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Re: The glebst of gleb, V2.0
Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2018 9:54 pm
by bbbosborne
Pogostick Man wrote: ↑Thu Aug 16, 2018 9:12 pm
Yes, that is /k͡p͡x͡fˡ/, a labiodental-velar lateral affricate.
jesus wtf, i thought you accidetnally deleted a space or something. lmao that is incredible
Re: The glebst of gleb, V2.0
Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 6:37 am
by ÜberBen
I'm back for another batch of seeds!
#1221756627, Tixuḷqahash [tyXwuɭqaxaʃ]
/b t d ʈ ɖ t͡ʃ d͡ʒ k g gw q ɢ ʔ/
/ɸ s ʂ ʃ x X/
/l ɭ w/
/m n ɳ ɲ/
/i a u/
<b t d ṭ ḍ ch j k g gw q gh '>
<f s ṣ sh h x>
<l ḷ w>
/m n ṇ ny>
<i a u>
Syllable Structure:
The voiced stops are illegal codas
-Coronals become dental/retroflex according to the following coronal
-Stops and approximants assimilate in voice to a preceding obstruent/nasal, but /ʔ/ is unaffected
-/i/ turns to [ɨ] after a retroflex consonant or /w/
-Dorsal obstruents and nasals become labialized after /u w/, with /ɲ/ becoming [ŋw].
-Before a labialized consonant, /i/ becomes [y] and /a/ turns to [ə]
-Vowels nasalize before a nasal
-/n ɳ/ de-nasalize to /l ɭ/ before another one of /l ɭ/
-Dorsal obstruents and nasals assimilate in uvularity to a following dorsal obstruent/nasal
-Regular stops assimilate in voice to a following obstruent
-Nasals assimilate in POA to a following obstruent/nasal
-Coronal stops de-affricate and assimilate in POA to a following obstruent/nasal
-Front vowels centralize after an uvular obstruent or nasal
-/ɸ/ turns to /ʍ/ after an obstruent or nasal
Sample Sentence:
Nyi 'uṭaq ṣuif du ji fi iṭnak qa'a nyukugwa. Billana'u kitu ṣaṭha ilshan nufichuk?
[ɲi ʔuʈaq ʂuiɸ du d͡ʒi ɸi itnak qaʔa ŋwukwugwa billãnaʔu kitu ʂakxa ilʃãn nuɸit͡ʃuk]
And #1377463006, Pümipintüñgge [pỹmipintyŋɠɛ]
/p b ɓ t d ɗ c ɟ ʄ k g ɠ/ + Pre-Nasalization
/f s ʃ/
/m n ɲ/
/ɾ j w/
/i y ɛ œ a ɔ u/
<p b bb~b t d dd~d c j jj~j k g gg~g> + <m n ñ ñ>
<f s x>
<m n ñ>
<r y w>
<i ü e ö a o u>
Syllable Structure:
The implosives (plain and prenasalized) and the prenasalized voiceless stops are illegal codas
-Semivowels become mid-low before a lax vowel
-Unrounded vowels and semivowels become rounded after /w/, but low vowels become backen and /j/ becomes /w/
-Consonants + /w/ become labialized, but /ɲ/ becomes [ŋʷ]
-Labializing a palatal will result in a plain consonant
-/ɔ u/ centralize to [ɞ ʉ] before a non-dorsal consonant and [j ɛ̯]
-All stops, except for implosives, assimilate in voice to a following obstruent and become voiceless word-finally
-Before a voiced stop, fricatives lenit to resonants:
*Labialized fricatives become /w/
*/ʃ/ turn to /j/
*/s/ becomes /ɾ/
*/f/ is deleted
-Vowels nasalize before a nasal (but not before a prenasalized consonant)
-Labial obstruents/nasals become labiodental before /f/
-Prenasalised stops become nasals before an obstruent/nasal
-[ɛ̯ ɔ̯] become [e̯ o̯] before a high (semi)vowel
-Nasals assimilate in POA to a following obstruent/nasal
Sample Sentence:
Geap nojambbrunddöumba ggokundüe ñjjin eñcog onñgeñcödduñküñjrañgñjuñjjixö.
[gɛap nɔɟamɓɾʉnɗœʉmba ɠɔkʉndyɛ ɲʄĩn ɛɲcɔk ɞ̃nŋgeɲcœɗuŋkyɲɟɾaɲɲɟuɲʄiʃœ]
Re: The glebst of gleb, V2.0
Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 6:40 am
by ÜberBen
Bonus Points:
Given Pümipintüñgge's impressive consonant inventory, its original allophony rules were much more extensive before I sifted through them.
But amidst all the text, I found
Obstruents or nasals other than [ɲ ŋʲ ŋ̟ ŋ ŋʷ ɲc ɲcʼ ɲɟ ŋʲkʲ ŋʲkʲʼ ŋʲgʲ ŋk ŋkʼ ŋg ŋkʷ ŋkʷʼ ŋgʷ ɲʄ ɲʄ̰ ŋʲɠʲ ŋʲɠʲ̰ ŋɠ ŋɠ̰ ŋɠʷ ŋɠʷ̰ c cʼ ɟ kʲ kʲʼ gʲ k kʼ g kʷ kʷʼ gʷ ʄ ʄ̰ ɠʲ ɠʲ̰ ɠ ɠ̰ ɠʷ ɠʷ̰], i.e. [m mɓ d̻ʲ ...], persistently assimilate in dorsality and uvularity and palatalisation and whether palatal or palatalised velar to a following obstruent or nasal. Before a palatalised velar stop or nasal, rounded stops or nasals become non-palatalised velar velar; labiodental rounded stops or nasals become bilabial. Before a palatal consonant other than [j], rounded fricatives become velar and assimilate in whether palatal or palatalised velar. Before a velar stop or nasal, [ɸ ɸʲ f fʲ] become [ɰ̟̥ ɰ̟̥ ɰ̟̥ ɰ̟̥]. Before a palatal stop or nasal, rounded stops or nasals become velar. Before [ŋ̟], rounded obstruents or nasals become velar. Before a palatal or velar stop or nasal, coronal obstruents or nasals other than unrounded fricative sibilants become non-coronal and assimilate in palatalisation and whether palatal or palatalised velar; non-coronal fricatives become non-labial semivowels and assimilate in palatalisation and whether palatal or palatalised velar; rounded fricative sibilants become semivowels and assimilate in palatalisation and whether palatal or palatalised velar; unrounded fricative sibilants are deleted.
Re: The glebst of gleb, V2.0
Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 3:12 pm
by bbbosborne
ÜberBen wrote: ↑Sun Aug 26, 2018 6:40 am
Obstruents or nasals other than [ɲ ŋʲ ŋ̟ ŋ ŋʷ ɲc ɲcʼ ɲɟ ŋʲkʲ ŋʲkʲʼ ŋʲgʲ ŋk ŋkʼ ŋg ŋkʷ ŋkʷʼ ŋgʷ ɲʄ ɲʄ̰ ŋʲɠʲ ŋʲɠʲ̰ ŋɠ ŋɠ̰ ŋɠʷ ŋɠʷ̰ c cʼ ɟ kʲ kʲʼ gʲ k kʼ g kʷ kʷʼ gʷ ʄ ʄ̰ ɠʲ ɠʲ̰ ɠ ɠ̰ ɠʷ ɠʷ̰], i.e. [m mɓ d̻ʲ ...], persistently assimilate in dorsality and uvularity and palatalisation and whether palatal or palatalised velar to a following obstruent or nasal. Before a palatalised velar stop or nasal, rounded stops or nasals become non-palatalised velar velar; labiodental rounded stops or nasals become bilabial. Before a palatal consonant other than [j], rounded fricatives become velar and assimilate in whether palatal or palatalised velar. Before a velar stop or nasal, [ɸ ɸʲ f fʲ] become [ɰ̟̥ ɰ̟̥ ɰ̟̥ ɰ̟̥]. Before a palatal stop or nasal, rounded stops or nasals become velar. Before [ŋ̟], rounded obstruents or nasals become velar. Before a palatal or velar stop or nasal, coronal obstruents or nasals other than unrounded fricative sibilants become non-coronal and assimilate in palatalisation and whether palatal or palatalised velar; non-coronal fricatives become non-labial semivowels and assimilate in palatalisation and whether palatal or palatalised velar; rounded fricative sibilants become semivowels and assimilate in palatalisation and whether palatal or palatalised velar; unrounded fricative sibilants are deleted.
does there exist any natlang where this level of intense/obscure allophony is even remotely paralleled?
Re: The glebst of gleb, V2.0
Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 3:16 am
by ÜberBen
Two more seeds:
#1419142638, Ngí béi [ŋi pɛj]
/p pʰ t tʰ t͡s t͡sʰ t͡ʃ t͡ʃʰ t͡ɕ t͡ɕʰ k kʰ ʔ/
/ɸ s ʃ ɕ x h/
/l j w/
/m n ɲ ŋ/
/i ɛ ɨ ɜ ɑ ɔ u/ + Nasality
<b p d t z c zh ch j q g k '>
<f s sh x kh h>
<l y~i w~u>
<m n ny ng>
<í é i e a o u> + <h>
(The approximants are written as vowels when syllable-final)
Syllable Structure:
L /m n ɲ ŋ w l j/
-Nasals assimilate in POA to a following obstruent/nasal (Reflected in orthography)
-Unrounded vowels become back and rounded before /w/ (Reflected in orthography)
-Low vowels become mid-low before a semivowel (Reflected in orthography)
-Velar consonants labialize before a rounded vowel
-Oral vowels become long in open syllables
Sample Sentence:
Hantu o mo éh kahcung í denuh zé to ya xihmfai dohn wou ha.
[hɑntʰuː ɔː mɔː ɛ̃ kʰɑ̃t͡sʰuŋ iː tɜːnũ t͡sɛː tʰɔː jɑː ɕɨ̃mɸʌj tɔ̃n wɔw hɑː]
And #1421098854, K'utahker [k'utɑxceɾ]
/p p' b t t' d t͡s t͡s' k k'/
/f v s z x ɣ/
/m n/
/ɾ w/
/i e ɑ o u/
<p p' b t t' d ts ts' k k'>
<f v s z h x>
<m n>
<r w>
<i e a o u>
Syllable Structure:
N /m n f s x ɾ w/
R /m n ɾ w/
-/n/ assimilates in POA to the following obstruent/nasal
-/m/ becomes labiodental before /f/
-Velar consonants become palatal before /i e/
-Vowels nasalize before a nasal
-After palatalized consonant, /ɑ/ centralizes to /a/
Sample Sentence:
Mta erwiba fehtar k'arbaokom sdenrissewe, xohavu k'imar t'ionze mtsove amdu tiwhu rope.
[mtɑ eɾwibɑ fextɑɾ k'ɑɾbɑokõm sdẽnɾissewe ɣoxɑvu c'ĩmɑɾ t'iõnze mt͡sove ɑ̃mdu tiwxu ɾope]
Re: The glebst of gleb, V2.0
Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 10:51 am
by ÜberBen
bbbosborne wrote: ↑Sun Aug 26, 2018 3:12 pm
does there exist any natlang where this level of intense/obscure allophony is even remotely paralleled?
IMHO, absolutely not.
I know that Ubykh (Everyone's favorite kitchensink natlang) Has phonetic [ i e a o u ] + Length and [ə] from underlying /ə a/, with Abkhaz also getting impressive results (underlying /ɨ~ə a/ emerge as [i y e ø a aː o u]), but those are the result of quite simple rules.
It is very clear that that
thing is anything but natural, or even linguistically possible.
Re: The glebst of gleb, V2.0
Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2018 2:58 am
by ÜberBen
Oh boy, I got something really good this time.
#1448549904, Jagwkwohugwtjagwh [gʲægʷkʷɔhugʷtgʲægʷʍ]
/p b t d gʲ k g kʷ gʷ k͡p g͡b/
/ɸ s h/
/i ɛ æ ɔ u/
<p b t d j k g kw gw kp gb>
<f s h>
<i e a o u>
Syllable Structure: (I'm not kidding!)
G /gʲ gʷ/
/b d g͡b/ cannot be in the coda
-/u ɔ/ centralize to [ɨ ɜ] before /gʲ/ (Reflected in orthography, written as <y w>)
-Stops become aspirated when combined with /h/ or word-finally
-Stops de-voice word-finally
-Alveolar stops + /s/ => affricates
-All non-labial(ized) consonants labialize after /kʷ gʷ/, but /h/ becomes [ʍ] and /gʲ/ is unaffected
-Consonants other than [ʍ] assimilate in palatalisation to the following consonant:
*Before /gʲ/, labialized consonants become plain and /l/ becomes [j]
*Before any other consonant, /gʲ/ turns to /g/
Sample Sentence:
Kohkpe tijhjagadikppet syjgwgwadiilu gwi ba uboogwg gbifejgw ehejpbeliejj.
[kɔhk͡pɛ tighgʲægædik͡ppɛtʰ sɨggʷːædiilu gʷi bæ ubɔɔgʷkʷʰ g͡biɸɛgkʷʰ ɛhɛgpbɛliɛkʰʲː]
And #1459560375, Gerriqdeó [gɛriʔdɛo]
/p b mb t d nd t͡s d͡z nd͡z k g ŋg/
/f v s z x xʷ ʕ/
/r ɾ l w/
/m n/
/i e ɛ a ɔ o u/
<p b mb t d nd ts dz ndz k g ng>
<f v s z h hw q>
<rr r l w>
<m n>
<i é e a o ó u>
Syllable Structure:
/r/ is an illegal coda
-Non-labial consonants labialize after /xʷ w/
-Prenasalised stops become plain after an obstruent (Reflected in orthography)
-Vowels nasalize before a nasal (and prenasalized stops)
-Labial obstruents/nasals become velar before a velar obstruent and word-finally (Reflected in orthography)
-/ʕ/ turns to [ʔ] after /i/
-Resonants de-voice after a voiceless consonant
-/n/ assimilates in POA to a following obstruent/nasal (Reflected in orthography)
-Non-affricate alveolar stops + /s z/ => affricates
-Obstruents lenit before a nasal: (Reflected in orthography)
*Regular Stops become their corresponding nasal
*Fricatives become resonants
*Affricates turn to /n/
Sample Sentence:
Mé zunda dé tila iada nduqesé! Litrétse udzóndi uqferrómbsa kaérri tuitsaluts.
[me zũnda de tila iada nduʕɛse litɾ̥et͡sɛ ud͡zõndi uʕferõmbsa kaeri tuit͡salut͡s]
Re: The glebst of gleb, V2.0
Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 8:49 am
by ÜberBen
Scratch what I said in the previous post. The second seed is not something you see every day.
#1459854558, Takaupuri [takaupuri]
/p b t d k g/
/r w/
/m n/
/i a u/
All phonemes are written as in the IPA
Syllable Structure:
-Stops assimilate in voice to a neighboring stop/nasal and become voiceless word-finally
The voiced stops /b d g/ lenit between (semi)vowels:
/b/ frictivizes to [β]
/d/ turns to /r/
/g/ is deleted
-Nasals assimilate in POA to a following obstruent/nasal
-/i/ becomes [ɨ] before /w/
-Velars become palatals before /i/
Sample Sentence:
Tib nabmapwim baa gur papgaga, tudu ita nirmi du ka dudunbu kibawipi.
[tip nabmapwim baa gur pabgaa, turu ita nirmi du ka durumbu ciβawipi]
#1475583259, Lo tsṇ́ṇ́gwd [lo t͡sŋ̩ˤːwɗʷ]
/p ɓ t ɗ t͡s ɗ͡z k/
/ɸ s X/
/l j w/
/m n ŋ/
/i ɛ o u/
/ɲ̩ ŋ̩ ŋ̩ˤ/
/a ã aˤ ãˤ/
+ Length for all
(Screw me sideways)
<p b t d ts dz k>
<f s x>
<l y w>
<m n ng>
<i e o u>
<ń ńg ṇ́g>
<a ã ạ ạ̃>
+ Double Letters
Syllable Structure:
H /j w/
/j/ cannot appear anywhere else in a syllable
-Central vowels become back before /X/
-All consonants except semivowels assimilate in voice to the following obstruent, but:
*Before a voiceless obstruent, implosives become plain stops
*Before an implosive, /k/ is deleted
-/w/ becomes mid-low before /ɛ o/
-Front vowels become central before /w/ and semivowels are deleted
-Velar stops/nasals become uvulars after a pharyngealised vowel
-After an implosive, /ŋ̩ˤ/ loses its pharyngealization and [ɔ̯] becomes tense
-Before a bilabial obstruent/nasal, alveolar obstruents/nasals become bilabial
-Vowels become creaky-voiced before an implosive
-Back vowels centralize before /j/
-Consonants labialize after [u w ɔ̯ o̯]
-Low vowels become mid-low before a nasal
-Alveolar stops + /s/ => affricates
-Nasal vowels and nasals assimilate in POA to a following obstruent/nasal
Sample Sentence:
Mãs mń bṇ́ṇ́gyx bṇ́ṇ́gn sạ̃ạ̃yng kńw ạ̃ạ̃fããb? Bii ãwtsdńńngooydz eewk ṇ́ṇ́g kã bńgwswep.
[mãs mɲ̩ ɓŋ̩ːjX ɓŋ̩ːn sãˤːjŋ kɲ̩w ãˤːɸã̰ːɓ ɓiː ãwd͡zʷɗɲ̩ːŋɵːjɗ͡z ɞːwkʷ ŋ̩ˤː kã ɓŋ̩wsʷwɛp]
Re: The glebst of gleb, V2.0
Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 5:39 am
by ÜberBen
Okay, now the seeds are much tamer.
#1696857243, Galmeuok [galmɯɔk]
/p pʰ b t tʰ d t͡s t͡sʰ d͡z k kʰ g/
/ɸ s h/
/l w/
/m n/
/i ɛ a ʌ ɔ ɯ u/
<p ph b t th d c ch j k kh g>
<f s h>
<l w>
<m n>
<i e a eo o eu u>
Syllable Structure:
/b d d͡z g/ are illegal codas
-Aspirates de-aspirate word-finally (Reflected in orthography)
-Unaspirated stops become aspirated after another aspirate, and voiced stops become voiceless in the same environment (Reflected in orthography)
-Between two (semi)vowels, /s/ becomes [ɬ] and /ɸ/ becomes [ʍ] (ɸ gets rewritten as <hw> in this case)
-Alveolars become palatalised before /i ɛ/ (Reflected partially: [t͡ɕ t͡ɕʰ d͡ʑ ɕ] are always written as <c ch j s>, regardless if they came from underlying stops or affricates)
-Alveolar stops + /s/ => Affricates
-[n ɲ] turn to [l ʎ] after /l/ (Reflected in orthography)
-Vowels nasalize before a nasal
-Approximants assimilate in voice to a preceding obstruent (if voiceless, they are realized as [ɬ ʍ])
Sample Sentence:
Ko gideuksit wacimni jathaleup eutso ichitheof kitmu leuwkhasekhim?
[kɔ gidɯkɕit wat͡ɕĩmɲi d͡zatʰalɯp ɯt͡sɔ it͡ɕʰitʰʌɸ kitmu lɯwkʰaʎ̝̊ɛkʰĩm]
And #1704394169, Ozūparyūm [ozuːpaɾʲuːm]
/p pʰ b t tʰ d c cʰ ɟ k kʰ g ʔ/
/s z ʃ ʒ χ ʁ/
/ɾ ɾʲ ɰ w/
/m n/
/i ɛ ɨ ɜ a ɔ u/ + Length
<p ph b t th d c ch j k kh g '>
<s z sh zh x gh>
<r ry q w>
<m n>
<i e y ə a o u> + Macron
(/ɾɨ/ is written as <ry->)
Syllable Structure:
N /m n/
-Front vowels centralize before a semivowel
-Nasals assimilate in POA to a following obstruent/nasal (Reflected in orthography)
-High vowels become non-high before /ʁ/
Sample Sentence:
Shimphukhāryū ry-ānkə̄cha ōmo za ȳn, thīo jən'ə ryono ūnsō thuqū dodemwī keə.
[ʃimpʰukʰaːɾʲuː ɾɨaːŋkɜːcʰa ɔːmɔ za ɨːn tʰiːo ɟɜnʔɜ ɾʲɔnɔ uːnsɔː tʰʉɰuː dɔdɛmwiː kɛɜ]
Re: The glebst of gleb, V2.0
Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 5:11 pm
by Zaarin
ÜberBen wrote: ↑Sun Sep 02, 2018 2:58 am#1448549904, Jagwkwohugwtjagwh [gʲægʷkʷɔhugʷtgʲægʷʍ]
I take it this is Fhqwhgads's native language.

Re: The glebst of gleb, V2.0
Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 5:26 am
by ÜberBen
Whew, last two seeds for this batch. Post your own fascinating seeds!
#1731266519, Yedîmîh [jeɗɪmɪ̤]
/p ɓ t ɗ t͡ɬʲ ɗ͡ɮʲ t͡ɕ ɗ͡ʑ k/
/θ ɬʲ s ɕ/
/r j/
/m n/
/i ʉ ɪ ʊ̈ e ɛ a ɔ o/ + Breathy Voice
<p b t d tl dl ch j k>
<th lh s sh>
<r y>
<m n>
<i u î û e ê a ô o> + <h>
Syllable Structure:
R /r j/
-Central rounded vowels become front before /j/
-/r/ becomes [ɾ] between two vowels/resonants
-/k/ becomes palatal before a front (semi)vowel
-/j/ turns to [ɪ̯] after a lax vowel
-Back vowels become central before /j/
Sample Sentence:
Mêhchodulhûh eûkû dûthu tlô nî jyîhadôh. Nelhelhûkrodlô lhrîhtletrôishih?
[mɛ̤t͡ɕoɗʉɬʲʊ̤̈ eʊ̈kʊ̈ ɗʊ̈θʉ t͡ɬʲɔ nɪ ɗ͡ʑjɪ̤aɗɔ̤ neɬʲeɬʲʊ̈kroɗ͡ɮʲɔ ɬʲrɪ̤t͡ɬʲetrɔiɕi̤]
And #1742571232, Vwukhshabi [vwuxʂɑbʲi]
/p b t d k g/
/f v s z ʂ x ɣ/
/l j w/
/m n ɳ/
/i u ɛ ɔ æ ɑ/
/ɛ̃ ɔ̃ æ̃ ɑ̃/
<p b t d c g>
<f v s z sh ch gh>
<l y w>
<m n nh>
<i u e o ä a>
<en on än an>
Syllable Structure:
/ɳ ʂ/ can only occur in the onset alone
Voiced obstruents cannot occur in the coda
-Coronal consonants become retroflex before another retroflex
-Voiceless obstruents become voiced between two voiced phones
-Before /i j/, All consonants except retroflexes and semivowels palatalize, but:
*Alveolar fricatives and nasals become alveopalatal, but retain their MOA
*Velar stops become alveopalatal affricates
*/l/ turns to /j/
-Labial obstruents and nasals become labiodental before /f v/
-Nasals assimilate in POA to a following obstruent/nasal (Reflected in orthography)
Sample Sentence:
Geanu ghgach shanmä vyonshe moy, Nhänili dyän veshennhant cyiche.
[gɛɑnu ɣgɑx ʂɑ̃mæ vʲɔɳʐɛ mɔj ɳæɲiji d͡ʑæ̃ vɛʐɛ̃ɳɑ̃t t͡ɕiɣɛ]
Re: The glebst of gleb, V2.0
Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 5:33 am
by ÜberBen
Pogostick Man wrote: ↑Thu Aug 16, 2018 9:12 pm
Seed 2116543716:
/ŋ͡m m n/
/k͡p g͡b k͡p͡x͡fˡ p b t d t͡s d͡z k g/
/s x/
/i ɨ a o/
Yes, that is /k͡p͡x͡fˡ/, a labiodental-velar lateral affricate.
I think this seed beats you to it, Pogo:
/p pʰ b t tʰ d k kʰ g k͡p g͡b k͡p͡x͡fˡ k͡p͡x͡fʰˡ g͡b͡ɣ͡vˡ/
/r w ʟ ʟ̥/
/m m̥ n n̥/
/i e a o u/
It has your labiodental-velar lateral affricate, and its voiced and aspirated versions!
Re: The glebst of gleb, V2.0
Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 10:33 am
by Zaarin
ÜberBen wrote: ↑Wed Sep 12, 2018 5:33 amk͡p͡x͡fˡ k͡p͡x͡fʰˡ g͡b͡ɣ͡vˡ
Are these monstrosities attested anywhere? Are they even possible? :p
Re: The glebst of gleb, V2.0
Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2018 7:11 am
by ÜberBen
Zaarin wrote: ↑Wed Sep 12, 2018 10:33 am
ÜberBen wrote: ↑Wed Sep 12, 2018 5:33 amk͡p͡x͡fˡ k͡p͡x͡fʰˡ g͡b͡ɣ͡vˡ
Are these monstrosities attested anywhere? Are they even possible? :p
As far as I am aware, they are completely unattested.
Possible? Maybe, but the pronounciation of [k͡p͡x͡fˡ] is that of trying to pronounce [k͡x], [p͡f] and [l] simultaneously, meaning it's a
tri-articulated affricate.
The wildest phones I've ever heard of are Pirahã's [ɺ͡ɺ̼], the lateral alveolar–linguolabial double flap, a rare allophone of [g] that's found only in certain special types of speech performances, and Wari’'s [t͡ʙ̥], the voiceless bilabially post-trilled dental stop, but stuff like [k͡p͡x͡fˡ] are something only a consciousness as removed from reality as
g l e b can produce.
Re: The glebst of gleb, V2.0
Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 10:56 am
by ÜberBen
Speaking of removed from reality, I'm back for batch #3, and I got some curious languages in there...
#1076056522, Hwaļik [ʍæɭik]
/b t d ʈ ɖ tʲ dʲ k g/
/f h/
/β̞ β̞̊ l l̥ ɭ ɭ̊ j j̊ w ʍ/
/m n ɳ ɲ/
/i e æ o u/
<b t d ţ ḑ ty dy k g>
<f h>
<v hv l hl ļ hļ y hy w hw>
<m n ņ ny>
<i e a o u>
Syllable Structure:
K /t k f h β̞ l w m n/
-Stops + /h/ = Aspirates
-Non-nasal consonants assimilate in voice to the following non-approximant
-Coronals become retroflex before another retroflex
-/æ/ becomes mid-low [ɛ] before a semivowel
-Coronal nasals assimilate in POA to the following obstruent/nasal
Sample Sentence:
Om i naf nyalobun lu ļewu yik ņoetyo lulhwo hvu nye wiḑa o ḑe?
[om i næf ɲælobun lu ɭewu jik ɳoetʲo lulʍo β̞̊u ɲe wiɖæ o ɖe]
And #1160009056, Rvofaets'o [ɹ͡β̞ɔfaɛt͡s'ɔ]
/p p' b ɓ pʲ pʲ' bʲ ɓʲ t t' d ɗ t͡p t͡p' d͡b ɗ͡ɓ t͡s t͡s' ɗ͡z k k' g/
/f fʲ s s͡f ɬ͡f x h/
/β̞ β̞ʲ ɾ l͡β̞ ɹ͡β̞ j w/
/m mʲ n n͡m ŋ/
/i ɛ a ɔ u/
<p p' b b' py p'y by b'y t t' d d' tp tp' db db' ts ts' dz k k' g>
<f fy s sf lf x h>
<v vy r lv rv y w>
<m my n nm ng>
<i e a o u>
Syllable Structure:
-Non-implosive stops become ejective/implosive after another ejective/implosive, but /g/ is just deleted
-Front vowels become central after /w/, and /j/ is deleted
-Velar obstruents and nasals become palatal before /i j/
-/ɾ/ turns to [ɹ] before an alveolar consonant
-Nasals turn to stops before a fricative
-/x/ turns to /f/ before an alveolar obstruent/nasal
-Non-implosive obstruents assimilate in voice to a following obstuent, but:
- /t͡s/ is unaffected
- Ejectives become implosives when voiced
- [k'] is deleted when voiced
-Voiceless regular stops become aspirated after /h/
Sample Sentence:
Osfui ot'u enmp'yebe ts'egnuig sixolvnmefyurey. rvets'udzits'afy odtson fak'b'orak'a deba tseyi b'yositp' idbkas.
[ɔsfui ɔt'u ɛn͡mpʲ'ɛbɛ t͡s'ɛgnuig sixɔl͡β̞n͡mɛfʲurɛj ɹ͡β̞ɛt͡s'uɗ͡zit͡s'afʲ ɔtt͡sɔn faɓɔɾak'a dɛba t͡sɛji ɓʲɔsit͡p' it͡pkas]
Re: The glebst of gleb, V2.0
Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 5:02 pm
by Zaarin
Hwaļik is odd but not implausible. Rvofaets'o on the other hand...

Re: The glebst of gleb, V2.0
Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 8:41 pm
by bbbosborne
Now this is something
m n̻
k͡p g͡b q͡p ɢ͡b p b t̻ d̻ t͡s̻ d͡z̻ k g kʷ q ɢ
θ ð s̻ z̻ h
l̻ w
i u
e o
Syllable Structure
C1: a consonant
V: a vowel
C2: a sonorant other than /l̻/; i.e. one of /m n̻ h w/
Nasals [m n̻] persistently become nasals and assimilate in place of articulation to a following obstruent.
Nasals [ŋ͡m m ŋ ...] become nasals and assimilate in place of articulation to a following obstruent or nasal.
Non-back vowels i e persistently become non-front [ɨ ɘ] before an uvular stop or nasal.
Non-bilabial consonants other than [w], i.e. [n̻ k d͡z̻ ...], persistently assimilate in rounding to a following consonant.
Velar or uvular stops or nasals [ŋ͡m k͡p kʷ ...] persistently assimilate in uvularity to a following back consonant other than [w].
Obstruents [k͡p k t͡sʷ̻ ...] assimilate in voice to a preceding obstruent.
Stops [k͡p d̻ q ...] persistently become aspirated [k͡pʰ d̻̤ qʰ ...] before a glottal fricative.
Obstruents [k͡pʰ tʷ̻ ɢʷ̤ ...] become nasals [ŋ͡m̤ nʷ̻ ɴʷ̤ ...] before a nasal. Voiceless obstruents become voiced; affricates become non-sibilant coronal nasals; obstruents other than stops become nasals; obstruent sibilants other than stops become non-sibilant coronal.
Vowels [u ɨ ɘ ...] persistently become nasal [ũ ɨ̃ ɘ̃ ...] before a nasal.
Alveolar obstruents [t̻ʰ t͡s̻ʰ θ ...] assimilate in sibilancy to a following fricative. Before a fricative sibilant, non-affricate stops become affricates. Before a non-sibilant coronal fricative, affricates become fricatives; aspirated affricates become unaspirated.
Unrounded non-bilabial consonants [n̻̤ d̻ t͡s̻ʰ ...] become rounded [nʷ̻̤ dʷ̻ t͡sʷ̻ʰ ...] after a rounded consonant.
Unaspirated voiced stops [g͡b d̻ ɢ ...] persistently become breathy-voiced [g͡b̤ d̻̤ ɢ̤ ...] before a glottal fricative.
Unrounded non-bilabial velar or uvular stops or nasals [ŋ̤ kʰ qʰ ...] become rounded [ŋʷ̤ kʷʰ qʷʰ ...] before a high rounded vowel or semivowel.
I'm getting some deja vu
m̥ m n̥ n nʲ̥ nʲ
mb nd nd͡z nd͡zʲ nḏʲ nd͡ʑ
pʰ p b tʰ t d t͡sʰ t͡s d͡z t͡sʰʲ t͡sʲ d͡zʲ tʰ̱ʲ ṯʲ ḏʲ t͡ɕʰ t͡ɕ d͡ʑ kʰ k ʔ
s z sʲ zʲ ɕ ʑ
r rʲ
ɾ ɾʲ
β̞ l j
i u
ɛ ɔ
C1: a consonant
V: a vowel
C2: a consonant
Vowels [i u ɔ ...] become nasal [ẽ õ ɔ̃ ...] after a glottal stop. Tense vowels become non-high.
Before a semivowel, rounded vowels become unrounded front; low vowels become non-low front.
Unaspirated obstruents other than [z zʲ ʑ], i.e. [mb ṯʲ d͡z ...], persistently become glottalised [mɓ̰ ṯʲʼ ɗ͡z̰ ...] after a glottal stop. Voiced stops become implosives; obstruents other than stops become stops; [p] become [ɓ̰].
Unaspirated stops [mb ṯʲʼ nɗ͡ʑ̰ ...] become aspirated [m tʰ̱ʲ ṉʲ ...] after an aspirated stop. Glottalised stops become non-glottalised; prenasalised stops become unaspirated nasals; non-prenasalised voiced stops become voiceless; non-prenasalised implosives become non-implosive; prenasalised affricates become non-sibilant coronal nasals.
Unaspirated obstruents other than [z zʲ ʑ], i.e. [mb ḏʲ t͡sʼ ...], persistently assimilate in glottalisation to a following non-nasal consonant other than resonant. Before a glottalised consonant, non-glottalised voiced stops become implosives; obstruents other than stops become stops; [p] become [ɓ̰].
Non-ejective voiced vowels and non-glottal stop voiced consonants other than taps or trills or fricatives or sonorants [mb ɗ̱ʲ ɗ͡zʲ ...] persistently become creaky-voiced [mɓ̰ ɗ̱ʲ̰ ɗ͡zʲ̰ ...] before a creaky-voiced implosive. Non-implosive stops become implosives.
Alveolar consonants other than taps [n̥ ɗ̰ t͡sʲʼ ...] become palatoalveolar [ṉ̺̥ ɗ̱̺̰ t͡ɕ̺ʼ ...] after an alveopalatal obstruent or nasal. Trills become alveolar; trills become taps; [l] become [j].
Nasals [m̥ n ṉ̺̥ ...] become nasals and assimilate in place of articulation to a following obstruent or nasal.
Non-pharyngeal consonants other than [j], i.e. [m̥ ṯ̺ t͡ɕʰ ...], persistently assimilate in palatalisation to a following consonant. Before a front consonant, [ʔ] become [j].
Non-ejective voiced vowels and non-lateral non-glottal stop voiced consonants other than fricatives or taps or trills or sonorants [mb ḏ̺ d͡z ...] become creaky-voiced [mɓ̰ ɗ̱̺̰ ɗ͡z̰ ...] after a creaky-voiced implosive. Non-implosive stops become implosives.
Non-glottalised unaspirated obstruents other than [z zʲ ʒ ʑ ʒ̺ ʑ̺], i.e. [mb ṯʲ nɗ͡ʒ̺ ...], become glottalised [mɓ̰ ṯʲʼ nɗ͡ʒ̺̰ ...] before a glottal stop. Non-implosive voiced stops become implosives; obstruents other than stops become stops; [p pʲ] become [ɓ̰ ɓʲ̰].
Non-nasal vowels [i ṵ ɔ ...] become nasal [ẽ õ̰ ɔ̃ ...] before a nasal phone. High vowels become non-high.
Coronal consonants [n̥ tʰ̱̺ t͡ʃʰ ...] assimilate in laminality to a following coronal consonant.
Voiced obstruents [mb ḏ̺ nɗ͡ʒ̰ ...] become nasals [m ṉ̺ ṉ ...] after a nasal phone. Affricates become non-sibilant coronal nasals; creaky-voiced implosives become non-glottalised; obstruents other than stops become non-sibilant coronal nasals.
Voiced obstruents [mb ḏ̺ nɗ͡ʒ̰ ...] become nasals [m ṉ̺ ṉ ...] after a nasal. Affricates become non-sibilant coronal nasals; creaky-voiced implosives become non-glottalised; obstruents other than stops become non-sibilant coronal nasals.
Back vowels [u ɔ ɑ ...] become central [ɨ ɜ a ...] after a palatal semivowel. Non-low vowels become unrounded.
Non-pharyngeal non-front consonants [m̥ d t͡s̻ʼ ...] become front [mʲ̥ dʲ t͡s̻ʲʼ ...] after a front consonant except for a semivowel. [ʔ] become [j].
Coronal consonants other than [ɾ ɾʲ], i.e. [n̻̥ ṯʲʼ t͡sʰʲ ...], persistently assimilate in anteriority and retroflexion to a following obstruent sibilant. Before a palatoalveolar obstruent sibilant, taps or trills become alveolar; approximant laterals become non-lateral non-coronal palatal or velar; trills become taps; laminal taps or trills become apical; [l̻ l] become [j j].
Coronal consonants other than [ɾ ɾʲ], i.e. [n̻̥ ṯʲʼ t͡sʰʲ ...], persistently assimilate in anteriority and retroflexion to a following obstruent sibilant. Before a palatoalveolar obstruent sibilant, taps or trills become alveolar; laminal taps or trills become apical; approximant laterals become non-lateral non-coronal palatal or velar; trills become taps; [l̻ l] become [j j].
Non-creaky-voiced voiced vowels [i õ ɔ ...] become creaky-voiced [ḭ õ̰ ɔ̰ ...] before a glottalised phone.
[b bʲ d̻ d̻ʲ d dʲ ḏ ḏʲ ḏ̺ ḏ̺ʲ ɗ̻ ɗ̻ʲ ɗ ɗʲ ɗ̱ ɗ̱ʲ ɗ̱̺ ɗ̱̺ʲ d͡z̻ d͡z̻ʲ d͡z d͡zʲ d͡ʒ d͡ʑ d͡ʒ̺ d͡ʑ̺] become fricatives between a vowel or semivowel and a vowel or semivowel. Non-sibilant coronal stops become resonants; non-affricate palatoalveolar stops become non-coronal semivowels; non-palatalised non-sibilant coronal palatoalveolar stops become palatal.
Bilabial obstruents or nasals [m̥ mɓ̰ pʲ ...] assimilate in dorsality and uvularity and palatalisation and whether palatal or palatalised velar to a following obstruent or nasal. Before a palatal or velar consonant other than [j], [β βʲ] become labiodental and assimilate in palatalisation. Before a velar stop or nasal, [mʲ̥ mʲ mbʲ mɓʲ mɓʲ̰ pʰʲ pʲ bʲ ɓʲ ɓʲ̰ β βʲ] become [m̥ m mb mɓ mɓ̰ pʰ p b ɓ ɓ̰ v v]. Before a palatal consonant other than [j], [m̥ m mb mɓ mɓ̰ pʰ p b ɓ ɓ̰ β βʲ] become [mʲ̥ mʲ mbʲ mɓʲ mɓʲ̰ pʰʲ pʲ bʲ ɓʲ ɓʲ̰ vʲ vʲ].
Coronal consonants [n̻̥ ṯʲʼ t͡sʲ ...] persistently assimilate in laminality to a following coronal consonant.
Palatal stops or nasals [c ɲ cʰ ...] persistently become alveopalatal [ṯʲ ṉʲ tʰ̱ʲ ...] before a palatoalveolar obstruent or nasal.
Re: The glebst of gleb, V2.0
Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 7:09 am
by ÜberBen
Two more peculiar seeds on their way!
#1167088550, Ǫ̂lthǫvbêkh [ɔ̃ltʰõβ̞ːɛkʰ]
/p pʰ b t tʰ d t͡s d͡z k kʰ g/
/f s/
/β̞ ɾ ʟ ɑ̯/
/m n/
/i e ɛ a ɔ o u/ + Nasality, except for /i u/
<p ph b t th d ts dz k kh g>
<f s>
<v r l q>
<m n>
<i e ê a ô o u> + Ogonek
Syllable Structure:
-Unaspirated stops aspirate after another aspirate, but:
- Voiced stops become plain voiceless
- Affricates become fricatives
-Unaspirated consonants assimilate in voice to the preceding obstruent, but:
- After a voiced stop, /s/ becomes /ɾ/ and /f/ becomes /β̞ / (Reflected in orthography)
- After a voiceless obstruent, nasals are deleted and the obstruent is geminated
-/n/ assimilates in POA to the following obstruent/nasal
-Between a vowel/resonant and a vowel/semivowel, /b d d͡z/ turn to /β̞ ɾ ɾ/ and /g/ is deleted
-/s/ + /t tʰ d/ = /t͡s s d͡z/
-Alveolar stops de-affricate and assimilate in POA to the following obstruent/nasal
-Front vowels centralize before /ɑ̯/
-Labial consonants become labiodental before /f/
Sample Sentence:
Aphivimôm ôu khuthe dziphǫ peǫqot tąru eǫphafleb. Ąqelfidzǫm dzumǫ̂ssêt phê̜ mąǫ̂vô durtǫ̂ khǫê?
[apʰiβ̞imɔm ɔu kʰutʰe d͡zipʰõ peõɑ̯ot tãɾu eõpʰafleb|ãɑ̯elfiɾõm d͡zumɔ̃sːɛt pʰɛ̃ mãɔ̃β̞ɔ duɾtɔ̃ kʰõɛ]
And #1176755442, Mhixaazhi [m̥iɕæɑɗ͡ʒi]
/p pʰ ɓ t tʰ ɗ t͡s t͡sʰ t͡ʃ t͡ʃʰ ɗ͡ʒ t͡ɕ t͡ɕʰ ɗ͡ʑ k kʰ ʔ/
/s ʃ ɕ/
/l j w/
/m m̥ n n̥ ɲ ɲ̊ ŋ ŋ̊/
/i ɑ/
(Yep, just /i ɑ/)
<p ph b t th d ts tsh c ch zh q qh j k kh g>
<s sh x>
<l y w>
<m mh n nh ny nhy ng ngh>
<i a>
Syllable Structure:
-/ɑ/ becomes [æ] after palatals
-Vowels nasalize before a nasal
-Semivowels become mid-high [e̯ o̯] after [æ ɑ]
(I'm serious)
Sample Sentence:
Ainhai ngi i tikhijithinyi di nghi, Tshatshanhya pai kiaqa tanghi bibi nikhi a.
[ɑĩn̥ɑi ŋi i tikʰiɗ͡ʑitʰĩɲi ɗi ŋ̊i|t͡sʰɑt͡sʰɑ̃ɲ̊æ pɑi kiɑt͡ɕæ tɑ̃ŋ̊i ɓiɓi nikʰi ɑ]
For bonus points, one of Mhixaazhi's countless former allophony that were removed due to its (C)V phonotactics:
Gleb wrote:Obstruents or nasals other than [ɲʰ̥ ɲ ɲʷʰ̥ ɲʷ ŋʰ̟̥ ŋ̟ ŋʷʰ̟̥ ŋʷ̟ ŋʰ̥ ŋ ŋʷʰ̥ ŋʷ kʰ k kʼ g kʷʰ kʷ kʼʷ gʷ], i.e. [mʰ̥ tʷʰ̻ ɗ̱ʲ ...], assimilate in dorsality and uvularity and palatalisation and whether palatal or palatalised velar to a following obstruent or nasal. Before a velar consonant other than [w], coronal obstruents become non-coronal and assimilate in velarisation; affricates become non-affricate and assimilate in velarisation; non-bilabial implosives become ejective glottal stops and assimilate in velarisation; non-glottalised non-bilabial implosives become glottal stops and assimilate in velarisation. Before a palatal consonant other than [j], alveolar obstruents become alveopalatal; [ṯʰ ṯ ṯʼ ṯʷʰ ṯʷ ṯʼʷ ṯʰʲ ṯʲ ṯʼʲ ṯʷʰʲ ṯʷʲ ṯʼʷʲ ɗ̱ ɗ̰̱ ɗ̱ʷ ɗ̰̱ʷ t͡ʃʰ t͡ʃ t͡ʃʼ d͡ʒ t͡ʃʷʰ t͡ʃʷ t͡ʃʼʷ d͡ʒʷ ʃ ʃʷ] become [t͡ɕʰ t͡ɕ t͡ɕʼ t͡ɕʷʰ t͡ɕʷ t͡ɕʼʷ t͡ɕʰ t͡ɕ t͡ɕʼ t͡ɕʷʰ t͡ɕʷ t͡ɕʼʷ ɗ̱ʲ ɗ̰̱ʲ ɗ̱ʷʲ ɗ̰̱ʷʲ t͡ɕʰ t͡ɕ t͡ɕʼ d͡ʑ t͡ɕʷʰ t͡ɕʷ t͡ɕʼʷ d͡ʑʷ ɕ ɕʷ]; non-sibilant coronal non-implosive stops become affricate sibilants. Before a palatal or velar stop or nasal, bilabial stops or nasals become non-dorsal and assimilate in palatalisation; non-bilabial obstruents or nasals other than obstruents become non-coronal and assimilate in palatalisation.
Re: The glebst of gleb, V2.0
Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2018 12:49 am
by ÜberBen
And two more:
#1534734737, Šwafeit'le [ɕʷafɛit'l̥ɛ]
/p b ɓ t t' d ɗ t͡ʃ t͡ʃ' d͡ʒ ɗ͡ʒ t͡ɕ t͡ɕ' d͡ʑ ɗ͡ʑ t͡ɕʷ t͡ɕʷ' d͡ʑʷ ɗ͡ʑʷ k k' g q q' ɢ/
/f v s z ʃ ʒ ɕ ʑ ɕʷ ʑʷ x ɣ X ʁ h hʲ/
/l j w/
/m n/
/i ɛ a ɔ u/
<p b b' t t' d d' ch ch' j j' č č' ď ď' čw čw' ďw ďw' k k' g q q' g'>
<f v s z sh zh š ž šw žw kh gh x r h hy>
<l y w>
<m n>
<i e a o u>
Syllable Structure:
-Voiced fricatives become resonants between two (semi)vowels, but non-coronal fricatives are deleted
-Velar and uvular obstruents labialize after /ɔ u w/
-/a/ backs to [ɑ] before an uvular obstruent
-Non-nasal voiced consonants other than /ɓ ɗ ɗ͡ʑ ɗ͡ʑʷ/ become voiceless after one of /h hʲ/
-All obstruents assimilate in voice to the following obstruent and become voiceless word-finally, but:
- When devoiced, implosives become regular voiced stops
- When voiced, ejective stops become regular voiceless stops
-High (semi)vowels become mid-high after uvulars
-Front vowels centralize before a back semivowel, and semivowels are deleted in the same environment
-Voiceless stops assimilate in ejectivity to the following obstruent
-/n/ assimilates in POA to the following obstruent/nasal
-Resonants assimilate in voice to the preceding obstruent
Sample Sentence:
Uju piaw it'e šwi axa qaaďw'azam lughičwu ďo! Huza e očchič'ib'uch'žwo je k'ewotirafa wokhib'?
[ud͡ʒʷu piaw it'ɛ ɕʷi ɑXa qaaɗ͡ʑʷanam luit͡ɕʷu d͡ʑɔ|huna ɛ ɔt͡ɕt͡ʃit͡ɕ'iɓut͡ʃʑʷɔ d͡ʒɛ k'ɜwɔtiafa wɔxʷib]
And #1612634575, Ťáńǵátanju [t͡ɕãːŋg͡ɣaːtãnʲʉ]
/p b t d t͡ɕ d͡ʑ k g k͡x g͡ɣ/
/s z ɕ ʑ/
/r j w/
/m n nʲ ɲ ŋʷ/
/i ɨ a aˤ u/ + Length
<p b t d ť ď k g ḱ ǵ>
<s z ś ź>
<r j w>
<m n nj ń ng>
<i y a o u> + Acute
Syllable Structure:
/ɲ ŋʷ/ are forbidden onsets
K /p t t͡ɕ k m n nʲ ɲ ŋʷ/
-Alveolar stops + /ɕ ʑ/ = Alveopalatal affricates
-/ɲ/ turns to /nʲ/ before a palatoalveolar obstruent/nasal
-The coronal nasals assimilate in POA to the following obstruent/nasal
-/u/ centralizes after a palatal consonant
-All vowels except for /i/ and velar consonants become mid-high/uvular after /aˤ/, but /g g͡ɣ/ are deleted
-Obstruents assimilate in voice to the following obstruent, but uvular voiced stops are deleted
-Vowels nasalize before a nasal
-Before a palatal, both alveolar and velar consonants become alveopalatal
-Voiced stops become fricatives between a vowel/resonant and a (semi)vowel, but /d/ become /r/
-/ɨ/ becomes front /i/ after a palatal
Sample Sentence:
Binpi njuytyzý ťośí ḱon uťú gá jytnjim aít bybu ji ťanjrynup, rapaó siany ḱa zíďi óḱí piypwa o úmiká.
[bĩmpi nʲʉɨtɨzɨː t͡ɕaˤɕiː k͡xãˤn ut͡ɕʉː gaː jitnʲĩm aiːt bɨβu ji t͡ɕãnrɨ̃nup|rapaaˤː siãnɨ k͡xa ziːʑi aˤːq͡Xiː piɨpwa aˤ ũːmikaː]
Re: The glebst of gleb, V2.0
Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2018 1:09 am
by bbbosborne
Nice Mohawk knockoff
/tʰ t d kʰ k g ʔ/
/s z x ɣ h/
/l j w/
/i u/
/a a-rhotic/
syllable structure
C1: a consonant
V: a vowel
C2: one of /n tʰ t kʰ k ʔ s x h l j w/
Nasals [n] persistently become non-retroflexed unrounded non-bilabial non-alveolar velar nasals [ŋ] before a non-retroflexed unrounded non-bilabial non-alveolar velar obstruent.
Velar obstruents or nasals [ŋ k x ...] become non-palatal or velar labial [m p f ...] before an alveolar obstruent or nasal.
Alveolar consonants [n t s ...] become retroflex [ɳ ʈ ʂ ...] before a retroflex vowel.
Unaspirated stops [p t ɖ ...] persistently become ejective [pʼ tʼ ʈʼ ...] after a glottal stop. Voiced stops become ejective.
Non-ejective unaspirated obstruents [p ɖ s ...] assimilate in voice to a preceding obstruent.
Unaspirated approximants [l ɭ j w] become voiceless [l̥ ɭ̥ j̥ w̥] after a voiceless obstruent.
Short non-nasal voiced phones other than low vowels [b v ɭ ...] become voiceless [p f ɭ̥ ...] before a voiceless glottal fricative.
Labial obstruents or nasals [m p b ...] assimilate in labiodentality to a following labial obstruent or nasal.
Short non-ejective non-prenasalised voiced stops [b b̪ ɖ ...] become fricatives [β v ʐ ...] between a vowel or semivowel and a vowel or semivowel. Coronal stops become sibilants.
Coronal consonants [n ʈʰ ʂ ...] persistently assimilate in anteriority and retroflexion to a following fricative sibilant.
[h a a˞] become nasal after a nasal. [h] are deleted.
Voiced stops [b b̪ ɖ ...] become aspirated [pʰ pʰ̪ ʈʰ ...] before a glottal fricative.
Voiced vowels [i a a˞ ...] become creaky-voiced [ḭ a̰ a̰˞ ...] before a glottal stop.
Front vowels and palatal semivowels [j̥ j ḭ ...] become central [h ɨ̰ ...] before a velar semivowel. [j] are deleted; [j̥] become [h].
Stops [pʰ pʼ̪ ʈ ...] persistently assimilate in aspiration to a following consonant other than approximant. Before an aspirated consonant, ejective stops become non-ejective; voiced stops become voiceless.
Semivowels [j̥ j w̥ w] become mid-low [ɛ̯̥ ɛ̯ ɔ̯̥ ɔ̯] after a lax vowel.
Nasals [m ɱ ɳ ...] become nasals and assimilate in place of articulation to the previous phone between an obstruent or nasal and an obstruent or nasal.
Coronal stops [tʰ tʼ ʈ ...] become sibilants [t͡sʰ t͡sʼ ʈ͡ʂ ...] before a non-nasal coronal fricative.
Alveolar consonants [n d d͡z ...] persistently become retroflex [ɳ ɖ ɖ͡ʐ ...] after a retroflex consonant.
Mid-low semivowels [ɛ̯̥ ɛ̯ ɔ̯̥ ɔ̯] become tense [e̯̥ e̯ o̯̥ o̯] after a high semivowel.
Non-pharyngeal unrounded non-front consonants other than retroflexed consonants or uvular semivowels [m tʰ d͡z ...] persistently become front [mʲ tʰʲ d͡ʑ ...] before a front semivowel or word-finally. Velar obstruents or nasals other than [ŋ] become non-front; [n t͡sʰ t͡s t͡sʼ d͡z s z] become [ṉʲ t͡ɕʰ t͡ɕ t͡ɕʼ d͡ʑ ɕ ʑ]; [ʔ] become [j]; [h] become [j̥].
Short voiced consonants [m d ʐ ...] become voiceless [ʔ t ʂ ...] after a voiceless aspirated consonant. [n ɳ] become [ʔ ʔ]; [mʲ ɱʲ] become [j j]; [m ɱ] become [ʔ ʔ]; [ŋ] become [ʔ]; [ɲ] become [j]; [ṉʲ] become [j].
Central tense vowels [ɨ ɨ̰ ɨ̥] become front [i ḭ i̥] before a front consonant.
Central tense vowels [ɨ ɨ̰ ɨ̥] become front [i ḭ i̥] before a front consonant.
Coronal voiced fricatives [z ʐ ʑ] become non-nasal approximant laterals [l ɭ lʲ] before a coronal approximant. [ʑ] become [lʲ].