Nai zi myegi mu zywe dyi zyi a Vakaviti gwe Bisilama.
I just knew the Fijian and Bislama words.
Glosbe is pretty good. It's hard to get a big overview over everything at once like Wiktionary does, but it's often got entries in all kinds of languages, and if there aren't any dictionary entries, you can often still find words in the translation database if you're careful and analytical and don't mind wading through mounds of Jehovah's Witness propaganda.
Wiktionary is fucking awful sometimes. Do you look at the entry for "cyclone", "tropical cyclone", "typhoon" or "hurricane"? It's all sloppily done with these words. The distinction between these words is so arbitrary and stupid too.
Wi nge Hibu do, i ngini dye. Nginii ngi ya nini. Dyei dye. Ngini dyei ngini ye da ye dye.
In Hibuese, it's "ngini dye". A storm ("ngini") is an event ("ngi") of air ("nini"). A round thing ("dye") is round. A cyclone is a storm which is big and round.
Thanks! I had forgotten. I use, which has the audacity to call itself "full" simply because it's not restricted to English sounds. My IPA keyboard app on my phone also lacks most superscripts.(Also, you do know that Unicode ⟨ᵐ⟩ exists, right?)