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Re: Č'iramṳ - The Č'ira̤ language - for NaNoWriMo challenge

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2018 3:29 pm
by Mornche Geddick
Here is a description of the noun class concords and how they are used. I haven't departed much from my Bantu model here. A concord table follows tomorrow.

The Noun Class Concords

Class Prefix – attaches to nouns in the class, e.g bo-garenko V-golem
Verb subject – attaches to the verb e.g:

so-kunasɑ̤ so̤-rita; I-human-DEF ISUB-run; “the human runs”.
so-rodʒirɑ̤ so̤-noja; I-munkee-DEF ISUB-brachiate; “the munkee brachiates”.
so-luwebidɑ̤ so̤-p’ila; I-amphibimorph-DEF ISUB-swim; “the amphibimorph swims”.

Verb object – attaches to the verb root after the subject and any TAM markers e.g.

so-Jini bo-garenko̤ so̤-s’a̤-me̤-bo-pɑɫa;
I-Jini V-golem-DEF ISUB-PAST-CAU-VOBJ-die;
Jini killed the golem

Verb relative – attaches to the verbin place of the subject in a relative clause e.g.

ʃe-les so-Bede su-mṳ-lest’ola
IIIPL-rope I-Bede IREL-REV-rope-hold;
The ropes that Bede is untying.

tʃi-xʷike tʃi-s’a̤-rowuw̰a;
VII-mouse VIIREL-PAST-roar;
The mouse that roared.

Adjective – o + noun concord, attaches to the adjective e.g.

bo-garenko obo-dʒano;
V-golem VADJ-black
a black golem

so-goʃaxʷe oso-tusinoko:
I-dragon IADJ-beauty-ADJ
a beautiful dragon

so-pɑtɑsidɑ̤ oso-sirite
I-batti-DEF IADJ-happy
The happy batti.

Pronominal – attaches to demonstrative pronouns and anaphora. More on this later.

Enumerative – attaches to a noun labelled by a number. May be either the class or adjective prefix, according to the dialect of the speaker e.g.

three foxes

Possessive a + verb subject concord e.g.

so-malu aso̤̤-ʒub-ani ;
I-mother IPOS-love-NOM;
a mother’s love

ʧe-les aʧe̤-rambo;
III-rope IIIPOS-strength;
a rope’s strength.

Re: Č'iramṳ - The Č'ira̤ language - for NaNoWriMo challenge

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2018 3:41 pm
by Mornche Geddick
Pabappa wrote: Fri Nov 16, 2018 4:49 pm Did you mean to put four dots, not two, beneath all breathy vowels but /u/? I only ask because a similar curiosity on another thread turned out to be an error due to Unicode display problems and cut and paste.
Hi Pabappa. I've finally sorted out this "four dots" business. Just put the cursor right after the letter and press backspace. One set of dots goes and a breathy vowel is left.

Re: Č'iramṳ - The Č'ira̤ language - for NaNoWriMo challenge

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2018 3:36 am
by Mornche Geddick
The Noun Concord Table

Code: Select all

The Noun Concord Table

	a)	b)	c)	d)	e)	f)	g)	h)
I	so-	so̤̤-	so-	je-	su-	oso-	(o)so-	aso̤̤ 
IPL	nɑ-	nɑ̤-	nɑ-	tɑ-	nu-	unɑ̤-	(u)nɑ̤-	anɑ̤-
II	zo-	zo̤̤-	(z)o-	o-	zṳ-	ozo-	(o)zo-	azo̤̤-
IIPL	ze-	ze̤̤-	(z)e-	e-	zej-	uze-	(u)ze-	aze̤̤-
III	če-	če̤̤-	če-	li-	ču-	uče-	(u)če-	ače̤̤-
IIIPL	še-	še̤̤-	še-	si-	šej-	uše-	(u)še-	aše̤̤- 
IV	to-	do̤̤-	do̤̤-	tṳ-	tṳ-	oto-	(o)to-	ado̤̤-
IVPL	di-	di̤̤-	di-	ji-	ju-	udi-	(u)di-	adi̤̤-
V	bo-	bo̤̤-	bo-	mo-	bu-	obo-	(o)bo-	abo̤̤-
VPL	po-	po̤̤-	po-	me-	pu-	opo-	(o)po-	apo̤̤-
VI	s’i-	s’i̤̤-	si-	zi-	sij-	usi-	(u)si-	asi̤̤-
VIPL	še-	še̤̤-	še-	ži-	šu-	uše-	(u)še-	aše̤̤-
VII	če-	če̤̤-	či-	ši-	ču-	uči-	(u)či-	ači-
VIIPL	ze-	ze̤̤-	(z)e-	e-	zej-	uze-	(u)ze-	aze̤̤-
VIII	rɑ-	rɑ̤-	rɑ-	rɑ-	ru-	urɑ-	(u)rɑ-	arɑ̤-
IX	gɑ-	gɑ̤-	gɑ-	gɑ-	gu-	ugɑ-	(u)gɑ-	agɑ̤- 
X	ɫɑ-	ɫɑ̤-	ɫɑ-	ɫɑ-	ɫu-	ɫgɑ-	(u)ɫɑ-	aɫɑ̤-

Re: Č'iramṳ - The Č'ira̤ language - for NaNoWriMo challenge

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2018 3:37 am
by Mornche Geddick
Personal Pronoun Concords

1st and 2nd person singular and plural pronouns only have the b) verb subject, c) verb object, d) relative and h) possessive concords. 3rd person is identical to noun classes I and IPL.
b) c) d) h)

Code: Select all

1SING	te-	š-1	tej2-	tej-X-ina
1PL	le-	lo-	lej-	lej-X-ita
2SING	çe-	ço-	çej-	çej-X-esa
2PL	re-	ro-	rej-	rej-X-osa 
For possessives, the 1st and 2nd persons have both a prefix and a suffix.

1 The following consonant is converted to š.
2 The following consonant is palatalised.

Re: Č'iramṳ - The Č'ira̤ language - for NaNoWriMo challenge

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2018 3:35 pm
by Mornche Geddick
The Verb Structure
Mood Concord 1 Tense Aspect Concord 2 ROOT Extensions
Etc Object Passive
Mood Affixes

Indicative ø- Negative ɉṳ- Interrogative i(j)-
Tense Affixes

Past -ʃ’ɑ̤- Future -k’ṳ-

Aspect affixes

Inceptive -ki̤̤- Desiderative -k’ɑ̤- Causative -me̤̤- Reciprocal -k’i̤̤-
Abilitative -we̤̤- Continuous -go̤̤- Perfective -ni̤̤- Reversive -mṳ -
Obligative -?ɑ̤- Repetitive -rṳ- Once -ʝu- Twice -bɑʒ- ...etc.

Extension affixes

Passive -iʧ Conjunctive -zan Disjunctive - ɫom

1. It can be seen that the vast majority of the affixes have a breathy voice vowel. It is quite possible that the reason the subject concords have a breathy vowel is because they come in among the mood, tense and aspect affixes, which are breathy.

2. The minimum requirements are SUBJECT CONCORD + ROOT.

3. The aspect and extension affixes are probably not exhaustive. E.g., numbers can be inserted into the aspect slot to say that something is done n times.


so̤̤-ziba He / she sees
te̤̤-ziba I see
ɉṳ-çe̤̤-do̤̤-ziba You don’t see it (IV – inanimate).
re̤̤-ʃ’ɑ̤- bɑʒ-so-ziba You saw him twice.
I-lje̤̤-k’ṳ-si-ziba? Will we see it? (VI – landscape features or large animals)
çe̤̤-?ɑ̤-bo-ziba You must see it (V – magical objects).
s’i̤̤-go̤̤-zib- iʧ It is always seen (VISUBJ-CONT-see-PASS)
le̤̤-k’ṳ-k’i̤̤-rṳ-ziba We will see each other often.
re̤̤-k’ɑ̤-ɫɑ-ziba You(pl) want to see it (X, possibly the sea.)

Re: Č'iramṳ - The Č'ira̤ language - for NaNoWriMo challenge

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2018 4:03 pm
by Mornche Geddick
The most unusual thing about the Č'iramṳ number system is the number of alternative multiples, which vary according to local dialect. For example, one region might refer to the number 40 as 4x10, another as 2x20, and a third as 5x8.

Number in Č'iramṳ

1 ʝu
2 c, baʒ in compounds.
3 bow̥, boxʷ in compounds.
4 p’osa
5 ɫej
6 çijɑ, or baʒbow̥
7 çowɑ
8 baʒp’osa
9 ʝusa (thought to derive from a word meaning “one less than”) or boxʷbow̥
10 s’eta, or (rarely) baʒɫej

After this, things get messier. There are alternatives based on multiples of two, three, four, or even five.

11 ʝus’eta (one + ten). Previously (and sometimes still) ʝuzans’eta (from the conjunct affix).
12 baʒçijɑ : “twice six”.
13 bow̥(zan)s’eta
14 baʒçowɑ or p’osa(zan)s’eta
15 ɫesjeta, or boxʷɫej
16 baʒbaʒp’osa, p’osp’osa, p’oʃp’osa, çijɑ(zan)s’eta, or baʒbow̥(zan)s’eta
17 çowɑ(zan)s’eta
18 baʒʝusa, boxʷijɑ (from boxʷçijɑ), baʒp’osas’eta
19 ʝusas’eta
20 t’ɑgo, (rare) p’oʃɫej or (rare) ɫejp’osa
21 ʝu(zan)t’ɑgo
22 bat’ɑgo
23 bot’ɑgo
24 p’osat’ɑgo, p’oçijɑ
25 ɫet’ɑgo, ɫeɫej
26 çijɑt’ɑgo
27 çowɑt’ɑgo, boxʷʝusa
28 baʒp’osat’ɑgo, p’oçowɑ
29 ʝusat’ɑgo
30 bow̥eta
31 ʝubow̥eta
32 babow̥eta, p’osbaʒp’osa
33 bow̥bow̥eta
34 p’osabow̥eta
35 ɫeçowɑ, ɫejbow̥eta
36 çijɑbow̥eta, çiçijɑ, etc
37 çowɑbow̥eta
38 baʒp’osabow̥eta
39 ʝusabow̥eta
40 baʒt’ɑgo
49 ʝusabaʒt’ɑgo, çoçowɑ
50 ɫeta
60 boxʷt’ɑgo
64 p’osaboxʷt’ɑgo, or baʒp’osbaʒp’osa
70 çoweta
80 p’ost’ɑgo
81 ʝup’ost’ɑgo, or ʝusʝusa
90 ʝuseta (NB, the only phomenic difference between 90 and 11 is the ejective s’).
100 ɫet’ɑgo, or s’es’eta, or ɫɑgo

For hundreds, the conjunct zan is required:

101 ʝuzan ɫet’ɑgo
102 bazan ɫet’ɑgo
103 bow̥zan ɫet’ɑgo
109 ʝusazan ɫet’ɑgo, BUT
110 ɫet’ɑgozan s’eta
120 s’es’etazan t’ɑgo, or ɫet’ɑgozan t’ɑgo
200 p’osɫeta, p’oʃɫeta, p’o ɫeta, baʒɫɑgo
300 boxʷɫeta, çitʃ’ɑgo, boxʷɫɑgo, boɫɑgo
400 ʃ’ama
8000 p’ɑgʷuno
16’000 be̤gʷow̰ɑʒ
320’000 me̤gʷow̰ɑʒ
6’400’000 s’e̤gʷow̰ɑʒ
12’800’000 ze̤gʷow̰ɑʒ

Higher numbers follow a pattern similar to that of English million, billion, trillion, etc.