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Re: Dream sharing thread

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2020 1:20 pm
by Yalensky
A recent dream of mine included a brief scene in which I was browsing the ZBB and saw that Masako had replied to the lexicon-building thread. But he hadn't made a new word, no, but rather posted a very long critique of my conlanging from what he could glean in that thread, particularly attacking my phonology as inconsistent and contradictory. And by "long" I mean that he must have written thousands of words. Paragraphs were flying past my computer screen. I was both impressed and frightened. Unfortunately the dream passed into a new unrelated scene before I could begin composing a response.

Re: Dream sharing thread

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2020 8:49 pm
by Torco
Is it better to be feared or loved, huh sano ? :lol:

Re: Dream sharing thread

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2020 5:33 am
by Risla
My boss revealed a secret to me that part of his job duties involve cleaning deer ears, so I secretly followed him out to Nara Park, where he went around swabbing out deer ears with Q-tips, to observe whether this practice was ethical.

Re: Dream sharing thread

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2020 4:07 am
by Raphael
My dreams last night somehow involved both space aliens and Donald Trump, but at separate stages, not at the same time.

Re: Dream sharing thread

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2020 12:07 pm
by linguistcat
Had a dream that people had made a virtual space for everyone, but the closest thing to an avatar people had there were differently colored and decorated keyboards.

There were two "people" I knew and disliked online who each also disliked each other. Apparently in this virtual realm, you could show your distaste with someone without it being too rude by "dropping" your keyboard on theirs. One of them dropped onto the other, who then saw me and dropped their keyboard on mine, and I completed the circle by dropping it on the first person's.

Then this reminded us all of a meme by someone called "errorbear" (seemed like a tumblr meme, but I don't think this user - if they exist - has a meme that's famous), and we decided to put whatever differences we had behind us.

Not too exciting but definitely weird and probably a sign I need a break from the internet.

Re: Dream sharing thread

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2020 3:21 am
by Raphael
I dreamed that I was at, I think, a restaurant, or something (I don't remember it that well) in the USA, and I had to tip the amount that's customary there, expressed as a percentage of the pre-tip price, and I had to calculate the percentage inside my head, and I had trouble doing those percentage calculations in my head, and everyone was looking at me trying to get the percentage calculations right.

Re: Dream sharing thread

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2020 11:30 am
by Man in Space
I was back in high school and my parents couldn’t pick me up until 11:00 PM. There was also something about me building an observation tower to look at the Moon, which somehow became me actually visiting it (I remember a huge crater; the Moon was much like its depiction in A Trip to the Moon). Then somehow the Zodiac Killer got involved and I had to basically flay him into nothingness at his request. He had no bones or any internal organs.

Re: Dream sharing thread

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2020 12:07 pm
by rotting bones
Last night, I kept repeating to myself, "Stop thinking and go to sleep." When I finally fell asleep, I dreamed that I had become a zombie. Inside the dream, the zombie eventually regained consciousness by following a convoluted plot that I don't fully remember, and then I woke up. I know the end of the dream doesn't really coincide with wakefulness, but still... Was this a coincidence, or can the mind really work that way?

Re: Dream sharing thread

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2021 7:34 am
by Ares Land
rotting bones: yep. In any case that happens to me often.

I had unusually coherent dreams tonight. One of them was kind of interrsting: around 2070 a bunch of physics geek set up a semi clandestine time travel business.

One of their client goes back to our own time (post-pandemic I suppose, no one was wearing masks.) to try and fix childhood trauma. Some weird unspecified threats loomed over him.

Re: Dream sharing thread

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2021 6:21 pm
by Emily
dreamed my ex slapped me in the face and then stabbed me in the temple with a mechanical pencil

Re: Dream sharing thread

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2021 11:32 pm
by Torco
rotting bones wrote: Sun Dec 27, 2020 12:07 pm Last night, I kept repeating to myself, "Stop thinking and go to sleep." When I finally fell asleep, I dreamed that I had become a zombie. Inside the dream, the zombie eventually regained consciousness by following a convoluted plot that I don't fully remember, and then I woke up. I know the end of the dream doesn't really coincide with wakefulness, but still... Was this a coincidence, or can the mind really work that way?
And come dawn he did not know if he was a zombie dreaming that was rotting bones, or rotting bones awakening after dreaming of having been a zombie

Re: Dream sharing thread

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2021 4:31 am
by Pabappa
While i was working at the mall a customer said that their young daughter was missing, so i went out to look for her. after a minute of searching i found a girl who looked about the right age, but apparently it wasnt her, and the girl i was looking for was known to hide. someone with me suggested the whole mall set up a game at the end of the work day and invite all of the kids present to play in it .... the sort of thing that wouldnt make sense in reality but makes a lot of sense in my dreams since "work isn't real".

considering that problem solved, i spent the rest of the day walking around the mall, and found some stores in very specific locations such that i could place them on a map, but i dont have names. Though there was one store called Sanic I entered which was completely empty, .... no employees or anything .... I dont remember if I walked right into it or if I entered through a door that only mall employees would know about. It was an electronics store and it was fully stocked, and there was a second entrance to the store that was blocked ... I could see light outside but when I tried to open the door it just "bumped" and fell back into place. I realized that I could shoplift all I wanted from Sanic, but I wasnt interested in that either, so I just left.

then i imagined someone really did shoplift from Sanic, and killed 23 policemen by hiding out in the store in a hard-to-see location, and that 16 other policemen also died that day by eating hamburgers from the mall food court. This was likely not part of the dream, but rather a first moment of wakefulness, where i've noticed sometimes my brain tries to tie loose ends together in unexpected ways.

Re: Dream sharing thread

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2021 7:45 am
by ratammer
I've been having a lot more vivid and memorable dreams than usual for the last few days. Here's one particularly memorable one (cw: police violence, swearing):

So in this dream I was a competitor in a race I had apparently entered once before. The race started out with a run along a road in a city, and at the end of the road was a kind of museum or gallery - we would have to run into there, and then there would be further tasks we'd have to complete inside.
At the start of the race, an official was handing something out to the competitors, but I ignored that and started running straight away. Pretty soon I noticed that one of the other competitors was holding a roll of toilet paper so I assume that's what was handed out for some reason.
Then, something happened which had happened last time - a new competitor entered the race, a woman wearing metal spikes all over her body and wielding nunchucks.
The last time this had happened, the woman made it to the museum first, a bunch of alarms went off, but everyone was able to calm the museum security down and we carried on from there.
This time, she was coming in second (which I found amusing, even though I was still behind her), but before we could make it to the museum, a group of police officers blocked our path.
One of the policemen shot one of the competitors in the chest - not the spiky girl, possibly the girl who had been holding the toilet roll.
I started shouting "What the fuck? What the hell?" at the police as everyone started running around chaotically, and somehow I ended up with a gun in my hand. I tried to very gently put the gun down next to a wall in a way that wouldn't hurt anyone... but I accidentally set it off. It didn't seem to hit anything but the dream ended there.

Re: Dream sharing thread

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2021 7:30 am
by Raphael
I don't remember much of last night's dreams, but one subplot that I kinda-sorta remember was about my late grandfather (who, in real life, never had anything to do with computers) leaving me data on old floppy disks, and me desperately trying to find some way to transfer them to modern storage media.

Re: Dream sharing thread

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2021 11:24 am
by Linguoboy
Oh man, some wacky nonsense about roaming the hills of Ireland to a mouth-music soundtrack. I don't think there was any actual legit Irish in it, though. The bit that stands out to me was playing the role of a young boy who'd discovered a slope he thought would be rich in artifacts and who was coming by every day during the summer holidays to painstakingly and systematically search one carefully-demarcated little rectangle at a time for old coins.

Re: Dream sharing thread

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2021 9:01 am
by Rounin Ryuuji
I had some sort of weird dream about being a fugitive from the government (one that was particularly incompetent about chasing me), that eventually brought me to this martial arts place (but it looked like the inside of a rather small shower room) where I was told studying boxing and Muay Thai would be a sort of "punishment" (there was somebody else along with me, but I don't remember who they were); then, somewhere else, I saw somebody enter the building where I was, and use some sort of fire breath to ignite the building, so the person I was with originally (I was just asked to name some champions of something and struggling to think what to do in the dream before this), so my companion person and I fled down a sequence of secret passages (I never actually saw any fire) till we emerged somewhere, somehow ending up in a library attached to a mall, and there being an uncomfortable number of librarians around. My companion person argued with a security guard about which way we could or could not leave (still fugitives, I guess), and then I woke up and was very relieved it was only a dream. It sounds vaguely ridiculous now, but it was pretty horrifying experiencing it.

Re: Dream sharing thread

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2021 3:47 pm
by quinterbeck
Last night I dreamed that I got a message from Janko desperately asking for numbers from my conlang.

Re: Dream sharing thread

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2021 3:51 pm
by Vijay
My dad recently had a distressing nightmare about monsters attacking him. This is kind of unusual. Typically, his nightmares are about me getting lost or something like that.

Re: Dream sharing thread

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2021 1:20 am
by ProfSaber
Last night, my dreams were long and involved, to a degree they haven't been in a while. I'm not sure how to describe the early part, really--me and a coworker being trapped in a furniture store that turned into a maze of pathways between alternate universes? Or something? But the end made a little more sense: I was accompanying my mom to one of her pet sitting jobs, as I often did when I was younger, and the guy saw us on his security camera. He was so mad I was there he decided to kill us all--even though his house was also a restaurant and I was there to pick up food. He chased us, with my stepdad, to an apartment we haven't lived in since late 1999, when I was just short of 11. There, I fell through the floor into the US Senate chamber, and we were all rescued by the Capitol Police as I woke up.

Re: Dream sharing thread

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2021 4:22 am
by Raphael
I dreamed that I was watching a tv documentary about kids doing train surfing on subway trains. Or, more specifically, about an adult journalist looking back on being a kid doing train surfing on subway trains, interspersed with footage from an old tv documentary about kids doing train surfing on subway trains.