡ɔ.rʷɒ͡ænʲ inʲ.r̪ʲe.ɛ͡ɔ ɛ͡ʌmˠ.mˠɑ͡ænʲ lˠɑŋ.ŋʌ͡ɛ i.nʲæ͡ɑː͡ætʲ mʲetʲ i̯ɛ


/m n ɲ ŋ/
/m̥ n̥/
/mb nd ndz ndʐ ndʑ ŋg/
/b d dz dʐ dʑ g/
/p t ts tʂ tɕ k/
/pʰ tʰ tsʰ tʂʰ tɕʰ kʰ/
/f s ʂ ɕ x h/
/v z ʐ ʑ ɣ/
/i ɨ u ə o ɛ ɔ a/ (ɨ = apical vowel / syllabic fricative)
/˥ ˧˨ ˧ ˨˩/

mbo˧ ma˧ mu˧ vɛ˧˨ dʑu˧˨ dʑo˧, ndzɨ˧ du˧ i˧ tɕʰɨ˧˨ dʑɨ˧ ʑɨ˧˨ mu˧ dʑo˧ sa˥. mbo˧ ɣo˧˨ ŋo˨˩ ŋgə˧ si˧ ni˨˩ bo˨˩ hɛ˧ ɲi˧ dʑo˧, di˧˨ a˨˩ bo˨˩ m̥a˨˩ zɨ˥ n̥i˨˩ mo˨˩ mu˧ dʑo˧ tʰa˥ ɕi˧.


/p t ts tʂ tɕ k q/
/pʰ tʰ tsʰ tʂʰ tɕʰ kʰ qʰ/
/b d dz dʐ dʑ g/
/ɸ s ʂ ɕ x χ h/
/v z ʐ ʁ ɦ/
/ɬ l/
/m n ɲ ŋ/
/a aː ɑ ɑː e eː ə o oː i iː y yː u uː/
/ia iɑ ie iu ya ye au eu əu ai ei əi oi ua uɑ ue uə ui iau uəi uɑi/ + length contrast (maybe only in diphthongs?)
all vowels and {di|tri}phthongs contrast for r-coloring

Possible initial/final consonant clusters:
ʂ + p t tɕ k q b d g m dʑ
x + tʂ tɕ d dʐ dʑ k s ʂ z ʐ ɬ l
χ + tʂ q d dʐ dʑ s ʂ z ɬ l n ɲ
/ʂ x χ/ all voice before a voiced consonant, /ʂ/ = [s] before /t d/ and [ɕ] before /pi pe bi tɕ dʑ/

(note: where the original text uses <w>, I've used <u> + syllable break. it also has <j> but that can't be /i/ so I'm assuming it's /ɕ/)

qe:˞ ŋuətu tsisatʂu ɕəzi ŋuəkəi.uɑ, tsisatʂu ɕəzi ŋuəkəitu, sa.uleːtɕteːŋuəɲi tɕiuʂə, sa.uleː utɕupuŋuəɲi ʐmətʂi. qe:˞ ŋuətu, ɕuɑnʁuɑi ʂpəktɕi.uɑ, pitɕiŋuəɲi ʐmətʂi ʂpə˞, qe:˞ ŋuətu, ɕuɑnʁuɑi. ɦɑtu satʂuteːtɕtʂileːŋuəɲi tʂi ou ʐikui, ɦɑtu kən lɑntʰɑleː ŋuəkəi.uɑ, lɑnthəleː ŋuəkəitu, ɦɑlɑ mɑːleː.u ɑsməqɑŋuəɲi ɦɑtʰɑ ɲiuŋuəɲi ɑs pɑntɕinu pɑntɕin tətʂʰəɲi ɦɑtsəi deldeɲi ɲiu pɑtʂ deldeɲi ɦɑlɑ, ɲiu pɑtʂ deldeɲi χaiʂə ɦɑlɑŋuəɲi ɦɑlɑ tʂileː lɑntʰəleːŋuəɲi, ɦɑlɑ tʂʰɑqtɑ səʁɲi ɕi topu.ualeː ŋuəkəi, ɕi topuleː ŋuəkəitu, χaiʂə ɦɑlɑ səʁɲi ɕi sətɕɲi nulukəpəkəi, ɦɑtu mɑːleːtɕŋuəɲi χaiʂə ɕiŋuəɲi χaisə ɦɑtsəi pɑntɕin liekəpəkui.uɑ.


Initials: (palatals are allophones of alveolars before /i/)
/pʰ p b tʰ t d tsʰ ts dz~z tɕʰ tɕ dʑ kʰ k g/
/s ɕ h/
/m n ŋ l/

/a ã e ẽ ə o õ i ĩ u ũ/
/ai au iau uai/
/ia io iu ua ue ui/

/p t k m n ŋ ʔ/

˥ ˥˧ ˨˩ ˩+stop ˧˥ ˥˧ ˧ ˥+stop

ɡuan˧˥kʰi˥˧tʰau˧˥ ɕioŋ˧te˧˩ tsʰəŋ˧˩tsə˧ tʰĩ˥ kap˩ tue˧. tue˧ ɕi˧ kʰaŋ˥kʰaŋ˥ hun˧tun˧; tɕʰim˥ian˥ e˧˥ bin˧tɕiũ˧ o˥am˧˩; ɕioŋ˧te˧˩ e˧˥ ɕin˧˥ un˧təŋ˧ ti˧ tsui˥˧bin˧.


/m n̪ n ɲ ŋ/
/p t̪ t tʃ ʈʂ k (tʼ)/
/f θ s ʃ/
/w ɻ j ɣ~ɰ/
/l̪ l ʎ/

/a e i o u ɨ~ə/

A sample:
Kom pu moŋentʃe kisuθuam məlekej, kom tʃeŋejŋɨn, loŋkoŋejŋɨn ka piwkeŋejŋɨn, niejŋɨn kimɨn fej mew məlej taɲi jamniewael ka epuɲpɨle keʎuwael eŋɨn.

Skolt Sami

/p b t d ts dz tʃ dʒ c ɟ k g/
/f v ð s z ʃ ʒ ʝ x~h ɣ/
/j w l ʎ r/
/m n ɲ ŋ/

/i u/
/e ɘ o/
/ɛ ɐ ɔ/
/a ɑ/
/ie iɘ ue uɘ/
/iɛ iɐ uɛ uɐ uɔ/
/eɐ ea/

+ palatalization suprasegmental that affects the whole syllable

niɘð puɘʲt:e domoi tʃeʲvetja:uʲrest
vuɘlɟ:em pɑ:rʲnivuimʲ tse:rkvest
sij mɘʲn:e niɘðta: pɘʲrt:e
sieʲz:est lij kuɘʲht: pɘ:rt

Yeli Dnye

Yeli Dnye

/p pʷ pʲ pʷʲ t tp tʲ t̠ t̠p t̠ʲ k kʷ kʲ kp/ + prenasalized or postnasalized
/m mʷ mʲ mʷʲ n nm n̠ n̠m n̠ʲ ŋ ŋʷ ŋʲ ŋm/
/β βʲ ɣ/
/w l lʷ lʲ j jʷ/
/æ a ɑ ɛ ə ɔ e o i ɨ u ã ɑ̃ ɛ̃ ə̃ ɔ̃ ĩ ũ/ + length

jɛsu pita u pãː pɛː lɔː, u ŋɔmɔ kɔ̃ː ji kɛː wɔ. pita u mpʷʲe pʲɑː mpiː tət̠ə mot̠u, apə, ŋmɨtet̠pn̠minɔ mu t̠pɨ. jɛsu ŋə koː pũː kəː ji jo, wɔt̠ɔ̃ː ji mpiː ŋə a kuwɔ ŋə, ji pʲopu mə ɣəːt̠ɨ wo, jɛsu ka nte mə jɑ̃ŋɔ. t̠in̠i ɣi n̠ĩː ŋə ntumɔkʷɔt̠ɔ t̠in̠i ɣi ji jo, pi kŋɨ jɔ̃ː jɛsuka mpiː pʲu jilɨ n̪uwɔ ŋopu, nĩː t̠e jɛ̃ ji kpŋməma t̠n̠ʲɛ kʷɔ, u kwɔ, mʲɛ n̪uwɔ̃ tumɔ. jɛsu ji kpŋməna kŋɨ je mpʷɔlɔ, u ŋʷɔ ŋmĩː kalə toː, mpiː pʲu jintomu mʲɛ pʲi tɔː.


/m n ŋ/
/pʰ p͈ b tʰ t͈ d tɕʰ t͈ɕ dʑ kʰ k͈ g/
/s s͈ h/
/l~r j w/
/a ɛ ʌ e o i ɯ u/
/ja jɛ jʌ je jo ju wa wɛ wʌ we ɥi ɰi/

on taŋɰi guɯmi hanaijo ʌnʌga hanaiʌtʰdʌɾa gɯdɯɾi tʰoŋbaŋɯɾo omgidaga sinaɾ pʰjʌŋdʑiɾɯl manna gagi gʌhagʌ. sʌɾo malhadɥi dʑa bjʌkʰdoɾɯɾ mandɯɾʌ kʰjʌŋohi gumdʑa hago ie bjʌkʰdoɾo doɾɯl dɛsin hamjʌ jʌkʰtɕʰʌŋɯɾo dʑinhɯgɯl dɛsinhago.


/p b t d tʃ dʒ c ɟ k g/
/f v s z ʃ ʒ x ɣ h/
/m n l r j/
/æ a e ø o i y ɯ u/

bytyn insanlar hejsijjæt væ haglar baxɯmɯndan dænk bærabær væ ærkin azad doɣularlar. Us ægl væ ujat vidʒdan jijæsidirlər væ bir birlærinæ garʃɯ gardaʃlɯg ruhu ilæ davranmalɯdɯrlar.

Riograndenser Hunsrückisch

/p b t d k g/
/pf ts tʃ dʒ/
/f v s z ʃ ʒ x h/
/m n ŋ/
/l j r/
/a ɑ ɛ ø o~ɔ ɪ i y u/
/ai au ɛɪ eɪ ey øy/

tø sɪn tɪ gansɛ lait uf kɛʃti, hon jɛɪsus pɪs pɪlatos gɛnom un hon ɑn gɛfaŋ ɑn sɛ keɪvɛ un sɑrɛː mɛijɛr hon tø tɛ man ɑn gɛtrof unsɛr folɛk am uf heɪtsɛ. tɛɪ ɪs tɛ kɛɪxɛ ɛm kaisɛr ʃtaijɛr pɛtsɑlɛ un sɑt veɪjɛr tɛ mɛisijas un kɛɪnɪx. tø hot tɛ pɪlatos gɛfrøtː pɪʃt tu tɛ jutɛ sainɛ kɛɪnɪx? ɪs vøyr, hot jɛɪsus gɛantvort. tø hot pɪlatos fɛr tɛ høxɛ pristɛr un tsum folɛk gɛsɑtː ɪx kan kɛɪ ʃult an teɪm man fɪnɛ! avɛr ti hon ɑn gɛhal un hon gɛsɑtː tɛɪ tyt unortnuŋ ɑn rɪxtɛ unɪx ɛm folɛk mɪt sain untrɪxt ɪvɛrɑl ɪn jutɛɪja. ɪn galɪlɛɪja hot ɛr ɑn gɛfaŋ, un jɛɪts ɪs ɛr tø pai uns.

Hanoi Vietnamese

/p t̪ʰ t c k kʰ~x/
/ɓ ɗ/
/f v s z ɣ h/
/m n ɲ ŋ/
/l r w/

Medials: (all but u and Vw series can take -w- between initial and medial)
/a aː ɛ ə ɔ e əː o i ɨ u/
/ie~iə ɨə uo~uə/
/aj aːj əj ɔj əːj oj ɨj uj ɨəj uəj/
/aw aːw ɛw əw ew əːw iw ɨw iəw ɨəw/

/p t k m n ŋ/
[c ɲ] for /k ŋ/ after /i e/ and [a] which could be either /ai/ or /ɛ/

˧ ˨˩ ˧˥ ˧ˀ˨ʔ ˧˩˧ ˧ˀ˥

tʰoj˧ˌ cuŋ˧˥ ta˧ haj˧ˀ˥ʔ suəŋ˧˥ˌ lam˨˩ lon˧ˀ˨ʔ son˧ˀ˨ʔ tieŋ˧˥ nɔj˧˨ kuə˧˩˧ cuŋ˧˥ nɔ˧˥ cɔ˧ hɔ˧ˀ˨ʔ ŋɛ˧ kʰoŋ˧ dɯək˧ˀ˨ʔ tiəŋ˧˥ nɔi˧˥ kuə˧˩˧ ŋɯəj˨˩ naːj˨˩ vəːj˧˥ ŋɯəj˨˩ kiə˧

dGudzong Tibetan

/pʰ p b tʰ t d ʈʰ ʈ ɖ c ɟ kʰ k g ʔ/
/tsʰ ts dz tɕʰ tɕ dʑ/
/ɸ β sʰ s z ʂʰ ʂ ʐ ɕʰ ɕ ʑ xʰ x ɣ h ɦ/
/m̥ m n̥ n ȵ̊ ȵ ŋ̊ ŋ/
/l̥ l r j w/
/ʰp ʰt ʰʈ ʰc ʰk ʰts ʰtɕ/
/ʰsʰ ʰs ʰɕʰ ʰɕ ʰx ʰl̥/
/ʱb ʱd ʱɖ ʱɟ ʱg ʱdz ʱdʑ/
/ʱz ʱʐ ʱʑ/
/ʱm ʱn ʱȵ ʱŋ ʱl ʱr ʱj/
/ᵐb ⁿd ⁿɖ ⁿg ⁿdz ⁿdʑ ⁿɣ/
/ᵐpʰ ⁿtʰ ⁿʈʰ ⁿkʰ ⁿtsʰ ⁿtɕʰ ⁿxʰ ⁿsʰ ⁿɕʰ ⁿl̥/
/ᵐg ᵐtsʰ/
/ᵖt ᵖʈ ᵖʈʰ ᵖk ᵖts ᵖtsʰ ᵖtɕ/
/ᶲt ᶲʈ ᶲtɕ ᶲs ᶲl̥/
/ʷɖ ʷg ʷdʑ ʷʐ ʷn ʷl/
/ˀm ˀn ˀj/
/a ɑ ɛ ɔ e ɵ ə o i ʉ ɯ u/
All vowels but /ɵ ʉ/ can occur nasalized. Length is contrastive.

Syllable structure: C{j w}V{j w}(ʔ)

Four tones, operating on word level: ¯: high level [55/44] ´: rising [24/35] ^: rising-falling [132] `: falling [53/42]

¯ɕʰi kә ˆpʰә ro ´lәwʔ ʰpɯ `ᶲsɯ ⁿkʰor ´me ʑɑ̃ tɕu ɦo `ᵖtsʰә ʱdʑәʔ ´ʱdʑiː bo ¯ʰtɕiː ˆtɕʰә ɣi ´ɖuː ⁿɕʰɑ̃ ´miː sʰiː ¯ⁿtsʰɯwʔ ʱdʑәʔ ¯ʰʈeː lʉ ɦөʔ ¯ʰsʰә
Ambulas (Maprik)

/p pʷ ᵐb t ⁿd k kʷ ⁿʥ ᵑɡ ᵑɡʷ/
/m mʷ n ɲ ŋ ŋʷ/
/β s/
/w l j/

/i ɨ u e ə o ɑ/

Velar stops are labialized before /u/.

/ⁿdɨkɲɨɲᵐbə ⁿdɨrɨt kɑpuk kutⁿdɨŋʷurɨn || nɑte wəⁿdɨkə ⁿde ᵑɡu tuwe wukŋəsɨkɨrɨkŋɨk || wukŋəsɨkɨrɨkⁿdəkə ⁿdɨ ⁿderɨt wək | ləs mɨ tuwe kure je ᵑɡunɨ jɑ sɨrəkᵑɡʷə ᵐbəpəⁿdukɨ kʷəjɨkɨ jo || wəᵑɡə wəⁿdɨkə ⁿde tuwe kure jɨk || kure jɨⁿdəkə ⁿdɨ jɑ sɨrəkᵑɡʷə ᵐbəpəⁿdu ⁿdɨ wəni ᵑɡu kəkŋʷuk || wəni kulɨ ᵑɡu wəin ᵑɡu ⁿdɨ jək || kəkŋʷute wəni wəin ᵑɡukɨ kutⁿdɨŋmərɨk jəⁿdɨkə ⁿde ⁿʥɨᵐbɑ jəkʷə ⁿdu ⁿde kutⁿdɨŋɨk wəni ᵑɡukɨ ||/Okinawan:
Last edited by Karch on Tue Dec 11, 2018 1:30 pm, edited 5 times in total.
Zpaf kkuñb ñvneahttiñ wqxirftvn meof ñfañhsit.
Kkuñb ñvzxirf kvtañb kkuñf ñtmeaq sfañkqeanth.
Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq.
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dɮ the phoneme
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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by dɮ the phoneme »

/p pʷ ᵐb t ⁿd k kʷ ⁿʥ ᵑɡ ᵑɡʷ/<p(h) p(u) b t d k qu g(i) g(h) g(u)>
/m mʷ n ɲ ŋ ŋʷ/ <m(h) m(u) n(h) n(i)~nj ng(h) ng(u)>
/r/ <r>
/β s/ <w s>
/w l j/ <h(u) l j>

/i ɨ u e ə o ɑ/ <i y u e ë o a>

labialized consonants written with following <u> before unrounded vowels, without <u> before rounded vowels
palatals written with following <i> before non-front vowels besides <y>, without <i> before front vowels and <y>
/p ᵑɡ m n ŋ/ written <ph gh mh nh ngh> before <i e u o y>
/ɲ/ written <nj> syllable-finally

Dyknynjbë dyryt kaphuk kutdynguryn. Nate huëdykë de gu tuhue hukngësykyryknghyk. Hukngësykyrykdëkë dy deryt huëk, lës mhy tuhue kure je gunhy ja syrëkguë bëpëduky quëjyky jo. Huëgë huëdykë de tuhue kure jyk. Kure jydëkë dy ja syrëkguë bëpëdu dy huënhi gu këknguk. Huënhi kuly gu huëin gu dy jëk. Këkngute huënhi huëin guky kutdyngmëryk jëdykë de gyba jëquë du de kutdynghyk huënhi ɡuky.



/p t ʈ c k kʷ ʔ/
/v f s h/
/m n ɳ ɲ ŋ ŋʷ/
/l ɭ ʎ ɹ ɻ j ʁ/

/i u a/


/V́ V̀/

Syllables must begin with at least one consonant.

/túns ɹìs ɭíkʷstìs ŋʷíʔùn ʔáɲstíɻʈìn ɹìn vìʈʈuʎ | svàins kús làkʷs ɭíkʷt áppúɹ ŋil cjín saʎ || fìts ɳùʁlù ɹìs | tùhsìm |plàɲàn stìnnà úfppùɹùɻʈàn fín pá || /
Ye knowe eek that, in forme of speche is chaunge
With-inne a thousand yeer, and wordes tho
That hadden pris, now wonder nyce and straunge
Us thinketh hem; and yet they spake hem so,
And spedde as wel in love as men now do.

(formerly Max1461)
Posts: 603
Joined: Sun Jul 15, 2018 6:09 am

Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by Karch »

/íɻɭíɹt/ <Jrlhirt>

/p t ʈ c k kʷ ʔ/ <p t th tg c co~oc ȝ>
/v f s h/ <v f s h>
/m n ɳ ɲ ŋ ŋʷ/ <m n nh ƞ nc nco~onc>
/l ɭ ʎ ɹ ɻ j ʁ/ <l lh lg r rr g gc>
/CC/ <C̄>

/í ú á ì ù à i u a/ <j u e i o a ĭ ŏ ă>

/ái ài ai/ <ej ai ăi>

/V́ V̀/ <aa a>

Syllables must begin with at least one consonant.

/túns ɹìs ɭíkʷstìs ŋʷíʔùn ʔáɲstíɻʈìn ɹìn vìʈʈuʎ | svàins kús làkʷs ɭíkʷt áppúɹ ŋil cjín saʎ || fìts ɳùʁlù ɹìs | tùhsìm |plàɲàn stìnnà úfppùɹùɻʈàn fín pá || /
Tuns ris lhjocstis ncojȝon ȝeƞstjrthin rin vit̄hŏlg, svains cus laocs lhjoct ep̄ur ncĭl t·gjn sălg. Fits nhogclo ris, tohsim, plaƞan stin̄a ufp̄ororthan fjn pa.


Ambulas as Iatmul

/p pʷ ᵐb t ⁿd k kʷ ⁿʥ ᵑɡ ᵑɡʷ/ <p pw b t d k kw j g gw>
/m mʷ n ɲ ŋ ŋʷ/ <m mw n ny ng w'>
/r/ <r>
/β s/ <v s>
/w l j/ <w l y>

/i ɨ u e ə o ɑ/ <i i' u e a o aa>

/kŋ/ <k'>

Velar stops are labialized before /u/.

/ⁿdɨkɲɨɲᵐbə ⁿdɨrɨt kɑpuk kutⁿdɨŋʷurɨn || nɑte wəⁿdɨkə ⁿde ᵑɡu tuwe wukŋəsɨkɨrɨkŋɨk || wukŋəsɨkɨrɨkⁿdəkə ⁿdɨ ⁿderɨt wək | ləs mɨ tuwe kure je ᵑɡunɨ jɑ sɨrəkᵑɡʷə ᵐbəpəⁿdukɨ kʷəjɨkɨ jo || wəᵑɡə wəⁿdɨkə ⁿde tuwe kure jɨk || kure jɨⁿdəkə ⁿdɨ jɑ sɨrəkᵑɡʷə ᵐbəpəⁿdu ⁿdɨ wəni ᵑɡu kəkŋʷuk || wəni kulɨ ᵑɡu wəin ᵑɡu ⁿdɨ jək || kəkŋʷute wəni wəin ᵑɡukɨ kutⁿdɨŋmərɨk jəⁿdɨkə ⁿde ⁿʥɨᵐbɑ jəkʷə ⁿdu ⁿde kutⁿdɨŋɨk wəni ᵑɡukɨ ||/

Di'knyi'nyba di'ri't kaapuk kutdi'w'uri'n. Naate wadi'ka de gu tuwe wuk'asi'ki'ri'k'i'k. Wuk'asi'ki'ri'kdaka di' deri't wak, las mi' tuwe kure ye guni' yaa si'rakgwa bapaduki' kwayi'ki' yo. Waga wadi'ka de tuwe kure yi'k. Kure yi'daka di' yaa si'rakgwa bapadu di' wani gu kak'wuk. Wani kuli' gu wain gu di' yak. Kak'wute wani wain guki' kutdi'ngmari'k yadi'ka de ji'baa yakwa du de kutdi'ngi'k wani guki'.
Zpaf kkuñb ñvneahttiñ wqxirftvn meof ñfañhsit.
Kkuñb ñvzxirf kvtañb kkuñf ñtmeaq sfañkqeanth.
Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq.
Posts: 1680
Joined: Sun Jul 15, 2018 3:29 am

Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by Nortaneous »

/p pʷ ᵐb t ⁿd k kʷ ⁿʥ ᵑɡ ᵑɡʷ/ <p b ḅ t d k q j ġ q̇>
/m mʷ n ɲ ŋ ŋʷ/ <m ẇ n ñ g q̃>
/r/ <r>
/β s/ <v s>
/w l j/ <w l (h)y>

/i ɨ u e ə o ɑ/ <iy i u ey e o a>

/ⁿdɨkɲɨɲᵐbə ⁿdɨrɨt kɑpuk kutⁿdɨŋʷurɨn || nɑte wəⁿdɨkə ⁿde ᵑɡu tuwe wukŋəsɨkɨrɨkŋɨk || wukŋəsɨkɨrɨkⁿdəkə ⁿdɨ ⁿderɨt wək | ləs mɨ tuwe kure je ᵑɡunɨ jɑ sɨrəkᵑɡʷə ᵐbəpəⁿdukɨ kʷəjɨkɨ jo || wəᵑɡə wəⁿdɨkə ⁿde tuwe kure jɨk || kure jɨⁿdəkə ⁿdɨ jɑ sɨrəkᵑɡʷə ᵐbəpəⁿdu ⁿdɨ wəni ᵑɡu kəkŋʷuk || wəni kulɨ ᵑɡu wəin ᵑɡu ⁿdɨ jək || kəkŋʷute wəni wəin ᵑɡukɨ kutⁿdɨŋmərɨk jəⁿdɨkə ⁿde ⁿʥɨᵐbɑ jəkʷə ⁿdu ⁿde kutⁿdɨŋɨk wəni ᵑɡukɨ ||/

Dikñiñḅe dirit kapuk qutdiq̃urin. Natey wedike dey ġu tuwe wukgesikirikgik. Wukgesikirikdeke di deyrit wek, les mi tuwey qurey yey ġuni ya sirekq̇e ḅepeduki qehyiki yo. Weġe wedike dey tuwey qurey yik. Qurey yideke di ya sirekq̇e ḅepedu di weniy ġu kekq̃uk. Weniy quli ġu weiyn ġu di yek. Kekq̃utey weni weiyn ġuki qutdigmerik yedike dey jiḅa yeqe du dey qutdigik weni ġuki.



/p t ʈ c k kʷ ʔ/ <p t th c k kw '~0> ~ <b d dh j g gw hh>
/v f s h/ <hw f s h> ~ <w v z gh>
/m n ɳ ɲ ŋ ŋʷ/ <(h)> + <m n nh ny ng ngw>
/l ɭ ʎ ɹ ɻ j ʁ/ <(h)> + <l lh ly r rh y x>

/i u a/ <i u a>

/ai/ <e>

/V́ V̀/ <PV BV>

/túns ɹìs ɭíkʷstìs ŋʷíʔùn ʔáɲstíɻʈìn ɹìn vìʈʈuʎ | svàins kús làkʷs ɭíkʷt áppúɹ ŋil cjín saʎ || fìts ɳùʁlù ɹìs | tùhsìm |plàɲàn stìnnà úfppùɹùɻʈàn fín pá || /
Tuns ris hlhigwzdis hngwihhun anystirdhin rin witthuly. Zvens kus lakws hlhikwt appur ngil cyin saly. Vits nhuxlu ris, duhzim, blanyan zdinna uvbbururdhan fin pa.
Duaj teibohnggoe kyoe' quaqtoeq lucj lhaj k'yoejdej noeyn tucj.
K'yoejdaq fohm q'ujdoe duaj teibohnggoen dlehq lucj.
Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq.
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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by mèþru »

Melik sed
/p b t d k ɡ/
/ɸ β s z ʂ ʐ h/
/l/ - stands for any liquid or rhotic

/i u e̞ o̞ ä/
Stress is always on the final syllable

/i.ko̞.mo̞b nä.sän le̞n kʂe̞β/
I came to buy a horse
More: show
p b t d k ɡ
f v s z c j h

i u e o a

Ikomob nasan len kcev.
ìtsanso, God In The Mountain, may our names inspire the deepest feelings of fear in urkos and all his ilk, for we have saved another man from his lies! I welcome back to the feast hall kal, who will never gamble again! May the eleven gods bless him!
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dɮ the phoneme
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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by dɮ the phoneme »

Μεληκ σεδ

/p b t d k ɡ/ <π β τ δ κ γ>
/ɸ β s z ʂ ʐ h/ <φ ϝ σ~ς ζ σρ ζρ>
/j/ <ι>
/l/ <λ>

(I presume you forgot to mention the nasals, but I'm witting <μ ν> for [m n] in the sample.)

/i u e̞ o̞ ä/ <η υ ε ο α>

/i.ko̞.mo̞b nä.sän le̞n kʂe̞β/ <Ηκομοβ νασαν λεν κσρεϝ>
I came to buy a horse



/p b~m t ts d~n k g~ŋ/
/s z ç ʝ ħ h/
/l j w/

/i u a ɒ~ɔ/
/ĩ ũ ã ɒ̃/

Pitch accent, with low/high tone contrast on the accented syllable. (C)V syllables. Voiced stops realized as nasals before nasal vowels

/paħukí iħáʝĩ ʝáu=çɒ | tsádijɒ gáiħa bɒ̀sũħa ʝáu=sã || ħu asã=gɒ̃túilĩ | duɒ́ʝaipɒ̃zagulĩ || tsádijɒ halí zi gái||/



/p t tʃ k ʔ/
/θ s ɬ ʃ x/
/ɹ l j w/
/m n ɲ/

/i o ɛ a/

(C)(G)V(R) syllables. Mora-timed with two register tones, high and low; a single tone is linked to each mora. Vowels and syllable-medial glides are one mora each, onset and coda consonants are zero.

/jɛ̀wíí xɛ́tʃɛ́ʔóóɛ̀ɲòʔálkáʃísósé páíí tʃɛ́θá xɛ́θììpòwj̀íí tʃɛ́ɬá nòóɹpẁɛ̀/
Ye knowe eek that, in forme of speche is chaunge
With-inne a thousand yeer, and wordes tho
That hadden pris, now wonder nyce and straunge
Us thinketh hem; and yet they spake hem so,
And spedde as wel in love as men now do.

(formerly Max1461)
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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by mèþru »

I forgot, there are /m n ŋ/ <m n ng>. They are written differently finally and <ng> never occurs in an onset, but I intend to never have any morphs that are identical except for a nasal in the coda
ìtsanso, God In The Mountain, may our names inspire the deepest feelings of fear in urkos and all his ilk, for we have saved another man from his lies! I welcome back to the feast hall kal, who will never gamble again! May the eleven gods bless him!
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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by Karch »

Compilation of natlang challenges from the old board, pt. 2
Zpaf kkuñb ñvneahttiñ wqxirftvn meof ñfañhsit.
Kkuñb ñvzxirf kvtañb kkuñf ñtmeaq sfañkqeanth.
Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq.
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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by Karch »

Compilation of natlang challenges from the old board, pt. 3
Zpaf kkuñb ñvneahttiñ wqxirftvn meof ñfañhsit.
Kkuñb ñvzxirf kvtañb kkuñf ñtmeaq sfañkqeanth.
Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq.
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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by Karch »

/ħɒtakɒtí/ <'Xotakotii>

/p b~m t ts d~n k g~ŋ/ <p b t 't d k 'g>
/s z ç ʝ ħ h/ <s z 'k g 'x x>
/l j w/ <l y w>

/i u a ɒ~ɔ/ <i u a o>
/ĩ ũ ã ɒ̃/ <hi hu ha ho> (except before voiced stops which are written as nasal before a nasal vowel)

Pitch accent, with low/high tone contrast on the accented syllable. /á à/ <aa ar> (C)V syllables. Voiced stops realized as nasals before nasal vowels

/paħukí iħáʝĩ ʝáu=çɒ | tsádijɒ gáiħa bɒ̀sũħa ʝáu=sã || ħu asã=gɒ̃túilĩ | duɒ́ʝaipɒ̃zagulĩ || tsádijɒ halí zi gái||/

Pa'xukii i'xaaghi gaau'ko, 'taadiyo 'gai'xa borshu'xa gaausha. 'Xu asha'ghotuuilhi, duoogaiphoza'gulhi. 'Taadiyo halii zi 'gai.


/ʔálká/ <Qalka>

/p t tʃ k ʔ/ <p t c k q>
/θ s ɬ ʃ x/ <th s lh sh h>
/ɹ l j w/ <r l y w>
/m n ɲ/ <m n nh>

/i o ɛ a/ <i o e a>

(C)(G)V(R) syllables. Mora-timed with two register tones, high and low; /á à áá àà áà àá/ <a a(C)' aa aa(C)' a-a(C') a'a> a single tone is linked to each mora. Vowels and syllable-medial glides are one mora each, onset and coda consonants are zero.

/jɛ̀wíí xɛ́tʃɛ́ʔóóɛ̀ɲòʔálkáʃísósé páíí tʃɛ́θá xɛ́θììpòwj̀íí tʃɛ́ɬá nòóɹpẁɛ̀/

Ye'wii hece'oo-e'nho'qalkashisose paii cetha hethii'pow'yii celha no'orpwe'.
Zpaf kkuñb ñvneahttiñ wqxirftvn meof ñfañhsit.
Kkuñb ñvzxirf kvtañb kkuñf ñtmeaq sfañkqeanth.
Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq.
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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by bbbosborne »

Max1461 wrote: Thu Aug 02, 2018 1:52 pm /ʔálká/

/p t tʃ k ʔ/
/θ s ɬ ʃ x/
/ɹ l j w/
/m n ɲ/

/i o ɛ a/

(C)(G)V(R) syllables. Mora-timed with two register tones, high and low; a single tone is linked to each mora. Vowels and syllable-medial glides are one mora each, onset and coda consonants are zero.

/jɛ̀wíí xɛ́tʃɛ́ʔóóɛ̀ɲòʔálkáʃísósé páíí tʃɛ́θá xɛ́θììpòwj̀íí tʃɛ́ɬá nòóɹpẁɛ̀/

p t ch k ʔ
th s ll sh kh
r l y w
m n ny

i o e a

high tone = accent
low tone = grave

yèwíí khéchéʔóóènyòʔálkáshísósé páíí chéthá khéthììpòwyíí chéllá nòórpẁè



/p ph b t th d c ch ɟ k kh g q qh/
/f v s z ʃ ʒ ɬ x ɣ h/
/tʃ tʃh tɬ tɬh ts tsh/
/r l j w/
/m n ɲ ŋ/

/a e i ɨ o u/
each has a short and long form

/pakɨbtoː mikhi ɬadoː kaŋtɬheqo suːimagdeːtʃu fotshoxu maːlxaːnɨ khɬaːkagabuː ɲeɲkiːpun saŋŋ/
when the hell did that happen
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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by dɮ the phoneme »

Avoiding digraphs here, for no particularly good reason.


/p pʰ b t tʰ d c cʰ ɟ k kʰ g q qʰ/ <p ṗ b t ṭ d c ċ j k ḳ g q q̇>
/f v s z ʃ ʒ ɬ x ɣ h/ <f v s z ş z̧ ḷ x ġ h>
/tʃ tʃʰ tɬ tɬʰ ts tsʰ/ <ç ç̇ ł ł̣ ʒ ʒ̇>
/r l j w/ <r l y w>
/m n ɲ ŋ/ <m n ņ ŋ>

/a e i ɨ o u/ <a e i ẹ o u>
/aː eː iː ɨː oː uː/ <aa ee ii ẹẹ oo uu>

Pakẹbtoo miḳi ḷadoo kaŋł̣eqo suuimagdeeçu foʒ̇oxu maalxaanẹ ḳḷaakagabuu ņeņkiipun saŋŋ.
Ye knowe eek that, in forme of speche is chaunge
With-inne a thousand yeer, and wordes tho
That hadden pris, now wonder nyce and straunge
Us thinketh hem; and yet they spake hem so,
And spedde as wel in love as men now do.

(formerly Max1461)
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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by Nortaneous »

/ħɒtakɒtí/ <Xotakotí>

/p b~m t ts d~n k g~ŋ/ <p b t ts d k g>
/s z ç ʝ ħ h/ <s z c j x h>
/l j w/ <l y w>

/i u a ɒ~ɔ/ <i u a o>
/ĩ ũ ã ɒ̃/ <in un an on>

/paħukí iħáʝĩ ʝáu=çɒ | tsádijɒ gáiħa bɒ̀sũħa ʝáu=sã || ħu asã=gɒ̃túilĩ | duɒ́ʝaipɒ̃zagulĩ || tsádijɒ halí zi gái||/
Paxukí ixájin jáuco, tsádiyo gáixa bòsunxa jáusan. Xu asangontúilin, duójaiponzagulin. Tsádiyo halí zi gái.


/ʔálká/ <Halka>

/p t tʃ k ʔ/ <p t ch c~qu h>
/θ s ɬ ʃ x/ <z s ł x j>
/ɹ l j w/ <r l y u>
/m n ɲ/ <m n ñ>

/i o ɛ a/ <i o e a>

/jɛ̀wíí xɛ́tʃɛ́ʔóóɛ̀ɲòʔálkáʃísósé páíí tʃɛ́θá xɛ́θììpòwj̀íí tʃɛ́ɬá nòóɹpẁɛ̀/
Yèwii jechehooèñòhalcaxisose paii cheła jezììpòùyii nòorpùè.
Duaj teibohnggoe kyoe' quaqtoeq lucj lhaj k'yoejdej noeyn tucj.
K'yoejdaq fohm q'ujdoe duaj teibohnggoen dlehq lucj.
Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq.
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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by mèþru »


<p ph b t th d ť ťh ď k kh g q qh
f v s z š ž l x x̣ h
tš tšh tl tlh ts tsh
r ḷ j w
m n ň ŋ

a e i ɨ o u>
Double letters for length

Pakɨbtoo mikhi ladoo kaŋtlheqo suuimagdeetšu fotshoxu maaḷxaanɨ khlaakagabuu ňeňkiipun saŋŋ.
ìtsanso, God In The Mountain, may our names inspire the deepest feelings of fear in urkos and all his ilk, for we have saved another man from his lies! I welcome back to the feast hall kal, who will never gamble again! May the eleven gods bless him!
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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by Bessunire »

/'mɨtɬhaːqɨn/ Mytłáqyn

/p pʰ b t tʰ d c cʰ ɟ k kʰ g q qʰ/ p ph b t th d k kh j c ch q qh
/f v s z ʃ ʒ ɬ x ɣ h/ f v s z š ž ł x gh h
/tʃ tʃʰ tɬ tɬʰ ts tsʰ/ č čh tł tłh ć ćh
/r l j w/ r l y w
/m n ɲ ŋ/ m n ń ng

/a e i ɨ o u/ Short: a e i y o u. Long: á é í ý ó ú
each has a short and long form

/pakɨbtoː mikʰi ɬadoː kaŋtɬʰeqo suːimagdeːtʃu fotsʰoxu maːlxaːnɨ kʰɬaːkagabuː ɲeɲkiːpun saŋŋ/
[i]Pakybtó mikhi ładó kangtłheqo súimagdéču foćhoxu málxány khłákagabú ńeńkípun sanng.[/i]


/p pʲ b bʲ t tʲ d dʲ c ɟ k g/
/f fʲ v vʲ θ θʲ s sʲ ʃ ʃʲ ç ʝ h ɬ ɬʲ/
/m mʲ n ɲ/
/ɾ ɾʲ l ʎ w ɥ/

All consonants except /ʝ h ɬ ɬʲ w ɥ/ can be single or geminate.

/i e a o u/

Vowels in stressed open syllables are long, otherwise they are short. /a/ is pronounced as /ə/ at the end of a word.

Words are divided into 2-syllable morae, with an odd-numbered syllable creating a 3-syllable final mora. Stress falls on the first syllable of every mora, except in 3-syllable morae, where it can fall on the second syllable instead. Primary stress is on the final mora.

/ˈɾʲis ˈkeːin ˈsʲoːsu beˈsuçːi ˌaːgaˈθeːçi ˌbesːuˈfʲiːte ˈɬaːganə ˌʝaːɾʲoˈɲiːmə ˈmeːi ˌeɲciˈkoçːi ˌiːʃaˈɾanːə ˌciːmːaθoˈmusʲtʲi/
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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by Karch »

/'mɨtɬhaːqɨn/ <Mɨʎhaaqɨn>

/p ph b t th d c ch ɟ k kh g q qh/ <p ph b t th d ḳ ḳh ġ k kh g q qh>
/f v s z ʃ ʒ ɬ x ɣ h/ <f v s z š ž ł x ḡ h>
/tʃ tʃh tɬ tɬh ts tsh/ <č čh ʎ ʎh c ch>
/r l j w/ <r l y w>
/m n ɲ ŋ/ <m n ñ ŋ>

/a e i ɨ o u/ <a e i ü o u>
each has a short and long form <VV>

/pakɨbtoː mikhi ɬadoː kaŋtɬheqo suːimagdeːtʃu fotshoxu maːlxaːnɨ khɬaːkagabuː ɲeɲkiːpun saŋŋ/

Pakübtoo mikhi ładoo kaŋʎheqo suuimagdeeču fochoxu maalxaanü khłaakagabuu ñeñkiipun saŋŋ.


/ˌhaθʲiˈɾʲiːsʲi/ <Hathírísí>

/p pʲ b bʲ t tʲ d dʲ c ɟ k g/ <p p~ip b b~ib t t~it d d~id k~ik g~ig k g>
/f fʲ v vʲ θ θʲ s sʲ ʃ ʃʲ ç ʝ h ɬ ɬʲ/ <f f~if v v~iv th th~ith s s~is ç ç~iç h~ih Ø~i h lh lh~ilh>
/m mʲ n ɲ/ <m m~im n n~in>
/ɾ ɾʲ l ʎ w ɥ/ <r r~ir l l~il u u~iu>

All consonants except /ʝ h ɬ ɬʲ w ɥ/ can be single or geminate. <CC>
The palatalized consonants are marked as iC when in syllable coda.

/i e a o u/ <i e a o u>
/ʲi ʲe ʲa ʲo ʲu/ <í é á ó ú>

Vowels in stressed open syllables are long, otherwise they are short. /a/ is pronounced as /ə/ at the end of a word.

Words are divided into 2-syllable morae, with an odd-numbered syllable creating a 3-syllable final mora. Stress falls on the first syllable of every mora, except in 3-syllable morae, where it can fall on the second syllable instead. (If the stress falls on the first syllable of the 3-syllable mora, it's marked by a grave accent on the vowel (if the vowel is palatalized, it gets a circumflex instead, for example ˈCʲaCVCV <CâCVCV>)) Primary stress is on the final mora.

/ˈɾʲis ˈkein ˈsʲosu beˈsuçːi agaˈθeçi besːuˈfʲite ˈɬagana ʝaɾʲoˈɲima ˈmei eɲciˈkoçːi iʃaˈɾanːa cimːaθoˈmusʲtʲi/
[ˈɾʲis ˈkeːin ˈsʲoːsu beˈsuçːi ˌaːgaˈθeːçi ˌbesːuˈfʲiːte ˈɬaːganə ˌʝaːɾʲoˈɲiːmə ˈmeːi ˌeɲciˈkoçːi ˌiːʃaˈɾanːə ˌciːmːaθoˈmusʲtʲi]

Rís kein sósu besuhhí agathehí bessufíte lhàgana áróníma mei einkíkohhí içaranna kímmathomuistí.
Zpaf kkuñb ñvneahttiñ wqxirftvn meof ñfañhsit.
Kkuñb ñvzxirf kvtañb kkuñf ñtmeaq sfañkqeanth.
Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq.
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dɮ the phoneme
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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by dɮ the phoneme »

/ˌhaθʲiˈɾʲiːsʲi/ <Hazyiryīsyi>

/p pʲ b bʲ t tʲ d dʲ c ɟ k g/ <p py b by t ty d dy ky gy k g>
/f fʲ v vʲ θ θʲ s sʲ ʃ ʃʲ ç ʝ h ɬ ɬʲ/ <f fy v vy z zy s sy š šy hy j ł ły>
/m mʲ n ɲ/ <m my n ny>
/ɾ ɾʲ l ʎ w ɥ/ <r ry l ly w wy>

<Cy> written <yC> syllable-finally.

All consonants except /ʝ h ɬ ɬʲ w ɥ/ can be single or geminate. <CC> for non-palatals and <j>, <CCy> for associated palatal(ized) form.

/i e a o u/ <i e a o u>
/i e a o u/ <ī ē ā ō ū>

Stress unmarked.

/ˈɾʲis ˈkeːin ˈsʲoːsu beˈsuçːi ˌaːgaˈθeːçi ˌbesːuˈfʲiːte ˈɬaːganə ˌʝaːɾʲoˈɲiːmə ˈmeːi ˌeɲciˈkoçːi ˌiːʃaˈɾanːə ˌciːmːaθoˈmusʲtʲi/
<Ryis kēin syōsu besuhhyi āgazēhyi bessufyīte łāgana jāryonyīma mēi eynkyikohhyi īšaranna kyīmmazomuystyi.>


This incredible shit from the Gleb thread:
bbbosborne wrote: Sat Jul 28, 2018 2:17 am Now this deserves a spot in the smithsonian

Nasal /ɲ͡m ŋ͡m ŋ͡mˤ m n̻ ɲ ŋ ŋʷ ŋˤ ŋˤʷ ɴ ɴˤ/
Stop /c͡p k͡p k͡pˤ q͡p q͡pˤ p ɓ̰ ɓˤ̰ ɓʲ̰ t̻ ɗ̻̰ c k kʷ kˤʷ q/
Fricative /f v s̻ z̻ ʝ ɣ ɣˤ ʁ ʁˤ ħʰ ʕ h/
Resonant /ɾ̻ j w ʊ̯ˤ/

High /i iː ɨ ɨː u uː/
Mid-low /ɛ ɛː ɛ̃ ɛː̃ ɔ ɔː ɔ̃ ɔː̃/
Low /a aː ã aː̃/

Syllable structure

C1: a consonant other than /ŋʷ ŋˤʷ/
V: a vowel
C2: a sonorant other than /ħʰ ʕ/; i.e. one of /ɲ͡m ŋ͡m ŋ͡mˤ m n̻ ɲ ŋ ŋʷ ŋˤ ŋˤʷ h/
Ye knowe eek that, in forme of speche is chaunge
With-inne a thousand yeer, and wordes tho
That hadden pris, now wonder nyce and straunge
Us thinketh hem; and yet they spake hem so,
And spedde as wel in love as men now do.

(formerly Max1461)
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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by Karch »

Nasal /ɲ͡m ŋ͡m ŋ͡mˤ m n̻ ɲ ŋ ŋʷ ŋˤ ŋˤʷ ɴ ɴˤ/ <my mg mg̈ m n ny ng ngw ng̈ ng̈w nq nq̈>
Stop /c͡p k͡p k͡pˤ q͡p q͡pˤ p ɓ̰ ɓˤ̰ ɓʲ̰ t̻ ɗ̻̰ c k kʷ kˤʷ q/ <kpy kp kp̈ qp qp̈ p b p̈ by t d ky k kw kẅ q>
Fricative /f v s̻ z̻ ʝ ɣ ɣˤ ʁ ʁˤ ħʰ ʕ h/ <f v s z xy x ẍ c c̈ ḧ ÿ h>
Resonant /ɾ̻ j w ʊ̯ˤ/ <r y w ẅ>

High /i iː ɨ ɨː u uː/ <i ii ù ùù u uu>
Mid-low /ɛ ɛː ɛ̃ ɛː̃ ɔ ɔː ɔ̃ ɔː̃/ <e ee é éé o oo ó óó>
Low /a aː ã aː̃/ <a aa á áá>
Zpaf kkuñb ñvneahttiñ wqxirftvn meof ñfañhsit.
Kkuñb ñvzxirf kvtañb kkuñf ñtmeaq sfañkqeanth.
Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq.
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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by bbbosborne »

Karch wrote: Tue Aug 07, 2018 11:26 am Consonants
Nasal /ɲ͡m ŋ͡m ŋ͡mˤ m n̻ ɲ ŋ ŋʷ ŋˤ ŋˤʷ ɴ ɴˤ/ <my mg mg̈ m n ny ng ngw ng̈ ng̈w nq nq̈>
Stop /c͡p k͡p k͡pˤ q͡p q͡pˤ p ɓ̰ ɓˤ̰ ɓʲ̰ t̻ ɗ̻̰ c k kʷ kˤʷ q/ <kpy kp kp̈ qp qp̈ p b p̈ by t d ky k kw kẅ q>
Fricative /f v s̻ z̻ ʝ ɣ ɣˤ ʁ ʁˤ ħʰ ʕ h/ <f v s z xy x ẍ c c̈ ḧ ÿ h>
Resonant /ɾ̻ j w ʊ̯ˤ/ <r y w ẅ>

High /i iː ɨ ɨː u uː/ <i ii ù ùù u uu>
Mid-low /ɛ ɛː ɛ̃ ɛː̃ ɔ ɔː ɔ̃ ɔː̃/ <e ee é éé o oo ó óó>
Low /a aː ã aː̃/ <a aa á áá>


/ˌhaθʲiˈɾʲiːsʲi/ <Haqyiryiisyi>

/p pʲ b bʲ t tʲ d dʲ c ɟ k g/ <p py b by t ty d dy c gy k g>
/f fʲ v vʲ θ θʲ s sʲ ʃ ʃʲ ç ʝ h ɬ ɬʲ/ <f fy v vy q qy s sy sh ssh ç j h ł ły>
/m mʲ n ɲ/ <m my n ny>
/ɾ ɾʲ l ʎ w ɥ/ <r ry l ll w yw>

geminated consonants are doubled. digraphs get the first letter doubled.

/i e a o u/ <i e a o u>
long vowels are doubled
stress not marked

/ˈɾʲis ˈkeːin ˈsʲoːsu beˈsuçːi ˌaːgaˈθeːçi ˌbesːuˈfʲiːte ˈɬaːganə ˌʝaːɾʲoˈɲiːmə ˈmeːi ˌeɲciˈkoçːi ˌiːʃaˈɾanːə ˌciːmːaθoˈmusʲtʲi/
ryis keein syoosu besuççi aagaqeeçi bessufyiite łagana jaaryonyiima meei enycikoççi iisharanna ciimmaqomusytyi


/p b p' t d t' tɬ tɬ' k kw g gw kw' q q' ʔ/
/f v s ɬ ʃ x xw voiceless uvular fricative h/
/l j w/
/m n ŋ/

/ɪ iː ʊ uː/
/e̞ː o̞ː/
/a aː/

/ɪ̃ ʊ̃/
/ẽ õ/
when the hell did that happen
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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by Bessunire »

/a't'anɪʃxã/ A't'anixchan

/p b p' t d t' tɬ tɬ' k kw g gw kw' q q' ʔ/ p b p' t d t' tll tll' c cw g gw c'w q q' '
/f v s ɬ ʃ x xw voiceless uvular fricative h/ f v s ll x ch chw qh h
/l j w/ l y w
/m n ŋ/ m n ng

/ɪ iː ʊ uː/ i í u ú
/e̞ː o̞ː/ e o
/a aː/ a á

/ɪ̃ ʊ̃/ in un
/ẽ õ/ en on
/ã/ an


/p b t d k g/
/f v s z ʃ ʒ x ɣ/
/ts dz/
/m n ŋ/
/l r w j/

/i y ᵼ u/
/e ø ə o/
/æ œ ʌ a/
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