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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2023 8:28 pm
by Travis B.
Rounin Ryuuji wrote: Mon Apr 10, 2023 7:36 pm 帆泡火六 奇く見ゆる語 在り。
ぼあはぼむ くすくみゆるいふ あり。
Boābomu kusukumiyuru-iyu ari.
[mbʷò̞ᵝ.(w)ɐ̞̂ː.mbʷó̞ᵝˑ.mʉ̀ᵝ] strange.ADVERBIAL seem.ADNOMINAL language COPULA.PREDICATIVE
"Babm seems like a strange language."
Boabomu gyiew qha loźabam in qwuoy qha qwur.
[boʔabomu ɡjɯɤw qʰa loʑabaɴ ʔiɴ qʷyøj qʰa qʷyɻ]
Babm DED.EVID Lojban CONJ be.bad DED.EVID more
Babm is like Lojban but worse.

Re: Conlang fluency thread

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2023 8:45 pm
by Travis B.
Byuw tshau byaw ńok na phyor zyaŋ śyâk the.
[bjuw tsʰɑ bjɑw ɲoʔ na pʰjøɻ zjɑɴ ɕjɑˤʔ tʰe]
word PL.INAN part be.many REL Zlang be.strange DIRECT.EVID
Multisyllabic words in Old Zlang look weird.

Re: Conlang fluency thread

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2023 9:41 pm
by Travis B.
May che trhe qha kyan khah yor zyaŋ ha?
[mɛj cʰe tʂʰe qʰa kjɛɴ kʰah jøɻ zjɑɴ ha]
1.S shall make.PFV DED.EVID language descendant from Zlang YES.NO
Should I create a descendant of Old Zlang?

May leŋ źe ndzew brik.
[mɛj lɤɴ ʑe ndzɤw bʐɯʔ]
1.S think.IPFV EGO add.IPFV pitch
I am thinking of adding tone.

May leŋ źe gyap ndzew byuw tshau byaw ńok ńuk get rieu byuw tshau kâŋ.
[mɛj lɤɴ ʑe ɡjaʔ ndzɤw bjuw tsʰɑ bjɑw ɲoʔ ɲuʔ ɡeʔ ɻɯɤ bjuw tsʰɑ kɑˤɴ]
1.S think.IPFV EGO also add.IPFV word PL.INAN part be.many INST push.IPFV ACTION word PL.INAN together
I am also thinking of adding multisyllabic words through compressing words together.

Leŋ gyiew qha trhiek mâk kyuk.
[lɤɴ ɡjɯɤw qʰa tʂʰɯɤʔ mɑˤʔ kjuʔ]
PROX seem.IPFV DED.EVID be.usual overly however
This seems too typical though.

Re: Conlang fluency thread

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2023 9:54 pm
by Rounin Ryuuji
Travis B. wrote: Mon Apr 10, 2023 8:45 pm Byuw tshau byaw ńok na phyor zyaŋ śyâk the.
[bjuw tsʰɑ bjɑw ɲoʔ na pʰjøɻ zjɑɴ ɕjɑˤʔ tʰe]
word PL.INAN part be.many REL Zlang be.strange DIRECT.EVID
Multisyllabic words in Old Zlang look weird.
天下か語 在り ほっい?
あましたかいふ あり ほっい?
Amashitaka iyu ari hoi?
[ɐ̞́.mɐ̞̀.ɕíˑ.t̪ʰɐ̞̀.kʰɐ̞̀ íˑ.jỳᵝ ɐ̞́ˑ.ɾ̪ʲì xʷó̞ᵝ.(w)íˑ]
"Is that a Sinitic language?"

Re: Conlang fluency thread

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2023 9:58 pm
by Darren
Ká beh tǐ dene' ah dlî "di'lei" de'ʔû ûbo' yẽ'wî.
[ka˥ bɛ̤˩ ti˨˩˥ dɛ˨nɛ̃˧ a̤˩ dɺi̝˩ di˧ɺɛi̯˨ dɛ˧ʔu̝˩ u̝˩βɔ˧ j̃ɛ̃˧wi̝˩]
IRREAL SR COV.must possess AGT 1SG "relay" LKR.language repeat.action
I should be working on the relay languages.

Ká beh dene' o' Omaʔlá kla ûbo' yẽ'wî.
[ka˥ bɛ̤˩ dɛ˨nɛ̃˧ ɔ˧ ɔ˨mã˩ʔɺa˥ kɺa˨ u̝˩βɔ˧ j̃ɛ̃˨wi̝˩]
IRREAL SR possess REAL Omaʔlá IPFV repeat.action
But instead I'm working on Omaʔlá.

O' ngi ka kla' ûbo' yẽ'wî.
[ɔ˧ ŋĩ˩ ka˨ kɺa˧ u̝˩βɔ˧ j̃ɛ̃˧wi̝˩]
REAL still INDEF IPFV repeat.action
At least I'm working on something.

Re: Conlang fluency thread

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2023 10:23 pm
by Travis B.
Rounin Ryuuji wrote: Mon Apr 10, 2023 9:54 pm
Travis B. wrote: Mon Apr 10, 2023 8:45 pm Byuw tshau byaw ńok na phyor zyaŋ śyâk the.
[bjuw tsʰɑ bjɑw ɲoʔ na pʰjøɻ zjɑɴ ɕjɑˤʔ tʰe]
word PL.INAN part be.many REL Zlang be.strange DIRECT.EVID
Multisyllabic words in Old Zlang look weird.
天下か語 在り ほっい?
あましたかいふ あり ほっい?
Amashitaka iyu ari hoi?
[ɐ̞́.mɐ̞̀.ɕíˑ.t̪ʰɐ̞̀.kʰɐ̞̀ íˑ.jỳᵝ ɐ̞́ˑ.ɾ̪ʲì xʷó̞ᵝ.(w)íˑ]
"Is that a Sinitic language?"
Kyan na hlâw sruot dros the proi yo ńuk byaw in yo luo the ńa aŋ kyan na hlâw sruot.
[kjɛɴ na ɬɑˤw ʂyøʔ dʐøh tʰe pʂø jo ɲuʔ bjɑw ʔiɴ jo luo tʰe ɲa ʔɑɴ kjɛɴ na ɬɑˤw ʂyøʔ]
language REL be.under heaven inspire.IPFV DIRECT.EVID INV 3.S use.IPFV part CONJ 3.S EQU.IPFV DIRECT.EVID NEG EMPH language REL be.under heaven
It is partially inspired by Sinitic but is not Sinitic at all.

Re: Conlang fluency thread

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2023 10:50 pm
by Travis B.
Ńak gîu brik zram kyan na hlâw sruot kek qha mâk.
[ɲɑʔ ɡɤˤ bʐɯʔ ʐaɴ kjɛɴ na ɬɑˤw ʂyøʔ kɤʔ qʰa mɑˤʔ]
split.PFV RESULT pitch way language REL be.under heaven be.obvious DED.EVID overly
A Sinitic-style tone split would be too obvious.

Re: Conlang fluency thread

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2023 11:01 pm
by Imralu
bradrn wrote: Mon Apr 10, 2023 5:07 pm Jiŋinir nîluk nhɛ́ŋɛn ɛlugim Lhatin nhabɛmi yegul yeyod’yod (e.g. Babm).
/d͡ʒiŋiɲir ɲíluk ɡɛ́ŋɛ́n ɛluɡim jat͡ʃin ɡabɛmi jegul jejodjod/
I like languages which use Latin letters as a non-alphabet (e.g. Babm).
Ne dyibwo Wikipediai ngegyo ya hi:
[ne ˈdʒibwo ˈwikipeɾiai̯ ˈŋegjo ja ˈhi]
undergoA foreign.word Wikipedia-COP writeA GEN DEM
Wikipedia says:
Wikipedia wrote:Okamoto first published the language in his 1962 book, The Simplest Universal Auxiliary Language Babm,[1] but the language has not caught on even within the constructed language community, and does not have any known current speakers.[2]
Nai zemwe vwemi zyu mai gwo gi mwemwe dyoho zyange ye dzozye u ndei lo ye be va u bai de ndyo le zyange dzozye.
[nai̯ ˌzemwe ˈvwemi ʒu ˈmai̯ gwo gi ˌmwemwe ˌdʒoho ˈʒaŋe je ˈdzoʒeu̯ ˈndei̯ lo be ˈvau̯ ˈbai̯ ɾe ˌndʒo le ˌʒaŋe ˈdzoʒe]
1S-COP unableE thinkA GEN.C what-COP hypotheticalE mildE possibleE acceptA language ESS caused SIT goal-COP situation ESS helpA all SIT extremeA-COP DEF.SGA group loveA language causedE
I can't think who would be less likely to accept an IAL than the constructed language community.

Re: Conlang fluency thread

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2023 11:19 pm
by Travis B.
May hwoŋ źe Okamoto ŋgyoŋ syâr rieu hyaw.
[mɛj ʍoɴ ʑe ʔokamoto ŋɡjoɴ sjæˤɻ ɻɯɤ çɑw]
1.S wonder.IPFV EGO Okamoto justify.PFV write.IPFV ACTION way.INT
I wonder how Okamoto justified his orthography.

Re: Conlang fluency thread

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2023 11:21 pm
by Imralu
Travis B. wrote: Mon Apr 10, 2023 11:19 pm May hwoŋ źe Okamoto ŋgyoŋ syâr rieu hyaw.
[mɛj ʍoɴ ʑe ʔokamoto ŋɡjoɴ sjæˤɻ ɻɯɤ çɑw]
1.S wonder.IPFV EGO Okamoto justify.PFV write.IPFV ACTION way.INT
I wonder how Okamoto justified his orthography.
I di, ha?
[i ˈdi | ˈha]
COP smallE | Q
It's compact, isn't it?

Re: Conlang fluency thread

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2023 11:27 pm
by Travis B.
Bya luo qha hwôk śin na kaw hey qwhoh yo.
[bja luo qʰa ʍɔˤʔ ɕiɴ na kɑw hej qʷʰoh jo]
DIST EQU.IPFV DED.EVID maybe reason REL person NEG speak.IPFV 3.S
Maybe that is why no one speaks it.

Re: Conlang fluency thread

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2023 1:11 am
by xxx

(me liking languages naming one sense which naming one word which naming one sound me not liking languages with many words numbered by them...)
I prefer semantic primes languages than nomenclature languages...

Re: Conlang fluency thread

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2023 5:07 am
by jal
xxx wrote: Tue Apr 11, 2023 1:11 amg»HuÁv®¬¯g½±g¬`~®Ng¬`g®Ng¬`2®Tg»HuÁv®¬Àg½±Ùµ®g½±²d®¬g½±¼
Yu fo ray af gi minu glos, dis luk sem randm karakta-dem.
You really need to provide a gloss, this looks like random characters.


Re: Conlang fluency thread

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2023 5:14 am
by jal
Travis B. wrote: Mon Apr 10, 2023 8:21 pmIt does not work!
No kompyuca sta mek don imsef.
No computer does things by itself.


Re: Conlang fluency thread

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2023 8:18 am
by xxx
jal wrote: Tue Apr 11, 2023 5:07 am
xxx wrote: Tue Apr 11, 2023 1:11 amg»HuÁv®¬¯g½±g¬`~®Ng¬`g®Ng¬`2®Tg»HuÁv®¬Àg½±Ùµ®g½±²d®¬g½±¼
Yu fo ray af gi minu glos, dis luk sem randm karakta-dem.
You really need to provide a gloss, this looks like random characters.
(me having said understood by you, this word seen as the word wanted by you...)

my English text is a back-translation, like a gloss for an isolating language, as you did with your quasi-English...

Re: Conlang fluency thread

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2023 8:49 am
by masako
xxx wrote: Tue Apr 11, 2023 8:18 am g»g¬P~®¬Ph»Tg½2®½g½g®¬h»
ya kunatse
Looks like crap.

Re: Conlang fluency thread

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2023 9:25 am
by xxx
(crap containing a blast of power to heaven...)
there is in a carcass an unsuspected poetic potential...

Re: Conlang fluency thread

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2023 10:37 am
by jal
xxx wrote: Tue Apr 11, 2023 8:18 ammy English text is a back-translation, like a gloss for an isolated language, as you did with your quasi-English...
Fehs, yu fo bway in cende a wo ting glos ste, and nesfa, it in won fi rof-mos mi kol Sajiwan "kantafit Inggles".
First, you obviously don't understand what a gloss is, and secondly, there's no need to insult me and call Sajiwan "fake English".


Re: Conlang fluency thread

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2023 10:52 am
by Travis B.
xxx wrote: Tue Apr 11, 2023 9:25 am (crap containing a blast of power to heaven...)
Bya luo the ńa gyoh.
[bja luo tʰe ɲa ɡjoh]
That is not a gloss.

Re: Conlang fluency thread

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2023 11:00 am
by Travis B.
Sadźiwam luo the gyap aŋ khior iŋgyis
[sadʑiwaɴ luo tʰe ɡjaʔ ʔɑɴ kʰiʔøɻ ʔiŋɡjih]
Sajiwan EQU.IPFV DIRECT.EVID also EMPH creole English
Also, Sajiwan is an English creole.