zompist wrote:
Ketsuban wrote:
Typos found:
- beckause on p65.
- A double space after the word tribute on p105.
- succesors on p126.
Argh... these all survived fourteen readers, too. Thanks for pointing them out.
Ack! I was one of those fourteen readers, and I didn’t catch these at all. Thank you for finding them.
zompist wrote:
Raphael wrote:That might make sense for a writer from a country where Catholicism can be easily contrasted to the Evangelical version of Protestantism; it's less convincing for a reader in a country where the most prominent forms of Christianity are, on the one hand, Catholicism, and on the other hand, what would, in the USA, be called mainline Protestantism.
I'm thinking of things like the Catholic acceptance of evolution, scriptural criticism, and religious plurality; backtracking on claims of exclusive salvation; and giving up the Latin Mass. Of course there's also very hidebound factions of the Church. I can't cover everything in a 240-page book.
I can identify with both sides of this equation. On the one hand, I agree with Mark’s characterization of the rationalist side of Catholic doctrine; it also made me think of medieval scholasticism and its appeal to reason.
On the other hand, as a member of a mainstream Protestant church, I have several friends who were brought up Catholic, but left the Catholicism they were raised in because they found it too rigid and exclusionary, and joined our church because they found it more welcoming and more willing to discuss and accept a range of views. (The impression I get from them is that there are strains of American Catholicism that, in practice, have a lot in common in terms of mindset with strains of American fundamentalist Protestantism.)
Raphael wrote: I'm mainly thinking of the importance placed on sons obeying their fathers, subjects obeying their lords, and wives obeying their husbands
Bear in mind that Confucianism (at least in its ideal form) sees all of these relationships as reciprocal: fathers, rulers, and husbands also had duties to care for and support their children, subjects, and spouses. It is true, however, that even in the best-case scenario, such relationships were normally seen as hierarchical.
Raphael wrote: The RCK section on "stickiness" made me wonder if it might be plausible for a fictional religion - perhaps an offshoot of my "Preservianism" - to include a focus on some kind of "mindfulness", or consciousness of one's thoughts, intents, and actions, leading to a rule that, whenever a follower of the religion is about to do something, no matter what, they're supposed to make a brief spoken announcement to themselves laying out what exactly they're planning to do, why they want to do it, and what they're hoping to accomplish?
There might, then, be room for religious disagreements, or perhaps even outright schisms, over the question of whether it's ok to skip the announcement, or at least keep it entirely inside your own head, if you're in a dangerous situation, such as hiding somewhere.
(I decided to respond to this here rather than in the 5 Plus 4 thread.)
I can see this being set out as something to strive for, rather than something that all believers succeed in doing. One analogy that comes to mind is the Hesychast movement in Eastern Orthodox Christianity, one element of which was to practice “prayer without ceasing”: the goal of practitioners was to have their prayer constantly running through their minds, enabling them to meditate on God’s presence. This may have been an active practice for some, but more of an aspirational ideal for many others.
There are also cases where an exception to this practice would probably need to be made, such as an emergency situation, where time is of the essence.