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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2018 4:15 pm
by dɮ the phoneme
/ˌaʃænˈdøsø/ <Ashaendoesoe>

/p b t d k g/ <p b t d k g>
/f v s z ʃ ʒ x ɣ/ <f v s z sh zh kh gh>
/ts dz/ <c j>
/m n ŋ/ <m n ng>
/l r w j/ <l r w y>

/i y ᵼ u/ <i ue eu u>
/e ø ə o/ <e oe eo o>
/æ œ ʌ a/ <ae oa ao a>


/ɕðà ʑě/

/p t tʂ k q/
/t' tɬ' ts' tʂ' tɕ'/
/d dɮ dʑ/
/ɓ ɗ/
/m n ɲ ŋ/
/f s ɬ ʂ ɕ x 𝜒 h/
/v ð ʑ/
/r l j w/
/i y ɨ˞ u/
/e ø ɚ ɤ o/
/a a˞/

three tones: /á à ǎ/

/ɕá ɤ̌r st’ánhì ø̌t dɮɤ̀ epk’ǿp stý bǒpkʂré ø̌t ɗè à nʂktɚ̌/

Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2018 5:05 pm
by Zaarin
/ɕðà ʑě/ Xza Źê

/p t tʂ k q/ <p t c k q>
/t' tɬ' ts' tʂ' tɕ'/ <ṗ ṭ ḷ ṣ c̣ x̣>
/d dɮ dʑ/ <d ł j>
/ɓ ɗ/ <ḅ ḍ>
/m n ɲ ŋ/ <m n ń ñ>
/f s ɬ ʂ ɕ x 𝜒 h/ <f s ś š x ḫ ḩ h>
/v ð ʑ/ <v z ź>
/r l j w/ <r l y w>
/i y ɨ˞ u/ <i ü ir u>
/e ø ɚ ɤ o/ <e ø er ö o>
/a a˞/ <a ar>

three tones: /á à ǎ/ <á a â>

Xá ö̂r sṭánhi ø̂t łö epḳǿp stǘ bôpkšré ø̂t ḍe a nšktêr.
/ɕá ɤ̌r st’ánhì ø̌t dɮɤ̀ epk’ǿp stý bǒpkʂré ø̌t ɗè à nʂktɚ̌/

/k'/ doesn't appear in the phoneme list, but I transcribed it as <ḳ> in the example text...This forum's font wreaks havoc with combined diacritics.

Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2018 5:06 pm
by mèþru
Reposting from the old board:

More: show
I wrote:From a civil war alternate history that I'm working on
Korea is a French protectorate, here's the French scheme for romanizing Hangul (Chinese characters are removed from the orthography):

ㄱ ㄲ ㄴ ㄷ ㄸ ㄹ ㅁ ㅂ ㅃ ㅅ ㅆ ㅈ ㅉ ㅊ ㅋ ㅌ ㅍ ㅎ
c k n t tt n m p pp s ss x xx x' c' t' p' h
ㅇ is omitted, ㄴ is r for French loanwords

Medial onsets and medials after ㄴ:
ㄱ ㄲ ㄴ ㄷ ㄸ ㄹ ㅁ ㅂ ㅃ ㅅ ㅆ ㅈ ㅉ ㅊ ㅋ ㅌ ㅍ ㅎ
g ck n d tt r m b pp z ss j jj c' t' p' h
ㅇ is omitted
ㄴ is l after itself except in some loans, n after nasal except in some loans

Medial coda:
ㄱ ㄲ ㄴ ㄷ ㄸ ㄹ ㅁ ㅂ ㅃ ㅅ ㅆ ㅈ ㅉ ㅇ ㅊ ㅋ ㅌ ㅍ ㅎ
c ck n t tt l m p pp s ss x xx ng x' c' t' p'
ㄴ is r before ㅎ

ㄱ ㄲ ㄴ ㄷ ㄹ ㅁ ㅂ ㅅ ㅆ ㅇ ㅈ ㅊ ㅋ ㅌ ㅍ
c ck n t l p p st sst ng xt c't t' p'
ㅏ ㅐ ㅑ ㅒ ㅓ ㅔ ㅕ ㅖ ㅗ ㅘ ㅙ ㅚ ㅛ ㅜ ㅝ ㅞ ㅟ ㅠ ㅡ ㅢ ㅣ
a è ya yè eo e yeo ye o oua ouè œ yo ou oueu oue ui you eu yeu i[/quote]
Japanese (This romanisation is probably depreciated after Ezo rejoins Japan, an event that I came up with much after making the romanisation)
More: show
I wrote:Now for the French romanisation of Japanese, the standard romanisation of the Republic of Ezo:

Nippongo (or Ezogo)
あ い う え お
a i u e o
か き く け こ きゃ きゅ きょ
ca qui qu que co quia quiu quio
が ぎ ぐ げ ご ぎゃ ぎゅ ぎょ
ga gui gu gue go guia guiu guio
さ し す せ そ しゃ しゅ しょ
sa chi su se so cha chu cho
ざ じ ず ぜ ぞ じゃ じゅ じょ
za ji zu ze zo ja ju jo
た ち つ て と ちゃ ちゅ ちょ
ta tchi tsu tche to tcha tchu tcho
だ ぢ づ で ど ぢゃ ぢゅ ぢょ
da dji dzu de do dja dju djo
な に ぬ ね の にゃ にゅ にょ
na ni nu ne no gna gnu gno
は ひ ふ へ ほ ひゃ ひゅ ひょ
ha ci fu he ho cia ciu cio
ぱ ぴ ぷ ぺ ぽ ぴゃ ぴゅ ぴょ
pa pi pu pe po pia piu pio
ば び ぶ べ ぼ びゃ びゅ びょ
ba bi bu be bo bia biu bio
ま み む め も みゃ みゅ みょ
ma mi mu me mo mia miu mio
や ゆ よ
ya yu yo
ら り る れ ろ りゃ りゅ りょ
ra li ru re ro la lu lo
わ ゐ ゑ を
wa wi we wo


long vowels are marked with a circumflex
I wrote:Made a mistake, it should be <oua oui oue ouo>. Long o + vowel is <ouä ouï ouë ouö>

Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 3:53 pm
by Zju
Some unnamed lang

/p t t͡ʃ k/
/s ʃ/
/m n j w/
/r l ɻʷ ɭʷ/

/ɑ ɯ ɔ u ɛ i/
/ɑ˥ ɑ˩ .../

Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 8:50 pm
by Nortaneous

/p t tʂ k q/ <p t c k q>
/t' tɬ' ts' tʂ' tɕ'/ <t' l' s' c' j'>
/d dɮ dʑ/ <d dl j>
/ɓ ɗ/ <b d'>
/m n ɲ ŋ/ <m n ñ g>
/f s ɬ ʂ ɕ x 𝜒 h/ <f s ł š ś x x̌ h>
/v ð ʑ/ <v z ź>
/r l j w/ <r l y w>
/i y ɨ˞ u/ <i ui ir uu>
/e ø ɚ ɤ o/ <e oi or o ou>
/a a˞/ <a ar>

three tones: /á à ǎ/ <a à ā>

śa ōr st'anhì ōit dlò epk'oip stui bōpkšre ōit d'è à nšktōr


/p t t͡ʃ k/ <p t ch k>
/s ʃ/ <s sh>
/m n j w/ <m n y w>
/r l ɻʷ ɭʷ/ <r l wr wl>

/ɑ ɯ ɔ u ɛ i/ <a u o ou e i>
/ɑ˥ ɑ˩ .../ <a à>

Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 3:31 pm
by dɮ the phoneme
/p t t͡ʃ k/ <p t č k>
/s ʃ/ <s š>
/m n j w/ <m n y w>
/r l ɻʷ ɭʷ/ <r l rw lw>

/ɑ ɯ ɔ u ɛ i/ <a eu o u e i>
/ɑ˥ ɑ˩ .../ <á a>, /ɯ˥/ written <éu>



/p pʲ t tʲ ʈ tʃ tʂ k/
/b bʲ d dʲ ɖ dʐ dʒ/
/f fʲ s ʃ ʂ x/
/v vʲ z ʒ ʐ ɣ/
/r ɻ l ɭ j w/
/m mʲ n ɲ ɳ ŋ/

/i y u/
/e ø o/

/køʒʒamk pʲanepʃ ʃiɻksets pʲitʃpivlydʒaʃ dʲo sputs pʲaskyɳas bøxxums/

Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 5:16 pm
by Nortaneous
as Pannonian, why not

from Latin:
/p pʲ t tʲ ʈ tʃ tʂ k/ <p pi t ti tł ci č>
/b bʲ d dʲ ɖ dʐ dʒ/ <b bi d di dł dž dzi>
/f fʲ s ʃ ʂ x/ <f fi s si š ch>
/v vʲ z ʒ ʐ ɣ/ <v vi z zi ž ł>
/r ɻ l ɭ j w/ <rr r l łł y w>
/m mʲ n ɲ ɳ ŋ/ <m mi n ni łn ng>

/i y u/ <i~õ ü u>
/e ø o/ <e ö o>
/a/ <a>

/køʒʒamk pʲanepʃ ʃiɻksets pʲitʃpivlydʒaʃ dʲo sputs pʲaskyɳas bøxxums/
köžžamk pianepś sirksec pićpõvlüdziaś dio spuc piasküłnas böchchums

from romanization of the native script:
/p pʲ t tʲ ʈ tʃ tʂ k/ <p ṕ t t́ łt ć c̣ k>
/b bʲ d dʲ ɖ dʐ dʒ/ <b b́ d d́ łd ʒ̣ ʒ>
/f fʲ s ʃ ʂ x/ <f f́ s ś ṣ x>
/v vʲ z ʒ ʐ ɣ/ <v v́ dł d́ł ḍł ł>
/r ɻ l ɭ j w/ <r̄ r l ł̄ y w>
/m mʲ n ɲ ɳ ŋ/ <m ḿ n ń łn ŋ>

/i y u/ <i~õ u ō>
/e ø o/ <jë~ai wë â>
/a/ <a>

kwëḍ̄ł̄amk ṕanaipś sirksaitł pićpõvluʒ́aś d́â spōtł ṕaskułnas bwëx̄ums

Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 7:25 pm
by Travis B.

/m n/
/b d dz dʐ ɡ/
/pʰ tʰ tsʰ tʂʰ kʰ qʰ/
/pʼ tʼ tsʼ tʂʼ kʼ qʼ ʔ/
/s ʂ ɕ χ h/
/z ʐ ʑ ʁ/
/ɾ l/
/w j/

/i e ɛ a ə ɔ o u/
/ɛ̃ ã ɔ̃/

Stress is phonemic, and can be on any of the last three syllables of a word. Consonant length is also phonemic. There is no phonemic vowel length. All syllables are CV or CVC, with the exception of some unstressed words which are VC. Vowel nasalization is independent of nasal consonants, i.e. nasal vowels can precede both oral and nasal consonants and can be word-final, and oral vowels can do the same. However, nasal vowels cannot precede two consonants or a word-final consonant.

/ˈsilã ne ˈɾiɕə ˈʂadnewə ɡo nə | laˈqʰaɾ ɕɛ̃ ˈɡɛ̃tsʰəɾi ˈsilmə ˈsalo ləɕˈbowə ɡo/

Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 10:22 pm
by bbbosborne
/laˈqʰaɾ/ laqár

/m n/ m n
/b d dz dʐ ɡ/ b d dz dj g
/pʰ tʰ tsʰ tʂʰ kʰ qʰ/ p t c ch k q
/pʼ tʼ tsʼ tʂʼ kʼ qʼ ʔ/ p' t' c' ch' k' q' '
/s ʂ ɕ χ h/ s sh x k h
/z ʐ ʑ ʁ/ z zh j rh
/ɾ l/ r l
/w j/ w y

/i e ɛ a ə ɔ o u/ i ei e a ë o ou u
/ɛ̃ ã ɔ̃/ ę ą ǫ

stress marked with accent diacritic

/ˈsilã ne ˈɾiɕə ˈʂadnewə ɡo nə | laˈqʰaɾ ɕɛ̃ ˈɡɛ̃tsʰəɾi ˈsilmə ˈsalo ləɕˈbowə ɡo/
sílą nei ríshë shádneiwë gou në | laqár xę gę́tsëri. sílmë sálou lëxbóúwë gou.

Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 10:37 pm
by Travis B.
This is an alternative spelling from my normal one:

/laˈqʰaɾ/ laqhaar

/m n/ m n
/b d dz dʐ ɡ/ b d dz dr g
/pʰ tʰ tsʰ tʂʰ kʰ qʰ/ ph th tsh trh kh qh
/pʼ tʼ tsʼ tʂʼ kʼ qʼ ʔ/ p t ts tr k q 0
/s ʂ ɕ χ h/ s sr sy x h
/z ʐ ʑ ʁ/ z zr zy j
/ɾ l/ r l
/w j/ w y

/i e ɛ a ə ɔ o u/ i é è a e ò o u
/ɛ̃ ã ɔ̃/ ę ą ǫ

Stress is marked by doubling the vowel letter of a given syllable.

/ˈsilã ne ˈɾiɕə ˈʂadnewə ɡo nə | laˈqʰaɾ ɕɛ̃ ˈɡɛ̃tsʰəɾi ˈsilmə ˈsalo ləɕˈbowə ɡo/
Siilą né riisye sraadnéwe go ne. Laqhaar syę gęętsheri siilme saalo lesyboowe go.

Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 12:10 am
by Nortaneous
/m n/ <m n>
/b d dz dʐ ɡ/ <bb dd zz dh gg>
/pʰ tʰ tsʰ tʂʰ kʰ qʰ/ <p t c ch k kv>
/pʼ tʼ tsʼ tʂʼ kʼ qʼ ʔ/ <b d z zh g gv '>
/s ʂ ɕ χ h/ <s sh x h hv>
/z ʐ ʑ ʁ/ <ss rr xx v>
/ɾ l/ <r l>
/w j/ <w y>

/i e ɛ a ə ɔ o u/ <i ei ae a e o ou u>
/ɛ̃ ã ɔ̃/ <eng ang ong>

/ˈsilã ne ˈɾiɕə ˈʂadnewə ɡo nə | laˈqʰaɾ ɕɛ̃ ˈɡɛ̃tsʰəɾi ˈsilmə ˈsalo ləɕˈbowə ɡo/
Silang nei ríxe shaddneiwe ggou ne, lakvár xaeng ggengceri silme salou lexbbóuwe ggou.

Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 11:01 am
by Knit Tie
/m n ɲ ŋ/
/p t k/
/ᵐb~mᵇ ⁿd~nᵈ ᶮdʒ~ɲᵈᶾ ᵑɡ~ŋᶢ/
/f s ʃ x h/
/w ɾ l j/

/i iː ɪ~e eː ɛ ɛː æ æː ɑ ɑː ɔ ɔː o~ʊ u uː/

(C)V(C) ayllable structure, with biconsonantal clusters allowed. Nasal+consonant clusters are strictly forbidden in native words, as they all have ossified into prenasalised consonants diachronically. Only clusters allowed with prenasalised consonants are ones with liquids in the second position. Prenalalised consonants dissimilate into nasals at the correspondinɡ POA when followinɡ, after a vowel, another prenasalised consonant.

Prenasalised consonants are consistently becoming post-stopped nasals for yourger speakers, with the nasal past now being almost twice as long as the oral part in some cases.

Plosives, /f/ and /s/ are usually voiced intervocalically and after lonɡ vowels, /ts/ and the rest of sibilants are never voiced. /ts/ may become /tʃ/ before hiɡh front vowels for yoinɡer speakers, in which allophonic form it is likewise never voiced.

/nᵈemæːnᵈem bɛlɛ, jiːwoːɾokɑjnenᵈ ʃɛndɑsŋitijɛːxɔluːtuwɛːtijɛːnɛjimætɑmᵇæːti/

Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 6:01 pm
by Travis B.
This is my standard orthography:

/laˈqʰaɾ/ laqhaar

/m n/ m n
/b d dz dʐ ɡ/ b d j ǰ g
/pʰ tʰ tsʰ tʂʰ kʰ qʰ/ p t c č k q
/pʼ tʼ tsʼ tʂʼ kʼ qʼ ʔ/ p' t' c' č' k' q' 0
/s ʂ ɕ χ h/ s š ś x h
/z ʐ ʑ ʁ/ z ž ź ġ
/ɾ l/ r l
/w j/ w y

When stressed:

/i e ɛ a ɔ o u/ í é è á ò ó ú
/ɛ̃ ã ɔ̃/ ẽ ã õ

When unstressed:

/i e ɛ a ə ɔ o u/ i e ê a ə ô o u
/ɛ̃ ã ɔ̃/ ę ą ǫ

Stress is marked by doubling the vowel letter of a given syllable.

/ˈsilã ne ˈɾiɕə ˈʂadnewə ɡo nə | laˈqʰaɾ ɕɛ̃ ˈɡɛ̃tsʰəɾi ˈsilmə ˈsalo ləɕˈbowə ɡo/
Sílą ne ríśə šádnewə go nə. Laqár śę gẽcəri sílmə sálo ləšbówə go.

Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 6:25 pm
by Travis B.
/m n ɲ ŋ/ m n ń ŋ
/p t k/ p t k
/ts/ c
/ᵐb~mᵇ ⁿd~nᵈ ᶮdʒ~ɲᵈᶾ ᵑɡ~ŋᶢ/ b d j g
/f s ʃ x h/ f s ś x h
/w ɾ l j/ w r l y

/i iː ɪ~e eː ɛ ɛː æ æː ɑ ɑː ɔ ɔː o~ʊ oː u uː/
i ii é éé e ee ä ää a aa o oo ó óó u uu

/nᵈemæːnᵈem bɛlɛ, jiːwoːɾokɑjnenᵈ ʃɛndɑsŋitijɛːxɔluːtuwɛːtijɛːnɛjimætɑmᵇæːti/
démäädém bele, yiiwóórókaynéd

Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2018 2:53 am
by Nortaneous
/m n ɲ ŋ/ <m n ny ĝ>
/p t k/ <p t k>
/ts/ <z>
/ᵐb~mᵇ ⁿd~nᵈ ᶮdʒ~ɲᵈᶾ ᵑɡ~ŋᶢ/ <b d ž g>
/f s ʃ x h/ <f s š ḫ h>
/w ɾ l j/ <w r l y>

/i iː ɪ~e eː ɛ ɛː æ æː ɑ ɑː ɔ ɔː o~ʊ u uː/ <i ī é ê e ē á â a ā o ō ó ô u ū>

/nᵈemæːnᵈem bɛlɛ, jiːwoːɾokɑjnenᵈ ʃɛndɑsŋitijɛːxɔluːtuwɛːtijɛːnɛjimætɑmᵇæːti/
Démâdém bele, yīwôrôkaynéd šedasĝitiyēḫolūtuwētiyēneyimátabâti.

Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2018 1:29 pm
by Knit Tie
My own take:
m n ɲ ŋ/ <m n ñ ŋ>
/p t k/ <p~b t~d k~g>
/ts/ <ts>
/ᵐb~mᵇ ⁿd~nᵈ ᶮdʒ~ɲᵈᶾ ᵑɡ~ŋᶢ/ <mb nd nj ng>
/f s ʃ x h/ <f s š x h>
/w ɾ l j/ <v r l j>

/i iː ɪ~e eː ɛ ɛː æ æː ɑ ɑː ɔ ɔː o~ʊ u uː/ <y y´ i ı´ e e´ æ æ´ a a´ o o´ u u´ w w´>k

/nᵈemæːnᵈem pɛlɛ, jiːwoːɾokɑjnenᵈ ʃɛnᵈɑsŋitijɛːxɔluːtuwɛːtijɛːnɛjimætɑmᵇæːti/

⟨ndimæ´ndim bele, jy´vu´ruɡajnind šendasŋydyje´xolw´dwve´dyje´nejymædambæ´di⟩

Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2018 2:57 pm
by mèþru
<m n ň ŋ
p t k
b d ž g
f s š x h
v r l j>

/i iː u uː e~ɪ eː o~ʊ oː ɛ ɛː ɔ ɔː æ æː ɑ ɑː/ <i ii u uu é éé ó óó e ee o oo a aa å åå>

Démaadem bele, jiivóórókåjned šedåsŋitijeexoluutuveetijeenejimatåbaati.

Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2018 4:38 am
by Karch
/m n ɲ ŋ/ <m n ny ng>
/p t k/ <p t k>
/ts/ <ts>
/ᵐb~mᵇ ⁿd~nᵈ ᶮdʒ~ɲᵈᶾ ᵑɡ~ŋᶢ/ <mb nd nj ngg>
/f s ʃ x h/ <f s sh x h>
/w ɾ l j/ <w r l y>

/i iː ɪ~e eː ɛ ɛː æ æː ɑ ɑː ɔ ɔː o~ʊ u uː/ <i ii é éé e ee á áá a aa o oo ó óó u uu>

(C)V(C) ayllable structure, with biconsonantal clusters allowed. Nasal+consonant clusters are strictly forbidden in native words, as they all have ossified into prenasalised consonants diachronically. Only clusters allowed with prenasalised consonants are ones with liquids in the second position. Prenalalised consonants dissimilate into nasals at the correspondinɡ POA when followinɡ, after a vowel, another prenasalised consonant.

Prenasalised consonants are consistently becoming post-stopped nasals for yourger speakers, with the nasal past now being almost twice as long as the oral part in some cases.

Plosives, /f/ and /s/ are usually voiced intervocalically and after lonɡ vowels, /ts/ and the rest of sibilants are never voiced. /ts/ may become /tʃ/ before hiɡh front vowels for yoinɡer speakers, in which allophonic form it is likewise never voiced.

/nᵈemæːnᵈem bɛlɛ, jiːwoːɾokɑjnenᵈ ʃɛndɑsŋitijɛːxɔluːtuwɛːtijɛːnɛjimætɑmᵇæːti/

Ndémáándém bele, yiiwóórókainend shendasngitiyeexoluutuweetiyeeneyimátambááti.

The words are rather long. What are the morphemes?


/laˈqʰaɾ/ <Laqa-r>

/m n/ <m n>
/b d dz dʐ ɡ/ <b d dz j g>
/pʰ tʰ tsʰ tʂʰ kʰ qʰ/ <p t c rh k q>
/pʼ tʼ tsʼ tʂʼ kʼ qʼ ʔ/ <p' t' c' r' k' q' 7>
/s ʂ ɕ χ h/ <s sh sy x h>
/z ʐ ʑ ʁ/ <z zh zy gh>
/ɾ l/ <r l>
/w j/ <w y>

/i e ɛ a ə ɔ o u/ <i e ae aa a ao o u>
/ɛ̃ ã ɔ̃/ <eng ang ong>

Stress is phonemic (<V-> except in the last syllable, where it's written <V-C#> or <-V#>) and unwritten when penultimate, and can be on any of the last three syllables of a word. Consonant length is also phonemic. There is no phonemic vowel length. All syllables are CV or CVC, with the exception of some unstressed words which are VC. Vowel nasalization is independent of nasal consonants, i.e. nasal vowels can precede both oral and nasal consonants and can be word-final, and oral vowels can do the same. However, nasal vowels cannot precede two consonants or a word-final consonant.

/ˈsilã ne ˈɾiɕə ˈʂadnewə ɡo nə | laˈqʰaɾ ɕɛ̃ ˈɡɛ̃tsʰəɾi ˈsilmə ˈsalo ləɕˈbowə ɡo/

Silang ne risya shaad-newa go na, laqa-r syeng geng-tsari silma saalo lasybowa go.


/kylks/ <Külks>

/p pʲ t tʲ ʈ tʃ tʂ k/ <p p' t t' ṭ ć č k>
/b bʲ d dʲ ɖ dʐ dʒ/ <b b' d d' ḍ ǯ ʒ́>
/f fʲ s ʃ ʂ x/ <f f' s ś š h>
/v vʲ z ʒ ʐ ɣ/ <v v' z ź ž g>
/r ɻ l ɭ j w/ <r ṛ l ḷ y w>
/m mʲ n ɲ ɳ ŋ/ <m m' n ń ṇ ŋ>

/i y u/ <i ü u>
/e ø o/ <e ö o>
/a/ <a>

/køʒʒamk pʲanepʃ ʃiɻksets pʲitʃpivlydʒaʃ dʲo sputs pʲaskyɳas bøxxums/

Köźźamk p'anepś śiṛksets p'ičpivlüʒ́aś d'o sputs p'asküṇas böhhums.

Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2018 4:46 am
by Nortaneous
Amur Nivkh

/pʰ p b tʰ t d cʰ c ɟ kʰ k g qʰ q ɢ/
/f v r̥ r s z x ɣ ꭓ ʁ h/
/m n ɲ ŋ/
/l j w/
/a e ə o i u/

/hoʁoror r̥ə erqtox jajmaŋan r̥ə mi erqujn cavda meqr pʰŋafqxu əŋg hazɟɣu || hokoŋan joɣla haror̥ pandr pilŋan pʰətək ŋalagur̥ kʰəla nivx muɟ furu || ɲi vinəkta hə ɲivɣdox əɣmənəkta/

Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2018 2:51 pm
by Karch
/pʰ p b tʰ t d cʰ c ɟ kʰ k g qʰ q ɢ/ <ph p b th t d kh' k' g' kh k g qh q ɢ>
/f v r̥ r s z x ɣ ꭓ ʁ h/ <f v ṛ r s z x ɣ ẋ ɣ̇ h>
/m n ɲ ŋ/ <m n ń ŋ>
/l j w/ <l j w>
/a e ə o i u/ <a e ɘ o i u>

/hoʁoror r̥ə erqtox jajmaŋan r̥ə mi erqujn cavda meqr pʰŋafqxu əŋg hazɟɣu || hokoŋan joɣla haror̥ pandr pilŋan pʰətək ŋalagur̥ kʰəla nivx muɟ furu || ɲi vinəkta hə ɲivɣdox əɣmənəkta/

Hoɣ̇oror ʀɘ erqtox jajmaŋan ʀɘ mi erqujn k'avda meqr phŋafqxu ɘŋg hazg'ɣu. Hokoŋan joɣla haroʀ pandr pilŋan phɘtɘk ŋalaguʀ khɘla nivx mug' furu. Ńi vinɘkta hɘ ńivɣdox ɘɣmɘnɘkta.


/pʰ p b tʰ t d cʰ c ɟ kʰ k g qʰ q ɢ/ <p b bb t d dd ky gy ggy k g gg kv gv ggv>
/f v r̥ r s z x ɣ ꭓ ʁ h/ <f ff rh r s ss h hh v vv hv>
/m n ɲ ŋ/ <m n ny ng>
/l j w/ <l y w>
/a e ə o i u/ <a ei e o i u>

/hoʁoror r̥ə erqtox jajmaŋan r̥ə mi erqujn cavda meqr pʰŋafqxu əŋg hazɟɣu || hokoŋan joɣla haror̥ pandr pilŋan pʰətək ŋalagur̥ kʰəla nivx muɟ furu || ɲi vinəkta hə ɲivɣdox əɣmənəkta/

Hvovvoror rhe eirgvdoh yaymangan rhe mi eirgvuyn gyaffdda meigvr pngafgvhu eng'gg hassggyhhu. Hvogongan yohhla harorh banddr bilngan pedek ngalaggurh kela niffh muggy furu. Nyi ffinegda he nyiffhhddoh ehhmenegda.


/pʰ p b tʰ t d cʰ c ɟ kʰ k g qʰ q ɢ/ <f̣ p b th t d ṣ c j x̣ k g qh q ġ>
/f v r̥ r s z x ɣ ꭓ ʁ h/ <f v ṯh r s z x ḡ q̄h q̄ h>
/m n ɲ ŋ/ <m n ñ ŋ>
/l j w/ <l y w>
/a e ə o i u/ <a ē e o i u>

/hoʁoror r̥ə erqtox jajmaŋan r̥ə mi erqujn cavda meqr pʰŋafqxu əŋg hazɟɣu || hokoŋan joɣla haror̥ pandr pilŋan pʰətək ŋalagur̥ kʰəla nivx muɟ furu || ɲi vinəkta hə ɲivɣdox əɣmənəkta/

Hoq̄oror ṯhe ērqtox yaymaŋan ṯhe mi ērquyn cavda mēqr f̣ŋafqxu eŋg hazjḡu. Hokoŋan yoḡla haroṯh pandr pilŋan f̣etek ŋalaguṯh x̣ela nivx muj furu. Ñi vinekta he ñivḡdox eḡmenekta.