Lexember 2024
- Man in Space
- Posts: 1905
- Joined: Sat Jul 21, 2018 1:05 am
Re: Lexember 2024
A is for…
- able (to be ~ to do s.t.), capable: trec /tsɛk ~ tɾɛk/
- able (to be ~ to do s.t.), free from constraints against: bnox /bnɔks/
- able (to be ~d), physically uninjured/uncompromised/fit: grorx /gɾɔɾks ~ gjɔɾks/
- accident (car ~): crenj /kɾɛnd͜ʑ ~ kjɛnd͜ʑ/
- accident (by historical ~): vinc /wiŋk ~ viŋk/
- accident (I did it on ~): gvinc /gwiŋk/
…affable, ami(c)able
- affable: drŏgi /dzəj ~ dɾəj ~ dzəʑ ~ dɾəʑ/
- alpine (~ altitude, ~ climate, ~ region/zone): tric /tsik ~ tɾik/
- ammonite, nautilus: qgastrŭs /t͜ɕkastsɨs ~ t͜ɕastɾɨs/
- ant (general term): xebni /ksɛbni/
- ant (queen): vnŭzdŏs /vnɨzdəs/
- ant (drone): xec /ksɛk/
- ant (worker): orx /ɔɾks/
- ant (soldier): qanj /t͜ɕand͜ʑ/
- ant (scout): drix /dziks ~ dɾix/
- apple: dviz /ɾwiz ~ dɾwiz ~ dzwiz/
- ask (to ~ a question): ecpeç /ɛkpɛɕ/
- ask (to ~ a favor): trezbes /tsɛzbɛs ~ tɾɛzbɛs/
- ask (to ~ s.t. one is afraid to): pŏgidŏx /pəjdəks ~ pəʑdəks/
- arid: sexgien /sɛksjɛn ~ sɛgʑɛn/
- art (but is it ~?): jner /d͜ʑnɛɾ/
- art (state of the ~): bŏden /bədɛn/
- art (objet d'~): gorx /gɔɾks/
- avid (an ~ admirer, an ~ reader): berx /bɛɾks/
- awe (~struck, stand in ~): bni /bni/
- awe (to impress): nvŭnq /nwɨnt͜ɕ/
- awe (to intimidate): xebid /ksɛbid/
- axe (my sword, and my bow, and my ~): xanj /ksand͜ʑ/
- axe (to ~ something scheduled or planned): draq /dzat͜ɕ ~ dɾat͜ɕ/
- axe (to give s.o. the ~): jvarc /d͜ʑwaɾk ~ d͜ʑvaɾk/
- axiom: jgerx /d͜ʑgɛɾks/
- axis (~ of rotation): bdiq /bɾit͜ɕ/
- axis (~ of power): jgŭq /d͜ʑgɨt͜ɕ/
- axis (~ of importance/relevance): xnŏnjbdus /ksnənd͜ʑbɾus ~ gznənd͜ʑbɾus/
- axis (sine qua non): garx /gaɾks/
- able (to be ~ to do s.t.), capable: trec /tsɛk ~ tɾɛk/
- able (to be ~ to do s.t.), free from constraints against: bnox /bnɔks/
- able (to be ~d), physically uninjured/uncompromised/fit: grorx /gɾɔɾks ~ gjɔɾks/
- accident (car ~): crenj /kɾɛnd͜ʑ ~ kjɛnd͜ʑ/
- accident (by historical ~): vinc /wiŋk ~ viŋk/
- accident (I did it on ~): gvinc /gwiŋk/
…affable, ami(c)able
- affable: drŏgi /dzəj ~ dɾəj ~ dzəʑ ~ dɾəʑ/
- alpine (~ altitude, ~ climate, ~ region/zone): tric /tsik ~ tɾik/
- ammonite, nautilus: qgastrŭs /t͜ɕkastsɨs ~ t͜ɕastɾɨs/
- ant (general term): xebni /ksɛbni/
- ant (queen): vnŭzdŏs /vnɨzdəs/
- ant (drone): xec /ksɛk/
- ant (worker): orx /ɔɾks/
- ant (soldier): qanj /t͜ɕand͜ʑ/
- ant (scout): drix /dziks ~ dɾix/
- apple: dviz /ɾwiz ~ dɾwiz ~ dzwiz/
- ask (to ~ a question): ecpeç /ɛkpɛɕ/
- ask (to ~ a favor): trezbes /tsɛzbɛs ~ tɾɛzbɛs/
- ask (to ~ s.t. one is afraid to): pŏgidŏx /pəjdəks ~ pəʑdəks/
- arid: sexgien /sɛksjɛn ~ sɛgʑɛn/
- art (but is it ~?): jner /d͜ʑnɛɾ/
- art (state of the ~): bŏden /bədɛn/
- art (objet d'~): gorx /gɔɾks/
- avid (an ~ admirer, an ~ reader): berx /bɛɾks/
- awe (~struck, stand in ~): bni /bni/
- awe (to impress): nvŭnq /nwɨnt͜ɕ/
- awe (to intimidate): xebid /ksɛbid/
- axe (my sword, and my bow, and my ~): xanj /ksand͜ʑ/
- axe (to ~ something scheduled or planned): draq /dzat͜ɕ ~ dɾat͜ɕ/
- axe (to give s.o. the ~): jvarc /d͜ʑwaɾk ~ d͜ʑvaɾk/
- axiom: jgerx /d͜ʑgɛɾks/
- axis (~ of rotation): bdiq /bɾit͜ɕ/
- axis (~ of power): jgŭq /d͜ʑgɨt͜ɕ/
- axis (~ of importance/relevance): xnŏnjbdus /ksnənd͜ʑbɾus ~ gznənd͜ʑbɾus/
- axis (sine qua non): garx /gaɾks/
- Man in Space
- Posts: 1905
- Joined: Sat Jul 21, 2018 1:05 am
Re: Lexember 2024
J is for…
- jab (to ~ at s.o./s.t.): bdox /bɾɔks/
- jab (to ~ with a needle): vnedri /vnɛdzi ~ vnɛdɾi/
- jack (~ of all trades): qvidos /tɕwidɔs ~ tɕvidɔs/
- jack (hi~, car~): dnenc /dnɛŋk/
- jack (put it on a ~): trecsen /tsɛksɛn ~ tɾɛksɛn/
- jack (play ~s): dreç /dzɛɕ ~ dɾɛɕ/
- jail (get out of ~ free): giurx /juɾks ~ ʑuɾks/
- jail (federal prison): pŏqŏgi /pət͜ɕəj ~ pət͜ɕəʑ/
- jar: bagiurx /bajuɾks ~ baʑuɾks/, ric /ɾik/, jesqec /d͜ʑɛst͜ɕɛk/
- jazz (analogous musical genre): triqgir /tsit͜ɕjiɾ ~ tɾid͜ʑiɾ/
- jeer: bustre /bustsɛ ~ bustɾɛ/
- jingle (your keys ~ when you walk): qij /t͜ɕid͜ʑ/
- job (my ~ is): punjrŭ /pund͜ʑɾɨ/
- job (a contract ~): bgi /bɣi ~ bji/
- jog (to go for a ~): gron /gɾɔn ~ gjɔn/
- join (~ a group, ~ an organization): vŭq /wɨt͜ɕ ~ vɨt͜ɕ/
- join (~ two parts together): qabdiq /t͜ɕabɾit͜ɕ/ (also used of marriage)
- joust: zirec /ziɾɛk/
- joy (to feel ~): qaogeg /t͜ɕaɔjɛg ~ t͜ɕaɔʑɛg/
- joy (the ~ of cooking, ~ in one's work): bred /bɾɛd/
- judge (~ some quality): gagiaq /gajat͜ɕ ~ gaʑat͜ɕ/
- judge (discern): bduvtri /bɾuwtsi ~ bɾuvtsi ~ bɾuwtɾi ~ bɾuvtɾi/
- judge (sentence s.o. to a penalty): jneda /d͜ʑnɛda/
- judge (~ a contest or competition): pastrŏ /pastsə ~ pastɾə/
- juice (derived from red plants): jger /d͜ʑgɛɾɛ/
- juice (derived from yellow plants): sesvdan /sɛsvɾan ~ sɛsvdan/
- juice (derived from black plants): gvozdu /gwɔzdu/
- juice (~s of the meat, gastric ~): qvŭ /t͜ɕwɨ ~ t͜ɕvɨ/
- juniper, cypress: dis /dis/
- juvenile (a ~ person): doegiŭ /dɔɛjɨ ~ dɔɛʑɨ/
- juvenile (a ~ prank): banj /band͜ʑ/
- juvenile (~ detention); primary school: disvex /diswɛks ~ disvɛks/
- jab (to ~ at s.o./s.t.): bdox /bɾɔks/
- jab (to ~ with a needle): vnedri /vnɛdzi ~ vnɛdɾi/
- jack (~ of all trades): qvidos /tɕwidɔs ~ tɕvidɔs/
- jack (hi~, car~): dnenc /dnɛŋk/
- jack (put it on a ~): trecsen /tsɛksɛn ~ tɾɛksɛn/
- jack (play ~s): dreç /dzɛɕ ~ dɾɛɕ/
- jail (get out of ~ free): giurx /juɾks ~ ʑuɾks/
- jail (federal prison): pŏqŏgi /pət͜ɕəj ~ pət͜ɕəʑ/
- jar: bagiurx /bajuɾks ~ baʑuɾks/, ric /ɾik/, jesqec /d͜ʑɛst͜ɕɛk/
- jazz (analogous musical genre): triqgir /tsit͜ɕjiɾ ~ tɾid͜ʑiɾ/
- jeer: bustre /bustsɛ ~ bustɾɛ/
- jingle (your keys ~ when you walk): qij /t͜ɕid͜ʑ/
- job (my ~ is): punjrŭ /pund͜ʑɾɨ/
- job (a contract ~): bgi /bɣi ~ bji/
- jog (to go for a ~): gron /gɾɔn ~ gjɔn/
- join (~ a group, ~ an organization): vŭq /wɨt͜ɕ ~ vɨt͜ɕ/
- join (~ two parts together): qabdiq /t͜ɕabɾit͜ɕ/ (also used of marriage)
- joust: zirec /ziɾɛk/
- joy (to feel ~): qaogeg /t͜ɕaɔjɛg ~ t͜ɕaɔʑɛg/
- joy (the ~ of cooking, ~ in one's work): bred /bɾɛd/
- judge (~ some quality): gagiaq /gajat͜ɕ ~ gaʑat͜ɕ/
- judge (discern): bduvtri /bɾuwtsi ~ bɾuvtsi ~ bɾuwtɾi ~ bɾuvtɾi/
- judge (sentence s.o. to a penalty): jneda /d͜ʑnɛda/
- judge (~ a contest or competition): pastrŏ /pastsə ~ pastɾə/
- juice (derived from red plants): jger /d͜ʑgɛɾɛ/
- juice (derived from yellow plants): sesvdan /sɛsvɾan ~ sɛsvdan/
- juice (derived from black plants): gvozdu /gwɔzdu/
- juice (~s of the meat, gastric ~): qvŭ /t͜ɕwɨ ~ t͜ɕvɨ/
- juniper, cypress: dis /dis/
- juvenile (a ~ person): doegiŭ /dɔɛjɨ ~ dɔɛʑɨ/
- juvenile (a ~ prank): banj /band͜ʑ/
- juvenile (~ detention); primary school: disvex /diswɛks ~ disvɛks/
Re: Lexember 2024
'injury' (n. m. inan.): xaaliga [ˈχɑːʎeʁɐ] from nmlz. xaa- + 'hurt', 'injure', 'inflict pain' (v.) pfv. liga [ˈʎeʁɐ], ipfv. lega [ˈʎɑʁɐ], imp. alig [ɐˈʎeʁ]
'iron' (n. m. inan.): t'eew [tsʼæːw]
'insist' (v.): pfv. kaha [ˈkɑhɐ], ipfv. keha [ˈcæhɐ], imp. akah [ɐˈkɑh]
'injury' (n. m. inan.): xaaliga [ˈχɑːʎeʁɐ] from nmlz. xaa- + 'hurt', 'injure', 'inflict pain' (v.) pfv. liga [ˈʎeʁɐ], ipfv. lega [ˈʎɑʁɐ], imp. alig [ɐˈʎeʁ]
'iron' (n. m. inan.): t'eew [tsʼæːw]
'insist' (v.): pfv. kaha [ˈkɑhɐ], ipfv. keha [ˈcæhɐ], imp. akah [ɐˈkɑh]
Yaaludinuya siima d'at yiseka wohadetafa gaare.
Ennadinut'a gaare d'ate eetatadi siiman.
T'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa.
Ennadinut'a gaare d'ate eetatadi siiman.
T'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa.
- Man in Space
- Posts: 1905
- Joined: Sat Jul 21, 2018 1:05 am
Re: Lexember 2024
M is for…
- mail (chain ~, scale ~): pagi /paj ~ paʑ/
- manage (to ~ s.o., to ~ an account): cvevas /kwɛwas ~ kwɛvas/
- manage (to ~ a project): orbisegi /oɾbisej ~ oɾbiseʑ/
- manage (to ~ to do s.t.): beq /bɛt͜ɕ/
- manage (it's all right, I'll ~): fanjo /fand͜ʑɔ/
- mange: jvic /d͜ʑwik ~ d͜ʑvik/
- mangle: dŏenda /dəɛnda/
- mass (weight, inertia): ŭndŏ /ɨndə/
- mass (solid ~ of s.t.): grŭx /gɾɨks ~ gjɨks/
- mass (the public ~es): trustras /tsustsas ~ tɾustɾas/
- mass (religious ~): hŏnjets /xənd͜ʑɛts/
- mass (~ murder, ~ panic, ~ media): xes /ksɛs/
- mass (~ exodus, ~ travel): bditre /bɾitsɛ ~ bɾitɾɛ/
- mate (soul~): rŭrx /ɾɨɾks/
- mate (check~): çuc /ɕuk/
- mate (to ~ with): grin /gɾin ~ gjin/
- mate (to ~ to, to combine): ŭnj /ɨnd͜ʑ/
- mate (g'day, ~): ohcara /ɔhkaɾa/
- message (to send a ~): pŭmva /pɨmwa/
- mid (it's ~, of unremarkable quality): bdosc /bɾɔsk/
- mid (the ~-fifties): zic /zik/
- milt: pŏgrer /pəgɾɛɾ ~ pəgjɛɾ/
- mint (menthol, pepper~): dne /dnɛ/
- mint (to ~ a coin), to issue (e.g., a publication or decree): vgin /vgin ~ vɣin ~ vjin/
- miracle (it's a ~): ŏmpŏc /əmpək/
- moan (complain): dŏj /dəd͜ʑ/
- moan (in pain): dvŭx /ɾwɨks ~ dɾwɨks ~ dzwɨks/
- moan (happily): tranc /tsaŋk ~ tɾaŋk/
- moan (sigh): driv /dziw ~ dziv ~ dɾiw ~ dɾiv/
- modify: gŏzdra /gəzdza ~ gəzdɾa/
- moiety (clan, people cluster, those of common descent): dŭç /dɨɕ/
- mold (fungal ~): hagjviq /xagd͜ʑwit͜ɕ ~ xagd͜ʑvit͜ɕ/
- mold (slime ~): pe /pɛ/
- mold (make a ~ of s.t.): ŭpeç /ɨpɛɕ/
- mold (to ~ s.t. into shape): sistrŏ /sistsə ~ sistɾə/
- mono (~nucleosis): bduscra /bɾuskɾa ~ bɾuskja/
- mono (single, singleton): dnegisc /dnɛjsk ~ dnɛʑisk/
- moss (a rolling stone gathers no ~): jgŭq /d͜ʑgɨt͜ɕ/
- moss (lichen): qabdiq /t͜ɕabɾit͜ɕ/
- mule: dves /ɾwɛs ~ dɾwɛs ~ dzwɛs/
- mull (~ it over): trebe /tsɛbɛ ~ tɾɛbɛ/
- mutate (the lifeforms ~d over time): giurc /juɾk ~ ʑuɾk/
- mutate (the ideology ~d): bdunj /bɾund͜ʑ/
- mute (to be ~): dnenc /dnɛŋk/
- mute (to strike s.o. ~, to ~ s.t.): sunc /suŋk/
- myriad (large number or collection): xedej /ksɛdɛd͜ʑ/
- myth (~ and legend): fŭctrav /fɨktsaw ~ fɨktsav ~ fɨktɾaw ~ fɨktɾav/
- myth (creation ~), just-so story: crŏxez /kɾəksɛz ~ kjəksɛz/
- myth (urban legend, ~Busters), fable, tall tale: ŏnduç /ənduɕ/
- myth (deep history, culture heroes): arxcric /aɾkskɾik ~ aɾkskjik/
- mail (chain ~, scale ~): pagi /paj ~ paʑ/
- manage (to ~ s.o., to ~ an account): cvevas /kwɛwas ~ kwɛvas/
- manage (to ~ a project): orbisegi /oɾbisej ~ oɾbiseʑ/
- manage (to ~ to do s.t.): beq /bɛt͜ɕ/
- manage (it's all right, I'll ~): fanjo /fand͜ʑɔ/
- mange: jvic /d͜ʑwik ~ d͜ʑvik/
- mangle: dŏenda /dəɛnda/
- mass (weight, inertia): ŭndŏ /ɨndə/
- mass (solid ~ of s.t.): grŭx /gɾɨks ~ gjɨks/
- mass (the public ~es): trustras /tsustsas ~ tɾustɾas/
- mass (religious ~): hŏnjets /xənd͜ʑɛts/
- mass (~ murder, ~ panic, ~ media): xes /ksɛs/
- mass (~ exodus, ~ travel): bditre /bɾitsɛ ~ bɾitɾɛ/
- mate (soul~): rŭrx /ɾɨɾks/
- mate (check~): çuc /ɕuk/
- mate (to ~ with): grin /gɾin ~ gjin/
- mate (to ~ to, to combine): ŭnj /ɨnd͜ʑ/
- mate (g'day, ~): ohcara /ɔhkaɾa/
- message (to send a ~): pŭmva /pɨmwa/
- mid (it's ~, of unremarkable quality): bdosc /bɾɔsk/
- mid (the ~-fifties): zic /zik/
- milt: pŏgrer /pəgɾɛɾ ~ pəgjɛɾ/
- mint (menthol, pepper~): dne /dnɛ/
- mint (to ~ a coin), to issue (e.g., a publication or decree): vgin /vgin ~ vɣin ~ vjin/
- miracle (it's a ~): ŏmpŏc /əmpək/
- moan (complain): dŏj /dəd͜ʑ/
- moan (in pain): dvŭx /ɾwɨks ~ dɾwɨks ~ dzwɨks/
- moan (happily): tranc /tsaŋk ~ tɾaŋk/
- moan (sigh): driv /dziw ~ dziv ~ dɾiw ~ dɾiv/
- modify: gŏzdra /gəzdza ~ gəzdɾa/
- moiety (clan, people cluster, those of common descent): dŭç /dɨɕ/
- mold (fungal ~): hagjviq /xagd͜ʑwit͜ɕ ~ xagd͜ʑvit͜ɕ/
- mold (slime ~): pe /pɛ/
- mold (make a ~ of s.t.): ŭpeç /ɨpɛɕ/
- mold (to ~ s.t. into shape): sistrŏ /sistsə ~ sistɾə/
- mono (~nucleosis): bduscra /bɾuskɾa ~ bɾuskja/
- mono (single, singleton): dnegisc /dnɛjsk ~ dnɛʑisk/
- moss (a rolling stone gathers no ~): jgŭq /d͜ʑgɨt͜ɕ/
- moss (lichen): qabdiq /t͜ɕabɾit͜ɕ/
- mule: dves /ɾwɛs ~ dɾwɛs ~ dzwɛs/
- mull (~ it over): trebe /tsɛbɛ ~ tɾɛbɛ/
- mutate (the lifeforms ~d over time): giurc /juɾk ~ ʑuɾk/
- mutate (the ideology ~d): bdunj /bɾund͜ʑ/
- mute (to be ~): dnenc /dnɛŋk/
- mute (to strike s.o. ~, to ~ s.t.): sunc /suŋk/
- myriad (large number or collection): xedej /ksɛdɛd͜ʑ/
- myth (~ and legend): fŭctrav /fɨktsaw ~ fɨktsav ~ fɨktɾaw ~ fɨktɾav/
- myth (creation ~), just-so story: crŏxez /kɾəksɛz ~ kjəksɛz/
- myth (urban legend, ~Busters), fable, tall tale: ŏnduç /ənduɕ/
- myth (deep history, culture heroes): arxcric /aɾkskɾik ~ aɾkskjik/
- Man in Space
- Posts: 1905
- Joined: Sat Jul 21, 2018 1:05 am
Re: Lexember 2024
T is for…
- table (water ~): ogitrarc /ɔjtsaɾk ~ ɔɕtsaɾk ~ ɔjtɾaɾk ~ ɔɕtsaɾk/
- table (multiplication ~, data ~, lookup ~): girx /giɾks/
- table (~ of contents, ~ of laws): decgia /dɛkja ~ degʑa/
- table (arranged in a ~): cran /kɾan ~ kjan/
- table (dinner ~): qago /t͜ɕagɔ/
- table (I am the ~): bebnes /bɛbnɛs/
- table (to ~ a resolution by putting it aside): udŏ /udə/
- table (to ~ a resolution by putting it forward): mahar /maxaɾ/
- tack (thumb~): tri /tsi ~ tɾi/
- tack (to ~ into the wind): jar /d͜ʑaɾ/
- tack (sticky ~, adhesive putty): dinc /diŋk/
- tack (to continue on this ~): qvos /kwɔs/
- tail (wag one's ~): sase /sasɛ/
- tail (to ~ a mark): vnigra /vnigɾa ~ vnigja/
- tail (cometary ~, ~ of a source): gianev /janɛw ~ janɛv ~ ʑanɛw ~ ʑanɛv/
- tan (to ~ leather): çebŭr /ɕɛbɨɾ/
- tan (to ~ s.t. in the sun): ŏncsen /əŋksɛn/
- tape (adhesive ~): movzad /mɔwzad ~ mɔvzad/
- tape (paper ~, ticker ~): rovu /ɾɔwu ~ ɾɔvu/
- tape (marking ~): xuc /ksuk/
- tar (black ~, pitch): svus /swus ~ svus/
- tar (~ from a cigarette, befoulment): grarx /gɾaɾks ~ gjaɾks/
- tar (~ and feather): ŭnjdŏ /ɨnd͜ʑdə/
- tavern (the local ~): uscra /uskɾa ~ uskja/
- tear (to ~ a paper): drunc /dzuŋk ~ dɾuŋk/
- tear (to ~ s.t. off of s.t. else): qa /t͜ɕa/
- tear (to ~ apart): buzvrus /buzvdus ~ buzvɾus/
- tear (a shed ~): erx /ɛɾks/
- terrace (let's go out on the ~): cvevpas /kwewpas ~ kwevpas/
- terrace (~ farming): jgas /d͜ʑgas/
- tint (a slight ~): irx /iɾks/
- till (to ~ the fields): vgŏq /vgət͜ɕ ~ vɣət͜ɕ ~ vjət͜ɕ/
- till (money in the ~s): betrŏv /bɛtsəw ~ bɛtsəv ~ bɛtɾəw ~ bɛtɾəv/
- till (until): vŭs /wɨs ~ vɨs/
- toil (to ~ at some task): pizmvac /pizmwak/
- torc (a ~ worn about the arm): qvurx /t͜ɕwuɾks ~ t͜ɕvuɾks/
- torque (to ~ s.t., to apply ~): hŏnses /xənsɛs/
- torso: vnenjo /vnɛnd͜ʑɔ/
- torus, ring, donut-shape: jŭnjuc /d͜ʑɨnd͜ʑuk/
- top (~ of the mountain): xeben /ksɛbɛn/
- top (spin a ~): drec /dzɛk ~ dɾɛk/
- top (to ~ a salad): zestre /zɛstsɛ ~ zɛstɾɛ/
- top (to ~ a feat): usur /usuɾ/
- towel (don't forget your ~): fiqris /fit͜ɕɾis/
- toy (child's ~): donx /dɔŋks/ (this is an Easter egg referring to Felix Colgrave)
- toy (to ~ with an object): dapos /dapɔs/
- toy (to ~ with an idea, to spitball, to brainstorm, to daydream, to consider): vrŏq /vdət͜ɕ ~ vɾət͜ɕ/
- tube: radgio /ɾɛdjɔ ~ ɾedʑɔ/ (tube radio), ampŭ /ampɨ/ (tube amp)
- tuber (general class): giu /ju ~ ʑu/ (YouTuber)
- tuber (specific varieties): rŏnc /ɾəŋk/, betrŏv /bɛtsəw ~ bɛtsəv ~ bɛtɾəw ~ bɛtɾəv/, inctren /iŋktsɛn ~ iŋktɾɛn/, xnerx /ksnɛɾks ~ gznɛɾks/, ŏragia /əɾaja ~ əɾaʑa/
- tuft (~ of hair, ~ of grass): qac /t͜ɕak/
- tuft (~ of fabric): demcron /dɛmkɾɔn ~ demkjɔn/
- tulle: bdebes /bɾɛbɛs/
- tune (to ~ a musical instrument): crut /kɾut ~ kjut/
- tune (to ~ a machine): evagio /ɛwajɔ ~ ɛvajɔ ~ ɛwaʑɔ ~ ɛvaʑɔ/
- tune (to ~ an approach): aqin /at͜ɕin/
- tune (to ~ a recipe): xnets /ksnɛts ~ gznɛts/
- table (water ~): ogitrarc /ɔjtsaɾk ~ ɔɕtsaɾk ~ ɔjtɾaɾk ~ ɔɕtsaɾk/
- table (multiplication ~, data ~, lookup ~): girx /giɾks/
- table (~ of contents, ~ of laws): decgia /dɛkja ~ degʑa/
- table (arranged in a ~): cran /kɾan ~ kjan/
- table (dinner ~): qago /t͜ɕagɔ/
- table (I am the ~): bebnes /bɛbnɛs/
- table (to ~ a resolution by putting it aside): udŏ /udə/
- table (to ~ a resolution by putting it forward): mahar /maxaɾ/
- tack (thumb~): tri /tsi ~ tɾi/
- tack (to ~ into the wind): jar /d͜ʑaɾ/
- tack (sticky ~, adhesive putty): dinc /diŋk/
- tack (to continue on this ~): qvos /kwɔs/
- tail (wag one's ~): sase /sasɛ/
- tail (to ~ a mark): vnigra /vnigɾa ~ vnigja/
- tail (cometary ~, ~ of a source): gianev /janɛw ~ janɛv ~ ʑanɛw ~ ʑanɛv/
- tan (to ~ leather): çebŭr /ɕɛbɨɾ/
- tan (to ~ s.t. in the sun): ŏncsen /əŋksɛn/
- tape (adhesive ~): movzad /mɔwzad ~ mɔvzad/
- tape (paper ~, ticker ~): rovu /ɾɔwu ~ ɾɔvu/
- tape (marking ~): xuc /ksuk/
- tar (black ~, pitch): svus /swus ~ svus/
- tar (~ from a cigarette, befoulment): grarx /gɾaɾks ~ gjaɾks/
- tar (~ and feather): ŭnjdŏ /ɨnd͜ʑdə/
- tavern (the local ~): uscra /uskɾa ~ uskja/
- tear (to ~ a paper): drunc /dzuŋk ~ dɾuŋk/
- tear (to ~ s.t. off of s.t. else): qa /t͜ɕa/
- tear (to ~ apart): buzvrus /buzvdus ~ buzvɾus/
- tear (a shed ~): erx /ɛɾks/
- terrace (let's go out on the ~): cvevpas /kwewpas ~ kwevpas/
- terrace (~ farming): jgas /d͜ʑgas/
- tint (a slight ~): irx /iɾks/
- till (to ~ the fields): vgŏq /vgət͜ɕ ~ vɣət͜ɕ ~ vjət͜ɕ/
- till (money in the ~s): betrŏv /bɛtsəw ~ bɛtsəv ~ bɛtɾəw ~ bɛtɾəv/
- till (until): vŭs /wɨs ~ vɨs/
- toil (to ~ at some task): pizmvac /pizmwak/
- torc (a ~ worn about the arm): qvurx /t͜ɕwuɾks ~ t͜ɕvuɾks/
- torque (to ~ s.t., to apply ~): hŏnses /xənsɛs/
- torso: vnenjo /vnɛnd͜ʑɔ/
- torus, ring, donut-shape: jŭnjuc /d͜ʑɨnd͜ʑuk/
- top (~ of the mountain): xeben /ksɛbɛn/
- top (spin a ~): drec /dzɛk ~ dɾɛk/
- top (to ~ a salad): zestre /zɛstsɛ ~ zɛstɾɛ/
- top (to ~ a feat): usur /usuɾ/
- towel (don't forget your ~): fiqris /fit͜ɕɾis/
- toy (child's ~): donx /dɔŋks/ (this is an Easter egg referring to Felix Colgrave)
- toy (to ~ with an object): dapos /dapɔs/
- toy (to ~ with an idea, to spitball, to brainstorm, to daydream, to consider): vrŏq /vdət͜ɕ ~ vɾət͜ɕ/
- tube: radgio /ɾɛdjɔ ~ ɾedʑɔ/ (tube radio), ampŭ /ampɨ/ (tube amp)
- tuber (general class): giu /ju ~ ʑu/ (YouTuber)
- tuber (specific varieties): rŏnc /ɾəŋk/, betrŏv /bɛtsəw ~ bɛtsəv ~ bɛtɾəw ~ bɛtɾəv/, inctren /iŋktsɛn ~ iŋktɾɛn/, xnerx /ksnɛɾks ~ gznɛɾks/, ŏragia /əɾaja ~ əɾaʑa/
- tuft (~ of hair, ~ of grass): qac /t͜ɕak/
- tuft (~ of fabric): demcron /dɛmkɾɔn ~ demkjɔn/
- tulle: bdebes /bɾɛbɛs/
- tune (to ~ a musical instrument): crut /kɾut ~ kjut/
- tune (to ~ a machine): evagio /ɛwajɔ ~ ɛvajɔ ~ ɛwaʑɔ ~ ɛvaʑɔ/
- tune (to ~ an approach): aqin /at͜ɕin/
- tune (to ~ a recipe): xnets /ksnɛts ~ gznɛts/
- Man in Space
- Posts: 1905
- Joined: Sat Jul 21, 2018 1:05 am
Re: Lexember 2024
Q is for…
- qanat: buncpenc /buŋkpɛŋk/
- qargi, men's communal house: sŏnjvŭnj /sənd͜ʑwɨnd͜ʑ ~ sənd͜ʑvɨnd͜ʑ/
- qasida, enthusiastic poem: bomuvic /bɔmuwik ~ bɔmuvik/
- qeej, mouth organ, harmonica: dŏnjdŏ /dənd͜ʑdə/
- qi, life force (of person, animal, water, fungi, pathogens): pancvonj /paŋkwɔnd͜ʑ ~ paŋkvɔnd͜ʑ/
- qi, life force (of red plant): mvahac /mwaxak/
- qi, life force (of yellow plant): dnirx /dniɾks/
- qi, life force (of black plant): idiç /idiɕ/
- qi, life force (of the nature, the earth): gnestres /gnɛstsɛs ~ gnɛstɾɛs/
- qiviut, variety of wool: trex /tsɛks ~ tɾɛks/
- qobar (dry fog/haze): ŭspen /ɨspɛn/
- quack (a duck ~s): veca /wɛka ~ vɛka/
- quack (that doctor is a ~): crnox /kɾnɔks/
- quack (he's a ~, more generally applicable turn): bgeç /bɣɛɕ ~ bjɛɕ/
- quagga: bdŭç /bɾɨɕ ~ bdɨɕ/
- quail (bird): eqarŏ /ɛt͜ɕaɾə/
- quail (the strongest ~ before financial ruin): ctrex /ktsɛks ~ ktɾɛks/
- quake (the earth ~d): xŏnjri /xənd͜ʑɾi/
- quake (the building ~d): abvŏq /abwət͜ɕ ~ abvət͜ɕ/
- quale (the ~ is independent of the object possessing it): avgrŭs /awgɾɨs ~ avgɾɨs ~ awgjɨs ~ avgjɨs/
- qualm (moral ~): boçim /bɔɕim/
- qualm (~ of personal preference): veber /wɛbɛɾ ~ vɛbɛɾ/
- quandary (moral ~, legal ~, ethical ~): ctac /ktak/
- quandary (~ of who stole the cookie from the cookie jar): jvŏd /d͜ʑwəd ~ d͜ʑvəd/
- quanked (severely fatigued): nirxi /niɾksi/
- quarry (the local sandstone ~): qocturc /t͜ɕɔktuɾk/
- quarry (pursuing his ~): eduvic /ɛduwik ~ ɛduvik/
- quarry (diamond-shaped tile or panel): ctgi /ktji ~ kt͜ɕi/
- quasi-: qeqeq /t͜ɕɛt͜ɕɛt͜ɕ/
- quesited: geqorc /jɛt͜ɕɔɾk ~ ʑɛt͜ɕɔɾk/
- quetzal (various species): tesorx /tɛsɔɾks/, devbes /dɛwbɛs ~ dɛvbɛs/, biq /bit͜ɕ/, gnŭsruj /gnɨsɾud͜ʑ/, veqped /wɛt͜ɕpɛd ~ vɛt͜ɕpɛd/
- queue (to ~): ctren /ktsɛn ~ ktɾɛn/
- quick (~ as lightning): arqor /aɾt͜ɕɔɾ/
- quick (that was ~): cteq /ktɛt͜ɕ/
- quick (the ~ of a claw, cut to the ~): gnŭsvras /gnɨsfɾas ~ gnɨsfsas/
- quick (the ~ and the dead): qocod /t͜ɕɔkɔd/
- quick (~silver), mercury: paxtrŏs /pakstsəs ~ pakstɾəs/
- quid (the ~ of a concept, ~ pro quo): enc /ɛŋk/
- quid (spot me a few ~, would ya?): giodre /jɔdzɛ ~ jɔdɾɛ ~ ʑɔdzɛ ~ ʑɔdɾɛ/
- quietus (the ~ that is exile): eqcru /ɛt͜ɕkɾu ~ ɛt͜ɕkju/
- quill (the ~ of a feather, porcupine ~): rdoj /ɾdɔd͜ʑ/
- quilt (the ~ed picker-upper): riq /ɾit͜ɕ/ (something constructed/designed "in riq" means it's quilted or checked in material and/or process and/or color and/or pattern)
- quilt (Grandma's old ~): dgagiu /dɣaju ~ dɣaʑu ~ djaju ~ djaʑu/
- quine (self-replicating meme, tradition, traditional knowledge): ectro /ɛktɾɔ ~ ɛktsɔ ~ɛktjɔ/
- quinine (medicinal ~): cteqhoc /ktɛt͜ɕxɔk/
- quinine (preparation of ~): javŭs /d͜ʑawɨs ~ d͜ʑavɨs/
- quinoa: actac /aktak/
- quip (a Groucho Marx ~, a standard ~): eqhoc /ɛt͜ɕxɔk/
- quit (~ a job, ~ an organization, ~ a group): bvano /vwanɔ ~ bwanɔ ~ bvanɔ/
- quit (~ a location, he had ~ed England): gdac /gdak/
- quit (~ a task): greag /gɾɛag ~ gjɛag/
- quit (~ doing that!, ~ it!): gŏt /gət/
- quiver (to ~ in fear): mveçni /mwɛɕni/
- quiver (to ~ in delight): trocteç /tsɔktɛɕ ~ tɾɔktɛɕ/
- quiver (to ~ in low blood sugar): vacno /waknɔ ~ vaknɔ/
- quiver (to ~ and gradually come to a stop/to rest, as a doorstop or flexible car antenna might): drŭzgni /dzɨzgni ~ dɾɨzgni/
- qanat: buncpenc /buŋkpɛŋk/
- qargi, men's communal house: sŏnjvŭnj /sənd͜ʑwɨnd͜ʑ ~ sənd͜ʑvɨnd͜ʑ/
- qasida, enthusiastic poem: bomuvic /bɔmuwik ~ bɔmuvik/
- qeej, mouth organ, harmonica: dŏnjdŏ /dənd͜ʑdə/
- qi, life force (of person, animal, water, fungi, pathogens): pancvonj /paŋkwɔnd͜ʑ ~ paŋkvɔnd͜ʑ/
- qi, life force (of red plant): mvahac /mwaxak/
- qi, life force (of yellow plant): dnirx /dniɾks/
- qi, life force (of black plant): idiç /idiɕ/
- qi, life force (of the nature, the earth): gnestres /gnɛstsɛs ~ gnɛstɾɛs/
- qiviut, variety of wool: trex /tsɛks ~ tɾɛks/
- qobar (dry fog/haze): ŭspen /ɨspɛn/
- quack (a duck ~s): veca /wɛka ~ vɛka/
- quack (that doctor is a ~): crnox /kɾnɔks/
- quack (he's a ~, more generally applicable turn): bgeç /bɣɛɕ ~ bjɛɕ/
- quagga: bdŭç /bɾɨɕ ~ bdɨɕ/
- quail (bird): eqarŏ /ɛt͜ɕaɾə/
- quail (the strongest ~ before financial ruin): ctrex /ktsɛks ~ ktɾɛks/
- quake (the earth ~d): xŏnjri /xənd͜ʑɾi/
- quake (the building ~d): abvŏq /abwət͜ɕ ~ abvət͜ɕ/
- quale (the ~ is independent of the object possessing it): avgrŭs /awgɾɨs ~ avgɾɨs ~ awgjɨs ~ avgjɨs/
- qualm (moral ~): boçim /bɔɕim/
- qualm (~ of personal preference): veber /wɛbɛɾ ~ vɛbɛɾ/
- quandary (moral ~, legal ~, ethical ~): ctac /ktak/
- quandary (~ of who stole the cookie from the cookie jar): jvŏd /d͜ʑwəd ~ d͜ʑvəd/
- quanked (severely fatigued): nirxi /niɾksi/
- quarry (the local sandstone ~): qocturc /t͜ɕɔktuɾk/
- quarry (pursuing his ~): eduvic /ɛduwik ~ ɛduvik/
- quarry (diamond-shaped tile or panel): ctgi /ktji ~ kt͜ɕi/
- quasi-: qeqeq /t͜ɕɛt͜ɕɛt͜ɕ/
- quesited: geqorc /jɛt͜ɕɔɾk ~ ʑɛt͜ɕɔɾk/
- quetzal (various species): tesorx /tɛsɔɾks/, devbes /dɛwbɛs ~ dɛvbɛs/, biq /bit͜ɕ/, gnŭsruj /gnɨsɾud͜ʑ/, veqped /wɛt͜ɕpɛd ~ vɛt͜ɕpɛd/
- queue (to ~): ctren /ktsɛn ~ ktɾɛn/
- quick (~ as lightning): arqor /aɾt͜ɕɔɾ/
- quick (that was ~): cteq /ktɛt͜ɕ/
- quick (the ~ of a claw, cut to the ~): gnŭsvras /gnɨsfɾas ~ gnɨsfsas/
- quick (the ~ and the dead): qocod /t͜ɕɔkɔd/
- quick (~silver), mercury: paxtrŏs /pakstsəs ~ pakstɾəs/
- quid (the ~ of a concept, ~ pro quo): enc /ɛŋk/
- quid (spot me a few ~, would ya?): giodre /jɔdzɛ ~ jɔdɾɛ ~ ʑɔdzɛ ~ ʑɔdɾɛ/
- quietus (the ~ that is exile): eqcru /ɛt͜ɕkɾu ~ ɛt͜ɕkju/
- quill (the ~ of a feather, porcupine ~): rdoj /ɾdɔd͜ʑ/
- quilt (the ~ed picker-upper): riq /ɾit͜ɕ/ (something constructed/designed "in riq" means it's quilted or checked in material and/or process and/or color and/or pattern)
- quilt (Grandma's old ~): dgagiu /dɣaju ~ dɣaʑu ~ djaju ~ djaʑu/
- quine (self-replicating meme, tradition, traditional knowledge): ectro /ɛktɾɔ ~ ɛktsɔ ~ɛktjɔ/
- quinine (medicinal ~): cteqhoc /ktɛt͜ɕxɔk/
- quinine (preparation of ~): javŭs /d͜ʑawɨs ~ d͜ʑavɨs/
- quinoa: actac /aktak/
- quip (a Groucho Marx ~, a standard ~): eqhoc /ɛt͜ɕxɔk/
- quit (~ a job, ~ an organization, ~ a group): bvano /vwanɔ ~ bwanɔ ~ bvanɔ/
- quit (~ a location, he had ~ed England): gdac /gdak/
- quit (~ a task): greag /gɾɛag ~ gjɛag/
- quit (~ doing that!, ~ it!): gŏt /gət/
- quiver (to ~ in fear): mveçni /mwɛɕni/
- quiver (to ~ in delight): trocteç /tsɔktɛɕ ~ tɾɔktɛɕ/
- quiver (to ~ in low blood sugar): vacno /waknɔ ~ vaknɔ/
- quiver (to ~ and gradually come to a stop/to rest, as a doorstop or flexible car antenna might): drŭzgni /dzɨzgni ~ dɾɨzgni/
- Man in Space
- Posts: 1905
- Joined: Sat Jul 21, 2018 1:05 am
Re: Lexember 2024
X is for…
- xanchromatonuria (yellow coloration of the urine—dahsar urine is usually reddish): bŏncfeu /bəŋkfɛu/
- xeer (elder-mediated, family-responsible justice system): rgaxes /ɾgaksɛs ~ ɾjaksɛs/ (see also rgax 'elder as judge, elder as justice')
- xenagogue (state tour guide, "minder"): vgaxov /vgaksɔw ~ vɣaksɔw ~ vjaksɔw ~ vgaksɔv ~ vɣaksɔv ~ vjaksɔv/
- xenelasy (mass deportation of foreigners): crŏqgŭra /kɾət͜ɕkɨɾa ~ kjət͜ɕkɨɾa/
- xenium (food given to foreign diplomats and ambassadors; later, by extension, the traditional Herbert-esque kanly system of the Caber): bŏçqgŏnc /bəɕt͜ɕkɔŋk/
- xenophyte (imported plant/crop): paqtesc /pat͜ɕtɛsk/
- xerand (vocanically-enriched soil): pictgoŏx /piktjɔəks ~ pikt͜ɕɔəks/
- xerult (soil variety): req /ɾɛt͜ɕ/
- xoanon (cult effigy or idol, originally for ancestors but eventually coming to involve extant leaders): onjvos /ɔnd͜ʑwɔs ~ ɔnd͜ʑvɔs/
- xylem (~ and pholem): ctretrŭ /ktsɛtsɨ ~ ktɾɛtsɨ ~ ktjɛtsɨ ~ ktsɛtɾɨ ~ ktɾɛtɾɨ ~ ktjɛtɾɨ/
- xanchromatonuria (yellow coloration of the urine—dahsar urine is usually reddish): bŏncfeu /bəŋkfɛu/
- xeer (elder-mediated, family-responsible justice system): rgaxes /ɾgaksɛs ~ ɾjaksɛs/ (see also rgax 'elder as judge, elder as justice')
- xenagogue (state tour guide, "minder"): vgaxov /vgaksɔw ~ vɣaksɔw ~ vjaksɔw ~ vgaksɔv ~ vɣaksɔv ~ vjaksɔv/
- xenelasy (mass deportation of foreigners): crŏqgŭra /kɾət͜ɕkɨɾa ~ kjət͜ɕkɨɾa/
- xenium (food given to foreign diplomats and ambassadors; later, by extension, the traditional Herbert-esque kanly system of the Caber): bŏçqgŏnc /bəɕt͜ɕkɔŋk/
- xenophyte (imported plant/crop): paqtesc /pat͜ɕtɛsk/
- xerand (vocanically-enriched soil): pictgoŏx /piktjɔəks ~ pikt͜ɕɔəks/
- xerult (soil variety): req /ɾɛt͜ɕ/
- xoanon (cult effigy or idol, originally for ancestors but eventually coming to involve extant leaders): onjvos /ɔnd͜ʑwɔs ~ ɔnd͜ʑvɔs/
- xylem (~ and pholem): ctretrŭ /ktsɛtsɨ ~ ktɾɛtsɨ ~ ktjɛtsɨ ~ ktsɛtɾɨ ~ ktɾɛtɾɨ ~ ktjɛtɾɨ/
Re: Lexember 2024
25th Lex: Other
ホシラゥ /hʊsʲɪl/
hīsne, hīsnewi
ヒーサゥニ /hiːsʲnə/
hīzzē, hīzzēwi
ヒーサゥギー /hiːzʲzʲɛː/
All are derived from PS *husirë ‘other’, the latter two in its reduced form *hësih- and compounded it with *χëne ‘person’ and *γeji ‘thing’ respectively
ホシラゥ /hʊsʲɪl/
- Other, another
- Some… others…
hīsne, hīsnewi
ヒーサゥニ /hiːsʲnə/
- Another person, other people
- Some people… others…
hīzzē, hīzzēwi
ヒーサゥギー /hiːzʲzʲɛː/
- Other things, another thing
- Some things… other things…
All are derived from PS *husirë ‘other’, the latter two in its reduced form *hësih- and compounded it with *χëne ‘person’ and *γeji ‘thing’ respectively
LZ – Lēri Ziwi
PS – Proto Sāzlakuic (ancestor of LZ)
PRk – Proto Rākēwuic
XI – Xú Iạlan
VN – verbal noun
SUP – supine
DIRECT – verbal directional
My language stuff
PS – Proto Sāzlakuic (ancestor of LZ)
PRk – Proto Rākēwuic
XI – Xú Iạlan
VN – verbal noun
SUP – supine
DIRECT – verbal directional
My language stuff
- Man in Space
- Posts: 1905
- Joined: Sat Jul 21, 2018 1:05 am
Re: Lexember 2024
S is for…
- sausage (a link of ~): axes /aksɛs/
- scion, cadet descendant (esp. of a ruling family): xenc /ksɛŋk/
- scion (horticultural): crespes /krɛspɛs ~ kjɛspɛs/
- seal (to ~ up): jŭnzŏ /d͜ʑɨnzə/
- seal (signed, ~ed, and delivered): aeq /aɛt͜ɕ/
- seal (oceangoing ~): qŭt /t͜ɕɨt/
- shave (~ one's hair): crŭcpe /kɾɨkpɛ ~ kjɨkpɛ/
- shave (~ a little off of s.t.): veqŭrc /wɛt͜ɕɨɾk ~ vɛt͜ɕɨɾk/
- shed (to ~ hair, to ~ skin): çagis /ɕajs ~ ɕaʑ/
- shed (out in the ~ there's tools): dvax /dwaks ~ dvaks/
- shed (water~, riverine biome): avegiv /awɛjv ~ awɛw/
- shed (water~, curfew): ctnox /ktnɔks ~ kɾnɔks/
- shoot (~ a projectile): ctafeg /ktafɛg/
- shoot (~ a weapon): çaŏv /ɕaəw ~ ɕaəv/
- shoot (~ a target): ŭpçir /ɨpɕiɾ/
- shoot (~ s.o. dead): bŏdŏgi /bədəj ~ bədəʑ/
- shoot (bamboo ~): sonqion /sont͜ɕiɔn/
- slam (to ~ s.t. down): ŭq /ɨt͜ɕ/
- slam (to ~ s.t. against s.t. else):
- slam (to ~ a door or portal): ctanc /ktaŋk/
- slam (he ~med the proposed deal): cavdud /kawdud ~ kavdud/
- slam (poetry ~), ritual insult: orec /ɔɾɛk/
- sober (I am currently ~): dove /dɔwɛ ~ dɔvɛ/
- sober (abstaining from intoxicants totally), straight-edge: aqar /at͜ɕaɾ/ (> emo?)
- sober (a ~ affair, a ~ realization): rŭqic /ɾɨt͜ɕik/
- sober (to ~ up): bŭctrec /bɨktɾɛk ~ bɨktsɛk ~ bɨktjɛk/
- sock (wind ~), pennant, kite: bagamegi /bagamɛj ~ bagameʑ/
- sock (the washing machine ate my ~): anjbac /and͜ʑbac/
- sock (~ it to me): ŭpce /ɨpkɛ/
- soot: ctroc /ktɾɔk ~ ktsɔk ~ ktjɔk/
- spice (seasoning and ~): qoam /t͜ɕɔam/
- spice (~ up a meal, ~ up your life): oxvem /ɔkswɛm ~ ɔksvɛm/
- spike (a stegosaur's ~): bdarŏx /bɾaɾəks ~ bdaɾəks/
- spike (a ~ in activity): vgedo /vgɛdɔ ~ vɣɛdɔ ~ vjɛdɔ/
- spike (~ the ball to stop the clock): gregiŏ /gɾɛjə ~ gjɛjə ~ gɾɛʑə ~ gjɛʑə/
- spring (to ~ s.t on s.o.): bvac /vwak ~ bwak ~ bvak/
- spring (to ~ up, to ~ to life): ras /ɾas/
- spring (to ~ into action): vix /wiks ~ viks/
- spring (a metal ~): reqŭt /ɾɛt͜ɕɨt/
- spring (natural ~, ~ water): ŭnjve /ɨnd͜ʑwɛ ~ ɨnd͜ʑvɛ/
- spring (hot ~): bvorŭ /vwɔɾɨ ~ bwɔɾɨ ~ bvɔɾɨ/
- stevedore (to ~ at the docks): jvarc /d͜ʑwaɾk ~ d͜ʑvaɾk/
- sting (to ~ s.o. or s.t.): neq /nɛt͜ɕ/
- sting (set up a ~): gnuqpŏ /gnut͜ɕpə/
- stoma (orifice, hole, aperture, maw): pajed /pad͜ʑɛd/
- stoma (a medical ~): gnŭts /gnɨts/
- stool (~ sample, blood in one's ~), feces: ŏqgŏnc /ət͜ɕkəŋk/
- strike (to [go on] ~), mutiny: dricçex /dzikɕɛks ~ dɾikɕɛks/
- strike (a ~ against him): ctgiŏn /ktjən ~ kt͜ɕən/
- strike (to ~ a blow): nŭsted /nɨstɛd/
- strike (to ~ at, to conduct a ~, air~): vonx /wɔŋks ~ vɔŋks/
- strike (e.g. cross-~, design element): ŭjbŭm /ɨd͜ʑbɨm/
- strike (~through, ~ s.t. out), cross out: qaov /t͜ɕaɔw ~ t͜ɕaɔv/
- strike (please ~ the question from the record): tectrŏgi /tɛktɾəj ~ tɛktsəj ~ tɛktjəj ~ tɛktɾəʑ ~ tɛktsəʑ ~ tɛktjəʑ/
- strike (~ the colors, ~ the set, ~ the camp): fegindir /fɛjndiɾ ~ fɛʑ(i)ndiɾ/
- stroke (back~, butterfly ~): burŭx /buɾɨks/
- stroke (a ~ of the pen), gesture: bdaq /bɾat͜ɕ ~ bdat͜ɕ/
- stroke (a four-~ engine): vŏ /wə ~ və/
- stroke (a ~ brought on by stress and old age): qosc /t͜ɕɔsk/
- stupor (a drunken ~, a drug-fueled ~): dŭvibes /dɨwibɛs ~ dɨvibɛs/
- stupor (in a ~ due to medicinal side effects): vanga /waŋga ~ vaŋga/
- stupor (a ~ due to medical issues), coma: ctrŭd /ktɾɨd ~ ktsɨd ~ ktjɨd/
- stupor (a ~ due to psychological or cognitive trauma): ctrini /ktɾini ~ ktsini ~ ktjini/
- stupor (in a ~ due to physical disorientation or physical injury): aŏtriç /aətsiɕ ~ aətɾiɕ/
- sausage (a link of ~): axes /aksɛs/
- scion, cadet descendant (esp. of a ruling family): xenc /ksɛŋk/
- scion (horticultural): crespes /krɛspɛs ~ kjɛspɛs/
- seal (to ~ up): jŭnzŏ /d͜ʑɨnzə/
- seal (signed, ~ed, and delivered): aeq /aɛt͜ɕ/
- seal (oceangoing ~): qŭt /t͜ɕɨt/
- shave (~ one's hair): crŭcpe /kɾɨkpɛ ~ kjɨkpɛ/
- shave (~ a little off of s.t.): veqŭrc /wɛt͜ɕɨɾk ~ vɛt͜ɕɨɾk/
- shed (to ~ hair, to ~ skin): çagis /ɕajs ~ ɕaʑ/
- shed (out in the ~ there's tools): dvax /dwaks ~ dvaks/
- shed (water~, riverine biome): avegiv /awɛjv ~ awɛw/
- shed (water~, curfew): ctnox /ktnɔks ~ kɾnɔks/
- shoot (~ a projectile): ctafeg /ktafɛg/
- shoot (~ a weapon): çaŏv /ɕaəw ~ ɕaəv/
- shoot (~ a target): ŭpçir /ɨpɕiɾ/
- shoot (~ s.o. dead): bŏdŏgi /bədəj ~ bədəʑ/
- shoot (bamboo ~): sonqion /sont͜ɕiɔn/
- slam (to ~ s.t. down): ŭq /ɨt͜ɕ/
- slam (to ~ s.t. against s.t. else):
- slam (to ~ a door or portal): ctanc /ktaŋk/
- slam (he ~med the proposed deal): cavdud /kawdud ~ kavdud/
- slam (poetry ~), ritual insult: orec /ɔɾɛk/
- sober (I am currently ~): dove /dɔwɛ ~ dɔvɛ/
- sober (abstaining from intoxicants totally), straight-edge: aqar /at͜ɕaɾ/ (> emo?)
- sober (a ~ affair, a ~ realization): rŭqic /ɾɨt͜ɕik/
- sober (to ~ up): bŭctrec /bɨktɾɛk ~ bɨktsɛk ~ bɨktjɛk/
- sock (wind ~), pennant, kite: bagamegi /bagamɛj ~ bagameʑ/
- sock (the washing machine ate my ~): anjbac /and͜ʑbac/
- sock (~ it to me): ŭpce /ɨpkɛ/
- soot: ctroc /ktɾɔk ~ ktsɔk ~ ktjɔk/
- spice (seasoning and ~): qoam /t͜ɕɔam/
- spice (~ up a meal, ~ up your life): oxvem /ɔkswɛm ~ ɔksvɛm/
- spike (a stegosaur's ~): bdarŏx /bɾaɾəks ~ bdaɾəks/
- spike (a ~ in activity): vgedo /vgɛdɔ ~ vɣɛdɔ ~ vjɛdɔ/
- spike (~ the ball to stop the clock): gregiŏ /gɾɛjə ~ gjɛjə ~ gɾɛʑə ~ gjɛʑə/
- spring (to ~ s.t on s.o.): bvac /vwak ~ bwak ~ bvak/
- spring (to ~ up, to ~ to life): ras /ɾas/
- spring (to ~ into action): vix /wiks ~ viks/
- spring (a metal ~): reqŭt /ɾɛt͜ɕɨt/
- spring (natural ~, ~ water): ŭnjve /ɨnd͜ʑwɛ ~ ɨnd͜ʑvɛ/
- spring (hot ~): bvorŭ /vwɔɾɨ ~ bwɔɾɨ ~ bvɔɾɨ/
- stevedore (to ~ at the docks): jvarc /d͜ʑwaɾk ~ d͜ʑvaɾk/
- sting (to ~ s.o. or s.t.): neq /nɛt͜ɕ/
- sting (set up a ~): gnuqpŏ /gnut͜ɕpə/
- stoma (orifice, hole, aperture, maw): pajed /pad͜ʑɛd/
- stoma (a medical ~): gnŭts /gnɨts/
- stool (~ sample, blood in one's ~), feces: ŏqgŏnc /ət͜ɕkəŋk/
- strike (to [go on] ~), mutiny: dricçex /dzikɕɛks ~ dɾikɕɛks/
- strike (a ~ against him): ctgiŏn /ktjən ~ kt͜ɕən/
- strike (to ~ a blow): nŭsted /nɨstɛd/
- strike (to ~ at, to conduct a ~, air~): vonx /wɔŋks ~ vɔŋks/
- strike (e.g. cross-~, design element): ŭjbŭm /ɨd͜ʑbɨm/
- strike (~through, ~ s.t. out), cross out: qaov /t͜ɕaɔw ~ t͜ɕaɔv/
- strike (please ~ the question from the record): tectrŏgi /tɛktɾəj ~ tɛktsəj ~ tɛktjəj ~ tɛktɾəʑ ~ tɛktsəʑ ~ tɛktjəʑ/
- strike (~ the colors, ~ the set, ~ the camp): fegindir /fɛjndiɾ ~ fɛʑ(i)ndiɾ/
- stroke (back~, butterfly ~): burŭx /buɾɨks/
- stroke (a ~ of the pen), gesture: bdaq /bɾat͜ɕ ~ bdat͜ɕ/
- stroke (a four-~ engine): vŏ /wə ~ və/
- stroke (a ~ brought on by stress and old age): qosc /t͜ɕɔsk/
- stupor (a drunken ~, a drug-fueled ~): dŭvibes /dɨwibɛs ~ dɨvibɛs/
- stupor (in a ~ due to medicinal side effects): vanga /waŋga ~ vaŋga/
- stupor (a ~ due to medical issues), coma: ctrŭd /ktɾɨd ~ ktsɨd ~ ktjɨd/
- stupor (a ~ due to psychological or cognitive trauma): ctrini /ktɾini ~ ktsini ~ ktjini/
- stupor (in a ~ due to physical disorientation or physical injury): aŏtriç /aətsiɕ ~ aətɾiɕ/
Last edited by Man in Space on Wed Dec 25, 2024 6:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Lexember 2024
Z is for Zone
High Arrahng: tjiwehm, tjidjahm (n16) "zone, district, portion of a marsh"
N is for Nonsense
High Arrahng: buwahr, butohr (n05) "fart; nonsense"
H is for Hiccup
High Arrahng: kap (v) "to hiccup"
High Arrahng: tjiwehm, tjidjahm (n16) "zone, district, portion of a marsh"
N is for Nonsense
High Arrahng: buwahr, butohr (n05) "fart; nonsense"
H is for Hiccup
High Arrahng: kap (v) "to hiccup"
My name means either "person who trumpets minor points of learning" or "maker of words." That fact that it means the latter in Sindarin is a demonstration of the former. Beware.
Spell Merchant | Patreon
Spell Merchant | Patreon
- Man in Space
- Posts: 1905
- Joined: Sat Jul 21, 2018 1:05 am
Re: Lexember 2024
Y is for…
- yabby (~ pump), syringe, plunger: hŏnj /xənd͜ʑ/
- yacata (he commissioned a ~ to be built): nirx /niɾks/
- yadda (~ ~ ~): buq /but͜ɕ/
- yage (a ~ plant): axres /aksɾɛs/
- yage (a ~ decoction): agrŭs /agɾɨs ~ agjɨs/
- yagger (this ~ pestered me): ctinq /ktint͜ɕ/
- yagger (take the ~ out and go fishing): ctnugi /ktnuj ~ kɾnuj ~ ktnuʑ ~ kɾnuʑ/
- yagona (~ is made from kava): bgedeç /bɣɛdɛɕ ~ bjɛdɛɕ/
- yah (~ boi!): jgeh /d͜ʑgɛx/
- yah (she's a ~): qvispe /kwispɛ/
- yak (this ~ is temperamental): biŭx /biɨks/
- yak (quit ~king): vŭgis /wɨjs ~ vɨjs ~ wɨʑ ~ vɨʑ/
- yam: giŏv /jəw ~ jəv ~ ʑəw ~ ʑəv/, idŭx /idɨks/, gniç /gniɕ/, odex /ɔdɛks/
- yandy (use the ~ to separate grain): disctenj /disktɛnd͜ʑ/ (> 'centrifuge' later)
- yank (to ~ s.t., give it a ~): qirc /t͜ɕiɾk/
- yank (to ~ back): penjoc /pɛnd͜ʑɔk/
- yantra, sacred geometry: xeç /ksɛɕ/
- yard(en): sisgior /sisjɔɾ ~ siʑɔɾ/
- yeast (baker's ~): sizdvŏrc /sizdwəɾk ~ sizdvəɾk/
- yeast (~ infection): mvŭnc /mwɨŋk/
…yen pok
- yen pok (smoke a ~): ŏnjbuc /ənd͜ʑbuk/
- yield (to ~ the right of way), defer: bŏscre /bəskɾɛ ~ bəskjɛ/
- yield (to ~ in combat, to ~ to an opponent): xŏsen /ksəsɛn/
- yield (to ~ some result or output): mvequc /mwɛt͜ɕuk/
- yigh (It's not possible. / ~, it is.): vdi /vdi ~ vɾi/
- yo (~, Adrian): egagi /ɛgaj ~ ɛgaʑ/
- yo (~-~): giadges /jadɣɛs ~ jadjɛs/
- yo (~-weight): trŏq /tsət͜ɕ ~ tɾət͜ɕ/
- yob (he's naught but a ~), ne'er-do-well: bdac /bɾak ~ bdak/
- yock (to ~ at s.t.): erx /ɛɾks/
- yohimbe (a ~ tree): bŭnjrec /bɨnd͜ʑɾɛk/
- yohimbe (aphrodisiac derived from ~): ascto /asktɔ/
- yolk (egg ~): gvi /gwi/
- yomp (to ~): gneg /gnɛg/
- yore (in days of ~): pŏx /pəks/
- yoxter (the ~ was released due to penal overpopulation): jŏnjres /d͜ʑənd͜ʑɾɛs/
- yu, carafe: xisc /ksŭsk/
- yucca: xŏsenj /ksəsend͜ʑ/
- yuck (eww, ~): gev /jɛw ~ jɛv ~ ʑɛw ~ ʑɛv/
- yabby (~ pump), syringe, plunger: hŏnj /xənd͜ʑ/
- yacata (he commissioned a ~ to be built): nirx /niɾks/
- yadda (~ ~ ~): buq /but͜ɕ/
- yage (a ~ plant): axres /aksɾɛs/
- yage (a ~ decoction): agrŭs /agɾɨs ~ agjɨs/
- yagger (this ~ pestered me): ctinq /ktint͜ɕ/
- yagger (take the ~ out and go fishing): ctnugi /ktnuj ~ kɾnuj ~ ktnuʑ ~ kɾnuʑ/
- yagona (~ is made from kava): bgedeç /bɣɛdɛɕ ~ bjɛdɛɕ/
- yah (~ boi!): jgeh /d͜ʑgɛx/
- yah (she's a ~): qvispe /kwispɛ/
- yak (this ~ is temperamental): biŭx /biɨks/
- yak (quit ~king): vŭgis /wɨjs ~ vɨjs ~ wɨʑ ~ vɨʑ/
- yam: giŏv /jəw ~ jəv ~ ʑəw ~ ʑəv/, idŭx /idɨks/, gniç /gniɕ/, odex /ɔdɛks/
- yandy (use the ~ to separate grain): disctenj /disktɛnd͜ʑ/ (> 'centrifuge' later)
- yank (to ~ s.t., give it a ~): qirc /t͜ɕiɾk/
- yank (to ~ back): penjoc /pɛnd͜ʑɔk/
- yantra, sacred geometry: xeç /ksɛɕ/
- yard(en): sisgior /sisjɔɾ ~ siʑɔɾ/
- yeast (baker's ~): sizdvŏrc /sizdwəɾk ~ sizdvəɾk/
- yeast (~ infection): mvŭnc /mwɨŋk/
…yen pok
- yen pok (smoke a ~): ŏnjbuc /ənd͜ʑbuk/
- yield (to ~ the right of way), defer: bŏscre /bəskɾɛ ~ bəskjɛ/
- yield (to ~ in combat, to ~ to an opponent): xŏsen /ksəsɛn/
- yield (to ~ some result or output): mvequc /mwɛt͜ɕuk/
- yigh (It's not possible. / ~, it is.): vdi /vdi ~ vɾi/
- yo (~, Adrian): egagi /ɛgaj ~ ɛgaʑ/
- yo (~-~): giadges /jadɣɛs ~ jadjɛs/
- yo (~-weight): trŏq /tsət͜ɕ ~ tɾət͜ɕ/
- yob (he's naught but a ~), ne'er-do-well: bdac /bɾak ~ bdak/
- yock (to ~ at s.t.): erx /ɛɾks/
- yohimbe (a ~ tree): bŭnjrec /bɨnd͜ʑɾɛk/
- yohimbe (aphrodisiac derived from ~): ascto /asktɔ/
- yolk (egg ~): gvi /gwi/
- yomp (to ~): gneg /gnɛg/
- yore (in days of ~): pŏx /pəks/
- yoxter (the ~ was released due to penal overpopulation): jŏnjres /d͜ʑənd͜ʑɾɛs/
- yu, carafe: xisc /ksŭsk/
- yucca: xŏsenj /ksəsend͜ʑ/
- yuck (eww, ~): gev /jɛw ~ jɛv ~ ʑɛw ~ ʑɛv/
Re: Lexember 2024
'order', 'request' (v.): pfv. laxa [ˈlɑχɐ], ipfv. lexa [ˈʎɑχɐ], imp. alax [ɐˈlɑχ]
'order', 'command' (v.): pfv. raast [rɑːst], ipfv. reest [ræːst], imp. arast [ɐˈɾɑst]
'order', 'request' (n. m. inan.): xaalaxa [ˈχɑːlɑχɐ] from nmlz. xaa- + 'order', 'request' (v. pfv.) laxa [ˈlɑχɐ]
'order', 'command' (n. m. inan.): xaaraast [χɑˈɾɑːst] from nmlz. xaa- + 'order', 'command' (v. pfv.) raast [rɑːst]
'order', 'discipline', 'rectitude' (n. f. inan.): durra [durːɐ]
'oven' (n. f. inan.): hawr [hɔːr]
'offer' (v.): pfv. giifa [ˈɣiːɸɐ], ipfv. geefa [ˈɣæːɸɐ], imp. agiif [ɑˈɣiːf]
'offer' (n. m. inan.): xaagiifa [ˈχɑːɣiɸɐ] from nmlz. xaa- + 'offer' (v. pfv.) giifa [ˈɣiːɸɐ]
'order', 'request' (v.): pfv. laxa [ˈlɑχɐ], ipfv. lexa [ˈʎɑχɐ], imp. alax [ɐˈlɑχ]
'order', 'command' (v.): pfv. raast [rɑːst], ipfv. reest [ræːst], imp. arast [ɐˈɾɑst]
'order', 'request' (n. m. inan.): xaalaxa [ˈχɑːlɑχɐ] from nmlz. xaa- + 'order', 'request' (v. pfv.) laxa [ˈlɑχɐ]
'order', 'command' (n. m. inan.): xaaraast [χɑˈɾɑːst] from nmlz. xaa- + 'order', 'command' (v. pfv.) raast [rɑːst]
'order', 'discipline', 'rectitude' (n. f. inan.): durra [durːɐ]
'oven' (n. f. inan.): hawr [hɔːr]
'offer' (v.): pfv. giifa [ˈɣiːɸɐ], ipfv. geefa [ˈɣæːɸɐ], imp. agiif [ɑˈɣiːf]
'offer' (n. m. inan.): xaagiifa [ˈχɑːɣiɸɐ] from nmlz. xaa- + 'offer' (v. pfv.) giifa [ˈɣiːɸɐ]
Yaaludinuya siima d'at yiseka wohadetafa gaare.
Ennadinut'a gaare d'ate eetatadi siiman.
T'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa.
Ennadinut'a gaare d'ate eetatadi siiman.
T'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa.
Re: Lexember 2024
26th Lex: Elect
māgēđeh, māgēđal, memāgēđer, memāgēđir
マーギーン̞サヵゥ /mɔːɣɛːzʲəx/
From PS *mjaγγënsa ‘to choose out from’
māgēđeh, māgēđal, memāgēđer, memāgēđir
マーギーン̞サヵゥ /mɔːɣɛːzʲəx/
- To chose smo, esp a leader out of the electorate
- (In Punuic law) The election of the Lav out of the council
From PS *mjaγγënsa ‘to choose out from’
LZ – Lēri Ziwi
PS – Proto Sāzlakuic (ancestor of LZ)
PRk – Proto Rākēwuic
XI – Xú Iạlan
VN – verbal noun
SUP – supine
DIRECT – verbal directional
My language stuff
PS – Proto Sāzlakuic (ancestor of LZ)
PRk – Proto Rākēwuic
XI – Xú Iạlan
VN – verbal noun
SUP – supine
DIRECT – verbal directional
My language stuff
Re: Lexember 2024
What kind of time is CC supposed to spoken in? I've got the impression of it being not modern, but “medical stoma” suggests otherwise. Then again, I've added anachronistic words to LZ for various reasons.Man in Space wrote: ↑Wed Dec 25, 2024 11:48 am S is for…
- stoma (orifice, hole, aperture, maw): pajed /pad͜ʑɛd/
- stoma (a medical ~): gnŭts /gnɨts/
- stool (~ sample, blood in one's ~), feces: ŏqgŏnc /ət͜ɕkəŋk/
More: show
LZ – Lēri Ziwi
PS – Proto Sāzlakuic (ancestor of LZ)
PRk – Proto Rākēwuic
XI – Xú Iạlan
VN – verbal noun
SUP – supine
DIRECT – verbal directional
My language stuff
PS – Proto Sāzlakuic (ancestor of LZ)
PRk – Proto Rākēwuic
XI – Xú Iạlan
VN – verbal noun
SUP – supine
DIRECT – verbal directional
My language stuff
- Man in Space
- Posts: 1905
- Joined: Sat Jul 21, 2018 1:05 am
Re: Lexember 2024
Bronze Age. The use of “sample” is just to clarify that this isn’t “stool (a ~ to sit on)”. Similarly, “medical” in “medical stoma” is for illustrative purposes only.
I myself have Crohn’s.
Re: Lexember 2024
Oh, I see. Thank youMan in Space wrote: ↑Thu Dec 26, 2024 7:58 amBronze Age. The use of “sample” is just to clarify that this isn’t “stool (a ~ to sit on)”. Similarly, “medical” in “medical stoma” is for illustrative purposes only.
And I colitis
LZ – Lēri Ziwi
PS – Proto Sāzlakuic (ancestor of LZ)
PRk – Proto Rākēwuic
XI – Xú Iạlan
VN – verbal noun
SUP – supine
DIRECT – verbal directional
My language stuff
PS – Proto Sāzlakuic (ancestor of LZ)
PRk – Proto Rākēwuic
XI – Xú Iạlan
VN – verbal noun
SUP – supine
DIRECT – verbal directional
My language stuff
Re: Lexember 2024
'elite' (adj.): t'exa [ˈtsʼɑχɐ]
'elite' (n. m. anim.) kint'exa [ˈcintsʼɑχɐ]
'exploration' (n. m. inan.): waleze [ˈwɑʎɐʒɐ] from wa- + 'explore' (v.): pfv. laze [ˈlɑʒɐ], ipfv. leze [ˈʎæʒɐ], imp. ulaz [oˈlɑz]
'elbow' (n. f. anim.): sahha [ˈsɑħːɐ]
'elite' (adj.): t'exa [ˈtsʼɑχɐ]
'elite' (n. m. anim.) kint'exa [ˈcintsʼɑχɐ]
'exploration' (n. m. inan.): waleze [ˈwɑʎɐʒɐ] from wa- + 'explore' (v.): pfv. laze [ˈlɑʒɐ], ipfv. leze [ˈʎæʒɐ], imp. ulaz [oˈlɑz]
'elbow' (n. f. anim.): sahha [ˈsɑħːɐ]
Yaaludinuya siima d'at yiseka wohadetafa gaare.
Ennadinut'a gaare d'ate eetatadi siiman.
T'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa.
Ennadinut'a gaare d'ate eetatadi siiman.
T'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa.
- Man in Space
- Posts: 1905
- Joined: Sat Jul 21, 2018 1:05 am
Re: Lexember 2024
W is for…
- wad (a ~ of s.t.): exŭs /ɛksɨs/
- waddle (to ~ about): cras /kɾas ~ kjas/, vagiob /wajɔb ~ vajɔb ~ waʑɔb ~ vaʑɔb/
- wade (to ~ into the swamp): qgun /t͜ɕkun/
- wade (to ~ into the water): vizdis /wizdis ~ vizdis/
- wade (to ~ into an experience or hobby): ŏgraq /əgɾat͜ɕ ~ əgjat͜ɕ/
- wade (to ~ through a trying task): ovgio /ɔwjɔ ~ ɔvjɔ/
- wage (minimum ~): dvŭn /ɾwɨn ~ dɾwɨn ~ dzwɨn/
- wage (living ~): mvusc /mwusk/
- wage (a fair ~): noqud /nɔt͜ɕud/
- wage (these ~s are peanuts): gianjex /jand͜ʑɛks ~ ʑand͜ʑɛks/
- wake (~ up, sleepyhead): arŏc /aɾək/
- wake (in its ~): sŏca /səka/
- wake (the ~ and the funeral): treve /tsɛwɛ ~ tɾɛwɛ ~ tsɛvɛ ~ tɾɛvɛ/
- wain: ctrŏç /ktɾəɕ ~ktsəɕ ~ ktjəɕ/, trevderx /tsɛwdɛɾks ~ tɾɛvdɛɾks ~ tsɛwdɛɾks ~ tɾɛvdɛrks/
- wall (another brick in the ~): dŭrx /dɨɾks/
- wall (defensive ~): digran /digɾan ~ digjan/
- wall (retaining ~): cres /kɾɛs ~ kjɛs/
- wall (interior ~ of a building): oqod /ɔt͜ɕɔd/
- wall (exterior ~ of a building): dav /daw ~ dav/
- wand: extris /ɛkstsis ~ ɛkstɾis/
- wander (~ aimlessly): dorŭx /dɔɾɨks/
- wander (~ the earth): egnŭts /ɛgnɨts/
- wander (~ around the area): sandgŭt /sandɣɨt ~ sandjɨt/
- wander (~ due to confusion or dementia, ~ following a shock or injury): ctŭnj /ktɨnd͜ʑ/
- wash (~ the car, ~ the laundry): egeq /ɛjɛt͜ɕ ~ ɛʑɛt͜ɕ/
- wash (the ~ at the end of the river): obduv /ɔbduw ~ ɔbɾuw ~ ɔbduv ~ ɔbɾuv/
- wash (it's a ~): xe /ksɛ/
- wash (mouth~, acid ~): pacas /pakas/
- waste (don't ~ your resources): ŭjbadi /ɨd͜ʑbadi/
- waste (the gray ~s): ctrŏç /ktɾəɕ ~ ktsəɕ ~ ktjəɕ/
- waste (bodily ~): xtas /kstas/
- waste (municipal ~), refuse, garbage: ovgage /ɔwgaj ~ ɔvgaj ~ ɔwgaʑ ~ ɔvgaʑ/
- watch (~ s.t.), observe: nŭsnŭn /nɨsnɨn/
- watch (keep ~), wait for cause to alert: qax /t͜ɕaks/
- watch (~ out!): ŏcqis /əkt͜ɕis/
- watch (~ over s.o.), guard: menq /mɛnt͜ɕ/
- wave (tubular ~, dude): cruq /kɾut͜ɕ/
- wave (to ~ to s.o.): ctovdgi /ktɔwdɣi ~ ktɔvdji ~ ktɔwdji ~ ktɔvdji/
- weed (noxious ~): xta /ksta/
- weed (~ s.t. or s.o. out): bnŏgdu /bnəgdu/
- weed (various spp. of ~s): dagzŭnj /dagzɨnd͜ʑ/, pesqges /pɛst͜ɕkes/, dŭgvan /dɨgwan/, jvondes /d͜ʑwɔndɛs ~ d͜ʑvɔndɛs/, buqcvŏs /but͜ɕkwəs/, degŏvagi /dɛgəwaj ~ dɛgəvaj ~ dɛgəwaʑ ~ dɛgəvaʑ/
- welt (a sizable ~): ranjbadi /ɾand͜ʑbadi/
- will (last ~ and testament): nŭq /nɨt͜ɕ/
- will (force of ~, ~power): pŏnŏj /pənəd͜ʑ/
- wing (bird's ~): arvŏ /aɾwə ~ aɾvə/
- wing (~ of an aircraft): crŏç /kɾət͜ɕ ~ kjət͜ɕ/
- wing (to ~ it): giarŏt /jaɾət ~ ʑaɾət/
- wing (the West ~): qeŭs /t͜ɕɛɨs/
- wing (left-~, right~): bevŭd /bɛwɨd ~ bɛvɨd/
- wish (I ~ for a pony): temu /tɛmu/
- wit (a sharp ~): dgacra /dɣakɾa ~ djakɾa ~ dɣakja ~ djakja/
- wit (I have my five ~s): evder /ɛwdɛɾ ~ ɛvdɛɾ/
- wit (to ~…): ŭcti /ɨkti/
- wolfran, tungsten: ctovdgi /ktɔwdɣi ~ ktɔvdɣi ~ ktɔwdji ~ ktɔwdʑi/
- wad (a ~ of s.t.): exŭs /ɛksɨs/
- waddle (to ~ about): cras /kɾas ~ kjas/, vagiob /wajɔb ~ vajɔb ~ waʑɔb ~ vaʑɔb/
- wade (to ~ into the swamp): qgun /t͜ɕkun/
- wade (to ~ into the water): vizdis /wizdis ~ vizdis/
- wade (to ~ into an experience or hobby): ŏgraq /əgɾat͜ɕ ~ əgjat͜ɕ/
- wade (to ~ through a trying task): ovgio /ɔwjɔ ~ ɔvjɔ/
- wage (minimum ~): dvŭn /ɾwɨn ~ dɾwɨn ~ dzwɨn/
- wage (living ~): mvusc /mwusk/
- wage (a fair ~): noqud /nɔt͜ɕud/
- wage (these ~s are peanuts): gianjex /jand͜ʑɛks ~ ʑand͜ʑɛks/
- wake (~ up, sleepyhead): arŏc /aɾək/
- wake (in its ~): sŏca /səka/
- wake (the ~ and the funeral): treve /tsɛwɛ ~ tɾɛwɛ ~ tsɛvɛ ~ tɾɛvɛ/
- wain: ctrŏç /ktɾəɕ ~ktsəɕ ~ ktjəɕ/, trevderx /tsɛwdɛɾks ~ tɾɛvdɛɾks ~ tsɛwdɛɾks ~ tɾɛvdɛrks/
- wall (another brick in the ~): dŭrx /dɨɾks/
- wall (defensive ~): digran /digɾan ~ digjan/
- wall (retaining ~): cres /kɾɛs ~ kjɛs/
- wall (interior ~ of a building): oqod /ɔt͜ɕɔd/
- wall (exterior ~ of a building): dav /daw ~ dav/
- wand: extris /ɛkstsis ~ ɛkstɾis/
- wander (~ aimlessly): dorŭx /dɔɾɨks/
- wander (~ the earth): egnŭts /ɛgnɨts/
- wander (~ around the area): sandgŭt /sandɣɨt ~ sandjɨt/
- wander (~ due to confusion or dementia, ~ following a shock or injury): ctŭnj /ktɨnd͜ʑ/
- wash (~ the car, ~ the laundry): egeq /ɛjɛt͜ɕ ~ ɛʑɛt͜ɕ/
- wash (the ~ at the end of the river): obduv /ɔbduw ~ ɔbɾuw ~ ɔbduv ~ ɔbɾuv/
- wash (it's a ~): xe /ksɛ/
- wash (mouth~, acid ~): pacas /pakas/
- waste (don't ~ your resources): ŭjbadi /ɨd͜ʑbadi/
- waste (the gray ~s): ctrŏç /ktɾəɕ ~ ktsəɕ ~ ktjəɕ/
- waste (bodily ~): xtas /kstas/
- waste (municipal ~), refuse, garbage: ovgage /ɔwgaj ~ ɔvgaj ~ ɔwgaʑ ~ ɔvgaʑ/
- watch (~ s.t.), observe: nŭsnŭn /nɨsnɨn/
- watch (keep ~), wait for cause to alert: qax /t͜ɕaks/
- watch (~ out!): ŏcqis /əkt͜ɕis/
- watch (~ over s.o.), guard: menq /mɛnt͜ɕ/
- wave (tubular ~, dude): cruq /kɾut͜ɕ/
- wave (to ~ to s.o.): ctovdgi /ktɔwdɣi ~ ktɔvdji ~ ktɔwdji ~ ktɔvdji/
- weed (noxious ~): xta /ksta/
- weed (~ s.t. or s.o. out): bnŏgdu /bnəgdu/
- weed (various spp. of ~s): dagzŭnj /dagzɨnd͜ʑ/, pesqges /pɛst͜ɕkes/, dŭgvan /dɨgwan/, jvondes /d͜ʑwɔndɛs ~ d͜ʑvɔndɛs/, buqcvŏs /but͜ɕkwəs/, degŏvagi /dɛgəwaj ~ dɛgəvaj ~ dɛgəwaʑ ~ dɛgəvaʑ/
- welt (a sizable ~): ranjbadi /ɾand͜ʑbadi/
- will (last ~ and testament): nŭq /nɨt͜ɕ/
- will (force of ~, ~power): pŏnŏj /pənəd͜ʑ/
- wing (bird's ~): arvŏ /aɾwə ~ aɾvə/
- wing (~ of an aircraft): crŏç /kɾət͜ɕ ~ kjət͜ɕ/
- wing (to ~ it): giarŏt /jaɾət ~ ʑaɾət/
- wing (the West ~): qeŭs /t͜ɕɛɨs/
- wing (left-~, right~): bevŭd /bɛwɨd ~ bɛvɨd/
- wish (I ~ for a pony): temu /tɛmu/
- wit (a sharp ~): dgacra /dɣakɾa ~ djakɾa ~ dɣakja ~ djakja/
- wit (I have my five ~s): evder /ɛwdɛɾ ~ ɛvdɛɾ/
- wit (to ~…): ŭcti /ɨkti/
- wolfran, tungsten: ctovdgi /ktɔwdɣi ~ ktɔvdɣi ~ ktɔwdji ~ ktɔwdʑi/
Last edited by Man in Space on Thu Dec 26, 2024 5:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Lexember 2024
December 15: G
- Old Gothic daúr "door, gate" > Middle Gothic daur [dɔ́r] "gate" > Early Modern Gothic dor [dór] > Modern Gothic dors [dórs]
- Old Gothic haúrds "door, gate" -> Middle Gothic haurds [hɔ́rdz] "door" > Early Modern Gothic ordz [órdz] > Modern Gothic ords [wórts]
- Old Gothic *biskalkinōþs "enslaved, indentured" > Middle Gothic baiskalginoþs [bɛskálʣɛnoðz] "enslaved, indentured" > Early Modern Gothic beskalzenulz [bɛskælzénʊlz] "indebted" > Modern Gothic beskozenls [bɛskɔzénəls] "grateful, thankful"
- Old Gothic *awiliudags "grateful, thankful" > Middle Gothic awaujiudags [ávɔjyðaɣz] "grateful, thankful" > Early Modern Gothic awjilwz [ávjɪlvz] "obsequious, servile" > Modern Gothic awjuws [wávjəfs] "dishonest, untrustworthy
- Old Gothic garahnjan "to value, estimate" > Middle Gothic garahnjan [garáʝɲan] "to value, estimate" > Early Modern Gothic gerazjo [gɛráʒɔ] "to guess, speculate" > Modern Gothic grahjo [gráuʒə]
Re: Lexember 2024
Lexember 13-15:
Y - yard
yard, garden, place where something is done; related to narros raw via an earlier meaning of fresh, green
W - welfare
welfare, well-being, good fortune; from rae life + més harmony, agreement
R - relative
relative, kindred; from éme same, with an earlier meaning of together, alike + éac kind, type, originally birth, related to éacur/eacur to be born, hatch, arise
Random word generator originally gave me ribbon for R. Msérsca already has nel belt, ribbon but a small frilly sort of ribbon might be nelucca or nelulla.
Y - yard
yard, garden, place where something is done; related to narros raw via an earlier meaning of fresh, green
W - welfare
welfare, well-being, good fortune; from rae life + més harmony, agreement
R - relative
relative, kindred; from éme same, with an earlier meaning of together, alike + éac kind, type, originally birth, related to éacur/eacur to be born, hatch, arise
Random word generator originally gave me ribbon for R. Msérsca already has nel belt, ribbon but a small frilly sort of ribbon might be nelucca or nelulla.